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Realm of Strife™ > Glossary
4-3-2 Rule
The basic rule of thumb for dealing with multiple attack combat actions (not including direct damage instants). The rule states that no combination of skills and/or weapons and/or craftings/enchants can ever allow a PC to exceed the following restrictions (where an ‘attack’ is considered to be any to-hit roll or auto-hit with the potential to cause damage):
  • maximum 4 attacks per action
  • maximum 3 attacks total on the same target, per action
  • maximum 2 attacks (with the same weapon) on the same target, per action
Absorption is a passive characteristic often given to inanimate objects or other such objects that would not normally have an Armor Class value or other forms of defense, such as wooden door, a ships hull, or a length of chain. Absorption value is given as a percentage, typically 50% unless otherwise specified, and works in conjunction with a HP value for that object. The absorption percentage is the percentage of current HP that can be absorbed without actually taking any damage. This ability to absorb damage applies to ANY damage type, unless that damage specifically says that it ignores or negates absorption. For example, an undamaged door with 10HP and 50% absorption will only take damage if more than five damage is inflicted to it. If seven damage was done to the door, its HP would only go down by 7-5=2, to 8HP. Now that it is slightly damaged it can only absorb 4HP. When attempting to damage objects with absorption you must still roll to hit, but only to see if you critically hit (the double damage increases your likelihood of damaging especially sturdy objects) or critically miss. Critical misses against objects with absorption have the additional effect of damaging your weapon. See the List of Common Material Strengths for the typical absorption values of various materials including the damage types that they might be Immune to, Hardened to, Sensitive to, or Weakened by.
AC (Armor Class)
The added combination of Dodge and Armor Save
The largest portion of your turn, used to execute an attack or other action based ability. Always ends your turn.
Advantage and Disadvantage
In some cases, stat tests and stat roll-offs may lean one direction or the other, without being entirely pre-determined. In these cases GMs may assign advantage or disadvantage to the dice rolls.
  • Stat tests: advantage or disadvantage is applied as a direct modifier to the d20 dice roll
  • Stat Roll-offs: advantage or disadvantage is applied as a direct modifier to the d12 dice rolls, but as a separate modifier calculated for each participant
See Character Stats: Advantage and Disadvantage for details
coming soon…
Ammo (Weapon Attribute)
Cannot be used as a weapon on its own, but required for weapons such as bows (arrows) and crossbows (bolts).
AoE (Area of Effect)
Skills or powers with this description cover a larger area, usually measured in the inches of radius, and tend to effect multiple targets when used correctly.
When an opponent willingly moves out of base contact (see Disengaging from Combat) anyone in base contact may, as a reaction, choose to use to make free round of regular attacks (with all equipped weapons). This is often referred to as Attacks of Opportunity (AOO), which are always treated as a reaction an are thus limited by the number of reactions you any take in any given round of combat.
Armor Piercing (Weapon Attribute)
Treats a target’s armor as though it were X amount less than normal. No effect on Dodge contribution to AC.
Armor Save
When an attacker naturally (without modifiers) rolls higher than an opponent’s dodge on their d100 hit roll but less than or equal to their total AC (after modifiers), it is considered to be an armor save. This means that the attack misses or fails to inflict its damage due to the target’s armor protecting them, rather than having dodged the attack. (see: Dodge)
Base Contact
Base contact is defined as any time the bases of two models are touching. This generally signifies a state of close combat, aka melee combat. Under normal circumstances you CANNOT attack a target that is in base contact with you with any kind of LOS based ranged attack or ability, however while in you could attack a different target that you are not in base contact with using a ranged attack.
A stackable on-wound effect that automatically inflicts 1 damage per stack each round, at the start of the targets turn. The effects last until the target is dead, unless they are healed (or the wounds are otherwise tended to). Bleed effects are stackable, regardless of their source.
Blind (CC Effect)
While blinded, a character or creature cannot target anything unless passing a Perception test first, and even then must roll to hit twice, keeping only the worst roll. If attempting to move while blinded, they must do so in a random direction at half speed. Blinded targets cannot dodge, block, parry or use any other reaction that would require them to see the trigger for the reaction. When a target is blinded, it immediately breaks any LoS the target had. This counts as breaking LoS for stealth classes for the purposes of hiding and/or becoming undetected.
Block (Weapon Attribute)
When a shield or other item with the Block attribute is equipped and you are aware of an incoming attack, you may choose to attempt to Block a single incoming attack as a Reaction. Both melee and ranged attacks can be blocked, as well as most projectile based ranged spells.  
Casting specifically refers to the use of Spirit and Faith powers. Even though all Class Mechanics have Primary Skills available to them, Spirit and Faith commonly refer to these Primary Skills as “Powers”, and only “Powers” can be cast. Vigor, Fury, Honor, Stealth, and Focus skills are NOT considered to be cast. Regardless of the target, and whether the power is an instant or action, a d100 casting roll is always made.
Stands for Crowd Control and refers to any effect that causes full or partial loss of control of a model/character, including but not limited to: stun, slow, immobilize, blind, mind control, knock down, knock back, knock up, silence or taunt. Unless otherwise specified, if a target is suffering from CC effects, when the duration of those effects wear off they become immune to that effect for one round, regardless if it is coming from another source or ability (i.e. if a model is stunned from the weapon effects on a bludgeon-type weapon, in their following turn they are immune to the stun effects of an ability such as Mammoth Strike, or any other stun effects, but they are NOT immune to other forms of CC such as silence). This is to prevent chain CC’ing with the same effect round after round. Critical misses are NOT considered CC unless they are induced by an enemy.
Charge (Weapon Attribute)
charge is any straight-line movement made during a model’s own turn that brings it into base contact with an opponent. In cases where modifiers may apply based on the distance of the charge, only the final straight-line portion of a movement is considered to be part of the charge (i.e. if spending 2" to move around a corner of a wall, and then turning and moving 2" into base contact, the charge move is only considered to have been 2" even though 4" total was traveled). Weapons with the "Charge" Weapon Attribute gain a +hit and +damage bonus that applies on the first attack made following the charge.
Cleaving (Weapon Attribute)
+ to critical strike chance.
Clumsy (Weapon Attribute)
– to hit due to awkwardness/weight of a weapon.
Collision Damage
Collision damage is automatically inflicted whenever a creature or solid object collides with another creature or solid object. Unless otherwise specified, for every full horizontal inch (5 feet or 1.5m) of uncompleted movement, take 1d6 impact damage, with no hit roll required. Apply the difference in size modifiers as a damage modifier, where the larger of the two objects colliding is taking less damage. When colliding with an inanimate object either estimate its equivalent creature size or just assume no modifier. Unless otherwise stated, after receiving collision damage targets are knocked down if they fail a stamina test. Apply -1 disadvantage for every d6 that was used for damage, with the difference in size modifiers also applied as advantage/disadvantage (with larger creatures less likely to be knocked down than smaller creatures). If the creature already failed a stamina test as part of a knock back effect that caused the collision damage, do not roll again. Instead the knock down is automatic. Example 1: A minotaur (size mod 2) character is knocked back 6" but there is a rock wall 3" behind them (assume no size mod), therefore there is 3" of uncompleted movement resulting in 3d6-2 impact damage. After receiving the damage, the minotaur must then pass a Stamina test at -1 Disadvantage (-3 from dice +2 for size mod) to prevent the knock down effect. Example 2: A goblin (size mod -2) is knocked back 4" into a hill giant (size mod 4) that is 1" behind it. The goblin takes 3d6+6 damage with a -6 disadvantage Stamina test for the knockdown. The hill giant only takes 3d6-6 damage with a +6 advantage Stamina test for the knockdown.
Ending a buff or persistent effect on a target, either voluntarily or when a specific condition is met, to give a different or additional results for that turn.
Corrosion Damage
Corrosion damage is a stackable damage type, most commonly caused by naturally occurring acids or Caustic spirit powers. Corrosion damage typically must over come Elemental resistance before causing damage or effect and when causing injuries counts as a burn. Corrosion damage can be neutralized by a naturally occurring base (i.e. powdered Limestone) or if caused by Caustic spirit powers, it can be dispelled as a magic effect.
  • For each stack of Corrosion present on effected targets, suffer -2 Armor, Natural resist, and Elemental Resist
  • At the start of each turn, any target with Corrosion stacks takes auto-damage equal to 1dX, where X is 2 times the number of stacks (i.e. 1 stack =1d2, 2 stacks = 1d4, 3 stacks = 1d6)
  • There is no maximum number of stacks however, the damage over time effects max out at 7 stacks and jump to 1d20 damage
  • Corrosion stacks last for the duration of battle (or 1-2 hours outside of battle) or until dispelled/neutralized
  • When stacks are neutralized, there is a 1% chance per Stack that any pertinent armor, weapons, and/or other equipment involved are permanently effected, gaining 1 stack of the Corroded  prefix (cannot effect items made of glass, or items with Rank 2 or higher craftings/enchants )
Critical Cast
A critical cast is treated similar to a critical hit, however it applies only to skills which are “cast”. This refers to ALL Spirit or Faith powers, regardless of instant or action, or whether or not they inflict damage. If Critically Casting a power that causes direct damage, then typically it will result in an automatic hit that does double damage. However, the specific effects of a Critical cast on any Spirit/Faith Power is outlined for each Discipline of Power (see appropriate sections on the Spirit and Faith pages). Unlike Critical Hits, Critical Casts do not apply to chained skills/attacks, as there is a separated d100 roll for each portion of the chained skills.
Critical Hit
An automatic hit with a physical melee or ranged attack that occurs when naturally rolling on the high end of a d100 to-hit roll. Critical hits result in 2x the total damage (after modifiers) unless otherwise specified. Critical Hits over ride any successful block or parry. If the critical hit occurs on an attack that has been chained and/or combined with a non-damage Fury, Vigor, Honor, Stealth, Focus, or Physical Passive/Secondary skill, the 2x damage applies to the entire chained attack. However non-damage Fury, Vigor, Stealth, Focus or Physical Passive/Secondary skills cannot in and of themselves critically hit as there is no actual d100 roll.
Critical Miss
An automatic miss with a physical melee or ranged attack that typically occurs when naturally rolling 5 or under on a d100 to-hit roll (in some cases the chances of a critical miss may be higher or lower, i.e. when using Primitive weapons). A Critical miss immediately ends your turn, regardless of which portion of the turn you are in (i.e. instant, mainhand-action, off-hand action). After a critical miss occurs you are Vulnerable until the start of your next turn, and if the critical miss was made with a weapon you will drop the weapon unless wearing armor in the Hand slot. If the critical miss occurs on an attack that has been chained and/or combined with a non-damage Fury, Vigor, Honor, Stealth, Focus, or Physical Passive/Secondary skill, the entire chained attack and included effects are negated without refund of any kind. However non-damage Fury, Vigor, Stealth, Focus or Physical Passive/Secondary skills that are NOT chained and/or combined with a physical attack cannot in and of themselves critically miss hit as there is no actual d100 roll.
Crushing Blow (Weapon Attribute)
This attribute allows damage to be inflicted even when an attack is blocked or armor saved. Crushing blow damage is equal to your Natural Strength Bonus + X (where X is the number listed after the Crushing Blow attribute). Example: STR 18 =+2 damage bonus with Crushing blow +2, total Crushing Blow damage = 4 Typically DOES NOT trigger other on-wound type weapon effects (i.e. Stun)
Equal to or below current Stamina x2 below zero health (see Injuries). Character must be resurrected to continue playing.
Deafen (CC effect)
While deafened the target cannot hear and automatically fails any perception test related to hearing. They also cannot detect hidden targets that are not in their direct LoS. For the duration any physical or magical attacks made against the deafened target have +15 to hit/cast and the target suffers -15 to hit or cast.
Difficult Terrain
Difficult Terrain is any type of terrain that would typically slow movement (unless otherwise mitigated), whether natural of man-made. Examples include dense undergrowth, a briar patch, deep snow, shallow swamps, steep slopes, boulder strewn caverns, broken rubble, scattered furniture, defensive ditches, etc. Every tabletop inch of Difficult Terrain counts as two, regardless of the number of overlapping types of difficult terrain. Though a GM couls in special circumstances treat something as Very Difficult Terrain and increase the penalty to three tabletop inches.
When a weapon is Disarmed, it is immediately removed from the hand that wields it and drops within 1d4-1 inches, where a zero means directly at the target's feet. Picking a disarmed weapon back up counts as an instant. When Disarm is stated as a weapon attribute, it means that if successfully parrying with the weapon you can also Disarm an opponent, if winning an Agility vs Strength stat roll-off (some weapons may grant advantage).
Dismount (Weapon Attribute)
Knocks a character off their mount and causes them to be knocked down.
Dodge is a calculated Defense Stat, that can be used not only for Stat Tests, but also forms a portion of a characters Armor Class (AC). An attack is considered to be “dodged” if the attackers natural d100 hit roll (before modifiers) is equal to or less than the defenders Dodge stat. This means that the attack misses or fails to inflict its damage due to the target dodging, rather than their armor protecting them. (see: Armor Save). Even if the modified hit roll is higher than the targets AC, the didge supersedes any successful hit. In some cases Dodge can be added to resistance to resist certain types of powers/effects.
Duel Wield (Weapon Attribute)
Can duel wield without having duel wield ability, but only if using a matching pair (purchase price is for a set of two).
Earth Damage (spirit)
All direct damage caused by Earth or Metal Powers is treated as physical damage and therefore uses AC instead of Elemental Resistance. However, for the purposes of physical damage immunity or reduction/absorption it still counts as a spirit-based attack. (I.e. an Ethereal creature would typically be immune to physical damage but not the physical damage caused by a power like Stone Shot). Earth Powers typically cause impact or crushing injuries Metal Powers typically causes piercing or cutting injuries
Enchant Level
Restricted to enchants as follows: 1=Minor, 2=Improved, 3=Greater, 4=Superior, 5=Matchless.
Entangle (Weapon Attribute)
A weapon with this attribute can effectively Grapple another weapon. This happens either in lieu of attacking with a whip (and/or as part of an attack Action such as with an off-hand) OR if the weapon with the Entangle attribute is parried, blocked, or warded off. Regardless, in order for Entangle to take effect the wielder must pass an Agility test. Depending on the weapon there may be advantage or disadvantage to this roll. If successful, both individuals holding the weapons involved are essentially effected by the Grapple CC effect as well (i.e. cannot move away from each other), so long as they continue to hold their weapons. The Entangled weapons cannot be used to attack or defend in any way for the duration. Either target can, as an instant on their own turn, attempt to pull the other weapon from their opponents hand by winning a Strength stat roll-off. The winner of the roll-off Disarms their opponent and tosses the weapon to the beside or behind themselves at a range of the greater of 1" or 2x the Reach of their own weapon. This ends the Entangle effect. The wielder of the weapon with the Entangle effect can also choose to end the effect at any time, with no cost to their turn.
Exhaustion (Effect)
A stacking effect that accrues when a character chooses or is unable to sleep when they otherwise should. As Exhaustion stacks higher, Initiative Scores drop, Disadvantage on Stat rolls accumulates, and other cumulative negative effects apply. To remove Exhaustion stacks, resting is typically required. See Exhaustion for details. Exhaustion stacks can also be applied or removed by various abilities and consumables (i.e. Exhausting Poison)
Fall Damage
For every full vertical inch (5 feet or 1.5m) that the creature falls, take 1d6 impact damage. Fall Damage is effected by Creature Size Modifiers (i.e. a Tiny creature has -4 Fall Damage, while a Massive creature has +8 Fall Damage). A successful Agility or Stamina test can be used to prevent fall damage. Apply -3 disadvantage for every full inch beyond 1". After receiving fall damage targets are knocked down, unless specifically specified otherwise. Example: A character is pushed off of a 30 foot high cliff. This translates into 6" on the tabletop, and would result in 6d6 impact damage. However the Character attempts to spin around in the air and land nimbly on her feet to prevent the damage. She therefore takes an Agility test at -15 advantage (-3 x 5"). Given that her agility is 17 she must roll a 1 or 2 on a d20 to prevent the damage. If she rolls 3 or higher then she takes the 6d6 damage and is knocked down. If she rolls 2 or less, she miraculously lands on her feet and takes no damage.
Fear (CC Effect)
Target must immediately use a reaction to flee directly away from the source of fear at regular movement speed. If they have already used their reaction this round, they must use their reaction to flee at the start of the next round. Fleeing due to fear is considered to be against-your-will and therefore does not count as disengaging from combat.
An attribute possessed by some creatures or monsters. Any target that wishes to move into base contact with a Fearsome creature must first pass an Resolve test. If failing, the target can not move into base contact but still may move elsewhere. Also when a Fearsome creature moves into base contact with any number of targets, all of those targets must pass an Resolve test once the Fearsome creature has finished attacking (regardless if the attacks hit, miss, wound, or even target them). If failing, the target is subject to Fear (must use reaction to flee). Once an Resolve test is passed against that particular type of creature, targets are immune to its Fearsome effects for the remainder of the battle. Fearsome creatures/monsters are immune to all other Fear effects.
Fist-Mounted (Weapon Attribute)
Weapon mounted on fists and/or built into hand armor; while equipped can still wield another weapon. Example1: Golem Knuckle and a Metal Staff could be wielded together as a single weapon loadout, allowing the user to use fist attacks on their own turn and then ward-off/parry with the metal staff during the enemies turn. Example2: Cestus and a Warbow could be wielded together as a single weapon load out, allowing the user two 1d4 dam Cestus attacks in melee without ever having to switch out the Warbow.
Flee (CC Effect)
During the next movement portion on their turn, the target must move directly away from threat at regular movement speed
The use of an ability or power with no cost. A Faith difficulty roll counts as a ‘cost’.
Frightened (CC Effect)
Causes the target to have the following fear related effects while the source of its fear is within line of sight:
  • treat any miss or casting failure as a critical miss or failure
  • treat any critical hit or critical cast as a regular hit or cast
  • re-roll any non-critical hit or cast and abide by the second roll, with the above two effects considered
  • cannot willingly move towards the source of its fear
Passing a Resolve test or otherwise having this effect removed, makes the target immune from that source of fear for the remainder of the day
Frozen (cc effect)
A frozen target is completely immobilized and can do NOTHING for the duration of the effect (not even resting to gain 1 HP). While frozen, targets have:
  • +10% absorption
  • Immunity to Water damage
  • Hardened to Frost and Light/Luminous damage (half damage)
  • Sensitive to Heat (Fire or Solar), Earth damage, and any Crushing Blow weapon (double damage)
Unless otherwise specified, the frozen effect is cancelled after absorbing more than 10 cumulative damage. This is often referred to as "Shattering".
Graceful (Weapon Attribute)
+ to hit due to shape/weight/design of weapon
Grapple (CC effect)
When a target is grappled it cannot leave base contact with the entity that has grappled it. A grappled target also has dodge reduced to zero while grappled. To break a grapple, the entity that is grappling must be knocked unconscious, voluntarily release the target, or release the target due to the use of an attack or ability that expressly says that it breaks grappling. Alternately, the target may attempt to break the grapple during the instant portion of its own turn by winning a Strength stat roll-off.
Haste (spell effect)
Grants the choice of an extra movement, instant or action.
Hit Roll
A d100 roll made when attacking a target or using primary skills (see Combat for details).
Immobilize (CC Effect)
Effected target cannot move. Includes moving from their current location (movement stat effectively reduced to 0), dodging, attacking, or using any primary, secondary, or passive skills that require movement of body parts. Typically immobilized targets can still speak, blink and breath. However, its important to note that ALL faith and spirit powers require some form of physical movement (see methods of casting FaithSpirit) therefore being Immobilized prevents casting.
Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects
Impale (Weapon Attribute)
Weapons with the Impale attribute grant a reaction that can be used when an opponent moves into base contact (or melee range on weapons possessing the Reach attribute). If succeeding at an Initiative vs Dodge stat roll off the Impale reaction allows for a regular main hand attack to be made with the impaling weapon before the opponent can proceed with the remainder of their turn. Bonus damage is applied to the attack at +1 per straight line tabletop inch moved prior to the impale. If a weapon has both an Impale and a Ward-off attribute, choosing to Impale negates the Ward-off, regardless of the number of reactions available each round.
Immune to all movement penalties, including difficult terrain and triple layering of armor but excluding those that effectively reduce movement to zero such (i.e. Snared and Immobilized CC effects)
Incapacitate (CC Effect)
Target is Knocked Down and cannot move, use instants, or take actions of any kind for the duration of the effect. Once under the effect, it cannot be resisted in any way, however taking damage or other similar shocks/intense sensations inflicted upon the targets body will typically cancel the effect.
Counts as both Immovable, Unyielding and Uncontrollable; also immune to critical misses, all forms of CC, and cannot be "insta-killed" (i.e. Heart Punch, throat crush, garrote, throat slash, etc...)
Initiative Score
Equal to a characters Initiative stat plus 1d20. Rolled at the beginning of each combat to determine turn order.
Inorganic materials, creatures, or creations are immune to to poison, disease, psychological effects and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects
The smallest portion of your turn, typically reserved for non-damaging special abilities or weaker attacks
Interrupt (CC Effect)
An countering skill or ability that is used out-of-turn when an opponent announces intent to cast a spell or use a special skill of some kind. If an interrupt is successful the targets skill/spell is cancelled, and any costs refunded. If interrupting an instant the target may still proceed to use their action. If interrupting an action, the target may still use a regular attack action if available/possible. Typically interrupts counts as a Reaction. Interrupts have no effect on natural abilities (i.e. Dragon Breath) or passives (i.e. Auras)
Interrupted (Spell Casting)
Some powers will state that they require the caster to be "uninterrupted". This type of spell casting is interrupted by an Interrupt CC type skill, incapacitation/death, casting another power of any type, or most commonly, from taking damage and failing a Stamina test. This Stamina test automatically fails if victim of a critical hit/cast. If no HP are actually lost when taking damage (i.e. damage is absorbed or negated by a shield style power) then the power is not interrupted.
Intimidation and/or persuasion can be used to gain information or cause a (NPC or creature) target to act in a manner that you desire. This typically results in a stat roll-off against the targets Resolve where the one doing the intimidating/persuading has a variety of methods available, each using a different stat. Methods include:
  • Strength (threats of physical violence)
  • Stamina (intimidating presence or size)
  • Intellect (intellectual superiority, specialized knowledge, mind games)
  • Wisdom (exploitation of weaknesses, manipulation)
  • Resolve (contest of wills)
  • Charm (force of personality)
Immune to all forms of CC and cannot be de-buffed, critically hit or "insta-killed" in anyway; literally immune to everything except regular damage
Immune to everything, impossible to harm or cause damage to in anyway; typically has some form of weakness that can remove or circumvent the invulnerability if discovered.
Knock-Back (CC effect)
Target affected is forced backwards X distance. Knock-backs do not cause the Knock-down effect unless specifically stated or if causing Collision Damage. Knock-back causes Collision Damage if it knocks the target against an immovable or stationary object/target. See Collision Damage for details.
Knock-Down (CC Effect)
Target is forced to the ground and must expend their movement and an instant OR an action on their next turn in order to stand up. When Knocked Down you may use instants and actions while still on the ground, but suffer a -10 to hit/cast penalty and must move (crawl) at half speed. While Knocked Down targets are considered to be Vulnerable until standing up again.
Lead Shot
An ammo type used by black powder firearms, where the Lead shot attribute means -X to hit but also -X Armor Piercing if target is within 1/2 range
Line of Sight
Line of sight (LoS) characters must be able to see target clearly from board position. Abilities or powers that specify LoS are assumed to be projectile based or projectile-like, unless otherwise specified and cannot be used on a target in base contact.
Loud (weapon attribute)
An attribute assigned to weapons that make a loud noise when fired. If firing while hidden, this immediately gives away your position. However, when giving away your position with a loud weapon, any enemy target within 10" is Frightened until passing a Resolve test.
A miscast is similar to a critical miss, however it applies only to skills which are “cast”. This refers to ALL Spirit or Faith powers, regardless of instant or action, or whether or not they inflict damage. If miscasting a Spirit power, spirit is still consumed. If miscasting a Faith power, a negative consequence is immediately applied, as dictated by the faith discipline of the power. In either case, the power fails to cast and therefore cannot hit or apply any of its effects. If the miscast power was an instant, no further spirit or faith powers may be used that round, but a non faith or spirit action can still be taken. There may be additional consequences of a miscast, specific to any Spirit/Faith Power, as outlined for each Discipline of Power (see appropriate sections on the Spirit and Faith pages). Unlike Critical Misses, a Miscast does not make the caster Vulnerable nor immediately end their  turn.
Every playable character has a base movement of four inches, modified by their race
Natural Roll
A natural roll refers to the face value of a dice, with no modifiers applied.
Disturbs or conflicts with some class mechanics.
Focus, Spirit, Faith: -1 to hit & -1 crit% (per piece)
Stealth: -1 disadvantage (per piece) for all Stealth tests and +1 advantage (per piece) for anyone trying to detect you while you are hidden.
These effects stack if layering noisy armor on top of other noisy armor.
Opposing Powers
Opposing powers are defined as any power or force that has an opposite Alignment (Good vs Evil) or Polarity (Order vs Chaos). Some examples are as follows:
  • Light and Dark (opposite Polarity)
  • Fire and Water (opposite Polarity)
  • Earth and Air (opposite Polarity)
  • Holy and Demonic (opposite Alignment)
Over-Sized (Armor Attribute)
Oversize armor is slightly larger than normal, while still using a conventional designs. It is made to fit large races such as Centaurs, Minotaurs, and Ogres. Oversized armor costs 10% more, though the actual size of the armor piece (in terms of bag space) is unaffected. Over-sized armor pieces cannot be worn by anyony that is not considered a large race, though they can be modified by someone with the appropriate Secondary Skill (i.e. cloth armor can be upsized or downsized by a Tailor). Upsizing or downsizing armor is treated as a "repair" job with the cost set at 10% of the normal purchase price.
Overpowering (Weapon Attribute)
Weapons with this attribute apply disadvantage to an opponents block, parry, or ward-off.
Paired (Weapon Attribute)
A weapon attribute that allows the weapon to be dual wielded without having dual wield Secondary Skill, but only if using a matching pair. Often sold as a pair, however, the listed price is for a single weapon so if purchasing as a pair must pay for two weapons.
Parry (Weapon Attribute)
When a weapon or other item with the Parry attribute is equipped and you are aware of an incoming attack, you may choose to attempt to Parry a single incoming attack as a Reaction. Only physical melee attacks can be parried (unless otherwise stated).
Passive Perception
Passive Perception represents the chance of someone detecting something when they aren’t actively searching. This could be a hidden opponent, a trap, a lost weapon, a secret passageway, or any other hidden inanimate object. This involves no dice rolling and allows GMs to secretly assess whether a character or creature is aware of a hidden foe, object or obstacle. Passive Perception is equal to 1/2 of regular Perception. This is compared against the Avoidance of a hiding character or creature (use current available stealth if Stealth if it is a Stealth class) or detection threshold of an inanimate object, trap or secret passageway. Unless otherwise stated default detection threshold is 10. Advantage or disadvantage may apply. Unless Passive Perception is greater than the Avoidance (Stealth) or detection threshold, no passive detection occurs.
Permanently turns a single item or target into solid stone; target gains 50% absorption but can’t move in anyway, though it can still see and hear; the effect can be undone at anytime by the orginal caster or can be dispelled as a Tier 6 Spirit power
Poisons require a nature check each rnd before dealing damage or applying effects if passed poison disappears Similar poison effects do not stack i.e. Can’t have 2 direct dam effects but could have 1 direct dam + 1 immobilize *Necrotic poison works off of the lesser of natural or demonic resistance
Potion Toxicity
Under the following conditions, must roll vs Natural resistance to see if you vomit the potion(s) back up. This negates the effects of the last dose and causes you to immediately become Vulnerable until the start of your next turn.
  • After drinking 3 potion doses in a row within 1 minute (out of combat)
  • After drinking a potion for 3 consecutive rounds in combat (or in consecutive rounds of combat)
  • After drinking an entire potion bottle in one sitting (would negate the whole bottle)
Precision Attack
At times, either due to role-playing or specific mechanics, a player or GM may deem that they wish to make a Precision Attack. This refers to any attack aimed at at precise location on a target and/or intended to trigger a precise effect. Some common examples of a Precision Attack would be choosing to target a creatures eyes in the hopes of blinding it or striking in the hand to force it to drop its weapon. While there are specific skills in the game that also can achieve this, it is not practical nor enjoyable to have a  skill for every possible situation a player or GM can imagine. However, a Precision Attack that is not part of a specific preexisting Skill is penalized to prevent over-use. As such, when making a Precision Attack, roll your hit dice twice (see Combat Rolls) and use the lower of the two rolls.
Primitive (Armor Attribute)
Primitive armor is constructed from naturally occurring, typically unrefined materials. As such it is considerably cheaper than more sophisticated armor, and does not require a Secondary Skill to produce. However due to its primitive nature it cannot have advanced craftings or enchants bestowed upon it. Their use is quiet simple and as such you do not require any kind of armor proficiency to wear primitive armor. However, primitive armor tends to be somewhat fragile and therefore anytime you are victim of a critical hit primitive armor becomes broken (non-functional until repaired). If wearing more than one piece of primitive armor, only one piece is broken. This can be randomly determined or in some circumstances a GM may decide which piece is broken.
Ranged (Weapon Attribute)
Weapon are used to fire a projectile at range but are modified by -5 hit/inch moved (including moving while mounted); ranged weapons can typically only be blocked, armor saved/dodged. Ranged weapons cannot normally be used on a target that is in base contact.
Reach (Weapon Attribute)
Weapons with the Reach attribute have an extended range for melee and can attack as though in base contact when they are at a distance specified by the weapon (in inches). If the Reach of a weapon is greater than the Reach of a ward-off then it cannot be warded off. If a weapon with Reach is used in combination with a Charge, he attack can strike multiple targets within straight-line range of its Reach, essentially penetrating through one ore more ranks.
A Reaction always takes place during someone else’s turn rather than your own, typically during an opponents turn (regardless of turn order or initiative score). Reactions are triggered by something else occurring during the round, most commonly being an enemy attacking, though triggers can vary and will always be stated in the rules for a specific reaction. While multiple triggers may occur during any given round of combat, under normal circumstances, only one Reaction can be taken each round of combat. See Combat rules for more details.
Reload-Ranged (Weapon Attribute)
Same as ranged except that it takes an instant to load/reload the weapon, during which time the user cannot move (though if they are mounted their mount can still move freely).
Rest (Full)
A stretch of of 6-8 hours of intentional non-strenuous activity. In simplest terms this is spent sleeping, however, in reality it is probably some mixture of sleeping plus other non-strenuous activities such as eating, drinking, casual conversation, light reading, or tending to wounds. A full rest grants the full benefits of resting and removes 2 stacks of Exhaustion. Some activities state that they cost a half-rest or require spending a half-rest doing something. If these activities are done as part of a full rest, then a full rest may simply count as half rest. (I.e. the party camps for the night, but the mage spends the first half of the night memorizing new spirit powers, and therefore only gains a half rest)
Rest (Half)
A stretch of of 3-4 hours of intentional non-strenuous activity. In simplest terms this is spent sleeping, however, in reality it is probably some mixture of sleeping plus other non-strenuous activities such as eating, drinking, casual conversation, light reading, or tending to wounds. A half rest grants half of the normal benefits of resting and removes 1 stack of Exhaustion Some activities state that they cost a half-rest or require spending a half-rest doing something. Doing so negates any resting benefits, while still occupying the same time period.
Rest (Quick)
A stretch of 15-60 minutes of intentional non-strenuous activity. It can be thought of as a light rest that represents stopping to eat, catch ones breathe, gain new bearings, or tend to minor wounds.  It does NOT include sleep and is not significant enough to remove any stacks of Exhaustion. Provided there are no negative environmental effects it does naturally return 10% of max HP and Spirit, regardless of resting categories.
Riding (Weapon Attribute)
+ hit and damage when mounted (hit/damage) or if a centaur.
Roll With the Blow
Rolling with the blow is a specific reaction triggered AFTER an enemy hits you. It is a method of disengaging from combat that is especially useful if a subsequent attack may kill or seriously injure you. If you choose to roll with a blow as a reaction, you must do so immediately after taking damage. Once the damage is resolved, move directly backward from the direction of the attack up to 1/2 of your full move. However, doing so will temporarily reduce your Initiative Score by 10 on the next round that you would have a turn. (i.e. if you have already taken your turn that round, the reduction would occur in the following round). Models that choose to Roll with the Blow are considered to be knocked down on their next turn. GM discretion is required in instances where Rolling with the Blow may not be appropriate, such as if there is nowhere to roll to or if the blow triggering the roll is not significant (i.e. a Barbarian with 185HP would never roll with three damage blow inflicted by a Goblin). Rolling with the Blow does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat. If you used your one reaction to attempt to parry a the blow but failed, who could NOT then roll with the blow.
Shield (Weapon Attribute)
Denotes a two-handed weapon that can still be used in conjuncture with a shield (excluding bucklers, shield blades, pavise, lantern shield).
Shield Blow (Weapon Attribute)
Can use shield offensively as an off-hand attack, without penalties associated with dual wielding. Typically includes a small percentage stunning effect.
Typically used to indicate a ranged special ability or power that can be chained together with an instant; (i.e. “Next shot has X additional effects”) cannot be used on target in base contact.
Silence (CC Effect)
Prevents target from using any primary, secondary, or passive skills that require speech, incantations, or any other kind of vocalized sound, for the duration of the effect. This covers most,  Spirit and Faith powers, Honor Code Skills, as well as skills like Taunts, Shouts, Warcry, etc…
Sleep (CC effect)
While possibly induced by magical means as  a CC effect, natural sleep lasts until the target wakes on its own, takes damage, is roused or jostled awake, passes a perception test due to noise or sudden exposure to bright light, or is awakened by a spell. If the sleep effect is magical in nature some of the above methods for waking up may not apply.
Slow (CC effect)
A crowd control effect that reduces movement speed by 1/2 and forces the effected target to choose between either an instant or action on their turn, but prevents using both
Snared (CC Effect)
A crowd control effect that effectively reduces a targets movement stat to 0, meaning it cannot move along the tabletop. It can be thought of as only effecting the legs (or other primary mode of movement such as wings). This has no effect on the rest of the body, so the target may use instants and actions as normal provided they don't move the target from its current location. This effect is sometimes referred to as Rooted. In most cases a successful Strength stat test can remove the Snare effect, and counts as an instant. Depending on what is causing the Snare effect, attacking physical restraints can cancel the effect. Flying targets that are snared immediately begin to fall to the ground at a rate of 6" per round while the snare effect is present This is not the same as immobilize, which effects the entire body.
A specialization refers to one of many Specialist Secondary Skills. Specialist secondary Skills are grouped into Weapon Specializations, Combat Specializations, or class Mechanic Specializations. No player character may ever have more than two specializations. See Specialist Skills for more details.
Spell Power
Spell power refers to modifiers that grant additional damage or healing to spirit or faith powers.
If no instant or action are taken on your turn you can move at double your natural (ground) movement speed, taking into account any movement penalties, slows or other movement impairing effects, and ignoring any kind of speed boost or buff. While sprinting all passive effects are prevented (i.e. Bull Charge, Flying, etc…) with the exception of Trample. Sprinting while Hidden is allowed, however it simply cancels out the half movement effect of Sneaking (moving while hidden).
Staged Combat
Denotes any planned combat that actively involves spectators, such as a boxing match, pit fighting or gladiatorial combat.
Stat Roll-Off
A contest between two individuals using appropriate stats. Each individual rolls 1d20 and adds it to the appropriate stat, with Advantage or Disadvantage applied. The higher number wins. Ties are typically treated as a stalemate. See Character Stats: Stat Roll-Off
Stat Test
Active Use of Character Stats to overcome environmental obstacles, problem solve, or push forward narrative actions. When any kind of stat test is required (i.e. roll vs “stat”), you must roll 1d20 and add it to the appropriate stat, with Advantage or Disadvantage applied. The result must be greater than 20 to be successful. A natural roll of 1 is always a failure A natural roll of 20 is always a success See Character Stats: Stat Tests
Stealthy (Weapon Attribute)
Weapons with the Stealth attribute allow any failed Stealth test to be re-rolled. If they also include a +X amount, this is advantage granted on Stealth tests.
Typically used to indicate a melee special ability or power that can be chained together with an instant (i.e. “Next strike has X additional effects”).
Stun (CC Effect)
A target under the Stun CC effect is Vulnerable for the duration of the effect, and if not resisted prevents any movement, instant or action, effectively negating the target’s entire turn. The stun effect can be resisted at the start of the stunned targets own turn by passing a Stamina test. If successful the Stun effect is immediately removed however the Stamina test is considered an instant and therefore leaves only the move and action portion of the turn. If not resisted the default duration of the effect is one full round (unless specified otherwise) and is not disrupted by damage (unless otherwise specified).
Stun (Weapon Attribute)
A weapon effect that if inflicting damage has a percentage chance (rolled on a d100) to cause the Stun CC effect on the target.
Tabletop Inch
Realm of Strife is typically played on a tabletop with miniatures and therefore most units of measurement are listed in inches. 1 tabletop inch is equal to 5 feet or 1.5 meters.
Taunt (CC Effect)
A type of CC effect that will force a target to attack or move to attack the user on their turn. If the taunter is impossible to reach, the target may be considered immune (i.e. if a Kayden Soldier taunts a Goblin, but is flying out of range of any weapon that the target Goblin possesses, even if they moved closer to the Kayden, the Goblin can ignore the taunt). Leave base contact as a result of a Taunt DOES NOT count as disengaging from combat.
Temporary HP
Temporary HP are granted above and beyond your current HP and can cause you to have more HP than your maximum. When receiving damage, they act as a buffer to any damage and should be subtracted first before any remaining damage is applied to your true HP. Unless otherwise stated temporary HP cannot stack, cannot benefit from healing,  and last until depleted, resting, or after 1 day passes.
Thrown (Weapon Attribute)
Weapon can be thrown with a range equal to your strength (as inches of range) plus a modifier (generally listed as a weapon attribute) plus 1 range per inch moved (including moving while mounted). The physical damage from a thrown weapon is modified by your Strength modifier. Thrown weapons can only be blocked or armor saved/dodged; may throw two small/medium weapons as one action if equipped (effectively main hand and off hand). Cannot be used on a target that is in base contact.
An attribute that negates incoming damage by a set amount. For example, Toughness: 2 means that any incoming damage is reduced by 2 before effecting the targets HP. Toughness is considered after damage hits shields but before it effects HP.
The Trample attribute grants 2 different available reactions that automatically inflict XD6 physical damage (with the size modifier of a larger trampling target added as additional damage). This can only be avoided by targets if they use a reaction to pass a Dodge test, which results in no damage but instead forces them back 1" (unless otherwise specified). The two trample reaction options are: 1.) If crossing or making contact with any target(s) of EQUAL OR LESSER size while making a straight-line move, as a reaction, deal trample damage. This represents the ability of certain units to push through obstacles in order to reach their intended target. Note that this has no effect on a target that is at the terminus of the straight-line move. (I.e., If charging directly ahead 6" to attack an enemy while mounted on a horse with the Trample attribute, the intended target at the end of the 6" is not trampled, only targets that happen to get in the way along the 6" straight line move). 2.) If in base contact with a target(s) of LESSER size, can alternatively also use Trample as a reaction, to deal trample damage to all targets of lesser size that are in base contact. This represents larger targets attempting to crush smaller foes underfoot.
Two Handed (Weapon Attribute)
Two handed weapons can be carried in one hand, but to attack or defend with them requires two hands.
Once current health (HP) drops below zero, character must drop unconscious (counts as Knocked Down) and may do nothing on their turn except regain a single hit point until having more than zero health. All targets are considered Vulnerable while unconscious. See Injuries for details of negative consequences of having HP reduced below zero.
Immune to any effect that would cause a move or action against a targets will (i.e. fear, taunt, Curse of Control, etc...)
Under-sized (Armor Attribute)
Undersized armor is slightly smaller than normal, while still using a conventional design. It is made to fit small races such as Halflings, Gnomes, Golbins, and Kobolds. Under sized armor costs 10% less, though the actual size of the armor piece (in terms of bag space) is unaffected. Under-sized armor pieces cannot be worn by non-undersized races, though they can be modified by someone with the appropriate Secondary Skill (i.e. cloth armor can be upsized or downsized by a Tailor). Upsizing or downsizing armor is treated as a “repair” job with the cost set at 10% of the normal purchase price.
Immune to stun, slow, winded, immobilize, incapacitate, or silence CC effects, or any effect that would cause a target to miss a turn
Versatile (Weapon Effect)
Denotes a weapon can be used in one hand or two, with different damage and attributes specified for each (see specific weapon entries for details). For Swords, Bludgeons, and Axes if choosing to wield the weapon in two hands, you must have appropriate training in 2-Handed weapons of that type or else suffer the associated Combat Penalties. It is not sufficient to simply be trained in the one-handed version, unless ONLY wielding the weapon in one hand (i.e. to wield a Longsword in one hand without penalties you need 1H Sword Proficiency, while to wield it in two hands also requires 2H Sword Proficiency). When coupled with the (Lv3) Strongman secondary skin, you can wield a Versatile weapon in one hand and still do 2-Handed damage and attributes. This means it is effectively a 2-Handed weapon and therefore you cannot Dual Wield two of those weapons and do 2-Handed damage with each. The best you can achieve in this scenario is to equip two of the same weapon, with (Lv3) Strongman, and deal 2-Handed damage with your main hand and 1-Handed damage with the off hand. If choosing to go this route, it is also important to remember the weapon size limitations of dual wielding (i.e. to dual wield Bearded Axes either as both 1H handed damage, or using (lv3) Strongman to do 2-Handed damage in the main hand and 1-Handed with the off hand, you would need (Lv4) Dual Wield to avoid the combat penalties).
Volatile Powers
Volatile Powers are spirit powers that are inherently unstable and become increasingly so the more they are used. While typically more powerful than non-volatile spirit powers, they are risky to wield, and often inflict damage and other negative side effects to the caster. Volatile powers are recommended for advanced players only. The following rules apply to ALL volatile powers:
  • +5% Miscast chance and +5% Critical Cast chance
  • After a Volatile power is cast, regardless of success or failure, add one stack of Volatile spirit energy matching the school of the power
  • On miscast: in addition to standard effects, caster takes 1d6 damage per Tier, remove all Volatile stacks
  • On critical cast: in addition to standard effects, caster takes 1d12 damage per Tier (NOT doubled), add an additional Volatile stack
  • Volatile stacks will have different "per stack" effects applied depending on the school of power
  • A Tier0 instant "Venting" power can be used remove all Volatile stacks
  • If no Volatile power is used for a round, 1 stack will automatically drop off
When a target is under the Vulnerable effect, they have no Dodge contribution to AC or Resistances, ALL opponents receive +10 to hit against them and they can take no defensive maneuvers (i.e. block, parry, ward-off, impale, reversal, etc…) or use any ability that is typically carried out during an opponents turn (including attacking a target that has Disengaged from Combat)
Wand (Weapon Attribute)
One-handed ranged weapon (generally range 10?) wielded by Spirit users. Wand attacks are treated the same as LoS Spirit powers; therefore all +Hit, Crit, and Damage bonuses run off of Spirit bonuses and targets use resistance + dodge. The damage they deal scales based on the quality of the wand (see Weapons: Miscellaneous) and is of the same source as the School of Spiritual Powers that the wielder uses. In cases where the wielder uses more than one school of Spirit power, use the school that they have the most powers memorized, or in the case of Runeweavers, that they currently have activated. Wands CANNOT be dual wielded and CANNOT be used against targets in base contact.
Ward-Off (Weapon Attribute)
This weapon effect represents using the reach/length of a weapon to hold a target at bay, preventing a single opponent from using one melee attack during their turn if they fail an initiative stat roll-off. Ward-offs are a defensive reaction that must be announced after the attacker has declared their intention but before they roll to hit. --- Once it has been established that a ward-off attempt will be made, an Initiative stat roll-off takes place (modified by Creature Size if applicable). If the attacker wins the Initiative stat roll-off, or if there is a tie, then the ward-off fails and the attack is carried out as normal. If the defender wins the roll-off then the ward-off is successful and the attack fails, effectively wasting whatever resource and/or portion of the turn that cost. If the attacker only has a single weapon then this is the entirety of their action phase and their turn is over. However if they possess a means to make multiple attacks (i.e. dual wielding and/or focus class) they may still complete the remainder of their attacks before their action phase is complete. --- As the attacker, if your attack is warded off you cannot select a different action (i.e. if regular main hand attack is warded off you cannot instead choose to cast a spell). --- If a weapon has both an Impale and a ward-off effect, choosing to Ward-off negates the Impale, regardless of the number of reactions available each round --- In the case of attacks made with melee weapons possessing the Reach attribute, a Ward-off can only be made if the defenders Ward-Off weapon possesses Reach equal to or greater than the attacker’s weapon. Any weapon with the Reach attribute automatically out ranges a melee weapon that does not have that attribute.
Water Damage
All direct damage caused by Water Powers is treated as magical damage that uses Elemental Resistance and inflicts Impact or Crushing Injuries
Winded (CC Effect)
Prevents target from using any primary, secondary, or passive skills that require physical exertion, for the duration of the effect. This covers most, active Primary Skills but DOES NOT prevent regular mainhand and offhand attacks.