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School of Magic | Twilight |
Domain | Arcane |
Polarity | Balance |
Realm of Origin | The Realm of Dreams |
Associated Colors | Magenta, Pink, Orange, Pale Green, Silver |
Associated Materials | Moonstone |
Crafting/Enchanting Material | Lunarite |
School of Powers | Dream |
Academic Name | Oneiromancy |
Traditional Name | Lore of Dusk |
School of Powers, Volatile | Lunar |
Academic Name | Lunarmancy |
Traditional Name | Lore of Moons |
Radical theories on the nature of magic are plentiful, and numerous conjecture has been put forward by practitioners of the spiritual arts throughout the ages. However, one dominant theory among scholars, regarding the Arcane Domain, postulates that a balance must exist between Light and Dark magic. If so, then a realm of balance must exist between the order of the Dawn Realm and the chaos of the Void. If this is the case, then the Realm of Twilight would give rise to its own school of magic. While to many this is a fringe theory, it is rumored that there are those who practice Twilight magic in secret. Shunned and marginalized by both the Light and Dark colleges, the academic communities seem inclined to ignore this school of magic. However, among less formal and judgmental communities, Twilight magic does indeed thrive.
Just as when day turns to night, so too does Twilight magic exist in glorious hues of magenta and orange, or bathed in silvery moonlight. With many of its spells drawing on the unique balance of light and dark, dusk brings a potency against creatures of both origins, making it extremely useful in the Arcane Domain. With an innate calming and peaceful effect, Dream powers lull even the most vigilant into magical slumber. The lines between the waking and dreaming world begin to blur, allowing casters to enter a dream state that causes their powers to become ever more potent. As that line between reality and dreams softens, the caster’s eyes are said to glow with the colorful reflections of limitless potential and their bodies begin to blur as part of their form traverses the Realm of Dreams. From within the Realm of Dreams, possibilities become near infinite as the shackles of the physical world and its laws fall away. Dreams are powerful; bearing portents of things to come or glimpses into the hopes and fears of all creatures. As such, they can be used as a weapon, sharper than any sword and striking harder than any hammer. Perhaps the true danger of dreams is the strange peace and contentment that comes from giving oneself over to their slumbering embrace.
There is, however, a volatility to this seemingly tranquil and serene form of magic. As the sun sets and the shadows of night seek to creep across the world, it is the moon that has its time, bathing the land in its otherworldly light. For those who lean fully into the power of Twilight, Lunar powers provide a potent arsenal of mind-altering effects and even delve into the mysterious lunar curses of Lycanthropy. While the many moons that orbit an untold number of planets are each different and possess their own unique magics and even personalities, one trait persists for those who harness their magic: lunacy. The effects of Lunar Powers can drive even the wisest druid, wizard, or runeweaver to utter madness and reduce a highly disciplined mage, assassin, or battlemage into a gibbering fool. For some this is a risk worth taking, for though Lunar powers are poorly understood by most, they possess an incredible potential to bend the world to the caster’s will.
Passive Effects
Twilight Damage
- Twilight damage is its own damage type, however, if a target has a sensitivity to light damage and/or shadow damage, it also has a sensitivity to twilight damage
Other passive effects for Twilight Magic are unique to each School of Powers:
Dream Power Passives
Applies to Dream Powers only NOT Lunar Powers
- Any time a target is effected by a spell with ‘Drowsy’ in the description, they become Drowsy for 1 full round, suffering -10 resistance to Twilight spells.
- ANY twilight spell (Dream or Lunar) successfully cast on a target already under the effects of Drowsy, once its own effects are completed, puts the target to Sleep if failing an unmodified Mental Resist.
- This sleep effect is treated similar to the Deep Sleep spell, except that the duration is only 1 round or 10 minutes outside of combat.
- After any successful casting of a Dream power, up to a maximum of the highest Tier of the Caster. Many spells scale based on the stacks of Dream State available. The Dream State stack does not scale up the power that generated it because the stack is awarded AFTER the spell fully completes is stated effects. (i.e. casting Slumber Strike with no Dream State stacks currently stacked does no additional damage, but awards a stack after the spell is completed. If used again on the following turn it would deal +1d6 damage from 1 stack, THEN grant a second stack, etc…)
- As the caster’s body sinks deeper into the dream state, their form begins to blur, gaining +3AC per stack of Dreamstate
- Taking damage of any kind or NOT casting a Dream power in a given round causes one stack to fall off.
Lunar Power Passives
Volatile Powers
- All Lunar Powers are considered Volatile Powers
Lunar Empowerment
- All Lunar Powers cost 10% less Spirit (always at least 1 less) and have +5% critical casting chance when the caster is standing in moonlight. This increases to +10% if it is a full moon.
With every cast, Lunar powers increase the caster’s Lunacy, risking madness if cast without restraint.
- Each stack of Volatile Lunar energy counts as a stack of Lunacy on the caster, up to a maximum of the highest Tier of the Caster. Many spells scale based on the stacks of Lunacy available. The Lunacy stack does not scale up the power that generated it because the stack is awarded AFTER the spell fully completes is stated effects. (i.e. casting Lunar Strike with no Lunacy stacks currently stacked does no additional damage, but awards a stack after the spell is completed. If used again on the following turn it would deal +1d6 damage from 1 stack, THEN grant a second stack, etc…)
- Each stack of Lunacy counts as a stack of the psychological effect of Madness.
- The effects of madness can be resisted by passing an Intellect test (at -1 disadvantage for each stack of Lunacy), in which case no madness roll needs to be taken.
Dream & Lunar Power List
See Spirit Disciplines & Archetypes for detailed descriptions of each Discipline and Archetype (including its Critical Cast and Miscast results). Use the filters below to refine your search.
DEVELOPMENT NOTE: Volatile Twilight powers (Lunar) are still currently under development, and a full list of at least 25 Lunar powers will be released at a later date.
Spell Name | Publish | ID | Domain | School of Magic | School of Power | Discipline | Tier | Spirit Cost | Archetype | Use | Range | Description | Archetype Details | Class Restriction |
Moonfury | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Alteration | 2 | 4 | Modify | instant | 15 | Infuses a single target with pale wisps of moonlight that cause them to become irrationally angry for a brief time. This immediately grants the target 1d4 Fury per stack of Lunacy. If they do not spend this Fury by the end of their next turn, any unspent portion is taken as damage instead. • non-fury classes cannot spend fury thefore the effect is guaranteed. • The amount of fury and/or damage is modified by spell power. • If the target suffers the Curse of Lycanthropy, taking damage from this causes them to transform for 10 minutes per point of damage taken. |
Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dreamspeak | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Alteration | 3 | 15 | Modify | instant | 15 | The caster seamlessly enters a sleeping target's dreams, appearing as a vivid presence within their subconscious realm. In this modified dreamscape, the caster can engage in direct and intimate conversations with the slumbering individual, guiding their thoughts and emotions with delicate finesse. The caster may also subtly manipulate and shape the dream narrative, inserting subconscious thoughts or suggestions that the target will believe to be their own, often influencing their actions upon waking. No LoS is required, provided the caster can picture the target in thier mind, though any interruption will break the connection. When used in combat the range is limited to 15". If the caster attempts to incite the target to act against their nature, turn on an ally, or violate their deeply ingrained beliefs, a resolve test is required to resist the persuasive allure of their dreams. | Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Awaken | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Alteration | 1 | 1/Tier against (+3 per Dreamstate if causing damage) | Dispel | instant or action | 15 | can dispel one known magic effect, use resistance equal to 12x the Tier of the caster of the effect • if the effect is twlight magic, use resistance equal to 7x the Tier of the caster of the effect • if used to dispel or remove Drowsy or other magical sleep effects can choose to do so violently, inflicting 1d6+3 damage per stack of Dreamstate. If violently removing Drowsy/sleep effects that the caster was responsible for, no additional Spirit cost is required • can also be used immediately awaken a target that is naturally sleeping • if used to d • can also be used to dispel/shatter one twilight magic based enchant/crafting |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dream Walking | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Alteration | 4 | 10 | Movement | instant | 15 | The target temporarily becomes ethereal, simulataneously existing within their current location but also the Realm of Dreams. Gain +2" of movement for each stack of Dreamstate and immunity to non-magical physical damage and any kind of movement penalties. While Dream Walking, gravity has no effect and it becomes possible to move through non-magical solid matter at will. Drema Walking lasts for up to 1 hour (or until cancelled or dispelled), however using any instant or action automatically cancels the effect. | Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Lunarmeld | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Alteration | 3 | 9 | Movement | instant | 15 | Immediately move up to 6" if it will bring the target into an area of direct moonlight, a shadow cast by moonlight, or any twilight condition. At the end of that movement they can elect to become hidden even if in LoS, becoming undetected and returning 1d4 stealth | Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Lunatic Flare | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Devastation | 5 | 7 | Trigger | reaction | self | Upon reaching 3 or more stacks of Lunacy, as a reaction, vent off all stacks to deal 1d6 twilight damage per stack to all targest within 2" (including self). The stack of Lunacy generated at the completion of this spell is instead applied as a stack of Madness to any one target that took damage from this spell. | Trigger a nova like explosion that has a specific triggering mechanism |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Deep Sleep | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Alteration | 5 | 12 | Control | action | 15 | A single target falls into a deep magical sleep until it is dispelled, cancelled by the caster or the target takes any damage • if used outside of combat, damage no longer cancels the effect and caster can establish a condition of their own choosing to cancel the effect |
Control single target, LoS required with a variety of crowd control effects • hard CC typically an action • soft CC typically an instant |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dreamweaver's Construct | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Alteration | 6 | 15 | Transmute | action | 8 | Transmutes an object or concept from a sleeping target's dreams and makes it a physical object (up to XL in size), bound by the laws of the real world. While it retains the essence and characteristics of the dream, it may not possess any magical properties or abilities beyond those it naturally possesses as a physical object. • This effect can be dispelled or cancelled at will by the caster, but otherwise lasts for 1 hour. • If scoring a critical cast the effect becomes permanent, however traces of the magic remain detectable. • If scoring a natural 100 the effect is permanent and utterly undetectable or dispellable. |
Transmute alters the physical form and/or properties of the target, granting various effects |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Somnambulist | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Alteration | 5 | 16 | Channel | action (uninterrupted) | 12 | A single sleeping target is roused into a state of sleep walking where the caster gains complete control over their actions for the duration of the channeling. After the effect ends the target has no idea what they did while sleep walking. • Damage breaks the effect but must be greater than 5 for each stack fo Dreamstate • each channeling lasts for 1 hour outside of combat |
Channel Effects persist for 1 full round, typically inflicted at the beginning of the turn of any effected targets. May continue casting in consecutive rounds if paying 10% of the full spirit cost with no casting roll required, provided the caster is not interupted and did not move. • while channeling the caster counts as being Vulnerable • if the channeled power causes CC effects of some kind, it is assumed that they are one continuous CC effect • if used outside of combat the duration of the effect varies depending on the power but is immediately cancelled if the caster is interrupted or moves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dreamcast | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Alteration | 4 | 8 | Reveal | instant | 15 | Creates manifestations of a single targets dreams in the form of dreamdust, revealing their deepest hopes and fears. The dreamdust can be dispelled, but also is dispersed if hit with any kind of damage. While the dreamdust persists that target takes 50% additional damage and healing. Inflicts Drowsy. | Reveal reveals hidden mysteries of the spirit world, allowing the caster and/or allies to exploit this knowledge |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Insomnia | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Alteration | 2 | 4 | Hex | instant | 12 | Inflicts Drowsy, but prevents the target from naturally falling asleep or benfiting from any rest effects. While active the target is treated as having +1 stack of Exhaustion (even if they have none). • Consuming the hex automatically causes the target to fall asleep as if it had been hit by a Twlight power while Drowsy |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Bloodmoon | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Alteration | 1 | 5 | Environment | action | 15 | In a 15" radius around the caster, anyone touched by the light of a blood moon will experience magical effects for its duration. Use a single casting roll, where each target (friend, foe, and caster) tracks their resistance seperately. At tier 3 (and 2x spirit cost), any moon can be temporarily turned into a blood moon (for up to 1 hour), causing these effects. At tier 6 (and 3x spirit cost), the caster can cause a blood moon to appear at anytime (for up to 1 hour). Blood moon effects all targets as follows: • gain stacks of Madness equal to Lunacy stacks of the caster • +2 physical & arcane damage per stack of Lunacy on the Caster • +2 damage taken per stack of Lunacy on the Caster • cost of all arcane powers cut in half |
Environment powers with a variety of environmental effects that typically impact a large area |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Twilight Veil | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Alteration | 3 | 12 | Environment | action | 15 | Envelops an area around the target location in twilight, creating an eerie half-light that grants +3 advantage to Stealth tests and -3 disadvantage to Resolve tests for any non-allies. Any foe inside the Twlight Veil must pass a Resolve test to avoid being inflicted with Drowsy. The Twlight Veil occupies an sphere-like area witha radius equal to 10" +2" per stack of Dreamstate | Environment powers with a variety of environmental effects that typically impact a large area |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dreamgate | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Alteration | 7 | Portal | action | 3 | UNDER DEVELOPMENT | Portal Always Tier 7. Portal magic varies greatly by School but typically must be anchored to one or more fixed locations • after initially being cast/used the portals typically dissapear unless tethered to a physical location/object, in which case they instead become dormant • once dormant, portals can typically be re-activated by any spirit user (regardless of Tier) that knows the portal exists, simply by speaking a command word and paying the spirit cost for the portal power • the size of the opening is typically dictated as a 1" radius per 20 spirit used to cast the power and anything larger than this cannot pass through • portals do not typically have a suctioning effect of any kind and matter must be moved, pushed or thrown into it • some portals may also require a physical key, magical object, specific incantation, word of power, or passphrase to activate |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | ||
Dreamweaver's Shackles | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Conjuration | 4 | 3/Tier | Binding | action | 10 | Conjures shackles woven from the targets own insecurities. While shackled the target is Snared and has +30% critical cast/miscast chance (+10% per stack fo Dreamstate), even if normally immune to critical misses/casts. If the shackles are dispelled or broken against the casters will the target is Stunned for 1 round. | Binding conjures a physical restraint of some kind that applies crowd control effects to a target(s) in LoS • one target/Tier or one round/Tier or mix of both (i.e. a Tier 4 Binding power could affect one target for four rounds, or two targets for two rounds, or four targets for one round) • outside of combat treat duration as hours not rounds • typically damage will break the effect • casters may elect to only bind certain parts of the target, such as leaving the legs unbound so that a prisoner can be forced to walk on their own |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dream Catcher | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Conjuration | 1 | 2 | Utility | instant | 25 | Conjures a magical dream catcher that hovers over a single target for up to 1 day. While active it imparts the following benefits: • +15 Resist against Hex, Curse, Disease powers and any fear or mind-control related effects • receives +10% resting effects • if critically cast the effects are doubled |
Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Moonlight Visage | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Conjuration | 2 | Illusion | instant | 12 | Changes a single targets appearance to match any appearance that they can recall. The targets new appearance must be the same creature size for the illusion to appear authentic. The target will also sound like the illusionary target when it speaks, but this does not grant the ability to speak or understand other languages. While Moonlight Visage is active, the targets true form is temporarily revealed while they stand in direct moonlight. | Illusion Conjures a visible illusion that lacks true physical characteristics. Upon successfully casting, any creature that relies on conventional sight as its primary source of perception will believe the illusion to be real if the casting value is greater than their mental resistance. • illusions can't directly influence physical matter, nor can they inflict any kind of damage or effects • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed • dispel resistance is equal to the original casting value of the illusion • if there is evidence to suggest that the illusion might not be real, creatures may pass a Wisdom or Perception test to see through the illusion and therefore not be affected by it in anyway • GMs may choose to add advantage or disadvantage modifiers to these rolls depending on the situation. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | ||
Phantasmal Phalanx | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Conjuration | 3 | 5 per squad | Illusion | instant | 12 | Creates an illusionary force of warriors that can take any formation the caster chooses, within range of the caster. Squads are no more than 10 dream warriors. The warriors can only appear if twlight, moonlight or low-light conditions, while direct sunlight or deep darkness makes them invisible. While they can act in a threatening manner and feigh attacks that will trick most common foes, they cannot deal any direct damage. | Illusion Conjures a visible illusion that lacks true physical characteristics. Upon successfully casting, any creature that relies on conventional sight as its primary source of perception will believe the illusion to be real if the casting value is greater than their mental resistance. • illusions can't directly influence physical matter, nor can they inflict any kind of damage or effects • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed • dispel resistance is equal to the original casting value of the illusion • if there is evidence to suggest that the illusion might not be real, creatures may pass a Wisdom or Perception test to see through the illusion and therefore not be affected by it in anyway • GMs may choose to add advantage or disadvantage modifiers to these rolls depending on the situation. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Conjure Dreamstalker | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Conjuration | 2 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating (per minion) | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Summons 1 Dreamstalker (+1 per stack of Dreamstate) from the Realm of Dreams to act as the caster's minion(s) | Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Conjure Dream Pixie | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Conjuration | 3 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating | Familiar | 10 minutes | 3 | Sumonas a Dream Pixie from the Realm to Dreams to act as the caster's familiar | Familiar Conjures/summons an active Familiar under the casters control • requires 2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • can only be cast once per day and can never have more than one Familiar at a time • critical casts allow for the Familiars HP to be rolled twice, selecting the highest results • conjured Familiar appears within range of the caster and prefer to stay close to their master • Familiar acts independently of the caster on its own Initiative Score but will obey the casters commands unless they would be against its nature • Familiar disappears if the caster dismisses it (which counts as an instant), caster is knocked unconscious or sleeps, or if Familiar's HP drop below 0 • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Familiar typicaly dissapears but is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Conjure Lunar Hydra | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Conjuration | 4 | 9+3/Head | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | Conjures a magical hydra with MUST HAVE 1 head/stack of Lunacy, where each head spits 1 'Moonbeam' per round. The Moonbeams are treated as being powered by a single stack of Lunacy each. However, if a target is hit by more than one of the Hydra's moonbeams, treat each Moonbeam as a seperate attack but powered by a number of Lunacy stacks equal to the number of beams hitting the target. • Each time the hydra takes 10 or more damage it loses 1 head (no AC or resists). • Can only lose multiple heads from a single attack if it is AoE or multi-target • Hydra despawns when no there are no heads remaining. |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Conjure Dreamwatcher | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Conjuration | 6 | 32 | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | Conjures a phantasmal guardian that excells at watching over targets as they sleep. The Dreamwatcher is tethered to a specific target location or person but can move within a 2" radius of the target. The Dreamwatcher is ethereal and immune to all non-magical physical damage. Its AC and resistances are equal to 20 and its HP equals 30, all of which increase by +10 per stack of Dreamstate. If watching over a sleeping target, all dice rolls can be re-rolled. The Dreamwatcher can use the following attacks: • Dreamscythe x2: melee attack that deals 3d8 twilight damage and inflicts Drowsy • Dreambolt: 15" ranged attack, deals 5d8 twilight damage and inflicts Drowsy • Dream Shield: instant, can only cast on the target it is watching over • Awaken: instant, range limited within its radius |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Totem of the Sightless Eye | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Conjuration | 1 | 5 | Totem | instant | 8 | Targets in a 2" radius around the Totem of the Sightless Eye cannot see anything outside of the totem's radius that the caster does not wish them to see. The totem itself is invisible to anyone inside its radius, but appears as a glowing crescent moon to anyone not within its radius. | Totem Conjures/summons a stationary object or entity that has an effect in an area around it • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Totems from previous castings are no longer present • lasts for 1 +1/Tier of caster rounds (minutes if out of combat) or until destroyed or dispelled • totems are typically 10-20 inches tall ("tiny", size mod -4) and have 10 HP and 0 AC/Resist unless otherwise stated • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Totem of Hibernation | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Conjuration | 5 | 10 | Totem | instant | 8 | Targets in a 2" radius around the Totem of Hibernation are immediately inflicted with Drowsy, and if not exiting the radius by the end of thier turn, they are put to Sleep. While within the radius, any target that is already under the effects of Sleep enters a state of deep hibernation. While in Hibernation, damage does not wake the target but all healing effects are doubled. If cast out of combat the totem can last for years at a time, provided it is periodically infused with Dream magic. | Totem Conjures/summons a stationary object or entity that has an effect in an area around it • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Totems from previous castings are no longer present • lasts for 1 +1/Tier of caster rounds (minutes if out of combat) or until destroyed or dispelled • totems are typically 10-20 inches tall ("tiny", size mod -4) and have 10 HP and 0 AC/Resist unless otherwise stated • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Scythe of the Silver Cresent | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Conjuration | 3 | 11 | Weapon | instant or action | self | Conjures the Scythe of the Silver Crescent, which takes the form of a large razor sharp crescent blade pole weapon that glows with silvery moonlight. • Requires 2 hands to wield on its own, but can instead be conjured onto the end of an existing staff or pole weapon • inflicts 2d10 damage with Ward-off, Reach 2, and deals +2 damage per stack of Lunacy on the caster • Can alternatively be swung as a ranged attack, which sends out 2 seperate moonlight crescents up to 20", each dealing 1d10 twilight damage +1 damage per stack of Lunacy on the caster • Lunacy damage bonus applies for both regular and quasi-sentient versions |
Weapon can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Weapons from previous castings are no longer present • conjures a magical weapon that can be wielded (by caster only) like any weapon for its duration (must adhere to weapon proficiency rules) • conjuration lasts for 1 round +1/Tier of Caster (minutes if out of combat) or until dispelled/canceled/sheathed • critical casts do not conjure an additional weapon but instead extend the duration by +1 round • if used as an action, the weapon becomes quasi-sentient and can magically move (up to 4") and attack on its own (with no modifiers) • quasi-sentient weapons do not benefit from weapon or combat pecialiazations of the caster • quasi-sentient weapon conjurations automatically disappear if they move more than 8" away from the caster • weapon conjurations can be dispelled at any time |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Nocturne Bow | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Conjuration | 5 | 17 | Weapon | instant or action | self | Conjures the Nocturne Bow, which takes the form of a bow or crossbow constructed of dreamdust, which fires projectiles that constantly change as they travel through the air. • deals 1d12+1d8 twilight damage +3 per stack of Dreamstate and inflicts Drowsy • counts as -10 armor piercing and Stealthy 1, per stack of Dreamstate |
Weapon can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Weapons from previous castings are no longer present • conjures a magical weapon that can be wielded (by caster only) like any weapon for its duration (must adhere to weapon proficiency rules) • conjuration lasts for 1 round +1/Tier of Caster (minutes if out of combat) or until dispelled/canceled/sheathed • critical casts do not conjure an additional weapon but instead extend the duration by +1 round • if used as an action, the weapon becomes quasi-sentient and can magically move (up to 4") and attack on its own (with no modifiers) • quasi-sentient weapons do not benefit from weapon or combat pecialiazations of the caster • quasi-sentient weapon conjurations automatically disappear if they move more than 8" away from the caster • weapon conjurations can be dispelled at any time |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dreamweaver's Tapestry | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Conjuration | 6 | 12 | Obstacle | action | 30 | Conjures a magical tapestry woven from the very fabric of dreams that weaves throughout the battlefield. While within the 30" of the caster, allies can benefit from medium cover at will and move at 1.5x their normal movement. Enemies are treated as though they are crossing difficult terrain and suffer +10% critical miss/miscast chance per stack of Dreamstate. The caster can consume the effect to turn the tapestry into an area of seemingly natural terrain for the remaining duration. | Obstacle creates physical obstacles on the battlefield where they did not exist before • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat, unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Eternal Dreamweaver | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Conjuration | 7 | Supreme | action | 8 | UNDER DEVELOPMENT | Supreme Always Tier 7 • summons a supremely powerful entity that the caster has no control over whatsoever • acts immediately, according to its own Initiative Score • worth XP if slain |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | ||
Dreamweaver's Missile | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Destruction | 1 | 2 +2 per Dreamstate | Missile | action | 30 | Fires a projectile manifested from the casters own dreams that grows in size based on the casters Dreamstate • Causes 1d4 damage +1d6 per stack of Dreamstate • Inflicts Drowsy. |
Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Lunar Strike | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Destruction | 3 | 4 | Strike | action | melee | +1d6 twilight damage per stack of Lunacy. Caster may re-roll any of the damage dice once (including the weapon damage dice), but for each dice that results in a higher number the caster gains 1 additional stack of Lunacy. | Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Slumber Strike | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Destruction | 4 | 5 | Strike | action | melee | +1d6 twilight damage per stack of Dreamstate. Treats the target as though it is Drowsy even if it is not. | Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dreamstealer's Grasp | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Destruction | 2 | 6 | Shock | action | melee | With a touch, the caster reaches into the targets mind and violently rips a dream from their subconscious, empowering the casters next attack with the target's own insecurities. Causes 4 damage +1d8 per stack of Dream and inflicts Drowsy. The next attack/power used against that same target before the end of the casters next turn gains half of this damage (before modfiers or crits) as bonus damage if it hits. The bonus damage can be immediately applied to a regular off-hand attack or off-hand fist or kick Focus skill. | Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Moonfire | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Destruction | 1 | 3 | DOT | instant | 20 | A single target is engulfed in moonlight that burns like flame, inflicting 1d4 twilight damage per stack of Lunacy each round. The moonfire can only be quenched if hit by light or shadow magic, or if the target is in direct sunlight or total darkness, but can be dispelled as normal. | DOT no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects), damage bonus applies on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Twlights Requiem | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Destruction | 2 | 6 | DOT | instant | 20 | A mournful song assaults the target's ears, heard only by them. Deals 1d4+3 damage and inflicts Drowsy each round, but cannot put the target to sleep on its own. Damage casued by Twilights Requiem does NOT wake up a sleeping target or break other forms of hard CC. | DOT no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects), damage bonus applies on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Lunar Cycle | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Destruction | 4 | 8 | Amplify | instant | self | Lunar Cycle does NOT add a Volatile (Lunacy) stack when cast but does still count a s avolatile power. The next lunar destruction power cast gains the following effects based on the current lunar cycle (and ignoring tier restrictions on Lunacy stacks): • New Moon: power does not add a stack of Lunacy upon completion • Waxing: power casts as though caster had 1 more stack of Lunacy than they currently do. • Full: power casts as though caster had 2 more stack of Lunacy than they currently do. • Waning: power casts as though caster had 1 more stack of Lunacy than they currently do and does not add a stack of Lunacy upon completion. |
Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Descent into Dreams | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Destruction | 3 | 8 | Amplify | instant | self | the caster gains an addtional stack of Dreamstate and treats their next destruction power as though they had 1 more stack of Dreamstate than they actually do, even exceeding their maximum allowable stacks of Dreamstate. | Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Gibbering Skull | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Destruction | 4 | 11 | Shot | action | 24 | A skull made from wispy moonlight laughs maniacally as it surges towards a target, dealing 4d8 twilight damage. If the target fails a resolve test (at -2 disadvantage for each stack of Lunacy on the caster), they are knocked down and are effectively incapacitated as they laugh uncontrollably for 1 round. For each damage dice that rolls a 1, add an additional round to the duration. If lasting for more than1 round, the target takes a resolve test at the start of each new turn to see if the effect continues. Taking damage of any kind (execpt mental) breaks the effect. | Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dusk Shot | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Destruction | 3 | 9 | Shot | action | 24 | A ball of swirling magic strikes the target for 1d12 light damage and 1d12 shadow damage, +2 twilight damage per stack of Dreamstate. • Inflicts Drowsy. |
Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Beast Beneath the Skin | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Destruction | 2 | 6 | Burst | action | 12 | A hideous twilight beast attempts to rip itself out of the targets own flesh, inflicting 1d6 damage +1d6 per stack of Lunacy. For each damage dice that rolls a 1, the beast manifests for that many rounds, activating at the start of each of that the target subsequent turns. The manifestation uses a melee attack (with no additonal modifiers) against the nearest conscious/awake target that deals 2d6 twilight damage. The twlight beast has no armor but 15 Dodge (AC 15) and 10 HP, but is sensitive to both Light and Dark. | Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Duskfall | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Destruction | 5 | 12 | Burst | action | 12 | A rush of dusk magic descends upon the target dealing 1d4+1d6+1d8+1d10+1d12 damage. After rolling the caster must assign 2 dice as Light damage and 3 dice as Shadow damage. For each stack of Dreamstate the caster can re-roll a damage dice of their choice (without changing its damage type), but if the result is lower than the orginal the dice is lost. If the target takes both types of damage then inflict Drowsy. | Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dream Seal | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Destruction | 7 | 30 | Seal | 5 minutes per Tier | 3 | Anyone attempting to break or tamper with the seal will cause it to briefly flash with dusklight and cause them to fall into a Deep Sleep for 1 hour. While asleep they will be plagued by violent dreams which inflict 5+1d10 twilight damage every 15 minutes (this damage does not awaken the target) • if the seal is broken the object it is placed on (and anything inside if its a container) will be immediately transported to the Realm of Dreams • whomever broke the seal will have their spirit ripped from their body and also transported to the Realm of Dreams where it will remain lost until reunited with their sleeping body which remains in a hibernation like state. |
Seal places a magical seal on an object (i.e. a door, chest, book, etc...) • can be visible or invisible • typically granted a single method of being safely opened or re-sealed (i.e. a command, incantation, gesture, key, etc..) • when incorrectly attempting to open the seal (i.e lock pick, incorrect command, etc..) there are typically minor effects to warn against further tampering • if the seal is broken through force or dispelled in any way it inflicts damage and effects to whoever broke it, any permanent or long term effects can typically be dispelled, or can be ended by using the same method that would have safely opened the seal • if scoring a critical cast at the time the seal is created, it stores twice the energy and will do double damage whenever it is finally broken • if the seals effects require an additional casting roll upon breaking it is with no modifiers and cannot critically cast or miscast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Imbue Madness | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Destruction | 2 | 3 | Imbue | instant | 4 | on hit, if the target fails a Resolve test (at -2 disadvantage for each stack of Lunacy on the caster), inflicts one stack of Madness. If successful, the caster may consume a stack of Lunacy to add an additonal stack of Madness on the target. | Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Imbue Drowsy | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Destruction | 1 | 2 | Imbue | instant | 4 | inflicts Drowsy | Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Eternal Slumber | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Destruction | 6 | 1.5x Targets Threat Rating | Death | action | 3 | The target falls into a deathly slumber that causes it to appear as though dead, if not awoken within 1 day the target can never be awoken and will eventually waste away and die of malnourishment | Death Always Tier 7 • single target, short ranged LOS, cause instant death (some restrictions apply) • can only be successfully used once per day |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Slumberflare | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Devastation | 5 | 21 | Bomb | instant | 12 | Remains on the target until it falls asleep, either magically or naturally, at which point all targets in a 3" radius take 5d8 twilight damage. If this damage would drop their HP to zero or less they are instead put to Sleep. | Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Moonfall | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Devastation | 6 | 28 | Multi | action | 24 | Six bolts of burning moonlight fall from the sky, dealing 1d6 twilight damage per stack of Lunacy. For every bolt assigned to the same target location, instead of dealing additonal damage apply the damage of a single bolt in 1" radius per additional bolt assigned to the target (i.e. all 6 bolts on one target deals 1d6/lunacy in a 5" radius). LOS is established from the position of the moon in the sky instead of from the casters location. If there is no moon currently in the sky, the bolts are assigned randomly within range (i.e. using scatter dice). | Multi Fires multiple projectiles where LoS is required on each target • can't cast on targets in base contact • targets can add Dodge to Resistance • use a seperate casting roll for each target, however any Miscast(s) does not prevent the other rolls from succeeding (effectively done simultaneously) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Echoes of Dusk | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Devastation | 2 | 8 | Multi | action | 24 | A single target is struck by a bolt of dusk magic, dealing 1d6 light and 1d6 shadow damage. The bolt then splits into 2 smaller bolts for each stack of Dreamstate and bounces from the initial target to other targets within range and LoS. The split bolts must be designated as light and shadow damage, and can be assigned to targets as the caster sees fit. Any target that takes both light and shadow damage is inflicted with Drowsy. | Multi Fires multiple projectiles where LoS is required on each target • can't cast on targets in base contact • targets can add Dodge to Resistance • use a seperate casting roll for each target, however any Miscast(s) does not prevent the other rolls from succeeding (effectively done simultaneously) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dusk Surge | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Devastation | 4 | 12 | Cone | action | Cone Template | cone inflicts 2d8+5 light damage then is flipped back on itself or redirected in another direction (of the casters choice) inflicting 1d6 shadow damage per stack of Dreamstate • any target that takes both forms of damage is also inflicted with Drowsy |
Cone Effects a three dimensional area in a cone originating from the casters location that is 8" long and 3" wide at the end (or using wargaming Cone Template). Unless otherwise stated, uses a single casting roll and allows partially covered targets to add dodge to their resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Moon Beam | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Devastation | 3 | 7 +3 per Dreamstate | Beam | action | 8 | A beam of pale moon light erupts from the caster, dealing 6 damage + 1d6 per stack of Lunacy. • Causes anything it touches to reveal its true form and causing illusions dissapear while the moon beam is in contact with them. • Any hidden targets touched by the moonbeam are automatically revealed. • If targets are a stealth class they must instead pass a stealth test (at -1 disadvantage per stack of lunacy) or become detected. • Targets revealed by the moonbeam take 50% more damage. |
Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Ray of Somnolence | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Devastation | 1 | 5 +3 per Dreamstate | Beam | action | 8 | 4 damage + 1d6 per stack of Dream State • single hit roll to all targets along a line • Inflicts Drowsy on all targets. |
Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Slumbering Trap | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Devastation | 3 | 8 | Trap | action | 20 | 1" radius +0.5" per stack of Dreamstate. The area erupts with twilight magic, dealing 4d6 damage and then immediately putting the targets to sleep. Even if the spell is resisted Slumbering Trap still automatically inflilcts Drowsy. | Trap sets a two dimensional area of effect trap on the ground (or in a single plane of space) that is triggered when something enters or moves through the given radius surrounding a target point • upon being triggered the area of effect moves up from the base, a distance equal to the radius, to form a cylinder area of effect • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dusklight Clash | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Devastation | 4 | 12 | Blast | action | 24 | Light and shadow crash into each other in a 2" radius, dealing 8 twilight damage +1d8 per stack of Dreamstate and inflicting Drowsy | Blast Has an area of effect in a spherical radius around the target point • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Blast powers are projectile based, and unless otherwise stated move in a straight line from the caster to the target point |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Hideous Grin | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Devastation | 2 | 11 | Plague | action | 20 | Effected targets grin uncontrollably even as they suffer 1d6 damage per round. After taking damage from this spell each round they gain 1 stack of Madness. When the spell ends all Madness it caused is immediately removed. | Plague a damage-over-time power that spreads to any target within 3" at the start of an infected targets turn • no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that the initial target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, when duration expires on original target it is removed from ALL targets • resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects) • damage bonus applies to initial target and on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Oneiric Plague | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Devastation | 6 | 29 | Plague | action | 20 | 2d8 damage and inflicts drowsy. Each time damage is deal it counts as though an other Twlight spell was cast, potentially causing the target to fall asleep. If the target is asleep, all damage dealt by Oneric plague is increased by +2 per stack of Dreamstate and this damage does not wake the target. | Plague a damage-over-time power that spreads to any target within 3" at the start of an infected targets turn • no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that the initial target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, when duration expires on original target it is removed from ALL targets • resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects) • damage bonus applies to initial target and on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Wild Hunt | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Devastation | 4 | 32 | Storm | action | 15 | Temporarily summons an ethereal pack of were creatures from the Realm of Dreams that attack everything in a 4" radius. Inflicts 1d12 twilight damage +1d6 per stack of Lunacy. Any target that takes damage gains one stack of Madness for every 6+ rolled on any of the damage dice. | Storm Has a large cylindrical area of effect in a radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Storm powers are typically not considered projectile based even if the component causing the damage is a projectile (i.e. cannot be blocked) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Somnium Vortex | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Devastation | 5 | 30 | Storm | action | 15 | 2.5" radius +0.5" per stack of Dreamstate. A vortex of wild colors and shapes coalesce upon the area, drawn from the collective dreams of all effected targets dealing 4d8 damage and inflicting Drowsy. All targets in the area, regardless of resisting the spell, must pass a Resolve test or on thier next turn they will attack the closest target to them, friend or foe. | Storm Has a large cylindrical area of effect in a radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Storm powers are typically not considered projectile based even if the component causing the damage is a projectile (i.e. cannot be blocked) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Ring of Twilight | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Devastation | 3 | 8 | Nova | action | 2 | 2d8 twilight damage +2 per stack of Dreamstate, inflicts Drowsy. | Nova radiates outwards from the caster on all sides, up to a radius defined by Range • use a single casting roll with no Dodge allowed • does not affect that caster themselves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Oneiric Clash | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Devastation | 7 | 45 | Ultimate | action | battlefield | A powerful spell that weaves the threads of dreams into reality, causing all individuals on the battlefield, friends, and foes alike, to unknowingly fall into a collective dream battle. Within this dream realm, the participants perceive themselves engaged in a fully immersive and visceral combat scenario that mirrors the actual battlefield. They fight with their full abilities and perceive the dream battle as completely real. The caster must maintain focus and concentration to sustain the spell. As long as the spell remains uninterrupted, the dream battle persists. Participants can engage in the dream battle as they would a regular combat encounter, or the narrative elements can take precedence, allowing players to explore the depths of their subconscious and confront their deepest fears and desires. Once the effect ends, all participants return to their original positions with their physical forms unharmed, retaining the same stats, HP, and status they had when the spell began. However, those who were injured or killed within the dream battle will suffer from lasting mental and nerve injuries linked to their dream-induced wounds. The degree of Degree of Psychological Impact is as follows: • Unconscious = Mild • Minor Wound = Moderate • Serious Wound = Severe • Critical Wound = Extreme • Fatal Wound/death = Uncontrollable |
Ultimate Always Tier 7 • battlefield wide AoE damage (with an upper limit) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Penumbral Shield | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Fortification | 5 | 10 | Shield | instant | 10 | Creates a 1d12+10 damage shield that works against all types of magic damage and also negates all Arcane based effects • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts stacks of Madness equal to the stacks of Lunacy the caster had at the time they case the Penumbral shield. |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dream Shield | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Fortification | 2 | 7 | Shield | instant | 10 | creates a 1d12+10 arcane damage shield that negates all Twilight and dream based effects • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts Drowsy • if already Drowsy this instead triggers the sleep effect |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dreamers Reverie | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Fortification | 3 | 6 | Empower | instant | self | while active, gain +1 stack of Dreamstate at the start of each subsequent turn (or every 10 minutes out of combat) • consume to immediately max out your Dreamstate stacks |
Empower self cast buff with positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Empower spells may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Empower immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if an Empower is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Moon Luck | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Fortification | 3 | 6 | Boon | instant | 4 | Bestows the fickle luck of the moon upon a target allowing them to re-roll a single undesirable dice roll, but applying a stack of Lunacy on the caster each time the target does so. Must abide by second roll (this can include forcing an enemy to re-roll). • Consume to immediately remove all stacks of Lunacy from the orginal caster that these re-rolls added, but causes next roll made to be rolled twice with the less desireable result being used. |
Boon single target buff • no LOS required, but caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Boons may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Boon immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if a Boon is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Twilight's Rest | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Fortification | 2 | 4 | Boon | instant | 4 | Heals 1d6 HP each round of combat or 1d6 HP for every hour spent resting out of combat • inflicts Drowsy • consume to receive 6d6 healing but then immediately fall asleep |
Boon single target buff • no LOS required, but caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Boons may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Boon immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if a Boon is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Moonlit Requiem | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Fortification | 1 | 5 | Healing | action | 15 | A single target receives 1d6+1 healing + (1d6+1) per stack of Lunacy. • For each 6 rolled, the target recieves one stack of madness and the caster adds 1 stack of Lunacy. • For each 1 rolled, the target removes one stack of madness and the caster removes 1 stack of Lunacy |
Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Healing Dreams | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Fortification | 3 | 6 | Healing | action | 15 | A single target receives 1d8+4 healing + 1d6 per stack of Dreamstate, inflicting Drowsy • if cast on a target that is asleep or about to fall asleep (naturally or magically) the healing effects are doubled (before modifiers) |
Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Lunatic Shroud | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Fortification | 4 | 15 | Armor | instant | self | While active ignore 5 damage per stack of Lunacy. For every full 5 damage negated remove 1 stack of Lunacy. If at any point the caster no longer has any stacks of Lunacy the Lunatic Shroud immediately dissapears. • While active, may consume a Lunacy stack at any time to add +1 advantage to a Stealth, Honor or Focus roll. |
Armor Self cast only. Armor remains in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed by certain conditions being met |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Armor of Eventide | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Fortification | 5 | 15 | Armor | instant | self | while active gain +5 Armor & Arcane Resist per stack of Dreamstate and while in low-light, shadows or twlight conditions can re-hide even if in LoS • after 3 sucessful armor saves or Arcane resists, the Eventide armor is destroyed but the target that destroyed it automatically falls asleep |
Armor Self cast only. Armor remains in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed by certain conditions being met |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dream Ward | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Fortification | 2 | 5 | Ward | instant | 8 | while ward is active target can not have its dreams manipulated or controlled in any way and is immune to any negative effects associated with nightmares • when consumed the ward grants +50 Arcane Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Dream powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Twilight Sanctuary | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Fortification | 3 | 4 +4 per Dreamstate | Shell | action | self | Creates a safe haven within the dream realm centered on the caster, but can extend up to 2" per stack of Dreamstate. Anyone caught within the the Twlight Sanctuary takes a turn (in proper turn order), however they cannot move outside the Twlight Sanctuary or use any offensive instants or actions, though they can cast beneficial spells on those outside the sanctuary. Once everyone within the sanctuary has taken a turn (including the caster) the effect ends and the regular turn order resumes. | Shell defensive powers that erect a stationary shell or field of influence around the caster and typically reduce incoming damage • unless otherwise stated as "self-cast only", the shell is a 1" per Tier radius, centered on the caster, and thus may envelop other targets (friend, foe, or inanimate objects) • the effects of the shell are typically only considered at the boundary, while all targets inside the shell are unaffected • remains in play for duration of battle, or until dispelled or expended • attacks with additional effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not generally inflict their effects if the damage does penetrate the shell • while within the shell the caster may on subsequent turns, refresh the shell back to its original state (effectively recasting at the same Tier of power) for 1/2 the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dream Vision | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Fortification | 1 | 2/Tier | Synergy | instant | 4 | The caster immediately gains an additonal stack of Dreamstate. The target gains +1 Advantage per Tier to d20 rolls for Faith, Focus, Stealth, and Honor. | Synergy single target • typically remains in play until consumed or dispelled • carries benefits based on the class mechanics of the target • mixed classes must choose a single mechanic to benefit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Dreamweaver's Sigil | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Fortification | 4 | 15 | Defense | instant | self | A magical sigil woven from the very fabric of dreams envelops the caster. The sigil can take three reactions before it dissipates. Available reactions are: • The sigil intercepts any projectile based ranged attack or LoS power, reducing its damage by half. • Any target that intends to move into base contact is intercepted by the sigil, Snaring them, and inflicting Slow (for this turn only) and Drowsy if they fail an Arcane resist. • Any incoming heal is increased by 10% +10% per stack of Dreamstate on the caster. |
Defense Self cast only. Effects remain in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed. • active magical defenses typically aimed at preventing or discouraging opponents from targeting or moving into base contact with the caster |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Somnalent Dreamlord | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Dream | Fortification | 7 | Avatar | instant | self | UNDER DEVELOPMENT | Avatar always Tier 7 • self cast only • transforms the caster into a powerful avatar of the particular School of Spirit powers invoked • can only ever be one Avatar (for a particular School of Spirit powers) in existence in a given Realm at any time • if an Avatar is already active the spell will automatically fail. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | ||
Conjure Lycanthrope | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Conjuration | 3 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating (per minion) | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Summons 1 Lycanthrope (see CoC) from the Realm of Dreams to act as the caster's minion(s). Where: • T3 = Lunar, New Moon • T4 = Lunar, Old Moon • T5 = Feral, Savage • T6 = Feral, Alpha |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Spelleater | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Alteration | 2 | 1 +1/Tier against | Counter | reaction | 12 | After an enemy caster has sucessfully cast a spirit power but before applying its effects, as a reaction, the caster opens their mouth and attempts to consume the spell. Spelleater does not generate volatile stacks (Lunacy) on its own, but rather based on the outcome fo the spell. • If successful (vs offensive): the damage and/or effects of the spell are cancelled but the caster gains 1 stack of Lunacy per Tier of the opposing caster. • If successful (vs defensive/beneficial): the benefits/effects of the spell are applied to the caster but generate 1 stack of Lunacy per Tier of the opposing caster. If failing (vs offensive): the spell is redirected to the caster as the target and generates 1 stack of Lunacy • If failing (vs defensive/beneficial): spelleater simply fails and generates 1 stack of Lunacy. |
Counter When a target casts a spell, use reaction to interrupt, cancel, counter, redirect or reflect it. The enemy caster gains bonus resistance to the effect equal to 5x thier max Tier of power. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
Lycanthropy | yes | Arcane | Twilight | Lunar | Alteration | 6 | 25 | Transmute | action | 8 | Magically harnesses the Curse of Lycanthropy and infects a single target, turning them into a were-creature based on the most eligible creature that is nearest to the target at the time. If another were-creature is nearby, this supercedes the presence of other creatures. If used during a full moon, the target will transform immediately, otherwise it will lay dormant until the first full moon. • See https://realmofstrife.com/codex-of-creation/third-creation/monsters for details |
Transmute alters the physical form and/or properties of the target, granting various effects |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver |