Trainer skills are a school of secondary skills that focus on a character’s ability to teach, train, and mentor others in various disciplines. These skills offer characters the ability to pass on their knowledge and shape the abilities of others, often turning a profit while doing so. They can train allies, companions, or apprentices in the use of specific equipment, the techniques required for a variety of primary skills, or even increase character stats through training. However, this often also requires patience, understanding, and a strong connection with the individuals being trained, particular for more advanced or complex techniques.
Much like occupational skills, many trainer skills afford a particular “Lifestyle” for a player character, that can carry its own benefits and risks. When used in a contractual manner GM discretion is required to determine what is reasonable and players may be asked to make some rolls on the Risk Tables.
Animal Trainer
Training animals is a difficult process and only someone who has an extreme affinity for animals is generally able to do so. It is a useful skill to have and can be quite a commodity as many people have uses for trained animals, some for good and some for evil. Animal Trainers are also skilled at breaking animals for the purposes of riding or acting as a combat mount. Once an animal has been tamed and trained it can be sold to anyone to use as they see fit . Many Animal Trainers often keep some or all of their trained animals, having a much higher capacity to control them than the average person. As the skill is refined the trainer can tame, break, and train larger and/or more threatening animals. Of course the animals must be located first. See Animal Training and Companions for details.
Secondary Skill Type | School | Discipline | Class Restrictions | Rank | Skill Name | Cost | Description | Requirements | Class Restrictions |
Standard | Academic Skills | Cartographer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | You can recall maps from memory of any place you have been before in your past travels by passing a Wisdom test. You gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to recalling, reading, interpreting, deciphering, and creating maps of any kind. | Wisdom or Perception 12+, Cartographer's Tools | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Cartographer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | When exploring a new area, dungeon, or cave system, etc... you can request access to any maps or visual aids that the GM possesses for any portion that you have explored thus far (unless magic/enchantments somehow prevent this). Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Cartographer skill. | Wisdom or Perception 13+, Cartographer's Tools | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Cartographer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | You have spent so many hours pouring over maps that nothing surprises you. Once per day you can accurately predict what a small portion of an unexplored area ahead may look like by passing a Wisdom test (unless magic/enchantments somehow prevent this). Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Cartographer skill. | Wisdom or Perception 14+, Cartographer's Tools | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Diplomat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Once during an encounter, if passing an Charm test (charismatic diplomacy) or Wisom test (experiential diplomacy), can propose a parley between opposing forces to discuss terms to avoid conflict even if they are unfriendly towards each other (whiel still gaining the encounters XP). This only works on sentient targets, whom have at least some basis to negotiate terms and does not necessarily result in conflict being avoided but at least provides an opportunity that would otherwise not be possible. Gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to statecraft, negotiation, diplomacy, current events and politics, cultural practices and etiquette, etc... | Charm or Wisdom 12+, Parley flag/banner | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Diplomat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Ability to parley extends to opposing forces that are hostile towards each other. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Diplomat skill. Spirit and Faith classes gain a further +1 advantage when dealing with groups that don't possess any skill or knowledge in spirit or faith. | Charm or Wisdom 13+, Parley flag/banner | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Diplomat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Ability to parley extends to opposing forces that hate each other. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Diplomat skill. Once per day, can re-roll a failed diplomat related stat test, where Spirit classes must first consume 10 spirit and Faith classes must first pass a Faith test. | Charm or Wisdom 14+, Parley flag/banner | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Historian | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Nearby allies (within 6") gain +1 advantage on any intellect, wisdom, or resolve test. You gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to recalling facts about historical events, lineages, signficant dates, historical characters, past conflicts, ancient civilizations, etc... | Intellect 12+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Historian | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Nearby allies (within 6") gain +2 advantage on any intellect, wisdom, or resolve test. Increase to +2 advantage on your stat tests related to the Historian skill. Spirit and Faith classes gain +2 to all Resistances. | Intellect 13+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Historian | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Nearby allies (within 6") gain +3 advantage on any intellect, wisdom, or resolve test. Increase to +3 advantage on your stat tests realted to the Historian skill. Spirit and Faith classes increase resistance bonus to +5. | Intellect 14+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Linguist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can read, speak, and write 2 additional languages of their choice, or 1 additional rare or dead language of their choice (GM discretion on what constitutes a rare or dead language). Gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to understanding dialects, translations, deciphering codes, creating written ciphers, etc... Mages, Battlemages, and Wizards may use "Memorize Power" at a rate of 2 per half rest. | Intellect 12+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Linguist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Can read, speak, and write 2 additional languages of their choice, or 1 additional rare or dead language of their choice. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Linguist skill. Mages, Battlemages, and Wizards may use "Memorize Power" at a rate of 3 per half rest. | Intellect 13+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Linguist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can read, speak, and write 2 additional languages of their choice, or 1 additional rare or dead language of their choice. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to understanding dialects, deciphering codes, or creating written ciphers. Mages, Battlemages, and Wizards may use "Memorize Power" at a rate of 4 per half rest. | Intellect 14+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Loremaster | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | At the outset of an encounter, if passing an Intellect test (studied knowledge) or Wisom test (experiential knowledge), the GM must reveal a pertenent fact, skill, trait, or ability of a target foe that the Loremaster can see or is otherwise aware of. This only works on mystical targets such as a denizen, dragonkind, fey creature, aberration, or monster. Gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to recalling knowledge about mystical creatures, creation myths, folk lore, ancient legends, realms of origin, schools of magic etc... | Intellect 12+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Loremaster | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | The ability to reveal facts about mystical targets is increased to either: 1 fact about 2 different targets or 2 facts about a single target. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Loremaster skill. Spirit classes gain +3 to cast with a choosen School of Magic. | Intellect 13+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Loremaster | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | The ability to reveal facts about mystical targets is increased to either: 1 fact about 3 different targets or 3 facts about a single target. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Loremaster skill. Spirit classes gain +2% Critical Cast chance with the same school of magic as selected in Rank 2. | Intellect 14+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Naturalist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | At the outset of an encounter, if passing an Intellect test (studied knowledge) or Wisom test (experiential knowledge), the GM must reveal a pertenent fact, skill, trait, or ability of a target foe that the Naturalist can see or is otherwise aware of. This only works on natural targets such as a beast, plant, primitive, humanoid, greenskin, or anthromorph. Gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to recalling knowledge about natural creatures, weather patterns, landforms, lunar cycles, tides, etc... | Intellect or Wisdom 12+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Naturalist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | The ability to reveal facts about natural targets is increased to either: 1 fact about 2 different targets or 2 facts about a single target. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Naturalist skill. Spirit and faith classes gain +2 Healing on all healing powers. | Intellect or Wisdom 13+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Naturalist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | The ability to reveal facts about natural targets is increased to either: 1 fact about 3 different targets or 3 facts about a single target. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Naturalist skill. Spirit and faith classes gain +2% Critical cast with all healing powers. | Intellect or Wisdom 14+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Theologian | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | At the outset of an encounter, if passing an Intellect test (studied knowledge) or Wisom test (experiential knowledge), the GM must reveal a pertenent fact, skill, trait, or ability of a target foe that the Theologian can see or is otherwise aware of. This only works on faith related targets such as a demon, devil, hell fiend, angel, nephilim, or undead. Gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to interpretation of sacred texts, dreams and visions, or recalling knowledge about religions, rites and rituals, deities, cult practices, sacred texts, religious institutions, cultural belief systems, etc... | Intellect or Wisdom 12+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Theologian | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | The ability to reveal facts about faith related targets is increased to either: 1 fact about 2 different targets or 2 facts about a single target. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Theologian skill. Faith classes gain +3 to cast with a choosen faith path. | Intellect or Wisdom 13+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Theologian | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | The ability to reveal facts about faith related targets is increased to either: 1 fact about 3 different targets or 3 facts about a single target. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Theologian skill. Faith classes gain +2% Critical Cast chance with the same faith path selected in Rank 2. | Intellect or Wisdom 14+ | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Behemoth | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Behemoth I | 1 | Treat your character as if it was one size larger than normal. This effects Size Modifiers and resistances to CC(see Creature Sizes) but DOES NOT effect HP dice or Size Traits. Also effects what size of creature you can use as a mount. This cancels out the “Small Race” racial passive, for all naturally small sized races and adds the “Large Race” racial passive for any naturally medium sized. If your race already has the “Large Race” passive, then skip Rank1 Behemoth and retain their standard size modifiers. Negates the “Light of Foot” racial passive. | Stamina 13+, Must take at character creation, Mutually exclusive with Juggernaut | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Behemoth | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Behemoth II | 1 | Nothing can slow you down anymore. Gain the “Implacable” racial passive. If your race already has this passive, then skip Rank2 Behemoth | Stamina 14+, Mutually exclusive with Juggernaut | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Behemoth | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Behemoth III | 1 | Your presence on the battlefield cannot be ignored. Foes are naturally drawn to you. If wishing to target an ally that is standing behind you, the attacker must first pass a Resolve test. | Stamina 15+, Mutually exclusive with Juggernaut | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Behemoth | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Behemoth IV | 1 | You’ve grown so huge that you can shrug off damage without a second thought. Gain Toughness 1. | Stamina 16+, Mutually exclusive with Juggernaut | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Behemoth | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Behemoth V | 1 | Just when they thought you couldn’t get any bigger… Increase Toughness to 2. | Stamina 17+, Mutually exclusive with Juggernaut | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Brawler | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Brawler I | 1 | Receive +2 per Rank to Difficulty rolls for Bar Fighting moves, and +1 damage per 5 lvls for unarmed/fist/kick attacks each round in staged combats. Also gain up to +10% income for prize fights, where applicable. | None | |
Standard | Brute Skills | Brawler | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Brawler II | 1 | Receive a 1d4 damage off hand attack that can be used each round of combat when not attacking with a regular off hand weapon. This damage can be upgraded by equipping a fist weapon. Also gain up to +15% income for prize fights, where applicable. | None | |
Standard | Brute Skills | Brawler | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Brawler III | 1 | Can elect to use a Bar Fighting move to incapacitate a foe in normal combat, treating it as a main hand special skill but following the standard rules for Bar Fighting moves. This can only be used on living opponents no greater than 1 size larger that the Brawler. The attack itself does 1d4 damage regardless of knocking the target out. If successful in knocking a target out it, its HP are NOT reduce to 0, but it is considered incapacitated for the remainder of the battle (or 10-15 minutes outside of combat). Incapacitated targets will revive if receiving any further damage. Also gain up to +25% income for prize fights, where applicable. | None | |
Standard | Brute Skills | Drunken Master | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | All effects of 6 stacks or less drunkenness are ignored with the exception of the Stamina advantage. Also gain 0.5HP per level for each Stack of Drunkenness. Permanently suffer -10% HP Max while not drunk (0 stacks) | None | |
Standard | Brute Skills | Drunken Master | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Immune to hang overs. Lose Drunkenness stacks at 1/2 the normal rate (2 hours of non-drinking, 50% less stack reduction from resting). Gain +1 melee damage for each Stack of Drunkenness. Permanently suffer -2 melee damage while not drunk (0 stacks) | None | |
Standard | Brute Skills | Drunken Master | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | When drunk you have a 10% per Stack of Drunkeness chance to gain an additional turn at the bottom of each turn order, however all target assignment must be random. If in base contact, will only choose from other targets also in base contact. Permanently suffer -3 Disadvantage on all Stat Tests and +15% Critical Miss/Cast chance while not drunk (0 stacks). | None | |
Standard | Brute Skills | Juggernaut | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Juggernaut I | 1 | When moving at least more than 2″ into base contact gain a chance to cause a knock down effect based on how much armor you have (i.e. if Armor = 65, then gain a 65% knockdown chance) | Strength or Stamina 13+, Mutually Exclusive with Behemoth | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Juggernaut | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Juggernaut II | 1 | Gain resistance to physical CC effects such as stun, knock down, knock back, winded, incapacitate, etc… equal to your current armor (i.e. if Armor = 65, then gain a 65% resistance to physical CC effects) | Strength or Stamina 14+, Mutually Exclusive with Behemoth | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Juggernaut | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Juggernaut III | 1 | Gain a passive Trample effect equal to 1d6 per 20 armor (i.e. if Armor is 0-19 = no Trample, 20-39 = 1d6 Trample, 40-59 = 2d6 Trample, etc…) | Strength or Stamina 15+, Mutually Exclusive with Behemoth | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Juggernaut | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Juggernaut IV | 1 | Gain Crushing Blow on all physical attacks, equal to 1 per 20 armor. (i.e. if Armor is 0-19 = no additional Crushing Blow, 20-39 = Crushing Blow 1, 40-59 = Crushing Blow 2, etc…) | Strength or Stamina 16+, Mutually Exclusive with Behemoth | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Juggernaut | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Juggernaut V | 1 | Any time you armor save against an attack, your opponent becomes Frightened of you | Strength or Stamina 17+, Mutually Exclusive with Behemoth | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Strongman | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Strongman I | 1 | Adds +1 to the characters Strength stat permanently, up to a maximum of 20 | Strength 13+, Mutually Exclusive with Paired Weapon Combat Specialization | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Strongman | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Strongman II | 1 | +2 damage while in close combat and +1 Advantage on most Strength Stat tests and Stat Roll-offs | Strength 14+, Mutually Exclusive with Paired Weapon Combat Specialization | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Strongman | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Strongman III | 1 | Allows the character to use a two handed melee weapon in one hand. This never allows for dual wielding two handed weapons, regardless of being used in tandem the Dual Wield skill; even the strong have their limitations. However, you could use a two handed weapon in your main hand and a one handed weapon in your offhand so long as the off hand weapon is smaller than the main hand weapon. If a weapon lists damage for 1 handed use and 2 handed use separately, it is still considered a 2 handed weapon if dealing 2 handed damage. | Strength 15+, Mutually Exclusive with Paired Weapon Combat Specialization | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Warmonger | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Warmonger I | 1 | Can add +2 to your normal (un-mounted) move if the movement would count as a charge | Must charge | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Warmonger | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Warmonger II | 1 | All melee attacks made during the same round as a charge receive +2 damage | Must charge | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Warmonger | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Warmonger III | 1 | All melee attacks made during the same round as a charge have +30% Overpowering | Must charge | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Warmonger | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Warmonger IV | 1 | If your first main hand attack after a charge successfully hits, may choose to knock down (or dismount) your opponent if winning a Stamina stat roll-off | Must charge | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Alchemy | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Apprentice | 1 | Can learn, brew, experiment, and discover common potions and poisons. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, working as an apprentice to an apothecary. | Alchemy Toolkit | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Alchemy | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Journeyman | 1 | Can learn, brew, experiment, and discover up to uncommon potions and poisons. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, likely running or even owning a small apothecary shop or mobile stall, and possibly employing thier own apprentice or novice. | Field Alchemy Kit | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Alchemy | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Artisan | 1 | Can learn, brew, experiment, and discover up to rare potions and poisons. Can passively sustain an comfortable lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a well respected apothecary and often employing a team of lesser alchemists. | Alchemy Lab | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Alchemy | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Master | 1 | Can learn, brew, experiment, and discover up to very rare potions and poisons. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a large apothecary operation that is often in the service of the aristocracy or other powerful individuals and typically employing many others. | Advanced Alchemy Lab | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Blacksmith | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (mail and plate), weapons or items (that are mostly metal), at a rate of 1 unit per day. Tier 1 Crafting only. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, employed mending pots, crafting tools, shoeing horses or as a labourer at a smithy. | Smiths tools and forge | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Blacksmith | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (mail and plate), weapons or items (that are mostly metal), at a rate of 2 units per day. Tier 1 Crafting only. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an apprentice to a smith of higher skill/rank. | Smiths tools and forge | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Blacksmith | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Journeyman | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (mail and plate), weapons or items (that are mostly metal), at a rate of 4 units per day. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, likely running or even owning a small smithy or forge and possibly employing thier own apprentice or novice. May also choose to specialize as either a Weaponsmith or Armorsmith, allowing access to Tier 2 Advanced Weapon and Armor (mail and palte) Crafting (respectively). | Smiths tools and forge | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Blacksmith | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Artisan | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (mail and plate), weapons or items (that are mostly metal), at a rate of 6 units per day. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a well respected smithy or forge and often employing a team of lesser smiths. Allows access to Tier 3 Advanced Crafting in your selected specialization (Armorsmith or Weaponsmith) | Smiths tools and forge | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Blacksmith | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (mail and plate), weapons or items (that are mostly metal), at a rate of 8 units per day. Can passively sustain a wealthy lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a large smithing operation that is often in the service of the aristocracy or other powerful individuals and typically employing many others. Allows access to Tier 4 Advanced Crafting in your selected specialization (Armorsmith or Weaponsmith) | Smiths tools and forge | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Brewmaster | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Apprentice | 1 | May brew normal alcoholic beverages on a small scale (single man operation). Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working under another brewmaster of higher rank/skill or running a a mobile operation (requires a cart with 60+ slots designated for brewing equipment). | Brewing equipment | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Brewmaster | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Journeyman | 1 | May choose one type of alcoholic beverage and become a master in its creation and brew “special” beverages of that type (with the right recipe). Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, if running a medium scale brewery/winery/distillery with at least 1 apprentice, assistant, or helper. | Brewing equipment | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Brewmaster | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | May instruct others in the brewing/fermenting/distilling process. Can passively support a wealthy lifestyle during downtime, if running your own large scale brewery/winery/distillery (of your specialized type). Must be a permanent facility with associated staff. | Brewing equipment | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Fletcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Apprentice | 1 | Can craft fletched arrows and lightweight bolts, at a rate of 1 unit per day. Grants +2 to hit with bows & crossbows. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime. | Fletchers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Fletcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Journeyman | 1 | Can also craft hunting, silent & stun arrows and quarrel & stun bolts, as well as hollow-points, at a rate of 2 units per day. Grants another +2 to hit with bows & crossbows. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime. | Fletchers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Fletcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Artisan | 1 | Can also craft war & bodkin & tar arrows and metal bolts, at a rate of 3 units per day or 1 unit per full-rest. Grants another +2 to hit with bows & crossbows. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime. | Fletchers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Fletcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Master | 1 | Can also craft broadhead & razor arrows and wedge & barbed bolts, as well as magic arrows and bolts, at a rate of 6 units per day or 1 unit per half-rest. Grants another +2 to hit with bows & crossbows. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime. | Fletchers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Leather Worker | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (leather) and tan hides (uses same modifiers as repairing), at a rate of 1 unit per day. Tier 1 Crafting only. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, employed as a labourer mending leathers and tanning hides. | Leatherworkers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Leather Worker | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (leather) and tan hides (uses same modifiers as repairing), at a rate of 2 units per day. Tier 1 Crafting only. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an apprentice to a leather worker of higher skill/rank. | Leatherworkers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Leather Worker | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Journeyman | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (leather) and tan hides (uses same modifiers as repairing), at a rate of 4 units per day. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, likely running or even owning a tanning/leather working operation and possibly employing thier own apprentice or novice. Also allows access to Tier 2 Advanced (leather) Armor Crafting. | Leatherworkers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Leather Worker | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Artisan | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (leather) and tan hides (uses same modifiers as repairing), at a rate of 6 units per day. Can passively sustain a affluent lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a well respected tannery or leatherworking shop and often employing a team of lesser leather workers. Also allows access to Tier 3 Advanced (leather) Armor Crafting. | Leatherworkers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Leather Worker | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (leather) and tan hides (uses same modifiers as repairing), at a rate of 8 units per day. Can passively sustain a wealthy lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a large leatherworking operation that is often in the service of the aristocracy or other powerful individuals and typically employing many others. Also allows access to Tier 4 Advanced (leather) Armor Crafting. | Leatherworkers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Siegecraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Apprentice | 1 | Can design, build, and repair simple siege craft items that would only require one person and a basic (untrained) understanding of masonry, carpentry, etc… (i.e a siege ladder, a simple battering ram, a barricade). Max rate of 2 crafting units per day. Can re-roll failures if a higher ranked Siegecrafter is present. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime. | Siegecrafters Tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Siegecraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Journeyman | 1 | Can design, build and repair complex siege craft items and instruct a crew in their construction & operation, however the presence of at least one skilled carpenter, mason, etc… is likely required (GM discretion) (i.e. a trebuchet, a ballistae, a guard tower, a wooden pallisade). Max personal contribution of 4 crafting units per day. Can re-roll failures if a Master Siegecrafter is present. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime. | Siegecrafters Tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Siegecraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can design and oversee construction/repair of siege craft projects on a massive scale, crews are typically large and contain many skilled tradesmen/craftsmen (i.e. a fortified estate, a moat, a castle). This requires multiple days, weeks, or even years depending on the project, with a maximum personal contribution rate of 8 crafting units per day. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime. | Siegecrafters Tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (cloth) and clothing, at a rate of 1 unit per day. Tier 1 Crafting only. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, employed as a labourer mending cloths or working as a seamtress. | Tailors tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (cloth) and clothing, at a rate of 2 units per day. Tier 1 Crafting only. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an apprentice to a tailor of higher skill/rank. | Tailors tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Journeyman | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (cloth) and clothing, at a rate of 4 units per day. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, likely running or even owning a shop and possibly employing thier own apprentice or novice. Also allows access to Tier 2 Advanced (cloth) Armor Crafting. | Tailors tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Artisan | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (cloth) and clothing, at a rate of 6 units per day. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a well respected shop or boutique and often employing a team of lesser cloth workers. Also allows access to Tier 3 Advanced (cloth) Armor Crafting. | Tailors tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 1 | Can attempt to craft or armor (cloth) and clothing, at a rate of 8 units per day. Can passively sustain a wealthy lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a trendy boutique or large tailoring operation that is often in the service of the aristocracy or other powerful individuals and typically employing many others. Also allows access to Tier 4 Advanced (cloth) Armor Crafting. | Tailors tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tradesman (Craftsman) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Apprentice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair items of their craft/trade, at a rate of 2 units per day. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an apprentice to an higher ranking/skilled tradesperson or as an assistant or helper in someone else’s shop. | Craftsmans Tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tradesman (Craftsman) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Journeyman | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair items of their craft/trade, at a rate of 4 units per day. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, likely running or even owning a small shop or market stall, with at least 1 apprentice, assistant, or helper. | Craftsmans Tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tradesman (Craftsman) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair items of their craft/trade, at a rate of 8 units per day. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime, managing a large shop (or franchise) with associated staff, or running a trade school. | Craftsmans Tools | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Acrobat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Receives +1 Advantage on all Agility stat rolls. Also allows the Acrobat to jump twice as far or twice as high as he would normally would be permitted. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, working as a novice with a troupe of performers. | Agility 12+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Acrobat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Receives +1 Avoidance, permanently (can’t be higher than a natural 20). Can also remain standing after "rolling with the blow", if passing an Agility test. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as a solo act or with a troupe of performers. | Agility 14+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Acrobat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Receives +1 Movement, permanently (foot speed, does not apply when mounted or flying). Can passively sustain a affluent lifestyle during downtime, working as an headliner for a troupe of performers. | Agility 16+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Contortionist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Oddity | 1 | Can contort you body into odd positions that others would not normaly be able to, even slightly reducing your overall size. Can passively sustain a squalid lifestyle during downtime, working as a street performer or in a sideshow of ill repute, seen as only slighly better than a beggar. | Agility 12+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Contortionist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Freak | 1 | Can signficantly contort you body, reducing your size by up to one creature size smaller. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, working as a street performer of mild renown or as a circus freak. | Agility 14+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Contortionist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Marvel | 1 | Can contort you body at an almost supernatural level, reducing your size by up to two creature sizes smaller. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an adored street performer or with a travelling variety show. | Agility 16+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Investigation | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | If passing a Perception or Intellect test you may ask GM to point out a physical characteristic about an encounter, environemnt, battle, room, etc... that would not typically be noticed or that you wouldn't think to ask about. This may or may not be relevant information. Gain +1 advantage on stat tests (typically Perception or Intellect) related to searching for clues, locating hidden objects, detecting traps, deducing what caused a particualr type of wound, investiagting crime scenes for evidence, etc... | Wisdom or Perception 12+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Investigation | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Can request two physical characteristics from the GM, at least one MUST be relevant. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Investigation skill. Gain +1% Critical Hit with all physical attacks. | Wisdom or Perception 13+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Investigation | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can request three physical characteristics from the GM, at least two MUST be relevant. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Investigation skill. Increase to +2% Critical Hit Chance with all physical attacks. | Wisdom or Perception 14+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Performer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Street Performer | 1 | Select a single specific performance based skill such as a Singer, Dancer, Actor or Musician. Gain +1 Advantage on any stat roll associated with your performer skill. May use your selected skill to perform once per day. See Performer for details. Can passively sustain a squalid lifestyle during downtime, working as a street performer in the rough parts of towns and settlements, seen as only slighly better than a beggar. | Instrument (Musician), Props (Actor/Dancer), etc... | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Performer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Novice | 1 | Have skills can ease the mind and calm the nerves. Gain +2 Advantage on any stat roll associated with your performer skill. May use your selected skill to perform once per day. See Performer for details. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, working as a street performer of mild renown or as a novice with a troupe of performers. | Charm or Agility 11+, Instrument (Musician), Props (Actor/Dancer), etc... | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Performer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Adept | 1 | Your skills are noticed, and typically appreciated, everywhere you go. Gain +3 Advantage on any stat roll associated with your performer skill. May use your selected skill to perform once per day. See Performer for details. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an adored street performer or with a troupe of performers. | Charm or Agility 12+, Instrument (Musician), Props (Actor/Dancer), etc... | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Performer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Master | 1 | People everywhere have heard of your great skill and you are welcome in most towns and cities, and are sought after by wealthy socialites. Gain +4 Advantage on any stat roll associated with your performer skill. May use your selected skill to perform once per day. See Performer for details. Can passively sustain a affluent lifestyle during downtime, working as an headliner for a troupe of performers. | Charm or Agility 13+, Instrument (Musician), Props (Actor/Dancer), etc... | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Performer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Virtuoso | 1 | Your skill is legendary and they will speak of you long after you are gone. Gain +5 Advantage on any stat roll associated with your performer skill. May use your selected skill to perform once per day. See Performer for details. Can passively sustain a wealthy lifestyle during downtime, working as you choose for only the largest audeiences and richest patrons, or perhaps running a prestigious troupe of your own. | Charm or Agility 14+, Instrument (Musician), Props (Actor/Dancer), etc... | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Sleight of Hand | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Basic knowledge and skillset for feats of manual trickery/legerdemain to amaze or distract (i.e. coin/card tricks, concealing objects, etc...). Must pass an Agility test to succeed. Does not include pick pocketing or stealing. Can passively sustain a squalid lifestyle during downtime, working as a street performer or in a sideshow of ill repute, seen as only slighly better than a beggar. | Agility 12+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Sleight of Hand | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Gain +3 advantage on sleight of hand stat tests. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, working as a street performer of mild renown or as sideshow curiosity. | Agility 13+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Sleight of Hand | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can escape non-magical bonds (i.e. hand cuffs, rope restraints, etc...) if passing an Agility test. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an adored street performer or headlining a travelling variety show. | Agility 14+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Trick Rider | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Quick Mount | 1 | Gain +1 Advantage on any Agility, Avoidance, Dodge, or Initiative stat test made while mounted. Mounting in combat only requires an instant and dismounting can be be done for free at end of the movement portion of your turn. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Trick Rider | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Attuned | 1 | Gain +2 Advantage on any Agility, Avoidance, Dodge, or Initiative stat test made while mounted. Your Advantage bonuses also apply to your mount. Negate any dismount casued by taking a critical hit or suffering a critical miss/cast. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Trick Rider | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Deadly Dismount | 1 | Gain +3 Advantage on any Agility, Avoidance, Dodge, or Initiative stat test made while mounted. Anytime you willingingly dismount, for each inch moved prior to dismounting your next melee attack gains +1 damage, +2 to hit, and +1 Advantage on a Stamina test to see if your target is knocked down. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Unarmed Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Unarmed Combat I | 1 | Awarded one Focus skill point to spend on an unarmed, kick, or defense skill only. If not a focus class the skill can only be used once per battle, with no focus roll and the results always treated as a Good (Standard) Execution. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Unarmed Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Unarmed Combat II | 1 | Awarded one additional Focus skill point to spend on unarmed, kick, or defense skills only. If not a Focus class, can only use two Focus skill per battle. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Unarmed Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Unarmed Combat III | 1 | Awarded one additional Focus skill point to spend on unarmed, kick, or defense skills only. If not a Focus class, can only use three Focus skills per battle. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Unarmed Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Unarmed Combat IV | 1 | Awarded one additional Focus skill point to spend on unarmed, kick, or defense skills only. If not a Focus class, can only use four Focus skills per battle, and can only have a maximum of Rank 3 on any one skill. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Unarmed Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Unarmed Combat V | 1 | Awarded one additional Focus skill point to spend on unarmed, kick, or defense skills only. If not a Focus class, can only use five Focus skills per battle, and can only have a maximum of Rank 3 on any one skill. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Athletics | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | [Spec] I | 1 | Choose a specialty, such as Swimming, Climbing, Sprinting, Jumping, Heavy Lifting, etc... gain +2 Advantage on any stat roll related to that feat of athleticism | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Athletics | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | [Spec] II | 1 | Gain a rank in a previously chosen form of Athletics, increasing to +4 Advantage on any stat roll related to that feat of athleticism. OR choose a second specialty to gain +2 Advantage in. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Athletics | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | [Spec] III | 1 | Gain a rank in a previously chosen form of Athletics, increasing to +6 Advantage (Rank 3) or +4 (Rank 2) on any stat roll related to that feat of athleticism. OR choose a new specialty to gain +2 Advantage in. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Casting | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Intercept Cast | 1 | Once per turn, as a reaction, may immediately use a direct damage ranged/LOS power against an enemy just before they move into base contact so long as the caster was not in base contact with any enemy on the previous turn. | Level 3+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Casting | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Close Quarters | 1 | Gain +2 damage with any melee based spirit or faith power and +2 effectiveness to any shielding or healing power cast while in base contact with an enemy | Level 4+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Casting | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Counter Cast | 1 | After a successful dodge, armor-save, parry, block, or ward-off; may move up to 1″ (sideways or backwards) & cast a direct damage offensive action power out of turn. Doing so does not count as Disengaging from Combat but prevents using a casting action on your next turn. | Level 5+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Casting | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Sheer Will | 1 | Once per battle you may elect to re-roll casting rolls as many times as there are enemies in base contact with you. Must stick with the final roll. | Level 6+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Veteran | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Battle Scarred | 1 | Permanently add +1 Stamina (up to a maximum of 20) | Level 3+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Veteran | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Grit | 1 | Reduces the chances of injuries becoming permanent by 20%. | Level 4+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Veteran | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Last Stand | 1 | once/day (instant ability, add 25% of max HP to current HP, cannot be used to increase HP past max) | Level 5+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Veteran | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Cajole | 1 | “Come on ya young pups, ya wanna live fer’ever?" Once/day (instant ability, if outnumbered may grant self and 3 other friendlies double your regular movement, up to 10”, if it will result in base contact with an enemy). | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Commander | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Commanding Presence | 1 | Allows any friendlies w/in 6″ (or in a base contact combat formation) to take Resolve Stat tests off of the Commanders Resolve Stat instead of their own if they so choose. This does not include Resolve tests taken to prevent Focus loss. | 3 out of 4 of the following Stats at 12+: Perception, Resolve, Initiative, and Charm | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Commander | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Strategic Delay | 1 | Whenever the Commander elects to act last (“going to the bottom of queue”), he/she may assign up to 1 Initiative Score per level (with a maximum equal to their own Initiative Stat) split among their allies, thereby effecting the turn order of all combatants. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Commander | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Inspiritional Command | 1 | While Commander is conscious all friendlies (including self) w/in 6” gain +5 Advantage on Resolve rolls if a power or effect that would cause them to move against their own free will (i.e. fear, taunt, etc…), if this effect is using a Resistance instead of a Stat gain +25 Resistance against it. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Commander | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Battle Plan | 1 | If the Commander first passes an Initiative test, allies within 10" may make a free movement and non-combat instant OR action before the battle begins. If the party is surprised they may only move at half speed or take a non-combat instant (in lieu of moving). If an enemy commanders also passes an Initiative test then an Initiative Stat roll-off decides who gets to use Battle Plan first. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Commander | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Fallen Hero | 1 | If the Commander is knocked unconscious the remaining party members gain +5 damage on all attacks for the rest of the battle (+10 if he is slain) and any friendlies w/in 1” of the body gains an additional 25% of their max HP, +10 to hit, and continue to benefit from Rank2 skill until they move from that spot (only applies to those genuinely loyal to the Commander). | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Dual Wield | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Dual Wield I | 1 | Exempts Combat Penalties when attacking with one medium and one small weapon. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Dual Wield | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Dual Wield II | 1 | Exempts Combat Penalties when attacking with two medium weapons or one large and one small weapon. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Dual Wield | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Dual Wield IIII | 1 | Exempts Combat Penalties when attacking with one large and one medium weapon. | Agility 12+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Dual Wield | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Dual Wield IV | 1 | Exempts Combat Penalties when attacking two large weapons. NOTE – Extra large weapons can NEVER be used in conjunction with Dual Wield, even if possessing Strongman Rank3. | Agility 15+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Military Training | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Stand Fast | 1 | Can remain standing/conscious even when HP’s go below 0, and instead only go unconscious upon receiving enough damage to cause Serious Injuries. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Military Training | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Hold Your Ground | 1 | Receives +1 dam and +5 hit (melee only) against an enemy when it moves into base contact, no bonus is awarded if the character is the one that moves. This bonus remains until the enemy is destroyed or the character moves out of combat. Bonus is on a per-enemy basis; does not stack when multiple enemies move into base contact. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Military Training | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Battle On | 1 | When in base contact with more than one opponent with no allies in base contact with those same opponents, gain an additional regular main hand melee attack each round that counts as a separate action (this side steps the 4-3-2 Rule for Multiple Attack Actions) | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Military Training | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Combat Sense | 1 | May re-roll your initiative score at the start of a battle and any failed initiative test at any time, only using the second roll if you so desire | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Non-Lethal Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Pull the Blow | 1 | When a target is at 20% HP or less, may choose to cut your damage in half after having rolled damage dice, but before the GM announces any result | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Non-Lethal Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Knockout Blow | 1 | Any attack that would result in the target’s death instead inflicts only enough damage to reduce the target’s HP to -10. For some low stamina targets this may still result in fatal injuries. If the attack was a critical hit resulting in death, instead reduce the target’s hp to -20. Target must apply the appropriate level of injury for being reduced to -10 or -20. See Injuries page for details. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Non-Lethal Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Follow Through | 1 | Any damage overrun lost as a result of using "Knockout Blow" can be applied to your next attack on another target (I.e. if inflicting 50 damage with a regular hit on a target with only 30HP, the damaged target drops to -10HP, resulting in 10 damage that can be applied to your next attack) | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Riding Skill | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Basic | 1 | Can ride normal mounts up to Threat Rating 2 in combat (including directing mounts attacks) | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Riding Skill | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Improved | 1 | Can ride normal & exotic mounts up to Threat Rating 3 in combat (including directing mounts attacks). Grants +1 Advantage to any Initiative stat test or roll-off that is directly related to mounts both in and out of combat (i.e. accidental dismounts, remounting, etc…) | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Riding Skill | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Greater | 1 | Can ride normal, exotic, & flying mounts up to Threat Rating 4 in combat (including directing mounts attacks). Increase to +2 advantage on Initiative tests related to the Riding Skill. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Riding Skill | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Superior | 1 | Can ride normal, exotic, & flying mounts up to Threat Rating 5 in combat (including directing mounts attacks). Increase to +3 advantage on Initiative tests related to the Riding Skill. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Riding Skill | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Matchless | 1 | Can ride normal, exotic, flying, & special mounts up to Threat Rating 7 in combat (including directing mounts attacks). Increase to +2 advantage on Initiative tests related to the Riding Skill. | None | |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Animator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | one attempt per day - base 10% success (Medium) - see Animation for details | Workspace/Shop, Materials, Level 3+ | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Animator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | one attempt per day - base 20% success (Medium) - see Animation for details | Workspace/Shop, Materials, Level 4+ | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Animator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Adept | 1 | one attempt per day - base 30% success (Medium) - see Animation for details | Workspace/Shop, Materials, Level 5+ | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Animator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Expert | 1 | one attempt per day - base 40% success (Medium) - see Animation for details | Workspace/Shop, Materials, Level 6+ | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Animator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 1 | one attempt per day - base 50% success (Medium) - see Animation for details | Workspace/Shop, Materials, Level 7+ | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Enchanter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Add/remove minor (Tier 1) enchantments (once/day) | Sanctum, Recipe, Components | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Enchanter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | Add/remove improved (Tier 2) enchantments (once/day) | Sanctum, Recipe, Components | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Enchanter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Adept | 1 | Add/remove greater (Tier 3) enchantments (once/day) | Sanctum, Recipe, Components | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Enchanter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Expert | 1 | Add/remove superior (Tier4) enchantments (once/day) | Sanctum, Recipe, Components | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Enchanter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 1 | Add/remove matchless (Tier 5) enchantments (once/day) | Sanctum, Recipe, Components | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Magician | Barbarian, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Samurai, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Granted one spirit power that must be cast from HP (Maximum Tier 1 power.) | Intellect 12+ | Barbarian, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Samurai, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Magician | Barbarian, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Samurai, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Granted one spirit power that must be cast from HP (Maximum Tier 2 power.) | Intellect 14+, Level 3+ | Barbarian, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Samurai, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Magician | Barbarian, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Samurai, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Granted one spirit power that must be cast from HP (Maximum Tier 3 power.) | Intellect 16+, Level 5+ | Barbarian, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Samurai, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Mariner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to sailing knowledge, navigation, operations and maneuvers. If casting Spirit or Faith powers within range of seawater gain +2% Critical Cast chance | None | |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Mariner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | While at sea you always know in what direction your destination lies (unless magic/enchantments would prevent this). Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Mariner skill. If casting Spirit or Faith powers within range of seawater increase to +5% Critical Cast chance | None | |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Mariner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | The travel speed of your vessel is increased by +50% while at sea (does not stack with multiple Mariners). Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Mariner skill. If casting Spirit or Faith powers within range of seawater increase to +10% Critical Cast chance | None | |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Runecraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | May inscribe/shatter runes for Tier 2 Rune Crafting (once per day) | Parchment and writing utensil | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Runecraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | May inscribe/shatter runes for Tier 3 Rune Crafting (once per day) | Parchment and writing utensil | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Runecraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | May inscribe/shatter runes for Tier 4 Rune Crafting (once per day) | Parchment and writing utensil | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Spell Scribe | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can create a non combat spell scroll, based off any spirit or faith power they already know. Allows one attempt per day. See Spell Scribe for details. Mages, Battlemages, Wizards (and soemtimes Assassins) can transcribe Spirit powers directly from their own memory into a Spirit Book. | Intellect 12+ | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Spell Scribe | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Can create a spell scroll, based off any spirit or faith power they already know, provided it does not deal direct damage. Allows two attempts per day. See Spell Scribe for details. | Intellect 14+, Level 3+ | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Spell Scribe | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can create a spell scroll, based off any spirit or faith power they already know, no restrictions. Allows three attempts per day. See Spell Scribe for details. | Intellect 16+, Level 5+ | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Spell Crafter | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 2 | Can attempt to create a new non combat spell, no higher than your current Tier. Allows one attempt per week. See Spellcrafting for details. | Sanctum, Level 3+ | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Spell Crafter | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 2 | Can attempt to create a new non-direct damage spell, no higher than your current Tier. Allows two attempts per week. See Spellcrafting for details. | Sanctum, Level 5+ | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Spell Crafter | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 2 | Can attempt to create any new spell, no higher than your current Tier. Allows three attempts per week. See Spellcrafting for details. | Sanctum, Level 7+ | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bodyguard | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Hired Muscle | 1 | Select a single person each day to guard, gain +10% HP and damage when within 3” of them. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, employed to guard a minor public figure, lesser noble, or civil servant | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bodyguard | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Body Blocker | 1 | If you are within 3” of your charge and an enemy moves into base contact or targets them with a ranged attack you may immediately move to intercept the attack (during the enemies turn); counts as your movement in your next turn. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, employed to guard a notable public figure, noble, government official, or military officer. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bodyguard | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Elite Guard | 1 | If Body Blocker results in your HP dropping below 5 you cannot be knocked unconscious for the remainder of the battle (though your HP can still go into the negatives) and your next attack of any type against the target that hit you will auto-crit. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, employed to guard a famous public figure, noble elite, high profile government official, or high ranking miltiary officer | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bodyguard | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Bonded Protector | 1 | Must select a single person to guard and cannot act as a bodyguard to anyone else. If your charge is threatened in any way, the Hired Muscle bonus is increased to +25% HP and damage while within 3" of them, or if fighting to get back into this range. If your charge is killed you may not never again use Bonded Protector. Can passively sustain a affluent lifestyle during downtime, permanently employed to guarding a singular person of signficance. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bounty Hunter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Tracker | 1 | Gain +2 Advantage on any stat roll used when tracking or locating a desired target, whether they want to be found or not. When attacking they are skilled at non-lethal incapacitation of their foes, as such they can always choose to reduce the HP of an enemy whose bounty they are after to -3 when an attack would normally drop them lower than that (exception is for when critically hitting an enemy). Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, cashing in on minor bounties with littel personal risk. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bounty Hunter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Increase to +3 Advantage on stat tests related to the Bounty Hunter skill. Gain +6 hit & +2 dam (melee & ranged) against their quarry. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, cashing in on bounties with only moderate personal risk. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bounty Hunter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Infamous | 1 | Increase to +4 Advantage on stat tests related to the Bounty Hunter skill. Gain +6 hit & +2 dam (melee & ranged) against anyone who stands between them and their bounty. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, cashing in on higher risk bounties. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bounty Hunter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Master | 1 | Increase to +5 Advantage on stat tests related to the Bounty Hunter skill. Bonuses from previous ranks are increasd to +8 hit & +3 dam (melee & ranged). Can passively sustain a affluent lifestyle during downtime, cashing in on high profile bounties at great personal risk. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Butcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Basic knowledge of how to properly butcher and preserve meat. Requires a half-rest per 20 meat servings and requires passing a Wisdom test to be successful. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime. | Knife, Butcher's Kit | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Butcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Roll raw meat drops from creatures twice and take the best result. +3 Advantage on stat tests for preserving meats. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime. | Knife, Butcher's Kit | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Butcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Raw meat drops are increased by +50%. +5 Advantage on stat tests for preserving meats. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime. | Knife, Butcher's Kit | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Cook | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can cook a decent meal with available ingredients, providing +20% resting to your party (see Resting). Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, cooking at a low-end tavern or market stall. | Cooking Supplies | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Cook | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | The entire party gets an extra 1d10 +1/lvl HP’s back every time they rest, provided the cook is conscious and can actually cook. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, cooking at a well established tavern or in the employ of wealthy household. | Cooking Supplies | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Cook | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Artisan | 1 | Can prepare feasts (+30% resting for your party) if you have quality ingredients or instruct others in doing so by taking on the roll of master chef. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, as in any city or village people will actively seek you out if they know you are nearby to make use of your services. | Cooking Supplies | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Cook | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Master | 1 | A master cook is a rare thing, you are very likely to be invited into the estates of the rich nobles in order to prepare important feasts, affording you certain privaleges above your station. Can also instruct others in preparing feasts by taking on the roll of master chef. Can passively sustain a affluent lifestyle during downtime, cooking for nobles and other important public figures at all the best parties. | Cooking Supplies | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Executioner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | If your attack would knock a target unconscious, you may instead choose to kill the target out right. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, as a local executioner travelling to nearby villages. | Axe (or other appropriate tool for executions) | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Executioner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | If your target's HP is less than 10% of maximum, all daamge you deal to them is max damage. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working for a low ranking noble or judiciary body. | Axe (or other appropriate tool for executions) | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Executioner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Gain +3% critical hit chance with all physical attacks. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, working as a royal executioner or for high judical entity. | Axe (or other appropriate tool for executions) | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Farmer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Gain +5 hit and +1 damage when using any Simple weapon type that would be considered a farming tool (i.e. Sickle, Pitchfork, Scythe, Mallet, etc…). Can passively sustain a squalid lifestyle during downtime working as a serf OR a poor lifestyle if employed as a farmhand. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Farmer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Gain +5 hit and +1 damage when fighting in farmlands or defending a homestead of some kind. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle farming a small plot of rented land OR a comfortable life style working as a lead farmhand. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Farmer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Your knowledge of the land and changing seasons affords some measure of protection against the elements, reducing any environmental damage by 25%. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime, if maintaining and operating your own farmlands (or those of a land owner or local Lord). OR can passively sustain an wealthy lifestyle during downtime, if managing/owning a large amount of farmlands and farmhands. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Healer (Medic) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Basic knowledge of healing techniques and/or medicine. Count as a Field Medic for resting purposes (+10% resting). Gain +10% healing effects (round up) with Faith/Spirit powers or any herbal remedy or potion administered out of combat. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, working as a field medic or village healer. | Healer's Toolkit | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Healer (Medic) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Advanced knowledge of healing techniques and/or medicine. Count as a Healer (without being a Spirit or Faith class) for resting purposes (+20% resting). Gain +25% healing effects (round up) with Faith/Spirit powers or any herbal remedy or potion administered out of combat. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as a traveling healer or local surgeon. | Healer's Toolkit | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Healer (Medic) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Expert knowledge of healing techniques and/or medicine. Injured targets brought to you within 1 day have the chances of an injury becoming permanent cut in half. Gain +50% healing effects (round up) with Faith/Spirit powers or any herbal remedy or potion administered out of combat. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, working at hospital or house of healing. | Healer's Toolkit | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Miner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can identify and estimate sources of common stone/ore/minerals and are well versed in their properties (some of which may border on magical). Gain +1 Advantage for any stat test related to detecting weak points in underground workings or natural cave systems, as well as other types of useful underground lore. Can excavate small burrows and mine at a max rate of 2 crafting units per day. Can re-roll failures if a higher ranked Miner is present. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, as a mine labourer. | Pickaxe & Miners Tools | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Miner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Can identify and estimate sources of precious stone/ore/minerals and are well versed in their properties (many of which may border on magical). May also design/construct (with appropriate labour) simple tunnel systems and mine at a max personal contribution of 4 crafting units per day. Can re-roll failures if a Master Miner is present.Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as a prospector. | Pickaxe & Miners Tools | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Miner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | May design/construct (with appropriate labour) complex and advanced tunnel systems, often working closely with Masons. In fact most underground cities built by the dwarves are a result of alliances between Miners and Masons guilds and unions. This requires multiple days, weeks, or even years depending on the project, with a maximum personal contribution rate of 8 crafting units per day, which also appleis to mining rates. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, working as lead hand or foreman. | Pickaxe & Miners Tools | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Sailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can pilot a vessel less than or equal to 30 feet in length with appropriate crew (crew does not necessarily have to be trained). Sailor gains +5 to hit (melee and ranged) while fighting on water. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, employed as deck hand or swabbie. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Sailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Can pilot a vessel less than or equal to 60 feet in length with appropriate crew (crew does not necessarily have to be trained). Sailor gains a further +5 to hit while on water. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, employed as boatswain or deck boss. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Sailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can pilot any vessel with appropriate crew (crew does not necessarily have to be trained). Sailor gains an extra melee attack every other round while fighting on water. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, employed as a first mate OR an affluent lifestyle as a ships captain. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Charmer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Fair Faced | 1 | Adds +1 to the characters Charm stat permanently, up to a maximum of 20 | Charm 11+ | None |
Standard | Social Skills | Charmer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Love Struck | 1 | If succeding by 3 more on a charm test against a humanoid target that would normally be attracted to you they become Love Struck. While love struck they cannot use any instants or actions and must always move to stay within 2” of you, for up to one day. Any damage done to the love struck target will cancel the effect. | Charm 12+ | None |
Standard | Social Skills | Charmer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Seduce | 1 | If succeding by 5 more on a charm test against a humanoid target that would normally be attracted to you they become Seduced. While seduced they will obey almost any command that is given (i.e. fighting on your behalf) but if it they take damage you must pass another charm test in order to retain control. Last for up to one day. | Charm 13+ | None |
Standard | Social Skills | Haggler | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Gain +2 Advantage on Charm tests made when haggling or negotiating for better deals when buying, selling or bartering for goods and services. Typically no more than 10% better deals without losing advantage. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Haggler | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Increase to +4 Advantage. Typically no more than 15% better deals without losing advantage. Can also talk people into giving you information without them even knowing they have betrayed the information. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Haggler | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Increase to +6 Advantage. Typically no more than 25% better deals without losing advantage. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Insight | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | If passing a Wisdom or Charm test you may ask a GM to point out a social characteristic, "tell" or character trait about any sentient creature that would not typically be noticed or that you wouldn't think to ask about. This may or may not be relevant information. Gain +1 advantage on stat tests (typically Wisdom or Charm) related to determing hidden motives, spotting scams or lies, discerning true intentions, reading body language or mannerisms, identifying speech patterms, etc... | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Insight | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Can request two social characteristics from the GM, at least one MUST be relevant. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Insight skill. Gain +2 to Hit and Cast with all attacks. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Insight | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can request three social characteristics from the GM, at least two MUST be relevant. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Insight skill. Increase to +5 to Hit or Cast with all attacks. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Intimidator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Dominance | 1 | Gain +3 Advantage on all stat tests related to Intimidation (see Glossary) | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Intimidator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Imposing Posture | 1 | Any other skill or ability (including in combat) that causes your target to take a Resolve test is taken at -3 Disadvantage; no effect on targets more than 2 sizes larger than you | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Intimidator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Torture | 1 | Adept at all the latest and cruelest methods of intimidation and torture, gain +5 Advantage on all stat test when using intimidation and/or torture to gain information from unwilling informants | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Intimidator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Fearsome Presence | 1 | You are now considered Fearsome in combat (unless specifically stating that you do not wish to be) | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Silver Tongue | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Gain +1 Advantage on any stat test made when using persuasion to influence the decisions or outlook of an individual or group (not including Haggling for prices) | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Silver Tongue | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Gain +2 Advantage on any stat test made when using persuasion to influence the decisions or outlook of an individual or group (not including Haggling for prices). If passing a Charm test first, when claiming a reward of some kind you can usually get an extra 10-20%. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Silver Tongue | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Gain +3 Advantage on any stat test made when using persuasion to influence the decisions or outlook of an individual or group (not including Haggling for prices). If passing a Charm test first, when claiming a reward of some kind you can usually get an extra 10-20% for your entire party. | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Basic | 1 | Can start fires and create crude torches with naturally occurring materials in almost any environment (no flint, fuel or other store bought items required). Primitive crafting (T0) can be attempted at a rate of 2 units per day. If ambushed in the wild, passing a Perception test allows you to enter the turn order with the ambushing side. Gain +1 Advantage on any stat roll pertaining to wilderness survival (not including hunting) and ambushes. Can passively sustain a self-sufficient lifestyle during down time by living off the land. | Wisdom or Perception 12+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Advanced | 1 | Primitive crafting (T0) can be attempted at a rate of 4 units per day. Possess natural navigational skills such as navigating by stars or other celestial bodies, reading signs in the surrounding environments (i.e. growth of moss, direction of running water, prevailing winds, and other such natural/instinctual methods). If ambushed in the wild, each member of your party may attempt to pass a Perception test to enter the turn order with the ambushing side. Increase to +2 Advantage on stat tests related to the Bushcraft skill. Also when resting in natural environments, your entire party receives a minimum Shelter value of 10% (see Resting) | Wisdom or Perception 13+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Superior | 1 | Can make many useful items from naturally occurring materials (common examples would be making rope or twine from plant or animals fibers, containers or vessels from plant or animal parts, etc…). Primitive crafting (T0) can be attempted at a rate of 6 units per day. If ambushed in the wild, passing a Perception test allows negates the ambush entirely. Also when resting in natural environments, your entire party receives a minimum Shelter value of 20% (see Resting) | Wisdom or Perception 14+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Extra Sensory Perception | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | ESP I | 1 | Adds +1 to either the characters Perception stat permanently, up to a maximum of 20 | Perception 11+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Extra Sensory Perception | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | ESP II | 1 | If being attacked by a target that is both hidden AND undetected, you still benefit from dodge, block, parry, ward-off, impale, counter-attack or any other out-of-turn reactionary/defensive measure | Perception 12+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Extra Sensory Perception | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | ESP III | 1 | Once per day you can automatically detect any hidden targets within range of your senses | Perception 13+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Extra Sensory Perception | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | ESP IV | 1 | Once per day you take a single dice roll and change it manually to any outcome you choose. | Perception 14+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | First Aid | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Basic | 1 | May apply combat bandages (max three per target per day) to heal 1d8 HP, must touch, once/round in combat, action if in backpack or instant if in belt; Provide additional HP (+10%) recovery while resting (see section on resting); Can perform First Aid procedures that reduce the chance of most Injuries becoming permanent by 5% | Bandages | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | First Aid | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Advanced | 1 | May apply combat bandages (max three per target per day) to heal 1d12 HP, must touch, once/round in combat, action if in backpack or instant if in belt; Can perform First Aid procedures that reduce the chance of most Injuries becoming permanent by 10% | Bandages | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | First Aid | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Superior | 1 | May apply combat bandages (max three per target per day) to heal 2d10 HP, must touch, once/round in combat, action if in backpack or instant if in belt; Can perform First Aid procedures that reduce the chance of most Injuries becoming permanent by 15%; Can Stabilize most Critical Injuries (bring HP up to the minimum amount required to be Stabilized) if passing a Wisdom Test. | Bandages | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Herblore | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Simple | 1 | Can forage for food (1 attempt per day) and simple herbal alchemy components at +1 Advantage. Can passively sustain a self-sufficient lifestyle during down time by living off the land. Can craft curatives at a rate of 1 unit per day. Curatives can cure simple poisons and most minor illnesses. See Herblore page for more details. | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Herblore | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Advanced | 1 | Can forage for food (2 attempts per day) and complex herbal alchemy components at +2 Advantage. Can craft curatives at a rate of 2 units per day. Curatives can cure complex poisons and most major illnesses. | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Herblore | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Superior | 1 | Can forage for food (3 attempts per day) and superior herbal alchemy components at +3 Advantage. Can craft curatives at a rate of 4 unitsper day. Curatives can cure up to superior poisons and many diseases (including those caused by demonic faith powers). | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Herblore | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Master | 1 | Can forage for food (4 attempts per day) and matchless herbal alchemy components at +4 Advantage. Can craft curatives at a rate of 6 units per day. Curatives can cure up to matchless poisons and serious diseases (including those caused by demonic faith powers). | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Hunter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Select a specific creature Order or Metarace for your Hunter skill (Beasts is the default selection). Receive +1 Advantage when tracking Beasts (or other specified Order/Metarace) with a Threat Rating up to 5 and gain +3 to hit & +1 damage (physical melee & ranged) when attacking them. Can passively sustain a self-sufficient lifestyle during down time by living off the land. | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Hunter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | Receive +2 Advantage when tracking Beasts (or other specified Order/Metarace) with a Threat Rating up to 10 and increase hunter combat bonus to +6 to hit & +2 damage (physical melee & ranged) when attacking them | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Hunter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Adept | 1 | Receive +3 Advantage when tracking Beasts (or other specified Order/Metarace) with a Threat Rating up to 15 and increase hunter combat bonus to +9 to hit & +3 damage (physical melee & ranged) when attacking them | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Hunter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Expert | 1 | Receive +4 Advantage when tracking Beasts (or other specified Order/Metarace) with a Threat Rating up to 20 and increase hunter combat bonus to +12 to hit & +4 damage (physical melee & ranged) when attacking them | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Hunter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 1 | Receive +5 Advantage when tracking any Beast (or other specified Order/Metarace) and increase hunter combat bonus to +15 to hit & +5 damage (physical melee & ranged) when attacking them | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Lightning Reflexes | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Lightning Reflexes I | 1 | Adds +1 to the characters Initiative stat premanently, up to a maximum of 20 | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Lightning Reflexes | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Lightning Reflexes II | 1 | Your Base Dodge value is calculated as Initiative x1.5, instead of Avoidance | Mutually exclusive with Light Armor I. No Stiff, Noisy, or Layered armor. | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Lightning Reflexes | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Lightning Reflexes III | 1 | Your Base Dodge value is calculated as Initiative x2, instead of Avoidance | Mutually exclusive with Light Armor II. No Stiff, Noisy, or Layered armor. | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Lightning Reflexes | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Lightning Reflexes IV | 1 | May reroll one dice per battle on rolls to hit with physical (or be hit), block, parry, disarm, dodge, or any agility, dodge, avoidance, stealth, or initiative stat test | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Petty Thievery | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Petty Thievery I | 1 | Awarded one Stealth skill point, per Petty Thievery Rank, to spend as you see fit, however you cannot put more than 3 points into any given skill. Can passively sustain a squalid lifestyle during downtime, by stealing what you need to survive. | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Petty Thievery | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Petty Thievery II | 1 | Awarded one Stealth skill point, per Petty Thievery Rank, to spend as you see fit, however you cannot put more than 3 points into any given skill. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, by stealing what you need to survive. | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Petty Thievery | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Petty Thievery III | 1 | Awarded one Stealth skill point, per Petty Thievery Rank, to spend as you see fit, however you cannot put more than 3 points into any given skill. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, by stealing what you need to survive. | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Petty Thievery | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Petty Thievery IV | 1 | Awarded one Stealth skill point, per Petty Thievery Rank, to spend as you see fit, however you cannot put more than 3 points into any given skill. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, by stealing what you need to survive. | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Petty Thievery | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Petty Thievery V | 1 | Awarded one Stealth skill point, per Petty Thievery Rank, to spend as you see fit, however you cannot put more than 3 points into any given skill | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Trapper | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Simple | 1 | Grants +2 Advantage when detecting traps (including passively). Allows for the out-of-combat deployment of simple traps (with the appropriate materials, typically readily available in the wild). Can passively sustain a self-sufficient lifestyle during down time by living off the land. | Trappers Tools | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Trapper | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Complex | 1 | Grants +4 Advantage when detecting traps (including passively). Allows for the out-of-combat deployment of complex traps (with appropriate materials/mechanisms, must be purchased) | Trappers Tools | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Trapper | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Superior | 1 | Grants +6 Advantage when detecting traps (including passively). Allows for the out-of-combat deployment of superior traps. (with appropriate materials/mechanisms, must be purchased) | Trappers Tools | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Trapper | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Matchless | 1 | Grants +8 Advantage when detecting traps (including passively). Allows for the out-of-combat deployment of matchless traps. (with appropriate materials/mechanisms, must be purchased) | Trappers Tools | None |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Animal Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can attempt to tame, break, and train animals up to a Threat Rating of 1. Can passively sustain a squalid lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Animal Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | Can attempt to tame, break, and train animals up to a Threat Rating of 2 with +1 Advantage. Can use up to 2 control methods at the same time or gain +1 Advantage on Control Rolls when using only 1 method. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Animal Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Adept | 1 | Can attempt to tame, break, and train animals up to a Threat Rating of 3 with +2 Advantage. Can use up to 3 control methods at the same time or gain +2 Advantage on Control Rolls when using only 1 method. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Animal Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Expert | 1 | Can attempt to tame, break, and train animals up to a Threat Rating of 4 with +3 Advantage. Can use up to 4 control methods at the same time or gain +3 Advantage on Control Rolls when using only 1 method. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Animal Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 1 | Can attempt to tame, break, and train animals up to a Threat Rating of 5 with +4 Advantage. Can use up to 5 control methods at the same time or gain +4 Advantage on Control Rolls when using only 1 method. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Combat Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can perform Basic Strength, Stamina, and Resolve stat training for others (once/2weeks). May teach known Vigor and Fury skills (up to level 5). Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Combat Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | Can perform Improved Strength, Stamina, and Resolve stat training for others (once/4 weeks). May teach known Vigor and Fury skills (up to level 10). Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Combat Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Adept | 1 | Can perform Greater Strength, Stamina, and Resolve stat training for others (once/6weeks). May teach known Vigor and Fury skills (up to level 10+) and can also self teach new Vigor and Fury skills. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Combat Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Expert | 2 | Can perform Superior Strength, Stamina, and Resolve stat training for others (once/8weeks). Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Combat Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 3 | Can perform Matchless Strength, Stamina, and Resolve stat training for others (once/10weeks). Can passively sustain a wealthy lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Equipment Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can train others to use basic weaponry: 1H swords, 1H axes, 1H bludgeons, bows, staffs, and shields. Can train others to use Leather armor if already known. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Equipment Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Can train others to use heavy weaponry: 2H swords, 2H axes, 2H bludgeons, and Polearms. Can train others to use Mail armor if already known. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Equipment Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can train others to use advanced weaponry: Crossbows, Whips, Hand Weapons. Can train others to use Plate armor if already known. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Expertise Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can perform Basic Agility, Initiative, Avoidance and Perception stat training for others (once/2weeks). May teach known Stealth and Focus skills from 1st selected discipline. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Expertise Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | Can perform Improved Agility, Initiative, Avoidance and Perception stat training for others (once/4weeks). May teach known Stealth and Focus skills from 2nd selected discipline. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Expertise Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Adept | 1 | Can perform Greater Agility, Initiative, Avoidance and Perception stat training for others (once/6weeks). May teach known Stealth and Focus skills from 3rd selected discipline. Can also self teach new Stealth and Focus skills. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Expertise Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Expert | 2 | Can perform Superior Agility, Initiative, Avoidance and Perception stat training for others (once/8weeks). May teach known Stealth and Focus skills from 4th selected discipline. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Expertise Trainer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 3 | Can perform Matchless Agility, Initiative, Avoidance and Perception stat training for others (once/10weeks). May teach known Stealth and Focus skills from 5th selected discipline. Can passively sustain a wealthy lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Mentor (Code Trainer) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Each time you go up a level, you may freely assign experience points to another character (i.e. your protégé), up to 1% of the experience required to go up that level. (i.e. If the Mentor just hit level 8, which required 900xp, they can give 9 free xp to 1 other character). If Mentor is an Honor class they can also train others in 1st known code & associated skills. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Mentor (Code Trainer) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Any one character in your party that is one level behind you gets treated as though they are the same level as you for the purposes of dividing up experience points after a battle (i.e. if there is a party of 2 level 12’s and 1 level 11, and one of the level 12’s is a Lv2 Mentor, then level 11 character is treated as though he/she is actually level 12 and therefore, experience is divided up evenly 3 ways). If Mentor is an Honor class they can also train others in 2nd known code & associated skills. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Mentor (Code Trainer) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 2 | The experience bonus & level balancing effects of the Rank1 and Rank2 Mentor Skills can be applied to one additional character/party member. If Mentor is an Honor class they can also train others in 3rd known code & associated skills. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Teacher (Instructor) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can perform Basic Wisdom, Intellect, and Charm stat training for others. May assist others learning Spirit & Faith powers, provided the power is known to the teacher and they are at least 3 Tiers ahead of their student. Can also teach basic education in a non-spirit/faith sense (i.e. reading & writing). Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Teacher (Instructor) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | Can perform Improved Wisdom, Intellect, and Charm stat training for others. May assist others learning Spirit & Faith powers, provided the power is known to the teacher and they are at least 2 Tiers ahead of their student. Can also teach intermediate education in a non-spirit/faith sense (i.e. mathematics). Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Teacher (Instructor) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Adept | 1 | Can perform Greater Wisdom, Intellect, and Charm stat training for others. May assist others learning Spirit & Faith powers, provided the power is known to the teacher and they are at least 1 Tier ahead of their student. Can also teach advanced education in a non-spirit/faith sense (i.e. science). Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Teacher (Instructor) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Expert | 2 | Can perform Superior Wisdom, Intellect, and Charm stat training for others (once/8weeks). Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Standard | Trainer Skills | Teacher (Instructor) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 3 | Can perform Matchless Wisdom, Intellect, and Charm stat training for others (once/10weeks). Can passively sustain a wealthy lifestyle during downtime. | None | |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Bow Casting | Assassin, Battlemage, Monk, Zealot | 1 | Ensorcelled Arrow/Bolt | 1 | May use spirit or faith to add additional damage to a single arrow or bolt fired as regular main hand attack, based in a source of power that the caster would have readily available (i.e. Holy Zealot adding holy damage, Pyromancer Battlemage adding fire damage). For Spirit classes: add +1 damage per spirit consumed, up to a maximum of your highest available Tier of powers (cannot use HP for Bow Casting). For Spirit classes: add +1 damage per spirit consumed, up to a maximum of your highest available Tier of powers (cannot use HP for Bow Casting) | Bow or Crossbow Equipped, Spirit or Faith Class only | Assassin, Battlemage, Monk, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Bow Casting | Assassin, Battlemage, Monk, Zealot | 2 | Homing Arrow/Bolt | 1 | can fire an arrow or bolt at a target that you do not have LOS on, provided they have a persistent spirit or faith effect on them that was cast by you or was damaged by one of your spirit or faith powers in the previous round (including non LOS powers like Burst powers). The homing arrow does NOT benefit from the characters +hit with ranged weapons and can only crit on a natural 100. | Bow or Crossbow Equipped, Spirit or Faith Class only | Assassin, Battlemage, Monk, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Bow Casting | Assassin, Battlemage, Monk, Zealot | 3 | Empowered Arrow/Bolt | 1 | Use your instant & action to combine a spirit or faith power instant (i.e. Hex, Curse, etc…) with a regular ranged attack or shot. Use the same d100 roll for both the physical “hit” portion vs AC and the spirit/faith “casting” portion vs Resistance, but COMBINING modifiers for both (including critical hit). If the physical portion of the attack fails to hit then unless otherwise stated the spirit portion ALSO fails. However, if the spirit portion fails to hit but the physical hit is successful, treat it as a normal ranged attack. | Bow or Crossbow Equipped, Spirit or Faith Class only | Assassin, Battlemage, Monk, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Bow Casting | Assassin, Battlemage, Monk, Zealot | 4 | Casting Arrow/Bolt | 1 | If no instant was used this turn, combine a spirit or faith power action (i.e. damage or CC) with a regular main hand bow/crossbow attack at 1.5x the spirit cost or -4 Disadvantage on Faith difficulty roll. Apply the extra damage and/or effects to the target of the attack. For AoE powers, use the point of impact of the arrow/bolt as the target of the AoE power. For template and melee powers treat as though cast from the point of impact. Use the same d100 roll for both the physical “hit” portion vs AC and the spirit/faith “casting” portion vs Resistance, but assigning separate modifiers to each (including critical hit). If the physical portion of the attack fails to hit then the spirit portion ALSO fails. However, if the spirit portion fails to hit but the physical hit is successful, treat it as a normal ranged attack. | Bow or Crossbow Equipped, Spirit or Faith Class only | Assassin, Battlemage, Monk, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Duelist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Duelists Poise | 1 | Receive +2 damage with your main hand weapon while your off hand is empty or if you’re offhand is used as part of wielding a two handed weapon | Mutually Exclusive with Great Weapon – cannot have both | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Duelist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | En Garde | 1 | When in base contact with a single opponent gain +0.5/lvl dodge and +1 Parry on any weapon if your off hand is empty (increases to +2 at lvl 10 and +3 at lvl 15). If the weapon does not already have the parry attribute, it gains it but with 1 less advantage. | Mutually Exclusive with Great Weapon – cannot have both | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Duelist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Free Hand | 1 | If not using a two handed attack, you may use an item off your belt (such as drinking a potion) as the off-hand portion of the action phase of your turn (provided you have not already drank a potion); also any power cast using the off hand or any Focus based off-hand fist attack has +5 hit and +1 damage OR +2 healing; if neither of those applies, can make a basic punch attack with your off hand that also benefits from the +5 hit and +1 damage bonus; this effect can be used when wielding a two handed weapon, so long as it was not used to attack that round | Mutually Exclusive with Great Weapon – cannot have both | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Duelist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Grapple | 2 | Can elect to use your empty off hand to grab a single opponent in base contact; this counts as an instant and can be followed up with a melee strike, unarmed attack, or regular main hand attack; must pass an Agility vs. Dodge stat roll-off; if successful the next attack has +10 to hit and inflicts 2x damage if using a small main-hand weapon or 1.5x if using a medium main-hand weapon; if failing the target receives +15 to hit you on their next attack; a successfully grappled target cannot choose to leave base contact and remains that way until either being released or passing a Strength test | Mutually Exclusive with Great Weapon – cannot have both | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Freestyle | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Adaptable | 1 | You can use any weapon used in the main hand, even if lacking the correct weapon proficiency, without suffering the Combat Penalties for using a weapon they are not trained in; does not apply to weapons that are forbidden for a particular class (i.e. that they can never gain proficiency in regardless of training, see Class Codex for details); if using a main hand weapon you have proficiency with, gain +2 weapon damage; if using Rank 3 Strongman to wield a two handed weapon in your main hand this bonus weapon damage is lost. | Cannot have matching pair of weapons equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Paired Weapon and Sword and Board | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Freestyle | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Leftie | 1 | Off hand attacks made with a weapon you are proficient with gain +5 hit, +1 damage, and +5% to Stun or Cleaving, or +1 to Parry or Entangle effects. Unless choosing to combine the Parry of both your weapons, a Parry reaction made with the off hand does not count towards your allowable number of reactions each turn. | Cannot have matching pair of weapons equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Paired Weapon and Sword and Board | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Freestyle | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Unpredictable | 1 | When facing opponents one-on-one in melee combat you gain +10 to hit and the enemy suffers -10 to Hit | Cannot have matching pair of weapons equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Paired Weapon and Sword and Board | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Freestyle | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Quick Hand | 2 | Immediately following any action gain an optional extra off hand attack so long as it is either smaller than the main hand weapon OR a shield (treat it as part of the previous action for the purposes of the 4-3-2 Rule under the rules for Multiple Attack Actions) | Cannot have matching pair of weapons equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Paired Weapon and Sword and Board | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Great Weapon | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Heavy Swing | 1 | Grants -2 Overpowering OR +2 Crushing Blow OR +3% Cleaving when wielding two-handed melee weapons. Bonus must match weapon attributes already on your wpeaon. If none match, choose one. | Must have 2 handed weapon equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Duelist and Strongman | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Great Weapon | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Practiced Swing | 1 | Removes the Clumsy weapon effect from any two-handed melee weapon; if not Clumsy then adds +5 Graceful weapon effect | Must have 2 handed weapon equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Duelist and Strongman | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Great Weapon | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Forceful Advance | 1 | Anytime you miss with your two-handed melee weapon in the frontal 90 degree arc, you can elect to push both you and your target 1″ in the direction of the attack | Must have 2 handed weapon equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Duelist and Strongman | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Great Weapon | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Cut-a-Swath | 2 | If not using any action based primary skills that round, can elect to have your regular attacks with a two-handed melee weapon hit all targets in a frontal 180 degree arc (friend or foe) | Must have 2 handed weapon equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Duelist and Strongman | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Heavy Armor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Heavy Armor I | 1 | Count up to 2 slots of Triple layered armor as though they were only double layered | Strength or Stamina 12+ | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Heavy Armor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Heavy Armor II | 1 | Count up to 4 slots of Triple layered armor as though they were only double layered | Strength or Stamina 14+ | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Heavy Armor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Heavy Armor III | 2 | Count up to 6 slots of Triple layered armor as though they were only double layered | Strength or Stamina 16+ | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Light Armor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Light Armor I | 1 | Your base Dodge value is calculated as Avoidance x1.5 | Agility or Initiative 12+, no Mail or Plate, no layered armor. Mutually exclusive with Lightning Reflexes II | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Light Armor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Light Armor II | 1 | Your base Dodge value is calculated as Avoidance x2 | Agility or Initiative 14+, no Mail or Plate, no layered armor | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Light Armor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Light Armor III | 2 | Your base Dodge value is calculated as Avoidance x3 | Agility or Initiative 16+, no Mail or Plate, no layered armor | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Mounted | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Mounted Combat | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking un-mounted targets (Does not stack with elevation bonuses) | Must be mounted | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Mounted | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Charger | 1 | When using weapons with the “Riding” or “Charge” weapon effect, add +2 damage if you moved in the direction of the attack prior to attacking (If the weapon is both “Riding” and “Charge” it still only benefits from +2 damage) | Must be mounted, mutually exclusive with Mounted Throw & Mounted Archery - must pick only Rank 2 Mounted skill | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Mounted | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Mounted Throw | 1 | When using weapons with the “Thrown” weapon effect, add +2 damage if you moved in the direction of the attack prior to attacking | Must be mounted, mutually exclusive with Charger & Mounted Archery - must pick only Rank 2 Mounted skill | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Mounted | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Mounted Archery | 1 | When using weapons with the “Ranged” or “Reload-Ranged” weapon effect, reduce any penalties for moving and shooting by 15, up to an including cancelling any penalties I.e. shooting a bow from horseback after having moved 6″ would normally carry a penalty of -30 to hit (-5 per 1″ moved), however with Mounted Archery it would be reduced to only -15 to hit. | Must be mounted, mutually exclusive with Charger & Mounted Throw - must pick only Rank 2 Mounted skill | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Mounted | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Battlefield Presence | 1 | Gain +3 to your initiative score if it would put you ahead of any un-mounted friends or foes in the turn order | Must be mounted | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Mounted | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Cavalry Charge | 2 | If not using any action based skills or abilities that round, may make a single “ride-by” or “fly-by” main hand attack against any enemy that crosses a straight line move made by the mount (in addition to trample effects if applicable), must still adhere to the 4-3-2 rule for limiting the number of attacks made. | Must be mounted | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Paired Weapon | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Paired Combat | 1 | Receive +1 weapon damage to both weapons when wielding two identical weapons (Not including advanced/rune crafting or enchants). Unless choosing to combine the Parry of both your weapons, your off-hand Parry reaction does not count towards your allowable number of reactions each turn. | Must have matching pair of weapons equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Freestyle and Strongman | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Paired Weapon | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Double Strike | 1 | Whenever you successfully hit with a main hand strike type skill your off hand attack becomes eligible for the same strike if attacking the same target. However, you must pay TWICE the regular cost for the second strike. If the strike is a Focus Skill, instead use a -3 Disadvantage on your Focus dice roll for the second strike. | Must have matching pair of weapons equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Freestyle and Strongman | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Paired Weapon | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Scissor Strike | 1 | Combine both weapons together into a single regular attack or strike; if hitting inflicts the weapon damage from both weapons but treats damage bonuses (and fury gains) as though it were a single 2-handed attack; any offensive weapon effects are combined together as well; for the purposes of counting Multiple Attack Actions, Scissor Strike counts as two attacks, one main hand and one off hand (see 4-3-2 rule) | Must have matching pair of weapons equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Freestyle and Strongman | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Paired Weapon | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Blade Dance | 2 | If not using any action based skills or powers that round, may attack up to twice with each weapon (must adhere to the 4-3-2 Rule under the rules for Multiple Attack Actions) | Must have matching pair of weapons equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Freestyle and Strongman | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Peltast | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Throwing Skill | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking with thrown weapons | Throwing Weapon Equipped | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Peltast | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Quick Toss | 1 | Can throw a single throwing weapon from a belt slot as an instant | Throwing Weapon Equipped | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Peltast | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Momentum Throw | 1 | The first weapon throw after having moved receives +1 damage per inch moved (foot or mounted) | Throwing Weapon Equipped | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Peltast | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Critical Throw | 2 | If not using any action based special abilities or throwing more than one weapon that round, can elect to throw a main hand throwing weapon that auto-Crits if the target fails a dodge test | Throwing Weapon Equipped | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Pugilist | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | 1 | Scrapper | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking with any unarmed attack (i.e. Focus Fist or Kick attacks) | Unarmed attacks only, Focus classes only | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Pugilist | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | 2 | Raging Pugilist | 1 | Receive +5% Critical hit chance and -5% Critical miss when attacking with any unarmed attack (i.e. Focus Fist or Kick attacks) | Unarmed attacks only, Focus classes only | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Pugilist | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | 3 | Hyper Focused | 1 | Any damage taken that is 5 or less does not reduce focus and as such, no Resolve test is required (Stacks with Physical Defense: Controlled Pain) | Unarmed attacks only, Focus classes only | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Pugilist | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | 4 | Concentrated Impact | 2 | If not using more than one unarmed attack (fist/kick attack) in a round, may add another +2 to your focus dice roll | Unarmed attacks only, Focus classes only | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Self Defense | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | 1 | Improved Defense | 1 | Gain 1 free Focus skill point that must be spent on Defense skills, but does not count towards the total allowable Defense skill points for your class | Focus classes only | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Self Defense | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | 2 | Controlled Pain | 1 | Any damage taken that is 5 or less does not reduce focus and as such, no Resolve test is required (stacks with Pugilist: Hyper Focused) | Focus classes only | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Self Defense | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | 3 | Superior Defense | 1 | Gain a second free Focus skill point that must be spent on Defense skills, but does not count towards the total allowable Defense skill points for your class | Focus classes only | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Self Defense | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | 4 | Toughened Up | 2 | Any time you lose Focus, reduce the damage that caused the Focus loss by 50% | Focus classes only | Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Sharp Shooter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 1 | Thread the Needle | 1 | When firing at targets more than 10″ away, Sharp Shooters can establish line of sight with only the slightest target presented, allowing them to shoot past friendlies with little to no risk or hit score a hit when nothing more a foot or elbow presents itself as a target (GM’s adjust your LoS judgments accordingly); also allows the Sharpshooter to ignore any cover bonuses that a target might have | Bow or Crossbow Equipped, targets must be more than 10" away | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Sharp Shooter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 2 | Follow Up | 1 | Allows the Sharp Shooter to fire a second time during the first action taken with a ranged weapon, provided the target is more than 10″ away; counts as two separate attacks (must adhere to the 4-3-2 Rule under the rules for Multiple Attack Actions); if using a reload-ranged weapon must also sacrifice your instant and must not have moved that turn | Bow or Crossbow Equipped, targets must be more than 10" away | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Sharp Shooter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 3 | Call the Shot | 1 | If firing at targets more than 10″ away, can pick out a specific target such as an eye or hand to get spectacular results (such as blinding or dropping weapons), without counting as a Precision Attack. Must roll vs. Perception a the GM gets the final say as to whether it makes sense or not. | Bow or Crossbow Equipped, targets must be more than 10" away | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Sharp Shooter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 4 | Critical Aim | 2 | If not using any action based special abilities that round, can fire a single arrow/bolt with +30% critical hit chance at targets more than 10″ away | Bow or Crossbow Equipped, targets must be more than 10" away | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Skirmisher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 1 | Mobile Shooter | 1 | Removes the penalty for moving and shooting while firing at targets within 10″ | Bow or Crossbow Equipped, targets must be within 10" | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Skirmisher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 2 | Flanking Shots | 1 | when shooting at targets within 10″, any shots that hit from the side or rear arcs of the target have +5 to hit and +1 dam | Bow or Crossbow Equipped, targets must be within 10" | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Skirmisher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 3 | Point Blank Firing | 1 | Can fire your ranged weapon at targets in base contact @ -10 to hit and +2 dam | Bow or Crossbow Equipped, targets must be within 10" | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Skirmisher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 4 | Rapid Fire | 2 | If not using any action based special abilities that round, can fire twice at targets within 10″; counts as two separate attacks (must adhere to the 4-3-2 Rule under the rules for Multiple Attack Actions); if using a reload-ranged weapon must also sacrifice your instant and must not have moved that turn | Bow or Crossbow Equipped, targets must be within 10" | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Sword and Board | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior | 1 | Stand Ready | 1 | Adds +1 Block to all 1 handed shields and +1 Parry (Swords) or +3% Crit (Axes) or +5% Stun (Bludgeons) or +5 hit (any other weapon type). Unless choosing to combine your block & parry, your Block reaction does not count towards your allowable number of reactions each turn. | Must have shield equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Freestyle – cannot have both | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Sword and Board | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior | 2 | Deflect | 1 | Whenever successfully blocking or parrying a melee attack the enemy attacker is thrown off balance and is treated as Vulnerable for your next melee attack | Must have shield equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Freestyle – cannot have both | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Sword and Board | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior | 3 | Distraction | 1 | When not engaged in close combat can use Distraction as an instant ability; slam your main hand weapon against your shield to create a distraction, any target within 15″ that is not already engaged in close combat switches its focus to you if failing a Resolve test, this can only effect each target once per battle | Must have shield equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Freestyle – cannot have both | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Sword and Board | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior | 4 | Shield Slam | 2 | When moving into base contact use your off hand shield attack as if were a main hand attack (can apply special abilities to it accordingly) then use your weapon as a regular off hand attack that inflicts +50% damage. Also, when an enemy moves into base contact if you successfully block their first attack can elect to knock them back 2″ with a stun chance equal to the Shield Blow % of your shield | Must have shield equipped, Mutually Exclusive with Freestyle – cannot have both | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Warder | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Improved Ward-off | 1 | Gain +1 Advantage when attempting to Ward-off an enemy. | Ward-off Weapon Equipped | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Warder | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Rapid Ward | 1 | You may always make a free Ward-off reaction each round, above and beyond your normal allotment of reactions. This can result in a maximum of 2 ward-offs each round (but is exclusive of Circle Ward-off) | Ward-off Weapon Equipped | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Warder | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Frustrate Foe | 1 | Any enemy that has had an attack warded off is Vulnerable until the start of their next turn. | Ward-off Weapon Equipped | None |
Specialist | Combat Specialist | Warder | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Circle Ward-off | 2 | A special Reaction made when surrounded by more than one opponent, that allows a ward-off to be made against one melee attack from every enemy within melee range of your weapon, but suffering -5 Disadvantage. When using Circle Ward-off, you do NOT benefit from any of the effects of previous Ranks of the Warder combat Specialization. | Ward-off Weapon Equipped | None |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Aspects | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Aspects | 1 | Gain +2 advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for all Aspects | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Aspects | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Duality | 1 | Can have two self cast Aspects active at the same time; also -5% Miscast chance with Aspects | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Aspects | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Greater Aspects | 1 | All Aspects become “Greater” Aspects and effect up to 4 targets per cast, but suffer -2 Disadvantage per extra target on Difficulty roll; cannot be used on summoned creatures or pets | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Aspects | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Leader of the Pack | 2 | Whenever you cast Greater Aspects treat them as though the targets associated stat is 5 higher than normal. | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Beast Calling | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Beast Calling | 1 | Gain +2 advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for all Beast Calling powers; This also applies to Faith tests for losing control of called beasts. | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Beast Calling | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Calling Potency | 1 | +3% Critical Cast & -5% Miscast chance with Beast Callings | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Beast Calling | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Watchdogs | 1 | While caster is unconscious, sleeping, or otherwise at a loss of mental faculties any Called Beasts will remain in play and act to defend the caster (and allies), but not longer than 24 hours | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Beast Calling | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Loyal Companion | 2 | If caster is knocked unconscious or slain any Called beasts will remain in play and will act to defend casters boy, gaining +20% HP, +20 to hit, and +4 damage with all attacks until caster regains consciousness, but not longer than 24 hours | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Blessing | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Blessing | 1 | Blessing powers award 1 extra Faith when successful and reduce Faith by 1 less for failures | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Blessing | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Incorruptible | 1 | Your Blessings are incorruptible (cannot be removed or stolen in any way) and now persist through combat and last up to 1 day (resting cancels the effect); also receive +3% Critical hit chance and -5% Miscast chance with Blessings | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Blessing | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Benediction | 1 | May choose to cast any Blessing as a Benediction but suffering -3 Disadvantge on Difficulty roll). The "Benediction" is treated as a Tier1 version of the blessing on all friendly PCs or NPCs within 15″ (targets may choose to refuse the blessing), does NOT apply to summoned creatures, pets, or minions. | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Blessing | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Perpetual Blessing | 2 | You may always have a single Perpetual Blessing on you, based on your Current Faith; at the start of each new day you can select one blessing that if you have the enough Faith to cast is automatically applied to you; if your faith is reduced below that amount the blessing is no longer active, however if your Faith goes back up it will be reactivated automatically | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Corruption | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Corruption | 1 | When failing a difficulty roll with a Corruption power, you may reduce the Faith lost (down to a minimum of 1) by sacrificing HP, at a rate of 1 less Faith lost per 1d6 HP sacrificed | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Corruption | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Corruption Potency | 1 | Receive +3 to hit and +3% Critical Cast chance and -5% Miscast chance with Corruption powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Corruption | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Demonic Might | 1 | All demonic damage on Corruption powers is increased by 0.5 per level | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Corruption | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Aura of Corruption | 2 | Anything inside a 3″ radius around the Corruption specialist is automatically effected by the Corrupt power each round | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Curse | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Curse | 1 | When failing a difficulty roll with a Curse, you may reduce the Faith lost (down to a minimum of 1) by sacrificing HP, at a rate of 1 less Faith lost per 1d6 HP sacrificed | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Curse | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Curse Potency | 1 | Receive +3 to hit and +3% Critical Cast chance and -5% Miscast chance with Curses | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Curse | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Empowered Curses | 1 | All curses become “Empowered” Curses and have either their effects doubled or hit two targets, but has -5 Disadvantage on the Difficulty roll | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Curse | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Vengeful Curse | 2 | Anytime you take damage from a Critical hit and/or max damage attack you may immediately cast a curse (for free and out of turn) upon the target that Critically hit you | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Disease | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Disease | 1 | When failing a difficulty roll with a Disease, you may reduce the Faith lost (down to a minimum of 1) by sacrificing HP, at a rate of 1 less Faith lost per 1d6 HP sacrificed | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Disease | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Disease Potency | 1 | Increases the Natural resistance reduction of your diseases to 10 times the Tier of the Disease (instead of the normal 5); also -5% Miscast chance with Disease powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Disease | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Diseased Strike/Shot | 1 | All diseases can added to a regular physical melee/ranged attack or unarmed Focus ability, converting into a “Diseased Strike/Shot”, this prevents any off-hand attacks; use a single hit roll but treat as two separate attacks for bonuses and defenses (similar to a Spirit Strike Power); if the physical portion of the attack fails to hit then the disease portion does as well, with the exception of Plague type diseases | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Disease | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Plague Doctor | 2 | Can grant immunity to any of your diseases to any friendlies you select at the time of casting and all plagues (as well as Creeping Rot) have their radius increased by 1″ | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Exorcism | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Exorcism | 1 | Exorcism powers award 1 extra Faith when successful and reduce Faith by 1 less for failures | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Exorcism | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Exorcism Potency | 1 | Receive +3 to hit and +3% Critical Cast chance and -5% Miscast chance with Exorcism powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Exorcism | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Compulsion | 1 | All demons, undead, or demonically possessed/influenced targets must pass an Initiative test before moving into contact or attacking the Exorcist; when the Exorcist moves into base contact with any of these targets it must pass an initiative test once the Exorcist has completed its action, where failure forces the target to move (full distance) directly away from the Exorcist, doing so counts as Disengaging from Combat and the Exorcist may attack the target for doing so (this is a special case that subverts the normal rules for Disengaging from Combat against your will); once passing an Initiative test against the Exorcist the target is no longer required to pass further tests | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Exorcism | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Overwhelming Belief | 2 | You are so sure of your beliefs that your exorcism powers and specializations can be used against anyone that you truly believe to be evil | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Forces | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Forces | 1 | Gain +2 advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for all Primal Forces | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Forces | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Force Potency | 1 | Receive +3 to hit and +3% Critical hit chance and -5% Miscast chance with Primal Forces | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Forces | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Greater Forces | 1 | +1 damage and healing with all Primal Force powers for every five levels | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Forces | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Double Force | 2 | You may cast two Primal Force powers as a single action however you must add +10 to the most Difficult power and treat them as a single cast for the purposes of determining success or failure | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Healing | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Healing | 1 | Healing powers award 1 extra Faith when successful and reduce Faith by 1 less for failures | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Healing | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Healing Potency | 1 | Receive +10% Critical cast chance on healing powers and -5% Miscast chance with Healing powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Healing | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Greater Healings | 1 | Some of your Healing powers gain the additional effects: Healing touch can chain to other friendlies in base contact (use Difficulty per target); Remove Curse and Cure Ailment do not have increased Difficulty when used as an instant; Regeneration can be compressed down into 3 rounds if desired; ‘Heal’ now also cures non-permanent injuries, see Injuries (Minor Heal cures Minor Injuries, Major Healing cures Major Injuries, Vital Healing cures Critical Injuries); Healing Spring has its radius increased by 2″; Mass Healing can have 1 additonal target at no additional difficulty. | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Healing | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Healers Redemption | 2 | Anytime you fail a Difficulty test with a Healing power your next Healing power gains +10 Advantage on its difficulty test | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Hemomancy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Hemomancy | 1 | Gain +2 advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for all Hemomancy powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Hemomancy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Hemomancy Potency | 1 | +10% Critical hit chance with Coagulate & Transfusion; also +3 to hit and -5% Miscast chance with Hemomancy powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Hemomancy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Life Leech | 1 | Converts 20% of all Hemomancy damage done into HP for the caster | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Hemomancy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Blood Soaked | 2 | If 1 or more HP restored from Life Leech is wasted due to being at max HP (aka if it over heals) your next offensive Hemomancy power has +10% Critical hit chance; alternately, Blood soaked can apply if your target is suffering from a physical damage based Bleed effect | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Invocation | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Invocation | 1 | Invocation powers award 1 extra Faith when successful and reduce Faith by 1 less for failures | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Invocation | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Invocation Potency | 1 | Receive +3 to hit and +3% Critical hit chance and -5% Miscast chance with Invocation powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Invocation | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Holy Might | 1 | All holy damage on invocation powers is increased by 0.5 per level | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Invocation | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Double Invocation | 2 | You may cast two Invocation powers as a single action however you must add +10 to the most Difficult power and treat them as a single cast for the purposes of determining success or failure | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Necromancy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Necromancy | 1 | When failing a difficulty roll with a Necromancy power, you may reduce the Faith lost (down to a minimum of 1) by sacrificing HP, at a rate of 1 less Faith lost per 1d6 HP sacrificed | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Necromancy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Necromantic Potency | 1 | Gain +1 advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for all Necromancy powers; increase to +2 at level 11; also -5% Miscast chance with Necromancy powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Necromancy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Final Boon | 1 | You may re-roll the effect dice for the following powers (must keep second roll): Fortify the Dead, Devour Soul, Bone Shield and Mend Undead; you may also re-roll the HP of any undead minion created (must keep second roll) | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Necromancy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Soul Binding | 2 | Any time you use Animate Dead on a target that was slain during the current battle and that has a Soul (3rd Creation only), the soul is temporarily bound to its corpse; this prevents the opportunity to resist that souls normally have as the soul is not driven out prior to animation; as a result the animated target retains all of the special abilities it had in life for the remainder of the battle; once the battle ends the Soul Binding ends and the soul flees its corpse, losing all special abilities and becoming a regular ‘Living-Dead’ minion | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Omens | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Omens | 1 | Omens award 2 extra Faith when successful | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Omens | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Dual Omens | 1 | Allows for two omens to be active on a single at the same time, if cast by the Omen specialist; also -5% Miscast chance with Omens | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Omens | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Grand Omens | 1 | All omens become “Grand” Omens, have +10 resistance vs dispelling, and effect up to three targets/cast, but suffer -2 Disadvantage per extra target on Difficulty roll; cannot be used on summoned creatures or pets | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Omens | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Advanced Reading | 2 | You can cast all Omens as instant abilities so long as you do not cast an Omen as an action that round | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Protection | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Protection | 1 | Protection powers award 1 extra Faith when successful and reduce Faith by 1 less for failures | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Protection | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Protection Potency | 1 | Gain +1 advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for all Protection powers; increase to +2 at level 11; also -5% Miscast chance with Protection powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Protection | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Saving Grace | 1 | Asa reaction, any time you drop below 25% HP you immediately self-cast any Protection power you know. Must pass a Difficulty test (failure does not reduce Faith), with effects applied before any further attacks are made against you; if using Guardian Angel, it immediately summons a Guardian Angel. | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Protection | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Faith Shield | 2 | At any time you may consume Faith to reduce incoming damage of any kind, at a rate of 1 Faith per damage reduction | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Psicognition | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Psicognition | 1 | Psicognition powers award 2 extra Faith when successful | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Psicognition | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Psicognetic Potency | 1 | Gain +2 Advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls when casting Psicognition powers on allies.; Also -5% Miscast chance with Psicognition powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Psicognition | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Second Chance | 1 | You may re-roll any failed Psionic Difficulty roll, if it is a power other than Psicognition apply -2 Disadvantage to the second roll | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Psicognition | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Major Premonition | 2 | Can force any enemy to re-roll their hit dice when they attack you; must abide by second roll | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Psimaturgy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Psimaturgy | 1 | Psimaturgy powers award 2 extra Faith when successful | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Psimaturgy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Psimaturgic Potency | 1 | +10% Critical hit chance on Psimaturgy healing powers and -5% Miscast chance with Psimaturgy powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Psimaturgy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Last Chance | 1 | Anytime you drop below 25% HP (even if this results in death) immediately cast (for free and out of turn, once per round) your highest Tier single target heal on either yourself or another friendly target within range of the heal; this bonus Heal cannot Critically hit | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Psimaturgy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Psimaturges Redemption | 2 | Anytime you fail a Difficulty test with a Psimaturgy power your next Psimaturgy power gains +10 Advantage on its difficulty test | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Shape Shifting | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Shape Shifting | 1 | Gain +2 advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for all Shape Shifting powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Shape Shifting | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Horrific Transformation | 1 | Anytime you shape shift into a new form (incl returning back to your normal form) any target (friend or foe) w/in 10″ and w/in LoS immediately has their Initiative Score reduced by 4 for the remainder of the battle; this has no effect on those who have already witnessed the Shape Shifters transformation (friend or foe); -5% Miscast chance with Shapeshifting powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Shape Shifting | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Rapid Shift | 1 | Can shift directly from one shape shift form to another without returning to humanoid form; each shape shift automatically clears one de-buff of any kind | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Shape Shifting | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Primal Regeneration | 2 | Any time you shift into a new form you gain Regeneration of 1d6 +another 1d6 per Tier of the power; the total number of d6’s is distributed evenly across 4 rounds with extra dice placed starting in the 1st round; this effect cannot Critical hit; shifting again cancels any current regeneration and replaces it with the new forms regeneration | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Summoning | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Summoning | 1 | When failing a difficulty roll with a Summoning power, you may reduce the Faith lost (down to a minimum of 1) by sacrificing HP, at a rate of 1 less Faith lost per 1d6 HP sacrificed | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Summoning | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Summoning Potency | 1 | -5% Miscast chance and +3% Critical Cast chance with Summoning Powers; also when losing control of summoned entities you DO NOT lose your turn | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Summoning | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Superior Control | 1 | Treat your Faith has being 1 point higher for every 5 levels when determining the threshold for losing control of summoned demons (i.e. Current Faith+1 at level 1-5, Current Faith+2 at level 6-10, etc… before having to take a wisdom/resolve test) | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Summoning | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Iron Will | 2 | You may re-roll your Wisdom when testing to see if you lose control of your summoned entities, and even if you fail a second time your out-of-control entities will not attack you (except for Demon Princes) | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Telekinesis | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Telekinesis | 1 | Telekinesis powers award 2 extra Faith when successful | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Telekinesis | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Telekinetic Potency | 1 | Gain +1 advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for all Telekinesis powers; increase to +2 at level 11; also -5% Miscast chance with Telekinesis powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Telekinesis | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Telekinetic Amplification | 1 | Any physical attack that you make, including physical damage inflicted as part of a Telekinetic power, is passively amplified by your Telekinetic powers, receiving +5 hit and +1 dam | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Telekinesis | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Guardian Blade | 2 | Anytime you are in base contact with more than one opponent a telekinetic copy of your main hand weapon is created; the copy is treated as an off-hand attack (in addition to any existing off-hand attacks) but only does 1/2 damage; the telekinetic blade remains active even when you are CC’d or knocked unconscious and will attack anyone who threats you | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Telepathy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 1 | Improved Telepathy | 1 | Telepathic powers award 2 extra Faith when successful | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Telepathy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 2 | Telepathic Potency | 1 | Receive +3 to hit and +3% Critical hit chance and -5% Miscast chance with Telepathic powers | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Telepathy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 3 | Telepathic Probe | 1 | When successfully using Telepathic powers on a target you may learn one piece of information about them as a byproduct (such as current HP, a single Resistance value, AC value, a particular weakness, etc…); this information is private so GM must share it with the caster in secret (i.e. write it down and show them) without the rest of the party seeing it. | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Faith Specialist | Telepathy | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot | 4 | Artificial Intelligence | 2 | Your Telepathic abilities are so strong that you can actually impart an artificial intelligence into a mindless entity/creature/being such as a Golem, certain types of undead, constructs, etc…; when used on entities that are not normally under your control (i.e. they are controlled by your enemies) this counts as an action and you must pass a Difficulty roll equal to 10+ the Threat Rating of the entity you wish to control; this grants control for up to 1 day (re-test at the beginning of each new day if required) and can only be maintained on one target at a time | Faith Classes Only | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaolin, Zealot |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Alteration | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 1 | Improved Alteration | 1 | All Alteration powers cost 1 less spirit (but cannot be reduced below 1) | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Alteration | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 2 | Alteration Potency | 1 | +5 to cast and -5% Miscast chance with Alteration powers; all persistent effects from Alteration powers have their duration increased to 1 day (resting cancels the effect) | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Alteration | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 3 | Greater Alterations | 1 | Modifies Alteration powers according to their archetype: Hex, Movement, Transmute and Dispel powers may be cast on an unlimited number of targets in range by multiplying the spirit cost by the number of targets Modify, Environment, Reveal and Portal powers have their cost reduced by 5 (down to a minimum of 1) Channel powers cannot be interrupted by CC effects or from taking damage Control powers can be cast as instants. If already an instant, they can be cast on up to 4 targets by multiplying the spirit cost by the number of targets | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Alteration | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 4 | Violent Alterations | 2 | The caster may choose to add the Violent Alteration effect to any Alteration power prior to casting. The Violent Alteration effect costs an additional 1 spirit per Tier, where the Tier of the Violent Alteration can differ than the Tier of the power itself (cannot however be higher than casters max Tier). If the Alteration power that it is attached to successfully hits a target then it inflicts 1d4 damage per Tier of the Violent Alteration (add casters damage modifiers and can benefit from the double damage of a critical cast). If the Alteration power has a persistent effect, then when the effect ends in any way (cancelled, dispelled, runs its duration, is consumed, etc…) the Violent Alteration inflicts 1d6 damage per Tier to the target, however this damage does NOT include the casters damage modifiers nor any critical cast damage. | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Conjuration | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 1 | Improved Conjuration | 1 | All Conjuration powers cost 1 less spirit (but cannot be reduced below 1) | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Conjuration | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 2 | Conjuration Potency | 1 | +2% Critical Cast chance with all Conjuration powers and -5% Miscast chance with Conjuration powers | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Conjuration | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 3 | Superior Control | 1 | Each conjuration power can be cast one additional time, even if entities already associated with it are still on the battlefield (i.e. if a Fire Elemental was conjured in a previous turn and is still on the battlefield, Superior Control allows for 1 additional Fire Elemental to be conjured in subsequent turns) | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Conjuration | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 4 | Conjuration Mastery | 2 | The casters +Cast and +Crit modifiers with Spirit powers are also applied to any active conjurations (including quasi- sentient Weapon conjurations) | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Destruction | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 1 | Improved Destruction | 1 | All Destruction powers cost 1 less spirit (but cannot be reduced below 1) | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Destruction | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 2 | Destruction Potency | 1 | +2 to cast & +1 damage with destruction powers and -5% Miscast chance with Destruction powers | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Destruction | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 3 | Loose Magic | 1 | Any time a Destruction power fails to hit and.or miscasts, 20% of the Spirit cost is refunded | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Destruction | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 4 | Double Destruction | 2 | Can cast two Destruction powers of any kind (except Death powers), whether an instant or an action, if they did not take any damage during their last turn and did not move or use an instant on their current turn | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Devastation | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 1 | Improved Devastation | 1 | All devastation powers cost 1 less spirit (but cannot be reduced below 1) | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Devastation | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 2 | Devastation Potency | 1 | +2 to cast & +2% Crit with devastation powers and -5% Miscast chance with Devastation powers | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Devastation | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 3 | Concentrated Devastation | 1 | May choose to apply all Spirit damage modifiers to a single target of your choice instead of dividing it evenly among all targets | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Devastation | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 4 | Channeled Devastation | 2 | All Devastation powers can be channeled from one round to the next, meaning they cost half the spirit cost but must be targeted no more than 90 degrees away from the previous round; in order to channel Devastation powers the caster must not have moved, used an instant, or taken damage; when channeling Cone, Storm, and some Beams powers to a new location within the 90 degree arc, treat it as being continually cast while rotating (this does not count as movement as you are simply rotating on the spot), possibly hitting additional targets as it travels | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Fortification | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 1 | Improved Fortification | 1 | All Fortification powers cost 1 less spirit (but cannot be reduced below 1) | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Fortification | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 2 | Fortification Potency | 1 | -5% Miscast chance with all Fortification powers; all persistent effects from Fortification powers have their duration increased to 1 day (resting cancels the effect) | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Fortification | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 3 | Greater Fortifications | 1 | Modifies Fortification powers according to their archetype: Healing powers are cast as if they are 1 Tier higher than they are with no additional cost Shell powers may be cast as an instant all other Non self-cast fortification powers (Synergy, Ward, Shield and Boon archetypes) may be cast on an unlimited number of targets (not including summoned creatures or pets) in range if not using an action power in the same round, must multiply the spirit cost by the number of targets Self-cast Fortification powers (Empower, Counter, Armor and Avatar archetypes) can now be cast on a single friendly target within 4″ at 1.5x the cost, and if doing so only one of each self-cast power can be active at any given time | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Spirit Specialist | Fortification | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 4 | Refresh | 2 | Any time a Fortification power is dispelled or consumed or runs its course it can be immediately refreshed on the target (without costing an instant or action), provided the caster is conscious, can pass an Intellect test and pays the spirit cost | Spirit Classes Only | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Assassination | Assassin, Berserker, Ninja, Ranger, Thief | 1 | Improved Assassination | 1 | All stealth reduction costs for Assassination skills are reduced by 1 | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Berserker, Ninja, Ranger, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Assassination | Assassin, Berserker, Ninja, Ranger, Thief | 2 | Learn from Failure | 1 | Any time a target armor saves or resists a power, you may ask the GM what the targets AC or resistance is; however you cannot directly share this information with your allies | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Berserker, Ninja, Ranger, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Assassination | Assassin, Berserker, Ninja, Ranger, Thief | 3 | Finish the Job | 1 | After using any Assassination skill, if the target has 10% HP or less, may choose to instantly kill it | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Berserker, Ninja, Ranger, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Assassination | Assassin, Berserker, Ninja, Ranger, Thief | 4 | Shadow Blink | 2 | An instant skill that can be used if passing a Stealth Check; immediately move your full movement distance so long as you remain in the shadows for the entire move | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Berserker, Ninja, Ranger, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Dirty Fighting | Assassin, Berserker, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief | 1 | Improved Dirty Fighting | 1 | All stealth reduction costs for Dirty Fighting skills are reduced by 1 | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Berserker, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Dirty Fighting | Assassin, Berserker, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief | 2 | Provoke | 1 | Successful use of any action based Dirty Fighting skill causes the target to suffer -10 to hit on their next turn | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Berserker, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Dirty Fighting | Assassin, Berserker, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief | 3 | Missed Me | 1 | Any time an enemy moves into base contact and misses with their first attack (including if parried, blocked or warded off), you may immediately side step 1″ to disengage from combat if passing an agility test | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Berserker, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Dirty Fighting | Assassin, Berserker, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief | 4 | Cheap Shot | 2 | While in base contact, if an enemy selects a target that is not you, you may attempt to Cheap Shot them; before the enemy rolls to hit their intended target take a Stealth Check, where failure immediately gives away your position and causes Cheap Shot to fail, at which point the enemy may choose to switch targets and hit you instead; if passing the Stealth Check immediately make a regular out-of-turn main hand melee attack that does not give away your position; if Cheap Shot hits it causes the targets attack to suffer -20 to hit (can stack with the penalties of Rank2 Dirty Fighting specialization if applied in the previous round, up to -40 to hit) | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Berserker, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Sabotage | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief | 1 | Improved Sabotage | 1 | All stealth reduction costs for Sabotage skills are reduced by 1 | Stealth Classes Only | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Sabotage | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief | 2 | Vandal | 1 | Anytime you pair a Sabotage instant and action together you may take a free Stealth Check at the start of your next turn to become undetected again (normal this would count as an instant); must still adhere to LoS rules for becoming undetected | Stealth Classes Only | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Sabotage | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief | 3 | Elite Saboteur | 1 | All Sabotage abilities are one rank more effective than they should be, even beyond the max rank | Stealth Classes Only | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Sabotage | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief | 4 | Spec Ops | 2 | Just prior to the start of a battle, you may apply the negative effects (but no direct damage) of a single Sabotage skill against one enemy target; must have the appropriate amount of required stealth and also must pass a Stealth test; cannot be used if you opponents ambush you | Stealth Classes Only | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Subterfuge | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Swashbuckler, Thief | 1 | Improved Subterfuge | 1 | All stealth reduction costs for Subterfuge skills are reduced by 1 | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Subterfuge | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Swashbuckler, Thief | 2 | Next Time for Sure | 1 | Anytime you miss a target the next time you attack them you gain +10 to hit if you have not attacked another target since; this stacks until hitting the target | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Subterfuge | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Swashbuckler, Thief | 3 | Retire from Battle | 1 | If you used a Subterfuge skill in the previous round and pass a Stealth Check, Disengaging from Combat immediately causes you to become undetected from those formerly in base contact; doing so also prevents any attacks being made against you when Disengaging from Combat. | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Subterfuge | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Swashbuckler, Thief | 4 | Copy Cat | 2 | If not using any other abilities that round select a single target within LoS and if passing a Stealth Check, plus a Perception Test, you may make yourself look and sound enough like the target that it will fool the average person (GM descretion) into thinking that you ARE that target; this can be maintained only for a short period of time (max 3 rounds in combat); the effect is cancelled if you fail a Stealth Check at any point in time or if you take any combat actions; if you are aware of any instants/abilities the target may have you can use a single instant and action after which the effect is broken; Copy Cat can only be used on a target once per day or battle | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Suppression | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief | 1 | Improved Suppression | 1 | All stealth reduction costs for Suppression skills are reduced by 1 | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Suppression | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief | 2 | Come Out on Top | 1 | Successfully using any Suppression skill grants you +1 Initiative Score for the remainder of the battle; bonus cannot exceed +6 | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Suppression | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief | 3 | Suppress and Run | 1 | If you do not move your full movement distance during the movement phase of your turn, you may use any remaining movement to move again at the end of your turn, provided you used a Suppression instant or action; this does not count as Disengaging from Combat (i.e. If max movement is 4, could move 2″ then use Trip (instant) and Disarm (Action) and the move 2″) | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Suppression | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief | 4 | Vulnerability | 2 | Any target that has been effected by one of your Suppression abilities becomes takes 25% more damage for the entire next turn | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Survival | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Thief | 1 | Improved Survival | 1 | All stealth reduction costs for Survival skills are reduced by 1 | Stealth Classes Only | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Survival | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Thief | 2 | Durable | 1 | Using any Survival skill results in 10% damage reduction for the next incoming attack | Stealth Classes Only | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Survival | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Thief | 3 | Withdraw | 1 | At the end of your turn, if you have not inflicted any damage, you may become undetected by all enemies if you pass a Stealth Check | Stealth Classes Only | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Survival | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Thief | 4 | Shrug It Off | 2 | Any hit that would drop you below 25% HP instead reduces your HP to 25% and if passing a Stealth Check allows you to Disengage from Combat without being hit on your next turn; can only occur once per battle | Stealth Classes Only | Berserker, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Thievery | Assassin, Berserker, Monk, Swashbuckler, Thief | 1 | Improved Thievery | 1 | All stealth reduction costs for Thievery skills are reduced by 1 | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Berserker, Monk, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Thievery | Assassin, Berserker, Monk, Swashbuckler, Thief | 2 | Preparation | 1 | Any attack paired with a Thievery instant has +5 to hit and +1 damage; this also applies when converting ‘Stalk’ into a Strike | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Berserker, Monk, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Thievery | Assassin, Berserker, Monk, Swashbuckler, Thief | 3 | Thieves Luck | 1 | May re-roll one set of dice for any hit roll, success roll or stat check; must abide by the second roll; must be related to or paired with a Thievery skill; maximum of once per round | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Berserker, Monk, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Stealth Specialist | Thievery | Assassin, Berserker, Monk, Swashbuckler, Thief | 4 | The Ol' Switcheroo | 2 | Any time you use Larceny or Pick Pocket, you can elect to replace the item you have stolen with something else; this typically fools the target until after they attempt to use the item (i.e. replace a healing potion with a vial of poison, switch a sword for a stick, etc…) | Stealth Classes Only | Assassin, Berserker, Monk, Swashbuckler, Thief |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Axe | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 1 | Axe Fighting | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking with any type of Axe (1 or 2 handed) | 1 or 2 Handed Axe Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Axe | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 2 | Axe Wounds | 1 | Receive +5% Critical hit chance and -5% Critical miss when attacking with any type of Axe (1 or 2 handed) | 1 or 2 Handed Axe Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Axe | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 3 | Momentum Blow | 1 | Any axe you wield can be used for a Momentum Blow, which is effectively treated the same as the Impale reaction but without requiring an Initiative test. | 1 or 2 Handed Axe Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Axe | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 4 | Finishing Blow | 1 | If after any attack made with an axe, the target has HP less than or equal to the damage they just received (before Critical hit or any other damage multipliers), you may attack again with the same axe (as part of the same action) | 1 or 2 Handed Axe Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Bludgeon | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Monk, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 1 | Bashing | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking with any type of Bludgeon (1 or 2 handed) | 1 or 2 Handed Bludgeon Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Monk, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Bludgeon | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Monk, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 2 | Blunt Wounds | 1 | Receive +5% Critical hit chance and -5% Critical miss when attacking with any type of Bludgeon (1 or 2 handed) | 1 or 2 Handed Bludgeon Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Monk, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Bludgeon | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Monk, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 3 | Guard Break | 1 | If not using any action based special skills that round, can instead elect to use a bludgeon weapon to do a Guard Break; if hitting Guard Break causes half-damage but prevents the target from using any defensive reactions for 1 full round | 1 or 2 Handed Bludgeon Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Monk, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Bludgeon | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Monk, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 4 | Stagger | 1 | Anytime you fail to stun a target from the bludgeon weapon effect you may instead choose to stagger the target; a staggered target is forced to move 1″ backwards after which you may either immediately move 1″ ahead in order to stay in base contact and then attack again at half-damage (as part of the same action) OR the target loses their instant on their next turn | 1 or 2 Handed Bludgeon Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Monk, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Bow | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 1 | Bow Archery | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking with any type of Bow | Bow Equipped | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Bow | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 2 | Bow Wounds | 1 | Receive +5% Critical hit chance and -5% Critical miss when attacking any type of Bow | Bow Equipped | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Bow | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 3 | Slowing Shot | 1 | If not using any action based special abilities that round, can instead elect to use a bow to do a Slowing Shot; if hitting Slowing Shot does half-damage but cuts the targets movement in half on their next turn; counts as a Shot | Bow Equipped | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Bow | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 4 | Quick Aim | 1 | Can fire an arrow, as a reaction, at an enemy that will end its movement phase in base contact with you. Can be combined with Slowing Shot to immediately apply the half movement effect, potentially preventing the enemy from getting into base contact | Bow Equipped | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Crossbow | Assassin, Battlemage, Guardian, Ranger, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 1 | Crossbow Archery | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking with any type of Crossbow | Crossbow Equipped | Assassin, Battlemage, Guardian, Ranger, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Crossbow | Assassin, Battlemage, Guardian, Ranger, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 2 | Crossbow Wounds | 1 | Receive +5% Critical hit chance and -5% Critical miss when attacking any type of Crossbow | Crossbow Equipped | Assassin, Battlemage, Guardian, Ranger, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Crossbow | Assassin, Battlemage, Guardian, Ranger, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 3 | Heavy Shot | 1 | If not using any action based special abilities that round, can instead elect to use a crossbow to do a Heavy Shot; the Heavy Shot does not benefit from armor piercing effects but if hitting does regular damage and knocks the target back up to 1″ for every 5 armor piercing; counts as a Shot | Crossbow Equipped | Assassin, Battlemage, Guardian, Ranger, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Crossbow | Assassin, Battlemage, Guardian, Ranger, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 4 | Quick Aim | 1 | Can fire a bolt, as a reaction, at an enemy that will end its movement phase in base contact with you; if using a reload-ranged Crossbow you cannot move on your next turn; can be combined with a Heavy shot, applying the knock back as a reduction to the enemies movement, potentially preventing them from getting into base contact. | Crossbow Equipped | Assassin, Battlemage, Guardian, Ranger, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Hand Weapon | Assassin, Barbarian, Berserker, Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Zealot | 1 | Hand Weapon Fighting | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking with any type of Hand Weapon | Hand Weapon Equipped | Assassin, Barbarian, Berserker, Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Hand Weapon | Assassin, Barbarian, Berserker, Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Zealot | 2 | Hand Weapon Wounds | 1 | Receive +5% Critical hit chance and-5% Critical miss when attacking with any type of Hand Weapon | Hand Weapon Equipped | Assassin, Barbarian, Berserker, Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Hand Weapon | Assassin, Barbarian, Berserker, Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Zealot | 3 | Single Strike | 1 | If not using any action based special abilities that round, can instead elect to use both the hand weapons together (main-hand and off-hand combined) as a Single Strike; the Single Strike gains +5 to hit and 15% overpowering, and if hitting, inflicts the weapon damage from both weapons but treats damage bonuses (and fury gains) as though it were a single 2-handed attack; counts as a strike | Hand Weapon Equipped | Assassin, Barbarian, Berserker, Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Hand Weapon | Assassin, Barbarian, Berserker, Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Zealot | 4 | Disarm | 1 | Treat your hand weapons as having Disarm +3. If it already has a Disarm attribute add +4 to existing value. | Hand Weapon Equipped | Assassin, Barbarian, Berserker, Martial Artist, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Knife | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Knife Fighting | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking with any type of Knife | Knife Equipped | None |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Knife | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Knife Wounds | 1 | Receive +5% Critical hit chance and -5% Critical miss when attacking with any type of Knife | Knife Equipped | None |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Knife | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Throat Slash | 1 | If not using any other instants and actions this round, can elect to use a knife to Throat Slash a living humanoid target (of equal or less size) who is unaware of your presence (i.e. attacking from behind or otherwise undetected); if hitting (no dodge allowed) Throat Slash immediately reduces the targets HoP to the minimum amount required fora Critical Injury; if not healed within 1 round in combat (or 20 seconds out of combat) the target is dead (this counts as an “insta-kill”); immediately gives away your position unless you are a Stealth class and can pass a Stealth Check at -8 disadvantage to remain undetected | Knife Equipped | None |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Knife | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Quick Blade | 1 | Any knife equipped in the main hand can be used to attack twice as part of the same action; the second attack cannot benefit from special abilities of any kind and is done after any off-hand attack; if the first attack with the main hand knife was a throw then the second attack is lost (even when used in conjunction with the “of Returning” enchant); if the first attack with the main hand knife was a melee attack the second attack can be a throw | Knife Equipped | None |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Polearm | Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 1 | Polearm Fighting | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking with any type of Polearm (1 or 2 handed) | Polearm Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Polearm | Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 2 | Polearm Wounds | 1 | Receive +5% Critical hit chance and -5% Critical miss when attacking with any type of Polearm (1 or 2 handed) | Polearm Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Polearm | Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 3 | Trip Up | 1 | If not using any action based special abilities that round, can instead elect to use a polearm to Trip Up an opponent inside your Reach; if the target fails a dodge test they take minimum damage (as though you attacked with your polearm) and are immediately Knocked Down | Polearm Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Polearm | Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master | 4 | Retaliate | 1 | During enemy turns, any time you successfully ward off an attack with your polearm you may immediately Retaliate against the target you just warded off by either making a free half-damage attack with your polearm or pushing the target back a distance equal to the Reach of your polearm | Polearm Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Shield | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior | 1 | Shield Blows | 1 | Receive +5 hit and increase the damage based on the following dice equivalents: 1d2->1d4, 1d3->1d4+1, 1d4->1d6, 1d5->1d6+1, 1d6->1d8, 1d8->1d10 | Shield Equipped | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Shield | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior | 2 | Critical Block | 1 | You now score a “Critical Block” on a natural 20 or 19, and receive -5% Critical miss when attacking any type of shield. | Shield Equipped | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Shield | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior | 3 | Shield Bash | 1 | If not using any action based special abilities that round, can instead elect to use a shield blow that has 10x the stun chance | Shield Equipped | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Shield | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior | 4 | Sacrifice Shield | 1 | As a reaction, can chose to ignore a single blockable attack (essentially aut-block) as well as a Critical hit, however the shield is then damaged and can no longer be used until repaired, must decide after roll to hit | Shield Equipped | Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Paladin, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Staff | Barbarian, Battlemage, Cleric, Druid, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Thief, Vigilante, Weapon Master, Wizard | 1 | Staff Fighting | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking with any type of Staff (1 or 2 handed) | Staff Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Cleric, Druid, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Thief, Vigilante, Weapon Master, Wizard |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Staff | Barbarian, Battlemage, Cleric, Druid, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Thief, Vigilante, Weapon Master, Wizard | 2 | Staff Wounds | 1 | Receive +5% Critical hit chance and -5% Critical miss when attacking with any type of Staff (1 or 2 handed) | Staff Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Cleric, Druid, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Thief, Vigilante, Weapon Master, Wizard |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Staff | Barbarian, Battlemage, Cleric, Druid, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Thief, Vigilante, Weapon Master, Wizard | 3 | Spinning Strike | 1 | If not using any action based special abilities that round, can instead elect to use a staff to do a Spinning Strike; if hitting (with a single to-hit roll) everyone in base contact (friend or foe) takes minimum damage and if failing a dodge test is immediately knocked down; counts as a Strike | Staff Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Cleric, Druid, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Thief, Vigilante, Weapon Master, Wizard |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Staff | Barbarian, Battlemage, Cleric, Druid, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Thief, Vigilante, Weapon Master, Wizard | 4 | Disengage | 1 | During enemy turns, any time you successfully ward off an attack with your staff, as part of the same reaction you may immediately disengage from combat without being attacked for doing so | Staff Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Cleric, Druid, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Thief, Vigilante, Weapon Master, Wizard |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Sword | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard | 1 | Sword Play | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking with any type of Sword (1 or 2 handed) | 1 or 2 Handed Sword Equipped | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Sword | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard | 2 | Sword Wounds | 1 | Receive +5% Critical hit chance and -5% Critical miss when attacking with any type of Sword (1 or 2 handed) | 1 or 2 Handed Sword Equipped | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Sword | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard | 3 | Pommel Strike | 1 | If not using any action based special abilities that round, can instead elect to use a sword to do a Pommel Strike; if hitting Pommel Strike inflicts minimum damage but stuns the target for 1 round if they fail a Stamina test; counts as a Strike | 1 or 2 Handed Sword Equipped | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Sword | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard | 4 | Riposte | 1 | During enemy turns, any time you successfully parry a melee attack immediately make a free half-damage attack with your sword against the parried target, as part of the same Reaction. | 1 or 2 Handed Sword Equipped | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Ranger, Samurai, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Wand | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 1 | Wand Fighting | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking with any type of Wand | Wand Equipped | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Wand | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 2 | Wand Wounds | 1 | Receive +5% Critical hit chance and -5% Critical miss when attacking with any type of Wand | Wand Equipped | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Wand | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 3 | Rapid Fire | 1 | If not using any action based special abilities that round, can instead elect to use a wand to do Rapid Fire; which is allows you to attack twice with your wand as part of the same action; the second attack cannot benefit from special abilities of any kind and is done after any off-hand attack | Wand Equipped | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Wand | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard | 4 | Wand Casting | 1 | May use your wand to assist in casting any spirit power; granting its equivalent damage dice as +hit; if using a wand to cast offensive LoS powers you can choose to instead add the wands damage dice as bonus damage (i.e. split among targets for AoE powers or only applying to the first target for multi-target powers) | Wand Equipped | Assassin, Battlemage, Druid, Mage, Runeweaver, Shaman, Wizard |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Whip | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Mage, Monk, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Whip Fighting | 1 | Receive +5 hit and +1 damage when attacking with any type of Whip | Whip Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Mage, Monk, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Whip | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Mage, Monk, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Whip Wounds | 1 | Receive +5% Critical hit chance and -5% Critical miss when attacking with any type of Whip. Also gain +2 Advantage on Entangle Strength stat roll-offs. | Whip Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Mage, Monk, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Whip | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Mage, Monk, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Entwine | 1 | If not in base contact, your Entangle weapon attribute can also be used to target specific body parts such as limbs without counting as a Precision Attack. This could grant a variety of effects such as: (single arm/hand) cannot attack with that limb, (lLegs/feet) knock down, (throat) treat as Winded & Silenced. Ensuing stat roll-offs in favor of the target break the effect and could result in damage to the whip, or even being disarmed. When in your favor you can pull the target towards you at a rate of 1″ per 5 Strength. Cannot be used on targets that are more than two sizes larger than you. | Whip Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Mage, Monk, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Specialist | Weapon Specialist | Whip | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Mage, Monk, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Backlash | 1 | Any time a whip is used to attack, if there is an enemy target inside the 90 degree arc directly behind the direction you are attacking you may also hit them for a half damage attack. The rear attack is a separate attack with its own to-hit roll and is resolved prior to the intended frontal attack. A critical miss with the rear attack does not negate the frontal attack. While the rear attack does count as part of the same action it does NOT benefit from any special ability applied to the intended frontal attack. | Whip Equipped | Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Mage, Monk, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Shaman, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot |
Combat Trainer
Combat trainers can train others in a variety of close combat oriented stats and are also sometimes referred to as Vigor or Fury Trainers.
Note: can never train someone’s stats higher than trainer’s own natural stat of that type. (i.e. Combat Trainer with a natural Stamina stat of 15 cannot train anyone to achieve Stamina higher than 15)
Secondary Skill Type | School | Discipline | Class Restrictions | Rank | Skill Name | Cost | Description | Requirements | Class Restrictions |
Standard | Academic Skills | Cartographer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | You can recall maps from memory of any place you have been before in your past travels by passing a Wisdom test. You gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to recalling, reading, interpreting, deciphering, and creating maps of any kind. | Wisdom or Perception 12+, Cartographer's Tools | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Cartographer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | When exploring a new area, dungeon, or cave system, etc... you can request access to any maps or visual aids that the GM possesses for any portion that you have explored thus far (unless magic/enchantments somehow prevent this). Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Cartographer skill. | Wisdom or Perception 13+, Cartographer's Tools | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Cartographer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | You have spent so many hours pouring over maps that nothing surprises you. Once per day you can accurately predict what a small portion of an unexplored area ahead may look like by passing a Wisdom test (unless magic/enchantments somehow prevent this). Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Cartographer skill. | Wisdom or Perception 14+, Cartographer's Tools | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Diplomat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Once during an encounter, if passing an Charm test (charismatic diplomacy) or Wisom test (experiential diplomacy), can propose a parley between opposing forces to discuss terms to avoid conflict even if they are unfriendly towards each other (whiel still gaining the encounters XP). This only works on sentient targets, whom have at least some basis to negotiate terms and does not necessarily result in conflict being avoided but at least provides an opportunity that would otherwise not be possible. Gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to statecraft, negotiation, diplomacy, current events and politics, cultural practices and etiquette, etc... | Charm or Wisdom 12+, Parley flag/banner | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Diplomat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Ability to parley extends to opposing forces that are hostile towards each other. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Diplomat skill. Spirit and Faith classes gain a further +1 advantage when dealing with groups that don't possess any skill or knowledge in spirit or faith. | Charm or Wisdom 13+, Parley flag/banner | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Diplomat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Ability to parley extends to opposing forces that hate each other. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Diplomat skill. Once per day, can re-roll a failed diplomat related stat test, where Spirit classes must first consume 10 spirit and Faith classes must first pass a Faith test. | Charm or Wisdom 14+, Parley flag/banner | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Historian | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Nearby allies (within 6") gain +1 advantage on any intellect, wisdom, or resolve test. You gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to recalling facts about historical events, lineages, signficant dates, historical characters, past conflicts, ancient civilizations, etc... | Intellect 12+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Historian | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Nearby allies (within 6") gain +2 advantage on any intellect, wisdom, or resolve test. Increase to +2 advantage on your stat tests related to the Historian skill. Spirit and Faith classes gain +2 to all Resistances. | Intellect 13+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Historian | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Nearby allies (within 6") gain +3 advantage on any intellect, wisdom, or resolve test. Increase to +3 advantage on your stat tests realted to the Historian skill. Spirit and Faith classes increase resistance bonus to +5. | Intellect 14+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Linguist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can read, speak, and write 2 additional languages of their choice, or 1 additional rare or dead language of their choice (GM discretion on what constitutes a rare or dead language). Gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to understanding dialects, translations, deciphering codes, creating written ciphers, etc... Mages, Battlemages, and Wizards may use "Memorize Power" at a rate of 2 per half rest. | Intellect 12+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Linguist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Can read, speak, and write 2 additional languages of their choice, or 1 additional rare or dead language of their choice. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Linguist skill. Mages, Battlemages, and Wizards may use "Memorize Power" at a rate of 3 per half rest. | Intellect 13+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Linguist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can read, speak, and write 2 additional languages of their choice, or 1 additional rare or dead language of their choice. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to understanding dialects, deciphering codes, or creating written ciphers. Mages, Battlemages, and Wizards may use "Memorize Power" at a rate of 4 per half rest. | Intellect 14+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Loremaster | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | At the outset of an encounter, if passing an Intellect test (studied knowledge) or Wisom test (experiential knowledge), the GM must reveal a pertenent fact, skill, trait, or ability of a target foe that the Loremaster can see or is otherwise aware of. This only works on mystical targets such as a denizen, dragonkind, fey creature, aberration, or monster. Gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to recalling knowledge about mystical creatures, creation myths, folk lore, ancient legends, realms of origin, schools of magic etc... | Intellect 12+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Loremaster | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | The ability to reveal facts about mystical targets is increased to either: 1 fact about 2 different targets or 2 facts about a single target. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Loremaster skill. Spirit classes gain +3 to cast with a choosen School of Magic. | Intellect 13+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Loremaster | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | The ability to reveal facts about mystical targets is increased to either: 1 fact about 3 different targets or 3 facts about a single target. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Loremaster skill. Spirit classes gain +2% Critical Cast chance with the same school of magic as selected in Rank 2. | Intellect 14+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Naturalist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | At the outset of an encounter, if passing an Intellect test (studied knowledge) or Wisom test (experiential knowledge), the GM must reveal a pertenent fact, skill, trait, or ability of a target foe that the Naturalist can see or is otherwise aware of. This only works on natural targets such as a beast, plant, primitive, humanoid, greenskin, or anthromorph. Gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to recalling knowledge about natural creatures, weather patterns, landforms, lunar cycles, tides, etc... | Intellect or Wisdom 12+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Naturalist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | The ability to reveal facts about natural targets is increased to either: 1 fact about 2 different targets or 2 facts about a single target. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Naturalist skill. Spirit and faith classes gain +2 Healing on all healing powers. | Intellect or Wisdom 13+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Naturalist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | The ability to reveal facts about natural targets is increased to either: 1 fact about 3 different targets or 3 facts about a single target. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Naturalist skill. Spirit and faith classes gain +2% Critical cast with all healing powers. | Intellect or Wisdom 14+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Theologian | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | At the outset of an encounter, if passing an Intellect test (studied knowledge) or Wisom test (experiential knowledge), the GM must reveal a pertenent fact, skill, trait, or ability of a target foe that the Theologian can see or is otherwise aware of. This only works on faith related targets such as a demon, devil, hell fiend, angel, nephilim, or undead. Gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to interpretation of sacred texts, dreams and visions, or recalling knowledge about religions, rites and rituals, deities, cult practices, sacred texts, religious institutions, cultural belief systems, etc... | Intellect or Wisdom 12+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Theologian | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | The ability to reveal facts about faith related targets is increased to either: 1 fact about 2 different targets or 2 facts about a single target. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Theologian skill. Faith classes gain +3 to cast with a choosen faith path. | Intellect or Wisdom 13+ | None |
Standard | Academic Skills | Theologian | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | The ability to reveal facts about faith related targets is increased to either: 1 fact about 3 different targets or 3 facts about a single target. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Theologian skill. Faith classes gain +2% Critical Cast chance with the same faith path selected in Rank 2. | Intellect or Wisdom 14+ | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Behemoth | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Behemoth I | 1 | Treat your character as if it was one size larger than normal. This effects Size Modifiers and resistances to CC(see Creature Sizes) but DOES NOT effect HP dice or Size Traits. Also effects what size of creature you can use as a mount. This cancels out the “Small Race” racial passive, for all naturally small sized races and adds the “Large Race” racial passive for any naturally medium sized. If your race already has the “Large Race” passive, then skip Rank1 Behemoth and retain their standard size modifiers. Negates the “Light of Foot” racial passive. | Stamina 13+, Must take at character creation, Mutually exclusive with Juggernaut | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Behemoth | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Behemoth II | 1 | Nothing can slow you down anymore. Gain the “Implacable” racial passive. If your race already has this passive, then skip Rank2 Behemoth | Stamina 14+, Mutually exclusive with Juggernaut | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Behemoth | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Behemoth III | 1 | Your presence on the battlefield cannot be ignored. Foes are naturally drawn to you. If wishing to target an ally that is standing behind you, the attacker must first pass a Resolve test. | Stamina 15+, Mutually exclusive with Juggernaut | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Behemoth | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Behemoth IV | 1 | You’ve grown so huge that you can shrug off damage without a second thought. Gain Toughness 1. | Stamina 16+, Mutually exclusive with Juggernaut | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Behemoth | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Behemoth V | 1 | Just when they thought you couldn’t get any bigger… Increase Toughness to 2. | Stamina 17+, Mutually exclusive with Juggernaut | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Brawler | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Brawler I | 1 | Receive +2 per Rank to Difficulty rolls for Bar Fighting moves, and +1 damage per 5 lvls for unarmed/fist/kick attacks each round in staged combats. Also gain up to +10% income for prize fights, where applicable. | None | |
Standard | Brute Skills | Brawler | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Brawler II | 1 | Receive a 1d4 damage off hand attack that can be used each round of combat when not attacking with a regular off hand weapon. This damage can be upgraded by equipping a fist weapon. Also gain up to +15% income for prize fights, where applicable. | None | |
Standard | Brute Skills | Brawler | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Brawler III | 1 | Can elect to use a Bar Fighting move to incapacitate a foe in normal combat, treating it as a main hand special skill but following the standard rules for Bar Fighting moves. This can only be used on living opponents no greater than 1 size larger that the Brawler. The attack itself does 1d4 damage regardless of knocking the target out. If successful in knocking a target out it, its HP are NOT reduce to 0, but it is considered incapacitated for the remainder of the battle (or 10-15 minutes outside of combat). Incapacitated targets will revive if receiving any further damage. Also gain up to +25% income for prize fights, where applicable. | None | |
Standard | Brute Skills | Drunken Master | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | All effects of 6 stacks or less drunkenness are ignored with the exception of the Stamina advantage. Also gain 0.5HP per level for each Stack of Drunkenness. Permanently suffer -10% HP Max while not drunk (0 stacks) | None | |
Standard | Brute Skills | Drunken Master | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Immune to hang overs. Lose Drunkenness stacks at 1/2 the normal rate (2 hours of non-drinking, 50% less stack reduction from resting). Gain +1 melee damage for each Stack of Drunkenness. Permanently suffer -2 melee damage while not drunk (0 stacks) | None | |
Standard | Brute Skills | Drunken Master | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | When drunk you have a 10% per Stack of Drunkeness chance to gain an additional turn at the bottom of each turn order, however all target assignment must be random. If in base contact, will only choose from other targets also in base contact. Permanently suffer -3 Disadvantage on all Stat Tests and +15% Critical Miss/Cast chance while not drunk (0 stacks). | None | |
Standard | Brute Skills | Juggernaut | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Juggernaut I | 1 | When moving at least more than 2″ into base contact gain a chance to cause a knock down effect based on how much armor you have (i.e. if Armor = 65, then gain a 65% knockdown chance) | Strength or Stamina 13+, Mutually Exclusive with Behemoth | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Juggernaut | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Juggernaut II | 1 | Gain resistance to physical CC effects such as stun, knock down, knock back, winded, incapacitate, etc… equal to your current armor (i.e. if Armor = 65, then gain a 65% resistance to physical CC effects) | Strength or Stamina 14+, Mutually Exclusive with Behemoth | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Juggernaut | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Juggernaut III | 1 | Gain a passive Trample effect equal to 1d6 per 20 armor (i.e. if Armor is 0-19 = no Trample, 20-39 = 1d6 Trample, 40-59 = 2d6 Trample, etc…) | Strength or Stamina 15+, Mutually Exclusive with Behemoth | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Juggernaut | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Juggernaut IV | 1 | Gain Crushing Blow on all physical attacks, equal to 1 per 20 armor. (i.e. if Armor is 0-19 = no additional Crushing Blow, 20-39 = Crushing Blow 1, 40-59 = Crushing Blow 2, etc…) | Strength or Stamina 16+, Mutually Exclusive with Behemoth | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Juggernaut | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Juggernaut V | 1 | Any time you armor save against an attack, your opponent becomes Frightened of you | Strength or Stamina 17+, Mutually Exclusive with Behemoth | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Strongman | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Strongman I | 1 | Adds +1 to the characters Strength stat permanently, up to a maximum of 20 | Strength 13+, Mutually Exclusive with Paired Weapon Combat Specialization | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Strongman | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Strongman II | 1 | +2 damage while in close combat and +1 Advantage on most Strength Stat tests and Stat Roll-offs | Strength 14+, Mutually Exclusive with Paired Weapon Combat Specialization | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Strongman | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Strongman III | 1 | Allows the character to use a two handed melee weapon in one hand. This never allows for dual wielding two handed weapons, regardless of being used in tandem the Dual Wield skill; even the strong have their limitations. However, you could use a two handed weapon in your main hand and a one handed weapon in your offhand so long as the off hand weapon is smaller than the main hand weapon. If a weapon lists damage for 1 handed use and 2 handed use separately, it is still considered a 2 handed weapon if dealing 2 handed damage. | Strength 15+, Mutually Exclusive with Paired Weapon Combat Specialization | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Warmonger | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Warmonger I | 1 | Can add +2 to your normal (un-mounted) move if the movement would count as a charge | Must charge | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Warmonger | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Warmonger II | 1 | All melee attacks made during the same round as a charge receive +2 damage | Must charge | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Warmonger | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Warmonger III | 1 | All melee attacks made during the same round as a charge have +30% Overpowering | Must charge | None |
Standard | Brute Skills | Warmonger | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Warmonger IV | 1 | If your first main hand attack after a charge successfully hits, may choose to knock down (or dismount) your opponent if winning a Stamina stat roll-off | Must charge | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Alchemy | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Apprentice | 1 | Can learn, brew, experiment, and discover common potions and poisons. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, working as an apprentice to an apothecary. | Alchemy Toolkit | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Alchemy | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Journeyman | 1 | Can learn, brew, experiment, and discover up to uncommon potions and poisons. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, likely running or even owning a small apothecary shop or mobile stall, and possibly employing thier own apprentice or novice. | Field Alchemy Kit | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Alchemy | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Artisan | 1 | Can learn, brew, experiment, and discover up to rare potions and poisons. Can passively sustain an comfortable lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a well respected apothecary and often employing a team of lesser alchemists. | Alchemy Lab | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Alchemy | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Master | 1 | Can learn, brew, experiment, and discover up to very rare potions and poisons. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a large apothecary operation that is often in the service of the aristocracy or other powerful individuals and typically employing many others. | Advanced Alchemy Lab | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Blacksmith | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (mail and plate), weapons or items (that are mostly metal), at a rate of 1 unit per day. Tier 1 Crafting only. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, employed mending pots, crafting tools, shoeing horses or as a labourer at a smithy. | Smiths tools and forge | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Blacksmith | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (mail and plate), weapons or items (that are mostly metal), at a rate of 2 units per day. Tier 1 Crafting only. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an apprentice to a smith of higher skill/rank. | Smiths tools and forge | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Blacksmith | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Journeyman | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (mail and plate), weapons or items (that are mostly metal), at a rate of 4 units per day. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, likely running or even owning a small smithy or forge and possibly employing thier own apprentice or novice. May also choose to specialize as either a Weaponsmith or Armorsmith, allowing access to Tier 2 Advanced Weapon and Armor (mail and palte) Crafting (respectively). | Smiths tools and forge | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Blacksmith | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Artisan | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (mail and plate), weapons or items (that are mostly metal), at a rate of 6 units per day. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a well respected smithy or forge and often employing a team of lesser smiths. Allows access to Tier 3 Advanced Crafting in your selected specialization (Armorsmith or Weaponsmith) | Smiths tools and forge | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Blacksmith | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (mail and plate), weapons or items (that are mostly metal), at a rate of 8 units per day. Can passively sustain a wealthy lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a large smithing operation that is often in the service of the aristocracy or other powerful individuals and typically employing many others. Allows access to Tier 4 Advanced Crafting in your selected specialization (Armorsmith or Weaponsmith) | Smiths tools and forge | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Brewmaster | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Apprentice | 1 | May brew normal alcoholic beverages on a small scale (single man operation). Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working under another brewmaster of higher rank/skill or running a a mobile operation (requires a cart with 60+ slots designated for brewing equipment). | Brewing equipment | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Brewmaster | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Journeyman | 1 | May choose one type of alcoholic beverage and become a master in its creation and brew “special” beverages of that type (with the right recipe). Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, if running a medium scale brewery/winery/distillery with at least 1 apprentice, assistant, or helper. | Brewing equipment | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Brewmaster | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | May instruct others in the brewing/fermenting/distilling process. Can passively support a wealthy lifestyle during downtime, if running your own large scale brewery/winery/distillery (of your specialized type). Must be a permanent facility with associated staff. | Brewing equipment | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Fletcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Apprentice | 1 | Can craft fletched arrows and lightweight bolts, at a rate of 1 unit per day. Grants +2 to hit with bows & crossbows. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime. | Fletchers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Fletcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Journeyman | 1 | Can also craft hunting, silent & stun arrows and quarrel & stun bolts, as well as hollow-points, at a rate of 2 units per day. Grants another +2 to hit with bows & crossbows. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime. | Fletchers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Fletcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Artisan | 1 | Can also craft war & bodkin & tar arrows and metal bolts, at a rate of 3 units per day or 1 unit per full-rest. Grants another +2 to hit with bows & crossbows. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime. | Fletchers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Fletcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Master | 1 | Can also craft broadhead & razor arrows and wedge & barbed bolts, as well as magic arrows and bolts, at a rate of 6 units per day or 1 unit per half-rest. Grants another +2 to hit with bows & crossbows. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime. | Fletchers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Leather Worker | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (leather) and tan hides (uses same modifiers as repairing), at a rate of 1 unit per day. Tier 1 Crafting only. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, employed as a labourer mending leathers and tanning hides. | Leatherworkers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Leather Worker | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (leather) and tan hides (uses same modifiers as repairing), at a rate of 2 units per day. Tier 1 Crafting only. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an apprentice to a leather worker of higher skill/rank. | Leatherworkers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Leather Worker | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Journeyman | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (leather) and tan hides (uses same modifiers as repairing), at a rate of 4 units per day. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, likely running or even owning a tanning/leather working operation and possibly employing thier own apprentice or novice. Also allows access to Tier 2 Advanced (leather) Armor Crafting. | Leatherworkers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Leather Worker | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Artisan | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (leather) and tan hides (uses same modifiers as repairing), at a rate of 6 units per day. Can passively sustain a affluent lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a well respected tannery or leatherworking shop and often employing a team of lesser leather workers. Also allows access to Tier 3 Advanced (leather) Armor Crafting. | Leatherworkers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Leather Worker | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (leather) and tan hides (uses same modifiers as repairing), at a rate of 8 units per day. Can passively sustain a wealthy lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a large leatherworking operation that is often in the service of the aristocracy or other powerful individuals and typically employing many others. Also allows access to Tier 4 Advanced (leather) Armor Crafting. | Leatherworkers tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Siegecraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Apprentice | 1 | Can design, build, and repair simple siege craft items that would only require one person and a basic (untrained) understanding of masonry, carpentry, etc… (i.e a siege ladder, a simple battering ram, a barricade). Max rate of 2 crafting units per day. Can re-roll failures if a higher ranked Siegecrafter is present. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime. | Siegecrafters Tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Siegecraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Journeyman | 1 | Can design, build and repair complex siege craft items and instruct a crew in their construction & operation, however the presence of at least one skilled carpenter, mason, etc… is likely required (GM discretion) (i.e. a trebuchet, a ballistae, a guard tower, a wooden pallisade). Max personal contribution of 4 crafting units per day. Can re-roll failures if a Master Siegecrafter is present. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime. | Siegecrafters Tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Siegecraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can design and oversee construction/repair of siege craft projects on a massive scale, crews are typically large and contain many skilled tradesmen/craftsmen (i.e. a fortified estate, a moat, a castle). This requires multiple days, weeks, or even years depending on the project, with a maximum personal contribution rate of 8 crafting units per day. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime. | Siegecrafters Tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (cloth) and clothing, at a rate of 1 unit per day. Tier 1 Crafting only. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, employed as a labourer mending cloths or working as a seamtress. | Tailors tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (cloth) and clothing, at a rate of 2 units per day. Tier 1 Crafting only. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an apprentice to a tailor of higher skill/rank. | Tailors tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Journeyman | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (cloth) and clothing, at a rate of 4 units per day. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, likely running or even owning a shop and possibly employing thier own apprentice or novice. Also allows access to Tier 2 Advanced (cloth) Armor Crafting. | Tailors tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Artisan | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair armor (cloth) and clothing, at a rate of 6 units per day. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a well respected shop or boutique and often employing a team of lesser cloth workers. Also allows access to Tier 3 Advanced (cloth) Armor Crafting. | Tailors tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 1 | Can attempt to craft or armor (cloth) and clothing, at a rate of 8 units per day. Can passively sustain a wealthy lifestyle during downtime, managing and/or owning a trendy boutique or large tailoring operation that is often in the service of the aristocracy or other powerful individuals and typically employing many others. Also allows access to Tier 4 Advanced (cloth) Armor Crafting. | Tailors tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tradesman (Craftsman) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Apprentice | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair items of their craft/trade, at a rate of 2 units per day. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an apprentice to an higher ranking/skilled tradesperson or as an assistant or helper in someone else’s shop. | Craftsmans Tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tradesman (Craftsman) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Journeyman | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair items of their craft/trade, at a rate of 4 units per day. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, likely running or even owning a small shop or market stall, with at least 1 apprentice, assistant, or helper. | Craftsmans Tools | None |
Standard | Crafting Skills | Tradesman (Craftsman) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can attempt to craft or repair items of their craft/trade, at a rate of 8 units per day. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime, managing a large shop (or franchise) with associated staff, or running a trade school. | Craftsmans Tools | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Acrobat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Receives +1 Advantage on all Agility stat rolls. Also allows the Acrobat to jump twice as far or twice as high as he would normally would be permitted. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, working as a novice with a troupe of performers. | Agility 12+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Acrobat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Receives +1 Avoidance, permanently (can’t be higher than a natural 20). Can also remain standing after "rolling with the blow", if passing an Agility test. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as a solo act or with a troupe of performers. | Agility 14+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Acrobat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Receives +1 Movement, permanently (foot speed, does not apply when mounted or flying). Can passively sustain a affluent lifestyle during downtime, working as an headliner for a troupe of performers. | Agility 16+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Contortionist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Oddity | 1 | Can contort you body into odd positions that others would not normaly be able to, even slightly reducing your overall size. Can passively sustain a squalid lifestyle during downtime, working as a street performer or in a sideshow of ill repute, seen as only slighly better than a beggar. | Agility 12+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Contortionist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Freak | 1 | Can signficantly contort you body, reducing your size by up to one creature size smaller. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, working as a street performer of mild renown or as a circus freak. | Agility 14+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Contortionist | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Marvel | 1 | Can contort you body at an almost supernatural level, reducing your size by up to two creature sizes smaller. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an adored street performer or with a travelling variety show. | Agility 16+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Investigation | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | If passing a Perception or Intellect test you may ask GM to point out a physical characteristic about an encounter, environemnt, battle, room, etc... that would not typically be noticed or that you wouldn't think to ask about. This may or may not be relevant information. Gain +1 advantage on stat tests (typically Perception or Intellect) related to searching for clues, locating hidden objects, detecting traps, deducing what caused a particualr type of wound, investiagting crime scenes for evidence, etc... | Wisdom or Perception 12+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Investigation | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Can request two physical characteristics from the GM, at least one MUST be relevant. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Investigation skill. Gain +1% Critical Hit with all physical attacks. | Wisdom or Perception 13+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Investigation | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can request three physical characteristics from the GM, at least two MUST be relevant. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Investigation skill. Increase to +2% Critical Hit Chance with all physical attacks. | Wisdom or Perception 14+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Performer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Street Performer | 1 | Select a single specific performance based skill such as a Singer, Dancer, Actor or Musician. Gain +1 Advantage on any stat roll associated with your performer skill. May use your selected skill to perform once per day. See Performer for details. Can passively sustain a squalid lifestyle during downtime, working as a street performer in the rough parts of towns and settlements, seen as only slighly better than a beggar. | Instrument (Musician), Props (Actor/Dancer), etc... | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Performer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Novice | 1 | Have skills can ease the mind and calm the nerves. Gain +2 Advantage on any stat roll associated with your performer skill. May use your selected skill to perform once per day. See Performer for details. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, working as a street performer of mild renown or as a novice with a troupe of performers. | Charm or Agility 11+, Instrument (Musician), Props (Actor/Dancer), etc... | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Performer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Adept | 1 | Your skills are noticed, and typically appreciated, everywhere you go. Gain +3 Advantage on any stat roll associated with your performer skill. May use your selected skill to perform once per day. See Performer for details. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an adored street performer or with a troupe of performers. | Charm or Agility 12+, Instrument (Musician), Props (Actor/Dancer), etc... | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Performer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Master | 1 | People everywhere have heard of your great skill and you are welcome in most towns and cities, and are sought after by wealthy socialites. Gain +4 Advantage on any stat roll associated with your performer skill. May use your selected skill to perform once per day. See Performer for details. Can passively sustain a affluent lifestyle during downtime, working as an headliner for a troupe of performers. | Charm or Agility 13+, Instrument (Musician), Props (Actor/Dancer), etc... | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Performer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Virtuoso | 1 | Your skill is legendary and they will speak of you long after you are gone. Gain +5 Advantage on any stat roll associated with your performer skill. May use your selected skill to perform once per day. See Performer for details. Can passively sustain a wealthy lifestyle during downtime, working as you choose for only the largest audeiences and richest patrons, or perhaps running a prestigious troupe of your own. | Charm or Agility 14+, Instrument (Musician), Props (Actor/Dancer), etc... | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Sleight of Hand | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Basic knowledge and skillset for feats of manual trickery/legerdemain to amaze or distract (i.e. coin/card tricks, concealing objects, etc...). Must pass an Agility test to succeed. Does not include pick pocketing or stealing. Can passively sustain a squalid lifestyle during downtime, working as a street performer or in a sideshow of ill repute, seen as only slighly better than a beggar. | Agility 12+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Sleight of Hand | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Gain +3 advantage on sleight of hand stat tests. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, working as a street performer of mild renown or as sideshow curiosity. | Agility 13+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Sleight of Hand | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can escape non-magical bonds (i.e. hand cuffs, rope restraints, etc...) if passing an Agility test. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as an adored street performer or headlining a travelling variety show. | Agility 14+ | None |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Trick Rider | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Quick Mount | 1 | Gain +1 Advantage on any Agility, Avoidance, Dodge, or Initiative stat test made while mounted. Mounting in combat only requires an instant and dismounting can be be done for free at end of the movement portion of your turn. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Trick Rider | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Attuned | 1 | Gain +2 Advantage on any Agility, Avoidance, Dodge, or Initiative stat test made while mounted. Your Advantage bonuses also apply to your mount. Negate any dismount casued by taking a critical hit or suffering a critical miss/cast. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Trick Rider | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Deadly Dismount | 1 | Gain +3 Advantage on any Agility, Avoidance, Dodge, or Initiative stat test made while mounted. Anytime you willingingly dismount, for each inch moved prior to dismounting your next melee attack gains +1 damage, +2 to hit, and +1 Advantage on a Stamina test to see if your target is knocked down. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Unarmed Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Unarmed Combat I | 1 | Awarded one Focus skill point to spend on an unarmed, kick, or defense skill only. If not a focus class the skill can only be used once per battle, with no focus roll and the results always treated as a Good (Standard) Execution. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Unarmed Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Unarmed Combat II | 1 | Awarded one additional Focus skill point to spend on unarmed, kick, or defense skills only. If not a Focus class, can only use two Focus skill per battle. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Unarmed Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Unarmed Combat III | 1 | Awarded one additional Focus skill point to spend on unarmed, kick, or defense skills only. If not a Focus class, can only use three Focus skills per battle. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Unarmed Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Unarmed Combat IV | 1 | Awarded one additional Focus skill point to spend on unarmed, kick, or defense skills only. If not a Focus class, can only use four Focus skills per battle, and can only have a maximum of Rank 3 on any one skill. | None | |
Standard | Finesse Skills | Unarmed Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Unarmed Combat V | 1 | Awarded one additional Focus skill point to spend on unarmed, kick, or defense skills only. If not a Focus class, can only use five Focus skills per battle, and can only have a maximum of Rank 3 on any one skill. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Athletics | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | [Spec] I | 1 | Choose a specialty, such as Swimming, Climbing, Sprinting, Jumping, Heavy Lifting, etc... gain +2 Advantage on any stat roll related to that feat of athleticism | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Athletics | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | [Spec] II | 1 | Gain a rank in a previously chosen form of Athletics, increasing to +4 Advantage on any stat roll related to that feat of athleticism. OR choose a second specialty to gain +2 Advantage in. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Athletics | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | [Spec] III | 1 | Gain a rank in a previously chosen form of Athletics, increasing to +6 Advantage (Rank 3) or +4 (Rank 2) on any stat roll related to that feat of athleticism. OR choose a new specialty to gain +2 Advantage in. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Casting | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Intercept Cast | 1 | Once per turn, as a reaction, may immediately use a direct damage ranged/LOS power against an enemy just before they move into base contact so long as the caster was not in base contact with any enemy on the previous turn. | Level 3+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Casting | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Close Quarters | 1 | Gain +2 damage with any melee based spirit or faith power and +2 effectiveness to any shielding or healing power cast while in base contact with an enemy | Level 4+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Casting | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Counter Cast | 1 | After a successful dodge, armor-save, parry, block, or ward-off; may move up to 1″ (sideways or backwards) & cast a direct damage offensive action power out of turn. Doing so does not count as Disengaging from Combat but prevents using a casting action on your next turn. | Level 5+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Casting | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Sheer Will | 1 | Once per battle you may elect to re-roll casting rolls as many times as there are enemies in base contact with you. Must stick with the final roll. | Level 6+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Veteran | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Battle Scarred | 1 | Permanently add +1 Stamina (up to a maximum of 20) | Level 3+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Veteran | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Grit | 1 | Reduces the chances of injuries becoming permanent by 20%. | Level 4+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Veteran | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Last Stand | 1 | once/day (instant ability, add 25% of max HP to current HP, cannot be used to increase HP past max) | Level 5+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Battle Veteran | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Cajole | 1 | “Come on ya young pups, ya wanna live fer’ever?" Once/day (instant ability, if outnumbered may grant self and 3 other friendlies double your regular movement, up to 10”, if it will result in base contact with an enemy). | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Commander | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Commanding Presence | 1 | Allows any friendlies w/in 6″ (or in a base contact combat formation) to take Resolve Stat tests off of the Commanders Resolve Stat instead of their own if they so choose. This does not include Resolve tests taken to prevent Focus loss. | 3 out of 4 of the following Stats at 12+: Perception, Resolve, Initiative, and Charm | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Commander | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Strategic Delay | 1 | Whenever the Commander elects to act last (“going to the bottom of queue”), he/she may assign up to 1 Initiative Score per level (with a maximum equal to their own Initiative Stat) split among their allies, thereby effecting the turn order of all combatants. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Commander | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Inspiritional Command | 1 | While Commander is conscious all friendlies (including self) w/in 6” gain +5 Advantage on Resolve rolls if a power or effect that would cause them to move against their own free will (i.e. fear, taunt, etc…), if this effect is using a Resistance instead of a Stat gain +25 Resistance against it. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Commander | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Battle Plan | 1 | If the Commander first passes an Initiative test, allies within 10" may make a free movement and non-combat instant OR action before the battle begins. If the party is surprised they may only move at half speed or take a non-combat instant (in lieu of moving). If an enemy commanders also passes an Initiative test then an Initiative Stat roll-off decides who gets to use Battle Plan first. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Commander | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Fallen Hero | 1 | If the Commander is knocked unconscious the remaining party members gain +5 damage on all attacks for the rest of the battle (+10 if he is slain) and any friendlies w/in 1” of the body gains an additional 25% of their max HP, +10 to hit, and continue to benefit from Rank2 skill until they move from that spot (only applies to those genuinely loyal to the Commander). | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Dual Wield | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Dual Wield I | 1 | Exempts Combat Penalties when attacking with one medium and one small weapon. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Dual Wield | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Dual Wield II | 1 | Exempts Combat Penalties when attacking with two medium weapons or one large and one small weapon. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Dual Wield | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Dual Wield IIII | 1 | Exempts Combat Penalties when attacking with one large and one medium weapon. | Agility 12+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Dual Wield | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Dual Wield IV | 1 | Exempts Combat Penalties when attacking two large weapons. NOTE – Extra large weapons can NEVER be used in conjunction with Dual Wield, even if possessing Strongman Rank3. | Agility 15+ | None |
Standard | Martial Skills | Military Training | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Stand Fast | 1 | Can remain standing/conscious even when HP’s go below 0, and instead only go unconscious upon receiving enough damage to cause Serious Injuries. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Military Training | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Hold Your Ground | 1 | Receives +1 dam and +5 hit (melee only) against an enemy when it moves into base contact, no bonus is awarded if the character is the one that moves. This bonus remains until the enemy is destroyed or the character moves out of combat. Bonus is on a per-enemy basis; does not stack when multiple enemies move into base contact. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Military Training | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Battle On | 1 | When in base contact with more than one opponent with no allies in base contact with those same opponents, gain an additional regular main hand melee attack each round that counts as a separate action (this side steps the 4-3-2 Rule for Multiple Attack Actions) | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Military Training | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Combat Sense | 1 | May re-roll your initiative score at the start of a battle and any failed initiative test at any time, only using the second roll if you so desire | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Non-Lethal Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Pull the Blow | 1 | When a target is at 20% HP or less, may choose to cut your damage in half after having rolled damage dice, but before the GM announces any result | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Non-Lethal Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Knockout Blow | 1 | Any attack that would result in the target’s death instead inflicts only enough damage to reduce the target’s HP to -10. For some low stamina targets this may still result in fatal injuries. If the attack was a critical hit resulting in death, instead reduce the target’s hp to -20. Target must apply the appropriate level of injury for being reduced to -10 or -20. See Injuries page for details. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Non-Lethal Combat | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Follow Through | 1 | Any damage overrun lost as a result of using "Knockout Blow" can be applied to your next attack on another target (I.e. if inflicting 50 damage with a regular hit on a target with only 30HP, the damaged target drops to -10HP, resulting in 10 damage that can be applied to your next attack) | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Riding Skill | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Basic | 1 | Can ride normal mounts up to Threat Rating 2 in combat (including directing mounts attacks) | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Riding Skill | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Improved | 1 | Can ride normal & exotic mounts up to Threat Rating 3 in combat (including directing mounts attacks). Grants +1 Advantage to any Initiative stat test or roll-off that is directly related to mounts both in and out of combat (i.e. accidental dismounts, remounting, etc…) | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Riding Skill | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Greater | 1 | Can ride normal, exotic, & flying mounts up to Threat Rating 4 in combat (including directing mounts attacks). Increase to +2 advantage on Initiative tests related to the Riding Skill. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Riding Skill | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Superior | 1 | Can ride normal, exotic, & flying mounts up to Threat Rating 5 in combat (including directing mounts attacks). Increase to +3 advantage on Initiative tests related to the Riding Skill. | None | |
Standard | Martial Skills | Riding Skill | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Matchless | 1 | Can ride normal, exotic, flying, & special mounts up to Threat Rating 7 in combat (including directing mounts attacks). Increase to +2 advantage on Initiative tests related to the Riding Skill. | None | |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Animator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | one attempt per day - base 10% success (Medium) - see Animation for details | Workspace/Shop, Materials, Level 3+ | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Animator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | one attempt per day - base 20% success (Medium) - see Animation for details | Workspace/Shop, Materials, Level 4+ | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Animator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Adept | 1 | one attempt per day - base 30% success (Medium) - see Animation for details | Workspace/Shop, Materials, Level 5+ | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Animator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Expert | 1 | one attempt per day - base 40% success (Medium) - see Animation for details | Workspace/Shop, Materials, Level 6+ | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Animator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 1 | one attempt per day - base 50% success (Medium) - see Animation for details | Workspace/Shop, Materials, Level 7+ | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Enchanter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Add/remove minor (Tier 1) enchantments (once/day) | Sanctum, Recipe, Components | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Enchanter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Apprentice | 1 | Add/remove improved (Tier 2) enchantments (once/day) | Sanctum, Recipe, Components | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Enchanter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Adept | 1 | Add/remove greater (Tier 3) enchantments (once/day) | Sanctum, Recipe, Components | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Enchanter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Expert | 1 | Add/remove superior (Tier4) enchantments (once/day) | Sanctum, Recipe, Components | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Enchanter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 5 | Master | 1 | Add/remove matchless (Tier 5) enchantments (once/day) | Sanctum, Recipe, Components | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Magician | Barbarian, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Samurai, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Granted one spirit power that must be cast from HP (Maximum Tier 1 power.) | Intellect 12+ | Barbarian, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Samurai, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Magician | Barbarian, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Samurai, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Granted one spirit power that must be cast from HP (Maximum Tier 2 power.) | Intellect 14+, Level 3+ | Barbarian, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Samurai, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Magician | Barbarian, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Samurai, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Granted one spirit power that must be cast from HP (Maximum Tier 3 power.) | Intellect 16+, Level 5+ | Barbarian, Berserker, Cleric, Guardian, Knight, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Samurai, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Mariner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Gain +1 advantage on stat tests related to sailing knowledge, navigation, operations and maneuvers. If casting Spirit or Faith powers within range of seawater gain +2% Critical Cast chance | None | |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Mariner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | While at sea you always know in what direction your destination lies (unless magic/enchantments would prevent this). Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Mariner skill. If casting Spirit or Faith powers within range of seawater increase to +5% Critical Cast chance | None | |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Mariner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | The travel speed of your vessel is increased by +50% while at sea (does not stack with multiple Mariners). Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Mariner skill. If casting Spirit or Faith powers within range of seawater increase to +10% Critical Cast chance | None | |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Runecraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | May inscribe/shatter runes for Tier 2 Rune Crafting (once per day) | Parchment and writing utensil | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Runecraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | May inscribe/shatter runes for Tier 3 Rune Crafting (once per day) | Parchment and writing utensil | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Runecraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | May inscribe/shatter runes for Tier 4 Rune Crafting (once per day) | Parchment and writing utensil | None |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Spell Scribe | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can create a non combat spell scroll, based off any spirit or faith power they already know. Allows one attempt per day. See Spell Scribe for details. Mages, Battlemages, Wizards (and soemtimes Assassins) can transcribe Spirit powers directly from their own memory into a Spirit Book. | Intellect 12+ | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Spell Scribe | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Can create a spell scroll, based off any spirit or faith power they already know, provided it does not deal direct damage. Allows two attempts per day. See Spell Scribe for details. | Intellect 14+, Level 3+ | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Spell Scribe | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can create a spell scroll, based off any spirit or faith power they already know, no restrictions. Allows three attempts per day. See Spell Scribe for details. | Intellect 16+, Level 5+ | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Spell Crafter | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 2 | Can attempt to create a new non combat spell, no higher than your current Tier. Allows one attempt per week. See Spellcrafting for details. | Sanctum, Level 3+ | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Spell Crafter | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 2 | Can attempt to create a new non-direct damage spell, no higher than your current Tier. Allows two attempts per week. See Spellcrafting for details. | Sanctum, Level 5+ | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot |
Standard | Mystical Skills | Spell Crafter | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 2 | Can attempt to create any new spell, no higher than your current Tier. Allows three attempts per week. See Spellcrafting for details. | Sanctum, Level 7+ | Assassin, Battlemage,Cleric, Druid, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Runeweaver, Shaman, Shaolin, Wizard, Zealot |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bodyguard | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Hired Muscle | 1 | Select a single person each day to guard, gain +10% HP and damage when within 3” of them. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, employed to guard a minor public figure, lesser noble, or civil servant | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bodyguard | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Body Blocker | 1 | If you are within 3” of your charge and an enemy moves into base contact or targets them with a ranged attack you may immediately move to intercept the attack (during the enemies turn); counts as your movement in your next turn. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, employed to guard a notable public figure, noble, government official, or military officer. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bodyguard | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Elite Guard | 1 | If Body Blocker results in your HP dropping below 5 you cannot be knocked unconscious for the remainder of the battle (though your HP can still go into the negatives) and your next attack of any type against the target that hit you will auto-crit. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, employed to guard a famous public figure, noble elite, high profile government official, or high ranking miltiary officer | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bodyguard | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Bonded Protector | 1 | Must select a single person to guard and cannot act as a bodyguard to anyone else. If your charge is threatened in any way, the Hired Muscle bonus is increased to +25% HP and damage while within 3" of them, or if fighting to get back into this range. If your charge is killed you may not never again use Bonded Protector. Can passively sustain a affluent lifestyle during downtime, permanently employed to guarding a singular person of signficance. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bounty Hunter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Tracker | 1 | Gain +2 Advantage on any stat roll used when tracking or locating a desired target, whether they want to be found or not. When attacking they are skilled at non-lethal incapacitation of their foes, as such they can always choose to reduce the HP of an enemy whose bounty they are after to -3 when an attack would normally drop them lower than that (exception is for when critically hitting an enemy). Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, cashing in on minor bounties with littel personal risk. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bounty Hunter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Increase to +3 Advantage on stat tests related to the Bounty Hunter skill. Gain +6 hit & +2 dam (melee & ranged) against their quarry. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, cashing in on bounties with only moderate personal risk. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bounty Hunter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Infamous | 1 | Increase to +4 Advantage on stat tests related to the Bounty Hunter skill. Gain +6 hit & +2 dam (melee & ranged) against anyone who stands between them and their bounty. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, cashing in on higher risk bounties. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Bounty Hunter | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Master | 1 | Increase to +5 Advantage on stat tests related to the Bounty Hunter skill. Bonuses from previous ranks are increasd to +8 hit & +3 dam (melee & ranged). Can passively sustain a affluent lifestyle during downtime, cashing in on high profile bounties at great personal risk. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Butcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Basic knowledge of how to properly butcher and preserve meat. Requires a half-rest per 20 meat servings and requires passing a Wisdom test to be successful. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime. | Knife, Butcher's Kit | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Butcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Roll raw meat drops from creatures twice and take the best result. +3 Advantage on stat tests for preserving meats. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime. | Knife, Butcher's Kit | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Butcher | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Raw meat drops are increased by +50%. +5 Advantage on stat tests for preserving meats. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime. | Knife, Butcher's Kit | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Cook | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can cook a decent meal with available ingredients, providing +20% resting to your party (see Resting). Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, cooking at a low-end tavern or market stall. | Cooking Supplies | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Cook | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | The entire party gets an extra 1d10 +1/lvl HP’s back every time they rest, provided the cook is conscious and can actually cook. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, cooking at a well established tavern or in the employ of wealthy household. | Cooking Supplies | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Cook | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Artisan | 1 | Can prepare feasts (+30% resting for your party) if you have quality ingredients or instruct others in doing so by taking on the roll of master chef. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, as in any city or village people will actively seek you out if they know you are nearby to make use of your services. | Cooking Supplies | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Cook | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Master | 1 | A master cook is a rare thing, you are very likely to be invited into the estates of the rich nobles in order to prepare important feasts, affording you certain privaleges above your station. Can also instruct others in preparing feasts by taking on the roll of master chef. Can passively sustain a affluent lifestyle during downtime, cooking for nobles and other important public figures at all the best parties. | Cooking Supplies | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Executioner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | If your attack would knock a target unconscious, you may instead choose to kill the target out right. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, as a local executioner travelling to nearby villages. | Axe (or other appropriate tool for executions) | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Executioner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | If your target's HP is less than 10% of maximum, all daamge you deal to them is max damage. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working for a low ranking noble or judiciary body. | Axe (or other appropriate tool for executions) | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Executioner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Gain +3% critical hit chance with all physical attacks. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, working as a royal executioner or for high judical entity. | Axe (or other appropriate tool for executions) | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Farmer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Gain +5 hit and +1 damage when using any Simple weapon type that would be considered a farming tool (i.e. Sickle, Pitchfork, Scythe, Mallet, etc…). Can passively sustain a squalid lifestyle during downtime working as a serf OR a poor lifestyle if employed as a farmhand. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Farmer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Gain +5 hit and +1 damage when fighting in farmlands or defending a homestead of some kind. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle farming a small plot of rented land OR a comfortable life style working as a lead farmhand. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Farmer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Your knowledge of the land and changing seasons affords some measure of protection against the elements, reducing any environmental damage by 25%. Can passively sustain an affluent lifestyle during downtime, if maintaining and operating your own farmlands (or those of a land owner or local Lord). OR can passively sustain an wealthy lifestyle during downtime, if managing/owning a large amount of farmlands and farmhands. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Healer (Medic) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Basic knowledge of healing techniques and/or medicine. Count as a Field Medic for resting purposes (+10% resting). Gain +10% healing effects (round up) with Faith/Spirit powers or any herbal remedy or potion administered out of combat. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, working as a field medic or village healer. | Healer's Toolkit | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Healer (Medic) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Advanced knowledge of healing techniques and/or medicine. Count as a Healer (without being a Spirit or Faith class) for resting purposes (+20% resting). Gain +25% healing effects (round up) with Faith/Spirit powers or any herbal remedy or potion administered out of combat. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as a traveling healer or local surgeon. | Healer's Toolkit | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Healer (Medic) | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Expert knowledge of healing techniques and/or medicine. Injured targets brought to you within 1 day have the chances of an injury becoming permanent cut in half. Gain +50% healing effects (round up) with Faith/Spirit powers or any herbal remedy or potion administered out of combat. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, working at hospital or house of healing. | Healer's Toolkit | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Miner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can identify and estimate sources of common stone/ore/minerals and are well versed in their properties (some of which may border on magical). Gain +1 Advantage for any stat test related to detecting weak points in underground workings or natural cave systems, as well as other types of useful underground lore. Can excavate small burrows and mine at a max rate of 2 crafting units per day. Can re-roll failures if a higher ranked Miner is present. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, as a mine labourer. | Pickaxe & Miners Tools | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Miner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Can identify and estimate sources of precious stone/ore/minerals and are well versed in their properties (many of which may border on magical). May also design/construct (with appropriate labour) simple tunnel systems and mine at a max personal contribution of 4 crafting units per day. Can re-roll failures if a Master Miner is present.Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, working as a prospector. | Pickaxe & Miners Tools | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Miner | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | May design/construct (with appropriate labour) complex and advanced tunnel systems, often working closely with Masons. In fact most underground cities built by the dwarves are a result of alliances between Miners and Masons guilds and unions. This requires multiple days, weeks, or even years depending on the project, with a maximum personal contribution rate of 8 crafting units per day, which also appleis to mining rates. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, working as lead hand or foreman. | Pickaxe & Miners Tools | None |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Sailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Can pilot a vessel less than or equal to 30 feet in length with appropriate crew (crew does not necessarily have to be trained). Sailor gains +5 to hit (melee and ranged) while fighting on water. Can passively sustain a poor lifestyle during downtime, employed as deck hand or swabbie. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Sailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Can pilot a vessel less than or equal to 60 feet in length with appropriate crew (crew does not necessarily have to be trained). Sailor gains a further +5 to hit while on water. Can passively sustain a modest lifestyle during downtime, employed as boatswain or deck boss. | None | |
Standard | Occupational Skills | Sailor | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can pilot any vessel with appropriate crew (crew does not necessarily have to be trained). Sailor gains an extra melee attack every other round while fighting on water. Can passively sustain a comfortable lifestyle during downtime, employed as a first mate OR an affluent lifestyle as a ships captain. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Charmer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Fair Faced | 1 | Adds +1 to the characters Charm stat permanently, up to a maximum of 20 | Charm 11+ | None |
Standard | Social Skills | Charmer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Love Struck | 1 | If succeding by 3 more on a charm test against a humanoid target that would normally be attracted to you they become Love Struck. While love struck they cannot use any instants or actions and must always move to stay within 2” of you, for up to one day. Any damage done to the love struck target will cancel the effect. | Charm 12+ | None |
Standard | Social Skills | Charmer | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Seduce | 1 | If succeding by 5 more on a charm test against a humanoid target that would normally be attracted to you they become Seduced. While seduced they will obey almost any command that is given (i.e. fighting on your behalf) but if it they take damage you must pass another charm test in order to retain control. Last for up to one day. | Charm 13+ | None |
Standard | Social Skills | Haggler | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Gain +2 Advantage on Charm tests made when haggling or negotiating for better deals when buying, selling or bartering for goods and services. Typically no more than 10% better deals without losing advantage. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Haggler | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Increase to +4 Advantage. Typically no more than 15% better deals without losing advantage. Can also talk people into giving you information without them even knowing they have betrayed the information. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Haggler | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Increase to +6 Advantage. Typically no more than 25% better deals without losing advantage. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Insight | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | If passing a Wisdom or Charm test you may ask a GM to point out a social characteristic, "tell" or character trait about any sentient creature that would not typically be noticed or that you wouldn't think to ask about. This may or may not be relevant information. Gain +1 advantage on stat tests (typically Wisdom or Charm) related to determing hidden motives, spotting scams or lies, discerning true intentions, reading body language or mannerisms, identifying speech patterms, etc... | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Insight | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Can request two social characteristics from the GM, at least one MUST be relevant. Increase to +2 advantage on stat tests related to the Insight skill. Gain +2 to Hit and Cast with all attacks. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Insight | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Can request three social characteristics from the GM, at least two MUST be relevant. Increase to +3 advantage on stat tests related to the Insight skill. Increase to +5 to Hit or Cast with all attacks. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Intimidator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Dominance | 1 | Gain +3 Advantage on all stat tests related to Intimidation (see Glossary) | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Intimidator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Imposing Posture | 1 | Any other skill or ability (including in combat) that causes your target to take a Resolve test is taken at -3 Disadvantage; no effect on targets more than 2 sizes larger than you | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Intimidator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Torture | 1 | Adept at all the latest and cruelest methods of intimidation and torture, gain +5 Advantage on all stat test when using intimidation and/or torture to gain information from unwilling informants | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Intimidator | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | Fearsome Presence | 1 | You are now considered Fearsome in combat (unless specifically stating that you do not wish to be) | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Silver Tongue | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Novice | 1 | Gain +1 Advantage on any stat test made when using persuasion to influence the decisions or outlook of an individual or group (not including Haggling for prices) | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Silver Tongue | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Adept | 1 | Gain +2 Advantage on any stat test made when using persuasion to influence the decisions or outlook of an individual or group (not including Haggling for prices). If passing a Charm test first, when claiming a reward of some kind you can usually get an extra 10-20%. | None | |
Standard | Social Skills | Silver Tongue | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Master | 1 | Gain +3 Advantage on any stat test made when using persuasion to influence the decisions or outlook of an individual or group (not including Haggling for prices). If passing a Charm test first, when claiming a reward of some kind you can usually get an extra 10-20% for your entire party. | None | |
Standard | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Basic | 1 | Can start fires and create crude torches with naturally occurring materials in almost any environment (no flint, fuel or other store bought items required). Primitive crafting (T0) can be attempted at a rate of 2 units per day. If ambushed in the wild, passing a Perception test allows you to enter the turn order with the ambushing side. Gain +1 Advantage on any stat roll pertaining to wilderness survival (not including hunting) and ambushes. Can passively sustain a self-sufficient lifestyle during down time by living off the land. | Wisdom or Perception 12+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Advanced | 1 | Primitive crafting (T0) can be attempted at a rate of 4 units per day. Possess natural navigational skills such as navigating by stars or other celestial bodies, reading signs in the surrounding environments (i.e. growth of moss, direction of running water, prevailing winds, and other such natural/instinctual methods). If ambushed in the wild, each member of your party may attempt to pass a Perception test to enter the turn order with the ambushing side. Increase to +2 Advantage on stat tests related to the Bushcraft skill. Also when resting in natural environments, your entire party receives a minimum Shelter value of 10% (see Resting) | Wisdom or Perception 13+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Superior | 1 | Can make many useful items from naturally occurring materials (common examples would be making rope or twine from plant or animals fibers, containers or vessels from plant or animal parts, etc…). Primitive crafting (T0) can be attempted at a rate of 6 units per day. If ambushed in the wild, passing a Perception test allows negates the ambush entirely. Also when resting in natural environments, your entire party receives a minimum Shelter value of 20% (see Resting) | Wisdom or Perception 14+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Extra Sensory Perception | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | ESP I | 1 | Adds +1 to either the characters Perception stat permanently, up to a maximum of 20 | Perception 11+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Extra Sensory Perception | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | ESP II | 1 | If being attacked by a target that is both hidden AND undetected, you still benefit from dodge, block, parry, ward-off, impale, counter-attack or any other out-of-turn reactionary/defensive measure | Perception 12+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Extra Sensory Perception | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | ESP III | 1 | Once per day you can automatically detect any hidden targets within range of your senses | Perception 13+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | Extra Sensory Perception | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 4 | ESP IV | 1 | Once per day you take a single dice roll and change it manually to any outcome you choose. | Perception 14+ | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | First Aid | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 1 | Basic | 1 | May apply combat bandages (max three per target per day) to heal 1d8 HP, must touch, once/round in combat, action if in backpack or instant if in belt; Provide additional HP (+10%) recovery while resting (see section on resting); Can perform First Aid procedures that reduce the chance of most Injuries becoming permanent by 5% | Bandages | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | First Aid | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 2 | Advanced | 1 | May apply combat bandages (max three per target per day) to heal 1d12 HP, must touch, once/round in combat, action if in backpack or instant if in belt; Can perform First Aid procedures that reduce the chance of most Injuries becoming permanent by 10% | Bandages | None |
Standard | Survival Skills | First Aid | Assassin, Barbarian, Battlemage, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Guardian, Knight, Mage, Martial Artist, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Pit-Fighter, Priest, Ranger, Runeweaver, Samurai, Shaman, Shaolin, Soldier, Swashbuckler, Thief, Vigilante, Warrior, Weapon Master, Wizard, Zealot | 3 | Superior | 1 |