The Primal Faith Path represents faith in the natural world or the Substance of Creation. This is not necessarily just nature or wild things, but can also be the veneration of the tremendous forces at work in the physical world, or simply an embracing of the natural order of all life and creation throughout the universe. This often leads to the deification of extremely powerful beings or creatures of the natural world, which are sometimes referred to as demigods.
While demigods may grant some measure of their power to mortals, at its core, Primal faith is centered around harnessing the Substance of Creation to imbue oneself, or ones allies, with aspects of the natural world, and even going so far as to cause the physical form to change shape. Primal powers also can be used to ply the forces of nature, and call various beasts to fight by your side. Of all the Primal powers available, the most misunderstand is the mysterious art of Hemomancy, which uses the bodies’ lifeblood as a source of power to both aid the user and destroy his foes.
While prone to corruption by Demonic powers, Primal powers are conversely quite capable of overwhelming the Soul of Creation found in the mortal races of the Third Creation. While the Soul sets them apart from the rest of Creation, they still possess a primal and instinctual nature that harkens back to the Substance of Creation, as much a part of them as the Spirit or Soul. Primal powers are sometimes said to “bring the beast out of the man” and have an uncanny ability to overwhelm the soulish powers of the mind.
Primal Faith Passives
General Passive Effects
Anyone using Primal powers benefits from these passive effects:
Psionic Counter
- All offensive Primal Powers receive +5% critical cast chance against any being of the Third Creation (i.e. Humanoids, Greenskins, Anthromorphs, Monsters) or those wielding Psionic powers or otherwise benefiting from them (including Craftings and Enchants)
Exclusive Passive Effects
Those choosing to EXCLUSIVELY follow the Primal Faith path have the following passive skills:
Primal Instinct
- Any Primal power successfully cast on a target has a passive 5% per tier chance to cure, dispel, or otherwise remove one persistent Psionic based effect (NOT including Craftings and Enchants)
Primal Faith Disciplines
To Specialize in a particular Holy Faith Discipline requires the use of Secondary Skills, see Specialist Secondary Skills.
Natural Law
Natural Laws are Tier 0 powers that all Primal Faith classes have access to by default. They do not require Difficulty rolls and cannot critically cast or miscast. The Natural law Discipline cannot be selected as a specialization.
Primal Aspects
Single target, last for duration of battle, only one of each aspect per caster can be present in a party and only one aspect can be active on a target at a time (casting a higher Difficulty aspect will overwrite the existing aspect); cannot be dispelled/removed through conventional means unless caster is unconscious
Critical Cast: Aspects count as being 1 Tier higher than caster
Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the Aspect fails. No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn.
Primal Forces
Evokes the primal forces found within the three planar domains (Arcane, Elemental, Natural) of the transcendent (axial) Material domain of the second creation. Typically single target unless otherwise specified. Use resistance matching the damage type (Arcane, Elemental, Natural) and/or specified by, the power.
Critical Cast: Double damage and/or healing effects. For non-damage/healing power for non-damage powers see individual descriptions.
Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the power fails. If it was an instant power, no action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn.
single target unless otherwise specified, roll vs natural resist (often must expend HP to use powers, doing so does not cause focus reductions)
Critical Cast: Double damage and/or healing effects; For non-damage/healing power for non-damage powers see individual descriptions.
Miscast: 5% of casters max HP is consumed (as physical damage) and the power fails. If it was an instant power, no action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn.
Shape Shifting
Self-cast, instant to shift into a shape shifted form, action to shift back to humanoid form, cannot shift from one shape shift form directly to another. Retain all normal stats but add those in description, attacks and special abilities as per humanoid forms
Critical Cast: The act of shapeshifting removes all negative spell effects, hexes, cursses, CC, or any other ongoing negative effects. Also, 2x resistance to dispelling
Miscast: Shapeshift still works, but the caster behaves as a wild animal of similar form. At the start of each subsequent turn they may attempt to pass a Wisdom or Faith test to regain control of themselves and their shapeshifted form.
Beast Calling
- Beast Calling summons a single beast unless otherwise specified
- Automatically counts as a failed Difficulty roll if attempting to call a beast that is not native to the habitat the caster is currently in. For a complete list of summonable beasts & habitats see: Codex of Creation – Beasts
- Only one of each Class of Called Beasts may be controlled at a time, with the exception of a Critical Cast (i.e. cannot call another Protector if one is still active on battlefield, but could call an Ambusher)
- Called beasts arrive at the start of the casters next turn and typically appear at table edge closest to caster, unless their natural habitat exists somewhere on the battlefield
- GMs may disallow some or all Beast Callings if the environment does not lend itself to Beast calling (i.e. trying to call a Cave Boar when there are no natural caves nearby or calling a bird while in a windowless stone tower)
- Called Beasts CANNOT under any circumstances be convinced to permanently remain with a caster, they are not meant to be permanent combat pets, companions, or mounts
- If using more than one Class of beasts at a time, must pass a Faith test at the start of each turn (or each hour outside of combat) or they lose control of all but one Class of beasts (i.e. if controlling a Packhunter-Wolf and a Ambusher-Tiger at the same time and failing a Faith Test, the Wolf or Tiger would become hostile
- Beasts that are out of the Beast Callers control will usually attempt to flee the battlefield as quickly as possible. In some special circumstances they may instead become hostile, treating anything not of the same species/class as enemies, following Basic Enemy Tactics. In these cases they must immediately roll their own Initiative Score and be placed in the appropriate position in the Turn Order.
- If a Beast Caller has lost control of one or more beasts they may use an instant to take a Faith test, where passing brings one class of hostile called beasts back under their control
- Called Beasts do NOT contribute to the XP of the party (unlike combat pets/companions/mounts), but are worth regular XP if slain after becoming hostile
Critical Cast: Calls two beasts of that type, both of which count towards the total difficulty of called beasts that the caster can control, instants pass their crit onto the action (but can’t cause a double crit).
Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the Aspect fails. No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn. For the Beast Calling power, instead, calling still works and cannot be interrupted, however the called beast will be uncontrollable and either attack the closest target or flee the battlefield (depending on the aggressiveness of the beast).
Primal Faith Powers
Publish | ID | Domain | Path | Discipline | Tier | Spell Name | Difficulty | Archetype | Use | Range | Description | Archetype Details | Class Restriction |
yes | 129 | Material | Primal | System | 0 | Commune with Nature | 0 | n/a | action | self | If in physical contact with a living natural flora or fauna of some kind the caster immediately awards +1 Primal Faith • if uninterupted before your next turn (or after 1 minute out of combat) awards another +2 Primal Faith • if uninterupted can also grant knowledge related to the natural world within a nearby radius |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 130 | Material | Primal | System | 0 | Healing Circle | 0 | n/a | action | self | Caster joins their own hands to complete the Healing Circle, or can include others in the healing circle by touching or holding hands. No casting roll is taken and therfore it cannot miscast or critically cast. Effects vary depending on how it is used: • if self-cast as an action in combat it heals the caster for 1d6 HP per 2 levels, and will do so each round afterwards if uninterupted and not taking any other movement, instants or actions • if uninterupted for a full rest, heals the caster and everyone included in the circle for 2d12 (+2 per Primal Faith) • if uninterupted for a half rest this drops to 1d12 (+1 per Primal Faith) • if uninterupted for only a quick rest it heals1d6 (+0.5 per Primal Faith). |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 131 | Material | Primal | System | 0 | Karma | 0 | n/a | instant | self | Can be used an unlimited number of times each day but consumes Primal Faith • for every Primal Faith point consumed 10% of the healing and/or damage of the next action used are also applied to the caster • if there is self inflicted damage as a result of Karma it cannot reduce Focus but generates 2x the Fury |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 132 | Material | Primal | System | 0 | Taxonomy | 0 | n/a | instant or action | 15 | Can be used an unlimited number of times each day but consumes 1 Primal Faith or 2 HP and then requires the caster to pass a Faith test each time it is used • detects all Primal Faith based buffs, enhancements, and effects within 15" • if used as an action also gives the caster knowledge regarding the general classification and properties of any created thing (i.e. what alignment, polarity, race, class, realm of origin, etc... an enemy creature might be) |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 133 | Material | Primal | System | 0 | Bloodletting | 0 | n/a | action | self | Bloodletting