The Demonic Faith Path represents faith in Demonic forces and beings, sometimes represented as false gods, and have their root in Corruption and can inflict Curses and Diseases against those that oppose them. Some practitioners of Demonic Powers can even wield the forbidden art Necromancy and Summon demonic creatures to do their bidding. While Demonic faith similarly deals in power bestowed upon the faithful, it is of a much more sinister and subversive nature. Most Demons who would lend their power to mortals care little for what motivates the individual, but rather concern themselves with what they gain from the exchange, ever seeking to corrupt and steal the Soul of Creation.
Demonic power can be harnessed through rituals of appeasement and supplication, or even outright bargained for. However the price of such a bargain can often be much higher than what it appears. Those who choose to follow the Demonic path dabble in extremely powerful but volatile forces, often damning their own souls to the Realm of Abomination. As a corrupt offshoot of the Holy and Divine power of the First Creation, Demonic powers are inherently weak to Holy powers. However, their corrupting influence holds a great deal of sway over the Second Creation, for it is the Substance of Creation that the demons coveted and eventually gained mastery over.
Demonic Faith Passives
General Passive Effects
Anyone using Demonic powers benefits from these passive effects:
Primal Counter
- All offensive Demonic powers receive +5% critical cast chance against any being of the Second Creation (i.e. Dragonkind, Beasts, Denizens, Fey, Primitives, Plants, Aberrations) or those wielding Primal powers or otherwise benefiting from them (including Craftings and Enchants)
Exclusive Passive Effects
Those choosing to EXCLUSIVELY follow the Demonic Faith path have the following passive skills:
- Any Demonic power successfully cast against a living target that does not have a soul has a passive 2% per tier chance to cause the target to be possessed by a demon with a Threat Rating less than or equal to the target.
Corrupt Creation
- Any Demonic power successfully cast on a target has a passive 5% per tier chance to remove a Primal Aspect or cause a Shapeshifted target to instantaneously revert back to its true form (this occurs out of turn and does not effect the targets own next turn in anyway, but also does not trigger the de-buff clearing effect if they are Specialized in Shapeshifting)
Demonic Faith Disciplines
To Specialize in a particular Holy Faith Discipline requires the use of Secondary Skills, see Specialist Secondary Skills.
Rituals are Tier 0 powers that all Demonic Faith classes have access to by default. They do not require Difficulty rolls or casting rolls and cannot critically cast or miscast. The Ritual Discipline cannot be selected as a specialization.
single target unless otherwise specified
Critical Cast: Causes double damage. For non-damage powers see individual descriptions.
Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the power fails. If it was an instant power, no action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn.
Curses are single target abilities that last for the duration of the battle but can be resisted in subsequent rounds, which would cancel the effect. While they generally do not inflict direct damage they can still benefit from a critical cast and can also miscast. Only one of each Curse per caster can be active at any time on the battlefield. Curses do not require LOS, however the caster must have seen the target at least once during the battle (or otherwise be aware of their presence) in order to curse them.
Critical Cast: Prevents resisting in subsequent rounds meaning that the curse will remain indefinitely until dispelled or removed by other means.
Miscast: The Curse it is automatically applied to the caster instead of its intended target and no action power can be used for the remainder of the turn. In subsequent turns they can re-cast the curse (pass a difficulty test) to transfer it to another target (treat as casting normally). No action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn.
Diseases are single target abilities, that last until cured or resisted, persisting even after combat has ended. The caster is immune to any Disease they cast. When used as a Demonic power, the initial infection (aka hit roll) uses Demonic resistance, however in second and subsequent rounds (or if the Disease is contracted naturally) Diseases use Natural resistance, reduced by 5 per Tier of the Disease. When outside of combat, at the start of each new day, one Natural resistance attempt can be made (as outlined above). If the disease is not resisted inflict any direct damage and then apply the remaining effects for the entire day. If joining combat at any point, the heightened adrenaline causes the damage to be inflicted every round until combat ends. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely if the Disease is not cured or resisted.
Critical Cast: The initial round of infection of has double the effects or applies a double round of effects (i.e. Burning Itch reduces defenses by 50 for the first round while Death’s Door effectively requires 1 less round before reducing HP to 1).
Miscast: Disease it is automatically applied to the caster.
single target unless otherwise specified
Critical Cast: Double effects for any power that causes damage, healing or shielding. For Animate dead, may roll HP dice twice and choose which number to keep. For all other powers see individual descriptions.
Miscast: One Faith is consumed and the power fails. If it was an instant power, no action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn. For Animate undead, instead, the power works however the Animated creation will relentlessly seek to attack the caster until it is destroyed.
The summoning discipline revolves around summoning demons and demonic entities to do the bidding of the caster. However, a careless summoner will quickly find that the demons will gladly turn on their so called ‘master’.
- At the start of every Summoner’s turn (in combat) or every hour (out of combat), if the total combined Threat Rating for all summoned entities currently under the Summoner’s control is greater than their current Faith, they must immediately pass a Wisdom or Resolve test or lose control of all summoned entities as well as lose their entire turn (i.e. if at the start of their turn a summoner has control of an Swinegor Imp with Threat Rating 3 and a Lesser Balor Demon with Threat Rating 9 they must have at least 12 Faith.
- A demon or other demonic entity is not dismissed prior to the end of the duration of the summoning, or that otherwise becomes out of the summoners control typically does not immediately return to the Hell Domain and instead becomes hostile and attempts to kill the caster who was controlling it and even sometimes their allies, following Basic Enemy Tactics
- Once a summoner loses control of one or more summoned entities they cannot regain control unless they successfully cast Subjugate Demon on the target demon
- Summoned Demons do NOT contribute to the XP of the party (unlike combat pets/companions/mounts), but are worth regular XP if slain after becoming hostile
Critical Cast: Summons two entities of that type (where applicable), both of which count towards the total combined threat of summoned entities that the caster can control. Otherwise doubles the effectiveness.
Miscast: If attempting to summon an active entity, it still works and cannot be interrupted however, the entity will attack the summoner until Subjugated. Otherwise, one Faith is consumed and the power fails. If it was an instant power, no action power can be cast for the remainder of the turn.
Demonic Faith Powers
Publish | ID | Domain | Path | Discipline | Tier | Spell Name | Difficulty | Archetype | Use | Range | Description | Archetype Details | Class Restriction |
yes | 68 | Hell | Demonic | Ritual | 0 | Supplication | 0 | Ritual | action | self | Ritual can be used once per battle or once per hour outside of combat • immediately grants +1 Demonic Faith but cannot be used if Demonic Faith is currently higher than 3 |
Ritual Faith powers that are always available and do not typically require a difficulty roll (unless otherwise stated) • No casting roll and therfore no critical cast or critical fail allowed • requires 1-2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if a ritual is cast as an action during combat the effects occur at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interupted • caster is vulnerable for the duration of the ritual |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 69 | Hell | Demonic | Ritual | 0 | Blood | 0 | Ritual | action | self | Ritual can be used once per day and requires the ritual killing of a living being • grants 1d6 Demonic Faith for 2nd Creation (i.e. Beast) • grants 2d6 Demonic Faith for 3rd Creation (i.e. anything with a Soul) • grants 3d6 Demonic Faith for 1st Creation (i.e. angelic being) |
Ritual Faith powers that are always available and do not typically require a difficulty roll (unless otherwise stated) • No casting roll and therfore no critical cast or critical fail allowed • requires 1-2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if a ritual is cast as an action during combat the effects occur at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interupted • caster is vulnerable for the duration of the ritual |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 70 | Hell | Demonic | Ritual | 0 | Fanaticism | 0 | Ritual | action | self | Ritual can be used once per day and requires the caster to self-inflict 1d6 physical damage and consume Demonic Faith • caster gains 1 Toughness for every 2 Demonic Faith consumed (up to a maximum of 5 Toughness) for 1 hour or 1 battle • caster gains +1 Fury any time the Toughness effect negates any damage |
Ritual Faith powers that are always available and do not typically require a difficulty roll (unless otherwise stated) • No casting roll and therfore no critical cast or critical fail allowed • requires 1-2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if a ritual is cast as an action during combat the effects occur at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interupted • caster is vulnerable for the duration of the ritual |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 71 | Hell | Demonic | Ritual | 0 | Scrying | 0 | Ritual | action | 15 | Ritual can be used an unlimited number of times each day but consumes 1 Demonic Faith and then requires the caster to pass a Demonic Faith test each time it is used • requires a medium which may or may not be consumed (crystal ball, mirror, bowl of liquid, tarot cards, tea leaves, entrails, etc...) • detects all Faith based buffs, enhancements, and effects within 15" • can also be used to see a representation of possible past, present, or future events regarding a target object or creature over long distances |
Ritual Faith powers that are always available and do not typically require a difficulty roll (unless otherwise stated) • No casting roll and therfore no critical cast or critical fail allowed • requires 1-2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if a ritual is cast as an action during combat the effects occur at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interupted • caster is vulnerable for the duration of the ritual |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 72 | Hell | Demonic | Ritual | 0 | Appeasement | 0 | Ritual | action | self | Ritual may be used an unlimited number of times each day but requires the caster to have done something to please the particular demonic entity they are attempting to appease each time. The next demonic Demonic Faith power used does not require the caster to have enough Demonic Faith (or even any at all). Caster must still roll Difficulty and can gain or loss Demonic Faith as normal. | Ritual Faith powers that are always available and do not typically require a difficulty roll (unless otherwise stated) • No casting roll and therfore no critical cast or critical fail allowed • requires 1-2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if a ritual is cast as an action during combat the effects occur at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interupted • caster is vulnerable for the duration of the ritual |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 73 | Hell | Demonic | Ritual | 0 | Pain | 0 | Ritual | action | unlimited | Ritual can be used an unlimited number of times each day but consumes Demonic Faith and then requires the caster to pass a Demonic Faith test each time it is used • requires an crude effigy (i.e. voodoo doll) which is inflicted with some some form of violence • no LoS or range requirements, but target must be in the same realm/plane of existence • caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • requires a casting roll and inflicts Demonic damage equal to between 1 and half your current Demonic Faith (i.e. max 1d10) • If sucessfully causing damage grants +1 Demonic Faith |
Ritual Faith powers that are always available and do not typically require a difficulty roll (unless otherwise stated) • No casting roll and therfore no critical cast or critical fail allowed • requires 1-2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if a ritual is cast as an action during combat the effects occur at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interupted • caster is vulnerable for the duration of the ritual |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 74 | Hell | Demonic | Corruption | 1 | Drain Life | 11 +2 per Tier | n/a | action | 15 | LoS required, steal 1d8 HP or Spirit per Tier of the power from any one target and give it to any other target within range. | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 75 | Hell | Demonic | Corruption | 1 | Withering Touch | 14 (16 inst) | Shock | instant or action | melee | If used as an instant, then next strike, shot or unarmed attack does +2 damage and causes all damage from the attack to be demonic • If used as an action, treat as a Shock power that inflicts 1d6+1d4+2 demonic damage as an unarmed attack, (I.e. must have one free hand with no weapon in it) • Can be combined with an unarmed Focus skill, but this doubles the Difficulty |
Shock |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 76 | Hell | Demonic | Corruption | 1 | Corrupt Power | 15 (17 inst) | Dispel | instant or action | 15 | Corrupts a single known persistent beneficial faith power or effect causing its effects to be the opposite of what is intended • if opposite effects are impractical or ambiguous simply negate the blessing, aspect, omen, or buff (cannot cast higher than own level) • use resistance equal to 10x the Tier of the caster of the effect • can instead dispel one virtue or oath, using resistance equal to 10x the Tier of the target • can also be used to dispel/shatter one holy or psionic based enchant/crafting |
Dispel |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 77 | Hell | Demonic | Corruption | 2 | Ruinous Bolt | 16 | Missile | action | 15 | single target, missile type attack, 2d6+1 damage, 10% chance of causing next attack on target to auto-crit | Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 78 | Hell | Demonic | Corruption | 2 | Defilement | 14 +1 per level of the target | Hex | action | 15 | For the duration any healing effect used on the target instead inflicts an equivalent amount of damage • if the target uses a reaction to consume Defilement they immediately lose 25% of their current HP • if the caster uses a reaction to consumed by the caster this drops to only 10% |
Hex |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 79 | Hell | Demonic | Corruption | 3 | Demonic Frenzy | 20 | n/a | instant | 15 | activate highest ranking Frenzy of target (for appropriate fury cost), instantly maxing out the ability, but still lasting full duration • if target does not have Frenzy then grants +3 hit and +3 damage for 3 rounds |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 80 | Hell | Demonic | Corruption | 3 | Sinful Strike | 19 | Strike | action | melee | A regular melee attack, that adds +1d8 demonic damage and also removes that amount of Faith from the target if applicable | Strike Adds faith based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 81 | Hell | Demonic | Corruption | 4 | Decay | 24 | Storm | action | 15 | radius 3", LOS required, 3d8 damage, no dodge allowed, single hit roll • persists for multiple rounds, but loses 1d8 each time (i.e. 2d8 on next round, then 1d8 on final round) |
Storm |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 82 | Hell | Demonic | Corruption | 5 | Dread Strength | 24 | n/a | instant | 15 | while active grants +5 advantage on Strength Stat test or stat roll-offs and gain +5 damage (all types). Lasts for 1 day or up to six rounds in combat • upon dispel or end of duration inflicts 2d12+3 demonic damage to the target |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 83 | Hell | Demonic | Corruption | 6 | Affliction | 26 | Burst | action | 15 | The body of a single living target within range is afflicted with wracking pains, causing 2d12+6 damage. The next time they make any stat test or stat-roll off they are at -5 disadvantage and if failing take an additional 1d12 damage. | Burst |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 84 | Hell | Demonic | Corruption | 7 | Siphon Life | 32 | n/a | action | 15 | removes 25% of the targets and casters max HP each round until the target or caster is dead • the damage done to the target can be transferred as HP to any other target within range (including the caster) • living targets only • can be dispelled in subsequent rounds |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 85 | Hell | Demonic | Curse | 1 | Control | 10+ | Curse | instant | 15 | Control a single target for one move/instant/action per level of caster (during targets own turn). Damage breaks. If caster is slain/knocked out controlled target does nothing. For each Difficulty over the base amount add: • +1 Difficulty per move/instant/reaction • +2 Difficulty per action • On a miscast, caster is controlled for the same duration, typically meaning they do nothing, though possibly meaning they are controlled by demonic forces |
Curse Curses are single target powers that last for the duration of the battle but can be resisted in subsequent rounds, which would cancel the effect • only one of each Curse per caster can be active at any time on the battlefield • Curses do not require LOS, however the caster must have seen the target at least once during the battle (or otherwise be aware of their presence) • Critical Cast: prevents resisting in subsequent rounds meaning that the curse will remain until dispelled or removed by other means • Miscast: the Curse is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn • If self cast, in subsequent turns they can re-cast the curse (pass a difficulty test) to transfer it to another target (treat as casting normally). |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 86 | Hell | Demonic | Curse | 1 | Torment | 15 | Curse | instant | 15 | target must choose to move full distance in a random direction or take 2d4 damage | Curse Curses are single target powers that last for the duration of the battle but can be resisted in subsequent rounds, which would cancel the effect • only one of each Curse per caster can be active at any time on the battlefield • Curses do not require LOS, however the caster must have seen the target at least once during the battle (or otherwise be aware of their presence) • Critical Cast: prevents resisting in subsequent rounds meaning that the curse will remain until dispelled or removed by other means • Miscast: the Curse is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn • If self cast, in subsequent turns they can re-cast the curse (pass a difficulty test) to transfer it to another target (treat as casting normally). |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 87 | Hell | Demonic | Curse | 2 | Lethargy | 15 | Curse | instant | 15 | -1 movement & -1 per Tier Initiative Score • also lose Spirit, Fury, and Vigor every turn that curse is active • at a rate between 1 and the Tier of the caster (i.e. Tier4 caster = 1d4 Spirit/Fury/Vigor) |
