The Psionic Faith Path represents faith in the power of the mind or psyche, rather than a deity or god-like being. While the mind is a truly powerful thing, those who practice Psionic faith go beyond academics or sagely wisdom, using their minds to tap into the Soul of Creation, which exists in all of the mortal races of the Third Creation. While some Psionics go so far as to venerate the Soul itself, or revere an enlightened individual as an embodiment of their beliefs, followers of the Psionic path tend to view their beliefs as a personal or collective philosophy rather than a religious system.
Regardless of their approach, wielders of Psionic powers train and strengthen their mind beyond the limits of an ordinary person, allowing them to use powers such as telepathy, telekinesis, and psicognition. They can also read and project omens on the battlefield, and can even channel the mysterious powers of the Soul to heal or aid their allies.
Psionic faith is firmly rooted in the humanity of the Third Creation, and while Psionics seek to shed the more primal tendencies of their humanity it is a constant struggle and their greatest weakness. However, in its uniqueness, the Soul is arguably the most powerful of all the parts of Creation, meaning that a well trained Psionic can in some ways transcend even the power of the Divine, or at least render it to no effect.
Demons are perhaps even more aware of this than Psionics themselves, for they recognized the power of the Soul long ago, and have waged an eternal war to possess it. As a result, Psionic activity has a tendency to draw the attention of the Realm of Abomination, where Demons seek to trap the Souls of mortals for all eternity. While the Psionic faith path has no basis in demonic power, it can still carry that stigma. Those who foolishly pursue Psionic powers without proper training often find themselves running amok with darker forces. As such the wisest Psionics work tirelessly to prevent demon influence from invading their beliefs.
Psionic Faith Passives
General Passive Effects
Anyone using Psionic powers benefits from these passive effects:
Holy Counter
- All offensive Psionic powers receive +5% critical cast chance against beings of the First Creation (i.e. Angels, Nephilim) or those wielding Holy powers or otherwise benefiting from them (including Craftings and Enchants)
Exclusive Passive Effects
Those choosing to EXCLUSIVELY follow the Psionic Faith path have the following passive skills:
- Any Psionic power successfully cast on a target has a passive 5% per tier chance to dispel, or otherwise remove one persistent Holy based effect (NOT including Craftings and Enchants)
Psionic Faith Disciplines
To Specialize in a particular Holy Faith Discipline requires the use of Secondary Skills, see Specialist Secondary Skills.
Mantras are Tier 0 powers that all Psionic Faith classes have access to by default. They do not require Difficulty rolls and cannot critically cast or miscast. The Mantra Discipline cannot be selected as a specialization.
Telekinesis is discipline that allow the caster to influence or interact the physical substance of creation, using psionic power. Typically causes physical damage and uses AC instead of Mental resistance (unless otherwise specified) but uses the casters Psionic modifiers to cast, crit, and damage.
Critical Cast: Causes double damage (incl. Collision Damage & Fall Damage); for non-damage powers see individual descriptions
Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the power fails. If it was an instant power, no action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn.
Telepathy allows the caster to transmit information from one person to another or effect their mind without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction. Any damage caused is Psionic in nature, therefore use casters Psionic modifiers for hit, crit, and damage, and use the targets Mental resistance. No LOS is required unless specified. Telepathy has no effect on targets with no natural intelligence (i.e. Golems, mindless undead, constructs)
Critical Cast: Causes double damage; for non-damage powers see individual descriptions
Miscast: 5% of casters max HP is consumed (as Psionic damage) and the power fails. If it was an instant power, no action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn.
Powers which allow the caster to read Omens and speak them into existence. Uses Psionic modifiers (cast, crit, damage) and the targets Mental Resistance. Omens do not require LOS however the caster must be aware of the targets presence. Only one Omen can be on a target at any given time. Omens persist for 2 +1/5 levels rounds and may be dispelled in the second and subsequent rounds in effect (treat similar to a dispelling Curses).
Critical Cast: Omen has double its effects on the first full round (if applicable), lasts +2 rounds, have twice as much resistance to being dispelled
Miscast: If the Omen is negative, it is automatically applied to the caster. Otherwise, one Faith is consumed and the power fails. If an Omen was cast as an instant power, no action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn.
Powers which allow the caster to alter reality and reverse effects or events. Uses Psionic modifiers (cast, crit, damage) and the targets Mental Resistance where applicable. Psicognition powers are typically self cast however the caster may increase the difficulty of the power by +4 to use them on friendly targets within 10″.
Critical Cast: Power is automatically cast on one additional target of the casters choice. Power also has twice as much resistance to being dispelled.
Miscast: 5% of casters max HP is consumed (as Psionic damage) and the power fails. If it was an instant power, no action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn.
Powers which allow the caster to heal wounds, defend allies or otherwise benefit targets without the use of physical means or interaction. Uses Psionic modifiers (hit, crit, damage) and the targets Mental Resistance where applicable.
Critical Cast: Healing or other beneficial effects are doubled (where applicable). Expel Ailment removes up to 2 ailments on the target. Purge effects a second target of the casters choice.
Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the power fails. If it was an instant power, no action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn.
Psionic Faith Powers
Publish | ID | Domain | Path | Discipline | Tier | Spell Name | Difficulty | Archetype | Use | Range | Description | Archetype Details | Class Restriction |
yes | 191 | Soul | Psionic | Mantra | 0 | Belief | 0 | Mantra | action | self | Immediately gain +1 Psionic Faith. Completion effect: you also double your current Psionic Faith at the start of your next turn. | Mantra Psionic Faith powers that are always available and do not require the caster to have any Psionic Faith • Unless otherwise stated, they do not require difficulty rolls or casting rolls and therefore cannot critically cast or fail • Mantras can typically only be used once per battle or once per day (outside of combat) • each Mantra has an additional "completion effect" that occurs on the casters next turn (or after 1 minute out of combat) if they did not take any damage |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 192 | Soul | Psionic | Mantra | 0 | Empowerment | 0 | Mantra | action | self | Immediately gain 2+1/5lvls Psionic Faith but on your next turn you cannot gain any Faith whatsoever. Completion effect: the no Faith gain penalty is ignored. | Mantra Psionic Faith powers that are always available and do not require the caster to have any Psionic Faith • Unless otherwise stated, they do not require difficulty rolls or casting rolls and therefore cannot critically cast or fail • Mantras can typically only be used once per battle or once per day (outside of combat) • each Mantra has an additional "completion effect" that occurs on the casters next turn (or after 1 minute out of combat) if they did not take any damage |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 193 | Soul | Psionic | Mantra | 0 | Determination | 0 | Mantra | instant | self | For each 1 Psionic Faith consumed gain a 10% chance (up to 100%) that the next 'strike', 'shot', or unarmed attack will do max damage • Completion effect: this mantra can be used again |
Mantra Psionic Faith powers that are always available and do not require the caster to have any Psionic Faith • Unless otherwise stated, they do not require difficulty rolls or casting rolls and therefore cannot critically cast or fail • Mantras can typically only be used once per battle or once per day (outside of combat) • each Mantra has an additional "completion effect" that occurs on the casters next turn (or after 1 minute out of combat) if they did not take any damage |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 194 | Soul | Psionic | Mantra | 0 | Observance | 0 | Mantra | instant | 15 | If the caster passes a Psionic Faith test they detect all Faith based buffs, enhancements, and effects within 15" • if uninterupted also allows for a limited ability to interpret and understand unknown languages based on observance of body language and facial cues • Can be used more than once per day/battle if consuming 1 Psionic Faith each time • |
