This is the complete list of Tier 0 Spirit powers. These are available to all Spirit classes immediately upon character creation (subject to GM discretion), regardless of titles. They represent the early or latent manifestation of magic in a young or inexperienced Spirit class. Use the filters to narrow down your selection.
Spell Name | Publish | ID | Domain | School of Magic | School of Power | Discipline | Tier | Spirit Cost | Archetype | Use | Range | Description | Archetype Details | Class Restriction |
Detect Magic | yes | 3 | Arcane | Common | None | Alteration | 0 | 1 | Reveal | instant | 15 | detects/identifies all Spirit buffs/effects/enhancements (Spirit-based) on a given target, temporarily glow according to school (for up to 1 hour) • the more specific the target the more specific the results will be |
Reveal reveals hidden mysteries of the spirit world, allowing the caster and/or allies to exploit this knowledge |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Assassin |
Memorize Power | yes | 6 | Arcane | Common | None | Alteration | 0 | 1/Tier | Modify | non-combat | self | Commit a power to memory from a Spirit Book. This power is limited to being cast once per half rest, unless posessing Rank 2 or higher of the Linguist secondary skill. | Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Assassin |
Steal Power | yes | 13 | Arcane | Common | None | Alteration | 0 | 2/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 15 | Granted by Spell Thief Assassin Title • replaces Memorize Power • can only be used once per day and only against targets that have not detected the assassins presence • can be used anytime a spirit power is cast or detected within range to attempt to steal it during own next turn counts as an instant if the stolen power is instant or an action if it is an action • roll against a resistance equal to the 15x the Tier of the Power if successful that power is immediately added to the Assassin's memory (if memory is full it overwrites an existing power) and removed from the original casters memory (except for dragons) • they can re-learn it given appropriate time, but it is effectively lost for the remainder of that battle • can also be used out of combat to Steal a Power from a Spirit Book, literally stealing the words off the page • can not be used against powers of Higher Tier than what the assassin currently has access to |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Assassin |
Arcane Cantrip | yes | 1 | Arcane | Common | None | Destruction | 0 | 2 | Burst | action | 15 | 1d4+1 arcane damage | Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Mage, Wizard |
Arcane Spark | yes | 2 | Arcane | Common | None | Destruction | 0 | 2 | Shock | action | melee | 1d4+2 arcane damage | Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Battlemage |
Rune of Force | yes | 8 | Arcane | Common | None | Destruction | 0 | 2 | Strike | action | melee | +1d4 arcane damage, can only be combined with fist or kick disciplines | Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but it cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Runeweaver |
Silent Cantrip | yes | 10 | Arcane | Common | None | Destruction | 0 | 2 | Burst | action | 15 | 1d6 arcane damage, does not reduce stealth in any way | Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Assassin |
Spiritual Attunement | yes | 12 | Arcane | Common | None | Fortification | 0 | 1/max Tier | Synergy | instant | self | allows a Runeweaver to attune themselves to a different School of Magic than the one that is currently active • must have a matching Root Tattoo to be able to attune to that School of Magic • restores 1 Focus and may be used while Meditating |
Synergy single target • typically remains in play until consumed or dispelled • carries benefits based on the class mechanics of the target • mixed classes must choose a single mechanic to benefit |
Runeweaver |
Arcane Venting | yes | 14 | Arcane | Common, Light, Dark | None | Devastation | 0 | 0 | Venting | instant | self | The next power used gains the additional effect of venting all Volatile arcane spirit stacks off the caster, dealing 1d6 damage (of the appropriate type) per stack to all targets within a 2" radius (including self) | Venting Vents off all Volatile spirit energy with various effects. No spirit cost and cannot critically cast or miscast. Automatically inflicts damage to the caster. Uses a single casting roll for all other targets in range, no dodge allowed. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver |
Elemental Drumming | yes | 5 | Elemental | Fire, Water, Air, Earth | None | Conjuration | 0 | 0 | Utility | instant | self | Conjures a spirit drum that a shaman may use to cast their next elemental spirit power using HP instead of Spirit without enraging the Elemental Spirits and risking possession. Can only be granted by Spirit Drummer Shaman Title. | Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Shaman |
Elemental Cantrip | yes | 4 | Elemental | Fire, Water, Air, Earth | None | Destruction | 0 | 2 | Burst | action | 15 | 1d6 elemental damage (+2 if Volatile, but generates 1 volatile stack) • either randomly assigned between all Elemental damage types or aligned with a particular affinity the caster may have |
Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Shaman |
Elemental Venting | yes | 14 | Elemental | Fire, Water, Air, Earth | None | Devastation | 0 | 0 | Venting | instant | self | The next power used gains the additional effect of venting all Volatile elemental spirit stacks off the caster, dealing 1d6 damage (of the appropriate type) per stack to all targets within a 2" radius (including self) | Venting Vents off all Volatile spirit energy with various effects. No spirit cost and cannot critically cast or miscast. Automatically inflicts damage to the caster. Uses a single casting roll for all other targets in range, no dodge allowed. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver |
Wild Cantrip | yes | 14 | Natural | Wild | None | Destruction | 0 | 2 | Burst | action | 15 | Druid only: 1d4 wild damage • if target is successfully wounded, grants caster +1 faith |
Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Druid |
Sense Spirit | yes | 9 | Natural | Wild, High | None | Alteration | 0 | 1 | Reveal | instant | 15 | detects/identifies all spirit buffs/effects/enhancements (Spirit-based) on a given target or item as a mental impression or "feeling" that lasts for up to 1 hour • the more specific the target the more specific the results will be |
Reveal reveals hidden mysteries of the spirit world, allowing the caster and/or allies to exploit this knowledge |
Shaman, Druid, Runeweaver |
Primal Drumming | yes | 7 | Natural | Wild, High | None | Conjuration | 0 | 0 | Utility | instant | self | Conjures a spirit drum that a shaman may use to cast their next natural spirit power using HP instead of Spirit without enraging the Primal Spirits and risking possession. Can only be granted by Spirit Drummer Shaman Title. | Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Shaman |
Natural Venting | yes | 14 | Natural | Wild, High | None | Devastation | 0 | 0 | Venting | instant | self | The next power used gains the additional effect of venting all Volatile natural spirit stacks off the caster, dealing 1d6 damage (of the appropriate type) per stack to all targets within a 2" radius (including self) | Venting Vents off all Volatile spirit energy with various effects. No spirit cost and cannot critically cast or miscast. Automatically inflicts damage to the caster. Uses a single casting roll for all other targets in range, no dodge allowed. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver |
Spirit Heal | yes | 11 | Natural | Wild, High | None | Fortification | 0 | 2/level | Healing | instant | 10 | A single target receives 1d6 +1/level healing. Can never be cast using HP. | Healing single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add +spell damage bonuses as +healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat doubel the spirit cost |
Shaman, Druid, Runeweaver |