While Order and Chaos had been at odds long before Good and Evil existed, Demons were the first true representation of Evil. Not only did they rebel against the First Creation, seeking to unravel the Order of Creation and return all things back to Chaos, they did so with selfish and malevolent intent. Demon’s thrive on pain and suffering, and pursue ever changing goals based on their own personal whims. The only time they are united in common purpose, is when a demon more powerful or more influential forces them to do so. Even then, they are constantly looking for a chance to overthrow their masters and seek their own ends. Of the twin Realms of the Hell Domain, it is the Demonic Depths that are the true home of the Demons. It is a violent and treacherous place even for the demons who lord over the mortal souls that are held captive there in eternal torment.
The Codex of Creation separates demons into several metaraces or types, based on the general aims of each, and ranked from least powerful or significant to most:
Sin Demons
Sin Demons are the first and most numerous type of demons, dedicated to corrupting mortals of the Third creation by leading them ever deeper into sin. The ultimate goal of most Sin Demons is either consuming their souls or capturing their souls in Hell at the behest of their masters.
Sin Demons come in seven varieties or species, one for each of the seven deadly sins: Read more…
Succubi – Demons of Lust
Succubi are shape-shifters and can take on almost any form to suit their need, but their natural form is that of an exceptionally beautiful or desirable humanoid female, with only minor features that betray its demonic blood such as small horns and a barbed tail. They also have leathery wings that they can summon forth from their backs at will. As Demons of Lust they excel in offering temptation to mortals, fouling their souls with unspeakable debauchery. Their typical victims are men, but there are of course always exceptions. Succubi avoid combat at all costs, using their natural shape-shifting abilities and sensual figures to charm their way out of most situations. If they must fight they tend towards mental attacks, only resorting to physical combat as a last ditch effort. When forced into service by other demons they once again use their shape shifting abilities to infiltrate the enemy and cause chaos from within.
Devourers – Demons of Gluttony
Devourers are grotesquely bloated and slow moving, usually greenish-yellow with a large mouth situated on their belly, lined with razor sharp teeth. Their appetites are insatiable, and they love to lead mortals down the path of gluttony, whether that be excessive eating, or any of unwholesome appetite taken to the extreme. In combat they are horrific to behold, reveling in slaughter as they consume the corpses of the fallen and shrugging of wounds due to the enormity of their fatty flesh. Demon overlords employ Devourers as front rank heavy melee troops, that can anchor a battle-line even in the face of overwhelming odds.
Mimics – Demons of Greed
While many demons are shape-shifters, the Mimics are the true masters of the art. Naturally they have frail and hunched over bodies with dark skin and narrow yellow eyes, however they are almost never found in this form. Instead they are most fond of of taking on the form of treasure. Many an adventurer has lost and arm when he opened what he thought was a treasure chest only to discover its teeth. Mimics thrive on the greed of mortals, using it as a weapon against them. This makes them highly prized by Overlords for recon and infiltration missions.
Froggorts – Demons of Sloth
Froggorts are sometimes simply referred as Frog Demons due to their frog like features, especially the head and hands. They love nothing more than to lead mortals into a daze of sluggish and unhealthy behavior and are known for polluting wells and befouling streams. To catch the gaze of they enormous bulbous eyes is to find yourself drifting into a dreadful sleep. Though slow moving, they frog like legs allow them to hop long distances when required, and they are quite adept as a ranged support unit within the hordes of the Demonic armies.
Vrock – Demons of Anger
The Vrock are Demons of Anger and possess large wings and vulture like heads. Their pale skinned bodies are usually dressed in tattered clothing, giving them an overall look of a carrion creature. But as frightening as their form is, it holds nothing compared to the unbridled rage they exude. Even their very blood burns with anger, something they use to their advantage in combat. Vrock often wade into the thick of battle with thier viciously long claws, but only that they might sustain injuries and fuel their rage. As their blood leaves their body it catches flame and swirls around them. Once they are satisfied they take to the skies and launch their own burning blood against their foes as deadly projectiles. This makes them highly versatile as an aerial support unit. When not fighting, which is seldom enough, they spend their days enticing mortals to ever greater outbursts of uncontrollable anger, leading down a dark and violent path from which their is usually no return.
Incubi – Demons of Envy
Though similar in many respects to Succubi, including their ability to shape-shift with ease, the Incubi prefer the natural form of a handsome and desirable humanoid male. As with Succubi, they posses small horns but no tail. Their wings are larger than that of a Succubi, but can also be summoned at will. While often mistaken simply for the male counterpart to the Succubi, an Incubi has all together different motives. While they more often prey upon females, they will gleefully promote unhealthy desire in any mortal willing to listen to their silver tongued lies. Incubi thrive upon arousing feelings of jealously, discontent and resentfulness regarding others possessions, personalities, relationships or fortunes. If need be they can summon weapons out of thin air to defend themselves. However, while adept at combat, they would always prefer to talk their way out of most conflict, for they are supernaturally charming creatures. This, combined with their shape shifting capabilities, make them expert double diplomats, negotiators, and double agents among the ever shifting powers that rule the Realm of Abomination.
Naga – Demons of Pride
The Naga are serpentine creatures, at home in water or on land. From the waist down their body is that of a thick scaled serpent while their upper body resembles an elven female. They would almost be considered beautiful if not for the sinister serpent-like eyes, forked tongues and the disturbing presence of multiple arms. In battle they are a terrifying flurry of blades, but their true strength comes from their ability to command. Natural leaders among other demons, they possess a wealth of tactical battle wisdom that is derived from a shared memory of every battle ever fought by a Naga since the Downfall. When they set themselves to the corruption of the mortal races they do so by appealing to their pride, convincing them that they are somehow special and set part from their peers. Before long a well groomed mortal will view itself as so far above and superior to others and can they easily be convinced to commit atrocities that it would never before have considered.
Realm Demons
Realm Demons are dedicated to corrupting the fundamental elements and components of Creation by taking pieces of the Second Creation as their own, infusing their forms with the essence of one of the Realms of Origin.
While not as numerous as Sin Demons, they comprise the largest variety of species, with one for each of the nine Realms of Origin: Read more…
Wendigo – Demon of Nature
Chronostras – Demon of Time
Quasit – Demon of Mana
Etheron – Demon of Shadow
False Angel – Demon of Light
Gargoyle – Demon of Stone
Harpy – Demon of Storms
Gorgol – Demon of Flame
Niflwolfen – Demon of Winter
Ruinous Demons

Swinegor, Demon of Hatred – Generated with AI
Ruinous Demons are dedicated to corrupting and undermining the individual pillars upon which creation and civilizations are founded, either in the pursuit of chaos, or by the will of their masters. Able to manipulate significance forces, they are a dangerous and subversive race of demons.
There are four species of Ruinious Demons, one to topple each of the four pillars are creation: Read more…
Festron – Demon of Pestilence
Hellmouth – Demon of Corruption
Insidion – Demon of Fear
Swinegor – Demon of Hatred
Apocalypse Demons
Apocalypse Demons are dedicated to bringing about the end of all creation, all realms, all Kingdoms, and all things, in order to return the multiverse to chaos. They are very rare, but extremely powerful and ambitious, even as lowly imps. As such the Overlords of the Apocalypse are careful to keep the ranks thinned, lest they be overthrown by their underlings.
These Demons believe that the great apocalypse will be achieved by the transcendence of the four great races of Apocalypse Demons: Read more…
Balor – Demon of War
Reaper – Demon of Death
Skarus – Demon of Famine
Thronon – Demon of Conquest
Demonic Ranks
Imp | relatively weak, though very mischievous, often treated as pets by demon summoners |
Lesser | majority of demons, moderately powerful |
Greater | those demons which have risen above the horde by consuming or corrupting enough souls, quite powerful in their own right |
Overlord | the right hand of the Demon Princes, exceptionally powerful as an individual entity, but made even more powerful by legions of demons at their command |
Spawn | A hideous and malformed amalgamation of a demon and a being of the Third Creation. So named because they appear to spawn from the corpse of a mortal who dies an untimely death while serving demons or dabbling in demonic powers. They can form as a version of any demonic race, typically dependent on the the class of the mortal from which they spawn. |
Prince | the most powerful of their kind, often ruling over entire regions of the Realm of Hell or even worshiped as gods in various Realms elsewhere in the full expanse of Creation (i.e. Cerebus the Bloodthirster), so powerful that they are outside the scope of the Codex of Creation |
Hell Powers
Demons have access to hellish powers that are beyond the reach of mere mortals, a corruption of the Angelic powers they once possessed. These powers are rooted in the Hell Domain itself, but are fueled by the pain and suffering of the rest of creation. Hell Powers, are treated as a Faith power, but do not require Faith Difficulty rolls and can instead be used an unlimited # of times so long as the demon has dealt damage or inflicted pain during their previous turn. Hell Powers are treated similar to Demonic Faith powers (in terms of hit, crit, resist, etc…) but can only be used by true demons. See individual entries for each type and class of demon to see which powers from this list they have access to.
Spell Name | Use | Range | Description | Imp | Lesser | Greater | Overlord |
Possesion | action | 15" | demon enters the body of target, taking control of it; holy faith classes may add current faith to demonic Resistance; lasts until resisted or exorcised; can have more than 1 demon possessing target, however they will fight for control; can only be used on beings of the Second and Third creation | - | -5 to Resist | -10 to Resist | -20 to Resist |
Torment Flesh | instant | 15" | counts as curse, lasts 3 rounds; damage scales by rank | 1d6 dam | 2d6 dam | 3d6 dam | 4d6 dam |
Demonic Strike | action | melee | +50% damage, stuns for 1 round w/ stun chance equal to damage dealt +X% per demon rank | +5% | +10% | +20% | +40% |
Corpse Explosion | action | 15" | target a single corpse, 1d12 +X damage per rank; 3" radius around corpse | +1d6 dam | +1d10 dam | +2d10 dam | +2d20 dam |
Thrive on Pain | instant | self buff | gain stacks every time the demon causes or takes damage; consume buff (counts as another instant) for bonus dam on a normal melee attack or strike equal to the number of stacks; can be re-cast after consuming | 1 stack | 2 stacks | 4 stacks | 8 stacks |
Terrorize | instant | 15" | single target, treat as a curse, must pass Resolve test each round or move in a random direction and then take damage based on how far they moved; distant moved scales by demon rank | 2" move | 4" move | 6" move | 8" move |
Hell-Bolt | action | 15" | single target, missile-like power, required LOS; damage scales by demon rank | 2d6+6 dam | 2d8+8 dam | 2d10+10 dam | 2d12+12 dam |
Butchery | action | melee | make a regular main hand attack, if causing damage strike again; ignores standard 4-3-2 rule for multiple attack actions; max number of main hand attacks scales by demon rank | +1 attack | +2 attacks | +3 attacks | +4 attacks |
Suffering | instant | 15" | instant, treat as a curse; while active, inflicts damage (scaling by rank) anytime the target takes damage or misses/fails with an attack, skill or power; also inflicts double damage when effect ends in any way | 1d4 dam | 2d6 dam | 3d8 dam | 4d10 dam |
Cataclysm | action | 15" | large area of effect (storm-like) power, no LOS required, no dodge allowed unless partially covered; radius and damage scale by demon rank | 1" radius, 2d4 dam | 3" radius, 3d6 dam | 5" radius, 4d8 dam | 7" radius, 5d10 dam |
Codex of Demons
The Codex of Demons is the master list of all Demons available as enemies for Realm of Strife GMs. While the framework for all known demons exists, not all entries are currently complete. It does not contain all known demons, but the list continues to expand as designers create new entries in the codex.
If you are looking for a demon that does not appear in this list please contact us and request that an entry be added to the codex and we will endeavor to publish your request in a timely manner.
Creation | Order | Creature Name | Metarace | Species | Variant/Subgroup | Class/Role | Rank | Alternate Names | publish? | Origins | Climate | Habitat | Level | HP (at lvl) | XP | Threat Rating | Size | Size Mod | Melee Mod | Ranged Mod | Spirit Mod | Faith Mod | Defense | Resistances | Stats | Languages | Senses | Form | Armor | Weapons | Alternate | Skills | Traits | Extra | Drops | Description |
Abomination | Demon | Devourer, Overlord | Sin | Devourer | Assault, Heavy | Overlord | Demon of Gluttony | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 17 | 483 (330+34d8) | 381 | 18 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +8 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +3 Damage | +13 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +28 Hit; 16% Crit. (85+) | +23 Hit; 29% Crit. (72+) | AC 54; Armor 46; Dodge 8; Double Layer 7 Fatty Flesh: grants immoveable & toughness traits, see Traits |
Arcane 44; Elemental 63; Natural 56; Holy 36; Demonic 35; Mental 39 | Move 3; Str 22; Agil 9; Stam 24; Int 22; Wis 17; Avd 8; Per 14; Res 18; Init 16; Cha 7 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense III (Gluttony): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Leather x7 over Hide, Caloused x8 | Huge Serrated Warbrand of Superior Pain (2d10+2d6+6) & Huge Warfork of Superior Pain (2d12+8) | Rancid Vomit (instant, once per 2 rounds, 4" forward arc, 3d8 dam, incapacitates for 1 rnd, roll vs. targets Natural Resist + Dodge) Devour(instant, consumes the flesh of any dead target w/in 8" that is at least 1 size smaller, restores 5HP per meat, i.e. consuming Medium corpse = 3d6*5HP gain) |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant III (Elemental): +15 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant III (Natural): +15 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity III (Demonic): +15% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Toughness V: Negates all incoming damage by 5 Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Hell Powers: Possession, Torment Flesh, Demonic Strike, Butchery |
3d8 Demon Blood | Devourers are grotesquely bloated and slow moving, usually greenish-yellow with a large mouth situated on their belly, lined with razor sharp teeth. Their appetites are insatiable, and they love to lead mortals down the path of gluttony, whether that be excessive eating, or any of unwholesome appetite taken to the extreme. In combat they are horrific to behold, reveling in slaughter as they consume the corpses of the fallen and shrugging of wounds due to the enormity of their fatty flesh. Demon overlords employ Devourers as front rank heavy melee troops, that can anchor a battle-line even in the face of overwhelming odds. | ||
Abomination | Demon | Balor, Greater | Apocalypse | Balor | Assault, Elite | Greater | Demon of War | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Ruins/Dungeon, Hill | 15 | 380 (245+30d8) | 240 | 14 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +3 Damage | +14 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +22 Hit; 14% Crit. (87+) | +17 Hit; 22% Crit. (79+) | AC 54; Armor 48; Dodge 6; Stiff 4; Double Layer 4 |
Arcane 36; Elemental 50; Natural 43; Holy 28; Demonic 27; Mental 31 | Move 6; Str 20; Agil 9; Stam 20; Int 18; Wis 13; Avd 10; Per 14; Res 14; Init 14; Cha 6 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Plate, Laminar x4 over Hide, Rugged x8 | Huge Hellfire Sword (2d10+4d6 Hellfire & physical dam) & Huge Hellfire Whip (2d12 Hellfire damage, melee-range 5, grapple) Weapons can only be held by a Balor demon Hellfire counts as both Demonic and Fire damage |
Immolation: can activate a passive 3 Hellfire damage aura at will War Stomp: instant, knockdown in a 3" radius if failing a Stamina test (at -6 Disadvantage) |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant II (Elemental): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant II (Natural): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity II (Demonic): +10% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Aura III: Passive effects in 3" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Tri Damage (Physical & Hellfire): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as three damage types |
Hell Powers: Possession, Torment Flesh, Demonic Strike, Corpse Explosion, Thrive on Pain, Terrorize, Butchery, Cataclysm |
4d8 Demon Blood | |||
Abomination | Demon | Swinegor, Greater | Ruinous | Swinegor | Assault, Heavy | Greater | Demon of Hatred | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Plain, Rural | 14 | 356 (230+28d8) | 202 | 13 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +8 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+); +3 Damage | +9 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +13 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +8 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | AC 74; Armor 64; Dodge 10; Noisy 8; Double Layer 8 Has 6 arms |
Arcane 36; Elemental 50; Natural 43; Holy 28; Demonic 27; Mental 31 | Move 6; Str 20; Agil 13; Stam 20; Int 18; Wis 13; Avd 10; Per 14; Res 14; Init 14; Cha 6 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense II (Hatred): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Mail, Plated x8 over Hide, Rugged x8 | Huge Greatsword (2H): 2d12+2d6+4 damage + Huge Crescent Axe: 2d10+1d8 damage & Kite Shield: Block (+6) + Huge Reaper Claws x2: 2d6+1d8+2 damage | Greater Frenzy x1 Spite: instant, all attacks this round have +15% crit Malice: instant, all attacks this round have 75% chance to do max damage, roll once for all attacks |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant II (Elemental): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant II (Natural): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity II (Demonic): +10% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Enraged II: when dropping below 50% HP all attacks gain +5 Overpower & +50% Damage, below 10% HP increase to +10 Overpower +100% dam |
Hell Powers: Possession, Corpse Explosion, Thrive on Pain |
4d8 Demon Blood, 1d6+2 Major Fury Potion | |||
Abomination | Demon | Hellmouth, Greater | Ruinous | Hellmouth | Seige | Greater | Demon of Corruption | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Subterranean | 14 | 368 (242+28d8) | 164 | 11 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +15 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+); +3 Damage | +15 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +16 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +16 Hit; 21% Crit. (80+) | AC 31; Armor 21; Dodge 10 On death: Bile gland explodes, treat as Corrupting Bile centered on the corpse of the demon |
Arcane 26; Elemental 52; Natural 44; Holy 26; Demonic 26; Mental 26 | Move 5; Str 21; Agil 12; Stam 21; Int 13; Wis 13; Avd 10; Per 12; Res 13; Init 14; Cha 4 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Rugged x7 | Corrupting Bile: launches a glob of bile up to 30", 3" radius, 3d12 demonic & natural dam, unless touching center may add dodge to resist Bite: 6d6 dam, critical hits swallow target instead of doing 2x damage, inflicts 6d6 dam per round until freed or being spat out | All attacks are infused with Corrupt (see Demonic Faith power) and passively stack Corrupt Life (see Specials) |
Corrupt Life: stacking effect, when healed 15%/stack becomes damage instead Deception: instant curse, target has -15 to hit & when missing becomes Vulnerable |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant II (Elemental): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant II (Natural): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity II (Demonic): +10% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Immovable I: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Death Effect I: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Dual Damage I (Demonic & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Hell powers: Possession, Torment Flesh, Corpse Explosion, Cataclysm |
4d8 Demon Blood, 4d8 Demonic Runestones | ||
Abomination | Demon | Gargoyle, Greater | Realm | Gargoyle | Support, Guardian | Greater | Demon of Stone | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Urban, Mountain | 13 | 242 (158+13d12) | 156 | 11 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +14 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+); +3 Damage | +14 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +15 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +15 Hit; 21% Crit. (80+) | AC 40; Armor 32; Dodge 8 While in Stone Form, Gargoyle Demons are indistinguishable to noral senses from inanimate stone Gargoyles |
Arcane 26; Elemental 52; Natural 44; Holy 36; Demonic 31; Mental 26 | Move 5; Str 21; Agil 12; Stam 21; Int 13; Wis 13; Avd 8; Per 12; Res 18; Init 12; Cha 5 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Caloused x8 | Stone Claw x2 (2d8 dam, 30% stun) | Grotesque Visage: instant, any target looking at Gargoyle takes a Resolve test, if failing immediately flee, if passing treat as Taunted Stone Shot T5 (unlimited use) |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant II (Elemental): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant II (Natural): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity II (Demonic): +10% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Toughness IV: Negates all incoming damage by 4 Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Stone Form: action, become completely immobile, gain 50% absorption, regain 25% of max HP/rnd Hell Powers: Possession (can also be used on inanimate stone/metal statues and constructs), Torment Flesh, Terrorize |
3d6 Demon Blood, 3d6 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Abomination | Demon | Devourer, Greater | Sin | Devourer | Assault, Heavy | Greater | Demon of Gluttony | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 12 | 232 (154+12d12) | 131 | 10 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +7 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +3 Damage | +10 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +19 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | +14 Hit; 20% Crit. (81+) | AC 44; Armor 34; Dodge 10; Double Layer 5 Fatty Flesh: grants immoveable & toughness traits, see Traits |
Arcane 36; Elemental 54; Natural 45; Holy 28; Demonic 27; Mental 31 | Move 3; Str 20; Agil 11; Stam 22; Int 18; Wis 13; Avd 10; Per 14; Res 14; Init 14; Cha 5 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense II (Gluttony): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Leather x5 over Hide, Rugged x8 | Warbrand (1d10+1d6+1) & Warfork (1d12+2) | Rancid Vomit (instant, once per 2 rounds, 3" forward arc, 2d8 dam, incapacitates for 1 rnd, roll vs. targets Natural Resist + Dodge) Devour(instant, consumes the flesh of any dead target w/in 6" that is at least 1 size smaller, restores 4HP per meat, i.e. consuming Medium corpse = 2d6*4HP gain) |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant II (Elemental): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant II (Natural): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity II (Demonic): +10% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Toughness IV: Negates all incoming damage by 4 Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects |
Hell Powers: Possession, Torment Flesh, Demonic Strike, Butchery |
3d6 Demon Blood | Devourers are grotesquely bloated and slow moving, usually greenish-yellow with a large mouth situated on their belly, lined with razor sharp teeth. Their appetites are insatiable, and they love to lead mortals down the path of gluttony, whether that be excessive eating, or any of unwholesome appetite taken to the extreme. In combat they are horrific to behold, reveling in slaughter as they consume the corpses of the fallen and shrugging of wounds due to the enormity of their fatty flesh. Demon overlords employ Devourers as front rank heavy melee troops, that can anchor a battle-line even in the face of overwhelming odds. | ||
Abomination | Demon | Balor, Lesser | Apocalypse | Balor | Assault, Elite | Lesser | Demon of War | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Ruins/Dungeon, Hill | 10 | 155 (90+10d12) | 97 | 9 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +9 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +13 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +8 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | AC 51; Armor 40; Dodge 11; Stiff 4; Double Layer 4 |
Arcane 28; Elemental 35; Natural 29; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 23 | Move 5; Str 15; Agil 11; Stam 15; Int 14; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 14; Res 10; Init 12; Cha 4 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Plate, Laminar x4 over Hide, Thick x8 | Hellfire Sword (1d10+2d6 Hellfire & physical dam) & Hellfire Whip (1d12 Hellfire damage, melee-range 3, grapple) Weapons can only be held by a Balor demon Hellfire counts as both Demonic and Fire damage |
Immolation: can activate a passive 2 Hellfire damage aura at will War Stomp: instant, knockdown in a 2" radius if failing a Stamina test (at -3 Disadvantage) |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant I (Elemental): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant I (Natural): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity I (Demonic): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Tri Damage (Physical & Hellfire): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as three damage types |
Hell Powers: Possession, Torment Flesh, Demonic Strike, Corpse Explosion, Thrive on Pain, Terrorize, Butchery, Cataclysm |
3d6 Demon Blood | |||
Abomination | Demon | Niflwolfen, Greater | Realm | Niflwolfen | Assault, Specialist | Greater | Demon of Winter | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Plain | 13 | 235 (150+13d12) | 119 | 9 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +11 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +3 Damage | +12 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +16 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +11 Hit; 17% Crit. (84+) | AC 60; Armor 50; Dodge 10; Noisy 4; Double Layer 4 |
Arcane 36; Elemental 50; Natural 43; Holy 28; Demonic 27; Mental 31 | Move 6; Str 21; Agil 13; Stam 20; Int 18; Wis 13; Avd 10; Per 14; Res 14; Init 14; Cha 6 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense II: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Mail, Plated x4 over Hide, Rugged x8 plus Fur, Coarse/Dense x2 | Bite: 1d8+4 damage + Balanced Axe: 1d12+1 damage & Kite Shield: Block (+6) AND/OR Halberd: 1d10+2d4+2 damage, Melee-Range 1, Wardoff | Frozen Wasteland: instant, freezes ground beneath feet w/in 3", -1 enemy movement Chains of Ice (T5) x3, Ice Spike x4, Frost Armor x1 |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant I (Elemental): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant I (Natural): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity I (Demonic): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) Immune (Frost): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Immune to Frost/Water Damage Hell Powers: Possession, Demonic Strike |
3d6 Demon Blood, 3d6 Everice | |||
Abomination | Demon | Harpy, Greater | Realm | Harpy | Assault, Aerial | Greater | Demon of Storms | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Hill | 13 | 235 (150+13d12) | 119 | 9 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +15 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+); +3 Damage | +16 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +20 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | +15 Hit; 21% Crit. (80+) | AC 40; Armor 30; Dodge 10 |
Arcane 36; Elemental 50; Natural 43; Holy 28; Demonic 27; Mental 31 | Move 5; Str 20; Agil 13; Stam 20; Int 18; Wis 13; Avd 10; Per 14; Res 14; Init 14; Cha 6 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Rugged x8 plus Feathers, Thick x3 | Razor Talons (3d12 dam, -15 armor piercing) | Stormwinds: instant, if flying all targets w/in 12" must are knocked down if failing a Stamina test & ranged projectile attacks have -12 to hit Storm Bolts: action, rng 20", fires 6 bolts of lightning allocated as desired, 1d12 dam each, +10 hit on targets with metal equipment |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant II (Elemental): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant II (Natural): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity II (Demonic): +10% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Armor Piercing III: some or all primary attacks have -15 armor Flyer II: 3x movement while flying Immune (Air): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Immune to Air/Storm Damage Hell Powers: Possession, Terrorize |
3d6 Demon Blood, 3d6 Aether | |||
Abomination | Demon | Vrock, Greater | Sin | Vrock | Support, Aerial | Greater | Demon of Anger | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Hill, Subterranean | 12 | 218 (140+12d12) | 102 | 9 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +14 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+); +3 Damage | +16 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +19 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | +14 Hit; 20% Crit. (81+) | AC 40; Armor 30; Dodge 10 |
Arcane 36; Elemental 50; Natural 43; Holy 28; Demonic 27; Mental 31 | Move 4; Str 20; Agil 13; Stam 20; Int 18; Wis 13; Avd 10; Per 15; Res 14; Init 14; Cha 6 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense II (Anger): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Rugged x8 plus Feathers, Thick x3 | Clawsx2 (1d12) & Beak (1d8) | Boiling Anger: passive, every time the Vrock takes damage it summons 3 orbiting balls of Hellfire blood, can stack a maximum of 20 times Anger Unleashed: action, launch up to 6 balls of Hellfire blood at any number of targets, range = 12", LoS missle, 1d12 Hellfire dam each |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant I (Elemental): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant I (Natural): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity I (Demonic): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Flyer I, Advanced: 2x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move Dual Damage (Hellfire_: Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Hell Powers: Possession, Torment Flesh, Thrive on Pain, Hell Bolt |
2d6 Demon Blood, 1d6+2 Minor Fury Potion | |||
Abomination | Demon | Froggort, Greater | Sin | Froggort | Support | Greater | Demon of Sloth | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Fresh Water | 12 | 206 (140+12d10) | 79 | 8 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +10 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +3 Damage | +14 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +20 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | +15 Hit; 21% Crit. (80+) | AC 42; Armor 33; Dodge 9; Double Layer 3 |
Arcane 38; Elemental 50; Natural 44; Holy 24; Demonic 26; Mental 33 | Move 3; Str 20; Agil 12; Stam 20; Int 19; Wis 14; Avd 9; Per 16; Res 12; Init 12; Cha 5 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense II (Sloth): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Cloth, Ironweave x3 over Hide, Rugged x8 | Banded Staff (1d8+1d6+1, ward-off) Mucus Spit: action, 3 targets, range 20", missle type attack, 1d12+8 Corrosion damage, reduces targets movement by half for 1 rnd | Often have crafted/enchanted weapons and armor |
Dread Sleep: instant, puts 1 target to sleep, until taking dam, or voluntaryily waking up which causes 1d10+10 damage |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant II (Elemental): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant II (Natural): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity II (Demonic): +10% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Hopper II: Can hop to move, 2x movement in a straight line, allows for easily jumping over obstacles, must start and end its turn on the ground |
Hell Powers: Possession, Terrorize |
2d6 Demon Blood | ||
Abomination | Demon | Hellmouth, Lesser | Ruinous | Hellmouth | Seige | Lesser | Demon of Corruption | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Subterranean | 9 | 147 (88+9d12) | 71 | 7 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +12 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+); +1 Damage | +10 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +7 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +7 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | AC 29; Armor 14; Dodge 15 On death: Bile gland explodes, treat as Corrupting Bile centered on the corpse of the demon |
Arcane 18; Elemental 37; Natural 30; Holy 18; Demonic 18; Mental 18 | Move 4; Str 16; Agil 14; Stam 16; Int 9; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 12; Res 9; Init 12; Cha 2 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Thick x7 | Corrupting Bile: launches a glob of bile up to 20", 2" radius, 2d12 demonic & natural dam, unless touching center may add dodge to resist Bite: 4d6 dam, critical hits swallow target instead of doing 2x damage, inflicts 4d6 dam per round until freed or being spat out |
All attacks are infused with Corrupt (see Demonic Faith power) and passively stack Corrupt Life (see Specials) |
Corrupt Life: stacking effect, when healed 10%/stack becomes damage instead Deception: instant curse, target has -10 to hit & when missing becomes Vulnerable |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant I (Elemental): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant I (Natural): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity I (Demonic): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Immovable I: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Death Effect I: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Dual Damage I (Demonic & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Hell powers: Possession, Torment Flesh, Corpse Explosion, Cataclysm |
3d6 Demon Blood, 3d6 Demonic Runestones | ||
Abomination | Demon | Swinegor, Lesser | Ruinous | Swinegor | Assault, Heavy | Lesser | Demon of Hatred | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Plain, Rural | 9 | 141 (83+9d12) | 69 | 7 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+); +1 Damage | +4 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | +4 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 63; Armor 48; Dodge 15; Noisy 8; Double Layer 8 Has 4 arms |
Arcane 28; Elemental 35; Natural 29; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 23 | Move 4; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 15; Int 14; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 14; Res 10; Init 12; Cha 4 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense I (Hatred): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Mail, Chain x8 over Hide, Thick x8 | Crescent Axe: 1d10+1d4 damage & Targe: Block (+4) OR Greatsword (2H): 1d12+1d6+2 damage + Reaper-Claws x2: 2d6+1 damage | Improved Frenzy x1 Spite: instant, all attacks this round have +10% crit Malice: instant, all attacks this round have 50% chance to do max damage, roll once for all attacks |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant I (Elemental): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant I (Natural): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity I (Demonic): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Enraged I: when dropping below 25% HP all attacks gain +5 Overpower & +50% Damage, below 5% HP increase to +10 Overpower +100% dam |
Hell Powers: Possession, Corpse Explosion, Thrive on Pain |
3d6 Demon Blood, 1d4 Major Fury Potion | |||
Abomination | Demon | Gargoyle, Lesser | Realm | Gargoyle | Support, Guardian | Lesser | Demon of Stone | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Urban, Mountain | 8 | 124 (80+8d10) | 66 | 7 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +11 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+); +1 Damage | +9 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +6 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | AC 37; Armor 24; Dodge 13 While in Stone Form, Gargoyle Demons are indistinguishable to noral senses from inanimate stone Gargoyles |
Arcane 18; Elemental 37; Natural 30; Holy 28; Demonic 23; Mental 18 | Move 4; Str 16; Agil 14; Stam 16; Int 9; Wis 9; Avd 13; Per 12; Res 14; Init 10; Cha 3 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Rugged x8 | Stone Claw x2 (2d6 dam, 20% stun) | Grotesque Visage: instant, any target looking at Gargoyle takes a Resolve test, if failing immediately flee, if passing treat as Taunted Earth Bind T3 (unlimited use) |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant I (Elemental): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant I (Natural): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity I (Demonic): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Toughness II: Negates all incoming damage by 2 Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Stone Form: action, become completely immobile, gain 50% absorption, regain 25% of max HP/rnd Hell Powers: Possession (can also be used on inanimate stone/metal statues and constructs), Torment Flesh, Terrorize |
2d6 Demon Blood, 2d6 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Abomination | Demon | Niflwolfen, Lesser | Realm | Niflwolfen | Assault, Specialist | Lesser | Demon of Winter | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Plain | 8 | 119 (75+8d10) | 60 | 7 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +8 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +7 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +7 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +2 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 51; Armor 36; Dodge 15; Noisy 4; Double Layer 4 |
Arcane 28; Elemental 35; Natural 29; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 23 | Move 5; Str 16; Agil 15; Stam 15; Int 14; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 14; Res 10; Init 12; Cha 4 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense I: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Mail, Chain x4 over Hide, Thick x8 plus Fur, Thick/Shaggy x2 | Bite: 1d8 damage + Balanced Axe: 1d12+1 damage & Targe: Block (+4) AND/OR Poleaxe: 1d8+2d4+1, Melee-Range 2, Wardoff. | Frozen Wasteland: instant, freezes ground beneath feet w/in 2", -1 enemy movement Chains of Ice (T3) x2, Ice Spike x2 |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant II (Elemental): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant II (Natural): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity II (Demonic): +10% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) Immune (Frost): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Immune to Frost/Water Damage Hell Powers: Possession, Demonic Strike |
2d6 Demon Blood, 2d6 Everice | |||
Abomination | Demon | Vrock, Lesser | Sin | Vrock | Support, Aerial | Lesser | Demon of Anger | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Hill, Subterranean | 7 | 106 (68+7d10) | 56 | 6 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +11 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+); +1 Damage | +11 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +5 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | AC 37; Armor 22; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 28; Elemental 35; Natural 29; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 23 | Move 4; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 15; Int 14; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 15; Res 10; Init 12; Cha 4 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense I (Anger): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Thick x8 plus Feathers, Thick x3 | Claws x2 (1d8) & Beak (1d6) | Boiling Anger: passive, every time the Vrock takes damage it summons 2 orbiting balls of Hellfire blood, can stack a maximum of 20 time0;s Anger Unleashed: action, launch up to 4 balls of Hellfire blood at any number of targets, range = 12", LoS missle, 1d10 Hellfire dam each |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant II (Elemental): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant II (Natural): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity II (Demonic): +10% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Flyer I, Advanced: 2x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move Dual Damage (Hellfire_: Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Hell Powers: Possession, Torment Flesh, Thrive on Pain, Hell Bolt |
1d6 Demon Blood, 1d4 Minor Fury Potion | |||
Abomination | Demon | Devourer, Lesser | Sin | Devourer | Assault, Heavy | Lesser | Demon of Gluttony | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 7 | 115 (77+7d10) | 55 | 6 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +6 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +7 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +5 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | AC 37; Armor 22; Dodge 15; Double Layer 3 Fatty Flesh: grants immoveable & toughness traits, see Traits |
Arcane 28; Elemental 39; Natural 31; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 23 | Move 3; Str 15; Agil 13; Stam 17; Int 14; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 14; Res 10; Init 12; Cha 3 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense I (Gluttony): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Leather x3 over Hide, Thick x8 | Large Seax (1d10+2) & Trident (1d10+2) | Rancid Vomit (instant, once per 2 rounds, 2" forward arc, 1d8 dam, incapacitates for 1 rnd, roll vs. targets Natural Resist + Dodge) Devour(instant, consumes the flesh of any dead target w/in 3", that is at least 1 size smaller, restores 3HP per meat, i.e. consuming Small corpse = 1d6*3HP gain) |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant I (Elemental): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant I (Natural): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity I (Demonic): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Toughness II: Negates all incoming damage by 2 Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects |
Hell Powers: Possession, Torment Flesh, Demonic Strike, Butchery |
2d6 Demon Blood | Devourers are grotesquely bloated and slow moving, usually greenish-yellow with a large mouth situated on their belly, lined with razor sharp teeth. Their appetites are insatiable, and they love to lead mortals down the path of gluttony, whether that be excessive eating, or any of unwholesome appetite taken to the extreme. In combat they are horrific to behold, reveling in slaughter as they consume the corpses of the fallen and shrugging of wounds due to the enormity of their fatty flesh. Demon overlords employ Devourers as front rank heavy melee troops, that can anchor a battle-line even in the face of overwhelming odds. | ||
Abomination | Demon | Harpy, Lesser | Realm | Harpy | Assault, Aerial | Lesser | Demon of Storms | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Hill | 8 | 119 (75+8d10) | 55 | 6 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +12 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+); +1 Damage | +11 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +11 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +6 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | AC 37; Armor 22; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 28; Elemental 35; Natural 29; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 23 | Move 4; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 15; Int 14; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 14; Res 10; Init 12; Cha 4 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Thick x8 plus Feathers, Thick x3 | Razor Talons (3d8 dam, -10 armor piercing) | Stormwinds: instant, if flying all targets w/in 8" must are knocked down if failing a Stamina test & ranged projectile attacks have -8 to hit Storm Bolts: action, rng 20", fires 4 bolts of lightning allocated as desired, 1d10 dam each, +10 hit on targets with metal equipment |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant I (Elemental): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant I (Natural): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity I (Demonic): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Armor Piercing II: some or all primary attacks have -10 armor Flyer II: 3x movement while flying Immune (Air): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Immune to Air/Storm Damage Hell Powers: Possession, Terrorize |
2d6 Demon Blood, 2d6 Aether | |||
Abomination | Demon | Froggort, Lesser | Sin | Froggort | Support | Lesser | Demon of Sloth | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Fresh Water | 7 | 99 (68+7d8) | 36 | 5 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +6 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +9 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +12 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +7 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | AC 35; Armor 22; Dodge 13; Double Layer 3 |
Arcane 32; Elemental 35; Natural 31; Holy 16; Demonic 19; Mental 27 | Move 3; Str 15; Agil 13; Stam 15; Int 16; Wis 11; Avd 13; Per 16; Res 8; Init 10; Cha 3 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense I (Sloth): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Cloth, Quilted x3 over Hide, Thick x8 | Quaterstaff (1d4+1d6, ward-off) Mucus Spit: action, 2 targets, range 20", missle type attack, 1d10+6 Corrosion damage, reduces targets movement by half for 1 rnd | Sometimes have crafted/enchanted weapons and armor |
Dread Sleep: instant, puts 1 target to sleep, until taking dam, or voluntaryily waking up which causes 1d8+6 damage |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Resistant I (Elemental): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Resistant I (Natural): +5 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Affinity I (Demonic): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Hopper II: Can hop to move, 2x movement in a straight line, allows for easily jumping over obstacles, must start and end its turn on the ground |
Hell Powers: Possession, Terrorize |
1d6 Demon Blood | ||
Abomination | Demon | Balor, Imp | Apocalypse | Balor | Assault, Elite | Imp | Demon of War | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Ruins/Dungeon, Hill | 5 | 63 (35+5d10) | 36 | 5 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 48; Armor 32; Dodge 16; Stiff 4; Double Layer 4 |
Arcane 20; Elemental 20; Natural 15; Holy 12; Demonic 11; Mental 15 | Move 4; Str 10; Agil 13; Stam 10; Int 10; Wis 5; Avd 20; Per 14; Res 6; Init 10; Cha 2 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Plate, Laminar x4 over Hide, Rough x8 | Hellfire Blade (1d10+1d6 Hellfire & physical dam) & Hellfire Lash (1d8 Hellfire damage, melee-range 2, grapple) Weapons can only be held by a Balor demon Hellfire counts as both Demonic and Fire damage |
Immolation: can activate a passive 1 Hellfire damage aura at will War Stomp: instant, knockdown in a 1" radius if failing a Stamina test |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Aura I: Passive effects in 1" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Tri Damage (Physical & Hellfire): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as three damage types |
Hell Powers: Possession, Torment Flesh, Demonic Strike, Corpse Explosion, Thrive on Pain, Terrorize, Butchery, Cataclysm |
2d6 Demon Blood | |||
Abomination | Demon | Hellmouth, Imp | Ruinous | Hellmouth | Seige | Imp | Demon of Corruption | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Subterranean | 4 | 55 (33+4d10) | 22 | 4 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 27; Armor 7; Dodge 20 On death: Bile gland explodes, treat as Corrupting Bile centered on the corpse of the demon |
Arcane 10; Elemental 22; Natural 16; Holy 10; Demonic 10; Mental 10 | Move 3; Str 11; Agil 16; Stam 11; Int 5; Wis 5; Avd 20; Per 12; Res 5; Init 10; Cha 0 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Rough x7 | Corrupting Bile: launches a glob of bile up to 10", 1" radius, 1d12 demonic & natural dam, unless touching center may add dodge to resist Bite: 2d6 dam, critical hits swallow target instead of doing 2x damage, inflicts 2d6 dam per round until freed or being spat out |
All attacks are infused with Corrupt (see Demonic Faith power) and passively stack Corrupt Life (see Specials) |
Corrupt Life: stacking effect, when healed 5%/stack becomes damage instead Deception: instant curse, target has -5 to hit & when missing becomes Vulnerable |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Immovable I: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Death Effect I: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Dual Damage I (Demonic & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Hell powers: Possession, Torment Flesh, Corpse Explosion, Cataclysm |
2d6 Demon Blood, 2d6 Demonic Runestones | ||
Abomination | Demon | Gargoyle, Imp | Realm | Gargoyle | Support, Guardian | Imp | Demon of Stone | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Urban, Mountain | 3 | 41 (28+3d8) | 22 | 4 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 34; Armor 16; Dodge 18 While in Stone Form, Gargoyle Demons are indistinguishable to noral senses from inanimate stone Gargoyles |
Arcane 10; Elemental 22; Natural 16; Holy 20; Demonic 15; Mental 10 | Move 4; Str 11; Agil 16; Stam 11; Int 5; Wis 5; Avd 18; Per 12; Res 10; Init 8; Cha 1 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Thick x8 | Stone Claw x2 (1d8 dam, 10% stun) | Grotesque Visage: instant, any target looking at Gargoyle takes a Resolve test, if failing immediately flee, if passing treat as Taunted Mithril Spear T1 (unlimited use) |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Toughness I: Negates all incoming damage by 1 Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Stone Form: action, become completely immobile, gain 50% absorption, regain 25% of max HP/rnd Hell Powers: Possession (can also be used on inanimate stone/metal statues and constructs), Torment Flesh, Terrorize |
1d6 Demon Blood, 1d6 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Abomination | Demon | Swinegor, Imp | Ruinous | Swinegor | Assault, Heavy | Imp | Demon of Hatred | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Plain, Rural | 4 | 52 (30+4d10) | 21 | 4 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +2 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 44; Armor 24; Dodge 20; Double Layer 8 Has 3 arms |
Arcane 20; Elemental 20; Natural 15; Holy 12; Demonic 11; Mental 15 | Move 5; Str 10; Agil 17; Stam 10; Int 10; Wis 5; Avd 20; Per 14; Res 6; Init 10; Cha 2 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense I (Hatred): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Leather x8 over Hide, Rough x8 | Balanced Axe: 1d12+1 damage OR Round Shield: Block (+2) + Hand Weapon Claws x2: 1d6+1 damage | Frenzy x1 Spite: instant, all attacks this round have +5% crit Malice: instant, all attacks this round have 25% chance to do max damage, roll once for all attacks |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled |
Hell Powers: Possession, Corpse Explosion, Thrive on Pain |
2d6 Demon Blood, 0-1 Major Fury Potion | |||
Abomination | Demon | Niflwolfen, Imp | Realm | Niflwolfen | Assault, Specialist | Imp | Demon of Winter | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Plain | 3 | 39 (25+3d8) | 19 | 3 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +5 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +2 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -2 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -7 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | AC 42; Armor 22; Dodge 20; Noisy 4; Double Layer 4 |
Arcane 20; Elemental 20; Natural 15; Holy 12; Demonic 11; Mental 15 | Move 5; Str 11; Agil 17; Stam 10; Int 10; Wis 5; Avd 20; Per 14; Res 6; Init 10; Cha 2 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense I: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Leather, Ringmail x4 over Hide, Rough x8 plus Fur/Hair x2 | Bite: 1d4 damage + Hand Axe: 1d10 damage & Round Shield: Block (+2) AND/OR Bill Hook: 1d12+1, Melee-Range 2, Wardoff. | Frozen Wasteland: instant, freezes ground beneath feet w/in 1", -1 enemy movement Chains of Ice (T1) x1 |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) Immune (Frost): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Immune to Frost/Water Damage Hell Powers: Possession, Demonic Strike |
1d6 Demon Blood, 1d6 Everice | |||
Abomination | Demon | Harpy, Imp | Realm | Harpy | Assault, Aerial | Imp | Demon of Storms | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Hill | 3 | 39 (25+3d8) | 18 | 3 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 34; Armor 14; Dodge 20 |
Arcane 20; Elemental 20; Natural 15; Holy 12; Demonic 11; Mental 15 | Move 4; Str 10; Agil 17; Stam 10; Int 10; Wis 5; Avd 20; Per 14; Res 6; Init 10; Cha 2 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Rough x8 plus Feathers, Thick x3 | Razor Talons (3d4 dam, -5 armor piercing) | Stormwinds: instant, if flying all targets w/in 4" must are knocked down if failing a Stamina test & ranged projectile attacks have -4 to hit Storm Bolts: action, rng 20", fires 2 bolts of lightning allocated as desired, 1d8 dam each, +10 hit on targets with metal equipment |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Armor Piercing I: some or all primary attacks have -5 armor Flyer II: 3x movement while flying Immune (Air): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Immune to Air/Storm Damage Hell Powers: Possession, Terrorize |
1d6 Demon Blood, 1d6 Aether | |||
Abomination | Demon | Devourer, Imp | Sin | Devourer | Assault, Heavy | Imp | Demon of Gluttony | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 2 | 33 (24+2d8) | 16 | 3 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +5 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 30; Armor 10; Dodge 20; Double Layer 1 Fatty Flesh: grants immoveable & toughness traits, see Traits |
Arcane 20; Elemental 24; Natural 17; Holy 12; Demonic 11; Mental 15 | Move 2; Str 10; Agil 15; Stam 12; Int 10; Wis 5; Avd 20; Per 14; Res 6; Init 10; Cha 1 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense I (Gluttony): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Leather x1 over Hide, Rough x8 | Cleaver x2 (1d8+1) | Rancid Belch (instant, once per 2 rounds, 2" forward arc, incapacitates for 1 rnd, roll vs. targets Natural Resist + Dodge) Devour (instant, consumes the flesh of any dead target w/in 1" that is at least 1 size smaller, restores 2HP per meat, i.e. consuming Tiny corpse = 1d4*2HP gain) |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Toughness I: Negates all incoming damage by 1 Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects |
Hell Powers: Possession, Torment Flesh, Demonic Strike, Butchery |
1d6 Demon Blood | Devourers are grotesquely bloated and slow moving, usually greenish-yellow with a large mouth situated on their belly, lined with razor sharp teeth. Their appetites are insatiable, and they love to lead mortals down the path of gluttony, wether that be excessive eating, or any of unwholesome appetite taken to the extreme. In combat they are horrific to behold, reveling in slaughter as they consume the corpses of the fallen and shrugging of wounds due to the enormoity of their fatty flesh. Demon overlords employ Devourers as front line heavy melee troops, that can anchor a battleline even int he face of overwhelming odds. | ||
Abomination | Demon | Vrock, Imp | Sin | Vrock | Support, Aerial | Imp | Demon of Anger | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Hill, Subterranean | 2 | 29 (20+2d8) | 16 | 3 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 34; Armor 14; Dodge 20 |
Arcane 20; Elemental 20; Natural 15; Holy 12; Demonic 11; Mental 15 | Move 3; Str 10; Agil 17; Stam 10; Int 10; Wis 5; Avd 20; Per 15; Res 6; Init 10; Cha 2 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense I (Anger): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Rough x8 plus Feathers, Thick x3 | Claws x2 (1d6) & Beak (1d4) | Boiling Anger: passive, every time the Vrock takes damage it summons 1 orbiting ball of Hellfire blood, can stack a maximum of 20 times Anger Unleashed: action, launch up to 2 balls of Hellfire blood at any number of targets, range = 12", LoS missle, 1d8 Hellfire dam each |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Flyer I, Advanced: 2x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move Dual Damage (Hellfire_: Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Hell Powers: Possession, Torment Flesh, Thrive on Pain, Hell Bolt |
1d4 Demon Blood, 0-1 Minor Fury Potion | The Vrock are Demons of Anger, and possess large wings and vulture like heads. Their pale skinned bodies are usually dressed in tattered clothing, giving them an overall look of a carrion creature. But as frightenign as their form is, it holds nothing compared to the unbridaled rage they exude. Even their very blood burns with anger, something they sue to their advantage in combat. Vrock often wade into the thick of battle with thier viciously long claws, but only that they might sustain injuries and fuel their rage. As their blood leaes their body it cataches flame and swirls around them. Once thye are satisfied they take to teh skies and launch their own burnign blood as deadly projectiles. This makes them highly versatile as an aerial support unit. When not fighting, which is seldom enough, they spend their days enticing mortals to ever grat outbursts of uncontrable anger, leading down a dark and violent path from which their is usually no return. | ||
Abomination | Demon | Froggort, Imp | Sin | Froggort | Support | Imp | Demon of Sloth | yes | Realm (Hell), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Fresh Water | 2 | 22 (15+2d6) | 10 | 2 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 29; Armor 11; Dodge 18; Double Layer 3 |
Arcane 24; Elemental 20; Natural 17; Holy 12; Demonic 13; Mental 19 | Move 2; Str 10; Agil 15; Stam 10; Int 12; Wis 7; Avd 18; Per 16; Res 6; Init 8; Cha 1 | Common & Demonic, also understand Angelic but would never speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense I (Sloth): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Cloth x3 over Hide, Rough x8 | Gnarled Staff (1d6, ward-off) Mucus Spit: action, 1 target, range 20", missle type attack, 1d8+4 Corrosion damage, reduces targets movement by half for 1 rnd | Dread Sleep: instant, puts 1 target to sleep, until taking dam, or voluntaryily waking up which causes 1d6+2 damage |
Sensitivity (Holy): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Hopper II: Can hop to move, 2x movement in a straight line, allows for easily jumping over obstacles, must start and end its turn on the ground |
Hell Powers: Possession, Terrorize |
1d4 Demon Blood | Froggorts are sometimes simply referred as Frog Demons due to their frog like features, especially the head and hands. They love nothing more than to lead mortals into a daze of sluggish and unhealthy behaviour and are known for polluting wells and befouling streams. To catch the gaze of they enormous bulbous eyes is to find yourself drifting into a dreadful sleep. Though slow moving, they frog like legs allow them to hop long distacnes when required, and they are quite adept as a ranged support unit withint the hordes of the Demonic armies. |