self-inflicts physical damage to grant the next Primal power cast +1 Advantage per 3 damage inflicted to its difficulty roll. • The follow up power must be cast within 1 hour of the Bloodletting. • Any kind of healing cancel the Bloodletting effect. |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 134 | Material | Primal | System | 0 | Ancient Verse | 0 | DOT | instant | 15 | The caster recites, chants, or sings a verse that is as ancient as creation itself over a single target. Requires a casting roll and inflicts damage each round based on current Primal Faith, where 1-5 = 1 damage, 6-10 = 2 damage, 11-15 = 3 damage, and 16-20 = 4 damage. DOT duration is based on the Tier of the caster. After causing damage each round, if the casters Primal Faith is less than 10 it grants +1 Primal Faith | DOT |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 135 | Material | Primal | Aspect | 1 | Wolf | 12 | Aspect | instant | 15 | target gains +2% per Tier melee crit versus wounded targets and affter any killing blow gain extra Vigor or Fury based on their respective Strength or Stamina, where: • 1-6 = +1d6, 7-12 = +2d6, 13-18 = +3d6, 19+ = +4d6 |
Aspect Single target, lasts for duration of battle or up to 1 hour. Only one of each aspect per caster can be present in a party and only one aspect can be active on a target at a time (casting a higher Difficulty aspect will overwrite the existing aspect). Cannot be dispelled/removed through conventional means unless caster is unconscious. •Critical Cast: Aspects count as being 1 Tier higher than caster. •Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the Aspect fails. No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn. |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 136 | Material | Primal | Aspect | 1 | Rhino | 14 | Aspect | instant | 15 | increase targets armor by 2 per Tier and grants the following effects any time they charge a target • first sttack made has a knock down effect if passing a Strength vs Stamina stat roll-off • bonus damage on a single regular main hand attack (i.e. does not apply if attacking more than once or if using a special ability) based on their Strength, where: 1-6 = +1, 7-12 = +2, 13-18 = +3, 19+ = +4 |
Aspect Single target, lasts for duration of battle or up to 1 hour. Only one of each aspect per caster can be present in a party and only one aspect can be active on a target at a time (casting a higher Difficulty aspect will overwrite the existing aspect). Cannot be dispelled/removed through conventional means unless caster is unconscious. •Critical Cast: Aspects count as being 1 Tier higher than caster. •Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the Aspect fails. No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn. |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 137 | Material | Primal | Aspect | 2 | Horse | 15 | Aspect | instant | 15 | target gains +1 movement per Tier and trample damage based on their Stamina, where: • 1-6 = 1d6, 7-12 = 2d6, 13-18 = 3d6, 19+ = 4d6 |
Aspect Single target, lasts for duration of battle or up to 1 hour. Only one of each aspect per caster can be present in a party and only one aspect can be active on a target at a time (casting a higher Difficulty aspect will overwrite the existing aspect). Cannot be dispelled/removed through conventional means unless caster is unconscious. •Critical Cast: Aspects count as being 1 Tier higher than caster. •Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the Aspect fails. No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn. |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 138 | Material | Primal | Aspect | 2 | Panther | 16 | Aspect | instant | 15 | increases targets current stealth by 1 per Tier and increases main hand melee damage when attacking from behind based on the targets Avoidance, where: • 1-6 = +1d6, 7-12 = +1d8, 13-18 = +1d10, 18+ = +1d12 |
Aspect Single target, lasts for duration of battle or up to 1 hour. Only one of each aspect per caster can be present in a party and only one aspect can be active on a target at a time (casting a higher Difficulty aspect will overwrite the existing aspect). Cannot be dispelled/removed through conventional means unless caster is unconscious. •Critical Cast: Aspects count as being 1 Tier higher than caster. •Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the Aspect fails. No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn. |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 139 | Material | Primal | Aspect | 3 | Raven | 19 | Aspect | instant | 15 | while active the target can re-roll failed Perception tests and gains increased Critical Hit chance with ranged, thrown, kicks, and unarmed attacks based on the targets Perception, where: • 1-6 = +3% Crit, 7-12 = +5% Crit, 13-18 = +7% Crit, 19+ = +10% Crit |
Aspect Single target, lasts for duration of battle or up to 1 hour. Only one of each aspect per caster can be present in a party and only one aspect can be active on a target at a time (casting a higher Difficulty aspect will overwrite the existing aspect). Cannot be dispelled/removed through conventional means unless caster is unconscious. •Critical Cast: Aspects count as being 1 Tier higher than caster. •Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the Aspect fails. No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn. |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 140 | Material | Primal | Aspect | 3 | Serpent | 18 | Aspect | instant | 15 | while active the target gains +2 per Tier to their highest Resistance (before other buffs, enchants potions, etc...). Also grants + to Cast with Spirit and Faith powers based on the targets Charm, where: • 1-6 = +5, 7-12 = +10, 13-18 = +15, 19+ = +20 |
Aspect Single target, lasts for duration of battle or up to 1 hour. Only one of each aspect per caster can be present in a party and only one aspect can be active on a target at a time (casting a higher Difficulty aspect will overwrite the existing aspect). Cannot be dispelled/removed through conventional means unless caster is unconscious. •Critical Cast: Aspects count as being 1 Tier higher than caster. •Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the Aspect fails. No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn. |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 141 | Material | Primal | Aspect | 4 | Monkey | 23 | Aspect | instant | 15 | At of the start of each new round, if the target passes an Initiative test they gain an extra instant or reaction for that round. Focus classes can ignore Focus loss once per round for the duration of the effect. Targets also gain additional Dodge based on their Initiative, where: • 1-6 = +2, 7-12 = +4, 13-18 =+6, 19+ = +8 |
Aspect Single target, lasts for duration of battle or up to 1 hour. Only one of each aspect per caster can be present in a party and only one aspect can be active on a target at a time (casting a higher Difficulty aspect will overwrite the existing aspect). Cannot be dispelled/removed through conventional means unless caster is unconscious. •Critical Cast: Aspects count as being 1 Tier higher than caster. •Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the Aspect fails. No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn. |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 142 | Material | Primal | Aspect | 5 | Shark | 28 | Aspect | instant | 15 | Target must move at least 1" each round or the effect is cancelled, but while active, anytime the target scores a critical hit on a regular melee attack the damage is tripled instead of doubled and critical hit chance of all melee attacks is increased based on their Initiative, where: • 1-6 = +3% Crit, 7-12 = +5% Crit, 13-18 = +7% Crit, 19+ = +10% Crit |
Aspect Single target, lasts for duration of battle or up to 1 hour. Only one of each aspect per caster can be present in a party and only one aspect can be active on a target at a time (casting a higher Difficulty aspect will overwrite the existing aspect). Cannot be dispelled/removed through conventional means unless caster is unconscious. •Critical Cast: Aspects count as being 1 Tier higher than caster. •Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the Aspect fails. No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn. |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 143 | Material | Primal | Aspect | 5 | Bear | 25 | Aspect | instant | 15 | target can resist most forms of physical CC effects if passing a Resolve test and gains bonus temporary HP equal based on Resolve, where: • 1-6 = 10, 7-12 = 20, 13-18 = 30, 19+ = 40 |
Aspect Single target, lasts for duration of battle or up to 1 hour. Only one of each aspect per caster can be present in a party and only one aspect can be active on a target at a time (casting a higher Difficulty aspect will overwrite the existing aspect). Cannot be dispelled/removed through conventional means unless caster is unconscious. •Critical Cast: Aspects count as being 1 Tier higher than caster. •Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the Aspect fails. No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn. |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 144 | Material | Primal | Aspect | 6 | Griffon | 30 | Aspect | instant | 15 | Target gains the ability to use Fly-by style attacks and all honor code skills count as being activated with 1 additional stack (cannot exceed 3 stacks). Also grants + to hit and damage with physical melee attacks based on the targets Wisdom, where: • 1-6 = +5/+2, 7-12 = +10/+3, 13-18 = +15/+4, 19+ = +20/+5 |
Aspect Single target, lasts for duration of battle or up to 1 hour. Only one of each aspect per caster can be present in a party and only one aspect can be active on a target at a time (casting a higher Difficulty aspect will overwrite the existing aspect). Cannot be dispelled/removed through conventional means unless caster is unconscious. •Critical Cast: Aspects count as being 1 Tier higher than caster. •Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the Aspect fails. No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn. |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 145 | Material | Primal | Aspect | 7 | Phoenix | 33 | Aspect | instant | 15 | while active, if target is slain it becomes an egg with AC 20 and HP=10% of max HP. If the egg is unbroken after 2 rounds the target is resurrected with full health and stats. Also causes the target to inflict passive fire damage based on their Intellect, where: • 1-6 = 2 damage, 7-12 = 4 damage, 13-18 = 6 damage, 19+ = 8 damage |
Aspect Single target, lasts for duration of battle or up to 1 hour. Only one of each aspect per caster can be present in a party and only one aspect can be active on a target at a time (casting a higher Difficulty aspect will overwrite the existing aspect). Cannot be dispelled/removed through conventional means unless caster is unconscious. •Critical Cast: Aspects count as being 1 Tier higher than caster. •Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the Aspect fails. No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn. |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 146 | Material | Primal | Force | 1 | Lifeforce | 11 | Cone | action | template | Any target touched by template is healed if they are friend and damaged if enemy, for 1d6+2 per level, single hit roll, treat as Natural damage/healing. | Cone |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 147 | Material | Primal | Force | 1 | Predator | 13 | Control | action | 15 | If overcoming the targets Natural resistance, on their next turn the target must take a full regular attack action against the nearest target and gains an extra main hand attack when doing so. | Control |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 148 | Material | Primal | Force | 1 | Elemental Force | 11 | n/a | instant | 10 | Effected targets must attack (or move to attack if not in range) the caster on their next turn or else they take 1d8 elemental damage, where the elemental damage type is whichever type the target would be weakest to. | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 149 | Material | Primal | Force | 2 | Survival | 16 | n/a | action | 15 | Reduces all incoming damage by two, every time target takes damage it gains +1 movement on its next turn, lasts for duration of battle or until caster unconscious. Select a single domain (Arcane, Elemental, Natural), increase the damage reduction to 5 against damage from this domain. | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 150 | Material | Primal | Force | 2 | Erosion | 17 | n/a | action | 15 | single target, no LOS required, 2d6+1d4 elemental damage, damaged targets have their armor reduced by 20 until the caster has another turn | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 151 | Material | Primal | Force | 3 | Regrowth | 21 | n/a | action | 20 | immediately after the next time the target takes damage they are healed for 1d20 x 5% of the damage dealt, if damage kills target first then no effect. Benefits from any Natural associated spell power modifiers. | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 152 | Material | Primal | Force | 3 | Arcane Rampage | 20 | n/a | action | 15 | A herd of arcane creatures surges forward from the caster, hitting all targets in a 90 degree frontal arc for 1d6 Trample damage per Tier of the caster, but treated as resistable arcane damage. Any target that takes damage and also fails a Stamina test (at -1 disadvatnage per TIer of caster) is knocked down. | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 153 | Material | Primal | Force | 4 | Material Mending | 26 | n/a | action | 20 | Heals 3d10 HP +1/level of target. Can be treated as Arcane, Elmental, or Natural to benefit from any associated spell power modifiers | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 154 | Material | Primal | Force | 5 | Reincarnate | 25 | n/a | action | 20 | On death, the target is reincarnated as a random creature of the 2nd Creation with a threat rating equal to 1d12. The creature is under the casters control for the remainder of battle or up to one hour, but afterwards will act according to its nature. | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 155 | Material | Primal | Force | 6 | Planar Storm | 20 | Storm | action | 15 | Primal forces from a single selected planar domain of the 2nd Creation (Arcane, Elemental, Natural), rage and storm within a 4" radius . Damage and effects are based on the domain selected: • Arcane: 1d6 damage of each arcane type (light, dark, twilight, mana) which also silences and blinds all damaged targets. • Elemental: 1d10 damage of each elemental type (fire, water, earth, air). • Natural: 1d20 damage of each natural type (wild, celestial) |
Storm |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 156 | Material | Primal | Force | 7 | Accelerated Aging | 33 | n/a | action | 15 | deals arcane damage equal to 1d100% of targets max HP, if this brings target below 0HP they are dead, drains the caster of the equivalent amount of HP | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 157 | Material | Primal | Hemomancy | 1 | Sanguine Strike/Shot | 11 | n/a | action | 20 | melee/ranged attack, consumes 5% of max HP, 1d8+2/level damage, grants 2x fury, regenerates two vigor, can be added to a regular physical attack or unarmed focus attack but prevents any off hand attacks • use the same hit roll but treat as two separate attacks for bonuses and defenses • treat similar to a Spirit Strike Power except that the the blood portion can still hit even if the physical portion does not |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 158 | Material | Primal | Hemomancy | 1 | Cleanse | 17 | Dispel | instant or action | 15 | removes targeted persistent faith effects, using resistance equal to 12x the Tier of the caster of the effect • multiply the Difficulty by the number of targeted effects within range • can also remove poisons, using resistance equal to 20x the rank of the poison • can also be used to dispel/shatter one primal or demonic based enchant/crafting |
Dispel |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 159 | Material | Primal | Hemomancy | 2 | Blood Sight | 16 | n/a | instant | self | must consume 5% of max HP, gain +5% crit on next attack, further +5% for strike/shot, further +5% crit if focus or stealth skill | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 160 | Material | Primal | Hemomancy | 2 | Youthful Blood | 14 | n/a | instant | 15 | consumes 5% of max HP, next healing effect on target is 50% more effective, if self-cast: 1/2 spirit cost of next spell or doubles honor code stack | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 161 | Material | Primal | Hemomancy | 2 | Coagulate | 16 | n/a | action | 20 | heals 1d10 HP +1/level of target | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 162 | Material | Primal | Hemomancy | 3 | Hemorrhage | 19 | n/a | action | 15 | single target, LOS required, inflicts base damage equal to 1d100% of the total physical damage that the target has received so far that round OR 1d4+2 times the cumulative 'per round' damage of all Bleed effects currently on the target • casters damage bonuses and/or multipliers (i.e. critical cast) are applied after determining base damage |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 163 | Material | Primal | Hemomancy | 3 | Transfusion | 20 | n/a | instant/action | 15 | instant: next physical attack of any kind converts 5% per Tier of damage inflicted into HP for any other target within range • action: consumes 5% of max HP, heals 2d10+1/level of target |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 164 | Material | Primal | Hemomancy | 4 | Rupture | 16 | n/a | action | 15 | inflicts damage equal to 1d12 + 1/2 targets current stamina, LOS required, single hit roll if multi-targeting | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 165 | Material | Primal | Hemomancy | 5 | Blood Rush | 27 | n/a | action | 15 | anytime the target takes damage it becomes immune to all forms of CC for 1 full round, if cast on a target that is already CC'd it removes all CC effects • last fro remainder of battle or until being knocked unconscious • effect is dispelable as a disease |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 166 | Material | Primal | Hemomancy | 6 | Blood Storm | 31 | n/a | action | 10 | must consume 10% of max HP, any target within radius (friend or foe but excluding caster) takes 4d6 dam, one target then gains 50% of the damage as HP | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 167 | Material | Primal | Hemomancy | 7 | Exsanguinate | 34 | n/a | action | 10 | drains all blood from a single target, immediately reducing its current HP by 50% • unlessed healed back to max HP, if caster is still conscious on the next round the target is killed • for remainder of battle any HP cost of other Hemomancy powers can be ignored |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 168 | Material | Primal | Shapeshift | 1 | Critter Form | 12 | n/a | instant | self | shrink to the size of a small critter, most enemies will completely ignore caster while in this form, cannot attack or take any kind of offensive action | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 169 | Material | Primal | Shapeshift | 1 | Vermin Form | 13 | n/a | instant | self | +1 movement and gain an extra melee attack that inflicts half damage (based on your main hand weapon) • incoming damage is increased by 25% |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 170 | Material | Primal | Shapeshift | 2 | Travel Form | 15 | n/a | instant | self | Movement x2 and may be ridden while in this form, however loss all normal abilities and/or attacks • When used on land (Equine Form) gain a 2d6 trample • When used in water (Aquatic Form) can breath underwater and have a basic 1d8 melee attack only |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 171 | Material | Primal | Shapeshift | 2 | Canine Form | 16 | n/a | instant | self | +3 move, +10 hit & +2 damage (melee), if opponent is <= 10%HP all attacks do max damage, if landing a killing blow gain +15% crit until landing a crit | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 172 | Material | Primal | Shapeshift | 2 | Ursine Form | 17 | n/a | instant | self | +50% current HP & HP max, gain instant 'Challenging Roar' with 4" rng (see Cave Bear entry in the CoC), gain 1 Fury for each enemy in base contact at start of turn | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 173 | Material | Primal | Shapeshift | 3 | Primate Form | 19 | n/a | instant | self | +10 dodge (stat tests & AC contrib), +1 Resolve, +3 melee dam to strikes/unarmed attacks, any 'Poor' Focus results count as 'Fair' instead | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 174 | Material | Primal | Shapeshift | 3 | Feline Form | 20 | n/a | instant | self | +5 move, if out of LOS can hide as instant, must Sneak (1/2 move) to remain hidden but can pounce attack (action) up to 1/2 move w/ +30 to hit doing max damage | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 175 | Material | Primal | Shapeshift | 3 | Reptile Form | 21 | n/a | instant | self | Select a single school of magic and gain +25 resistance to the domain it belongs to and add +4 damage of that type to all melee or ranged attacks/skills or spirit powers • while in this form you may elect to treat your touch as casting Cleanse (difficulty roll still required), even if you don't normally known or have access to that that power. |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 176 | Material | Primal | Shapeshift | 4 | Tree Form | 23 | n/a | instant | self | The caster takes on the form of a tree and if in a natural or wild environment most enemies will largely ignore them • gain +15 armor and +50% to all Faith effects used by the caster, but any movement is reduced by 75% can draw attentino to the caster |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 177 | Material | Primal | Shapeshift | 5 | Aerial Form | 25 | n/a | instant | self | Gain the ability to fly at x2 regular movement speed. Can be ridden while in this form. | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 178 | Material | Primal | Shapeshift | 6 | Tortoise Form | 27 | n/a | instant | self | -1 movement, +25 armor, can choose to completely ignore the damage of a single attack (after damage is rolled) but immediately return to normal form | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 179 | Material | Primal | Shapeshift | 7 | Dragon Form | 17 | n/a | instant | self | coming soon... | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 180 | Material | Primal | Call | 1 | Beast Calling | 11 | Ally | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | nearest edge | Calls and controls 1 Beast (of a given class) with a maximum allowable beast Threat Rating equal to one less than the casters level • Called beasts arrive at the start of the casters next turn and typically appear at the table edge closest to caster, unless their natural habitat exists somewhere on the battlefield |
Ally |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 181 | Material | Primal | Call | 1 | Hunters Howl | 12 | n/a | instant | self | Next Pack Hunter class beast can enter the battlefield with up to 2 others of the same kind • however the difficulty of the next Beast Calling is multiplied by the number of Beasts called |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 182 | Material | Primal | Call | 2 | Silent Snarl | 14 | n/a | instant | self | Next Ambusher class beast can effectively enter anywhere on the battlefield that would provide reasonable stealth coverage | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 183 | Material | Primal | Call | 2 | Deep Call | 15 | n/a | instant | self | Next Burrower class beast can enter battlefield anywhere where ground is amiable to tunneling and may use any ground burst type ability upon entering battlefield | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 184 | Material | Primal | Call | 3 | Guardians Roar | 17 | n/a | instant | self | Next Protector class beast that enters the battlefield immediately forces a Resolve test upon all enemies within range = to the beasts Difficulty, targets that fail the resolve test are taunted to the protector for 1 round | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 185 | Material | Primal | Call | 3 | Sky Shriek | 18 | n/a | instant | self | Next Aerial class beast can enter anywhere there is open sky • first attack made in the round they arrive does max damage |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 186 | Material | Primal | Call | 4 | Braying Herd | 20 | n/a | instant | self | Next Herd class beast arrives with 2 others of the same kind • the Herd must stay within 1" of each other and sprint in a straight line upon entering the battlefield, trampling anything they cross • two of the three exit the battlefield when they reach the opposite side, while the third can remain in play |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 187 | Material | Primal | Call | 4 | Mighty Bellow | 21 | n/a | instant | self | Next Brute class beast that enters the battlefield immediately forces a Resolve test upon all enemies within range = to the beasts Difficulty, targets that fail the resolve test are immediately Feared for 1 round | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 188 | Material | Primal | Call | 5 | Eldritch Hiss | 23 | n/a | instant | self | Next Magical or Disabler class beast that enters the battlefield immediately forces a Resolve test upon all enemies within range = to the beasts Difficulty, targets that fail the resolve test are Silenced for 1 round | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 189 | Material | Primal | Call | 6 | Pocket Habitat | 25 | n/a | instant | 10" | Creates a temporary miniature pocket of habitat that can be used as a source point for the summoning of any beasts that live in that habitat (lasts for duration of battle, or until caster slain or knocked unconscious). This provides an effective means to call beasts when it would otherwise not be possible (i.e. a windowless room inside a castle or summoning Aquatic beasts when no water is present). There is no limit to the number of pocket habitats that can be present on a battlefield, however all Pocket Habitats cease to exist if the caster is knocked unconscious or slain, or if the battle ends. | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 190 | Material | Primal | Call | 7 | Primal Command | 27 | n/a | instant | self | Reduces the difficulty of the next Beast Calling called by 7 | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |