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Realm of Strife™ > Gear  > Equipment > Weapons
  • Prices listed are buying process for normal market conditions in a settlement of reasonable size, GM discretion can be applied for modifying prices based on limited availability
  • Sell price is typically 10% of buying price under normal market conditions
  • Prices are listed in the following format: (GP).(SP)(CP) where 1.53 would be 1 GP, 5 SP, 3 CP though CP are typically not used
  • S = 1 storage slot, M = 2 storage slots, L = 4 storage slots, XL = 8 storage slots
  • For a complete list and description of weapon attributes see the Glossary

Weapon Types

Primitive Weapons

Primitive Weapons do not require any kind of weapon proficiency to wield, however they also cannot benefit from a Weapon Specialization. They are constructed from naturally occurring, typically unrefined materials that are readily available in the wild. As such they are considerably cheaper than more sophisticated weapons, and do not require a Secondary Skill to produce. However due to their primitive nature they cannot have advanced craftings or enchants bestowed upon them. They also tend to be somewhat fragile and even awkward to wield at times.

  • Critical Miss chances are doubled for Primitive Weapons (this also means a critical failure occurs on a natural roll of 1 or 2 on the d20 roll for a block, parry, or ward-off)
  • Any Critical Miss with a primitive weapon has a 75% chance to result in the weapon becoming damaged (cracked, weakened, or broken). This results in the weapon dealing 1/2 damage, 1/2 effectiveness of any attributes, and gaining the Clumsy attribute at a rate of -5 per weapon size, until it can be repaired.
  • If already damaged, a second Critical Miss automatically destroys the weapon (shattered, destroyed or ruined)

Simple Weapons

Simple Weapons do not require any kind of Weapon Proficiency to wield in combat, however they also cannot benefit from a Weapon Specialization. Simple weapons are often not weapons at all, but rather common manufactured goods or tools that can be used as a weapon in a pinch. Other times they are just weapons that lack any complex design or manufacturing techniques. Regardless, they are generally cheaper to manufacture than true weapons, and typically do not require a Secondary Skill to produce. Simple weapons are not built for prolonged combat use, and therefore do not stand up well to the task. However, unlike Primitive Weapons they are eligible for Advanced Crafting, Runecrafting, and Enchanting.

  • Any Critical Miss with a simple weapon (including a natural 1 on d20 block, parry, or ward-off roll) has a 50% chance to result in the weapon becoming damaged (cracked, weakened, or broken). This results in the weapon dealing 1/2 damage, 1/2 effectiveness of any attributes, and gaining the Clumsy attribute at a rate of -5 per weapon size, until it can be repaired.
  • If already damaged, a second Critical Miss automatically destroys the weapon (shattered, destroyed or ruined)
  • If possessing a T2 or higher crafting or enchant, Simple weapons do not become damaged through conventional means (critical misses) or the passage of time.

Fist Weapons

Fist weapons (sometimes referred to as Fist-Mounted) do not require any kind of Weapon Proficiency to wield in combat and are typically fitted over on the wielders bare fists, gloves, or gauntlets. In some instances they can be built directly into hand armor. Regardless, they are designed to act as weapon while still allowing the hand to remain free for other uses such as equipping another weapon, casting spells, or using miscellaneous items (i.e. holding a torch or carrying a religious relic). Fist Weapons are designed to be used a a paired weapon, meaning you can be dual wield them without having the appropriate Secondary Skill. However, they are still sold as a single item so if being used as a pair, you will need to buy two.

Fist Weapons can have enchanting and crafting effects placed on them. However, if another item is equipped in a free hand that has a fist weapon attached to it, the enchants and/or crafting of the fist weapon are ignored. (i.e. Cestus of Greater Flame does NOT add its fire damage if the wielder attacks with a sword held in the same hand that has the Cestus equipped.)


Knives are small bladed weapons characterized by relatively low damage potential, but excel at Stealthy attacks. Because of their relatively simple design and use they do not require proficiency to wield in melee combat, though some classes still do not have a natural proficiency with them. Knives are extremely useful as a Thrown weapon, however this requires some skill and training and as such when used as throwing weapons Knives do require proficiency.


Swords are bladed weapons of medium to large size, characterized by their ability to Parry an opponents melee attacks (see Defensive Reactions: Parry). Swords most often inflict piercing or cutting damage. Many swords are designed to be used in both one or two hands, making them versatile and effective close combat weapons. However if a sword with the Versatile attribute is wielded in two hands it counts as a Two-Handed sword for Proficiency and Combat Penalty purposes.

Swords (2 handed)

Two handed swords are heavy bladed weapons capable of inflicting massive damage and excel at Overpowering an opponent’s defensive capabilities (i.e. parry, block, ward-off). However they do trade off some of their own parrying capabilities, compared to their one handed counterparts.


Bludgeon weapons are in many ways simply the evolution of more primitive weapons such as clubs. They feature impact or crushing damage with the potential to Stun enemies and also inflict a reduced portion of damage even when an opponent armor saves (Crushing Blow). This makes bludgeon weapons ideal against high armor targets. Bludgeons tend to have more consistent, but slightly lower damage output than bladed weapons. If a bludgeon with the Versatile attribute is wielded in two hands it counts as a Two-Handed bludgeon for Proficiency and Combat Penalty purposes.

Bludgeons (2 handed)

Two handed bludgeon weapons excel against high armor targets, inflicting even more crushing damage than their one handed counterparts, however they trade off some of their stun potential.


Axes typically feature a small wedge or crescent shaped blade fixed to the end of wooden shaft. While they lack the versatility or functionality of swords and bludgeons, they excel at delivering high damage critical hits due to the Cleaving nature of their design. Many axe designs can be wielded in one or two hands as the situation requires. However, if an axe with the Versatile attribute is wielded in two hands it counts as a Two-Handed axe for Proficiency and Combat Penalty purposes.

Axes (2 handed)

Two handed axes are generally just larger forms of their one handed counterparts, resulting in more damage and higher Cleaving potential.

Hand Weapons

Hand Weapons are designed to be used as a matching pair and are usually built into a glove or gauntlet, or mounted onto a frame that can be gripped easily in ones fist. Though typically bought as pair, they are still crafted as a single item so if being used as a pair, you will need to buy two. They are ideally suited to Dual Wield applications and therefore all Hand Weapons can be dual wielded without having the Dual Wield Secondary Skill, provided they are use as paired set of identical weapons (though Enchants and Craftings can vary).


Polearms represent a variety of weapons, with the single commonality of being mounted on the end of (typically) wooden poles. In many cases they mimic the form and function of sword, bludgeon, or axes type weapons, but have the benefit of extended Reach and the defensive capability of being able to Ward-Off an opponents attacks (see Defensive Reactions: Ward-off). Polearms often encompass a wide range of beneficial attributes, however this is balanced against the fact that most polearms are Two-Handed weapons.


Staves are similar to Polearms in many respects, however they typically trade offensive functionality and reach for the ability to stun opponents. Staves are highly favored by many of the more fragile faith and spirit classes for their strong defensive capability for a reasonable price (see Defensive Reactions: Ward-off). Most Staves are Two-Handed weapons.


Whips are a highly specialized weapon type that excel at longer range melee style attacks due to their Reach. In some situations they can also be used to Steal Weapons from opponents. Though they lack damage output compared to some weapons, they can be highly useful tools in the right hands. They are also useful when a non-lethal means of inflicting immense pain is required.


Bows are a simple and effective long Ranged Two-Handed weapon that can fire a steady stream of arrows often in short succession so long as opponents stay out of base contact. They are most effect when the archer can line up shots without having to move, as they do suffer “to hit” penalties for moving and shooting. It is recommended that a quiver is used to prevent wasting unnecessary time retrieving arrows from a pack.


Crossbows are a more advanced Reload-Ranged weapon, with a slower rate of fire due to their long reload process. Though they can often be fired with only one hand, they typically require two hands to reload and thus a most Crossbows are Two-Handed weapons. Due to their heavier, mechanically assisted draw, Crossbows fire with an incredible amount of impact and excel at piercing armor, though the more compact ammo design does decrease range somewhat.


Shields are often thought of as a type of armor, as their primary function is defense by granting the ability to Block incoming attacks (see Defensive Reactions: Block). However they are wielding in the offhand and can be used offensively as well as defensively, inflicting low damage but capable of stunning opponents with a well placed Shield Blow. In the right hands they can be deadly, and are always welcome when attempting to block an opponent’s melee or ranged attacks.


Wands are a special type of weapon used exclusively by spirit classes. On their own a Wand often appears as little more than a stick or fine delicate metallic rod, clearly of no use on the battlefield. However in the hands of a Spirit user they can channel the innate spiritual energy of their wielder, acting as a short range back up weapon when a spirit user has expended their reserves.

Wands are a one-handed ranged weapon (generally range 10″) wielded by Spirit users. Though they do not cost Spirit to use, wand attacks are treated like a LoS Spirit power, with targets using resistance + dodge to defend against it. The damage they deal scales based on the quality of the wand and all combat modifiers (Hit/Cast, Crit, and Damage) are based of off the Spirit modifiers associated with the primary school of damage for the caster (i.e. a Pyromancer primarily uses fire spells, therefore their wand does fire damage and uses the modifiers associated with the School of Fire). In cases where the wielder uses more than one school of Spirit power, use the school that they have the most powers memorized, or in the case of Runeweavers, that they currently have activated.

Wands CANNOT be dual wielded under any circumstance and CANNOT be used against targets in base contact.

Wands can gain bonus damage from craftings and enchants like other weapons, but also benefit from craftings or enchants that increase spell power (provided it is of the same school of magic). HOWEVER, they cannot benefit from both at the same time and the wield must choose which damage bonus they wish to apply.

Full Weapon List