Curse Curses are single target powers that last for the duration of the battle but can be resisted in subsequent rounds, which would cancel the effect • only one of each Curse per caster can be active at any time on the battlefield • Curses do not require LOS, however the caster must have seen the target at least once during the battle (or otherwise be aware of their presence) • Critical Cast: prevents resisting in subsequent rounds meaning that the curse will remain until dispelled or removed by other means • Miscast: the Curse is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn • If self cast, in subsequent turns they can re-cast the curse (pass a difficulty test) to transfer it to another target (treat as casting normally). |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 88 | Hell | Demonic | Curse | 2 | Unbelief | 15 | Curse | instant | 15 | target becomes immune to any beneficial Holy, Primal, or Psionic faith powers for the duration and any existing beneficial Holy, Primal, or Psionic powers already active on that target are immediately removed • if the target is a Faith class, all Faith rolls suffer -1 disadvantage/tier of caster |
Curse Curses are single target powers that last for the duration of the battle but can be resisted in subsequent rounds, which would cancel the effect • only one of each Curse per caster can be active at any time on the battlefield • Curses do not require LOS, however the caster must have seen the target at least once during the battle (or otherwise be aware of their presence) • Critical Cast: prevents resisting in subsequent rounds meaning that the curse will remain until dispelled or removed by other means • Miscast: the Curse is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn • If self cast, in subsequent turns they can re-cast the curse (pass a difficulty test) to transfer it to another target (treat as casting normally). |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 89 | Hell | Demonic | Curse | 3 | Myopia | 17 | Curse | instant | 15 | target cannot use ranged attacks, powers, or any other kind of ranged Primary Skill | Curse Curses are single target powers that last for the duration of the battle but can be resisted in subsequent rounds, which would cancel the effect • only one of each Curse per caster can be active at any time on the battlefield • Curses do not require LOS, however the caster must have seen the target at least once during the battle (or otherwise be aware of their presence) • Critical Cast: prevents resisting in subsequent rounds meaning that the curse will remain until dispelled or removed by other means • Miscast: the Curse is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn • If self cast, in subsequent turns they can re-cast the curse (pass a difficulty test) to transfer it to another target (treat as casting normally). |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 90 | Hell | Demonic | Curse | 3 | Weakness | 18 | Curse | instant | 15 | target always does minimum physical damage | Curse Curses are single target powers that last for the duration of the battle but can be resisted in subsequent rounds, which would cancel the effect • only one of each Curse per caster can be active at any time on the battlefield • Curses do not require LOS, however the caster must have seen the target at least once during the battle (or otherwise be aware of their presence) • Critical Cast: prevents resisting in subsequent rounds meaning that the curse will remain until dispelled or removed by other means • Miscast: the Curse is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn • If self cast, in subsequent turns they can re-cast the curse (pass a difficulty test) to transfer it to another target (treat as casting normally). |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 91 | Hell | Demonic | Curse | 4 | Pride | 21 | Curse | instant | 15 | target may not use any Primary Skills unless they suffered damage equal to or greater than their current Level in the turn prior to their own | Curse Curses are single target powers that last for the duration of the battle but can be resisted in subsequent rounds, which would cancel the effect • only one of each Curse per caster can be active at any time on the battlefield • Curses do not require LOS, however the caster must have seen the target at least once during the battle (or otherwise be aware of their presence) • Critical Cast: prevents resisting in subsequent rounds meaning that the curse will remain until dispelled or removed by other means • Miscast: the Curse is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn • If self cast, in subsequent turns they can re-cast the curse (pass a difficulty test) to transfer it to another target (treat as casting normally). |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 92 | Hell | Demonic | Curse | 4 | Calamity | 22 | Curse | instant | 15 | +2 Initiative Score per Tier • may re-roll any critical miss/miscast or failed Initiative or Resolve stat roll (must keep second roll) • Faith classes also gain +1 Faith from any successful casting |
Curse Curses are single target powers that last for the duration of the battle but can be resisted in subsequent rounds, which would cancel the effect • only one of each Curse per caster can be active at any time on the battlefield • Curses do not require LOS, however the caster must have seen the target at least once during the battle (or otherwise be aware of their presence) • Critical Cast: prevents resisting in subsequent rounds meaning that the curse will remain until dispelled or removed by other means • Miscast: the Curse is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn • If self cast, in subsequent turns they can re-cast the curse (pass a difficulty test) to transfer it to another target (treat as casting normally). |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 93 | Hell | Demonic | Curse | 5 | Doom | 28 | Curse | instant | 15 | 1d10 damage/round that curse has been active, dealt when the curse ends (removed, stopped by caster or caster killed) | Curse Curses are single target powers that last for the duration of the battle but can be resisted in subsequent rounds, which would cancel the effect • only one of each Curse per caster can be active at any time on the battlefield • Curses do not require LOS, however the caster must have seen the target at least once during the battle (or otherwise be aware of their presence) • Critical Cast: prevents resisting in subsequent rounds meaning that the curse will remain until dispelled or removed by other means • Miscast: the Curse is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn • If self cast, in subsequent turns they can re-cast the curse (pass a difficulty test) to transfer it to another target (treat as casting normally). |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 94 | Hell | Demonic | Curse | 6 | Undeath | 27 | Curse | instant | 15 | when target dies it is immediately reanimated (see: Animate Dead) | Curse Curses are single target powers that last for the duration of the battle but can be resisted in subsequent rounds, which would cancel the effect • only one of each Curse per caster can be active at any time on the battlefield • Curses do not require LOS, however the caster must have seen the target at least once during the battle (or otherwise be aware of their presence) • Critical Cast: prevents resisting in subsequent rounds meaning that the curse will remain until dispelled or removed by other means • Miscast: the Curse is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn • If self cast, in subsequent turns they can re-cast the curse (pass a difficulty test) to transfer it to another target (treat as casting normally). |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 95 | Hell | Demonic | Curse | 7 | Despair | 33 | Curse | instant | 15 | must be cast on target already affected by a curse, gives that curse +50 versus dispelling and causes damage = tier each round | Curse Curses are single target powers that last for the duration of the battle but can be resisted in subsequent rounds, which would cancel the effect • only one of each Curse per caster can be active at any time on the battlefield • Curses do not require LOS, however the caster must have seen the target at least once during the battle (or otherwise be aware of their presence) • Critical Cast: prevents resisting in subsequent rounds meaning that the curse will remain until dispelled or removed by other means • Miscast: the Curse is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn • If self cast, in subsequent turns they can re-cast the curse (pass a difficulty test) to transfer it to another target (treat as casting normally). |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 96 | Hell | Demonic | Disease | 1 | Delirium Plague | 11+1 per Tier | Disease | action | 15 | single target, at the start of each subsequent turn inflicts plague to anyone within 3", infected targets must pass a Stamina test each round or they are Slowed (-1 disadvantage per Tier) | Disease Diseases are single target powers, that last until cured or resisted and persist even after combat has ended. The caster is immune to any Disease they cast. When used as a Demonic power, the initial infection (aka casting roll) uses Demonic resistance, however in second and subsequent rounds (or if the Disease is contracted naturally) Diseases use Natural resistance, reduced by 5 per Tier of the Disease. •When outside of combat, at the start of each new day, one Natural resistance attempt can be made (as outlined above). If the disease is not resisted inflict any direct damage and then apply the remaining effects for the entire day. •If joining combat at any point, the heightened adrenaline causes the damage to be inflicted every round until combat ends. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely if the Disease is not cured or resisted. •Critical Cast: the initial round of infection of has double the effects or applies a double round of effects (i.e. Burning Itch reduces defenses by 50 for the first round while Death’s Door effectively requires 1 less round before reducing HP to 1). •Miscast: Disease it is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 97 | Hell | Demonic | Disease | 2 | Blood Fever | 14 +1 per level | Disease | action | 15 | single target takes 1 damage per level of caster each round | Disease Diseases are single target powers, that last until cured or resisted and persist even after combat has ended. The caster is immune to any Disease they cast. When used as a Demonic power, the initial infection (aka casting roll) uses Demonic resistance, however in second and subsequent rounds (or if the Disease is contracted naturally) Diseases use Natural resistance, reduced by 5 per Tier of the Disease. •When outside of combat, at the start of each new day, one Natural resistance attempt can be made (as outlined above). If the disease is not resisted inflict any direct damage and then apply the remaining effects for the entire day. •If joining combat at any point, the heightened adrenaline causes the damage to be inflicted every round until combat ends. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely if the Disease is not cured or resisted. •Critical Cast: the initial round of infection of has double the effects or applies a double round of effects (i.e. Burning Itch reduces defenses by 50 for the first round while Death’s Door effectively requires 1 less round before reducing HP to 1). •Miscast: Disease it is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 98 | Hell | Demonic | Disease | 2 | Burning Itch | 17 | Disease | action | 15 | single target has all defenses reduced by 25 | Disease Diseases are single target powers, that last until cured or resisted and persist even after combat has ended. The caster is immune to any Disease they cast. When used as a Demonic power, the initial infection (aka casting roll) uses Demonic resistance, however in second and subsequent rounds (or if the Disease is contracted naturally) Diseases use Natural resistance, reduced by 5 per Tier of the Disease. •When outside of combat, at the start of each new day, one Natural resistance attempt can be made (as outlined above). If the disease is not resisted inflict any direct damage and then apply the remaining effects for the entire day. •If joining combat at any point, the heightened adrenaline causes the damage to be inflicted every round until combat ends. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely if the Disease is not cured or resisted. •Critical Cast: the initial round of infection of has double the effects or applies a double round of effects (i.e. Burning Itch reduces defenses by 50 for the first round while Death’s Door effectively requires 1 less round before reducing HP to 1). •Miscast: Disease it is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 99 | Hell | Demonic | Disease | 3 | Carrion Plague | 19 | Disease | action | 15 | Single target, at the start of each subsequent turn inflicts plague to anyone within 3". Infected targets take 1d10 damage and inflicts plague to anyone within 3" | Disease Diseases are single target powers, that last until cured or resisted and persist even after combat has ended. The caster is immune to any Disease they cast. When used as a Demonic power, the initial infection (aka casting roll) uses Demonic resistance, however in second and subsequent rounds (or if the Disease is contracted naturally) Diseases use Natural resistance, reduced by 5 per Tier of the Disease. •When outside of combat, at the start of each new day, one Natural resistance attempt can be made (as outlined above). If the disease is not resisted inflict any direct damage and then apply the remaining effects for the entire day. •If joining combat at any point, the heightened adrenaline causes the damage to be inflicted every round until combat ends. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely if the Disease is not cured or resisted. •Critical Cast: the initial round of infection of has double the effects or applies a double round of effects (i.e. Burning Itch reduces defenses by 50 for the first round while Death’s Door effectively requires 1 less round before reducing HP to 1). •Miscast: Disease it is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 100 | Hell | Demonic | Disease | 3 | Creeping Rot | 22 | Disease | action | 15 | infects area (radius 3") until cured, while in that area all targets have HP temporarily halved | Disease Diseases are single target powers, that last until cured or resisted and persist even after combat has ended. The caster is immune to any Disease they cast. When used as a Demonic power, the initial infection (aka casting roll) uses Demonic resistance, however in second and subsequent rounds (or if the Disease is contracted naturally) Diseases use Natural resistance, reduced by 5 per Tier of the Disease. •When outside of combat, at the start of each new day, one Natural resistance attempt can be made (as outlined above). If the disease is not resisted inflict any direct damage and then apply the remaining effects for the entire day. •If joining combat at any point, the heightened adrenaline causes the damage to be inflicted every round until combat ends. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely if the Disease is not cured or resisted. •Critical Cast: the initial round of infection of has double the effects or applies a double round of effects (i.e. Burning Itch reduces defenses by 50 for the first round while Death’s Door effectively requires 1 less round before reducing HP to 1). •Miscast: Disease it is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 101 | Hell | Demonic | Disease | 4 | Withering Fever | 22 | Disease | action | 15 | single target takes one damage/round and has all stats reduced by two | Disease Diseases are single target powers, that last until cured or resisted and persist even after combat has ended. The caster is immune to any Disease they cast. When used as a Demonic power, the initial infection (aka casting roll) uses Demonic resistance, however in second and subsequent rounds (or if the Disease is contracted naturally) Diseases use Natural resistance, reduced by 5 per Tier of the Disease. •When outside of combat, at the start of each new day, one Natural resistance attempt can be made (as outlined above). If the disease is not resisted inflict any direct damage and then apply the remaining effects for the entire day. •If joining combat at any point, the heightened adrenaline causes the damage to be inflicted every round until combat ends. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely if the Disease is not cured or resisted. •Critical Cast: the initial round of infection of has double the effects or applies a double round of effects (i.e. Burning Itch reduces defenses by 50 for the first round while Death’s Door effectively requires 1 less round before reducing HP to 1). •Miscast: Disease it is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 102 | Hell | Demonic | Disease | 4 | Blistering Plague | 20 | Disease | action | 15 | Single target, at the start of each subsequent turn inflicts plague to anyone within 3". All attacks against infected targets do +20% damage. | Disease Diseases are single target powers, that last until cured or resisted and persist even after combat has ended. The caster is immune to any Disease they cast. When used as a Demonic power, the initial infection (aka casting roll) uses Demonic resistance, however in second and subsequent rounds (or if the Disease is contracted naturally) Diseases use Natural resistance, reduced by 5 per Tier of the Disease. •When outside of combat, at the start of each new day, one Natural resistance attempt can be made (as outlined above). If the disease is not resisted inflict any direct damage and then apply the remaining effects for the entire day. •If joining combat at any point, the heightened adrenaline causes the damage to be inflicted every round until combat ends. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely if the Disease is not cured or resisted. •Critical Cast: the initial round of infection of has double the effects or applies a double round of effects (i.e. Burning Itch reduces defenses by 50 for the first round while Death’s Door effectively requires 1 less round before reducing HP to 1). •Miscast: Disease it is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 103 | Hell | Demonic | Disease | 5 | Death's Door | 26 | Disease | action | 15 | single target, reduces HP to 1 after six rounds, humanoid only | Disease Diseases are single target powers, that last until cured or resisted and persist even after combat has ended. The caster is immune to any Disease they cast. When used as a Demonic power, the initial infection (aka casting roll) uses Demonic resistance, however in second and subsequent rounds (or if the Disease is contracted naturally) Diseases use Natural resistance, reduced by 5 per Tier of the Disease. •When outside of combat, at the start of each new day, one Natural resistance attempt can be made (as outlined above). If the disease is not resisted inflict any direct damage and then apply the remaining effects for the entire day. •If joining combat at any point, the heightened adrenaline causes the damage to be inflicted every round until combat ends. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely if the Disease is not cured or resisted. •Critical Cast: the initial round of infection of has double the effects or applies a double round of effects (i.e. Burning Itch reduces defenses by 50 for the first round while Death’s Door effectively requires 1 less round before reducing HP to 1). •Miscast: Disease it is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 104 | Hell | Demonic | Disease | 5 | Crypt Rot | 27 | Disease | action | 15 | single target, 1d6 damage per round, if not cured after one day affected areas become permanently rotten | Disease Diseases are single target powers, that last until cured or resisted and persist even after combat has ended. The caster is immune to any Disease they cast. When used as a Demonic power, the initial infection (aka casting roll) uses Demonic resistance, however in second and subsequent rounds (or if the Disease is contracted naturally) Diseases use Natural resistance, reduced by 5 per Tier of the Disease. •When outside of combat, at the start of each new day, one Natural resistance attempt can be made (as outlined above). If the disease is not resisted inflict any direct damage and then apply the remaining effects for the entire day. •If joining combat at any point, the heightened adrenaline causes the damage to be inflicted every round until combat ends. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely if the Disease is not cured or resisted. •Critical Cast: the initial round of infection of has double the effects or applies a double round of effects (i.e. Burning Itch reduces defenses by 50 for the first round while Death’s Door effectively requires 1 less round before reducing HP to 1). •Miscast: Disease it is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 105 | Hell | Demonic | Disease | 6 | Sinister Plague | 26 | Disease | action | 15 | Single target, at the start of each subsequent turn inflicts plague to anyone within 3". Infected targets suffer 1d10 damage for each move, instant, and action taken on their turn. | Disease Diseases are single target powers, that last until cured or resisted and persist even after combat has ended. The caster is immune to any Disease they cast. When used as a Demonic power, the initial infection (aka casting roll) uses Demonic resistance, however in second and subsequent rounds (or if the Disease is contracted naturally) Diseases use Natural resistance, reduced by 5 per Tier of the Disease. •When outside of combat, at the start of each new day, one Natural resistance attempt can be made (as outlined above). If the disease is not resisted inflict any direct damage and then apply the remaining effects for the entire day. •If joining combat at any point, the heightened adrenaline causes the damage to be inflicted every round until combat ends. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely if the Disease is not cured or resisted. •Critical Cast: the initial round of infection of has double the effects or applies a double round of effects (i.e. Burning Itch reduces defenses by 50 for the first round while Death’s Door effectively requires 1 less round before reducing HP to 1). •Miscast: Disease it is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 106 | Hell | Demonic | Disease | 7 | Demon Seed | 30 | Disease | action | 15 | single target, 1d12+6 damage per round, if killed while affected by the disease, immediately summons imp level 1-5, lesser demon level 6-10, greater demon level 11+ (as per targets level) | Disease Diseases are single target powers, that last until cured or resisted and persist even after combat has ended. The caster is immune to any Disease they cast. When used as a Demonic power, the initial infection (aka casting roll) uses Demonic resistance, however in second and subsequent rounds (or if the Disease is contracted naturally) Diseases use Natural resistance, reduced by 5 per Tier of the Disease. •When outside of combat, at the start of each new day, one Natural resistance attempt can be made (as outlined above). If the disease is not resisted inflict any direct damage and then apply the remaining effects for the entire day. •If joining combat at any point, the heightened adrenaline causes the damage to be inflicted every round until combat ends. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely if the Disease is not cured or resisted. •Critical Cast: the initial round of infection of has double the effects or applies a double round of effects (i.e. Burning Itch reduces defenses by 50 for the first round while Death’s Door effectively requires 1 less round before reducing HP to 1). •Miscast: Disease it is automatically applied to the caster, turn immediately ends, caster is Vulnerable until start of next turn |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 107 | Hell | Demonic | Necromancy | 1 | Bone Spear | 11+3 per Tier | n/a | action | 15 | Missile-type attack, roll vs AC not demonic resist, counts as both demonic and physical damage • -5 armor piercing per tier • damage scales by tier: 1d4+2 at T1, 1d6+4 at T2, 1d8+8 at T4, 1d10+16 at T5, 1d12+32 at T6, 1d20+64 at T7 |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 108 | Hell | Demonic | Necromancy | 1 | Mend Flesh | 13 +2 per Tier | n/a | action | 15 | heals 1d10 (+1d6 per Tier) on undead targets • if used on living targets the heal is cut if half and negates holy and primal healing for 1 day |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 109 | Hell | Demonic | Necromancy | 2 | Pull of the Grave | 15 | n/a | instant | 10 | pulls target to into base contact and forces it to stay there for 1 round | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 110 | Hell | Demonic | Necromancy | 2 | Vampiric Strike | 16 | n/a | action | melee | main hand melee attack that converts 10% per Tier of damage inflicted into HP for the caster (works for live or undead), counts as a 'strike', treat similar to a Spirit Strike Power | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 111 | Hell | Demonic | Necromancy | 3 | Devour Soul | 13 +6 per Target | n/a | action | 15 | use in round when target dies (preventing any kind of resurrection) • target can resist at double their natural-only demonic resistance • if using on a trapped soul, there is no resist allowed • heals the caster for 3d8 HP • only works on beings with a Soul (3rd Creation) |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 112 | Hell | Demonic | Necromancy | 3 | Bone Shield | 20 | n/a | instant | 15 | absorbs up to five physical damage from every attack, lasts for up to 3d10 damage | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 113 | Hell | Demonic | Necromancy | 4 | Animate Dead | 14 +5 per Target | n/a | action | 15 | when used in combat: Bring one corpse back as undead under casters control, corpse retains weapons and armor but not abilities • use Codex of Creation entries for Living-Dead if freshly slain, Shambler if rotten, and Risen if skeletal remains. For animating dead animals see the undead animal affixes in the Codex of Creation • If using on a corpse that still has a soul attached (3rd Creation only), the soul can resist at double its natural-only demonic resistance. If it fails to resist the soul is driven out and the corpse is animated, if it passes then the corpse is not animated and the Necromancer may try again on their next turn • If prior to casting, the soul has departed willingly, has been trapped/devoured, or the target has no soul, then there is no hit roll required. Also, if the corpse has been dead for a longer period of time (i.e. died prior to the current battle) then no hit roll is required. Most souls will eventually leave their body with one to 10 days, depending on the soul's hold on its former body • When used outside combat: All the same rules apply, however the Necromancer may choose to further empower/upgrade his creation • To upgrade to something more than the basic Living-Dead, Shambler, or Risen see the Codex of Creation - False Creation: Undead for a list of possibilities • This does however increase the Difficulty, by the level of the Undead minion minus 1 (i.e. a Plagueborne Zombie is considered to be level 6, therefore to animate one would be difficulty 5+6-1=10 per target) • Some undead minions may have additional requirements beyond just the increased Difficulty (i.e. a Skeletal Knight must have actually been a Knight when it was living). |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 114 | Hell | Demonic | Necromancy | 4 | Fortify the Dead | 26 | n/a | action | 15 | heals 1d10 +0.5/level on up to four undead targets OR 4d10 +0.5/level on a single undead target, use single 'hit' roll | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 115 | Hell | Demonic | Necromancy | 5 | Bargain Soul | 23 | n/a | instant | 15 | re-roll any hit-roll, stat test, stat roll-off, difficulty test, or any other kind of 'test' as many times as desired • after each re-roll gain 1 stack of Bargained Soul, for each stack there is a 10% chance that at the end of your turn and the end of each day that you will have to payout the bargain with your soul (effectively resulting in immediate death, see Rend Soul) • lasts until dispelled or a soul is paid • can alternately use a trapped soul or the soul of a being of the 3rd Creation instead of your own, provided it was slain or Rended within the last turn |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 116 | Hell | Demonic | Necromancy | 6 | Trap Soul | 24 | n/a | action | 15 | use in round when target dies (preventing any kind of resurrection) to bind a soul to an inanimate object until consumed/devoured or the object is destroyed (freeing the soul). Target can resist at double their natural-only demonic resistance. Also counts as having removed the soul from a corpse for purposes of Animate Dead. | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 117 | Hell | Demonic | Necromancy | 7 | Rend Soul | 34 | n/a | action | 15 | forcibly removes the soul of a living target, effectively killing it regardless of its current HP. Because the target is still living at the time the power is cast, use Demonic Resist as normal, including bonuses, but not doubled as with Devour Soul, Trap Soul, and Animate Dead. If successful the Necromancer may also immediately Devour or Trap the soul and Animate the corpse if so desired (up to an equivalent of Animate Dead Difficulty 17, even in combat) | n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 118 | Hell | Demonic | Summon | 1 | Subjugate Demon | 13 + Demon threat rating | Ritual | action | 10 | brings a single target demon under the casters control if winning a Charm vs Resolve stat roll-off • see Demonic Powers page for details on maintaining control of Demons |
Ritual Faith powers that are always available and do not typically require a difficulty roll (unless otherwise stated) • No casting roll and therfore no critical cast or critical fail allowed • requires 1-2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if a ritual is cast as an action during combat the effects occur at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interupted • caster is vulnerable for the duration of the ritual |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 119 | Hell | Demonic | Summon | 1 | Vengeful Spirit | 14 | Missile | action | 10 | Immediately summons a stationary spirit with a 1d8 Missile type attack (rng 15), roll vs. Demonic resistance • does not benefit from casters modifiers • lasts 1d6 rounds • immune to all damage • counts as a summoned entity |
Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 120 | Hell | Demonic | Summon | 2 | Imp | 12+ Demon threat rating | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 10 | Summons and controls 1 Imp with a maximum allowable Threat Rating equal to one less than the casters level | Minion |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 121 | Hell | Demonic | Summon | 2 | Demon Well | 19 | Totem | action | 10 | summons a stationary well of demonic energy that grants 1d12 temporary HP to targets within 4" • if knocked unconscious target lose the HP, can cause death • does not count as a summoned entity for control purposes |
Totem |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 122 | Hell | Demonic | Summon | 3 | Lesser Demon | 13 + Demon threat rating | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 10 | Summons and controls 1 Lesser Demon with a maximum allowable Threat Rating equal to one less than the casters level | Minion |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 123 | Hell | Demonic | Summon | 3 | Fel Standard | 20 | n/a | action | 10 | summons a demonic standard, caster and demonic units within 10" gain +2 damage (all types) and +15 to Natural Resistance, lasts for remainder of battle • does not count as a summoned entity for control purposes |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 124 | Hell | Demonic | Summon | 4 | Demon Gate | 22 | n/a | action | 10 | summons a gateway connecting current location and a known fixed point for 1d4 rounds allowing two way travel • does not count as a summoned entity for control purposes |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 125 | Hell | Demonic | Summon | 4 | Font of Evil | 27 | n/a | action | 10 | summons a demonic font, inflicts 2d10+5 demonic damage in 3" radius when targets come in range, four charges, cannot be attacked, separate hit rolls • does not count as a summoned entity for control purposes |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 126 | Hell | Demonic | Summon | 5 | Greater Demon | 15 + Demon threat rating | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 10 | Summons and controls 1 Greater Demon with a maximum allowable Threat Rating equal to one less than the casters level | Minion |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 127 | Hell | Demonic | Summon | 6 | Demon Storm | 31 | n/a | action | 10 | summons a storm of swirling ethereal demons and damned souls, radius 4", 2d12+8 dam, lasts 1d4 rounds • can move up to 4" at the start of each subsequent round, and anything it touches while moving counts as being hit • no dodge allowed, use single hit roll |
n/a | Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |
yes | 128 | Hell | Demonic | Summon | 7 | Demon Overlord | 17 + Demon threat rating | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 10 | Summons a single Demon Overlord anywhere in range • unlike other minion archetype powers, caster has no control over the Demon Overlord once it arrives |
Minion |
Priest, Cleric, Paladin, Monk, Shaolin, Zealot, Druid |