Mantra Psionic Faith powers that are always available and do not require the caster to have any Psionic Faith • Unless otherwise stated, they do not require difficulty rolls or casting rolls and therefore cannot critically cast or fail • Mantras can typically only be used once per battle or once per day (outside of combat) • each Mantra has an additional "completion effect" that occurs on the casters next turn (or after 1 minute out of combat) if they did not take any damage |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 195 | Soul | Psionic | Mantra | 0 | Will | 0 | Mantra | action | self | If passing a Resolve test, the next Psionic Faith power used is treated as if Faith is at its maximum value. • If already at max Faith, instead gain +4 advantage. • If uninterupted between using Mantra of Will and casting the next Psionic power, gain +3 Advantage on the Resolve test. |
Mantra Psionic Faith powers that are always available and do not require the caster to have any Psionic Faith • Unless otherwise stated, they do not require difficulty rolls or casting rolls and therefore cannot critically cast or fail • Mantras can typically only be used once per battle or once per day (outside of combat) • each Mantra has an additional "completion effect" that occurs on the casters next turn (or after 1 minute out of combat) if they did not take any damage |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 196 | Soul | Psionic | Mantra | 0 | Dissonance | 0 | Mantra | action | self | Must roll to cast. Ignoring cover and any physical barriers, inflicts 1d4 Psionic damage in a radius around the caster equal to their current Psionic Faith divided by 4 (treat range zero as base contact only). • Anyone damaged by Mantra of Dissonance cannot use any special abilities for 1 round • If sucessfully causing damage to at least 1 target grants +1 Psionic Faith • Completion effect: anyone still in range is stunned for 1 round. |
Mantra Psionic Faith powers that are always available and do not require the caster to have any Psionic Faith • Unless otherwise stated, they do not require difficulty rolls or casting rolls and therefore cannot critically cast or fail • Mantras can typically only be used once per battle or once per day (outside of combat) • each Mantra has an additional "completion effect" that occurs on the casters next turn (or after 1 minute out of combat) if they did not take any damage |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 197 | Soul | Psionic | Telekinesis | 1 | Kinetic Shield | 11 +1 per inch radius | n/a | instant | 15 | creates a near invisible kinetic shield/barrier (max 1" radius/level) around a FIXED point with 10 Armor & 1d10 +2/1" radius HP, reducing the HP to 0 breaks the shield • on crit double the HP of the shield • No physical objects can pass through while it is active (i.e. has HP >0) however non-LOS powers ignore the shield • When models attempt to move through the shield it inflicts physical damage equal to b/w 1 and the Stamina of the model to both the model and the shield • roll to hit vs Armor for both model and shield • When attacking the shield, if there is insufficient shield HP to block out all of the damage inflicted in a given attack against it, the remaining damage can proceed through to targets inside the shield • If there is remaining damage after the shield breaks it uses the same hit roll as that which broke the shield (i.e. shooting an arrow through the shield uses the same hit roll for the shield and the intended target) • Caster may choose to end the shield at any time, with no cost, even out of turn • If shield is hit with a silencing effect it is automatically destroyed • If at any point two Kinetic shields overlap (including one inside another), the shield that was in play first absorbs the HP of the other shield |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 198 | Soul | Psionic | Telekinesis | 1 | Kinetic Surge | 13 +1 per inch moved | n/a | action | self | the casters body and equipment become partially incorporeal and surge forward up to a maximum move distance in a straight line • any targets touched suffer physical damage equal to basic main hand attack +1 damage per 5 levels one each target hit • treat as a single-hit-roll physical melee attack using Psionic modifiers for hit, crit, and damage • can be blocked or parried but not warded off • grants +1 fury/vigor/spirit per target wounded • if used to leave base contact can double the difficulty to prevent opponents free attacks for Disengaging from Combat • can be used to pass through solid matter however MUST be able to see the end point |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 199 | Soul | Psionic | Telekinesis | 2 | Telekinetic Grip | 12+ object | n/a | instant or action | 15 | Gain the ability to move or manipulate X number of objects (items, mechanisms, projectiles, etc...) anywhere within range at an increased difficulty based on the size and number of each object (S=1, M=2, L=3, XL=4) • if moved slowly (no-damage, no crit) counts as an instant and can be used to exert fine motor skills (i.e. open the latch on a door, empty a vial, write with feather pen, etc...) • if moved quickly (causing damage based on psionic hit, crit & dam modifiers) counts as an action and inflicts weapon damage where applicable (use weapon damage of stones of equivalent size if not a weapon) • if object is being worn or carried caster must pass a Faith vs Strength stat roll-off and treat similar to Disarm • if used on ammo assume Diff +2 (per projectile) with each projectile inflicting 1d6 damage + ammo damage modifiers if applicable • objects lifted into the air will immediately drop if Telekinetic Grip is not maintained each round (by recasting) |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 200 | Soul | Psionic | Telekinesis | 2 | Telekinetic Force | 17 + size modifier, per target | n/a | instant or action | 10 | Use telekinesis to move X number of active targets (can be self targeted) • place narrow end of template anywhere within 10" and position in any desired direction, move all targets from narrow to wide end within the template • if moved slowly or with no intent for damage (no-damage, no crit) counts as an instant • if moved quickly or with intent of damage (i.e. fall or collision damage) counts as an action and causes damage based on psionic hit, crit & dam modifiers, & psionic resistance • if target is holding onto something immovable must also pass a Faith vs Strength stat roll off • resisting or failing the roll-off results in no movement and therefore no damage • targets lifted into the air will immediately drop if Telekinetic Force is not maintained each round (by recasting) resulting in natural fall damage • difficulty is calculated as base amount plus the sum of the size modifiers (target minus caster, down to a minimum of 1) for all targets. |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 201 | Soul | Psionic | Telekinesis | 2 | Telekinetic Snare | 16 + size modifier, per target | n/a | instant or reaction | 15 | telekinetically snares X number of targets of equal or lesser size than the caster, disabling or pinning their main source of movement (i.e. legs if on land, wings if flying, tail if swimming, etc...) for 1 round (2 on crit), effectively reducing movement to 0 • this does not count as an immobilized effect • can be used as a reaction to prevent an opponent from disengaging from combat • roll versus Psionic resist • difficulty is calculated as base amount plus the sum of the size modifiers (target minus caster, down to a minimum of 1) for all targets. |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 202 | Soul | Psionic | Telekinesis | 3 | Immovable Object | 19 | n/a | instant | 15 | targeted cannot be moved against their will for 2 rounds (4 rounds on crit) • becoming immune to knock downs, knock backs, stuns, fear effects, and most other physical forms of CC |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 203 | Soul | Psionic | Telekinesis | 3 | Psionic Wave | 20 | n/a | action | self | 4" radius, inflicts 2d6+3 physical damage and the casters choice of either knock-down or disarm (if failing a Strength test), or knock-back to perimeter or stun for one round (if failing a Stamina test) | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 204 | Soul | Psionic | Telekinesis | 4 | Whirling Death | 13 +weapon size & number | n/a | instant | self | any loose weapons within 2" of caster (including blunt objects or stones) spin around the caster in a 2" radius for 1 full round (on crit lasts for 2 rounds) • any targets within the radius are struck by a single regular attack by each weapon • targets moving into the radius are also struck • weapons use casters Psionic modifiers for hit, crit, and damage • weapons cannot be used by the caster during their action phase • difficulty calculated as base + the size & number of each weapon (S=2, M=4, L=6, XL=8), i.e. 2x S + 1 L, = base + 10 |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 205 | Soul | Psionic | Telekinesis | 5 | Kinetic Projection | 24 | n/a | action | 15 | creates a temporary physical copy of target that mimics the movement and attacks of the original • copy has all the same stats as the original but disappears as soon as it takes a single wound greater than 10% of the current HP of the original • consume an instant and one Faith in next round to maintain projection • on crit creates 2 projections |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 206 | Soul | Psionic | Telekinesis | 6 | Crushing Force | 28 | n/a | action | 15 | LOS required, all targets in 2" radius take 3d8+6 damage and are automatically knocked down, if resisted treat as a Crushing Blow that inflicts 20% damage and has a 20% knockdown | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 207 | Soul | Psionic | Telekinesis | 7 | Unstoppable Force | 25 | n/a | instant | 15 | the next offensive Telekinetic power cannot be resisted in anyway nor have its damage armor saved, blocked, negated, or reduced in any way by any item or skill • also inflicts 4x damage • if collision damage is caused from striking a target that is under the effects of the Immovable Object power then damage is 10x • on crit Unstoppable Force applies to the next 2 offensive Telekinetic powers cast |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 208 | Soul | Psionic | Telepathy | 1 | Suggestion | 13 | n/a | instant | 20 | implant a simple suggestion in target's mind that slightly alters a decision they would already be making • i.e. cannot be used to make target attack allies, but could tell it which enemy to attack, which action to take, etc... • on crit implant 2 suggestions |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 209 | Soul | Psionic | Telepathy | 1 | Mind Sear | 11+2 per Tier | n/a | action | 20 | single target, 1d6 damage x1 per Tier, can continue to channel each round (no Difficulty roll but must still roll to hit) until caster takes damage or is interrupted | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 210 | Soul | Psionic | Telepathy | 1 | Decurse | 11+3 per removal | n/a | instant or action | 20 | removes one per three Difficulty curse/omen or other type of debuff against resist of level*4 of the curse caster • can use as instant at 5/remove • on crit removes an additional effect for free |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 211 | Soul | Psionic | Telepathy | 2 | Telepathic Projection | 16 | n/a | action | self | creates up to three identical targetable copies of caster that cannot use skills, cause or take damage, or physically interact with anything, but can speak independently • on crit 2x resistance against dispelling copies |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 212 | Soul | Psionic | Telepathy | 2 | Blink | 15 | n/a | action | self | caster moves from current location to anywhere within 15" in the blink of an eye • on crit may take another action after blinking |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 213 | Soul | Psionic | Telepathy | 3 | Mind Blast | 13 +5 per target | n/a | action | 20 | 2d6 per unique target, single hit roll, affected targets have -20 hit or cast with any attack, skill or power on their next turn | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 214 | Soul | Psionic | Telepathy | 3 | Mind Control | 17 +1 per d6 | n/a | action | 20 | temporarily take over control of another being but caster is in trance-like state • any damage done to caster breaks the control • on crit 2x resistance to dispelling mind control • exact difficult is not revealed by the GM |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 215 | Soul | Psionic | Telepathy | 4 | Mental Spear | 23 | n/a | action | 20 | LOS required, hits first target in its path, 3d12 damage, 50% stun, generates 1 Focus or 2 Vigor | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 216 | Soul | Psionic | Telepathy | 5 | Psionic Storm | 27 | n/a | action | 20 | no LOS required, if hits central target, roll a second hit to inflict 2d6 damage to all targets within 3", central target then takes sum of all damage dealt | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 217 | Soul | Psionic | Telepathy | 6 | Mass Hysteria | 30 | n/a | action | 20 | 1d4 damage, single hit roll, up to 10 enemies within 20" of caster • must take an Resolve test, if failed must move in random direction, if passed take extra 1d6 damage |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 218 | Soul | Psionic | Telepathy | 7 | Erase Memory | 33 | n/a | action | 20 | caster erases targets memory of select events (or complete wipe), affected targets move randomly for remainder of battle and cannot attack or dodge • on crit 2x resistance to dispelling the effect |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 220 | Soul | Psionic | Omen | 1 | Failure | 12 | n/a | action | 15 | while omen is active target suffers -2 Disadvantage on all Stat rolls and Stat roll-offs, as well as +10% critical miss/miscast chance | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 221 | Soul | Psionic | Omen | 2 | Frailty | 13 +1 per level | n/a | action | 15 | while omen is active, target has -4HP/level of caster (can cause death) | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 222 | Soul | Psionic | Omen | 2 | Destruction | 17 | n/a | action | 15 | all damage against target is increased by +50% while Omen lasts | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 223 | Soul | Psionic | Omen | 3 | Strife | 19 | n/a | action | 15 | 30+2/level % chance target will move to and attack (with special ability if possible) closest ally • if hits both lose next turn, omen disappears after effect |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 224 | Soul | Psionic | Omen | 3 | Grief | 20 | n/a | action | 15 | while omen is active, anytime target misses with an attack or fails with an ability they inflict the minimum damage of attack/ability upon themselves instead | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 225 | Soul | Psionic | Omen | 4 | Recklessness | 22 | n/a | action | 15 | while omen is active, target deals max damage and takes max damage | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 226 | Soul | Psionic | Omen | 4 | Victory | 23 | n/a | action | 15 | if target deals killing blow gain 25% of max vigor/fury/spirit/stealth/focus, 2 honor code stacks, or five Faith • effects double if self-cast, omen then disappears |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 227 | Soul | Psionic | Omen | 4 | Fate | 24 | n/a | action | 15 | while omen is active target cannot be healed, buffed, debuffed, or decursed by any means without first passing an Resolve test | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 228 | Soul | Psionic | Omen | 5 | Destiny | 26 | n/a | action | 15 | if target is slain/knocked unconscious while omen is active they deal between 50-100% of their max HP physical damage to all within 4" | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 229 | Soul | Psionic | Omen | 6 | Wracking Pain | 30 | n/a | action | 15 | while omen is active target takes 2d8 damage at the start of each of their turns | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 230 | Soul | Psionic | Omen | 7 | Death | 36 | n/a | action | 15 | if not dispelled before wearing off, target is slain | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 231 | Soul | Psionic | Psicognition | 1 | Second Sight | 12 | n/a | instant | self / 10 | while second sight is active target also gains +5 hit/cast (+2 per Tier) with any type of attack or spell. Lasts up to one day • may consume as a reaction to re-roll a failed Stat test of any kind |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 232 | Soul | Psionic | Psicognition | 1 | Future Sight | 12 | n/a | instant | self / 10 | for up to 1 hour (or 1 battle) the defensive reactions that normally must be announced prior to enemy rolls (i.e.parry or block) can instead be used after enemy has rolled | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 233 | Soul | Psionic | Psicognition | 1 | Clairvoyance | 14 | n/a | instant | 10 | Gain advantange equal to 1/2 your current Faith when attempting to detect hidden targets or objects this round. The caster can see the true form of any type of illusion, gain a mental awareness of any form of invisibility and perceives the true form of any shape shifting creature. Also reveals current HP, AC, and lowest resistance of a single enemy. | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 234 | Soul | Psionic | Psicognition | 2 | Mental Discipline | 16 | n/a | instant | self | next non-Faith action absed skill or spell grants caster +1 Faith, if next action is a Faith power caster instead has +1 to that Difficulty roll | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 235 | Soul | Psionic | Psicognition | 2 | Minor Premonition | 17 | n/a | reaction | self /10 | as a reaction to any dice roll, may change the number of a single dice (up or down) by an amount equal to 0.5/level | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 236 | Soul | Psionic | Psicognition | 3 | Deja Vu | 20 | n/a | instant | self / 10 | can keep one dice roll used for the next action taken and use it again on the following turn if using the same action, but cannot be done more than twice in a row | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 237 | Soul | Psionic | Psicognition | 3 | Precognition | 22 | n/a | reaction | self / 10 | When an enemy targets you (but before they roll), as a defensive reaction: • add +25 Dodge against physical attacks • or +25 Resistance against non-physical/magical attacks • i.e. if swinging an axe at you then +25 Dodge or if its a Fireball then +25 Elemental resist |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 238 | Soul | Psionic | Psicognition | 4 | Metacognition | 26 | n/a | instant | self | if party member within 10" sacrifices their turn (even if it was a result of hard CC) caster can have a full second turn in their place | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 239 | Soul | Psionic | Psicognition | 5 | Retrocognition | 29 | n/a | reaction | self / 10 | After taking damage of any kind, if you remain conscious afterwards you may use a reaction to restore the damage taken. Any related benefits/effects that teh damage would have caused are also reverse/ignored (i.e. Fury gain or Focus lost) | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 240 | Soul | Psionic | Psicognition | 6 | Astral Projection | 31 | n/a | instant | self | separate into physical and soul form, 1d6 rounds, physical form uses physical abilities, soul form uses spirit/Faith powers has 2x move and is immune to physical damage | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 241 | Soul | Psionic | Psicognition | 7 | Death Premonition | 34 | n/a | action | 10 | caster sees target's death before it happens, therefore if cast on a slain target it returns them to the point just before the death blow | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 242 | Soul | Psionic | Psimaturgy | 1 | Transference | 11+1 per level | n/a | instant | 15 | the next physical attack made by the target has 50% life steal up to a maximum of 2 HP regained per level | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 243 | Soul | Psionic | Psimaturgy | 2 | Healing Hands | 12+3 per Tier | n/a | action | 2 | 1d6 HP x Tier of caster | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 244 | Soul | Psionic | Psimaturgy | 2 | Expel Ailment | 16 (18 inst) | Dispel | instant or action | 15 | removes targeted negative/harmful persistent faith effects, using resistance equal to 10x the Tier of the caster of the effect • multiply the Difficulty by the number of targeted effects within range • can also remove poisons, using resistance equal to 20x the rank of the poison • if sucessful, may choose to transfer negative effects to another target(s) within 6" if they fail a corresponding resistance test |
Dispel |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 245 | Soul | Psionic | Psimaturgy | 3 | Healing Aura | 17 +1 per level | n/a | action | 15 | single target is assigned a number of d6's based on the Difficulty of the powerr, which can be consumed at a rate of 1d6 HP/round. If exceeding 4d6 on a single target, additional d6's are distributed to targets w/in 3" of the original as evenly as possible, up to a maximum of 4 each. • i.e. at base +8 difficulty, two targets would get 1d6/round healing for 4 rounds • i.e. at base +10 difficulty initial target gets 1d6/round healing for 4 rounds, and two other targets get 1d6/round for 3 rounds each |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 246 | Soul | Psionic | Psimaturgy | 3 | Restore Vitality | 21 | n/a | action | 15 | heals 2d10 HP +1 /level of target, also grants +10 hit for one round (only if target is not at max HP after heal) | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 247 | Soul | Psionic | Psimaturgy | 4 | Resonance | 21 | n/a | instant | self | next action that utilizes a class mechanic other than Faith gains addition critical hit chance equal to current Faith, half that bonus when chained with a Faith action | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 248 | Soul | Psionic | Psimaturgy | 4 | Resurgence | 26 | n/a | action | 15 | heals 3d10 HP +1/level of target, also grants target the ability to use two instants on their next turn (only if target is not at max HP after heal) | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 249 | Soul | Psionic | Psimaturgy | 5 | Bolster Defences | 13 +5 per target | n/a | instant | 15 | grants +15 to AC and all resistances for one round on each target | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 250 | Soul | Psionic | Psimaturgy | 5 | Purge | 27 | Dispel | action | 15 | automatically removes any and all persistent/ongoing effects on a single target regardless of positive or negative effects • can also be used to attempt to dispel/shatter any faith based enchant/crafting |
Dispel |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 251 | Soul | Psionic | Psimaturgy | 6 | Psimaturgical Echo | 30 | n/a | instant or action | 15 | use any Psimaturgy power of <= 14 Difficulty, that power is then repeated at the start of next two turns, while echo is present cannot use further Psimaturgy powers | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 252 | Soul | Psionic | Psimaturgy | 7 | Immortality | 32 | n/a | action | 15 | while active, if target sustains damage that would drop it below zero it is placed in an invulnerable stasis until after the battle is over | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |