Often employed as way watchers and pathfinders, Rangers have a unique skill that sets them on the fringe of society, more at home in the wilds than among their own kind. They are versatile fighters who excel at setting ambushes, striking with lethal force and then melting away before they can present a target. While this style of combat lends itself well to ranged weapons, Rangers are also very proficient with close combat and will not shy away crossing blades with their foe. Some rangers even receive formal military training, acting as advanced scouts, raiders, or hit-and-run units. Others go on to forge their own path, retreating from the confining walls of towns and cities, but rising to the occasion when called upon for tasks that suit their skills.
Rangers are thought of as solitary figures and operate well in this capacity, however they make invaluable allies when embarking on any adventure or quest that requires traveling through the wild places of the world. Their survival skills are unparalleled and they are capable of fulfilling almost any role in a group. Rangers themselves acknowledge the value of sharing experiences and pooling their resources to take on larger contracts. To this end, Ranger Guilds can be found throughout the Realm of Strife, both in prominent roles such as the valiant Angenway Rangers, who tirelessly patrol the underground Dwarven Highways, or operating in secret like the silent wild elf forest-wardens known as the Guardians of Athelnon.
Class Overview
Typical Roles: Tank, Support/Utility, Stealth, Melee Damage, Ranged Damage
Damage Types: Physical
Class Mechanic: Vigor and Stealth
Available Races | Initial Gold |
Anakim | 203.0 |
Dwarf | 253.8 |
Half-elf | 166.8 |
Half-orc | 137.8 |
Halfling | 195.8 |
Human | 217.5 |
Orc | 145.0 |
Wild Elf | 159.5 |
Default Stats: During Character Creation you may choose to use the default stat line shown below, before racial modifiers. This can be instead of rolling for stats, or if after rolling ten sets of stats you don’t like the results.
Default Stat | Ranger |
AGILITY | 10 |
STAMINA | 10 |
WISDOM | 10 |
RESOLVE | 10 |
CHARM | 9 |
During Character Creation you may choose to use the Default Stat Line, before racial modifiers, instead of rolling for stats, or if after rolling ten sets of stats you don’t like the results
Natural Proficiency: Cloth, leather
Trainable Proficiency: Mail
Natural Proficiency: Knives, Swords, Bludgeons, Axes, Bows
Trainable Proficiency: Swords(2-handed), Crossbows, Firearms
See Equipment section for details. When using a weapon that your class is not proficient with, see Combat Penalties. There is no level or title prerequisite to train in a new proficiency, however you must receive the appropriate Training.
Class Skills
Class Passive Skills: Hit and Run
Class Secondary Skill: Bushcraft, Trapper, or Animal Trainer
Primary Skills
While Rangers tend to be solitary, they do gather together for the purposes of training. In this regard there is an element of soldierly skill, as Rangers are adept with a variety of melee and ranged weapons. Though their tactics vary greatly from rank and file soldiers, they fight with a cumming that can confound and infuriate their enemies. Striking from the shadows or concealed in the natural world, Rangers excel at hit and run tactics and leverage their intense training to overcome any foe. However, as with any Vigor class, Rangers should avoid prolonged combat or at the least learnt to fall back on their stealth abilities when they begin to tire.
For Rangers, learning new Vigor Skills follows the standard methods of Vigor training. Those Rangers who choose to operate as part of a Guild most often receive Vigor training from their superiors. However, they could just as easily pick up new skills from an experienced warrior, soldier, marksman, or other vigor class. At times they may even just pay a Combat Trainer to learn a new skill. Once a skill is learned though, it can be improved simply though repeated use.
New vigor skills require training unless they are upgrades (i.e. Offensive Stance -> Improved Offensive Stance), see Learning New Vigor Skills for details.
What separates a Ranger from the common soldier is their expert use of Stealth tactics, striking at their opponents and then fading away unseen. Rangers follow the standard rules for Stealth classes and Learning New Stealth Skills.
Stealth Costs for Rangers are as follows:
- All offensive or aggressive Stealth actions reduce Stealth by 2 prior to taking a Stealth Test
- All offensive or aggressive Stealth instants reduce Stealth by 1 prior to taking a Stealth Test
- Increase the Stealth cost by 1 if the offensive or aggressive instant or action is NOT a Stealth skill (i.e. a regular attack action)
- All regular movement reduces Stealth by 1 per tabletop inch moved prior to taking a Stealth Test
Rangers have the following restrictions for Stealth Disciplines:
- Primary Discipline: Survival
- Available Disciplines: Sabotage, Dirty Fighting, Assassination, Suppression
- Forbidden Disciplines: Thievery, Subterfuge
Upon character creation, Rangers automatically gain the following Stealth skills (prior to applying level ups):
- Escape Artist (Rank I)
- Evade (Rank I)
To learn new stealth skills require training unless they are upgrades (i.e. Rank1 Stealth Shot -> Rank2 Stealth Shot). Stealth training is typically facilitated through a Rangers Guild.
Level Ups
Rangers use the following chart for levelling up:
HP Dice (Regular): Small Race (1d8), Medium Race (1d10), Large Race (1d12)
Class | Mechanic1 | Mechanic2 | Level | Experience Required | Secondary Skill Points | Free Stat Training | Power Tier | Max HP | Class Resources | Class Skills | Resource1 | Resource2 | Skill1 | Skill2 |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Spirit Max (1d8) Base Stealth (n/a) |
Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline |
Spirit Max (1d8) | Base Stealth (n/a) | Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class | Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 0.5 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 0.5 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Avoidance | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1.5 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1.5 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Intellect | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Perception | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Avoidance | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Intellect | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Wisdom | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Assassin | SPIRIT | STEALTH | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Fury Max (n/a) | Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills | Fury Max (n/a) | Fury Max (n/a) | Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills | Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 + 1 | (+4) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 + 1 | Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 + 1 | (+4) Fury skills | (+4) Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 + 1 | (+4) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 + 1 | Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 + 1 | (+4) Fury skills | (+4) Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Strength | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 + 2 | (+4) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 + 2 | Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 + 2 | (+4) Fury skills | (+4) Fury skills |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 + 2 | (+4) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 + 2 | Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 + 2 | (+4) Fury skills | (+4) Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 + 3 | (+4) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 + 3 | Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 + 3 | (+4) Fury skills | (+4) Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Stamina | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 + 3 | (+4) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 + 3 | Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 + 3 | (+4) Fury skills | (+4) Fury skills |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 + 4 | (+4) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 + 4 | Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 + 4 | (+4) Fury skills | (+4) Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 + 4 | (+4) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 + 4 | Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 + 4 | (+4) Fury skills | (+4) Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Agility | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 + 5 | (+4) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 + 5 | Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 + 5 | (+4) Fury skills | (+4) Fury skills |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 + 5 | (+4) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 + 5 | Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 + 5 | (+4) Fury skills | (+4) Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 + 6 | (+2) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 + 6 | Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 + 6 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Stamina | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 + 6 | (+2) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 + 6 | Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 + 6 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Fury skills |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 + 7 | (+2) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 + 7 | Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 + 7 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 + 7 | (+2) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 + 7 | Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 + 7 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Strength | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 + 8 | (+2) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 + 8 | Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 + 8 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Fury skills |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 + 8 | (+2) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 + 8 | Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 + 8 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 + 9 | (+2) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 + 9 | Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 + 9 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Stamina | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 + 9 | (+2) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 + 9 | Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 + 9 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Fury skills |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 + 10 | (+2) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 + 10 | Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 + 10 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Fury skills | |
Barbarian | FURY | FURY | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 + 10 | (+2) Fury skills | Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 + 10 | Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 + 10 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Fury skills | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Fury Max (n/a) Base Stealth (n/a) |
Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline |
Fury Max (n/a) | Base Stealth (n/a) | Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills | Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 0.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 0.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1 |
(+2) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1 | (+2) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Avoidance | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2 |
(+2) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2 | (+2) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Stamina | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 |
(+2) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 | (+2) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 |
(+2) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 | (+2) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Avoidance | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 |
(+1) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 | (+1) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Initiative | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 |
(+1) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 | (+1) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 |
(+1) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 | (+1) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 |
(+1) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 | (+1) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Stamina | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 |
(+1) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 | (+1) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 |
(+1) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 | (+1) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 |
(+1) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 | (+1) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Resolve | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 |
(+1) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 | (+1) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 |
(+1) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 | (+1) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Berserker | FURY | STEALTH | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 |
(+1) Fury skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 | (+1) Fury skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Vigor Max (n/a) Spirit Max (1d8) |
Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class |
Vigor Max (n/a) | Spirit Max (1d8) | Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills | Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 0 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 1 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 1 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Strength | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 2 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 2 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Intellect | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 3 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 3 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 4 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 4 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Stamina | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 5 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 5 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Intellect | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 6 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 6 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Strength | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Wisdom | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 7 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 7 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Battlemage | VIGOR | SPIRIT | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Vigor Max (n/a) Max Faith = WIS/3 |
Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills Select 3 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path |
Vigor Max (n/a) | Max Faith = WIS/3 | Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills | Select 3 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 0.5 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 0.5 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 1 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 1 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Strength | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1.5 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1.5 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 2 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 2 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Wisdom | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 3 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 3 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 4 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 4 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Strength | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 5 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Stamina | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 6 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 6 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Stamina | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Wisdom | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 7 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 7 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Cleric | VIGOR | FAITH | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Spirit Max (1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 |
Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class Select 3 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path |
Spirit Max (1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 | Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class | Select 3 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 0.5 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 0.5 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Wisdom | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1.5 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1.5 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Intellect | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Initiative | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 |
(+2) Memorized Spirit Powers (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Wisdom | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Intellect | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Resolve | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Druid | SPIRIT | FAITH | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 |
(+1) Memorized Spirit Powers (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Core Code Only Vigor Max (n/a) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills |
Core Code Only | Vigor Max (n/a) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue | Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core Code Only Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Vigor skills |
Core Code Only | Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core Code Only Vigor Max = STR x 1 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Vigor skills |
Core Code Only | Vigor Max = STR x 1 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Strength | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Vigor skills |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes Vigor Max = STR x 2 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 2 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Perception | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes Vigor Max = STR x 3 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 3 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Vigor skills |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes Vigor Max = STR x 4 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 4 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Stamina | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Vigor skills |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Vigor Max = STR x 5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Strength | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Vigor skills |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Vigor Max = STR x 6 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 6 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Stamina | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Vigor skills |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Stamina | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Vigor Max = STR x 7 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 7 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Vigor skills |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Guardian | HONOR | VIGOR | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Vigor skills |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Core Code Only | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue | Core Code Only | Core Code Only | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core Code Only | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core Code Only | Core Code Only | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core Code Only | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core Code Only | Core Code Only | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Stamina | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor Codes | Core + Minor Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor Codes | Core + Minor Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor Codes | Core + Minor Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Initiative | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor Codes | Core + Minor Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Stamina | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Initiative | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Initiative | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Wisdom | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | |
Knight | HONOR | HONOR | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | Core + Minor + Great Codes | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Spirit Max (2d6) | Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class | Spirit Max (2d6) | Spirit Max (2d6) | Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class | Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Intellect | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Intellect | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Wisdom | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+3) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Intellect | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Wisdom | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Resolve | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Mage | SPIRIT | SPIRIT | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | Spirit Max (+2d6) | Spirit Max (+2d6) | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) | (+1) Racial Focus skill point | Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) | Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) | (+1) Racial Focus skill point | (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (2) | (+4) Focus skill points | Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (2) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (2) | (+4) Focus skill points | (+4) Focus skill points | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (2) | (+4) Focus skill points | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (2) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (2) | (+4) Focus skill points | (+4) Focus skill points | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Resolve | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (3) | (+4) Focus skill points, (+1) Racial Focus skill point, Unarmed Alacrity (passive) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (3) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (3) | (+4) Focus skill points, (+1) Racial Focus skill point, Unarmed Alacrity (passive) | (+4) Focus skill points, (+1) Racial Focus skill point, Unarmed Alacrity (passive) |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (3) | (+4) Focus skill points | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (3) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (3) | (+4) Focus skill points | (+4) Focus skill points | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (3) | (+4) Focus skill points | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (3) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (3) | (+4) Focus skill points | (+4) Focus skill points | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Avoidance | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (4) | (+4) Focus skill points, (+1) Racial Focus skill point, One-Against-Many (passive) OR Battle Zen (passive) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (4) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (4) | (+4) Focus skill points, (+1) Racial Focus skill point, One-Against-Many (passive) OR Battle Zen (passive) | (+4) Focus skill points, (+1) Racial Focus skill point, One-Against-Many (passive) OR Battle Zen (passive) |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+4) Focus skill points | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (4) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+4) Focus skill points | (+4) Focus skill points | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (4) | (+4) Focus skill points | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (4) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (4) | (+4) Focus skill points | (+4) Focus skill points | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Resolve | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+4) Focus skill points, (+1) Racial Focus skill point, Double Reaction (passive) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (5) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+4) Focus skill points, (+1) Racial Focus skill point, Double Reaction (passive) | (+4) Focus skill points, (+1) Racial Focus skill point, Double Reaction (passive) |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (5) | (+4) Focus skill points | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (5) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (5) | (+4) Focus skill points | (+4) Focus skill points | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+2) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (5) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+2) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) | (+2) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Agility | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (6) | (+2) Focus skill point | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (6) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (6) | (+2) Focus skill point | (+2) Focus skill point |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (6) | (+2) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (6) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (6) | (+2) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | (+2) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (6) | (+2) Focus skill point | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (6) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (6) | (+2) Focus skill point | (+2) Focus skill point | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Initiative | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Focus skill point | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (7) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Focus skill point | (+2) Focus skill point |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Focus skill point | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (7) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Focus skill point | (+2) Focus skill point | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (7) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | (+2) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Resolve | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Focus skill point | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (7) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Focus skill point | (+2) Focus skill point |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Focus skill point | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (7) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Focus skill point | (+2) Focus skill point | |
Martial Artist | FOCUS | FOCUS | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Focus skill point | Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Focus skill point | (+2) Focus skill point | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Max Faith = WIS/3 Base Stealth (n/a) |
Select 3 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 | Base Stealth (n/a) | Select 3 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path | Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 0.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 0.5 |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 0.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 0.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1 |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Avoidance | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1.5 |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2 |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Avoidance | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Wisdom | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Resolve | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Wisdom | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Resolve | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Monk | FAITH | STEALTH | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Base Stealth (n/a) Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) |
Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Base Stealth (n/a) | Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) | Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline | (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 0.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (1) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+2) Focus skill points |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 0.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (1) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1 Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (2) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+2) Focus skill points |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (2) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Avoidance | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (2) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (2) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2 Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (2) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+2) Focus skill points, Unarmed Alacrity (passive) |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (2) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+2) Focus skill points, Unarmed Alacrity (passive) | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (3) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+2) Focus skill points |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (3) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Resolve | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (3) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (3) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (3) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+2) Focus skill points |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (3) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (4) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+2) Focus skill points, One-Against-Many (passive) OR Battle Zen (passive) |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (4) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+2) Focus skill points, One-Against-Many (passive) OR Battle Zen (passive) | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Avoidance | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+2) Focus skill points, Double Reaction (passive) |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (4) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+2) Focus skill points, Double Reaction (passive) | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+1) Focus skill point |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Agility | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (5) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+1) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (5) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+1) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (5) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 Focus Max = RES/2 + 7, Focus Dice (5) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+1) Focus skill point |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7, Focus Dice (5) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Resolve | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (6) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+1) Focus skill point |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (6) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+1) Focus skill point |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (6) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+1) Focus skill point |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (6) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (6) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (6) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Wisdom | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (7) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+1) Focus skill point |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (7) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+1) Focus skill point |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (7) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+1) Focus skill point |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (7) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Ninja | STEALTH | FOCUS | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) |
(+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline (+1) Focus skill point |
Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Core Code Only Max Faith = WIS/3 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue Select 3 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path |
Core Code Only | Max Faith = WIS/3 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue | Select 3 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core Code Only Max Faith = WIS/3 + 0.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core Code Only | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 0.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core Code Only Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core Code Only | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Stamina | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Wisdom | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Initiative | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Wisdom | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Resolve | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Stamina | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Paladin | HONOR | FAITH | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Fury Max (n/a) Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) |
Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Fury Max (n/a) | Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) | Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills | (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (1) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Focus skill points |
Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (1) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (1) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Focus skill points |
Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (1) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Resolve | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (2) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (2) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (2) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Focus skill points, Unarmed Alacrity (passive) |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (2) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Focus skill points, Unarmed Alacrity (passive) | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (2) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Focus skill points |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (2) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Stamina | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (3) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (3) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (3) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Focus skill points |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (3) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (3) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Focus skill points, One-Against-Many (passive) |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (3) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Focus skill points, One-Against-Many (passive) | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Initiative | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Focus skill points, Double Reaction (passive) |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (4) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Focus skill points, Double Reaction (passive) | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Resolve | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (4) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (4) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (5) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 Focus Max = RES/2 + 7, Focus Dice (5) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7, Focus Dice (5) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Stamina | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (5) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Focus skill point |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (6) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (6) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (6) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (6) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Initiative | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (6) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (6) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Focus skill point |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (7) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (7) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Pit-Fighter | FURY | FOCUS | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Max Faith = WIS/3 +2 | Select 5 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path | Max Faith = WIS/3 +2 | Max Faith = WIS/3 +2 | Select 5 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path | Select 5 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Wisdom | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Wisdom | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Resolve | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | (+3) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Wisdom | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Intellect | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Resolve | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 11 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 11 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 11 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 11.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 11.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 11.5 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Priest | FAITH | FAITH | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 12 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 12 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 12 | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Vigor Max (n/a) Base Stealth (n/a) |
Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline |
Vigor Max (n/a) | Base Stealth (n/a) | Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills | Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 0.5 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 0.5 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 1 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 1 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Perception | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1.5 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1.5 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 2 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 2 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Avoidance | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 3 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 3 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 4 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 4 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Strength | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 |
(+2) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Avoidance | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 6 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 6 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Perception | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Strength | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 7 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 7 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Ranger | VIGOR | STEALTH | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 |
(+1) Vigor skills (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 | (+1) Vigor skills | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Spirit Max (1d8) Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) |
Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class as Runic Tattoos (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Spirit Max (1d8) | Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) | Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class as Runic Tattoos | (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 0 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (1) |
(+3) Runic Tattoos (+2) Focus skill points |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (1) | (+3) Runic Tattoos | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (2) |
(+3) Runic Tattoos (+2) Focus skill points |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (2) | (+3) Runic Tattoos | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Resolve | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (2) |
(+3) Runic Tattoos (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (2) | (+3) Runic Tattoos | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (3) |
(+3) Runic Tattoos (+2) Focus skill points, Unarmed Alacrity (passive) |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (3) | (+3) Runic Tattoos | (+2) Focus skill points, Unarmed Alacrity (passive) | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (3) |
(+3) Runic Tattoos (+2) Focus skill points |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (3) | (+3) Runic Tattoos | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Agility | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (3) |
(+3) Runic Tattoos (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (3) | (+3) Runic Tattoos | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+3) Runic Tattoos (+2) Focus skill points |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+3) Runic Tattoos | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (4) |
(+3) Runic Tattoos (+2) Focus skill points, One-Against-Many (passive) OR Battle Zen (passive) |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (4) | (+3) Runic Tattoos | (+2) Focus skill points, One-Against-Many (passive) OR Battle Zen (passive) | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Intellect | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+3) Runic Tattoos (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+3) Runic Tattoos | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+3) Runic Tattoos (+2) Focus skill points, Double Reaction (passive) |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (4) | (+3) Runic Tattoos | (+2) Focus skill points, Double Reaction (passive) | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (5) |
(+2) Runic Tattoos (+1) Focus skill point |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+2) Runic Tattoos | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Resolve | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (5) |
(+2) Runic Tattoos (+1) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (5) | (+2) Runic Tattoos | (+1) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (5) |
(+2) Runic Tattoos (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+2) Runic Tattoos | (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 7, Focus Dice (6) |
(+2) Runic Tattoos (+1) Focus skill point |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7, Focus Dice (6) | (+2) Runic Tattoos | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Intellect | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (6) |
(+2) Runic Tattoos (+1) Focus skill point |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (6) | (+2) Runic Tattoos | (+1) Focus skill point |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (6) |
(+2) Runic Tattoos (+1) Focus skill point |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (6) | (+2) Runic Tattoos | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (7) |
(+2) Runic Tattoos (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Runic Tattoos | (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Wisdom | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (7) |
(+2) Runic Tattoos (+1) Focus skill point |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Runic Tattoos | (+1) Focus skill point |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (7) |
(+2) Runic Tattoos (+1) Focus skill point |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Runic Tattoos | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Runeweaver | SPIRIT | FOCUS | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Spirit Max (+1d8) Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) |
(+2) Runic Tattoos (+1) Focus skill point |
Spirit Max (+1d8) | Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) | (+2) Runic Tattoos | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Core Code Only Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) |
Core Code Only | Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue | (+1) Racial Focus skill point | ||
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core Code Only Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (1) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Focus skill points |
Core Code Only | Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (1) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core Code Only Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (1) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Focus skill points |
Core Code Only | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (1) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Resolve | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (2) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Core + Minor Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (2) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (2) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Focus skill points, Unarmed Alacrity (passive) |
Core + Minor Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (2) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Focus skill points, Unarmed Alacrity (passive) | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (2) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Focus skill points |
Core + Minor Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (2) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Stamina | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (3) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Core + Minor Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (3) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (3) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Focus skill points |
Core + Minor Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (3) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (3) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Focus skill points, One-Against-Many (passive) OR Battle Zen (passive) |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (3) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Focus skill points, One-Against-Many (passive) OR Battle Zen (passive) | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Strength | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Focus skill points, Double Reaction (passive) |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (4) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Focus skill points, Double Reaction (passive) | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Focus skill point |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Resolve | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (4) |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (4) | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (5) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 7, Focus Dice (5) |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Focus skill point |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7, Focus Dice (5) | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Initiative | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (5) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Focus skill point |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Focus skill point |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (6) |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Focus skill point |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (6) | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (6) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (6) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Stamina | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (6) |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Focus skill point |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (6) | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Focus skill point |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (7) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Focus skill point |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (7) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Samurai | HONOR | FOCUS | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Focus skill point |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Fury Max (n/a) Spirit Max (1d8) |
Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class |
Fury Max (n/a) | Spirit Max (1d8) | Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills | Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 0 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Stamina | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Strength | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Intellect | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Stamina | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Resolve | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Intellect | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaman | FURY | SPIRIT | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Mastered Spirit Powers | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Max Faith = WIS/3 Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) |
Select 3 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Max Faith = WIS/3 | Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) | Select 3 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path | (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 0 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 0.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (1) |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+2) Focus skill points |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 0.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (1) | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1 Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (2) |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+2) Focus skill points |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (2) | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Agility | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (2) |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (2) | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2 Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (3) |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+2) Focus skill points, Unarmed Alacrity (passive) |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (3) | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Focus skill points, Unarmed Alacrity (passive) | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (3) |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+2) Focus skill points |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (3) | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Resolve | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (3) |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (3) | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+2) Focus skill points |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (4) |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+2) Focus skill points, One-Against-Many (passive) OR Battle Zen (passive) |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (4) | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Focus skill points, One-Against-Many (passive) OR Battle Zen (passive) | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Resolve | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (5) |
(+2) Memorized Faith Powers (+2) Focus skill points, Double Reaction (passive) |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (5) | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | (+2) Focus skill points, Double Reaction (passive) | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (5) |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+1) Focus skill point |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Wisdom | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (5) |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+1) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (5) | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+1) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (6) |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (6) | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 Focus Max = RES/2 + 7, Focus Dice (6) |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+1) Focus skill point |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7, Focus Dice (6) | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Wisdom | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (6) |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+1) Focus skill point |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (6) | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+1) Focus skill point |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (7) |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+1) Focus skill point |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (7) | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (7) |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (7) | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Stamina | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (7) |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+1) Focus skill point |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (7) | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+1) Focus skill point |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (7) |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+1) Focus skill point |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (7) | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Shaolin | FAITH | FOCUS | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) |
(+1) Memorized Faith Powers (+1) Focus skill point |
Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Vigor Max (n/a) | Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills | Vigor Max (n/a) | Vigor Max (n/a) | Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills | Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 +1 | (+4) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 +1 | Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 +1 | (+4) Vigor skills | (+4) Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 1 + 2 | (+4) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 1 + 2 | Vigor Max = STR x 1 + 2 | (+4) Vigor skills | (+4) Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Strength | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 + 3 | (+4) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 + 3 | Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 + 3 | (+4) Vigor skills | (+4) Vigor skills |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 2 + 4 | (+4) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 2 + 4 | Vigor Max = STR x 2 + 4 | (+4) Vigor skills | (+4) Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 + 5 | (+4) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 + 5 | Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 + 5 | (+4) Vigor skills | (+4) Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Strength | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 3 + 6 | (+4) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 3 + 6 | Vigor Max = STR x 3 + 6 | (+4) Vigor skills | (+4) Vigor skills |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 + 7 | (+4) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 + 7 | Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 + 7 | (+4) Vigor skills | (+4) Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 4 + 8 | (+4) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 4 + 8 | Vigor Max = STR x 4 + 8 | (+4) Vigor skills | (+4) Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Initiative | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 + 9 | (+4) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 + 9 | Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 + 9 | (+4) Vigor skills | (+4) Vigor skills |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 5 + 10 | (+4) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 5 + 10 | Vigor Max = STR x 5 + 10 | (+4) Vigor skills | (+4) Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 + 11 | (+2) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 + 11 | Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 + 11 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Stamina | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 + 12 | (+2) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 + 12 | Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 + 12 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Vigor skills |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 +13 | (+2) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 +13 | Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 +13 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 6 + 14 | (+2) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 6 + 14 | Vigor Max = STR x 6 + 14 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Strength | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 + 15 | (+2) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 + 15 | Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 + 15 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Vigor skills |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 + 16 | (+2) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 + 16 | Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 + 16 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 + 17 | (+2) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 + 17 | Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 + 17 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Wisdom | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 7 + 18 | (+2) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 7 + 18 | Vigor Max = STR x 7 + 18 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Vigor skills |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 + 19 | (+2) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 + 19 | Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 + 19 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Soldier | VIGOR | VIGOR | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 + 20 | (+2) Vigor skills | Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 + 20 | Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 + 20 | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Core Code Only Base Stealth (n/a) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline |
Core Code Only | Base Stealth (n/a) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue | Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core Code Only Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 0.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core Code Only | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 0.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core Code Only Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core Code Only | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Avoidance | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 1.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Agility | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Avoidance | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Agility | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Charm | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Charm | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Swashbuckler | HONOR | STEALTH | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+3) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Base Stealth (n/a) | Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline | Base Stealth (n/a) | Base Stealth (n/a) | Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline | Rank1 of 2 Stealth skills from primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 2.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Avoidance | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 3.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 4.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Avoidance | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 5.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Agility | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 6.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 7.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Avoidance | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 8.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Initiative | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 9.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 10.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Wisdom | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 11 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 11 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 11 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 11.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 11.5 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 11.5 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Thief | STEALTH | STEALTH | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 12 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 12 | Base Stealth = AVD/2 + 12 | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | (+4) Stealth skills, min. 1 in primary discipline | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Fury Max (n/a) Core Code Only |
Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue |
Fury Max (n/a) | Core Code Only | Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 Core Code Only |
(+2) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 | Core Code Only | (+2) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 Core Code Only |
(+2) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 | Core Code Only | (+2) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Stamina | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 Core + Minor Codes |
(+2) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 | Core + Minor Codes | (+2) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 Core + Minor Codes |
(+2) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 | Core + Minor Codes | (+2) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 Core + Minor Codes |
(+2) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 | Core + Minor Codes | (+2) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Strength | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 Core + Minor Codes |
(+2) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 | Core + Minor Codes | (+2) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 Core + Minor Codes |
(+2) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 | Core + Minor Codes | (+2) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 Core + Minor Codes |
(+2) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 | Core + Minor Codes | (+2) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Stamina | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 Core + Minor + Great Codes |
(+2) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+2) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 Core + Minor + Great Codes |
(+2) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+2) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 Core + Minor + Great Codes |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Resolve | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 Core + Minor + Great Codes |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 Core + Minor + Great Codes |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 Core + Minor + Great Codes |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Stamina | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 Core + Minor + Great Codes |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 Core + Minor + Great Codes |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 Core + Minor + Great Codes |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Resolve | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 Core + Minor + Great Codes |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 Core + Minor + Great Codes |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | |
Vigilante | FURY | HONOR | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 Core + Minor + Great Codes |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 | Core + Minor + Great Codes | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Fury Max (n/a) Vigor Max (n/a) |
Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills |
Fury Max (n/a) | Vigor Max (n/a) | Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills | Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 | Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 Vigor Max = STR x 1 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 | Vigor Max = STR x 1 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Strength | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 | Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Vigor skills |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 Vigor Max = STR x 2 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 | Vigor Max = STR x 2 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 | Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Stamina | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 Vigor Max = STR x 3 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 | Vigor Max = STR x 3 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Vigor skills |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 | Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 Vigor Max = STR x 4 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 | Vigor Max = STR x 4 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Agility | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 | Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Vigor skills |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 Vigor Max = STR x 5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 | Vigor Max = STR x 5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 | Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Stamina | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 | Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Vigor skills |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 | Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 Vigor Max = STR x 6 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 | Vigor Max = STR x 6 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Strength | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 | Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Vigor skills |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 | Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 | Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Wisdom | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 Vigor Max = STR x 7 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 | Vigor Max = STR x 7 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Vigor skills |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 | Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Warrior | FURY | VIGOR | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Vigor skills |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 | Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Vigor skills | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Vigor Max (n/a) Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) |
Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Vigor Max (n/a) | Focus Max (n/a), Focus Dice (1) | Pick 2 level 0 Vigor skills | (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (1) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Focus skill points |
Vigor Max = STR x 0.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 0.5, Focus Dice (1) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 1 Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (1) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Focus skill points |
Vigor Max = STR x 1 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1, Focus Dice (1) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Resolve | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (2) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Vigor Max = STR x 1.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 1.5, Focus Dice (2) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 2 Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (2) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Focus skill points |
Vigor Max = STR x 2 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2, Focus Dice (2) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (2) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Focus skill points |
Vigor Max = STR x 2.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 2.5, Focus Dice (2) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Perception or Agility | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 3 Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (3) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Vigor Max = STR x 3 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3, Focus Dice (3) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (3) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Focus skill points |
Vigor Max = STR x 3.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 3.5, Focus Dice (3) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Focus skill points | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 4 Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (3) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Focus skill points, One-Against-Many (passive) OR Battle Zen (passive) |
Vigor Max = STR x 4 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4, Focus Dice (3) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Focus skill points, One-Against-Many (passive) OR Battle Zen (passive) | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Strength | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Vigor Max = STR x 4.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 4.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Focus skill points & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+2) Vigor skills (+2) Focus skill points, Double Reaction (passive) |
Vigor Max = STR x 5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5, Focus Dice (4) | (+2) Vigor skills | (+2) Focus skill points, Double Reaction (passive) | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (4) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Vigor Max = STR x 5.3 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 5.5, Focus Dice (4) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Resolve | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (4) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) |
Vigor Max = STR x 5.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6, Focus Dice (4) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Focus skill point, Extra Attack (passive) |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (5) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Vigor Max = STR x 5.8 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 6.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 6 Focus Max = RES/2 + 7, Focus Dice (5) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Vigor Max = STR x 6 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7, Focus Dice (5) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Perception or Agility | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (5) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Vigor Max = STR x 6.3 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 7.5, Focus Dice (5) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Focus skill point |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (5) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Vigor Max = STR x 6.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8, Focus Dice (5) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (6) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point |
Vigor Max = STR x 6.8 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 8.5, Focus Dice (6) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Focus skill point & (+1) Racial Focus skill point | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Strength | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 7 Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (6) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Vigor Max = STR x 7 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9, Focus Dice (6) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Focus skill point |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (6) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Vigor Max = STR x 7.3 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 9.5, Focus Dice (6) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Weapon Master | VIGOR | FOCUS | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) |
(+1) Vigor skills (+1) Focus skill point |
Vigor Max = STR x 7.5 | Focus Max = RES/2 + 10, Focus Dice (7) | (+1) Vigor skills | (+1) Focus skill point | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Core Code Only Spirit Max (1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class |
Core Code Only | Spirit Max (1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue | Gain all Tier 0 powers for your class | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core Code Only Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core Code Only | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core Code Only Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core Code Only | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Intellect | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Initiative | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Wisdom | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+2) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Intellect | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Resolve | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Wisdom | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Oath, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Wizard | HONOR | SPIRIT | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Core + Minor + Great Codes Spirit Max (+1d8) |
(+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers |
Core + Minor + Great Codes | Spirit Max (+1d8) | (+1) Virtue, (+1) Code Skill | (+1) Memorized Spirit Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 0 | n/a | race (+1) class (+1) |
0 | Set equal to STAM | Fury Max (n/a) Max Faith = WIS/3 |
Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills Select 3 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path |
Fury Max (n/a) | Max Faith = WIS/3 | Pick 2 level 0 Fury skills | Select 3 Tier 0 powers from your Faith path | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 1 | 0 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 0.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 0.58 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 0.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 2 | 30 | (+1) | 1 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 0.8 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 3 | 80 | (+1) | Resolve | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.0 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 1.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 4 | 160 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.18 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 5 | 280 | (+1) | 2 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.35 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 2.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 6 | 440 | (+1) | Stamina | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.5 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 7 | 640 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.65 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 3.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 8 | 900 | (+1) | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.8 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 9 | 1,230 | (+1) | Resolve | 3 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 1.94 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 4.5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 10 | 1,640 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 |
(+2) Fury skills (+2) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.08 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5 | (+2) Fury skills | (+2) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 11 | 2,140 | (+1) | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.21 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 5.5 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 12 | 2,750 | (+1) | Stamina | 4 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.35 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 13 | 3,480 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.48 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 6.5 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 14 | 4,350 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.6 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 15 | 5,390 | (+1) | Wisdom | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.73 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 7.5 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 16 | 6,610 | (+1) | 5 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.86 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 17 | 8,030 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 2.98 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 8.5 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 18 | 9,680 | (+1) | Wisdom | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.1 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 19 | 11,590 | (+1) | 6 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd up) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.22 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 9.5 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers | |
Zealot | FURY | FAITH | 20 | 13,780 | (+1) | 7 | Gain HP Dice + STAM/2 (rnd dwn) | Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 |
(+1) Fury skills (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
Fury Max = STAM x 3.34 | Max Faith = WIS/3 + 10 | (+1) Fury skills | (+1) Memorized Faith Powers |
- Re-calculate Vigor Max each level
- Re-calculate Base Stealth each level
- New vigor abilities require training unless they are upgrades (i.e. Offensive Stance -> Improved Offensive Stance), see Learning New Vigor Abilities for details
- New stealth abilities require training unless they are upgrades (i.e. Rank1 Stealth Shot -> Rank2 Stealth Shot), see Learning New Stealth Abilities for details
Specializations are recommended for advanced players only, and are accomplished through the Secondary Skill system (see Specialist Skills). Rangers may choose to specialize their skills in up to one weapon use, one combat style and/or one Stealth discipline, but can not have more than two specializations in total.
- Max one Weapon Specialist skill (choose from: Knives, Swords, Bludgeons, Axes, Bows, Corssbows)
- Max one Combat Specialist skill (choose from: Freehand, Great Weapon, Paired Weapon, Freestyle, Sharp Shooter, Skirmisher, Peltast, Mounted)
- Max one Stealth Specialist skill (choose from the following Stealth Disciplines: Traps, Sabotage, Dirty Fighting, Assassination, Avoidance)
Title System
Rangers Guild
Rangers gain titles based on their rank and standing within an organization of other Rangers, called a Guild. Ranger Guilds are the least clandestine of all Stealth guilds, focusing mostly on training and equipping their members to perform their duties as hired pathfinders, local way watchers, and skilled huntsmen. Being a part of a successful and well respected Rangers guild opens up numerous doors for employment and advancement that would otherwise be challenging for lone Freelancer to attain. When Rangers are deployed in larger numbers they are led in the field by Ranger Captains, or in the case of an entire Guild being mobilized the guilds own Ranger General takes to the field.
The titles awarded by a Rangers Guild are as follows:
Goverance | Class | Title | Level | Qualifications (RAW) | Rewards (RAW) | Qualifications | Rewards |
Guild | Assassin | Recruit | 2 | Must have accepted payment to kill someone; Will almost always be approached to join a guild during or upon completion of first kill, they want their cut, refusal is not a good idea | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; must give guild 80% cut of any payment; access to guild resources, trainers, clients, contacts, spy network, and library of Guild Spirit books | Must have accepted payment to kill someone • Will almost always be approached to join a guild during or upon completion of first kill, they want their cut, refusal is not a good idea |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • must give guild 80% cut of any payment • access to guild resources, trainers, clients, contacts, spy network, and library of Guild Spirit books |
College | Martial Artist | Student | 1 | Be admitted to a dojo or martial arts college; Vow to NOT learn or pratice any style skills beyond what that dojo allows (other than racial); pay membership fees | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point; Deep Meditation (passive); all training costs included in membership | Be admitted to a dojo or martial arts college • Vow to NOT learn or pratice any style skills beyond what that dojo allows (other than racial) • pay membership fees |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point • Deep Meditation (passive) • all training costs included in membership |
Guild | Ranger | Pathfinder | 3 | recruitment into a Rangers Guild; pass a guild test guild; member job quota met | Survival Instincts (passive); +1 Bushcraft Secondary Skill Point; access to guild resources, trainers, and job postings | recruitment into a Rangers Guild • pass a guild test guild • member job quota met |
• Survival Instincts (passive) • +1 Bushcraft Secondary Skill Point • access to guild resources, trainers, and job postings |
Guild | Assassin | Night Stalker | 4 | pass a guild test; guild cut paid in full | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; 75% guild cut; Sneaky (passive) | pass a guild test • guild cut paid in full |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • 75% guild cut • Sneaky (passive) |
Guild | Thief | Novice | 4 | recruitment into a Thieves Guild; must pass a guild test (typically requires pick pocketing a large sum of money over time or a single item of value in a one-time heist); guild member fee up to date | +2 Stealth skill pts; +2 Hit (choice of melee or ranged); Sneaky (passive); access to guild services, shops and trainers | recruitment into a Thieves Guild • must pass a guild test (typically requires pick pocketing a large sum of money over time or a single item of value in a one-time heist) • guild member fee up to date |
• +2 Stealth skill pts • +2 Hit (choice of melee or ranged) • Sneaky (passive) • access to guild services, shops and trainers |
College | Martial Artist | First Degree | 3 | pass the First belt test (usually testing a particular fighting style); Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial); pay membership fees | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point; If not already trained, gain Rank 1 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college; +1 Combat Specialist Skill Point | pass the First belt test (usually testing a particular fighting style) • Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial) • pay membership fees |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point • If not already trained, gain Rank 1 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college • +1 Combat Specialist Skill Point |
Guild | Ranger | Waywatcher | 5 | pass a guild test guild; member job quota met | Sneaky (passive); +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point | pass a guild test guild • member job quota met |
• Sneaky (passive) • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point |
Outlaw | Assassin | Spell Thief | 1-20 | take on work outside of the authority of a Guild, either because of not belonging to one, having been kicked out, or caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues | With the exception of guild resources, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Spell Thief; No access to Guild Spirit Books, therefore cannot learn new powers in the same way as other Assassins; Instead gain Steal Power (Sanctioned use of Tier0 Spirit Power) which replaces Memorize Power; Mage Wardens and Assassins may be competing for your head | take on work outside of the authority of a Guild, either because of not belonging to one, having been kicked out, or caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues | • With the exception of guild resources, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Spell Thief • No access to Guild Spirit Books, therefore cannot learn new powers in the same way as other Assassins • Instead gain Steal Power (Sanctioned use of Tier0 Spirit Power) which replaces Memorize Power • Mage Wardens and Assassins may be competing for your head |
Renown | Barbarian | Combatant | 3 | recognition of fighting prowess by 5+ fighting men and/or women; must have fought and won against a worthy opponent in single combat | +3 Melee Hit; +1 Weapon Specialist Skill Point | recognition of fighting prowess by 5+ fighting men and/or women • must have fought and won against a worthy opponent in single combat |
• +3 Melee Hit • +1 Weapon Specialist Skill Point |
Renown | Barbarian | Battleborn | 6 | recognition of fighting prowess by 50+ fighting men and/or women; Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation; must have fought and won against at least four worthy opponents simultaneously without any assistance | +1 Melee Damage; Heroism (passive); +1 Brute Secondary Skill Point | recognition of fighting prowess by 50+ fighting men and/or women • Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation • must have fought and won against at least four worthy opponents simultaneously without any assistance |
• +1 Melee Damage • Heroism (passive) • +1 Brute Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Barbarian | Slayer | 9 | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have fought and won against a larger and/or much more powerful opponent in single combat; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +3% Melee Crit; Thrill Seeker (passive); Fury cost for all Slayer discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have fought and won against a larger and/or much more powerful opponent in single combat • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +3% Melee Crit • Thrill Seeker (passive) • Fury cost for all Slayer discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact |
Renown | Barbarian | Champion | 9 | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have been chosen to fight and/or complete a mission/quest for your tribe/clan (or other similar societal group), and been successful in complete the task.; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +1 Stamina; Challenge (passive); Fury cost for all Bulwark discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have been chosen to fight and/or complete a mission/quest for your tribe/clan (or other similar societal group), and been successful in complete the task. • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +1 Stamina • Challenge (passive) • Fury cost for all Bulwark discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact |
Renown | Barbarian | Warmaster | 9 | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have fought and won in a larger scale battle while outnumbered or against overwhelming odds; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +1 Melee Damage; Survival Instincts (passive); Fury cost for all Havoc discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have fought and won in a larger scale battle while outnumbered or against overwhelming odds • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +1 Melee Damage • Survival Instincts (passive) • Fury cost for all Havoc discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact |
Renown | Barbarian | Ragecaller | 9 | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have fought and won a battle without directly attacking anyone, using only fervor skills; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +5 Melee Hit; Mindless Rage (passive); Fury cost for all Fervor discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have fought and won a battle without directly attacking anyone, using only fervor skills • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +5 Melee Hit • Mindless Rage (passive) • Fury cost for all Fervor discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact |
Renown | Barbarian | Warlord | 13 | recognition of fighting prowess by 5000+ fighting men and/or women; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have lead an army of some kind in a succession of victories, while fighting in the front lines | +5 Max Fury; +1 Melee Damage; +1 Secondary Skill point (choose one): Battle Veteran, Commander, or Military Training | recognition of fighting prowess by 5000+ fighting men and/or women • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have lead an army of some kind in a succession of victories, while fighting in the front lines |
• +5 Max Fury • +1 Melee Damage • +1 Secondary Skill point (choose one): Battle Veteran, Commander, or Military Training |
Renown | Barbarian | Conqueror | 17 | recognition of fighting prowess by 50000+ fighting men and/or women; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have conquered something of note or toppled a well known institution or power | +10 Max Fury; +1 Melee damage; Legendary Action (passive) | recognition of fighting prowess by 50000+ fighting men and/or women • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have conquered something of note or toppled a well known institution or power |
• +10 Max Fury • +1 Melee damage • Legendary Action (passive) |
College | Battlemage | Apprentice | 2 | find an undermage or higher to sponsor you | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; Spirit Echo (passive) | find an undermage or higher to sponsor you | • Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • Spirit Echo (passive) |
College | Battlemage | Spellsword | 4 | find a master mage or higher and an instructor to sponsor you; join a particular college/school of magic | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +1 to cast with Spirit powers; +1% melee crit; free Weapon Training of your choice; often commissioned to act as body guards for high profile mages | find a master mage or higher and an instructor to sponsor you • join a particular college/school of magic |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +1 to cast with Spirit powers • +1% melee crit • free Weapon Training of your choice • often commissioned to act as body guards for high profile mages |
College | Battlemage | Warmage | 7 | find a headmaster or higher and an instructor to sponsor you; pass a battlemage test | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +1 to cast with Spirit powers; +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point; college will often hire you out as a sort of artillery piece in pitched battles | find a headmaster or higher and an instructor to sponsor you • pass a battlemage test |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +1 to cast with Spirit powers • +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point • college will often hire you out as a sort of artillery piece in pitched battles |
College | Battlemage | Mage Warden | 11 | find a headmaster or higher and an Instructor or High Curator to sponsor you; pass a battlemage test | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; +1 % melee crit; Nullify Magic (passive); regularly responsible for hunting anyone suspected of breaking the Laws of Magic | find a headmaster or higher and an Instructor or High Curator to sponsor you • pass a battlemage test |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • +1 % melee crit • Nullify Magic (passive) • regularly responsible for hunting anyone suspected of breaking the Laws of Magic |
College | Battlemage | Chief Warden | 15 | a Mage warden that is promoted to a command position by the High Curator; must still pass a battlemage test though often it is waived in lieu of field experience; mutually exclusive with Instructor Title | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +3 Vigor max; answer directly to the High Curator; usually commands a Squadron of Mage Wardens and/or presides over a Mage Prison | a Mage warden that is promoted to a command position by the High Curator • must still pass a battlemage test though often it is waived in lieu of field experience • mutually exclusive with Instructor Title |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +3 Vigor max • answer directly to the High Curator • usually commands a Squadron of Mage Wardens and/or presides over a Mage Prison |
College | Battlemage | Instructor | 15 | appointed by council of headmasters or an Archmage; must pass a battlemage test; must teach at a college’s battlemage wing; mutually exclusive with Warden Captain Title | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +3 Vigor max; answer to the headmaster of the college where teaching but also to own High Curator | appointed by council of headmasters or an Archmage • must pass a battlemage test • must teach at a college’s battlemage wing • mutually exclusive with Warden Captain Title |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +3 Vigor max • answer to the headmaster of the college where teaching but also to own High Curator |
College | Battlemage | High Curator | 18 | defeat the High Curator associated with your college and strip them of their power; only one High Curator for each School of Spirit Powers | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +5 Vigor max; +1 to cast with Spirit powers; supreme commander of the Mage Wardens; answers to no one, not even the Archmage | defeat the High Curator associated with your college and strip them of their power • only one High Curator for each School of Spirit Powers |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +5 Vigor max • +1 to cast with Spirit powers • supreme commander of the Mage Wardens • answers to no one, not even the Archmage |
Outlaw | Battlemage | Sorcerer | n/a | Must follow a single School of Spirit powers, but choose to do so outside of the control or confines of a Mage College (could be intentional or out of ignorance) | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Sorcerer; Do need to adhere to College laws regarding sanctioned used of Tiers of power but, do not recieve any benefits related to colleges; Will still be hunted by Mage Wardens if found to be taking on apprentices | Must follow a single School of Spirit powers, but choose to do so outside of the control or confines of a Mage College (could be intentional or out of ignorance) | • Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Sorcerer • Do need to adhere to College laws regarding sanctioned used of Tiers of power but, do not recieve any benefits related to colleges • Will still be hunted by Mage Wardens if found to be taking on apprentices |
Outlaw | Battlemage | Renegade | n/a | Rejection or ignorance of the authority of the Mage Colleges; Learning powers from multiple schools | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Renegade; may learn powers from any School of Spirit Powers; will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens | Rejection or ignorance of the authority of the Mage Colleges • Learning powers from multiple schools |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Renegade • may learn powers from any School of Spirit Powers • will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens |
Rite | Berserker | Wildborne | 3 | Rite of the Wildborne:; must kill a Beast with a threat rating between 2-3 (typically with your bare hands), eat its heart and then wear its skin (See Primal Faith: Beast Calling for list of Lesser Beasts) | +1 Fury Max; Survival Instincts (passive) | Rite of the Wildborne: • must kill a Beast with a threat rating between 2-3 (typically with your bare hands), eat its heart and then wear its skin (See Primal Faith: Beast Calling for list of Lesser Beasts) |
• +1 Fury Max • Survival Instincts (passive) |
Rite | Berserker | Bloodsworn | 6 | Rite of the Bloodsworn:; Must pledge yourself to a cause or a figure head signified in a ceremonial shedding of your own blood | +2 Fury Max; Bathe-in-Blood (passive); +1 Brute Secondary Skill Point | Rite of the Bloodsworn: • Must pledge yourself to a cause or a figure head signified in a ceremonial shedding of your own blood |
• +2 Fury Max • Bathe-in-Blood (passive) • +1 Brute Secondary Skill Point |
Rite | Berserker | Predator | 9 | Rite of the Predator:; must kill a Beast with a threat rating between 4-5 (typically with your bare hands) eat its heart and then wear its skin (See Primal Faith: Beast Calling for list of Greater Beasts) | +3 Fury Max; +1% melee Crit; Thrill Seeker (passive) | Rite of the Predator: • must kill a Beast with a threat rating between 4-5 (typically with your bare hands) eat its heart and then wear its skin (See Primal Faith: Beast Calling for list of Greater Beasts) |
• +3 Fury Max • +1% melee Crit • Thrill Seeker (passive) |
Rite | Berserker | Masochist | 13 | Rite of the Masochist:; must willingly submit yourself to be beaten near to death must suffering at least a Serious Injury | +3 Fury Max; +1% melee Crit | Rite of the Masochist: • must willingly submit yourself to be beaten near to death must suffering at least a Serious Injury |
• +3 Fury Max • +1% melee Crit |
Rite | Berserker | Apex Predator | 17 | Rite of the Apex Predator:; must kill a Beast with a threat rating of 6 or higher (typically with your bare hands), eat its heart and then wear its skin (See Primal Faith: Beast Calling for list of Superior Beasts) | +4 Fury Max; +1 Advantage on Stealth tests; +1% melee Crit; | Rite of the Apex Predator: • must kill a Beast with a threat rating of 6 or higher (typically with your bare hands), eat its heart and then wear its skin (See Primal Faith: Beast Calling for list of Superior Beasts) |
• +4 Fury Max • +1 Advantage on Stealth tests • +1% melee Crit • |
Outlaw | Berserker | Savage | n/a | Neglect or refuse the Rite of the Bloodsworn | At level 6 gain Mindless Rage (passive); all other Title Rewards are ignored | Neglect or refuse the Rite of the Bloodsworn | • At level 6 gain Mindless Rage (passive) • all other Title Rewards are ignored |
Renown | Cleric | Believer | 1 | profess unrelenting belief in a Known/Accepted Faith; witnessed by a T4 or higher Faith class belonging to the same Faith | Sacred Text (typically gifted by whomever led them to believe) | profess unrelenting belief in a Known/Accepted Faith • witnessed by a T4 or higher Faith class belonging to the same Faith |
• Sacred Text (typically gifted by whomever led them to believe) |
Renown | Cleric | Disciple | 3 | recognition by 5+ people; must spend a significant amount of time learning about your faith from a more experienced individual | +1 to cast with Faith powers; Lay on Hands (passive) | recognition by 5+ people • must spend a significant amount of time learning about your faith from a more experienced individual |
• +1 to cast with Faith powers • Lay on Hands (passive) |
Renown | Cleric | Preacher/Minister | 6 | recognition by 50+ people; Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation; must have converted one or more people to your faith | +1 to cast with Faith powers; Rousing Sermon (passive); +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point | recognition by 50+ people • Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation • must have converted one or more people to your faith |
• +1 to cast with Faith powers • Rousing Sermon (passive) • +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Cleric | Chaplain | 9 | recognition by 500+ people; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have served or be currently serving attached to an institution or unit of some kind (i.e. a prison, government body, a military unit, a royal household, an expedition, a remote tribe/colony, etc…) | +1 to cast with Faith powers; +1% melee crit; Call of the Faithful (passive) | recognition by 500+ people • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have served or be currently serving attached to an institution or unit of some kind (i.e. a prison, government body, a military unit, a royal household, an expedition, a remote tribe/colony, etc…) |
• +1 to cast with Faith powers • +1% melee crit • Call of the Faithful (passive) |
Renown | Cleric | Apostle | 13 | recognition by 5000+ people; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have established/installed your particular faith in a foreign land at a local level (tribe, colony, village etc…) | +3 Vigor max; +1 to cast with Faith powers | recognition by 5000+ people • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have established/installed your particular faith in a foreign land at a local level (tribe, colony, village etc…) |
• +3 Vigor max • +1 to cast with Faith powers |
Renown | Cleric | Prime Apostle | 17 | recognition by 50000+; people Revered or Hated common reputation; must have established/installed your particular faith in a foreign land at a regional level (city-state, province, etc…) | +5 Vigor max; +1 to cast with Faith powers; +1% melee crit | recognition by 50000+ • people Revered or Hated common reputation • must have established/installed your particular faith in a foreign land at a regional level (city-state, province, etc…) |
• +5 Vigor max • +1 to cast with Faith powers • +1% melee crit |
Outlaw | Cleric | Heretic | 1-20 | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed; often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic; can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you; will be pursued by Witch Hunters | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed • often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you • will be pursued by Witch Hunters |
Rite | Druid | Initiate | 1 | (No Rite required) Profess unrelenting belief & faith in a particular (Druidic) religion witnessed by a Witness or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; Sacred Text; Survival Instincts (passive); gain entry into a Conclave | (No Rite required) Profess unrelenting belief & faith in a particular (Druidic) religion witnessed by a Witness or higher | • Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • Sacred Text • Survival Instincts (passive) • gain entry into a Conclave |
Rite | Druid | Witness | 4 | Rite of the Witness: stand in silent observation of a Druidic ritual being performed by a Conclave | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers | Rite of the Witness: stand in silent observation of a Druidic ritual being performed by a Conclave | • Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers |
Rite | Druid | Ritualist | 7 | Rite of the Ritualist: actively participate in some aspect of a Druidic ritual performed by a Conclave | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers; +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point | Rite of the Ritualist: actively participate in some aspect of a Druidic ritual performed by a Conclave | • Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point |
Rite | Druid | Augur | 10 | Rite of the Augur: deprived of senses and tested by the Conclave to see if they have or will develop the gift of Foresight | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers; Foresight (passive) | Rite of the Augur: deprived of senses and tested by the Conclave to see if they have or will develop the gift of Foresight | • Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers • Foresight (passive) |
Rite | Druid | Oracle | 14 | Rite of the Oracle: deliver a prophecy that is verified by the Conclave to have come to pass; Must serve Conclave on semi-regular basis | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers; Prophecy (passive) | Rite of the Oracle: deliver a prophecy that is verified by the Conclave to have come to pass • Must serve Conclave on semi-regular basis |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers • Prophecy (passive) |
Rite | Druid | Chief Druid | 17 | Rite of the Chief Druid: undergo a sacred rite (particular to each Conclave) to test your wisdom and understanding of the Spirit world; typically only one Chief druid for a particular Conclave of druids | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers; Leadership over an entire Conclave | Rite of the Chief Druid: undergo a sacred rite (particular to each Conclave) to test your wisdom and understanding of the Spirit world • typically only one Chief druid for a particular Conclave of druids |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers • Leadership over an entire Conclave |
Rite | Druid | Arch Druid | 19 | Rite of the Arch Druid: Gain the respect and approval of multiple Druidic Conclaves (often requiring that you complete a sacred rite particular to each Conclave); Arch Druids are very rare and typically transcend allegiance to a single conclave (most conclaves won't have one) | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; Authority transcending any one conclave | Rite of the Arch Druid: Gain the respect and approval of multiple Druidic Conclaves (often requiring that you complete a sacred rite particular to each Conclave) • Arch Druids are very rare and typically transcend allegiance to a single conclave (most conclaves won't have one) |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • Authority transcending any one conclave |
Outlaw | Druid | Hermit | 1-20 | Not part of a Druidic Conclave, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out; still adhere to a particular Druidic Faith Path (and paired School of Spirit Powers) | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hermit; +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point (unless already awarded from the Rite of the Ritualist); must live in isolation from other Druids and usually society as a whole | Not part of a Druidic Conclave, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out • still adhere to a particular Druidic Faith Path (and paired School of Spirit Powers) |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hermit • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point (unless already awarded from the Rite of the Ritualist) • must live in isolation from other Druids and usually society as a whole |
Outlaw | Druid | Witchdoctor | 1-20 | Not part of a Druidic Conclave, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out; do not adhere to a particular Druidic Faith Path (and paired School of Spirit Powers) | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witchdoctor; +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point (unless already awarded from the Rite of the Ritualist); can use any Faith or Spirit powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); will be shunned by other Druids and hunted by both Mage Wardens and Witch Hunters | Not part of a Druidic Conclave, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out • do not adhere to a particular Druidic Faith Path (and paired School of Spirit Powers) |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witchdoctor • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point (unless already awarded from the Rite of the Ritualist) • can use any Faith or Spirit powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • will be shunned by other Druids and hunted by both Mage Wardens and Witch Hunters |
Renown | Guardian | My Brothers Keeper | 1 | Pledge yourself to the Guardian’s (Core) Code: My Brother's Keeper; | Gain Core Code: My Brother's Keeper | Pledge yourself to the Guardian’s (Core) Code: My Brother's Keeper • |
• Gain Core Code: My Brother's Keeper |
Renown | Guardian | Citizen-Soldier | 3 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; recognition by 5+ people; must be an upstanding citizen of a particular city/region | Gain 1st Minor Code; '+1 Occupational Secondary Skill Point | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • recognition by 5+ people • must be an upstanding citizen of a particular city/region |
• Gain 1st Minor Code • '+1 Occupational Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Guardian | Sworn Shield | 6 | recognition by 50+ people; Friendly common reputation must have been sworn into the service of another individual as a personal bodyguard for a significant period of time | Shield Master (passive); +1 Bodyguard Secondary Skill Point | recognition by 50+ people • Friendly common reputation must have been sworn into the service of another individual as a personal bodyguard for a significant period of time |
• Shield Master (passive) • +1 Bodyguard Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Guardian | Hoplite | 9 | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor code) of your choice; recognition by 500+ people; Honored common reputation; must have won a battle while in fighting in a close combat formation with other allies (i.e. Phalanx, Shield wall, etc… ) | Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code; Shield Brace (passive) | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor code) of your choice • recognition by 500+ people • Honored common reputation • must have won a battle while in fighting in a close combat formation with other allies (i.e. Phalanx, Shield wall, etc… ) |
• Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code • Shield Brace (passive) |
Renown | Guardian | Praetorian | 13 | recognition by 5000+ people; Revered common reputation; must have served or be currently serving as a bodyguard/household guard of a high profile individual | +3 Vigor Max; +3 Melee & Ranged Hit | recognition by 5000+ people • Revered common reputation • must have served or be currently serving as a bodyguard/household guard of a high profile individual |
• +3 Vigor Max • +3 Melee & Ranged Hit |
Renown | Guardian | Living Legend | 17 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; recognition by 50000+ people; Revered common reputation; one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation | Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code; +5 Vigor max; Legendary Action (passive) | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • recognition by 50000+ people • Revered common reputation • one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation |
• Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code • +5 Vigor max • Legendary Action (passive) |
Order, Initial | Knight | Squire | 1 | Pledge yourself to the (Core) Code of the Knighthood: Chivalry; must be serving/training under a Knight with a rank of Foot Knight or higher (or a Hedge Knight of level 6 or higher) | Gain Core Code: Chivalry; +1 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Salute (passive); May join a Knightly Order | Pledge yourself to the (Core) Code of the Knighthood: Chivalry • must be serving/training under a Knight with a rank of Foot Knight or higher (or a Hedge Knight of level 6 or higher) |
• Gain Core Code: Chivalry • +1 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Salute (passive) • May join a Knightly Order |
Order, Initial | Knight | Armsman | 3 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; promoted by a higher ranking night (Minimum Knight Regular or Knight Errant); must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight (or a Hedge Knight of level 8 or higher) | Gain 1st Minor Code; '+1 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Free Weapon Training of your choice; +1 Combat Specialist Skill Point | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • promoted by a higher ranking night (Minimum Knight Regular or Knight Errant) • must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight (or a Hedge Knight of level 8 or higher) |
• Gain 1st Minor Code • '+1 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Free Weapon Training of your choice • +1 Combat Specialist Skill Point |
Order, Initial | Knight | Foot Knight | 5 | complete a quest or mission, sponsored by a higher ranking Knight; Knighted by the leader of your Order/Chapter House or a Liege-lord; must take the oath(s) of your order; must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight | +1 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Free Armor Training of your choice; +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point; May put Sir or Dame in front of name; may take a Squire in your service; may ride in Knightly Tournaments but not in true combat | complete a quest or mission, sponsored by a higher ranking Knight • Knighted by the leader of your Order/Chapter House or a Liege-lord • must take the oath(s) of your order • must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight |
• +1 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Free Armor Training of your choice • +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point • May put Sir or Dame in front of name • may take a Squire in your service • may ride in Knightly Tournaments but not in true combat |
Order, Military | Knight | Knight Regular | 7 | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (either Leader of Men or Conquest); promoted by a commanding officer (Cavalier or Higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign; must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight | Gain a Great Code: Leader of Men or Conquest; Granted the “Spurs of the Order” which signifies the right to ride in true combat (without losing honor); +1 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; +1 Secondary Skill Point in mounted Combat; may command a Squadron of up to 10 Foot Knights (must be unmounted); may take an Armsman in your service | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (either Leader of Men or Conquest) • promoted by a commanding officer (Cavalier or Higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign • must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight |
• Gain a Great Code: Leader of Men or Conquest • Granted the “Spurs of the Order” which signifies the right to ride in true combat (without losing honor) • +1 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • +1 Secondary Skill Point in mounted Combat • may command a Squadron of up to 10 Foot Knights (must be unmounted) • may take an Armsman in your service |
Order, Military | Knight | Cavalier | 10 | promoted by a commanding officer (Knight Captain or higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign; must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Mounted Exemplar (passive); may command a Cadre of up to 5 Knight Regulars or Company of up to 5 Squadrons of Foot Knights | promoted by a commanding officer (Knight Captain or higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign • must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Mounted Exemplar (passive) • may command a Cadre of up to 5 Knight Regulars or Company of up to 5 Squadrons of Foot Knights |
Order, Military | Knight | Knight Captain | 12 | promoted by a commanding officer (Knight Templar or higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign; must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Tactical Prowess (passive); may command an Echelon of up to 5 Cadres of Knights or Battalion of up to 4 Companies of Foot Knights | promoted by a commanding officer (Knight Templar or higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign • must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Tactical Prowess (passive) • may command an Echelon of up to 5 Cadres of Knights or Battalion of up to 4 Companies of Foot Knights |
Order, Military | Knight | Knight Templar | 14 | promoted by a commanding officer (Knight Marshal or higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign; must be serving/training under a Knight Marshal | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; may command a Regiment of up to 5 Echelons of Knights or 5 Battalions of Foot Knights; may run a Chapter House within a larger Knightly Order; may perform Knighting and anointing ceremonies | promoted by a commanding officer (Knight Marshal or higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign • must be serving/training under a Knight Marshal |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • may command a Regiment of up to 5 Echelons of Knights or 5 Battalions of Foot Knights • may run a Chapter House within a larger Knightly Order • may perform Knighting and anointing ceremonies |
Order, Military | Knight | Knight Marshal | 16 | Pledge yourself to a second Minor Code of your choice; promoted by Knightlord or Liege-lord, typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign; serving/training under a Knightlord or Liege-Lord of some kind; usually only one unless Order is very large | Gain 2nd Minor Code; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; may command a Division of up to 5 Regiments; Right hand of the Knightlord, often acting in his/her place in the field | Pledge yourself to a second Minor Code of your choice • promoted by Knightlord or Liege-lord, typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign • serving/training under a Knightlord or Liege-Lord of some kind • usually only one unless Order is very large |
• Gain 2nd Minor Code • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • may command a Division of up to 5 Regiments • Right hand of the Knightlord, often acting in his/her place in the field |
Order, Military | Knight | Knightlord | 18 | usually appointed by Liege-lord or previous Knightlord; previous Knightlord must be either retired or dead; can only be one Knightlord per order | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Authority over an entire Knightly Order, total veto | usually appointed by Liege-lord or previous Knightlord • previous Knightlord must be either retired or dead • can only be one Knightlord per order |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Authority over an entire Knightly Order, total veto |
Order, Questing | Knight | Knight Errant | 7 | Pledge yourself to the Sacred Quest Great Code; complete a minor quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Cavalier, Anointed Knight or other higher ranking Knight | Gain a Great Code: Sacred Quest; Granted the “Spurs of the Order” which signifies the right to ride in true combat (without losing honor); +1 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; +1 Secondary Skill Point in mounted Combat; may take an Armsman in your service; released from obligations of military service to instead wander in search of a sacred or noble quest | Pledge yourself to the Sacred Quest Great Code • complete a minor quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Cavalier, Anointed Knight or other higher ranking Knight |
• Gain a Great Code: Sacred Quest • Granted the “Spurs of the Order” which signifies the right to ride in true combat (without losing honor) • +1 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • +1 Secondary Skill Point in mounted Combat • may take an Armsman in your service • released from obligations of military service to instead wander in search of a sacred or noble quest |
Order, Questing | Knight | Anointed Knight | 10 | complete a minor quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Knight Captain, Questing Knight or other higher ranking Knight; anointed by the leader of your Order/Chapter House, a Liege-lord, or a Relic Knight/Venerable Knight/Knight of Legend | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Anointed Virtue (passive) | complete a minor quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Knight Captain, Questing Knight or other higher ranking Knight • anointed by the leader of your Order/Chapter House, a Liege-lord, or a Relic Knight/Venerable Knight/Knight of Legend |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Anointed Virtue (passive) |
Order, Questing | Knight | Questing Knight | 12 | complete a minor quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Knight Templar, Relic Knight or other higher ranking Knight; accept a major quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Knight Templar, Relic Knight or higher ranking Knight (typically this quest will run the duration of their time as Questing Knight and is most often tied to the recovery of an lost relic of significant to the Order) | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point | complete a minor quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Knight Templar, Relic Knight or other higher ranking Knight • accept a major quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Knight Templar, Relic Knight or higher ranking Knight (typically this quest will run the duration of their time as Questing Knight and is most often tied to the recovery of an lost relic of significant to the Order) |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point |
Order, Questing | Knight | Relic Knight | 14 | recover and/or secure a relic of significance to the Order, as recognized by a Knight Marshal, Venerable Knight or other higher ranking Knight; must also have completed the major quest accepted as a Questing Knight if it was unrelated to a relic | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; granted resources by the Order for the commissioning of a Reliquary (a container for the Relic); may personally wield the Relic if the need arises; Relic Defender (passive); may perform Knighting and anointing ceremonies | recover and/or secure a relic of significance to the Order, as recognized by a Knight Marshal, Venerable Knight or other higher ranking Knight • must also have completed the major quest accepted as a Questing Knight if it was unrelated to a relic |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • granted resources by the Order for the commissioning of a Reliquary (a container for the Relic) • may personally wield the Relic if the need arises • Relic Defender (passive) • may perform Knighting and anointing ceremonies |
Order, Questing | Knight | Venerable Knight | 16 | Pledge yourself to a second Minor Code of your choice; faithful service in the defense and safeguarding of their relic, as recognized by a Knightlord (and/or Liege-Lord) or Knight of Legend | Gain 2nd Minor Code; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; granted resources by the Order to build a stronghold or other such defensive structure to protect their Reliquary | Pledge yourself to a second Minor Code of your choice • faithful service in the defense and safeguarding of their relic, as recognized by a Knightlord (and/or Liege-Lord) or Knight of Legend |
• Gain 2nd Minor Code • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • granted resources by the Order to build a stronghold or other such defensive structure to protect their Reliquary |
Order, Questing | Knight | Knight of Legend | 18 | your deeds must be known far and wide, your story recorded and enshrined in the sacred texts of your Order | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point | your deeds must be known far and wide, your story recorded and enshrined in the sacred texts of your Order | • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point |
Outlaw | Knight | Hedge Knight | 1-20 | Having never sworn Oaths to a specific Knightly Order; and/or have not pledged themselves to the service of a Liege Lord (or having been released from an Oath); must still uphold the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order); With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hedge Knight; Can follow any Codes available to Knights that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code); Looked down upon by “real” Knights; At level 6: may take a Squire into your service; At level 8: may take an Armsman; At level 8: may ride in tournaments, but may not mounted in real combat without losing honor | Having never sworn Oaths to a specific Knightly Order • and/or have not pledged themselves to the service of a Liege Lord (or having been released from an Oath) • must still uphold the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class |
• Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order) • With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hedge Knight • Can follow any Codes available to Knights that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) • Looked down upon by “real” Knights • At level 6: may take a Squire into your service • At level 8: may take an Armsman • At level 8: may ride in tournaments, but may not mounted in real combat without losing honor |
Outlaw | Knight | Oathbroken | 1-20 | Intentional rejection of the authority of a Liege Lord and/or Knightly Order; And/or breaking of the Oaths that bind you to a Liege Lord and/or Knightly Order | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order); With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken); Can follow any Codes available to Knights that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code); May no longer use Honor Oaths; Barred from any Knightly tournament; Despised and rejected by other Knights; No self respecting squire or armsman would ever serve you | Intentional rejection of the authority of a Liege Lord and/or Knightly Order • And/or breaking of the Oaths that bind you to a Liege Lord and/or Knightly Order |
• Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order) • With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken) • Can follow any Codes available to Knights that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) • May no longer use Honor Oaths • Barred from any Knightly tournament • Despised and rejected by other Knights • No self respecting squire or armsman would ever serve you |
College | Mage(Full) | Apprentice | 1 | find an undermage or higher to sponsor you | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; Spirit Echo (passive) | find an undermage or higher to sponsor you | • Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • Spirit Echo (passive) |
College | Mage(Full) | Entered Apprentice | 3 | find a master mage or higher to sponsor you; join a particular college of magic | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power | find a master mage or higher to sponsor you • join a particular college of magic |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power |
College | Mage(Full) | Apprentice Adept | 5 | find a master mage or higher to sponsor you; prove that you are an especially skilled, respected, or trustworthy apprentice | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point | find a master mage or higher to sponsor you • prove that you are an especially skilled, respected, or trustworthy apprentice |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point |
College | Mage(Full) | Undermage | 8 | find a headmaster or higher to sponsor you; pass a mage test | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +6 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; Volatile Magic (passive); may take on an apprentice | find a headmaster or higher to sponsor you • pass a mage test |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +6 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • Volatile Magic (passive) • may take on an apprentice |
College | Mage(Full) | Master Mage | 12 | find a headmaster or higher to sponsor you; pass a mage test | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +5 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; may take multiple apprentices; may teach at a Mage College | find a headmaster or higher to sponsor you • pass a mage test |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +5 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • may take multiple apprentices • may teach at a Mage College |
College | Mage(Full) | Eldermage | 15 | must pass a mage test, regardless (or often in spite of) sponsorship; mutual exclusive with Headmaster title | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +3 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; can no longer teach at a mage college or take on apprentices | must pass a mage test, regardless (or often in spite of) sponsorship • mutual exclusive with Headmaster title |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +3 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • can no longer teach at a mage college or take on apprentices |
College | Mage(Full) | Head Master | 15 | appointed by a council of headmasters (or an archmage) ; must pass a mage test; must have spent time teaching at a Mage College; mutually exclusive with Eldermage | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +3 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; The authority, rights, and privileges accorded to the headmaster of a mage college | appointed by a council of headmasters (or an archmage) • must pass a mage test • must have spent time teaching at a Mage College • mutually exclusive with Eldermage |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +3 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • The authority, rights, and privileges accorded to the headmaster of a mage college |
College | Mage(Full) | Archmage | 17 | defeat the Archmage associated with your college and strip them of their power; typically only one Archmage for each School of Spirit Powers in a large region (i.e. continent) | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; may learn Ultimate spirit powers where applicable; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; authority over one or more colleges of the same type can appoint head masters directly (over ruling council of headmasters) | defeat the Archmage associated with your college and strip them of their power • typically only one Archmage for each School of Spirit Powers in a large region (i.e. continent) |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • may learn Ultimate spirit powers where applicable • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • authority over one or more colleges of the same type can appoint head masters directly (over ruling council of headmasters) |
Outlaw | Mage(Full) | Sorcerer | n/a | Must follow a single School of Spirit powers, but choose to do so outside of the control or confines of a Mage College (could be intentional or out of ignorance) | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Sorcerer; Do need to adhere to College laws regarding sanctioned used of Tiers of power but, do not recieve any benefits related to colleges; Will still be hunted by Mage Wardens if found to be taking on apprentices | Must follow a single School of Spirit powers, but choose to do so outside of the control or confines of a Mage College (could be intentional or out of ignorance) | • Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Sorcerer • Do need to adhere to College laws regarding sanctioned used of Tiers of power but, do not recieve any benefits related to colleges • Will still be hunted by Mage Wardens if found to be taking on apprentices |
Outlaw | Mage(Full) | Renegade | n/a | Rejection or ignorance of the authority of the Mage Colleges; Learning powers from multiple schools | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Renegade; may learn powers from any School of Spirit Powers; will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens | Rejection or ignorance of the authority of the Mage Colleges • Learning powers from multiple schools |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Renegade • may learn powers from any School of Spirit Powers • will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens |
College | Martial Artist | Second Degree | 6 | pass the Second belt test (usually tests one-on-one combat); Maintain vow to NOT learn any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial); pay membership fees | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point; If not already trained, gain Rank 2 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college; +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point | pass the Second belt test (usually tests one-on-one combat) • Maintain vow to NOT learn any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial) • pay membership fees |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point • If not already trained, gain Rank 2 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college • +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point |
College | Martial Artist | Third Degree | 9 | pass the Third belt test (usually testing ability to take on multiple opponents); Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial); pay membership fees | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Damage; +1 Focus Skill Point; If not already trained, gain Rank 3 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college; | pass the Third belt test (usually testing ability to take on multiple opponents) • Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial) • pay membership fees |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Damage • +1 Focus Skill Point • If not already trained, gain Rank 3 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college • |
College | Martial Artist | Sensei | 12 | defeat a Sensei in a non-lethal Martial Arts duel; Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial); appointed by the Osensei if still living (otherwise by a Daisensei); pay membership fees | +3 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point; If not already trained, gain Rank 4 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college (can exceed normal max rank); MUST teach at a dojo or martial arts college | defeat a Sensei in a non-lethal Martial Arts duel • Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial) • appointed by the Osensei if still living (otherwise by a Daisensei) • pay membership fees |
• +3 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point • If not already trained, gain Rank 4 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college (can exceed normal max rank) • MUST teach at a dojo or martial arts college |
College | Martial Artist | Daisensei | 15 | appointed by the Osensei if still living (otherwise compete with another Sensei); Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial); pay membership fees | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point; Gain Rank 5 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college (can exceed normal max rank); MUST oversee several dojos or martial arts colleges | appointed by the Osensei if still living (otherwise compete with another Sensei) • Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial) • pay membership fees |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point • Gain Rank 5 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college (can exceed normal max rank) • MUST oversee several dojos or martial arts colleges |
College | Martial Artist | Osensei | 18 | must have founded your own dojo/school (at least one) based on a unique style of fighting | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Points; Gain Rank 6 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college (can exceed normal max rank) | must have founded your own dojo/school (at least one) based on a unique style of fighting | • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Points • Gain Rank 6 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college (can exceed normal max rank) |
Outlaw | Martial Artist | Freestyle | 1-20 | pursue Martial Arts without belonging to a Dojo or Martial Arts College | May ignore the standard maximum skill point values for Focus Disciplines; May learn as many Style skills as your wish if you can find students, may attempt to found your own style and open a Dojo (may be met with resistance from other Dojos) | pursue Martial Arts without belonging to a Dojo or Martial Arts College | • May ignore the standard maximum skill point values for Focus Disciplines • May learn as many Style skills as your wish if you can find students, may attempt to found your own style and open a Dojo (may be met with resistance from other Dojos) |
Order | Monk | Postulant | 1 | profess belief and interest in a known Monastic Faith and lifestyle; witnessed by a Friar or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; Free Sacred Text (small item) | profess belief and interest in a known Monastic Faith and lifestyle • witnessed by a Friar or higher |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • Free Sacred Text (small item) |
Order | Monk | Novitiate | 3 | join a monastic order and live communally in a Monastery take vows; witnessed and accepted by the Prior or Abbot of the Monastery | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +3 to cast with Faith; Lay on Hand (passive) | join a monastic order and live communally in a Monastery take vows • witnessed and accepted by the Prior or Abbot of the Monastery |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +3 to cast with Faith • Lay on Hand (passive) |
Order | Monk | Acolyte | 5 | take addition vows (increased severity); witnessed by Prior or Abbot | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +3 to cast with Faith | take addition vows (increased severity) • witnessed by Prior or Abbot |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +3 to cast with Faith |
Order | Monk | Chantor | 8 | lead communal chants; witnessed by Prior or Abbot | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +3 to cast with Faith | lead communal chants • witnessed by Prior or Abbot |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +3 to cast with Faith |
Order | Monk | Anchorite | 12 | take vow of secrecy; witnessed by Prior or Abbot; agree to some form of self imprisonment (typically an isolated cell within the monastery); must then hear the confessions of members of your Religious Order (including non-monks) | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +3 to cast with Faith; cannot leave self-imprisonment unless called upon for greater purpose; Burden of Secrets (passive) | take vow of secrecy • witnessed by Prior or Abbot • agree to some form of self imprisonment (typically an isolated cell within the monastery) • must then hear the confessions of members of your Religious Order (including non-monks) |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +3 to cast with Faith • cannot leave self-imprisonment unless called upon for greater purpose • Burden of Secrets (passive) |
Order | Monk | Prior/Prioress | 14 | take first vow of leadership before monastic community; must manage a Priory | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +2 to cast with Faith | take first vow of leadership before monastic community • must manage a Priory |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +2 to cast with Faith |
Order | Monk | Abbot/Abbess | 17 | take second vow of leadership; must then manage an Abbey or several Priories; for larger orders must join council of Abbots | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; +1 to cast with Faith | take second vow of leadership • must then manage an Abbey or several Priories • for larger orders must join council of Abbots |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • +1 to cast with Faith |
Outlaw | Monk | Hermit | 1-20 | Not part of a Monastic Order, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out; still intentionally practicing a particular Faith Path in absence of community | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hermit; +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point; must live in isolation | Not part of a Monastic Order, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out • still intentionally practicing a particular Faith Path in absence of community |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hermit • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point • must live in isolation |
Outlaw | Monk | Heretic | 1-20 | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed; often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic; can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you; will be pursued by Witch Hunters | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed • often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you • will be pursued by Witch Hunters |
Outlaw | Monk | Witch/Warlock | 1-20 | Follow a Faith Path of your own making; usually including forbidden and/or mixing of powers; can be completely independent or may join a Coven of like minded individuals | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witch or Warlock; forced to live in hiding or on the fringes of civilization to avoid persecution and the attention of Witch Hunters | Follow a Faith Path of your own making • usually including forbidden and/or mixing of powers • can be completely independent or may join a Coven of like minded individuals |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witch or Warlock • forced to live in hiding or on the fringes of civilization to avoid persecution and the attention of Witch Hunters |
Outlaw | Monk | Friar | n/a | Refusal or rejection of the Monastic life style (often because they feel called to be out spreading their faith among the people); still adhering to orthodoxy, doctrine or creed of a particular Monastic Order | Gain Advantage on Faith rolls at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles; Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Friar; Rousing Sermon (passive) at level 6; in some cases retain partial allegiance and/or support of their former Monastic Order | Refusal or rejection of the Monastic life style (often because they feel called to be out spreading their faith among the people) • still adhering to orthodoxy, doctrine or creed of a particular Monastic Order |
• Gain Advantage on Faith rolls at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles • Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Friar • Rousing Sermon (passive) at level 6 • in some cases retain partial allegiance and/or support of their former Monastic Order |
Guild | Ninja | Kohai | 2 | Pass Clan (guild) entrance test (if failed you are typically killed in order to prevent the existence of the Ninja Clan from being discovered); Must swear on pain of death to keep all Clan secrets and remain in the Ninja Clan for life | +1 Dodge; access to guild resources and trainers; Ninja… Vanish (passive); must serve senior students (Senpai) | Pass Clan (guild) entrance test (if failed you are typically killed in order to prevent the existence of the Ninja Clan from being discovered) • Must swear on pain of death to keep all Clan secrets and remain in the Ninja Clan for life |
• +1 Dodge • access to guild resources and trainers • Ninja… Vanish (passive) • must serve senior students (Senpai) |
Guild | Ninja | Senpai | 5 | pass a Clan test; guild cut paid in full | Sneaky (passive); +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point; served by junior students (Kohai) | pass a Clan test • guild cut paid in full |
• Sneaky (passive) • +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point • served by junior students (Kohai) |
Guild | Assassin | Shade | 7 | pass a guild test; guild cut paid in full | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers 1% melee crit; 65% guild cut; +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point | pass a guild test • guild cut paid in full |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers
1% melee crit • 65% guild cut • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point |
Guild | Thief | Journeyman | 7 | pass a guild test (typically required to steal an item of moderate value); guild member fee up to date | +1 Advantage on Stealth tests; +2 Stealth skill pts; +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged); +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point | pass a guild test (typically required to steal an item of moderate value) • guild member fee up to date |
• +1 Advantage on Stealth tests • +2 Stealth skill pts • +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged) • +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point |
Guild | Ninja | Shinobi | 8 | pass a Clan test (typically involves a difficult solo mission where any detection is an immediate failure); guild cut paid in full | From the Shadows (passive) | pass a Clan test (typically involves a difficult solo mission where any detection is an immediate failure) • guild cut paid in full |
• From the Shadows (passive) |
Guild | Ranger | Huntsmen | 8 | pass a guild test guild; member job quota met | +1% ranged crit; Swift Hunt (passive) | pass a guild test guild • member job quota met |
• +1% ranged crit • Swift Hunt (passive) |
Guild | Thief | Master | 10 | pass a guild test (typically required to steal an item of great value that is very well guarded); guild member fee up to date | +2 Stealth skill pts; +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged); Cheat Death (passive) | pass a guild test (typically required to steal an item of great value that is very well guarded) • guild member fee up to date |
• +2 Stealth skill pts • +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged) • Cheat Death (passive) |
Guild | Assassin | Silent Blade | 11 | pass a guild test; guild cut paid in full | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +1% ranged crit; 50% guild cut; Silent Death (passive) | pass a guild test • guild cut paid in full |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +1% ranged crit • 50% guild cut • Silent Death (passive) |
Guild | Ninja | Renshi | 12 | pass a Clan test (typically this is a test of your ability to teach or instruct others); guild cut paid in full | +1% Melee Crit; expected to act as an instructor/teacher for lower ranking members of the Clan | pass a Clan test (typically this is a test of your ability to teach or instruct others) • guild cut paid in full |
• +1% Melee Crit • expected to act as an instructor/teacher for lower ranking members of the Clan |
Order | Paladin | Proselyte | 1 | profess unrelenting belief in a known/accepted Faith; Pledge yourself to a Faithsworn (Core) Code: Holysworn, Hellsworn, Primalsworn, Soulsworn; witnessed by a deacon/preacher or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers Sacred Text; Gain Core Code: (Faith)sworn Salute (passive) | profess unrelenting belief in a known/accepted Faith • Pledge yourself to a Faithsworn (Core) Code: Holysworn, Hellsworn, Primalsworn, Soulsworn • witnessed by a deacon/preacher or higher |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers Sacred Text • Gain Core Code: (Faith)sworn Salute (passive) |
Order | Paladin | Neophyte | 3 | Join a particular Paladin Order; Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order) | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; Gain 1st Minor Code; +1 melee hit; Lay on Hands (passive) | Join a particular Paladin Order • Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order) |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • Gain 1st Minor Code • +1 melee hit • Lay on Hands (passive) |
Order | Paladin | Acolyte | 5 | complete a quest determined by High Templar or Higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +2 melee hit; +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point | complete a quest determined by High Templar or Higher | • Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +2 melee hit • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point |
Order | Paladin | Paladinyte | 8 | entrance into the military wing of your order; Pledge yourself to a Great Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order); sponsorship of a High Templar or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; Gain a Great Code; +1 melee hit | entrance into the military wing of your order • Pledge yourself to a Great Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order) • sponsorship of a High Templar or higher |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • Gain a Great Code • +1 melee hit |
Order | Paladin | Crusader | 11 | participate in at least one successful Crusade | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +3 melee hit; Crusaders Glory (passive) | participate in at least one successful Crusade | • Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +3 melee hit • Crusaders Glory (passive) |
Order | Paladin | High Templar | 14 | participate in multiple successful crusades; complete a quest determined by the Grand Marshal; must lead Crusades once promoted | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +2 melee hit; field command over Paladin forces | participate in multiple successful crusades • complete a quest determined by the Grand Marshal • must lead Crusades once promoted |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +2 melee hit • field command over Paladin forces |
Order | Paladin | Grand Marshal | 17 | appointed in previous Grand Marshals will; or compete against other High Templars | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; Gain 2nd Minor Code; +1 melee hit; head of a Paladin Order (total veto) | appointed in previous Grand Marshals will • or compete against other High Templars |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • Gain 2nd Minor Code • +1 melee hit • head of a Paladin Order (total veto) |
Outlaw | Paladin | Hedge Paladin | 1-20 | Having never sworn Oaths to a specific Paladin Order or other such Religious Order (or having been released from an Oath) upholding the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class (such as following a known Faith path) | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order); With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hedge Paladin; Can follow any Codes available to Paladins that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code); | Having never sworn Oaths to a specific Paladin Order or other such Religious Order (or having been released from an Oath) upholding the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class (such as following a known Faith path) | • Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order) • With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hedge Paladin • Can follow any Codes available to Paladins that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) • |
Outlaw | Paladin | Oathbroken | 1-20 | Intentional rejection of the authority of a Paladin or other religious Order breaking of the Oaths that bind you to them (or vice versa) most often a result of using forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles; With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken; Can follow any Codes available to Paladins that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code); can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); May no longer use Honor Oaths; Paladins or other associated Religious Orders will shun you if Oathbroken from using forbidden powers (or mixing of powers), will be pursued by Witch Hunters | Intentional rejection of the authority of a Paladin or other religious Order breaking of the Oaths that bind you to them (or vice versa) most often a result of using forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | • Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles • With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken • Can follow any Codes available to Paladins that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • May no longer use Honor Oaths • Paladins or other associated Religious Orders will shun you if Oathbroken from using forbidden powers (or mixing of powers), will be pursued by Witch Hunters |
Outlaw | Paladin | False Sworn | 1-20 | Belong to an existing Paladin Order while secretly serving another agenda, Lord, deity, or entity, often Heretical in nature (i.e. forbidden powers or mixing of powers) | Gain all rewards at minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles; Can follow any Codes available to Paladins that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code); can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); if discovered immediately become Oathbroken, exiled or executed by Order and hunted by Witch Hunters | Belong to an existing Paladin Order while secretly serving another agenda, Lord, deity, or entity, often Heretical in nature (i.e. forbidden powers or mixing of powers) | • Gain all rewards at minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles • Can follow any Codes available to Paladins that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • if discovered immediately become Oathbroken, exiled or executed by Order and hunted by Witch Hunters |
Guild | Ninja | Kyoshi | 15 | pass a Clan test (typically this is a test of your ability to teach or instruct others at an expert level); guild cut paid in full; usually only one per Ninja Clan unless the clan is exceptionally large | +2 Focus ability pts; second in command of Clan forces; expected to act as an expert teacher for lower ranking members of the Clan | pass a Clan test (typically this is a test of your ability to teach or instruct others at an expert level) • guild cut paid in full • usually only one per Ninja Clan unless the clan is exceptionally large |
• +2 Focus ability pts • second in command of Clan forces • expected to act as an expert teacher for lower ranking members of the Clan |
Guild | Ninja | Hanshi | 18 | pass a Clan test (typically this involves defeating/killing the existing Hanshi in ritual combat); manage and maintain an Ninja Clan of varying size (10+ members); can only be one per Ninja Clan | +3 Focus ability pts; +1% Melee Crit; supreme command of the Ninja Clan, including access to all its resources and funds | pass a Clan test (typically this involves defeating/killing the existing Hanshi in ritual combat) • manage and maintain an Ninja Clan of varying size (10+ members) • can only be one per Ninja Clan |
• +3 Focus ability pts • +1% Melee Crit • supreme command of the Ninja Clan, including access to all its resources and funds |
Outlaw | Ninja | Nukenin | 2-20 | have not joined a Ninja Clan; take on work outside of the authority of a Clan; caught exposing existence of the Clan or its secrets; caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues repeated breaking of Clan laws running away from a clan | Not required to pay Guild cut, fees, or dues to the Clan; do not benefit from any resources or training; unlikely to live very long | have not joined a Ninja Clan • take on work outside of the authority of a Clan • caught exposing existence of the Clan or its secrets • caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues repeated breaking of Clan laws running away from a clan |
• Not required to pay Guild cut, fees, or dues to the Clan • do not benefit from any resources or training • unlikely to live very long |
Renown | Pit-Fighter | Combatant | 3 | recognition of fighting prowess by 5+ fans; must have fought in at 3+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won at least 1 pit-fight (lethal) | +1 Brawler Secondary Skill Point | recognition of fighting prowess by 5+ fans • must have fought in at 3+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won at least 1 pit-fight (lethal) |
• +1 Brawler Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Pit-Fighter | Gladiator | 6 | recognition by 50+ fans; must have fought in 9+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 3+ pit-fights (lethal) | Showmanship (passive); +1 Brute Secondary Skill Point | recognition by 50+ fans • must have fought in 9+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 3+ pit-fights (lethal) |
• Showmanship (passive) • +1 Brute Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Pit-Fighter | Champion | 9 | recognition by 500+ fans; must have fought in 15+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 5+ pit-fights (lethal); must have beaten at least 1 champion | +1 Melee Damage; Challenge (passive) | recognition by 500+ fans • must have fought in 15+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 5+ pit-fights (lethal) • must have beaten at least 1 champion |
• +1 Melee Damage • Challenge (passive) |
Renown | Pit-Fighter | Pit Master | 13 | recognition by 5000+ fans; must have fought in 24+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 8+ pit-fights (lethal); must have beaten 3+ champions | +2 Focus Skill Points; +3 Fury max | recognition by 5000+ fans • must have fought in 24+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 8+ pit-fights (lethal) • must have beaten 3+ champions |
• +2 Focus Skill Points • +3 Fury max |
Renown | Pit-Fighter | Doctore | 14 | optional title, not required to advance to Living Legend; promoted by the owner of an arena, ludus, or fighting pits | +1 Trainer Secondary Skill Point; allowed to manage and/or train other fighters | optional title, not required to advance to Living Legend • promoted by the owner of an arena, ludus, or fighting pits |
• +1 Trainer Secondary Skill Point • allowed to manage and/or train other fighters |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Proselyte | 1 | profess unrelenting belief in a known/accepted Faith witnessed by an acolyte or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +1 to cast with Faith powers; granted a free Sacred Text (small item) for your chosen Faith | profess unrelenting belief in a known/accepted Faith witnessed by an acolyte or higher | • Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +1 to cast with Faith powers • granted a free Sacred Text (small item) for your chosen Faith |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Neophyte | 3 | must have received regimented teaching regarding the Priesthood of your chosen faith from a Vested Priest or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; Lay on Hands (passive) OR Fanatical Beliefs (passive) | must have received regimented teaching regarding the Priesthood of your chosen faith from a Vested Priest or higher | • Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • Lay on Hands (passive) OR Fanatical Beliefs (passive) |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Acolyte | 5 | invitation by a Vested Priest or higher to assist in the performance of a ceremony/ritual | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; obligated to regularly assist in the performance of ceremonies and rituals at a Temple or at Tribal gatherings | invitation by a Vested Priest or higher to assist in the performance of a ceremony/ritual | • Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • obligated to regularly assist in the performance of ceremonies and rituals at a Temple or at Tribal gatherings |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Vested Priest | 7 | Vesting ceremony performed by a Temple or Tribal priest after faithfully serving the priesthood in the completion of many ceremonies and/or rituals | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers | Vesting ceremony performed by a Temple or Tribal priest after faithfully serving the priesthood in the completion of many ceremonies and/or rituals | • Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Temple Priest | 11 | The previous Temple Priest must have been promoted, died or cast out, with you being named as their successor; alternately, could be appointed by higher ranking priests; Mutually exclusive of Tribal Priest | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +4 to cast with Faith powers; MUST preside over a Temple; Rousing Sermon (passive); +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point | The previous Temple Priest must have been promoted, died or cast out, with you being named as their successor • alternately, could be appointed by higher ranking priests • Mutually exclusive of Tribal Priest |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +4 to cast with Faith powers • MUST preside over a Temple • Rousing Sermon (passive) • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Tribal Priest | 11 | Previous Tribal Priest must have been promoted, died or cast out, with you being named as their successor; If not possible the Tribe must choose you to become their Priest; Mutually exclusive of Temple Priest | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +4 to cast with Faith powers; MUST preside over an entire Tribe; Tribal Power (passive); +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point | Previous Tribal Priest must have been promoted, died or cast out, with you being named as their successor • If not possible the Tribe must choose you to become their Priest • Mutually exclusive of Temple Priest |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +4 to cast with Faith powers • MUST preside over an entire Tribe • Tribal Power (passive) • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Chief/Elder Priest | 14 | Must have served in the role as Temple or Tribal Priest; must have trained a successor before being promoted by a council of Chief/Elder Priest or by the High Priest | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +3 to cast with Faith powers; Benediction (passive); authority over multiple tribes or temples | Must have served in the role as Temple or Tribal Priest • must have trained a successor before being promoted by a council of Chief/Elder Priest or by the High Priest |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +3 to cast with Faith powers • Benediction (passive) • authority over multiple tribes or temples |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | High Priest | 16 | When current High Priest dies the Chief/Elder Priest named as successor assumes the title; if not applicable other Priests vote and or compete for the title | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; preside over the entire Priesthood and all its temples and/or Tribes | When current High Priest dies the Chief/Elder Priest named as successor assumes the title • if not applicable other Priests vote and or compete for the title |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • preside over the entire Priesthood and all its temples and/or Tribes |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Brother/Sister | 1 | profess unrelenting belief in a known/accepted Faith witnessed by a deacon or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +1 new power; +1 to cast with Faith powers; granted a free Sacred Text (small item) for your chosen Faith | profess unrelenting belief in a known/accepted Faith witnessed by a deacon or higher | • Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +1 new power • +1 to cast with Faith powers • granted a free Sacred Text (small item) for your chosen Faith |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Lector | 3 | give at least one public reading of the sacred text at a ceremony or service witnessed by a deacon or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; Lay on Hands (passive); must publicly read from the Sacred text whenever called upon | give at least one public reading of the sacred text at a ceremony or service witnessed by a deacon or higher | • Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • Lay on Hands (passive) • must publicly read from the Sacred text whenever called upon |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Deacon | 5 | faithfully serve your particular religious order under the witness of an under priest or higher; may be given minor task to complete as a final test of your faithfulness | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers | faithfully serve your particular religious order under the witness of an under priest or higher • may be given minor task to complete as a final test of your faithfulness |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Under Priest | 7 | ordination ceremony after serving directly under your Parish Priest; completing a minor quest or errand | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; MUST assist a Parish Priest and often given responsibility over Chapels in small villages and hamlets, or local palaces/castles | ordination ceremony after serving directly under your Parish Priest • completing a minor quest or errand |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • MUST assist a Parish Priest and often given responsibility over Chapels in small villages and hamlets, or local palaces/castles |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Parish Priest | 11 | sponsored promotion by your bishop or higher after faithfully caring for a chapel; complete a quest or errand of some significance | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +4 to cast with Faith powers; Rousing Sermon (passive); +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point; MUST preside over a Religious Parish (typically a small region of villages or a single town) with their seat of power located at a Parish Church | sponsored promotion by your bishop or higher after faithfully caring for a chapel • complete a quest or errand of some significance |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +4 to cast with Faith powers • Rousing Sermon (passive) • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point • MUST preside over a Religious Parish (typically a small region of villages or a single town) with their seat of power located at a Parish Church |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Bishop | 14 | sponsored promotion by your Archbishop or appointed by Patriarch after faithfully serving in a local parish; must include at least one instance of defending or guiding your Parish through a significant threat or crisis | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +3 to cast with Faith powers; Benediction (passive); MUST preside over a Religious Diocese (typically a county or city) with their seat of power located at a Cathedral; Gain a ‘Bishops Ring’ or other such religious symbol of office | sponsored promotion by your Archbishop or appointed by Patriarch after faithfully serving in a local parish • must include at least one instance of defending or guiding your Parish through a significant threat or crisis |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +3 to cast with Faith powers • Benediction (passive) • MUST preside over a Religious Diocese (typically a county or city) with their seat of power located at a Cathedral • Gain a ‘Bishops Ring’ or other such religious symbol of office |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Arch Bishop/Cardinal | 16 | appointed by the Patriarch after faithfully serving in a Religious Diocese; must include at least one instance of defending or guiding your Diocese through a significant threat or crisis | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; MUST preside over a Religious Arch-Diocese (typically a state, province, or very large city) with their seat of power located at a Grand Cathedral or Basilica; if no Patriarch exists then they preside over the entire religious order as well | appointed by the Patriarch after faithfully serving in a Religious Diocese • must include at least one instance of defending or guiding your Diocese through a significant threat or crisis |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • MUST preside over a Religious Arch-Diocese (typically a state, province, or very large city) with their seat of power located at a Grand Cathedral or Basilica • if no Patriarch exists then they preside over the entire religious order as well |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Patriarch/Matriarch | 18 | when current Patriarch dies a Cardinal or Archbishop steps into the position; if more than 1 Cardinal or Archbishop exists, then voted by council of Council of their peers; some Faiths exclude this rank/title or hand its authority over to a Sovereign Ruler | +1 new power; +2 to cast with Faith powers; MUST preside over an entire religious order (often with authority extending over Priests Paladins, and Monks) with their seat f power located at a Basilica; veto over all matters of the order; Gain the ‘Staff of the Patriarch’ or other such religious symbol of office | when current Patriarch dies a Cardinal or Archbishop steps into the position • if more than 1 Cardinal or Archbishop exists, then voted by council of Council of their peers • some Faiths exclude this rank/title or hand its authority over to a Sovereign Ruler |
• +1 new power • +2 to cast with Faith powers • MUST preside over an entire religious order (often with authority extending over Priests Paladins, and Monks) with their seat f power located at a Basilica • veto over all matters of the order • Gain the ‘Staff of the Patriarch’ or other such religious symbol of office |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Supplicant | 1 | Renounce or refuse to submit to the authority and hierarchy of an established religious order or priesthood; instead pursue inclusion in a cult | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +1 to cast with Faith powers; granted a free Sacred Text (small item) for your chosen Faith | Renounce or refuse to submit to the authority and hierarchy of an established religious order or priesthood • instead pursue inclusion in a cult |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +1 to cast with Faith powers • granted a free Sacred Text (small item) for your chosen Faith |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Follower | 3 | Demonstrate your choice to follow the persona and/or incarnate of your particular cult in a very outwards and public manner witnessed by others from the same cult | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; Fanatical Beliefs (passive) | Demonstrate your choice to follow the persona and/or incarnate of your particular cult in a very outwards and public manner witnessed by others from the same cult | • Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • Fanatical Beliefs (passive) |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Ritualist | 5 | Be invited to actively participate in a cult ritual (not just as an observer) | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers | Be invited to actively participate in a cult ritual (not just as an observer) | • Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Adherent | 7 | Demonstrate your adherence to a particular aspect or principle of the established dogma of your cult, in a very outwards and public manner witnessed by others from the same cult | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers | Demonstrate your adherence to a particular aspect or principle of the established dogma of your cult, in a very outwards and public manner witnessed by others from the same cult | • Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Devotee | 11 | Pledge undying devotion to a Persona and/or Incarnate of your cult; convince 5 or more others to follow them | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +4 to cast with Faith powers; Rousing Sermon (passive); +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point | Pledge undying devotion to a Persona and/or Incarnate of your cult • convince 5 or more others to follow them |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +4 to cast with Faith powers • Rousing Sermon (passive) • +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Persona | 14 | Create your own cult or be elevated to the position of Persona; have at least 1 Devotee and 30+ Followers | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +3 to cast with Faith powers; Benediction (passive); may create your own cult | Create your own cult or be elevated to the position of Persona • have at least 1 Devotee and 30+ Followers |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +3 to cast with Faith powers • Benediction (passive) • may create your own cult |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Incarnate | 16 | Have at least 1 Devotee and 100+ Followers | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; may create your own cult | Have at least 1 Devotee and 100+ Followers | • Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • may create your own cult |
Outlaw | Priest | Apostate | n/a | Renounce or refuse to submit to the authority and hierarchy of an established religious order, priesthood, or cult; But still follow a known faith and adhere to its basic orthodoxy, doctrine, or creed (no mixing of powers) | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming an Apostate; may be pursued by your former Order or Priesthood in an attempt to convince (or force) you to rejoin | Renounce or refuse to submit to the authority and hierarchy of an established religious order, priesthood, or cult • But still follow a known faith and adhere to its basic orthodoxy, doctrine, or creed (no mixing of powers) |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming an Apostate • may be pursued by your former Order or Priesthood in an attempt to convince (or force) you to rejoin |
Outlaw | Priest | Heretic | 1-20 | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed; often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic; can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you; will be pursued by Witch Hunters | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed • often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you • will be pursued by Witch Hunters |
Outlaw | Priest | Witch/Warlock | 1-20 | Follow a Faith Path of your own making; usually including forbidden and/or mixing of powers; can be completely independent or may join a Coven of like minded individuals | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witch or Warlock; forced to live in hiding or on the fringes of civilization to avoid persecution and the attention of Witch Hunters | Follow a Faith Path of your own making • usually including forbidden and/or mixing of powers • can be completely independent or may join a Coven of like minded individuals |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witch or Warlock • forced to live in hiding or on the fringes of civilization to avoid persecution and the attention of Witch Hunters |
Renown | Pit-Fighter | Living Legend | 17 | recognition by 50000+ fans; must have fought in 36+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 12+ pit-fights (lethal); must have beaten 5+ champions & at least 1 Pit Master; one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation | +3 Focus Skill Points; +5 Fury Max; +1% Melee Crit; Legendary Action (passive) | recognition by 50000+ fans • must have fought in 36+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 12+ pit-fights (lethal) • must have beaten 5+ champions & at least 1 Pit Master • one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation |
• +3 Focus Skill Points • +5 Fury Max • +1% Melee Crit • Legendary Action (passive) |
Guild | Assassin | Assassing Adept | 13 | pass a guild test; guild cut paid in full | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +1 Advantage on Stealth tests; +1% melee crit; 30% guild cut | pass a guild test • guild cut paid in full |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +1 Advantage on Stealth tests • +1% melee crit • 30% guild cut |
Guild | Ranger | Ranger Captain | 13 | pass a guild test guild; member job quota met; all guilds have at least one Ranger Captain (typically one per 10-20 members) | +3 Vigor max; +1 Advantage on Stealth tests; +1% ranged crit; field commander of guild forces | pass a guild test guild • member job quota met • all guilds have at least one Ranger Captain (typically one per 10-20 members) |
• +3 Vigor max • +1 Advantage on Stealth tests • +1% ranged crit • field commander of guild forces |
Guild | Thief | Artisan | 13 | pass a guild test (typically required to steal a high profile item or artifact, often guarded by magical wards and enchantments); guild member fee up to date | +2 Stealth skill pts; +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged) | pass a guild test (typically required to steal a high profile item or artifact, often guarded by magical wards and enchantments) • guild member fee up to date |
• +2 Stealth skill pts • +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged) |
Outlaw | Pit-Fighter | Rudarius | 1-20 | must have been a slave, indentured Pit-Fighter, or fighting as part of a contractual obligation; won freedom through distinguished performance, completion of a contract, or as a prize for winning a particular fight | Retain any title rewards gained prior to becoming Rudarius; No longer forced to fight in arenas, fighting pits, etc…; If applicable, no longer required to live in a communal training house such as a Ludus; typically granted a Rudis (token of your freedom) | must have been a slave, indentured Pit-Fighter, or fighting as part of a contractual obligation • won freedom through distinguished performance, completion of a contract, or as a prize for winning a particular fight |
• Retain any title rewards gained prior to becoming Rudarius • No longer forced to fight in arenas, fighting pits, etc… • If applicable, no longer required to live in a communal training house such as a Ludus • typically granted a Rudis (token of your freedom) |
Outlaw | Ranger | Freelancer | n/a | take on work outside of the authority of a Guild, either because of not belonging to one, having been kicked out, or caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues | Not required to pay Guild cut, fees, or dues, but do not benefit from any resources or training; With the exception of guild resources and command positions, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Freelancer | take on work outside of the authority of a Guild, either because of not belonging to one, having been kicked out, or caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues | • Not required to pay Guild cut, fees, or dues, but do not benefit from any resources or training • With the exception of guild resources and command positions, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Freelancer |
Outlaw | Pit-Fighter | Fugitivus | 1-20 | must have been a slave, indentured Pit-Fighter, or fighting as part of a contractual obligation; escaped, rebelled against or otherwise broke the laws and/or contracts binding you to Fight for others amusement | Retain any title rewards gained prior to becoming Fugitivus; become the master of your own fate but relentlessly hunte; if recaptured, will be branded as Fugitivus and likely put to death | must have been a slave, indentured Pit-Fighter, or fighting as part of a contractual obligation • escaped, rebelled against or otherwise broke the laws and/or contracts binding you to Fight for others amusement |
• Retain any title rewards gained prior to becoming Fugitivus • become the master of your own fate but relentlessly hunte • if recaptured, will be branded as Fugitivus and likely put to death |
Rite | Runeweaver | Fox | 2 | Rite of the Fox: demonstrate the wisdom of the fox | Tier 1 Runic Tattoos becomes active; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Damage | Rite of the Fox: demonstrate the wisdom of the fox | • Tier 1 Runic Tattoos becomes active • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Damage |
Rite | Runeweaver | Eagle | 4 | Rite of the Eagle: demonstrate the perception of the eagle | Tier 2 Runic Tattoos becomes active; +2 Melee Hit; Deep Meditation (passive) | Rite of the Eagle: demonstrate the perception of the eagle | • Tier 2 Runic Tattoos becomes active • +2 Melee Hit • Deep Meditation (passive) |
Rite | Runeweaver | Boar | 7 | Rite of the Boar: demonstrate stamina of the boar | Tier 3 Runic Tattoos becomes active; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Finesse Secondary Skill Point; | Rite of the Boar: demonstrate stamina of the boar | • Tier 3 Runic Tattoos becomes active • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Finesse Secondary Skill Point • |
Rite | Runeweaver | Bear | 11 | Rite of the Bear: demonstrate strength of the bear | Tier 4 Runic Tattoo becomes active; +2 Melee Hit; Rhythms of Magic (passive) | Rite of the Bear: demonstrate strength of the bear | • Tier 4 Runic Tattoo becomes active • +2 Melee Hit • Rhythms of Magic (passive) |
Rite | Runeweaver | Tiger | 14 | Rite of the Tiger: demonstrate agility of the tiger | Tier 5 Runic Tattoos becomes active; +2 Focus Skill Points; +2 Melee Hit | Rite of the Tiger: demonstrate agility of the tiger | • Tier 5 Runic Tattoos becomes active • +2 Focus Skill Points • +2 Melee Hit |
Rite | Runeweaver | Griffon | 17 | Rite of the Griffon: demonstrate resolve of the griffon | Tier 6 Runic Tattoos becomes active; +3 Focus Skill Points | Rite of the Griffon: demonstrate resolve of the griffon | • Tier 6 Runic Tattoos becomes active • +3 Focus Skill Points |
Rite | Runeweaver | Dragon | 19 | Rite of the Dragon: demonstrate intellect of the dragon | Tier 7 Runic Tattoos becomes active | Rite of the Dragon: demonstrate intellect of the dragon | • Tier 7 Runic Tattoos becomes active |
Outlaw | Runeweaver | Serpent | 1-20 | The Forbidden Rite of the Serpent:; replace all existing Root Tattoos with a single Root Tattoo that is attuned to all Schools of Spirit Powers; deceive the spirits of ALL Rites using charm, or impress the Great Serpent with your powers of deception | Gain Sanctioned use of Tiers at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles; retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Serpent; Mage Wardens will hunt you down and attempt to permanently sever your Root Tattoo | The Forbidden Rite of the Serpent: • replace all existing Root Tattoos with a single Root Tattoo that is attuned to all Schools of Spirit Powers • deceive the spirits of ALL Rites using charm, or impress the Great Serpent with your powers of deception |
• Gain Sanctioned use of Tiers at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles • retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Serpent • Mage Wardens will hunt you down and attempt to permanently sever your Root Tattoo |
Order | Samurai | Wakai Bushi | 1 | Pledge yourself to the Samurai's (Core) Code: Bushido “honor or death” | Gain Core Code: Bushido; Salute (passive) | Pledge yourself to the Samurai's (Core) Code: Bushido “honor or death” | • Gain Core Code: Bushido • Salute (passive) |
Order | Samurai | Bushi | 3 | Entrance into the order of the Samurai; must swear to serve and obey the Shogun (or other equivalent leader) and your superiors; Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order or Shogun/Daimyo); | Gain 1st Minor Code; +3 melee hit; +1 Combat Specialist Secondary Skill Point | Entrance into the order of the Samurai • must swear to serve and obey the Shogun (or other equivalent leader) and your superiors • Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order or Shogun/Daimyo) • |
• Gain 1st Minor Code • +3 melee hit • +1 Combat Specialist Secondary Skill Point |
Order | Samurai | Gokenin | 6 | Must complete a task in the name of the Shogun or one of the Daimyo | +3 melee hit; +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point | Must complete a task in the name of the Shogun or one of the Daimyo | • +3 melee hit • +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point |
Order | Samurai | Hatamoto | 9 | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor Code) of your choice (or as specified by your Order or Shogun/Daimyo); Must pass a combat test staged by the order; Must agree to carry the Banner of your Shogun affixed to your armor | Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code; +3 melee hit; Bannerman (passive); may command a small force of other Samurai | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor Code) of your choice (or as specified by your Order or Shogun/Daimyo) • Must pass a combat test staged by the order • Must agree to carry the Banner of your Shogun affixed to your armor |
• Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code • +3 melee hit • Bannerman (passive) • may command a small force of other Samurai |
Order | Samurai | Jito | 12 | Must prove yourself worthy to govern a household/estate/town | +3 melee hit; governance of a houshold/estate/town; may command household forces and/or town guard (may or may not include other Samurai) | Must prove yourself worthy to govern a household/estate/town | • +3 melee hit • governance of a houshold/estate/town • may command household forces and/or town guard (may or may not include other Samurai) |
Order | Samurai | Shugo | 15 | Must prove yourself worthy to govern a city/county | +2 Focus Skill points; governance of a city/county may command city guard (may or may not include other Samurai) | Must prove yourself worthy to govern a city/county | • +2 Focus Skill points • governance of a city/county may command city guard (may or may not include other Samurai) |
Order | Samurai | Daimyo | 18 | Must prove yourself worthy to govern a region/province or Samurai Order; Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Shogun); | Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code; +3 Focus Skill points; typically leader of an entire order of Samuari, but must still obey the will of the Shogun; governance of a region/province field command of the all Samurai Order forces | Must prove yourself worthy to govern a region/province or Samurai Order • Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Shogun) • |
• Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code • +3 Focus Skill points • typically leader of an entire order of Samuari, but must still obey the will of the Shogun • governance of a region/province field command of the all Samurai Order forces |
Order | Samurai | Shogun | 19 | Appointed as successor by the previous Shogun; OR challenge and defeat the current Shogun; OR battle against other Daimyo’s upon the Shogun’s death | +3 melee hit; typically the head of mutiple orders of Samurai, complete authority; often also act as Head of State; any Samurai Orders led by warring Daimyo are honor-bound to set aside their conflict and unite under a single Samurai Order led by a Shogun | Appointed as successor by the previous Shogun • OR challenge and defeat the current Shogun • OR battle against other Daimyo’s upon the Shogun’s death |
• +3 melee hit • typically the head of mutiple orders of Samurai, complete authority • often also act as Head of State • any Samurai Orders led by warring Daimyo are honor-bound to set aside their conflict and unite under a single Samurai Order led by a Shogun |
Outlaw | Samurai | Ronin | 1-20 | Having never sworn an Oath to a specific Shogun and/or Samurai Order; must still uphold the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order); With the exception of command and governance rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Ronin; Can follow any Codes available to Samurai that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Samurai Order; Can not own land | Having never sworn an Oath to a specific Shogun and/or Samurai Order • must still uphold the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class |
• Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order) • With the exception of command and governance rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Ronin • Can follow any Codes available to Samurai that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Samurai Order • Can not own land |
Rite | Shaman | Spirit Walker | 2 | Rite of the Spirit Walker: select 1 type of Elemental or Primal (natural) spirit to “walk” with | Tier 1 Powers with chosen School of Magic; +1 to cast with Spirit powers; Survival Instincts (passive) | Rite of the Spirit Walker: select 1 type of Elemental or Primal (natural) spirit to “walk” with | • Tier 1 Powers with chosen School of Magic • +1 to cast with Spirit powers • Survival Instincts (passive) |
Rite | Shaman | Spirit Drummer | 4 | Rite of the Spirit Drummer: demonstrate the ability to tame the fury of the spirits within | Tier 2 Powers of the same School of Magic; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; Gain Elemental or Primal Drumming (unique Shaman Sanctioned use of Tier2 Spirit Power) | Rite of the Spirit Drummer: demonstrate the ability to tame the fury of the spirits within | • Tier 2 Powers of the same School of Magic • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • Gain Elemental or Primal Drumming (unique Shaman Sanctioned use of Tier2 Spirit Power) |
Rite | Shaman | Spirit Speaker | 7 | Rite of the Spirit Speaker: demonstrate the ability to converse with the spirits in the Elemental Tongue | May “walk” with up to two types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits; +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T3 with 1 School or T2/T1 split with 2 Schools); Overall still counts as a T3 Caster; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point | Rite of the Spirit Speaker: demonstrate the ability to converse with the spirits in the Elemental Tongue | • May “walk” with up to two types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits • +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T3 with 1 School or T2/T1 split with 2 Schools) • Overall still counts as a T3 Caster • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point |
Rite | Shaman | Tribal Shaman | 10 | Rite of the Tribal Shaman: ceremonial passing of mantle from one tribal Shaman to another | May “walk” with up to two types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits; +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T4, T3/T1, T2/T2); Overall still counts as a T4 Caster; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; Tribal Power (passive) | Rite of the Tribal Shaman: ceremonial passing of mantle from one tribal Shaman to another | • May “walk” with up to two types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits • +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T4, T3/T1, T2/T2) • Overall still counts as a T4 Caster • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • Tribal Power (passive) |
Rite | Shaman | Elder Shaman | 15 | Rite of the Elder Shaman: must demonstrate ability to lead and guide other Tribal Shaman | May “walk” with up to three types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits; +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T5, T4/T1, T3/T2, T3/T1/T1); Overall still counts as a T5 Caster; +3 Fury Max; +2 to cast with Spirit powers | Rite of the Elder Shaman: must demonstrate ability to lead and guide other Tribal Shaman | • May “walk” with up to three types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits • +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T5, T4/T1, T3/T2, T3/T1/T1) • Overall still counts as a T5 Caster • +3 Fury Max • +2 to cast with Spirit powers |
Rite | Shaman | Seer | 17 | Rite of the Seer: must demonstrate that you can see the immediate will or needs of the Elemental and/or Natural spirits you serve, often before they themselves do | May “walk” with up to three types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits; +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T6, T5/T1, T4/T2, T3/T3, T4/T1/T1, T3/T2/T1); Overall still counts as a T6 Caster; +5 Fury Max; +1 to cast with Spirit powers; Can see into Elemental and Natural Realms of Origin | Rite of the Seer: must demonstrate that you can see the immediate will or needs of the Elemental and/or Natural spirits you serve, often before they themselves do | • May “walk” with up to three types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits • +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T6, T5/T1, T4/T2, T3/T3, T4/T1/T1, T3/T2/T1) • Overall still counts as a T6 Caster • +5 Fury Max • +1 to cast with Spirit powers • Can see into Elemental and Natural Realms of Origin |
Rite | Shaman | Farseer | 19 | Rite of the Farseer: must demonstrate that you can see the long term will or needs of the Elemental and/or Natural spirits you serve, often before they themselves do; Must have only ever focused on a Single School of magic | +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T7, T6/T1, T5/T2, T4/T3, T4/T2/T1, T3/T3/T1); Overall still counts as a T7 Caster; high risk of becoming so engrossed in the will of the Elements as to dissociate with mortal life | Rite of the Farseer: must demonstrate that you can see the long term will or needs of the Elemental and/or Natural spirits you serve, often before they themselves do • Must have only ever focused on a Single School of magic |
• +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T7, T6/T1, T5/T2, T4/T3, T4/T2/T1, T3/T3/T1) • Overall still counts as a T7 Caster • high risk of becoming so engrossed in the will of the Elements as to dissociate with mortal life |
Outlaw | Shaman | Untamed | 1-20 | Tap into Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Spirit Powers without having gone through the Rite of the Spirit Drummer; remain aligned with a single type of Elemental or Natural Spirits | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Untamed; Gain +5% Critical Cast and +5% Miscast chance with Spirit Powers | Tap into Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Spirit Powers without having gone through the Rite of the Spirit Drummer • remain aligned with a single type of Elemental or Natural Spirits |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Untamed • Gain +5% Critical Cast and +5% Miscast chance with Spirit Powers |
Outlaw | Shaman | Dervish | 1-20 | Tap into Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Spirit Powers without having gone through the Rite of the Spirit Drummer; do not align with any one type of Elemental or Natural Spirits | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Dervish; may learn powers from any Elemental or Natural School of Powers however Elemental spirits will not willing grant their powers to a dervish and must be defeated first; will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens; Gain +5% Critical Cast and +5% Miscast chance with Spirit Powers | Tap into Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Spirit Powers without having gone through the Rite of the Spirit Drummer • do not align with any one type of Elemental or Natural Spirits |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Dervish • may learn powers from any Elemental or Natural School of Powers however Elemental spirits will not willing grant their powers to a dervish and must be defeated first • will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens • Gain +5% Critical Cast and +5% Miscast chance with Spirit Powers |
Outlaw | Samurai | Oathbroken | 1-20 | Disobey the will of a Shogun or Daimyo; And/or breaking the Oaths that bind you to a Shogun, Daimyo, and/or Samurai Order | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order; With the exception of command rewards and governance rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken; Can follow any Codes available to Samurai that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Samurai Order; Do not need to obey the will of a Shogun or Daimyo; May no longer use Honor Oaths; Can not own land or govern others | Disobey the will of a Shogun or Daimyo • And/or breaking the Oaths that bind you to a Shogun, Daimyo, and/or Samurai Order |
• Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order • With the exception of command rewards and governance rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken • Can follow any Codes available to Samurai that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Samurai Order • Do not need to obey the will of a Shogun or Daimyo • May no longer use Honor Oaths • Can not own land or govern others |
Order | Shaolin | Sectarian | 2 | profess belief and interest in a known Monastic Faith and lifestyle; witnessed by house master or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers Sacred Text; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Damage; Deep Meditation (passive) | profess belief and interest in a known Monastic Faith and lifestyle • witnessed by house master or higher |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers Sacred Text • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Damage • Deep Meditation (passive) |
Order | Shaolin | Servitor | 4 | agree to voluntary service & training at a Shaolin monastery; must still live outside of the monastic community | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point | agree to voluntary service & training at a Shaolin monastery • must still live outside of the monastic community |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point |
Order | Shaolin | Monastic | 7 | must move into a communal house within a Shaolin monastery | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point; +1 Focus Skill Point | must move into a communal house within a Shaolin monastery | • Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point • +1 Focus Skill Point |
Order | Shaolin | House Master | 10 | must be promoted by the Revered Master; must govern a communal house within a Shaolin Monastery | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +2 Melee Hit; Harness Chi (passive); +1 Focus Skill Point; Authority over a Communal House of Shaolin | must be promoted by the Revered Master • must govern a communal house within a Shaolin Monastery |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +2 Melee Hit • Harness Chi (passive) • +1 Focus Skill Point • Authority over a Communal House of Shaolin |
Order | Shaolin | Revered Master | 13 | must be appointed by the previous Revered Master; must preside over services within a Shaolin Monastery | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point; Authority over a Shaolin Monastery | must be appointed by the previous Revered Master • must preside over services within a Shaolin Monastery |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point • Authority over a Shaolin Monastery |
Order | Shaolin | Transcendent Master | 17 | appoint a new Revered Master to replace you; dedicate the remainder of your life to meditation | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +1 Focus Skill Point; must spend the majority of you life in meditation only breaking from it when specifically instructed to by the power(s) you serve | appoint a new Revered Master to replace you • dedicate the remainder of your life to meditation |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +1 Focus Skill Point • must spend the majority of you life in meditation only breaking from it when specifically instructed to by the power(s) you serve |
Outlaw | Shaolin | Wanderer | 1-20 | Refusal or rejection of the Monastic life style (often because they feel called to be out spreading their faith among the people); still adhering to orthodoxy, doctrine or creed of a particular Monastic Order | Gain Advantage on Faith rolls at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles; retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Wanderer; in some cases retain partial allegiance and/or support of a Monastic Order | Refusal or rejection of the Monastic life style (often because they feel called to be out spreading their faith among the people) • still adhering to orthodoxy, doctrine or creed of a particular Monastic Order |
• Gain Advantage on Faith rolls at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles • retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Wanderer • in some cases retain partial allegiance and/or support of a Monastic Order |
Outlaw | Shaolin | Hermit | 1-20 | Not part of a Monastic Order, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out; still intentionally practicing a particular Faith Path in absence of community | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hermit; +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point; must live in isolation | Not part of a Monastic Order, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out • still intentionally practicing a particular Faith Path in absence of community |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hermit • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point • must live in isolation |
Outlaw | Shaolin | Heretic | 1-20 | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed; often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic; can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you; will be pursued by Witch Hunters | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed • often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you • will be pursued by Witch Hunters |
Renown | Soldier | Sell Sword | 3 | recognition by 5+ people; must have fought a battle in exchange for payment of some kind | Free Weapon Training of your choice; +1 Weapon Specialist Skill Point | recognition by 5+ people • must have fought a battle in exchange for payment of some kind |
• Free Weapon Training of your choice • +1 Weapon Specialist Skill Point |
Renown | Soldier | Sworn Sword | 6 | recognition by 50+ people; Friendly reputation with a military organization of some kind; must have sworn your services to a cause, organization, or employer and seen the mission or campaign through to completion | Pick: +3 Melee hit OR +3 Ranged hit; +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point | recognition by 50+ people • Friendly reputation with a military organization of some kind • must have sworn your services to a cause, organization, or employer and seen the mission or campaign through to completion |
• Pick: +3 Melee hit OR +3 Ranged hit • +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Soldier | Vanguard | 9 | recognition by 500+ people; Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind; must have fought and won in a military vanguard; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +1 Melee Damage; Heroism (passive); Vigor cost for all Offensive discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance | recognition by 500+ people • Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind • must have fought and won in a military vanguard • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +1 Melee Damage • Heroism (passive) • Vigor cost for all Offensive discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance |
Renown | Soldier | Scout | 9 | recognition by 500+ people; Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind; must have sucessfully completed a scouting mission for a military force; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +1 Ranged Damage; Sneaky (passive); Vigor cost for all Ranged discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance | recognition by 500+ people • Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind • must have sucessfully completed a scouting mission for a military force • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +1 Ranged Damage • Sneaky (passive) • Vigor cost for all Ranged discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance |
Renown | Soldier | Champion | 9 | recognition by 500+ people; Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind; must have successfully championed a cause of some kind or acting as someone's champion; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +3 AC; Challenge (passive); Vigor cost for all Defensive discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance | recognition by 500+ people • Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind • must have successfully championed a cause of some kind or acting as someone's champion • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +3 AC • Challenge (passive) • Vigor cost for all Defensive discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance |
Renown | Soldier | Tactician | 9 | recognition by 500+ people; Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind; must have successfully executed a tactical plan in a large scale battle; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +1 Initiative Tactical Prowess (passive); Vigor cost for all Tactics discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance | recognition by 500+ people • Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind • must have successfully executed a tactical plan in a large scale battle • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +1 Initiative
Tactical Prowess (passive) • Vigor cost for all Tactics discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance |
Renown | Soldier | Commander | 13 | recognition by 5000+ people; Revered reputation with a military organization of some kind; must have taken or been given command over a significant force, leading it to multiple victories | +5 max Vigor; Pick: +1% Melee Crit OR +1% Ranged Crit; +1 Secondary Skill point (choose one): Battle Veteran, Commander, or Military Training | recognition by 5000+ people • Revered reputation with a military organization of some kind • must have taken or been given command over a significant force, leading it to multiple victories |
• +5 max Vigor • Pick: +1% Melee Crit OR +1% Ranged Crit • +1 Secondary Skill point (choose one): Battle Veteran, Commander, or Military Training |
Renown | Soldier | Living Legend | 17 | recognition by 50000+ people; Revered reputation with a military organization of some kind; one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation | +10 max Vigor; Pick: +1 Melee Damage OR +1 Ranged Damage; Legendary Action (passive) | recognition by 50000+ people • Revered reputation with a military organization of some kind • one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation |
• +10 max Vigor • Pick: +1 Melee Damage OR +1 Ranged Damage • Legendary Action (passive) |
Army | Soldier | Private | 1 | Enlist (or be conscripted) into a standing army or mercenary force | pay and/or provisions and/or training by a military organization | Enlist (or be conscripted) into a standing army or mercenary force | • command a Squadron of up to 10 infantry |
Army | Soldier | Corporal | 3 | promoted by captain or higher | provisional command of a squadron if a sergeant is unavailable | promoted by captain or higher | • provisional command of a squadron if a sergeant is unavailable |
Army | Soldier | Sergeant | 5 | promoted by captain or higher | command a Squadron of up to 10 infantry | promoted by captain or higher | • command a Squadron of up to 10 infantry |
Army | Soldier | Leuitenant | 7 | promoted by captain or higher | command a Company of up to 10 infantry and 5 Sergeants | promoted by captain or higher | • command a Company of up to 10 infantry and 5 Sergeants |
Army | Soldier | Captain | 9 | promoted by colonel or higher | command a Battalion of up to 200 infantry, 4 Leuitenants and 20 Sergeants | promoted by colonel or higher | • command a Battalion of up to 200 infantry, 4 Leuitenants and 20 Sergeants |
Army | Soldier | Colonel | 11 | promoted by commander or higher | command a Regiment of up to 1000 infantry, 5 Captains, 20 Leuitenants and 100 Sergeants | promoted by commander or higher | • command a Regiment of up to 1000 infantry, 5 Captains, 20 Leuitenants and 100 Sergeants |
Army | Soldier | Commander | 13 | promoted by general or higher | command a Division of up to 5000 infantry, 5 Colonels, 25 Captains, 100 Leuitenants and 500 Sergeants | promoted by general or higher | • command a Division of up to 5000 infantry, 5 Colonels, 25 Captains, 100 Leuitenants and 500 Sergeants |
Army | Soldier | General | 15 | promoted by field marshal or higher (if no field marshal exists then appointed by previous general or leige-lord) | command of an entire army (1 or more divisions) | promoted by field marshal or higher (if no field marshal exists then appointed by previous general or leige-lord) | • command of an entire army (1 or more divisions) |
Army | Soldier | Field Marshal | 17 | promoted by a retiring field marshal appointed by other generals if previous field marshal is slain | command of all armies within a nation or military organization | promoted by a retiring field marshal appointed by other generals if previous field marshal is slain | • command of all armies within a nation or military organization |
Renown | Swashbuckler | Scoundrel | 1 | Pledge yourself to the Swashbuckler's (Core) Code: The Scoundrels Code; | Gain Core Code: Scoundrel's Code | Pledge yourself to the Swashbuckler's (Core) Code: The Scoundrels Code • |
• Gain Core Code: Scoundrel's Code |
Renown | Swashbuckler | Trickster | 3 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; recognition by 5+ people; must have taken someone’s money through trickery (picking pockets does not count) | Gain 1st Minor Code; Lawless (passive); +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • recognition by 5+ people • must have taken someone’s money through trickery (picking pockets does not count) |
• Gain 1st Minor Code • Lawless (passive) • +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Swashbuckler | Braggart | 6 | recognition by 50+ people; Friendly common reputation; Unfriendly reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); must have boasted or bragged of your fighting prowess to the point of someone either getting annoyed with you and challenging you to a duel or questioning your honor resulting in you challenging them to a duel (it doesn't matter if you win or lose) | +3 Melee & Ranged Hit; +1 Combat Specialist Secondary Skill Point | recognition by 50+ people • Friendly common reputation • Unfriendly reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • must have boasted or bragged of your fighting prowess to the point of someone either getting annoyed with you and challenging you to a duel or questioning your honor resulting in you challenging them to a duel (it doesn't matter if you win or lose) |
• +3 Melee & Ranged Hit • +1 Combat Specialist Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Swashbuckler | Desperado | 9 | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor code) of your choice; recognition by 500+ people; Honored common reputation; Hostile reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); must have won a duel against a high profile agent of the law (preferably one that is corrupt) or otherwise evaded the law in a grandiose manner | Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code; Funeral Dirge (passive) | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor code) of your choice • recognition by 500+ people • Honored common reputation • Hostile reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • must have won a duel against a high profile agent of the law (preferably one that is corrupt) or otherwise evaded the law in a grandiose manner |
• Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code • Funeral Dirge (passive) |
Renown | Swashbuckler | Notorious Blade | 13 | recognition by 5000+ people; Revered/Hated common rep; must have bested all other known duelists in the area | +1 Advantage on Stealth Rolls; Legendary Action (passive); Refusing ANY duel results in an immediate lose of honor | recognition by 5000+ people • Revered/Hated common rep • must have bested all other known duelists in the area |
• +1 Advantage on Stealth Rolls • Legendary Action (passive) • Refusing ANY duel results in an immediate lose of honor |
Renown | Swashbuckler | Prince of Thieves | 17 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; recognition by 50000+ people; Revered common reputation; Hated reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); must have defeated someone with the Prince of Thieves title in a duel, or have self proclaimed the title, or have had a group of people give you the title | Gain 2nd Minor Code; will likely have to defend your title on a regular basis (by dueling to the death with any one who challenges) | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • recognition by 50000+ people • Revered common reputation • Hated reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • must have defeated someone with the Prince of Thieves title in a duel, or have self proclaimed the title, or have had a group of people give you the title |
• Gain 2nd Minor Code • will likely have to defend your title on a regular basis (by dueling to the death with any one who challenges) |
Guild | Ranger | Ranger General | 16 | manage and maintain a Rangers Guild of varying size (20+ members); guild member job quota met; can be only one Ranger General per guild | +5 Vigor max; +1% ranged crit; supreme command of guild forces, including access to all its resources and funds | manage and maintain a Rangers Guild of varying size (20+ members) • guild member job quota met • can be only one Ranger General per guild |
• +5 Vigor max • +1% ranged crit • supreme command of guild forces, including access to all its resources and funds |
Guild | Thief | Legendary | 16 | tales of your high profile thefts are told throughout the land, everyone knows about you, yet no one really knows who you are | +1 Advantage on Stealth tests; +2 Stealth skill pts; +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged); likely to have impostors posing as you for their own gain | tales of your high profile thefts are told throughout the land, everyone knows about you, yet no one really knows who you are | • +1 Advantage on Stealth tests • +2 Stealth skill pts • +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged) • likely to have impostors posing as you for their own gain |
Guild | Assassin | Deaths Hand | 17 | pass a guild test; guild cut paid in full | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +1 ranged crit; 5% guild cut | pass a guild test • guild cut paid in full |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +1 ranged crit • 5% guild cut |
Outlaw | Shaolin | Witch/Warlock | 1-20 | Follow a Faith Path of your own making; usually including forbidden and/or mixing of powers; can be completely independent or may join a Coven of like minded individuals | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witch or Warlock; forced to live in hiding or on the fringes of civilization to avoid persecution and the attention of Witch Hunters | Follow a Faith Path of your own making • usually including forbidden and/or mixing of powers • can be completely independent or may join a Coven of like minded individuals |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witch or Warlock • forced to live in hiding or on the fringes of civilization to avoid persecution and the attention of Witch Hunters |
Guild | Assassin | Guild Master | n/a | Guild Master is in addition to the above listed titles; must be at least a Silent Blade of higher; manage and maintain an Assassin’s Guild of varying size (10+ members); must defend title against anyone desiring to replace you | supreme command of guild, including access to all its resources and funds | Guild Master is in addition to the above listed titles • must be at least a Silent Blade of higher • manage and maintain an Assassin’s Guild of varying size (10+ members) • must defend title against anyone desiring to replace you |
• supreme command of guild, including access to all its resources and funds |
Guild | Thief | Guild Master | n/a | Guild Master title is in addition to the above listed titles; must be at least a Master Thief or higher; must manage and maintain a Thieves Guild of varying size (15+ members); must defend title against anyone desiring to replace you | supreme command of guild, including access to all its resources and funds | Guild Master title is in addition to the above listed titles • must be at least a Master Thief or higher • must manage and maintain a Thieves Guild of varying size (15+ members) • must defend title against anyone desiring to replace you |
• supreme command of guild, including access to all its resources and funds |
Outlaw | Thief | Freelancer | n/a | take on work outside of the authority of a Guild, either because of not belonging to one, having been kicked out, or caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues | Not required to pay Guild cut, fees, or dues, but do not benefit from any resources or training; With the exception of guild resources and command positions, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Freelancer | take on work outside of the authority of a Guild, either because of not belonging to one, having been kicked out, or caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues | • Not required to pay Guild cut, fees, or dues, but do not benefit from any resources or training • With the exception of guild resources and command positions, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Freelancer |
Renown | Vigilante | Street Tough | 1 | Pledge yourself to the Vigilante's (Core) Code: Street Justice; | Gain Core Code: Street Justice | Pledge yourself to the Vigilante's (Core) Code: Street Justice • |
• Gain Core Code: Street Justice |
Renown | Vigilante | Avenger | 3 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; recognition by 5+ people; must have broken a significant local law while attempting to seek justice | Gain 1st Minor Code; Lawless (passive) | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • recognition by 5+ people • must have broken a significant local law while attempting to seek justice |
• Gain 1st Minor Code • Lawless (passive) |
Renown | Vigilante | Unlikely Hero | 6 | recognition by 50+ people; Friendly common reputation; Unfriendly reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); must have completed at least a mission/quest/adventure resulted in someone referring to you as their ‘Hero’ | +2 Melee Hit; Heroism (Passive); +1 Martial Secondary Skill | recognition by 50+ people • Friendly common reputation • Unfriendly reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • must have completed at least a mission/quest/adventure resulted in someone referring to you as their ‘Hero’ |
• +2 Melee Hit • Heroism (Passive) • +1 Martial Secondary Skill |
Renown | Vigilante | Peoples Champion | 9 | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor code) of your choice; recognition by 500+ people; Honored common reputation; Hostile reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); must have successfully championed a cause of the common people in the face of oppression or corruption | Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Dam; Challenge (passive) | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor code) of your choice • recognition by 500+ people • Honored common reputation • Hostile reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • must have successfully championed a cause of the common people in the face of oppression or corruption |
• Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Dam • Challenge (passive) |
Renown | Vigilante | Vindicator | 13 | recognition by 5000+ people; Revered common reputation; Hated reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); must have avenged, reclaimed, cleared the name, or stood up for, someone or something, in the face of heavy opposition | +3 Max Fury; +3 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Dam | recognition by 5000+ people • Revered common reputation • Hated reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • must have avenged, reclaimed, cleared the name, or stood up for, someone or something, in the face of heavy opposition |
• +3 Max Fury • +3 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Dam |
Renown | Vigilante | Living Legend | 17 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; recognition by 50000+ people; Revered common rep; Hated reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation | Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code; +5 Max Fury; +1 Melee Dam; Legendary Action (passive | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • recognition by 50000+ people • Revered common rep • Hated reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation |
• Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code • +5 Max Fury • +1 Melee Dam • Legendary Action (passive |
Renown | Warrior | Combatant | 3 | recognition of fighting prowess by 5+ people; must have fought and won against a worthy opponent in single combat | +1 Specialist Secondary Skill Point | recognition of fighting prowess by 5+ people • must have fought and won against a worthy opponent in single combat |
• +1 Specialist Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Warrior | Unlikely Hero | 6 | recognition of fighting prowess by 50+ people; Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation; must have completed at least one mission, quest or adventure that resulted in someone referring to you as a ‘Hero’ | Pick: +3 Melee hit OR +3 Ranged hit; Heroism (passive) | recognition of fighting prowess by 50+ people • Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation • must have completed at least one mission, quest or adventure that resulted in someone referring to you as a ‘Hero’ |
• Pick: +3 Melee hit OR +3 Ranged hit • Heroism (passive) |
Renown | Warrior | Champion | 9 | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ people; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have successfully championed a cause of some kind or acted as someone's ‘Champion’ | Pick: +1 Melee Damage OR +1 Ranged Damage; Challenge (passive) | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ people • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have successfully championed a cause of some kind or acted as someone's ‘Champion’ |
• Pick: +1 Melee Damage OR +1 Ranged Damage • Challenge (passive) |
Renown | Warrior | Warlord | 13 | recognition of fighting prowess by 5000+ fighting men and/or women; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have lead an army of some kind in a succession of victories, while fighting in the front lines | +3 Vigor Max; +3 Fury Max; Pick: +1% Melee Crit OR +1% Ranged Crit; +1 Secondary Skill point (choose one): Battle Veteran, Commander, or Military Training | recognition of fighting prowess by 5000+ fighting men and/or women • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have lead an army of some kind in a succession of victories, while fighting in the front lines |
• +3 Vigor Max • +3 Fury Max • Pick: +1% Melee Crit OR +1% Ranged Crit • +1 Secondary Skill point (choose one): Battle Veteran, Commander, or Military Training |
Renown | Warrior | Conqueror | 17 | recognition of fighting prowess by 50000+ fighting men and/or women; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have conquered something of note or toppled a well known institution or power | +5 Vigor Max; +5 Fury Max; Pick: +1 Melee Damage OR +1 Ranged Damage; Legendary Action (passive) | recognition of fighting prowess by 50000+ fighting men and/or women • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have conquered something of note or toppled a well known institution or power |
• +5 Vigor Max • +5 Fury Max • Pick: +1 Melee Damage OR +1 Ranged Damage • Legendary Action (passive) |
Renown | Marksman | Crackshot | 1 | select Marksman as your Class Passive | Gain 1 free Weapon Training of your choice, from the following list of options: Bows, Crossbows, or Firearms; Additional Class Passive effect | select Marksman as your Class Passive | • Gain 1 free Weapon Training of your choice, from the following list of options: Bows, Crossbows, or Firearms • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Marksman | Crowd Pleaser | 3 | recognition by 5+ people; must have received a standing ovation by crowd of people after completing a challenging shot | +1 to Focus Dice pool; +3 Ranged Hit; +1 Secondary Skill point in a ranged Weapon Specialization of your choice OR Showmanship (passive); +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by 5+ people • must have received a standing ovation by crowd of people after completing a challenging shot |
• +1 to Focus Dice pool • +3 Ranged Hit • +1 Secondary Skill point in a ranged Weapon Specialization of your choice OR Showmanship (passive) • +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Marksman | Trick Shooter | 6 | recognition by 50+ people; Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation; must have successfully hit a target while in a precarious or otherwise bizarre situation/position | +1 to Focus Dice pool; +3 Ranged Hit; +1 Secondary Skill point in either: Sharp Shooter, Skirmisher, or Peltast Combat Specializations; +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by 50+ people • Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation • must have successfully hit a target while in a precarious or otherwise bizarre situation/position |
• +1 to Focus Dice pool • +3 Ranged Hit • +1 Secondary Skill point in either: Sharp Shooter, Skirmisher, or Peltast Combat Specializations • +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Marksman | Professional | 9 | recognition by 500+ people; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have been hired as a professional Marksman to either train troops or complete a significant Marksman related task | +1 to Focus Dice pool; +3 Ranged Hit; Thrill Seeker (passive); +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by 500+ people • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have been hired as a professional Marksman to either train troops or complete a significant Marksman related task |
• +1 to Focus Dice pool • +3 Ranged Hit • Thrill Seeker (passive) • +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Marksman | Sniper | 13 | recognition by 5000+ people; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have scored a critical hit on a target at 40+ inches of tabletop range once during your career | +3 Ranged Hit; Deadeye (passive); +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by 5000+ people • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have scored a critical hit on a target at 40+ inches of tabletop range once during your career |
• +3 Ranged Hit • Deadeye (passive) • +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Marksman | Living Legend | 17 | recognition by 50000+ people; Revered or Hated common reputation; one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation | +3 Ranged Hit; +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect; Legendary Action (passive) | recognition by 50000+ people • Revered or Hated common reputation • one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation |
• +3 Ranged Hit • +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect • Legendary Action (passive) |
Renown | Weapon Master | Prodigy | 1 | select either one of the following for your class passive:; Swordmaster; Hammerer; Axe Fiend; Reaper | Gain 1 free Weapon Training of your choice, based on the Class Passive you chose: Swords (2H), Bludgeons (2H), Axes (2H), or Polearms; Additional Class Passive effect | select either one of the following for your class passive: • Swordmaster • Hammerer • Axe Fiend • Reaper |
• Gain 1 free Weapon Training of your choice, based on the Class Passive you chose: Swords (2H), Bludgeons (2H), Axes (2H), or Polearms • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Weapon Master | Aspirant | 3 | recognition by at least 1 other Weapon Master of the same path; must have dueled another Weapon Master of the same type (don't necessarily have to have won) | +3 Melee Hit; +1 Secondary Skill point in a melee Weapon Specialization of your choice OR Showmanship (passive); +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by at least 1 other Weapon Master of the same path • must have dueled another Weapon Master of the same type (don't necessarily have to have won) |
• +3 Melee Hit • +1 Secondary Skill point in a melee Weapon Specialization of your choice OR Showmanship (passive) • +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Weapon Master | Battle Master | 6 | recognition by at least 3 other Weapon Masters of the same path; Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation; must have successfully proven your mastery with your weapon of choice in a large battle (more than 20 foes) | +3 Melee Hit; +1 Secondary Skill point in either: Duelist, Great Weapon, Paired Weapon, or FreeStyle Combat Specializations; +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by at least 3 other Weapon Masters of the same path • Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation • must have successfully proven your mastery with your weapon of choice in a large battle (more than 20 foes) |
• +3 Melee Hit • +1 Secondary Skill point in either: Duelist, Great Weapon, Paired Weapon, or FreeStyle Combat Specializations • +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Weapon Master | Virtuoso | 9 | recognition by at least 6 other Weapon Masters of the same path; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have been hired as a professional weapon master to either train troops or complete a significant weapon master related task | +3 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Damage; Thrill Seeker (passive); +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by at least 6 other Weapon Masters of the same path • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have been hired as a professional weapon master to either train troops or complete a significant weapon master related task |
• +3 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Damage • Thrill Seeker (passive) • +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Weapon Master | Head-Taker | 13 | recognition by at least 10 other Weapon Masters of the same path; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have decapitated (killed) a target of at least Threat 10 or higher in a single round (in fair combat) once during your career | +3 Melee Hit; Trophy Kill (passive); +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by at least 10 other Weapon Masters of the same path • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have decapitated (killed) a target of at least Threat 10 or higher in a single round (in fair combat) once during your career |
• +3 Melee Hit • Trophy Kill (passive) • +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Weapon Master | Living Legend | 17 | recognition by at least 15 other Weapon Masters of the same path; Revered or Hated common reputation; one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation | +3 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Damage; +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect; Legendary Action (passive) | recognition by at least 15 other Weapon Masters of the same path • Revered or Hated common reputation • one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation |
• +3 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Damage • +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect • Legendary Action (passive) |
College | Wizard | Apprentice | 1 | find a Magus/Magi or higher to sponsor you; Pledge yourself to the (Core) Code of Wizardry: Spiritual Truths; join the outer ring of a College of Wizardry; Swear an Oath to your College of Wizardry | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; Gain Core Code: Spiritual Truths; +1 to cast with Spirit Powers; Spirit Echo (passive); Access to the outer ring of a College of Wizardry | find a Magus/Magi or higher to sponsor you • Pledge yourself to the (Core) Code of Wizardry: Spiritual Truths • join the outer ring of a College of Wizardry • Swear an Oath to your College of Wizardry |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • Gain Core Code: Spiritual Truths • +1 to cast with Spirit Powers • Spirit Echo (passive) • Access to the outer ring of a College of Wizardry |
College | Wizard | Honored Apprentice | 3 | Join a particular Order within your College of Wizardry; Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order); find a Magus/Magi or higher to sponsor you; Swear an Oath to your Order within College of Wizardry | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; Gain 1st Minor Code; +1 to cast with Spirit Powers; Access to the inner ring of a College of Wizardry | Join a particular Order within your College of Wizardry • Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order) • find a Magus/Magi or higher to sponsor you • Swear an Oath to your Order within College of Wizardry |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • Gain 1st Minor Code • +1 to cast with Spirit Powers • Access to the inner ring of a College of Wizardry |
College | Wizard | Savant | 6 | find a Grand Magus/Magi or higher to sponsor you and serve them as a ward; alternately could be a ward for other such persons of influence (i.e. noble house, royalty, etc…) | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point | find a Grand Magus/Magi or higher to sponsor you and serve them as a ward • alternately could be a ward for other such persons of influence (i.e. noble house, royalty, etc…) |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point |
College | Wizard | Magus/Magi | 9 | find an Istari or higher to sponsor you; Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor Code) of your choice (or as specified by your Order); pass a wizard test | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code; +3 to cast with Spirit powers; Volatile Magic (passive); may have a personal apprentice; often serve a person or household of influence outside of a College of Wizardry | find an Istari or higher to sponsor you • Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor Code) of your choice (or as specified by your Order) • pass a wizard test |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code • +3 to cast with Spirit powers • Volatile Magic (passive) • may have a personal apprentice • often serve a person or household of influence outside of a College of Wizardry |
College | Wizard | Grand Magus/Magi | 13 | find an Istari or higher to sponsor you; pass a wizard test; must have served a person or household of influence | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +3 to cast with Spirit powers; may have a personal apprentice and/or a Savant as a ward; may teach at a College of Wizardry; often also serve a person or household of great influence outside of a College of Wizardry | find an Istari or higher to sponsor you • pass a wizard test • must have served a person or household of influence |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +3 to cast with Spirit powers • may have a personal apprentice and/or a Savant as a ward • may teach at a College of Wizardry • often also serve a person or household of great influence outside of a College of Wizardry |
College | Wizard | Istari | 16 | appointed by a council of Istari or the Wizard Lord; Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order); must pass a wizard test; must have spent time teaching at a College of Wizardry | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code; +3 to cast with Spirit powers; may have a personal apprentice and/or a Savant as a ward; may oversee a College of Wizardry, though not required to if they are pledged to service of some great cause | appointed by a council of Istari or the Wizard Lord • Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order) • must pass a wizard test • must have spent time teaching at a College of Wizardry |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code • +3 to cast with Spirit powers • may have a personal apprentice and/or a Savant as a ward • may oversee a College of Wizardry, though not required to if they are pledged to service of some great cause |
College | Wizard | Wizard Lord | 18 | must be given the title by an existing Wizard Lord of your order, resulting in their death; only one per order (school of spirit powers) | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; head of an Order of Wizards may have a personal apprentice and/or a Savant as a ward; may appoint Istari; may oversee several Colleges of wizardry | must be given the title by an existing Wizard Lord of your order, resulting in their death • only one per order (school of spirit powers) |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • head of an Order of Wizards may have a personal apprentice and/or a Savant as a ward • may appoint Istari • may oversee several Colleges of wizardry |
Outlaw | Wizard | Hedge Wizard | 1-20 | Having never sworn Oaths to a College of Wizardry or pledged themselves to the service of creation through their Order; Upholding the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class such as following a single School of Spirit Powers | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order); Can follow any Codes available to Wizards that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Order of Wizards; | Having never sworn Oaths to a College of Wizardry or pledged themselves to the service of creation through their Order • Upholding the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class such as following a single School of Spirit Powers |
• Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order) • Can follow any Codes available to Wizards that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Order of Wizards • |
Outlaw | Wizard | Oathbroken | 1-20 | Intentionally leaving the authority of the Colleges of Wizardry; breaking of the Oaths that bind you to them (or vice versa); most often by using powers forbidden by your Order and/or learning powers from multiple schools of spirit powers | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles; with the exception of command/authority rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken; Can follow any Codes available to Wizards that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Order of Wizards; may learn powers from any School of Spirit Powers; can no longer use Honor Oaths; will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens | Intentionally leaving the authority of the Colleges of Wizardry • breaking of the Oaths that bind you to them (or vice versa) • most often by using powers forbidden by your Order and/or learning powers from multiple schools of spirit powers |
• Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles • with the exception of command/authority rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken • Can follow any Codes available to Wizards that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Order of Wizards • may learn powers from any School of Spirit Powers • can no longer use Honor Oaths • will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens |
Renown | Zealot | Believer | 1 | profess unrelenting belief in a Known/Accepted Faith witnessed by a T4 or higher Faith class belonging to the same Faith | Sacred Text (typically gifted by whomever led them to believe) | profess unrelenting belief in a Known/Accepted Faith witnessed by a T4 or higher Faith class belonging to the same Faith | • Sacred Text (typically gifted by whomever led them to believe) |
Renown | Zealot | Fanatic | 3 | feared/respected by 5+ people; must have broken a local law of some kind in the name of your beliefs | +2 to cast with Faith powers; Fanatical Beliefs (passive) | feared/respected by 5+ people • must have broken a local law of some kind in the name of your beliefs |
• +2 to cast with Faith powers • Fanatical Beliefs (passive) |
Renown | Zealot | Witch Hunter | 6 | feared/respected by 50+ people; Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation; Friendly or Unfriendly reputation with a religious Order of some kind; must have successfully hunted at least one Outlawed Faith class (i.e. Witch/Warlock, Heretic, Witch Doctor, Oathbroken, etc…) | +2 to cast with Faith powers; Lawless (passive); +1 Bounty Hunter Secondary Skill Point | feared/respected by 50+ people • Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation • Friendly or Unfriendly reputation with a religious Order of some kind • must have successfully hunted at least one Outlawed Faith class (i.e. Witch/Warlock, Heretic, Witch Doctor, Oathbroken, etc…) |
• +2 to cast with Faith powers • Lawless (passive) • +1 Bounty Hunter Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Zealot | Confessor | 10 | feared/respected by 500+ people; Honored or Hostile common reputation; Honored or Hostile reputation with a religious Order of some kind; must have retrieved at least three unwilling confession | +2 to cast with Faith powers; Final Absolution (passive) | feared/respected by 500+ people • Honored or Hostile common reputation • Honored or Hostile reputation with a religious Order of some kind • must have retrieved at least three unwilling confession |
• +2 to cast with Faith powers • Final Absolution (passive) |
Renown | Zealot | Inquisitor | 13 | feared/respected by 5000+ people; Revered or Hated common reputation; Revered or Hated reputation with a religious Order of some kind; must have participated in an inquisition | +3 Fury Max; +2 to cast with Faith powers | feared/respected by 5000+ people • Revered or Hated common reputation • Revered or Hated reputation with a religious Order of some kind • must have participated in an inquisition |
• +3 Fury Max • +2 to cast with Faith powers |
Renown | Zealot | Grand Inquisitor | 17 | feared/respected by 50000+ people; Revered or Hated common reputation; Arch Nemesis or Unity reputation with a religious Order of some kind | +5 Fury Max; +2 to cast with Faith powers; can organize and lead large scale inquisitions | feared/respected by 50000+ people • Revered or Hated common reputation • Arch Nemesis or Unity reputation with a religious Order of some kind |
• +5 Fury Max • +2 to cast with Faith powers • can organize and lead large scale inquisitions |
Outlaw | Zealot | Heretic | 1-20 | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed; often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic; can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you; will be pursued by Witch Hunters | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed • often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you • will be pursued by Witch Hunters |
Outlaw Titles
A freelancer is any Ranger that takes on work outside of a Guild. This could be because they do not belong to a Guild, either by choice or simply failing to be recruited by one thus far. It could also be a result of being kicked out of their existing Guild, for a variety of reasons, including Guild misconduct, failing to pay a guild fee or cut, failing to meet a job quota, failing a probationary period or breaking a vow of secrecy. Every Guild is different, and governs itself according to a variety of rules and regulations that allow them to fulfill their desired function. As such there could be a variety of reasons why one may be labelled as a Freelancer.
Freelancers are certainly looked down upon by Guild members, who will at the very least shun and discredit them. Some may even actively interfere with a Freelancers work to prove a point. Guilds may attempt to apply some pressure for the Freelancer to join a Guild, but that pressure is not likely to go much beyond threats and attempts at intimidation.
In the end though, most Ranger Guilds are not overly strict in enforcing or insisting membership and as such Freelance Rangers are quite common. While this grants a higher degree of freedom, Freelancers do miss out on Guild resources such as training of new skills, discounts, job postings, and information networks.
Goverance | Class | Title | Level | Qualifications (RAW) | Rewards (RAW) | Qualifications | Rewards |
Guild | Assassin | Recruit | 2 | Must have accepted payment to kill someone; Will almost always be approached to join a guild during or upon completion of first kill, they want their cut, refusal is not a good idea | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; must give guild 80% cut of any payment; access to guild resources, trainers, clients, contacts, spy network, and library of Guild Spirit books | Must have accepted payment to kill someone • Will almost always be approached to join a guild during or upon completion of first kill, they want their cut, refusal is not a good idea |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • must give guild 80% cut of any payment • access to guild resources, trainers, clients, contacts, spy network, and library of Guild Spirit books |
College | Martial Artist | Student | 1 | Be admitted to a dojo or martial arts college; Vow to NOT learn or pratice any style skills beyond what that dojo allows (other than racial); pay membership fees | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point; Deep Meditation (passive); all training costs included in membership | Be admitted to a dojo or martial arts college • Vow to NOT learn or pratice any style skills beyond what that dojo allows (other than racial) • pay membership fees |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point • Deep Meditation (passive) • all training costs included in membership |
Guild | Ranger | Pathfinder | 3 | recruitment into a Rangers Guild; pass a guild test guild; member job quota met | Survival Instincts (passive); +1 Bushcraft Secondary Skill Point; access to guild resources, trainers, and job postings | recruitment into a Rangers Guild • pass a guild test guild • member job quota met |
• Survival Instincts (passive) • +1 Bushcraft Secondary Skill Point • access to guild resources, trainers, and job postings |
Guild | Assassin | Night Stalker | 4 | pass a guild test; guild cut paid in full | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; 75% guild cut; Sneaky (passive) | pass a guild test • guild cut paid in full |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • 75% guild cut • Sneaky (passive) |
Guild | Thief | Novice | 4 | recruitment into a Thieves Guild; must pass a guild test (typically requires pick pocketing a large sum of money over time or a single item of value in a one-time heist); guild member fee up to date | +2 Stealth skill pts; +2 Hit (choice of melee or ranged); Sneaky (passive); access to guild services, shops and trainers | recruitment into a Thieves Guild • must pass a guild test (typically requires pick pocketing a large sum of money over time or a single item of value in a one-time heist) • guild member fee up to date |
• +2 Stealth skill pts • +2 Hit (choice of melee or ranged) • Sneaky (passive) • access to guild services, shops and trainers |
College | Martial Artist | First Degree | 3 | pass the First belt test (usually testing a particular fighting style); Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial); pay membership fees | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point; If not already trained, gain Rank 1 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college; +1 Combat Specialist Skill Point | pass the First belt test (usually testing a particular fighting style) • Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial) • pay membership fees |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point • If not already trained, gain Rank 1 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college • +1 Combat Specialist Skill Point |
Guild | Ranger | Waywatcher | 5 | pass a guild test guild; member job quota met | Sneaky (passive); +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point | pass a guild test guild • member job quota met |
• Sneaky (passive) • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point |
Outlaw | Assassin | Spell Thief | 1-20 | take on work outside of the authority of a Guild, either because of not belonging to one, having been kicked out, or caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues | With the exception of guild resources, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Spell Thief; No access to Guild Spirit Books, therefore cannot learn new powers in the same way as other Assassins; Instead gain Steal Power (Sanctioned use of Tier0 Spirit Power) which replaces Memorize Power; Mage Wardens and Assassins may be competing for your head | take on work outside of the authority of a Guild, either because of not belonging to one, having been kicked out, or caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues | • With the exception of guild resources, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Spell Thief • No access to Guild Spirit Books, therefore cannot learn new powers in the same way as other Assassins • Instead gain Steal Power (Sanctioned use of Tier0 Spirit Power) which replaces Memorize Power • Mage Wardens and Assassins may be competing for your head |
Renown | Barbarian | Combatant | 3 | recognition of fighting prowess by 5+ fighting men and/or women; must have fought and won against a worthy opponent in single combat | +3 Melee Hit; +1 Weapon Specialist Skill Point | recognition of fighting prowess by 5+ fighting men and/or women • must have fought and won against a worthy opponent in single combat |
• +3 Melee Hit • +1 Weapon Specialist Skill Point |
Renown | Barbarian | Battleborn | 6 | recognition of fighting prowess by 50+ fighting men and/or women; Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation; must have fought and won against at least four worthy opponents simultaneously without any assistance | +1 Melee Damage; Heroism (passive); +1 Brute Secondary Skill Point | recognition of fighting prowess by 50+ fighting men and/or women • Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation • must have fought and won against at least four worthy opponents simultaneously without any assistance |
• +1 Melee Damage • Heroism (passive) • +1 Brute Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Barbarian | Slayer | 9 | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have fought and won against a larger and/or much more powerful opponent in single combat; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +3% Melee Crit; Thrill Seeker (passive); Fury cost for all Slayer discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have fought and won against a larger and/or much more powerful opponent in single combat • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +3% Melee Crit • Thrill Seeker (passive) • Fury cost for all Slayer discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact |
Renown | Barbarian | Champion | 9 | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have been chosen to fight and/or complete a mission/quest for your tribe/clan (or other similar societal group), and been successful in complete the task.; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +1 Stamina; Challenge (passive); Fury cost for all Bulwark discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have been chosen to fight and/or complete a mission/quest for your tribe/clan (or other similar societal group), and been successful in complete the task. • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +1 Stamina • Challenge (passive) • Fury cost for all Bulwark discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact |
Renown | Barbarian | Warmaster | 9 | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have fought and won in a larger scale battle while outnumbered or against overwhelming odds; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +1 Melee Damage; Survival Instincts (passive); Fury cost for all Havoc discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have fought and won in a larger scale battle while outnumbered or against overwhelming odds • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +1 Melee Damage • Survival Instincts (passive) • Fury cost for all Havoc discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact |
Renown | Barbarian | Ragecaller | 9 | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have fought and won a battle without directly attacking anyone, using only fervor skills; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +5 Melee Hit; Mindless Rage (passive); Fury cost for all Fervor discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ fighting men and/or women • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have fought and won a battle without directly attacking anyone, using only fervor skills • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +5 Melee Hit • Mindless Rage (passive) • Fury cost for all Fervor discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Pact |
Renown | Barbarian | Warlord | 13 | recognition of fighting prowess by 5000+ fighting men and/or women; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have lead an army of some kind in a succession of victories, while fighting in the front lines | +5 Max Fury; +1 Melee Damage; +1 Secondary Skill point (choose one): Battle Veteran, Commander, or Military Training | recognition of fighting prowess by 5000+ fighting men and/or women • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have lead an army of some kind in a succession of victories, while fighting in the front lines |
• +5 Max Fury • +1 Melee Damage • +1 Secondary Skill point (choose one): Battle Veteran, Commander, or Military Training |
Renown | Barbarian | Conqueror | 17 | recognition of fighting prowess by 50000+ fighting men and/or women; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have conquered something of note or toppled a well known institution or power | +10 Max Fury; +1 Melee damage; Legendary Action (passive) | recognition of fighting prowess by 50000+ fighting men and/or women • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have conquered something of note or toppled a well known institution or power |
• +10 Max Fury • +1 Melee damage • Legendary Action (passive) |
College | Battlemage | Apprentice | 2 | find an undermage or higher to sponsor you | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; Spirit Echo (passive) | find an undermage or higher to sponsor you | • Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • Spirit Echo (passive) |
College | Battlemage | Spellsword | 4 | find a master mage or higher and an instructor to sponsor you; join a particular college/school of magic | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +1 to cast with Spirit powers; +1% melee crit; free Weapon Training of your choice; often commissioned to act as body guards for high profile mages | find a master mage or higher and an instructor to sponsor you • join a particular college/school of magic |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +1 to cast with Spirit powers • +1% melee crit • free Weapon Training of your choice • often commissioned to act as body guards for high profile mages |
College | Battlemage | Warmage | 7 | find a headmaster or higher and an instructor to sponsor you; pass a battlemage test | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +1 to cast with Spirit powers; +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point; college will often hire you out as a sort of artillery piece in pitched battles | find a headmaster or higher and an instructor to sponsor you • pass a battlemage test |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +1 to cast with Spirit powers • +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point • college will often hire you out as a sort of artillery piece in pitched battles |
College | Battlemage | Mage Warden | 11 | find a headmaster or higher and an Instructor or High Curator to sponsor you; pass a battlemage test | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; +1 % melee crit; Nullify Magic (passive); regularly responsible for hunting anyone suspected of breaking the Laws of Magic | find a headmaster or higher and an Instructor or High Curator to sponsor you • pass a battlemage test |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • +1 % melee crit • Nullify Magic (passive) • regularly responsible for hunting anyone suspected of breaking the Laws of Magic |
College | Battlemage | Chief Warden | 15 | a Mage warden that is promoted to a command position by the High Curator; must still pass a battlemage test though often it is waived in lieu of field experience; mutually exclusive with Instructor Title | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +3 Vigor max; answer directly to the High Curator; usually commands a Squadron of Mage Wardens and/or presides over a Mage Prison | a Mage warden that is promoted to a command position by the High Curator • must still pass a battlemage test though often it is waived in lieu of field experience • mutually exclusive with Instructor Title |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +3 Vigor max • answer directly to the High Curator • usually commands a Squadron of Mage Wardens and/or presides over a Mage Prison |
College | Battlemage | Instructor | 15 | appointed by council of headmasters or an Archmage; must pass a battlemage test; must teach at a college’s battlemage wing; mutually exclusive with Warden Captain Title | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +3 Vigor max; answer to the headmaster of the college where teaching but also to own High Curator | appointed by council of headmasters or an Archmage • must pass a battlemage test • must teach at a college’s battlemage wing • mutually exclusive with Warden Captain Title |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +3 Vigor max • answer to the headmaster of the college where teaching but also to own High Curator |
College | Battlemage | High Curator | 18 | defeat the High Curator associated with your college and strip them of their power; only one High Curator for each School of Spirit Powers | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +5 Vigor max; +1 to cast with Spirit powers; supreme commander of the Mage Wardens; answers to no one, not even the Archmage | defeat the High Curator associated with your college and strip them of their power • only one High Curator for each School of Spirit Powers |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +5 Vigor max • +1 to cast with Spirit powers • supreme commander of the Mage Wardens • answers to no one, not even the Archmage |
Outlaw | Battlemage | Sorcerer | n/a | Must follow a single School of Spirit powers, but choose to do so outside of the control or confines of a Mage College (could be intentional or out of ignorance) | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Sorcerer; Do need to adhere to College laws regarding sanctioned used of Tiers of power but, do not recieve any benefits related to colleges; Will still be hunted by Mage Wardens if found to be taking on apprentices | Must follow a single School of Spirit powers, but choose to do so outside of the control or confines of a Mage College (could be intentional or out of ignorance) | • Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Sorcerer • Do need to adhere to College laws regarding sanctioned used of Tiers of power but, do not recieve any benefits related to colleges • Will still be hunted by Mage Wardens if found to be taking on apprentices |
Outlaw | Battlemage | Renegade | n/a | Rejection or ignorance of the authority of the Mage Colleges; Learning powers from multiple schools | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Renegade; may learn powers from any School of Spirit Powers; will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens | Rejection or ignorance of the authority of the Mage Colleges • Learning powers from multiple schools |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Renegade • may learn powers from any School of Spirit Powers • will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens |
Rite | Berserker | Wildborne | 3 | Rite of the Wildborne:; must kill a Beast with a threat rating between 2-3 (typically with your bare hands), eat its heart and then wear its skin (See Primal Faith: Beast Calling for list of Lesser Beasts) | +1 Fury Max; Survival Instincts (passive) | Rite of the Wildborne: • must kill a Beast with a threat rating between 2-3 (typically with your bare hands), eat its heart and then wear its skin (See Primal Faith: Beast Calling for list of Lesser Beasts) |
• +1 Fury Max • Survival Instincts (passive) |
Rite | Berserker | Bloodsworn | 6 | Rite of the Bloodsworn:; Must pledge yourself to a cause or a figure head signified in a ceremonial shedding of your own blood | +2 Fury Max; Bathe-in-Blood (passive); +1 Brute Secondary Skill Point | Rite of the Bloodsworn: • Must pledge yourself to a cause or a figure head signified in a ceremonial shedding of your own blood |
• +2 Fury Max • Bathe-in-Blood (passive) • +1 Brute Secondary Skill Point |
Rite | Berserker | Predator | 9 | Rite of the Predator:; must kill a Beast with a threat rating between 4-5 (typically with your bare hands) eat its heart and then wear its skin (See Primal Faith: Beast Calling for list of Greater Beasts) | +3 Fury Max; +1% melee Crit; Thrill Seeker (passive) | Rite of the Predator: • must kill a Beast with a threat rating between 4-5 (typically with your bare hands) eat its heart and then wear its skin (See Primal Faith: Beast Calling for list of Greater Beasts) |
• +3 Fury Max • +1% melee Crit • Thrill Seeker (passive) |
Rite | Berserker | Masochist | 13 | Rite of the Masochist:; must willingly submit yourself to be beaten near to death must suffering at least a Serious Injury | +3 Fury Max; +1% melee Crit | Rite of the Masochist: • must willingly submit yourself to be beaten near to death must suffering at least a Serious Injury |
• +3 Fury Max • +1% melee Crit |
Rite | Berserker | Apex Predator | 17 | Rite of the Apex Predator:; must kill a Beast with a threat rating of 6 or higher (typically with your bare hands), eat its heart and then wear its skin (See Primal Faith: Beast Calling for list of Superior Beasts) | +4 Fury Max; +1 Advantage on Stealth tests; +1% melee Crit; | Rite of the Apex Predator: • must kill a Beast with a threat rating of 6 or higher (typically with your bare hands), eat its heart and then wear its skin (See Primal Faith: Beast Calling for list of Superior Beasts) |
• +4 Fury Max • +1 Advantage on Stealth tests • +1% melee Crit • |
Outlaw | Berserker | Savage | n/a | Neglect or refuse the Rite of the Bloodsworn | At level 6 gain Mindless Rage (passive); all other Title Rewards are ignored | Neglect or refuse the Rite of the Bloodsworn | • At level 6 gain Mindless Rage (passive) • all other Title Rewards are ignored |
Renown | Cleric | Believer | 1 | profess unrelenting belief in a Known/Accepted Faith; witnessed by a T4 or higher Faith class belonging to the same Faith | Sacred Text (typically gifted by whomever led them to believe) | profess unrelenting belief in a Known/Accepted Faith • witnessed by a T4 or higher Faith class belonging to the same Faith |
• Sacred Text (typically gifted by whomever led them to believe) |
Renown | Cleric | Disciple | 3 | recognition by 5+ people; must spend a significant amount of time learning about your faith from a more experienced individual | +1 to cast with Faith powers; Lay on Hands (passive) | recognition by 5+ people • must spend a significant amount of time learning about your faith from a more experienced individual |
• +1 to cast with Faith powers • Lay on Hands (passive) |
Renown | Cleric | Preacher/Minister | 6 | recognition by 50+ people; Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation; must have converted one or more people to your faith | +1 to cast with Faith powers; Rousing Sermon (passive); +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point | recognition by 50+ people • Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation • must have converted one or more people to your faith |
• +1 to cast with Faith powers • Rousing Sermon (passive) • +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Cleric | Chaplain | 9 | recognition by 500+ people; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have served or be currently serving attached to an institution or unit of some kind (i.e. a prison, government body, a military unit, a royal household, an expedition, a remote tribe/colony, etc…) | +1 to cast with Faith powers; +1% melee crit; Call of the Faithful (passive) | recognition by 500+ people • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have served or be currently serving attached to an institution or unit of some kind (i.e. a prison, government body, a military unit, a royal household, an expedition, a remote tribe/colony, etc…) |
• +1 to cast with Faith powers • +1% melee crit • Call of the Faithful (passive) |
Renown | Cleric | Apostle | 13 | recognition by 5000+ people; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have established/installed your particular faith in a foreign land at a local level (tribe, colony, village etc…) | +3 Vigor max; +1 to cast with Faith powers | recognition by 5000+ people • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have established/installed your particular faith in a foreign land at a local level (tribe, colony, village etc…) |
• +3 Vigor max • +1 to cast with Faith powers |
Renown | Cleric | Prime Apostle | 17 | recognition by 50000+; people Revered or Hated common reputation; must have established/installed your particular faith in a foreign land at a regional level (city-state, province, etc…) | +5 Vigor max; +1 to cast with Faith powers; +1% melee crit | recognition by 50000+ • people Revered or Hated common reputation • must have established/installed your particular faith in a foreign land at a regional level (city-state, province, etc…) |
• +5 Vigor max • +1 to cast with Faith powers • +1% melee crit |
Outlaw | Cleric | Heretic | 1-20 | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed; often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic; can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you; will be pursued by Witch Hunters | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed • often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you • will be pursued by Witch Hunters |
Rite | Druid | Initiate | 1 | (No Rite required) Profess unrelenting belief & faith in a particular (Druidic) religion witnessed by a Witness or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; Sacred Text; Survival Instincts (passive); gain entry into a Conclave | (No Rite required) Profess unrelenting belief & faith in a particular (Druidic) religion witnessed by a Witness or higher | • Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • Sacred Text • Survival Instincts (passive) • gain entry into a Conclave |
Rite | Druid | Witness | 4 | Rite of the Witness: stand in silent observation of a Druidic ritual being performed by a Conclave | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers | Rite of the Witness: stand in silent observation of a Druidic ritual being performed by a Conclave | • Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers |
Rite | Druid | Ritualist | 7 | Rite of the Ritualist: actively participate in some aspect of a Druidic ritual performed by a Conclave | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers; +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point | Rite of the Ritualist: actively participate in some aspect of a Druidic ritual performed by a Conclave | • Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point |
Rite | Druid | Augur | 10 | Rite of the Augur: deprived of senses and tested by the Conclave to see if they have or will develop the gift of Foresight | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers; Foresight (passive) | Rite of the Augur: deprived of senses and tested by the Conclave to see if they have or will develop the gift of Foresight | • Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers • Foresight (passive) |
Rite | Druid | Oracle | 14 | Rite of the Oracle: deliver a prophecy that is verified by the Conclave to have come to pass; Must serve Conclave on semi-regular basis | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers; Prophecy (passive) | Rite of the Oracle: deliver a prophecy that is verified by the Conclave to have come to pass • Must serve Conclave on semi-regular basis |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers • Prophecy (passive) |
Rite | Druid | Chief Druid | 17 | Rite of the Chief Druid: undergo a sacred rite (particular to each Conclave) to test your wisdom and understanding of the Spirit world; typically only one Chief druid for a particular Conclave of druids | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers; Leadership over an entire Conclave | Rite of the Chief Druid: undergo a sacred rite (particular to each Conclave) to test your wisdom and understanding of the Spirit world • typically only one Chief druid for a particular Conclave of druids |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +2 to to cast with Spirit & faith powers • Leadership over an entire Conclave |
Rite | Druid | Arch Druid | 19 | Rite of the Arch Druid: Gain the respect and approval of multiple Druidic Conclaves (often requiring that you complete a sacred rite particular to each Conclave); Arch Druids are very rare and typically transcend allegiance to a single conclave (most conclaves won't have one) | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; Authority transcending any one conclave | Rite of the Arch Druid: Gain the respect and approval of multiple Druidic Conclaves (often requiring that you complete a sacred rite particular to each Conclave) • Arch Druids are very rare and typically transcend allegiance to a single conclave (most conclaves won't have one) |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • Authority transcending any one conclave |
Outlaw | Druid | Hermit | 1-20 | Not part of a Druidic Conclave, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out; still adhere to a particular Druidic Faith Path (and paired School of Spirit Powers) | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hermit; +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point (unless already awarded from the Rite of the Ritualist); must live in isolation from other Druids and usually society as a whole | Not part of a Druidic Conclave, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out • still adhere to a particular Druidic Faith Path (and paired School of Spirit Powers) |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hermit • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point (unless already awarded from the Rite of the Ritualist) • must live in isolation from other Druids and usually society as a whole |
Outlaw | Druid | Witchdoctor | 1-20 | Not part of a Druidic Conclave, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out; do not adhere to a particular Druidic Faith Path (and paired School of Spirit Powers) | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witchdoctor; +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point (unless already awarded from the Rite of the Ritualist); can use any Faith or Spirit powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); will be shunned by other Druids and hunted by both Mage Wardens and Witch Hunters | Not part of a Druidic Conclave, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out • do not adhere to a particular Druidic Faith Path (and paired School of Spirit Powers) |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witchdoctor • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point (unless already awarded from the Rite of the Ritualist) • can use any Faith or Spirit powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • will be shunned by other Druids and hunted by both Mage Wardens and Witch Hunters |
Renown | Guardian | My Brothers Keeper | 1 | Pledge yourself to the Guardian’s (Core) Code: My Brother's Keeper; | Gain Core Code: My Brother's Keeper | Pledge yourself to the Guardian’s (Core) Code: My Brother's Keeper • |
• Gain Core Code: My Brother's Keeper |
Renown | Guardian | Citizen-Soldier | 3 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; recognition by 5+ people; must be an upstanding citizen of a particular city/region | Gain 1st Minor Code; '+1 Occupational Secondary Skill Point | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • recognition by 5+ people • must be an upstanding citizen of a particular city/region |
• Gain 1st Minor Code • '+1 Occupational Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Guardian | Sworn Shield | 6 | recognition by 50+ people; Friendly common reputation must have been sworn into the service of another individual as a personal bodyguard for a significant period of time | Shield Master (passive); +1 Bodyguard Secondary Skill Point | recognition by 50+ people • Friendly common reputation must have been sworn into the service of another individual as a personal bodyguard for a significant period of time |
• Shield Master (passive) • +1 Bodyguard Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Guardian | Hoplite | 9 | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor code) of your choice; recognition by 500+ people; Honored common reputation; must have won a battle while in fighting in a close combat formation with other allies (i.e. Phalanx, Shield wall, etc… ) | Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code; Shield Brace (passive) | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor code) of your choice • recognition by 500+ people • Honored common reputation • must have won a battle while in fighting in a close combat formation with other allies (i.e. Phalanx, Shield wall, etc… ) |
• Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code • Shield Brace (passive) |
Renown | Guardian | Praetorian | 13 | recognition by 5000+ people; Revered common reputation; must have served or be currently serving as a bodyguard/household guard of a high profile individual | +3 Vigor Max; +3 Melee & Ranged Hit | recognition by 5000+ people • Revered common reputation • must have served or be currently serving as a bodyguard/household guard of a high profile individual |
• +3 Vigor Max • +3 Melee & Ranged Hit |
Renown | Guardian | Living Legend | 17 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; recognition by 50000+ people; Revered common reputation; one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation | Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code; +5 Vigor max; Legendary Action (passive) | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • recognition by 50000+ people • Revered common reputation • one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation |
• Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code • +5 Vigor max • Legendary Action (passive) |
Order, Initial | Knight | Squire | 1 | Pledge yourself to the (Core) Code of the Knighthood: Chivalry; must be serving/training under a Knight with a rank of Foot Knight or higher (or a Hedge Knight of level 6 or higher) | Gain Core Code: Chivalry; +1 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Salute (passive); May join a Knightly Order | Pledge yourself to the (Core) Code of the Knighthood: Chivalry • must be serving/training under a Knight with a rank of Foot Knight or higher (or a Hedge Knight of level 6 or higher) |
• Gain Core Code: Chivalry • +1 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Salute (passive) • May join a Knightly Order |
Order, Initial | Knight | Armsman | 3 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; promoted by a higher ranking night (Minimum Knight Regular or Knight Errant); must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight (or a Hedge Knight of level 8 or higher) | Gain 1st Minor Code; '+1 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Free Weapon Training of your choice; +1 Combat Specialist Skill Point | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • promoted by a higher ranking night (Minimum Knight Regular or Knight Errant) • must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight (or a Hedge Knight of level 8 or higher) |
• Gain 1st Minor Code • '+1 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Free Weapon Training of your choice • +1 Combat Specialist Skill Point |
Order, Initial | Knight | Foot Knight | 5 | complete a quest or mission, sponsored by a higher ranking Knight; Knighted by the leader of your Order/Chapter House or a Liege-lord; must take the oath(s) of your order; must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight | +1 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Free Armor Training of your choice; +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point; May put Sir or Dame in front of name; may take a Squire in your service; may ride in Knightly Tournaments but not in true combat | complete a quest or mission, sponsored by a higher ranking Knight • Knighted by the leader of your Order/Chapter House or a Liege-lord • must take the oath(s) of your order • must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight |
• +1 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Free Armor Training of your choice • +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point • May put Sir or Dame in front of name • may take a Squire in your service • may ride in Knightly Tournaments but not in true combat |
Order, Military | Knight | Knight Regular | 7 | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (either Leader of Men or Conquest); promoted by a commanding officer (Cavalier or Higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign; must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight | Gain a Great Code: Leader of Men or Conquest; Granted the “Spurs of the Order” which signifies the right to ride in true combat (without losing honor); +1 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; +1 Secondary Skill Point in mounted Combat; may command a Squadron of up to 10 Foot Knights (must be unmounted); may take an Armsman in your service | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (either Leader of Men or Conquest) • promoted by a commanding officer (Cavalier or Higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign • must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight |
• Gain a Great Code: Leader of Men or Conquest • Granted the “Spurs of the Order” which signifies the right to ride in true combat (without losing honor) • +1 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • +1 Secondary Skill Point in mounted Combat • may command a Squadron of up to 10 Foot Knights (must be unmounted) • may take an Armsman in your service |
Order, Military | Knight | Cavalier | 10 | promoted by a commanding officer (Knight Captain or higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign; must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Mounted Exemplar (passive); may command a Cadre of up to 5 Knight Regulars or Company of up to 5 Squadrons of Foot Knights | promoted by a commanding officer (Knight Captain or higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign • must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Mounted Exemplar (passive) • may command a Cadre of up to 5 Knight Regulars or Company of up to 5 Squadrons of Foot Knights |
Order, Military | Knight | Knight Captain | 12 | promoted by a commanding officer (Knight Templar or higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign; must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Tactical Prowess (passive); may command an Echelon of up to 5 Cadres of Knights or Battalion of up to 4 Companies of Foot Knights | promoted by a commanding officer (Knight Templar or higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign • must be serving/training under a higher ranking Knight |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Tactical Prowess (passive) • may command an Echelon of up to 5 Cadres of Knights or Battalion of up to 4 Companies of Foot Knights |
Order, Military | Knight | Knight Templar | 14 | promoted by a commanding officer (Knight Marshal or higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign; must be serving/training under a Knight Marshal | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; may command a Regiment of up to 5 Echelons of Knights or 5 Battalions of Foot Knights; may run a Chapter House within a larger Knightly Order; may perform Knighting and anointing ceremonies | promoted by a commanding officer (Knight Marshal or higher), typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign • must be serving/training under a Knight Marshal |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • may command a Regiment of up to 5 Echelons of Knights or 5 Battalions of Foot Knights • may run a Chapter House within a larger Knightly Order • may perform Knighting and anointing ceremonies |
Order, Military | Knight | Knight Marshal | 16 | Pledge yourself to a second Minor Code of your choice; promoted by Knightlord or Liege-lord, typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign; serving/training under a Knightlord or Liege-Lord of some kind; usually only one unless Order is very large | Gain 2nd Minor Code; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; may command a Division of up to 5 Regiments; Right hand of the Knightlord, often acting in his/her place in the field | Pledge yourself to a second Minor Code of your choice • promoted by Knightlord or Liege-lord, typically upon successful completion of a mission or campaign • serving/training under a Knightlord or Liege-Lord of some kind • usually only one unless Order is very large |
• Gain 2nd Minor Code • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • may command a Division of up to 5 Regiments • Right hand of the Knightlord, often acting in his/her place in the field |
Order, Military | Knight | Knightlord | 18 | usually appointed by Liege-lord or previous Knightlord; previous Knightlord must be either retired or dead; can only be one Knightlord per order | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Authority over an entire Knightly Order, total veto | usually appointed by Liege-lord or previous Knightlord • previous Knightlord must be either retired or dead • can only be one Knightlord per order |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Authority over an entire Knightly Order, total veto |
Order, Questing | Knight | Knight Errant | 7 | Pledge yourself to the Sacred Quest Great Code; complete a minor quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Cavalier, Anointed Knight or other higher ranking Knight | Gain a Great Code: Sacred Quest; Granted the “Spurs of the Order” which signifies the right to ride in true combat (without losing honor); +1 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; +1 Secondary Skill Point in mounted Combat; may take an Armsman in your service; released from obligations of military service to instead wander in search of a sacred or noble quest | Pledge yourself to the Sacred Quest Great Code • complete a minor quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Cavalier, Anointed Knight or other higher ranking Knight |
• Gain a Great Code: Sacred Quest • Granted the “Spurs of the Order” which signifies the right to ride in true combat (without losing honor) • +1 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • +1 Secondary Skill Point in mounted Combat • may take an Armsman in your service • released from obligations of military service to instead wander in search of a sacred or noble quest |
Order, Questing | Knight | Anointed Knight | 10 | complete a minor quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Knight Captain, Questing Knight or other higher ranking Knight; anointed by the leader of your Order/Chapter House, a Liege-lord, or a Relic Knight/Venerable Knight/Knight of Legend | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; Anointed Virtue (passive) | complete a minor quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Knight Captain, Questing Knight or other higher ranking Knight • anointed by the leader of your Order/Chapter House, a Liege-lord, or a Relic Knight/Venerable Knight/Knight of Legend |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • Anointed Virtue (passive) |
Order, Questing | Knight | Questing Knight | 12 | complete a minor quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Knight Templar, Relic Knight or other higher ranking Knight; accept a major quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Knight Templar, Relic Knight or higher ranking Knight (typically this quest will run the duration of their time as Questing Knight and is most often tied to the recovery of an lost relic of significant to the Order) | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point | complete a minor quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Knight Templar, Relic Knight or other higher ranking Knight • accept a major quest, sponsored and/or approved by a Knight Templar, Relic Knight or higher ranking Knight (typically this quest will run the duration of their time as Questing Knight and is most often tied to the recovery of an lost relic of significant to the Order) |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point |
Order, Questing | Knight | Relic Knight | 14 | recover and/or secure a relic of significance to the Order, as recognized by a Knight Marshal, Venerable Knight or other higher ranking Knight; must also have completed the major quest accepted as a Questing Knight if it was unrelated to a relic | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; granted resources by the Order for the commissioning of a Reliquary (a container for the Relic); may personally wield the Relic if the need arises; Relic Defender (passive); may perform Knighting and anointing ceremonies | recover and/or secure a relic of significance to the Order, as recognized by a Knight Marshal, Venerable Knight or other higher ranking Knight • must also have completed the major quest accepted as a Questing Knight if it was unrelated to a relic |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • granted resources by the Order for the commissioning of a Reliquary (a container for the Relic) • may personally wield the Relic if the need arises • Relic Defender (passive) • may perform Knighting and anointing ceremonies |
Order, Questing | Knight | Venerable Knight | 16 | Pledge yourself to a second Minor Code of your choice; faithful service in the defense and safeguarding of their relic, as recognized by a Knightlord (and/or Liege-Lord) or Knight of Legend | Gain 2nd Minor Code; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point; granted resources by the Order to build a stronghold or other such defensive structure to protect their Reliquary | Pledge yourself to a second Minor Code of your choice • faithful service in the defense and safeguarding of their relic, as recognized by a Knightlord (and/or Liege-Lord) or Knight of Legend |
• Gain 2nd Minor Code • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point • granted resources by the Order to build a stronghold or other such defensive structure to protect their Reliquary |
Order, Questing | Knight | Knight of Legend | 18 | your deeds must be known far and wide, your story recorded and enshrined in the sacred texts of your Order | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Code Point | your deeds must be known far and wide, your story recorded and enshrined in the sacred texts of your Order | • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Code Point |
Outlaw | Knight | Hedge Knight | 1-20 | Having never sworn Oaths to a specific Knightly Order; and/or have not pledged themselves to the service of a Liege Lord (or having been released from an Oath); must still uphold the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order); With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hedge Knight; Can follow any Codes available to Knights that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code); Looked down upon by “real” Knights; At level 6: may take a Squire into your service; At level 8: may take an Armsman; At level 8: may ride in tournaments, but may not mounted in real combat without losing honor | Having never sworn Oaths to a specific Knightly Order • and/or have not pledged themselves to the service of a Liege Lord (or having been released from an Oath) • must still uphold the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class |
• Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order) • With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hedge Knight • Can follow any Codes available to Knights that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) • Looked down upon by “real” Knights • At level 6: may take a Squire into your service • At level 8: may take an Armsman • At level 8: may ride in tournaments, but may not mounted in real combat without losing honor |
Outlaw | Knight | Oathbroken | 1-20 | Intentional rejection of the authority of a Liege Lord and/or Knightly Order; And/or breaking of the Oaths that bind you to a Liege Lord and/or Knightly Order | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order); With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken); Can follow any Codes available to Knights that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code); May no longer use Honor Oaths; Barred from any Knightly tournament; Despised and rejected by other Knights; No self respecting squire or armsman would ever serve you | Intentional rejection of the authority of a Liege Lord and/or Knightly Order • And/or breaking of the Oaths that bind you to a Liege Lord and/or Knightly Order |
• Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order) • With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken) • Can follow any Codes available to Knights that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) • May no longer use Honor Oaths • Barred from any Knightly tournament • Despised and rejected by other Knights • No self respecting squire or armsman would ever serve you |
College | Mage(Full) | Apprentice | 1 | find an undermage or higher to sponsor you | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; Spirit Echo (passive) | find an undermage or higher to sponsor you | • Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • Spirit Echo (passive) |
College | Mage(Full) | Entered Apprentice | 3 | find a master mage or higher to sponsor you; join a particular college of magic | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power | find a master mage or higher to sponsor you • join a particular college of magic |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power |
College | Mage(Full) | Apprentice Adept | 5 | find a master mage or higher to sponsor you; prove that you are an especially skilled, respected, or trustworthy apprentice | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point | find a master mage or higher to sponsor you • prove that you are an especially skilled, respected, or trustworthy apprentice |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point |
College | Mage(Full) | Undermage | 8 | find a headmaster or higher to sponsor you; pass a mage test | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +6 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; Volatile Magic (passive); may take on an apprentice | find a headmaster or higher to sponsor you • pass a mage test |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +6 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • Volatile Magic (passive) • may take on an apprentice |
College | Mage(Full) | Master Mage | 12 | find a headmaster or higher to sponsor you; pass a mage test | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +5 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; may take multiple apprentices; may teach at a Mage College | find a headmaster or higher to sponsor you • pass a mage test |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +5 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • may take multiple apprentices • may teach at a Mage College |
College | Mage(Full) | Eldermage | 15 | must pass a mage test, regardless (or often in spite of) sponsorship; mutual exclusive with Headmaster title | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +3 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; can no longer teach at a mage college or take on apprentices | must pass a mage test, regardless (or often in spite of) sponsorship • mutual exclusive with Headmaster title |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +3 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • can no longer teach at a mage college or take on apprentices |
College | Mage(Full) | Head Master | 15 | appointed by a council of headmasters (or an archmage) ; must pass a mage test; must have spent time teaching at a Mage College; mutually exclusive with Eldermage | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +3 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; The authority, rights, and privileges accorded to the headmaster of a mage college | appointed by a council of headmasters (or an archmage) • must pass a mage test • must have spent time teaching at a Mage College • mutually exclusive with Eldermage |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +3 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • The authority, rights, and privileges accorded to the headmaster of a mage college |
College | Mage(Full) | Archmage | 17 | defeat the Archmage associated with your college and strip them of their power; typically only one Archmage for each School of Spirit Powers in a large region (i.e. continent) | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; may learn Ultimate spirit powers where applicable; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; can memorize +1 spirit power; authority over one or more colleges of the same type can appoint head masters directly (over ruling council of headmasters) | defeat the Archmage associated with your college and strip them of their power • typically only one Archmage for each School of Spirit Powers in a large region (i.e. continent) |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • may learn Ultimate spirit powers where applicable • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • can memorize +1 spirit power • authority over one or more colleges of the same type can appoint head masters directly (over ruling council of headmasters) |
Outlaw | Mage(Full) | Sorcerer | n/a | Must follow a single School of Spirit powers, but choose to do so outside of the control or confines of a Mage College (could be intentional or out of ignorance) | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Sorcerer; Do need to adhere to College laws regarding sanctioned used of Tiers of power but, do not recieve any benefits related to colleges; Will still be hunted by Mage Wardens if found to be taking on apprentices | Must follow a single School of Spirit powers, but choose to do so outside of the control or confines of a Mage College (could be intentional or out of ignorance) | • Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Sorcerer • Do need to adhere to College laws regarding sanctioned used of Tiers of power but, do not recieve any benefits related to colleges • Will still be hunted by Mage Wardens if found to be taking on apprentices |
Outlaw | Mage(Full) | Renegade | n/a | Rejection or ignorance of the authority of the Mage Colleges; Learning powers from multiple schools | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Renegade; may learn powers from any School of Spirit Powers; will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens | Rejection or ignorance of the authority of the Mage Colleges • Learning powers from multiple schools |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Renegade • may learn powers from any School of Spirit Powers • will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens |
College | Martial Artist | Second Degree | 6 | pass the Second belt test (usually tests one-on-one combat); Maintain vow to NOT learn any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial); pay membership fees | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point; If not already trained, gain Rank 2 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college; +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point | pass the Second belt test (usually tests one-on-one combat) • Maintain vow to NOT learn any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial) • pay membership fees |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point • If not already trained, gain Rank 2 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college • +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point |
College | Martial Artist | Third Degree | 9 | pass the Third belt test (usually testing ability to take on multiple opponents); Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial); pay membership fees | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Damage; +1 Focus Skill Point; If not already trained, gain Rank 3 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college; | pass the Third belt test (usually testing ability to take on multiple opponents) • Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial) • pay membership fees |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Damage • +1 Focus Skill Point • If not already trained, gain Rank 3 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college • |
College | Martial Artist | Sensei | 12 | defeat a Sensei in a non-lethal Martial Arts duel; Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial); appointed by the Osensei if still living (otherwise by a Daisensei); pay membership fees | +3 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point; If not already trained, gain Rank 4 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college (can exceed normal max rank); MUST teach at a dojo or martial arts college | defeat a Sensei in a non-lethal Martial Arts duel • Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial) • appointed by the Osensei if still living (otherwise by a Daisensei) • pay membership fees |
• +3 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point • If not already trained, gain Rank 4 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college (can exceed normal max rank) • MUST teach at a dojo or martial arts college |
College | Martial Artist | Daisensei | 15 | appointed by the Osensei if still living (otherwise compete with another Sensei); Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial); pay membership fees | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point; Gain Rank 5 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college (can exceed normal max rank); MUST oversee several dojos or martial arts colleges | appointed by the Osensei if still living (otherwise compete with another Sensei) • Maintain vow to NOT learn or practice any style skills beyond what that dojo studies (other than racial) • pay membership fees |
• +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point • Gain Rank 5 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college (can exceed normal max rank) • MUST oversee several dojos or martial arts colleges |
College | Martial Artist | Osensei | 18 | must have founded your own dojo/school (at least one) based on a unique style of fighting | +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Points; Gain Rank 6 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college (can exceed normal max rank) | must have founded your own dojo/school (at least one) based on a unique style of fighting | • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Points • Gain Rank 6 of a Style skill associated with your dojo/college (can exceed normal max rank) |
Outlaw | Martial Artist | Freestyle | 1-20 | pursue Martial Arts without belonging to a Dojo or Martial Arts College | May ignore the standard maximum skill point values for Focus Disciplines; May learn as many Style skills as your wish if you can find students, may attempt to found your own style and open a Dojo (may be met with resistance from other Dojos) | pursue Martial Arts without belonging to a Dojo or Martial Arts College | • May ignore the standard maximum skill point values for Focus Disciplines • May learn as many Style skills as your wish if you can find students, may attempt to found your own style and open a Dojo (may be met with resistance from other Dojos) |
Order | Monk | Postulant | 1 | profess belief and interest in a known Monastic Faith and lifestyle; witnessed by a Friar or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; Free Sacred Text (small item) | profess belief and interest in a known Monastic Faith and lifestyle • witnessed by a Friar or higher |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • Free Sacred Text (small item) |
Order | Monk | Novitiate | 3 | join a monastic order and live communally in a Monastery take vows; witnessed and accepted by the Prior or Abbot of the Monastery | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +3 to cast with Faith; Lay on Hand (passive) | join a monastic order and live communally in a Monastery take vows • witnessed and accepted by the Prior or Abbot of the Monastery |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +3 to cast with Faith • Lay on Hand (passive) |
Order | Monk | Acolyte | 5 | take addition vows (increased severity); witnessed by Prior or Abbot | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +3 to cast with Faith | take addition vows (increased severity) • witnessed by Prior or Abbot |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +3 to cast with Faith |
Order | Monk | Chantor | 8 | lead communal chants; witnessed by Prior or Abbot | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +3 to cast with Faith | lead communal chants • witnessed by Prior or Abbot |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +3 to cast with Faith |
Order | Monk | Anchorite | 12 | take vow of secrecy; witnessed by Prior or Abbot; agree to some form of self imprisonment (typically an isolated cell within the monastery); must then hear the confessions of members of your Religious Order (including non-monks) | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +3 to cast with Faith; cannot leave self-imprisonment unless called upon for greater purpose; Burden of Secrets (passive) | take vow of secrecy • witnessed by Prior or Abbot • agree to some form of self imprisonment (typically an isolated cell within the monastery) • must then hear the confessions of members of your Religious Order (including non-monks) |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +3 to cast with Faith • cannot leave self-imprisonment unless called upon for greater purpose • Burden of Secrets (passive) |
Order | Monk | Prior/Prioress | 14 | take first vow of leadership before monastic community; must manage a Priory | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +2 to cast with Faith | take first vow of leadership before monastic community • must manage a Priory |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +2 to cast with Faith |
Order | Monk | Abbot/Abbess | 17 | take second vow of leadership; must then manage an Abbey or several Priories; for larger orders must join council of Abbots | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; +1 to cast with Faith | take second vow of leadership • must then manage an Abbey or several Priories • for larger orders must join council of Abbots |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • +1 to cast with Faith |
Outlaw | Monk | Hermit | 1-20 | Not part of a Monastic Order, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out; still intentionally practicing a particular Faith Path in absence of community | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hermit; +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point; must live in isolation | Not part of a Monastic Order, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out • still intentionally practicing a particular Faith Path in absence of community |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hermit • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point • must live in isolation |
Outlaw | Monk | Heretic | 1-20 | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed; often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic; can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you; will be pursued by Witch Hunters | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed • often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you • will be pursued by Witch Hunters |
Outlaw | Monk | Witch/Warlock | 1-20 | Follow a Faith Path of your own making; usually including forbidden and/or mixing of powers; can be completely independent or may join a Coven of like minded individuals | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witch or Warlock; forced to live in hiding or on the fringes of civilization to avoid persecution and the attention of Witch Hunters | Follow a Faith Path of your own making • usually including forbidden and/or mixing of powers • can be completely independent or may join a Coven of like minded individuals |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witch or Warlock • forced to live in hiding or on the fringes of civilization to avoid persecution and the attention of Witch Hunters |
Outlaw | Monk | Friar | n/a | Refusal or rejection of the Monastic life style (often because they feel called to be out spreading their faith among the people); still adhering to orthodoxy, doctrine or creed of a particular Monastic Order | Gain Advantage on Faith rolls at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles; Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Friar; Rousing Sermon (passive) at level 6; in some cases retain partial allegiance and/or support of their former Monastic Order | Refusal or rejection of the Monastic life style (often because they feel called to be out spreading their faith among the people) • still adhering to orthodoxy, doctrine or creed of a particular Monastic Order |
• Gain Advantage on Faith rolls at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles • Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Friar • Rousing Sermon (passive) at level 6 • in some cases retain partial allegiance and/or support of their former Monastic Order |
Guild | Ninja | Kohai | 2 | Pass Clan (guild) entrance test (if failed you are typically killed in order to prevent the existence of the Ninja Clan from being discovered); Must swear on pain of death to keep all Clan secrets and remain in the Ninja Clan for life | +1 Dodge; access to guild resources and trainers; Ninja… Vanish (passive); must serve senior students (Senpai) | Pass Clan (guild) entrance test (if failed you are typically killed in order to prevent the existence of the Ninja Clan from being discovered) • Must swear on pain of death to keep all Clan secrets and remain in the Ninja Clan for life |
• +1 Dodge • access to guild resources and trainers • Ninja… Vanish (passive) • must serve senior students (Senpai) |
Guild | Ninja | Senpai | 5 | pass a Clan test; guild cut paid in full | Sneaky (passive); +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point; served by junior students (Kohai) | pass a Clan test • guild cut paid in full |
• Sneaky (passive) • +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point • served by junior students (Kohai) |
Guild | Assassin | Shade | 7 | pass a guild test; guild cut paid in full | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers 1% melee crit; 65% guild cut; +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point | pass a guild test • guild cut paid in full |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers
1% melee crit • 65% guild cut • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point |
Guild | Thief | Journeyman | 7 | pass a guild test (typically required to steal an item of moderate value); guild member fee up to date | +1 Advantage on Stealth tests; +2 Stealth skill pts; +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged); +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point | pass a guild test (typically required to steal an item of moderate value) • guild member fee up to date |
• +1 Advantage on Stealth tests • +2 Stealth skill pts • +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged) • +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point |
Guild | Ninja | Shinobi | 8 | pass a Clan test (typically involves a difficult solo mission where any detection is an immediate failure); guild cut paid in full | From the Shadows (passive) | pass a Clan test (typically involves a difficult solo mission where any detection is an immediate failure) • guild cut paid in full |
• From the Shadows (passive) |
Guild | Ranger | Huntsmen | 8 | pass a guild test guild; member job quota met | +1% ranged crit; Swift Hunt (passive) | pass a guild test guild • member job quota met |
• +1% ranged crit • Swift Hunt (passive) |
Guild | Thief | Master | 10 | pass a guild test (typically required to steal an item of great value that is very well guarded); guild member fee up to date | +2 Stealth skill pts; +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged); Cheat Death (passive) | pass a guild test (typically required to steal an item of great value that is very well guarded) • guild member fee up to date |
• +2 Stealth skill pts • +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged) • Cheat Death (passive) |
Guild | Assassin | Silent Blade | 11 | pass a guild test; guild cut paid in full | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +1% ranged crit; 50% guild cut; Silent Death (passive) | pass a guild test • guild cut paid in full |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +1% ranged crit • 50% guild cut • Silent Death (passive) |
Guild | Ninja | Renshi | 12 | pass a Clan test (typically this is a test of your ability to teach or instruct others); guild cut paid in full | +1% Melee Crit; expected to act as an instructor/teacher for lower ranking members of the Clan | pass a Clan test (typically this is a test of your ability to teach or instruct others) • guild cut paid in full |
• +1% Melee Crit • expected to act as an instructor/teacher for lower ranking members of the Clan |
Order | Paladin | Proselyte | 1 | profess unrelenting belief in a known/accepted Faith; Pledge yourself to a Faithsworn (Core) Code: Holysworn, Hellsworn, Primalsworn, Soulsworn; witnessed by a deacon/preacher or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers Sacred Text; Gain Core Code: (Faith)sworn Salute (passive) | profess unrelenting belief in a known/accepted Faith • Pledge yourself to a Faithsworn (Core) Code: Holysworn, Hellsworn, Primalsworn, Soulsworn • witnessed by a deacon/preacher or higher |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers Sacred Text • Gain Core Code: (Faith)sworn Salute (passive) |
Order | Paladin | Neophyte | 3 | Join a particular Paladin Order; Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order) | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; Gain 1st Minor Code; +1 melee hit; Lay on Hands (passive) | Join a particular Paladin Order • Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order) |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • Gain 1st Minor Code • +1 melee hit • Lay on Hands (passive) |
Order | Paladin | Acolyte | 5 | complete a quest determined by High Templar or Higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +2 melee hit; +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point | complete a quest determined by High Templar or Higher | • Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +2 melee hit • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point |
Order | Paladin | Paladinyte | 8 | entrance into the military wing of your order; Pledge yourself to a Great Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order); sponsorship of a High Templar or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; Gain a Great Code; +1 melee hit | entrance into the military wing of your order • Pledge yourself to a Great Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order) • sponsorship of a High Templar or higher |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • Gain a Great Code • +1 melee hit |
Order | Paladin | Crusader | 11 | participate in at least one successful Crusade | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +3 melee hit; Crusaders Glory (passive) | participate in at least one successful Crusade | • Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +3 melee hit • Crusaders Glory (passive) |
Order | Paladin | High Templar | 14 | participate in multiple successful crusades; complete a quest determined by the Grand Marshal; must lead Crusades once promoted | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +2 melee hit; field command over Paladin forces | participate in multiple successful crusades • complete a quest determined by the Grand Marshal • must lead Crusades once promoted |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +2 melee hit • field command over Paladin forces |
Order | Paladin | Grand Marshal | 17 | appointed in previous Grand Marshals will; or compete against other High Templars | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; Gain 2nd Minor Code; +1 melee hit; head of a Paladin Order (total veto) | appointed in previous Grand Marshals will • or compete against other High Templars |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • Gain 2nd Minor Code • +1 melee hit • head of a Paladin Order (total veto) |
Outlaw | Paladin | Hedge Paladin | 1-20 | Having never sworn Oaths to a specific Paladin Order or other such Religious Order (or having been released from an Oath) upholding the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class (such as following a known Faith path) | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order); With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hedge Paladin; Can follow any Codes available to Paladins that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code); | Having never sworn Oaths to a specific Paladin Order or other such Religious Order (or having been released from an Oath) upholding the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class (such as following a known Faith path) | • Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order) • With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hedge Paladin • Can follow any Codes available to Paladins that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) • |
Outlaw | Paladin | Oathbroken | 1-20 | Intentional rejection of the authority of a Paladin or other religious Order breaking of the Oaths that bind you to them (or vice versa) most often a result of using forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles; With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken; Can follow any Codes available to Paladins that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code); can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); May no longer use Honor Oaths; Paladins or other associated Religious Orders will shun you if Oathbroken from using forbidden powers (or mixing of powers), will be pursued by Witch Hunters | Intentional rejection of the authority of a Paladin or other religious Order breaking of the Oaths that bind you to them (or vice versa) most often a result of using forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | • Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles • With the exception of command rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken • Can follow any Codes available to Paladins that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • May no longer use Honor Oaths • Paladins or other associated Religious Orders will shun you if Oathbroken from using forbidden powers (or mixing of powers), will be pursued by Witch Hunters |
Outlaw | Paladin | False Sworn | 1-20 | Belong to an existing Paladin Order while secretly serving another agenda, Lord, deity, or entity, often Heretical in nature (i.e. forbidden powers or mixing of powers) | Gain all rewards at minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles; Can follow any Codes available to Paladins that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code); can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); if discovered immediately become Oathbroken, exiled or executed by Order and hunted by Witch Hunters | Belong to an existing Paladin Order while secretly serving another agenda, Lord, deity, or entity, often Heretical in nature (i.e. forbidden powers or mixing of powers) | • Gain all rewards at minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles • Can follow any Codes available to Paladins that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • if discovered immediately become Oathbroken, exiled or executed by Order and hunted by Witch Hunters |
Guild | Ninja | Kyoshi | 15 | pass a Clan test (typically this is a test of your ability to teach or instruct others at an expert level); guild cut paid in full; usually only one per Ninja Clan unless the clan is exceptionally large | +2 Focus ability pts; second in command of Clan forces; expected to act as an expert teacher for lower ranking members of the Clan | pass a Clan test (typically this is a test of your ability to teach or instruct others at an expert level) • guild cut paid in full • usually only one per Ninja Clan unless the clan is exceptionally large |
• +2 Focus ability pts • second in command of Clan forces • expected to act as an expert teacher for lower ranking members of the Clan |
Guild | Ninja | Hanshi | 18 | pass a Clan test (typically this involves defeating/killing the existing Hanshi in ritual combat); manage and maintain an Ninja Clan of varying size (10+ members); can only be one per Ninja Clan | +3 Focus ability pts; +1% Melee Crit; supreme command of the Ninja Clan, including access to all its resources and funds | pass a Clan test (typically this involves defeating/killing the existing Hanshi in ritual combat) • manage and maintain an Ninja Clan of varying size (10+ members) • can only be one per Ninja Clan |
• +3 Focus ability pts • +1% Melee Crit • supreme command of the Ninja Clan, including access to all its resources and funds |
Outlaw | Ninja | Nukenin | 2-20 | have not joined a Ninja Clan; take on work outside of the authority of a Clan; caught exposing existence of the Clan or its secrets; caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues repeated breaking of Clan laws running away from a clan | Not required to pay Guild cut, fees, or dues to the Clan; do not benefit from any resources or training; unlikely to live very long | have not joined a Ninja Clan • take on work outside of the authority of a Clan • caught exposing existence of the Clan or its secrets • caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues repeated breaking of Clan laws running away from a clan |
• Not required to pay Guild cut, fees, or dues to the Clan • do not benefit from any resources or training • unlikely to live very long |
Renown | Pit-Fighter | Combatant | 3 | recognition of fighting prowess by 5+ fans; must have fought in at 3+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won at least 1 pit-fight (lethal) | +1 Brawler Secondary Skill Point | recognition of fighting prowess by 5+ fans • must have fought in at 3+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won at least 1 pit-fight (lethal) |
• +1 Brawler Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Pit-Fighter | Gladiator | 6 | recognition by 50+ fans; must have fought in 9+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 3+ pit-fights (lethal) | Showmanship (passive); +1 Brute Secondary Skill Point | recognition by 50+ fans • must have fought in 9+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 3+ pit-fights (lethal) |
• Showmanship (passive) • +1 Brute Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Pit-Fighter | Champion | 9 | recognition by 500+ fans; must have fought in 15+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 5+ pit-fights (lethal); must have beaten at least 1 champion | +1 Melee Damage; Challenge (passive) | recognition by 500+ fans • must have fought in 15+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 5+ pit-fights (lethal) • must have beaten at least 1 champion |
• +1 Melee Damage • Challenge (passive) |
Renown | Pit-Fighter | Pit Master | 13 | recognition by 5000+ fans; must have fought in 24+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 8+ pit-fights (lethal); must have beaten 3+ champions | +2 Focus Skill Points; +3 Fury max | recognition by 5000+ fans • must have fought in 24+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 8+ pit-fights (lethal) • must have beaten 3+ champions |
• +2 Focus Skill Points • +3 Fury max |
Renown | Pit-Fighter | Doctore | 14 | optional title, not required to advance to Living Legend; promoted by the owner of an arena, ludus, or fighting pits | +1 Trainer Secondary Skill Point; allowed to manage and/or train other fighters | optional title, not required to advance to Living Legend • promoted by the owner of an arena, ludus, or fighting pits |
• +1 Trainer Secondary Skill Point • allowed to manage and/or train other fighters |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Proselyte | 1 | profess unrelenting belief in a known/accepted Faith witnessed by an acolyte or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +1 to cast with Faith powers; granted a free Sacred Text (small item) for your chosen Faith | profess unrelenting belief in a known/accepted Faith witnessed by an acolyte or higher | • Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +1 to cast with Faith powers • granted a free Sacred Text (small item) for your chosen Faith |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Neophyte | 3 | must have received regimented teaching regarding the Priesthood of your chosen faith from a Vested Priest or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; Lay on Hands (passive) OR Fanatical Beliefs (passive) | must have received regimented teaching regarding the Priesthood of your chosen faith from a Vested Priest or higher | • Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • Lay on Hands (passive) OR Fanatical Beliefs (passive) |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Acolyte | 5 | invitation by a Vested Priest or higher to assist in the performance of a ceremony/ritual | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; obligated to regularly assist in the performance of ceremonies and rituals at a Temple or at Tribal gatherings | invitation by a Vested Priest or higher to assist in the performance of a ceremony/ritual | • Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • obligated to regularly assist in the performance of ceremonies and rituals at a Temple or at Tribal gatherings |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Vested Priest | 7 | Vesting ceremony performed by a Temple or Tribal priest after faithfully serving the priesthood in the completion of many ceremonies and/or rituals | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers | Vesting ceremony performed by a Temple or Tribal priest after faithfully serving the priesthood in the completion of many ceremonies and/or rituals | • Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Temple Priest | 11 | The previous Temple Priest must have been promoted, died or cast out, with you being named as their successor; alternately, could be appointed by higher ranking priests; Mutually exclusive of Tribal Priest | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +4 to cast with Faith powers; MUST preside over a Temple; Rousing Sermon (passive); +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point | The previous Temple Priest must have been promoted, died or cast out, with you being named as their successor • alternately, could be appointed by higher ranking priests • Mutually exclusive of Tribal Priest |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +4 to cast with Faith powers • MUST preside over a Temple • Rousing Sermon (passive) • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Tribal Priest | 11 | Previous Tribal Priest must have been promoted, died or cast out, with you being named as their successor; If not possible the Tribe must choose you to become their Priest; Mutually exclusive of Temple Priest | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +4 to cast with Faith powers; MUST preside over an entire Tribe; Tribal Power (passive); +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point | Previous Tribal Priest must have been promoted, died or cast out, with you being named as their successor • If not possible the Tribe must choose you to become their Priest • Mutually exclusive of Temple Priest |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +4 to cast with Faith powers • MUST preside over an entire Tribe • Tribal Power (passive) • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | Chief/Elder Priest | 14 | Must have served in the role as Temple or Tribal Priest; must have trained a successor before being promoted by a council of Chief/Elder Priest or by the High Priest | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +3 to cast with Faith powers; Benediction (passive); authority over multiple tribes or temples | Must have served in the role as Temple or Tribal Priest • must have trained a successor before being promoted by a council of Chief/Elder Priest or by the High Priest |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +3 to cast with Faith powers • Benediction (passive) • authority over multiple tribes or temples |
Order(Priesthood) | Priest | High Priest | 16 | When current High Priest dies the Chief/Elder Priest named as successor assumes the title; if not applicable other Priests vote and or compete for the title | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; preside over the entire Priesthood and all its temples and/or Tribes | When current High Priest dies the Chief/Elder Priest named as successor assumes the title • if not applicable other Priests vote and or compete for the title |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • preside over the entire Priesthood and all its temples and/or Tribes |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Brother/Sister | 1 | profess unrelenting belief in a known/accepted Faith witnessed by a deacon or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +1 new power; +1 to cast with Faith powers; granted a free Sacred Text (small item) for your chosen Faith | profess unrelenting belief in a known/accepted Faith witnessed by a deacon or higher | • Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +1 new power • +1 to cast with Faith powers • granted a free Sacred Text (small item) for your chosen Faith |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Lector | 3 | give at least one public reading of the sacred text at a ceremony or service witnessed by a deacon or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; Lay on Hands (passive); must publicly read from the Sacred text whenever called upon | give at least one public reading of the sacred text at a ceremony or service witnessed by a deacon or higher | • Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • Lay on Hands (passive) • must publicly read from the Sacred text whenever called upon |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Deacon | 5 | faithfully serve your particular religious order under the witness of an under priest or higher; may be given minor task to complete as a final test of your faithfulness | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers | faithfully serve your particular religious order under the witness of an under priest or higher • may be given minor task to complete as a final test of your faithfulness |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Under Priest | 7 | ordination ceremony after serving directly under your Parish Priest; completing a minor quest or errand | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; MUST assist a Parish Priest and often given responsibility over Chapels in small villages and hamlets, or local palaces/castles | ordination ceremony after serving directly under your Parish Priest • completing a minor quest or errand |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • MUST assist a Parish Priest and often given responsibility over Chapels in small villages and hamlets, or local palaces/castles |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Parish Priest | 11 | sponsored promotion by your bishop or higher after faithfully caring for a chapel; complete a quest or errand of some significance | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +4 to cast with Faith powers; Rousing Sermon (passive); +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point; MUST preside over a Religious Parish (typically a small region of villages or a single town) with their seat of power located at a Parish Church | sponsored promotion by your bishop or higher after faithfully caring for a chapel • complete a quest or errand of some significance |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +4 to cast with Faith powers • Rousing Sermon (passive) • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point • MUST preside over a Religious Parish (typically a small region of villages or a single town) with their seat of power located at a Parish Church |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Bishop | 14 | sponsored promotion by your Archbishop or appointed by Patriarch after faithfully serving in a local parish; must include at least one instance of defending or guiding your Parish through a significant threat or crisis | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +3 to cast with Faith powers; Benediction (passive); MUST preside over a Religious Diocese (typically a county or city) with their seat of power located at a Cathedral; Gain a ‘Bishops Ring’ or other such religious symbol of office | sponsored promotion by your Archbishop or appointed by Patriarch after faithfully serving in a local parish • must include at least one instance of defending or guiding your Parish through a significant threat or crisis |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +3 to cast with Faith powers • Benediction (passive) • MUST preside over a Religious Diocese (typically a county or city) with their seat of power located at a Cathedral • Gain a ‘Bishops Ring’ or other such religious symbol of office |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Arch Bishop/Cardinal | 16 | appointed by the Patriarch after faithfully serving in a Religious Diocese; must include at least one instance of defending or guiding your Diocese through a significant threat or crisis | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; MUST preside over a Religious Arch-Diocese (typically a state, province, or very large city) with their seat of power located at a Grand Cathedral or Basilica; if no Patriarch exists then they preside over the entire religious order as well | appointed by the Patriarch after faithfully serving in a Religious Diocese • must include at least one instance of defending or guiding your Diocese through a significant threat or crisis |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • MUST preside over a Religious Arch-Diocese (typically a state, province, or very large city) with their seat of power located at a Grand Cathedral or Basilica • if no Patriarch exists then they preside over the entire religious order as well |
Order(Religious) | Priest | Patriarch/Matriarch | 18 | when current Patriarch dies a Cardinal or Archbishop steps into the position; if more than 1 Cardinal or Archbishop exists, then voted by council of Council of their peers; some Faiths exclude this rank/title or hand its authority over to a Sovereign Ruler | +1 new power; +2 to cast with Faith powers; MUST preside over an entire religious order (often with authority extending over Priests Paladins, and Monks) with their seat f power located at a Basilica; veto over all matters of the order; Gain the ‘Staff of the Patriarch’ or other such religious symbol of office | when current Patriarch dies a Cardinal or Archbishop steps into the position • if more than 1 Cardinal or Archbishop exists, then voted by council of Council of their peers • some Faiths exclude this rank/title or hand its authority over to a Sovereign Ruler |
• +1 new power • +2 to cast with Faith powers • MUST preside over an entire religious order (often with authority extending over Priests Paladins, and Monks) with their seat f power located at a Basilica • veto over all matters of the order • Gain the ‘Staff of the Patriarch’ or other such religious symbol of office |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Supplicant | 1 | Renounce or refuse to submit to the authority and hierarchy of an established religious order or priesthood; instead pursue inclusion in a cult | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +1 to cast with Faith powers; granted a free Sacred Text (small item) for your chosen Faith | Renounce or refuse to submit to the authority and hierarchy of an established religious order or priesthood • instead pursue inclusion in a cult |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +1 to cast with Faith powers • granted a free Sacred Text (small item) for your chosen Faith |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Follower | 3 | Demonstrate your choice to follow the persona and/or incarnate of your particular cult in a very outwards and public manner witnessed by others from the same cult | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; Fanatical Beliefs (passive) | Demonstrate your choice to follow the persona and/or incarnate of your particular cult in a very outwards and public manner witnessed by others from the same cult | • Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • Fanatical Beliefs (passive) |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Ritualist | 5 | Be invited to actively participate in a cult ritual (not just as an observer) | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers | Be invited to actively participate in a cult ritual (not just as an observer) | • Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Adherent | 7 | Demonstrate your adherence to a particular aspect or principle of the established dogma of your cult, in a very outwards and public manner witnessed by others from the same cult | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers | Demonstrate your adherence to a particular aspect or principle of the established dogma of your cult, in a very outwards and public manner witnessed by others from the same cult | • Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Devotee | 11 | Pledge undying devotion to a Persona and/or Incarnate of your cult; convince 5 or more others to follow them | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +4 to cast with Faith powers; Rousing Sermon (passive); +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point | Pledge undying devotion to a Persona and/or Incarnate of your cult • convince 5 or more others to follow them |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +4 to cast with Faith powers • Rousing Sermon (passive) • +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Persona | 14 | Create your own cult or be elevated to the position of Persona; have at least 1 Devotee and 30+ Followers | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +3 to cast with Faith powers; Benediction (passive); may create your own cult | Create your own cult or be elevated to the position of Persona • have at least 1 Devotee and 30+ Followers |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +3 to cast with Faith powers • Benediction (passive) • may create your own cult |
Order(Cult) | Priest | Incarnate | 16 | Have at least 1 Devotee and 100+ Followers | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; +1 new power; +1 Advantage on Faith rolls; +2 to cast with Faith powers; may create your own cult | Have at least 1 Devotee and 100+ Followers | • Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • +1 new power • +1 Advantage on Faith rolls • +2 to cast with Faith powers • may create your own cult |
Outlaw | Priest | Apostate | n/a | Renounce or refuse to submit to the authority and hierarchy of an established religious order, priesthood, or cult; But still follow a known faith and adhere to its basic orthodoxy, doctrine, or creed (no mixing of powers) | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming an Apostate; may be pursued by your former Order or Priesthood in an attempt to convince (or force) you to rejoin | Renounce or refuse to submit to the authority and hierarchy of an established religious order, priesthood, or cult • But still follow a known faith and adhere to its basic orthodoxy, doctrine, or creed (no mixing of powers) |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming an Apostate • may be pursued by your former Order or Priesthood in an attempt to convince (or force) you to rejoin |
Outlaw | Priest | Heretic | 1-20 | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed; often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic; can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you; will be pursued by Witch Hunters | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed • often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you • will be pursued by Witch Hunters |
Outlaw | Priest | Witch/Warlock | 1-20 | Follow a Faith Path of your own making; usually including forbidden and/or mixing of powers; can be completely independent or may join a Coven of like minded individuals | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witch or Warlock; forced to live in hiding or on the fringes of civilization to avoid persecution and the attention of Witch Hunters | Follow a Faith Path of your own making • usually including forbidden and/or mixing of powers • can be completely independent or may join a Coven of like minded individuals |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witch or Warlock • forced to live in hiding or on the fringes of civilization to avoid persecution and the attention of Witch Hunters |
Renown | Pit-Fighter | Living Legend | 17 | recognition by 50000+ fans; must have fought in 36+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 12+ pit-fights (lethal); must have beaten 5+ champions & at least 1 Pit Master; one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation | +3 Focus Skill Points; +5 Fury Max; +1% Melee Crit; Legendary Action (passive) | recognition by 50000+ fans • must have fought in 36+ staged combats (non-lethal) or won 12+ pit-fights (lethal) • must have beaten 5+ champions & at least 1 Pit Master • one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation |
• +3 Focus Skill Points • +5 Fury Max • +1% Melee Crit • Legendary Action (passive) |
Guild | Assassin | Assassing Adept | 13 | pass a guild test; guild cut paid in full | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +1 Advantage on Stealth tests; +1% melee crit; 30% guild cut | pass a guild test • guild cut paid in full |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +1 Advantage on Stealth tests • +1% melee crit • 30% guild cut |
Guild | Ranger | Ranger Captain | 13 | pass a guild test guild; member job quota met; all guilds have at least one Ranger Captain (typically one per 10-20 members) | +3 Vigor max; +1 Advantage on Stealth tests; +1% ranged crit; field commander of guild forces | pass a guild test guild • member job quota met • all guilds have at least one Ranger Captain (typically one per 10-20 members) |
• +3 Vigor max • +1 Advantage on Stealth tests • +1% ranged crit • field commander of guild forces |
Guild | Thief | Artisan | 13 | pass a guild test (typically required to steal a high profile item or artifact, often guarded by magical wards and enchantments); guild member fee up to date | +2 Stealth skill pts; +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged) | pass a guild test (typically required to steal a high profile item or artifact, often guarded by magical wards and enchantments) • guild member fee up to date |
• +2 Stealth skill pts • +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged) |
Outlaw | Pit-Fighter | Rudarius | 1-20 | must have been a slave, indentured Pit-Fighter, or fighting as part of a contractual obligation; won freedom through distinguished performance, completion of a contract, or as a prize for winning a particular fight | Retain any title rewards gained prior to becoming Rudarius; No longer forced to fight in arenas, fighting pits, etc…; If applicable, no longer required to live in a communal training house such as a Ludus; typically granted a Rudis (token of your freedom) | must have been a slave, indentured Pit-Fighter, or fighting as part of a contractual obligation • won freedom through distinguished performance, completion of a contract, or as a prize for winning a particular fight |
• Retain any title rewards gained prior to becoming Rudarius • No longer forced to fight in arenas, fighting pits, etc… • If applicable, no longer required to live in a communal training house such as a Ludus • typically granted a Rudis (token of your freedom) |
Outlaw | Ranger | Freelancer | n/a | take on work outside of the authority of a Guild, either because of not belonging to one, having been kicked out, or caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues | Not required to pay Guild cut, fees, or dues, but do not benefit from any resources or training; With the exception of guild resources and command positions, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Freelancer | take on work outside of the authority of a Guild, either because of not belonging to one, having been kicked out, or caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues | • Not required to pay Guild cut, fees, or dues, but do not benefit from any resources or training • With the exception of guild resources and command positions, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Freelancer |
Outlaw | Pit-Fighter | Fugitivus | 1-20 | must have been a slave, indentured Pit-Fighter, or fighting as part of a contractual obligation; escaped, rebelled against or otherwise broke the laws and/or contracts binding you to Fight for others amusement | Retain any title rewards gained prior to becoming Fugitivus; become the master of your own fate but relentlessly hunte; if recaptured, will be branded as Fugitivus and likely put to death | must have been a slave, indentured Pit-Fighter, or fighting as part of a contractual obligation • escaped, rebelled against or otherwise broke the laws and/or contracts binding you to Fight for others amusement |
• Retain any title rewards gained prior to becoming Fugitivus • become the master of your own fate but relentlessly hunte • if recaptured, will be branded as Fugitivus and likely put to death |
Rite | Runeweaver | Fox | 2 | Rite of the Fox: demonstrate the wisdom of the fox | Tier 1 Runic Tattoos becomes active; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Damage | Rite of the Fox: demonstrate the wisdom of the fox | • Tier 1 Runic Tattoos becomes active • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Damage |
Rite | Runeweaver | Eagle | 4 | Rite of the Eagle: demonstrate the perception of the eagle | Tier 2 Runic Tattoos becomes active; +2 Melee Hit; Deep Meditation (passive) | Rite of the Eagle: demonstrate the perception of the eagle | • Tier 2 Runic Tattoos becomes active • +2 Melee Hit • Deep Meditation (passive) |
Rite | Runeweaver | Boar | 7 | Rite of the Boar: demonstrate stamina of the boar | Tier 3 Runic Tattoos becomes active; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Finesse Secondary Skill Point; | Rite of the Boar: demonstrate stamina of the boar | • Tier 3 Runic Tattoos becomes active • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Finesse Secondary Skill Point • |
Rite | Runeweaver | Bear | 11 | Rite of the Bear: demonstrate strength of the bear | Tier 4 Runic Tattoo becomes active; +2 Melee Hit; Rhythms of Magic (passive) | Rite of the Bear: demonstrate strength of the bear | • Tier 4 Runic Tattoo becomes active • +2 Melee Hit • Rhythms of Magic (passive) |
Rite | Runeweaver | Tiger | 14 | Rite of the Tiger: demonstrate agility of the tiger | Tier 5 Runic Tattoos becomes active; +2 Focus Skill Points; +2 Melee Hit | Rite of the Tiger: demonstrate agility of the tiger | • Tier 5 Runic Tattoos becomes active • +2 Focus Skill Points • +2 Melee Hit |
Rite | Runeweaver | Griffon | 17 | Rite of the Griffon: demonstrate resolve of the griffon | Tier 6 Runic Tattoos becomes active; +3 Focus Skill Points | Rite of the Griffon: demonstrate resolve of the griffon | • Tier 6 Runic Tattoos becomes active • +3 Focus Skill Points |
Rite | Runeweaver | Dragon | 19 | Rite of the Dragon: demonstrate intellect of the dragon | Tier 7 Runic Tattoos becomes active | Rite of the Dragon: demonstrate intellect of the dragon | • Tier 7 Runic Tattoos becomes active |
Outlaw | Runeweaver | Serpent | 1-20 | The Forbidden Rite of the Serpent:; replace all existing Root Tattoos with a single Root Tattoo that is attuned to all Schools of Spirit Powers; deceive the spirits of ALL Rites using charm, or impress the Great Serpent with your powers of deception | Gain Sanctioned use of Tiers at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles; retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Serpent; Mage Wardens will hunt you down and attempt to permanently sever your Root Tattoo | The Forbidden Rite of the Serpent: • replace all existing Root Tattoos with a single Root Tattoo that is attuned to all Schools of Spirit Powers • deceive the spirits of ALL Rites using charm, or impress the Great Serpent with your powers of deception |
• Gain Sanctioned use of Tiers at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles • retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Serpent • Mage Wardens will hunt you down and attempt to permanently sever your Root Tattoo |
Order | Samurai | Wakai Bushi | 1 | Pledge yourself to the Samurai's (Core) Code: Bushido “honor or death” | Gain Core Code: Bushido; Salute (passive) | Pledge yourself to the Samurai's (Core) Code: Bushido “honor or death” | • Gain Core Code: Bushido • Salute (passive) |
Order | Samurai | Bushi | 3 | Entrance into the order of the Samurai; must swear to serve and obey the Shogun (or other equivalent leader) and your superiors; Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order or Shogun/Daimyo); | Gain 1st Minor Code; +3 melee hit; +1 Combat Specialist Secondary Skill Point | Entrance into the order of the Samurai • must swear to serve and obey the Shogun (or other equivalent leader) and your superiors • Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order or Shogun/Daimyo) • |
• Gain 1st Minor Code • +3 melee hit • +1 Combat Specialist Secondary Skill Point |
Order | Samurai | Gokenin | 6 | Must complete a task in the name of the Shogun or one of the Daimyo | +3 melee hit; +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point | Must complete a task in the name of the Shogun or one of the Daimyo | • +3 melee hit • +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point |
Order | Samurai | Hatamoto | 9 | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor Code) of your choice (or as specified by your Order or Shogun/Daimyo); Must pass a combat test staged by the order; Must agree to carry the Banner of your Shogun affixed to your armor | Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code; +3 melee hit; Bannerman (passive); may command a small force of other Samurai | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor Code) of your choice (or as specified by your Order or Shogun/Daimyo) • Must pass a combat test staged by the order • Must agree to carry the Banner of your Shogun affixed to your armor |
• Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code • +3 melee hit • Bannerman (passive) • may command a small force of other Samurai |
Order | Samurai | Jito | 12 | Must prove yourself worthy to govern a household/estate/town | +3 melee hit; governance of a houshold/estate/town; may command household forces and/or town guard (may or may not include other Samurai) | Must prove yourself worthy to govern a household/estate/town | • +3 melee hit • governance of a houshold/estate/town • may command household forces and/or town guard (may or may not include other Samurai) |
Order | Samurai | Shugo | 15 | Must prove yourself worthy to govern a city/county | +2 Focus Skill points; governance of a city/county may command city guard (may or may not include other Samurai) | Must prove yourself worthy to govern a city/county | • +2 Focus Skill points • governance of a city/county may command city guard (may or may not include other Samurai) |
Order | Samurai | Daimyo | 18 | Must prove yourself worthy to govern a region/province or Samurai Order; Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Shogun); | Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code; +3 Focus Skill points; typically leader of an entire order of Samuari, but must still obey the will of the Shogun; governance of a region/province field command of the all Samurai Order forces | Must prove yourself worthy to govern a region/province or Samurai Order • Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Shogun) • |
• Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code • +3 Focus Skill points • typically leader of an entire order of Samuari, but must still obey the will of the Shogun • governance of a region/province field command of the all Samurai Order forces |
Order | Samurai | Shogun | 19 | Appointed as successor by the previous Shogun; OR challenge and defeat the current Shogun; OR battle against other Daimyo’s upon the Shogun’s death | +3 melee hit; typically the head of mutiple orders of Samurai, complete authority; often also act as Head of State; any Samurai Orders led by warring Daimyo are honor-bound to set aside their conflict and unite under a single Samurai Order led by a Shogun | Appointed as successor by the previous Shogun • OR challenge and defeat the current Shogun • OR battle against other Daimyo’s upon the Shogun’s death |
• +3 melee hit • typically the head of mutiple orders of Samurai, complete authority • often also act as Head of State • any Samurai Orders led by warring Daimyo are honor-bound to set aside their conflict and unite under a single Samurai Order led by a Shogun |
Outlaw | Samurai | Ronin | 1-20 | Having never sworn an Oath to a specific Shogun and/or Samurai Order; must still uphold the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order); With the exception of command and governance rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Ronin; Can follow any Codes available to Samurai that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Samurai Order; Can not own land | Having never sworn an Oath to a specific Shogun and/or Samurai Order • must still uphold the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class |
• Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order) • With the exception of command and governance rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Ronin • Can follow any Codes available to Samurai that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Samurai Order • Can not own land |
Rite | Shaman | Spirit Walker | 2 | Rite of the Spirit Walker: select 1 type of Elemental or Primal (natural) spirit to “walk” with | Tier 1 Powers with chosen School of Magic; +1 to cast with Spirit powers; Survival Instincts (passive) | Rite of the Spirit Walker: select 1 type of Elemental or Primal (natural) spirit to “walk” with | • Tier 1 Powers with chosen School of Magic • +1 to cast with Spirit powers • Survival Instincts (passive) |
Rite | Shaman | Spirit Drummer | 4 | Rite of the Spirit Drummer: demonstrate the ability to tame the fury of the spirits within | Tier 2 Powers of the same School of Magic; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; Gain Elemental or Primal Drumming (unique Shaman Sanctioned use of Tier2 Spirit Power) | Rite of the Spirit Drummer: demonstrate the ability to tame the fury of the spirits within | • Tier 2 Powers of the same School of Magic • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • Gain Elemental or Primal Drumming (unique Shaman Sanctioned use of Tier2 Spirit Power) |
Rite | Shaman | Spirit Speaker | 7 | Rite of the Spirit Speaker: demonstrate the ability to converse with the spirits in the Elemental Tongue | May “walk” with up to two types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits; +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T3 with 1 School or T2/T1 split with 2 Schools); Overall still counts as a T3 Caster; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point | Rite of the Spirit Speaker: demonstrate the ability to converse with the spirits in the Elemental Tongue | • May “walk” with up to two types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits • +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T3 with 1 School or T2/T1 split with 2 Schools) • Overall still counts as a T3 Caster • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point |
Rite | Shaman | Tribal Shaman | 10 | Rite of the Tribal Shaman: ceremonial passing of mantle from one tribal Shaman to another | May “walk” with up to two types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits; +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T4, T3/T1, T2/T2); Overall still counts as a T4 Caster; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; Tribal Power (passive) | Rite of the Tribal Shaman: ceremonial passing of mantle from one tribal Shaman to another | • May “walk” with up to two types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits • +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T4, T3/T1, T2/T2) • Overall still counts as a T4 Caster • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • Tribal Power (passive) |
Rite | Shaman | Elder Shaman | 15 | Rite of the Elder Shaman: must demonstrate ability to lead and guide other Tribal Shaman | May “walk” with up to three types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits; +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T5, T4/T1, T3/T2, T3/T1/T1); Overall still counts as a T5 Caster; +3 Fury Max; +2 to cast with Spirit powers | Rite of the Elder Shaman: must demonstrate ability to lead and guide other Tribal Shaman | • May “walk” with up to three types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits • +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T5, T4/T1, T3/T2, T3/T1/T1) • Overall still counts as a T5 Caster • +3 Fury Max • +2 to cast with Spirit powers |
Rite | Shaman | Seer | 17 | Rite of the Seer: must demonstrate that you can see the immediate will or needs of the Elemental and/or Natural spirits you serve, often before they themselves do | May “walk” with up to three types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits; +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T6, T5/T1, T4/T2, T3/T3, T4/T1/T1, T3/T2/T1); Overall still counts as a T6 Caster; +5 Fury Max; +1 to cast with Spirit powers; Can see into Elemental and Natural Realms of Origin | Rite of the Seer: must demonstrate that you can see the immediate will or needs of the Elemental and/or Natural spirits you serve, often before they themselves do | • May “walk” with up to three types of Elemental or Primal (Natural) spirits • +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T6, T5/T1, T4/T2, T3/T3, T4/T1/T1, T3/T2/T1) • Overall still counts as a T6 Caster • +5 Fury Max • +1 to cast with Spirit powers • Can see into Elemental and Natural Realms of Origin |
Rite | Shaman | Farseer | 19 | Rite of the Farseer: must demonstrate that you can see the long term will or needs of the Elemental and/or Natural spirits you serve, often before they themselves do; Must have only ever focused on a Single School of magic | +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T7, T6/T1, T5/T2, T4/T3, T4/T2/T1, T3/T3/T1); Overall still counts as a T7 Caster; high risk of becoming so engrossed in the will of the Elements as to dissociate with mortal life | Rite of the Farseer: must demonstrate that you can see the long term will or needs of the Elemental and/or Natural spirits you serve, often before they themselves do • Must have only ever focused on a Single School of magic |
• +1 Tier of Powers to a single School of Magic (i.e. T7, T6/T1, T5/T2, T4/T3, T4/T2/T1, T3/T3/T1) • Overall still counts as a T7 Caster • high risk of becoming so engrossed in the will of the Elements as to dissociate with mortal life |
Outlaw | Shaman | Untamed | 1-20 | Tap into Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Spirit Powers without having gone through the Rite of the Spirit Drummer; remain aligned with a single type of Elemental or Natural Spirits | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Untamed; Gain +5% Critical Cast and +5% Miscast chance with Spirit Powers | Tap into Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Spirit Powers without having gone through the Rite of the Spirit Drummer • remain aligned with a single type of Elemental or Natural Spirits |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Untamed • Gain +5% Critical Cast and +5% Miscast chance with Spirit Powers |
Outlaw | Shaman | Dervish | 1-20 | Tap into Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Spirit Powers without having gone through the Rite of the Spirit Drummer; do not align with any one type of Elemental or Natural Spirits | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Dervish; may learn powers from any Elemental or Natural School of Powers however Elemental spirits will not willing grant their powers to a dervish and must be defeated first; will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens; Gain +5% Critical Cast and +5% Miscast chance with Spirit Powers | Tap into Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Spirit Powers without having gone through the Rite of the Spirit Drummer • do not align with any one type of Elemental or Natural Spirits |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Dervish • may learn powers from any Elemental or Natural School of Powers however Elemental spirits will not willing grant their powers to a dervish and must be defeated first • will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens • Gain +5% Critical Cast and +5% Miscast chance with Spirit Powers |
Outlaw | Samurai | Oathbroken | 1-20 | Disobey the will of a Shogun or Daimyo; And/or breaking the Oaths that bind you to a Shogun, Daimyo, and/or Samurai Order | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order; With the exception of command rewards and governance rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken; Can follow any Codes available to Samurai that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Samurai Order; Do not need to obey the will of a Shogun or Daimyo; May no longer use Honor Oaths; Can not own land or govern others | Disobey the will of a Shogun or Daimyo • And/or breaking the Oaths that bind you to a Shogun, Daimyo, and/or Samurai Order |
• Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order • With the exception of command rewards and governance rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken • Can follow any Codes available to Samurai that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Samurai Order • Do not need to obey the will of a Shogun or Daimyo • May no longer use Honor Oaths • Can not own land or govern others |
Order | Shaolin | Sectarian | 2 | profess belief and interest in a known Monastic Faith and lifestyle; witnessed by house master or higher | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers Sacred Text; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Damage; Deep Meditation (passive) | profess belief and interest in a known Monastic Faith and lifestyle • witnessed by house master or higher |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers Sacred Text • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Damage • Deep Meditation (passive) |
Order | Shaolin | Servitor | 4 | agree to voluntary service & training at a Shaolin monastery; must still live outside of the monastic community | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point | agree to voluntary service & training at a Shaolin monastery • must still live outside of the monastic community |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point |
Order | Shaolin | Monastic | 7 | must move into a communal house within a Shaolin monastery | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point; +1 Focus Skill Point | must move into a communal house within a Shaolin monastery | • Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point • +1 Focus Skill Point |
Order | Shaolin | House Master | 10 | must be promoted by the Revered Master; must govern a communal house within a Shaolin Monastery | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; +2 Melee Hit; Harness Chi (passive); +1 Focus Skill Point; Authority over a Communal House of Shaolin | must be promoted by the Revered Master • must govern a communal house within a Shaolin Monastery |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • +2 Melee Hit • Harness Chi (passive) • +1 Focus Skill Point • Authority over a Communal House of Shaolin |
Order | Shaolin | Revered Master | 13 | must be appointed by the previous Revered Master; must preside over services within a Shaolin Monastery | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Focus Skill Point; Authority over a Shaolin Monastery | must be appointed by the previous Revered Master • must preside over services within a Shaolin Monastery |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Focus Skill Point • Authority over a Shaolin Monastery |
Order | Shaolin | Transcendent Master | 17 | appoint a new Revered Master to replace you; dedicate the remainder of your life to meditation | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +1 Focus Skill Point; must spend the majority of you life in meditation only breaking from it when specifically instructed to by the power(s) you serve | appoint a new Revered Master to replace you • dedicate the remainder of your life to meditation |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +1 Focus Skill Point • must spend the majority of you life in meditation only breaking from it when specifically instructed to by the power(s) you serve |
Outlaw | Shaolin | Wanderer | 1-20 | Refusal or rejection of the Monastic life style (often because they feel called to be out spreading their faith among the people); still adhering to orthodoxy, doctrine or creed of a particular Monastic Order | Gain Advantage on Faith rolls at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles; retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Wanderer; in some cases retain partial allegiance and/or support of a Monastic Order | Refusal or rejection of the Monastic life style (often because they feel called to be out spreading their faith among the people) • still adhering to orthodoxy, doctrine or creed of a particular Monastic Order |
• Gain Advantage on Faith rolls at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles • retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Wanderer • in some cases retain partial allegiance and/or support of a Monastic Order |
Outlaw | Shaolin | Hermit | 1-20 | Not part of a Monastic Order, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out; still intentionally practicing a particular Faith Path in absence of community | Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hermit; +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point; must live in isolation | Not part of a Monastic Order, either by choice, ignorance, or having been cast out • still intentionally practicing a particular Faith Path in absence of community |
• Retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Hermit • +1 Survival Secondary Skill Point • must live in isolation |
Outlaw | Shaolin | Heretic | 1-20 | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed; often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic; can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you; will be pursued by Witch Hunters | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed • often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you • will be pursued by Witch Hunters |
Renown | Soldier | Sell Sword | 3 | recognition by 5+ people; must have fought a battle in exchange for payment of some kind | Free Weapon Training of your choice; +1 Weapon Specialist Skill Point | recognition by 5+ people • must have fought a battle in exchange for payment of some kind |
• Free Weapon Training of your choice • +1 Weapon Specialist Skill Point |
Renown | Soldier | Sworn Sword | 6 | recognition by 50+ people; Friendly reputation with a military organization of some kind; must have sworn your services to a cause, organization, or employer and seen the mission or campaign through to completion | Pick: +3 Melee hit OR +3 Ranged hit; +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point | recognition by 50+ people • Friendly reputation with a military organization of some kind • must have sworn your services to a cause, organization, or employer and seen the mission or campaign through to completion |
• Pick: +3 Melee hit OR +3 Ranged hit • +1 Martial Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Soldier | Vanguard | 9 | recognition by 500+ people; Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind; must have fought and won in a military vanguard; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +1 Melee Damage; Heroism (passive); Vigor cost for all Offensive discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance | recognition by 500+ people • Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind • must have fought and won in a military vanguard • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +1 Melee Damage • Heroism (passive) • Vigor cost for all Offensive discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance |
Renown | Soldier | Scout | 9 | recognition by 500+ people; Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind; must have sucessfully completed a scouting mission for a military force; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +1 Ranged Damage; Sneaky (passive); Vigor cost for all Ranged discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance | recognition by 500+ people • Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind • must have sucessfully completed a scouting mission for a military force • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +1 Ranged Damage • Sneaky (passive) • Vigor cost for all Ranged discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance |
Renown | Soldier | Champion | 9 | recognition by 500+ people; Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind; must have successfully championed a cause of some kind or acting as someone's champion; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +3 AC; Challenge (passive); Vigor cost for all Defensive discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance | recognition by 500+ people • Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind • must have successfully championed a cause of some kind or acting as someone's champion • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +3 AC • Challenge (passive) • Vigor cost for all Defensive discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance |
Renown | Soldier | Tactician | 9 | recognition by 500+ people; Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind; must have successfully executed a tactical plan in a large scale battle; mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles | +1 Initiative Tactical Prowess (passive); Vigor cost for all Tactics discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance | recognition by 500+ people • Honored reputation with a military organization of some kind • must have successfully executed a tactical plan in a large scale battle • mutually exclusive of other level 9 renown titles |
• +1 Initiative
Tactical Prowess (passive) • Vigor cost for all Tactics discipline skills are reduced by 1 (down to a minimum of 1), stacking with any Stance |
Renown | Soldier | Commander | 13 | recognition by 5000+ people; Revered reputation with a military organization of some kind; must have taken or been given command over a significant force, leading it to multiple victories | +5 max Vigor; Pick: +1% Melee Crit OR +1% Ranged Crit; +1 Secondary Skill point (choose one): Battle Veteran, Commander, or Military Training | recognition by 5000+ people • Revered reputation with a military organization of some kind • must have taken or been given command over a significant force, leading it to multiple victories |
• +5 max Vigor • Pick: +1% Melee Crit OR +1% Ranged Crit • +1 Secondary Skill point (choose one): Battle Veteran, Commander, or Military Training |
Renown | Soldier | Living Legend | 17 | recognition by 50000+ people; Revered reputation with a military organization of some kind; one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation | +10 max Vigor; Pick: +1 Melee Damage OR +1 Ranged Damage; Legendary Action (passive) | recognition by 50000+ people • Revered reputation with a military organization of some kind • one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation |
• +10 max Vigor • Pick: +1 Melee Damage OR +1 Ranged Damage • Legendary Action (passive) |
Army | Soldier | Private | 1 | Enlist (or be conscripted) into a standing army or mercenary force | pay and/or provisions and/or training by a military organization | Enlist (or be conscripted) into a standing army or mercenary force | • command a Squadron of up to 10 infantry |
Army | Soldier | Corporal | 3 | promoted by captain or higher | provisional command of a squadron if a sergeant is unavailable | promoted by captain or higher | • provisional command of a squadron if a sergeant is unavailable |
Army | Soldier | Sergeant | 5 | promoted by captain or higher | command a Squadron of up to 10 infantry | promoted by captain or higher | • command a Squadron of up to 10 infantry |
Army | Soldier | Leuitenant | 7 | promoted by captain or higher | command a Company of up to 10 infantry and 5 Sergeants | promoted by captain or higher | • command a Company of up to 10 infantry and 5 Sergeants |
Army | Soldier | Captain | 9 | promoted by colonel or higher | command a Battalion of up to 200 infantry, 4 Leuitenants and 20 Sergeants | promoted by colonel or higher | • command a Battalion of up to 200 infantry, 4 Leuitenants and 20 Sergeants |
Army | Soldier | Colonel | 11 | promoted by commander or higher | command a Regiment of up to 1000 infantry, 5 Captains, 20 Leuitenants and 100 Sergeants | promoted by commander or higher | • command a Regiment of up to 1000 infantry, 5 Captains, 20 Leuitenants and 100 Sergeants |
Army | Soldier | Commander | 13 | promoted by general or higher | command a Division of up to 5000 infantry, 5 Colonels, 25 Captains, 100 Leuitenants and 500 Sergeants | promoted by general or higher | • command a Division of up to 5000 infantry, 5 Colonels, 25 Captains, 100 Leuitenants and 500 Sergeants |
Army | Soldier | General | 15 | promoted by field marshal or higher (if no field marshal exists then appointed by previous general or leige-lord) | command of an entire army (1 or more divisions) | promoted by field marshal or higher (if no field marshal exists then appointed by previous general or leige-lord) | • command of an entire army (1 or more divisions) |
Army | Soldier | Field Marshal | 17 | promoted by a retiring field marshal appointed by other generals if previous field marshal is slain | command of all armies within a nation or military organization | promoted by a retiring field marshal appointed by other generals if previous field marshal is slain | • command of all armies within a nation or military organization |
Renown | Swashbuckler | Scoundrel | 1 | Pledge yourself to the Swashbuckler's (Core) Code: The Scoundrels Code; | Gain Core Code: Scoundrel's Code | Pledge yourself to the Swashbuckler's (Core) Code: The Scoundrels Code • |
• Gain Core Code: Scoundrel's Code |
Renown | Swashbuckler | Trickster | 3 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; recognition by 5+ people; must have taken someone’s money through trickery (picking pockets does not count) | Gain 1st Minor Code; Lawless (passive); +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • recognition by 5+ people • must have taken someone’s money through trickery (picking pockets does not count) |
• Gain 1st Minor Code • Lawless (passive) • +1 Artistic Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Swashbuckler | Braggart | 6 | recognition by 50+ people; Friendly common reputation; Unfriendly reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); must have boasted or bragged of your fighting prowess to the point of someone either getting annoyed with you and challenging you to a duel or questioning your honor resulting in you challenging them to a duel (it doesn't matter if you win or lose) | +3 Melee & Ranged Hit; +1 Combat Specialist Secondary Skill Point | recognition by 50+ people • Friendly common reputation • Unfriendly reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • must have boasted or bragged of your fighting prowess to the point of someone either getting annoyed with you and challenging you to a duel or questioning your honor resulting in you challenging them to a duel (it doesn't matter if you win or lose) |
• +3 Melee & Ranged Hit • +1 Combat Specialist Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Swashbuckler | Desperado | 9 | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor code) of your choice; recognition by 500+ people; Honored common reputation; Hostile reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); must have won a duel against a high profile agent of the law (preferably one that is corrupt) or otherwise evaded the law in a grandiose manner | Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code; Funeral Dirge (passive) | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor code) of your choice • recognition by 500+ people • Honored common reputation • Hostile reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • must have won a duel against a high profile agent of the law (preferably one that is corrupt) or otherwise evaded the law in a grandiose manner |
• Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code • Funeral Dirge (passive) |
Renown | Swashbuckler | Notorious Blade | 13 | recognition by 5000+ people; Revered/Hated common rep; must have bested all other known duelists in the area | +1 Advantage on Stealth Rolls; Legendary Action (passive); Refusing ANY duel results in an immediate lose of honor | recognition by 5000+ people • Revered/Hated common rep • must have bested all other known duelists in the area |
• +1 Advantage on Stealth Rolls • Legendary Action (passive) • Refusing ANY duel results in an immediate lose of honor |
Renown | Swashbuckler | Prince of Thieves | 17 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; recognition by 50000+ people; Revered common reputation; Hated reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); must have defeated someone with the Prince of Thieves title in a duel, or have self proclaimed the title, or have had a group of people give you the title | Gain 2nd Minor Code; will likely have to defend your title on a regular basis (by dueling to the death with any one who challenges) | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • recognition by 50000+ people • Revered common reputation • Hated reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • must have defeated someone with the Prince of Thieves title in a duel, or have self proclaimed the title, or have had a group of people give you the title |
• Gain 2nd Minor Code • will likely have to defend your title on a regular basis (by dueling to the death with any one who challenges) |
Guild | Ranger | Ranger General | 16 | manage and maintain a Rangers Guild of varying size (20+ members); guild member job quota met; can be only one Ranger General per guild | +5 Vigor max; +1% ranged crit; supreme command of guild forces, including access to all its resources and funds | manage and maintain a Rangers Guild of varying size (20+ members) • guild member job quota met • can be only one Ranger General per guild |
• +5 Vigor max • +1% ranged crit • supreme command of guild forces, including access to all its resources and funds |
Guild | Thief | Legendary | 16 | tales of your high profile thefts are told throughout the land, everyone knows about you, yet no one really knows who you are | +1 Advantage on Stealth tests; +2 Stealth skill pts; +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged); likely to have impostors posing as you for their own gain | tales of your high profile thefts are told throughout the land, everyone knows about you, yet no one really knows who you are | • +1 Advantage on Stealth tests • +2 Stealth skill pts • +2 hit (choice of melee or ranged) • likely to have impostors posing as you for their own gain |
Guild | Assassin | Deaths Hand | 17 | pass a guild test; guild cut paid in full | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; +1 ranged crit; 5% guild cut | pass a guild test • guild cut paid in full |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • +1 ranged crit • 5% guild cut |
Outlaw | Shaolin | Witch/Warlock | 1-20 | Follow a Faith Path of your own making; usually including forbidden and/or mixing of powers; can be completely independent or may join a Coven of like minded individuals | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witch or Warlock; forced to live in hiding or on the fringes of civilization to avoid persecution and the attention of Witch Hunters | Follow a Faith Path of your own making • usually including forbidden and/or mixing of powers • can be completely independent or may join a Coven of like minded individuals |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Witch or Warlock • forced to live in hiding or on the fringes of civilization to avoid persecution and the attention of Witch Hunters |
Guild | Assassin | Guild Master | n/a | Guild Master is in addition to the above listed titles; must be at least a Silent Blade of higher; manage and maintain an Assassin’s Guild of varying size (10+ members); must defend title against anyone desiring to replace you | supreme command of guild, including access to all its resources and funds | Guild Master is in addition to the above listed titles • must be at least a Silent Blade of higher • manage and maintain an Assassin’s Guild of varying size (10+ members) • must defend title against anyone desiring to replace you |
• supreme command of guild, including access to all its resources and funds |
Guild | Thief | Guild Master | n/a | Guild Master title is in addition to the above listed titles; must be at least a Master Thief or higher; must manage and maintain a Thieves Guild of varying size (15+ members); must defend title against anyone desiring to replace you | supreme command of guild, including access to all its resources and funds | Guild Master title is in addition to the above listed titles • must be at least a Master Thief or higher • must manage and maintain a Thieves Guild of varying size (15+ members) • must defend title against anyone desiring to replace you |
• supreme command of guild, including access to all its resources and funds |
Outlaw | Thief | Freelancer | n/a | take on work outside of the authority of a Guild, either because of not belonging to one, having been kicked out, or caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues | Not required to pay Guild cut, fees, or dues, but do not benefit from any resources or training; With the exception of guild resources and command positions, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Freelancer | take on work outside of the authority of a Guild, either because of not belonging to one, having been kicked out, or caught secretly attempting to avoid guild cut/dues | • Not required to pay Guild cut, fees, or dues, but do not benefit from any resources or training • With the exception of guild resources and command positions, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Freelancer |
Renown | Vigilante | Street Tough | 1 | Pledge yourself to the Vigilante's (Core) Code: Street Justice; | Gain Core Code: Street Justice | Pledge yourself to the Vigilante's (Core) Code: Street Justice • |
• Gain Core Code: Street Justice |
Renown | Vigilante | Avenger | 3 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; recognition by 5+ people; must have broken a significant local law while attempting to seek justice | Gain 1st Minor Code; Lawless (passive) | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • recognition by 5+ people • must have broken a significant local law while attempting to seek justice |
• Gain 1st Minor Code • Lawless (passive) |
Renown | Vigilante | Unlikely Hero | 6 | recognition by 50+ people; Friendly common reputation; Unfriendly reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); must have completed at least a mission/quest/adventure resulted in someone referring to you as their ‘Hero’ | +2 Melee Hit; Heroism (Passive); +1 Martial Secondary Skill | recognition by 50+ people • Friendly common reputation • Unfriendly reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • must have completed at least a mission/quest/adventure resulted in someone referring to you as their ‘Hero’ |
• +2 Melee Hit • Heroism (Passive) • +1 Martial Secondary Skill |
Renown | Vigilante | Peoples Champion | 9 | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor code) of your choice; recognition by 500+ people; Honored common reputation; Hostile reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); must have successfully championed a cause of the common people in the face of oppression or corruption | Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code; +2 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Dam; Challenge (passive) | Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor code) of your choice • recognition by 500+ people • Honored common reputation • Hostile reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • must have successfully championed a cause of the common people in the face of oppression or corruption |
• Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code • +2 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Dam • Challenge (passive) |
Renown | Vigilante | Vindicator | 13 | recognition by 5000+ people; Revered common reputation; Hated reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); must have avenged, reclaimed, cleared the name, or stood up for, someone or something, in the face of heavy opposition | +3 Max Fury; +3 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Dam | recognition by 5000+ people • Revered common reputation • Hated reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • must have avenged, reclaimed, cleared the name, or stood up for, someone or something, in the face of heavy opposition |
• +3 Max Fury • +3 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Dam |
Renown | Vigilante | Living Legend | 17 | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice; recognition by 50000+ people; Revered common rep; Hated reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard); one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation | Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code; +5 Max Fury; +1 Melee Dam; Legendary Action (passive | Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice • recognition by 50000+ people • Revered common rep • Hated reputation with some kind of law based organization (i.e. City Guard) • one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation |
• Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code • +5 Max Fury • +1 Melee Dam • Legendary Action (passive |
Renown | Warrior | Combatant | 3 | recognition of fighting prowess by 5+ people; must have fought and won against a worthy opponent in single combat | +1 Specialist Secondary Skill Point | recognition of fighting prowess by 5+ people • must have fought and won against a worthy opponent in single combat |
• +1 Specialist Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Warrior | Unlikely Hero | 6 | recognition of fighting prowess by 50+ people; Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation; must have completed at least one mission, quest or adventure that resulted in someone referring to you as a ‘Hero’ | Pick: +3 Melee hit OR +3 Ranged hit; Heroism (passive) | recognition of fighting prowess by 50+ people • Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation • must have completed at least one mission, quest or adventure that resulted in someone referring to you as a ‘Hero’ |
• Pick: +3 Melee hit OR +3 Ranged hit • Heroism (passive) |
Renown | Warrior | Champion | 9 | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ people; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have successfully championed a cause of some kind or acted as someone's ‘Champion’ | Pick: +1 Melee Damage OR +1 Ranged Damage; Challenge (passive) | recognition of fighting prowess by 500+ people • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have successfully championed a cause of some kind or acted as someone's ‘Champion’ |
• Pick: +1 Melee Damage OR +1 Ranged Damage • Challenge (passive) |
Renown | Warrior | Warlord | 13 | recognition of fighting prowess by 5000+ fighting men and/or women; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have lead an army of some kind in a succession of victories, while fighting in the front lines | +3 Vigor Max; +3 Fury Max; Pick: +1% Melee Crit OR +1% Ranged Crit; +1 Secondary Skill point (choose one): Battle Veteran, Commander, or Military Training | recognition of fighting prowess by 5000+ fighting men and/or women • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have lead an army of some kind in a succession of victories, while fighting in the front lines |
• +3 Vigor Max • +3 Fury Max • Pick: +1% Melee Crit OR +1% Ranged Crit • +1 Secondary Skill point (choose one): Battle Veteran, Commander, or Military Training |
Renown | Warrior | Conqueror | 17 | recognition of fighting prowess by 50000+ fighting men and/or women; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have conquered something of note or toppled a well known institution or power | +5 Vigor Max; +5 Fury Max; Pick: +1 Melee Damage OR +1 Ranged Damage; Legendary Action (passive) | recognition of fighting prowess by 50000+ fighting men and/or women • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have conquered something of note or toppled a well known institution or power |
• +5 Vigor Max • +5 Fury Max • Pick: +1 Melee Damage OR +1 Ranged Damage • Legendary Action (passive) |
Renown | Marksman | Crackshot | 1 | select Marksman as your Class Passive | Gain 1 free Weapon Training of your choice, from the following list of options: Bows, Crossbows, or Firearms; Additional Class Passive effect | select Marksman as your Class Passive | • Gain 1 free Weapon Training of your choice, from the following list of options: Bows, Crossbows, or Firearms • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Marksman | Crowd Pleaser | 3 | recognition by 5+ people; must have received a standing ovation by crowd of people after completing a challenging shot | +1 to Focus Dice pool; +3 Ranged Hit; +1 Secondary Skill point in a ranged Weapon Specialization of your choice OR Showmanship (passive); +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by 5+ people • must have received a standing ovation by crowd of people after completing a challenging shot |
• +1 to Focus Dice pool • +3 Ranged Hit • +1 Secondary Skill point in a ranged Weapon Specialization of your choice OR Showmanship (passive) • +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Marksman | Trick Shooter | 6 | recognition by 50+ people; Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation; must have successfully hit a target while in a precarious or otherwise bizarre situation/position | +1 to Focus Dice pool; +3 Ranged Hit; +1 Secondary Skill point in either: Sharp Shooter, Skirmisher, or Peltast Combat Specializations; +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by 50+ people • Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation • must have successfully hit a target while in a precarious or otherwise bizarre situation/position |
• +1 to Focus Dice pool • +3 Ranged Hit • +1 Secondary Skill point in either: Sharp Shooter, Skirmisher, or Peltast Combat Specializations • +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Marksman | Professional | 9 | recognition by 500+ people; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have been hired as a professional Marksman to either train troops or complete a significant Marksman related task | +1 to Focus Dice pool; +3 Ranged Hit; Thrill Seeker (passive); +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by 500+ people • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have been hired as a professional Marksman to either train troops or complete a significant Marksman related task |
• +1 to Focus Dice pool • +3 Ranged Hit • Thrill Seeker (passive) • +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Marksman | Sniper | 13 | recognition by 5000+ people; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have scored a critical hit on a target at 40+ inches of tabletop range once during your career | +3 Ranged Hit; Deadeye (passive); +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by 5000+ people • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have scored a critical hit on a target at 40+ inches of tabletop range once during your career |
• +3 Ranged Hit • Deadeye (passive) • +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Marksman | Living Legend | 17 | recognition by 50000+ people; Revered or Hated common reputation; one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation | +3 Ranged Hit; +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect; Legendary Action (passive) | recognition by 50000+ people • Revered or Hated common reputation • one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation |
• +3 Ranged Hit • +1 Focus (Ranged) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect • Legendary Action (passive) |
Renown | Weapon Master | Prodigy | 1 | select either one of the following for your class passive:; Swordmaster; Hammerer; Axe Fiend; Reaper | Gain 1 free Weapon Training of your choice, based on the Class Passive you chose: Swords (2H), Bludgeons (2H), Axes (2H), or Polearms; Additional Class Passive effect | select either one of the following for your class passive: • Swordmaster • Hammerer • Axe Fiend • Reaper |
• Gain 1 free Weapon Training of your choice, based on the Class Passive you chose: Swords (2H), Bludgeons (2H), Axes (2H), or Polearms • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Weapon Master | Aspirant | 3 | recognition by at least 1 other Weapon Master of the same path; must have dueled another Weapon Master of the same type (don't necessarily have to have won) | +3 Melee Hit; +1 Secondary Skill point in a melee Weapon Specialization of your choice OR Showmanship (passive); +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by at least 1 other Weapon Master of the same path • must have dueled another Weapon Master of the same type (don't necessarily have to have won) |
• +3 Melee Hit • +1 Secondary Skill point in a melee Weapon Specialization of your choice OR Showmanship (passive) • +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Weapon Master | Battle Master | 6 | recognition by at least 3 other Weapon Masters of the same path; Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation; must have successfully proven your mastery with your weapon of choice in a large battle (more than 20 foes) | +3 Melee Hit; +1 Secondary Skill point in either: Duelist, Great Weapon, Paired Weapon, or FreeStyle Combat Specializations; +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by at least 3 other Weapon Masters of the same path • Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation • must have successfully proven your mastery with your weapon of choice in a large battle (more than 20 foes) |
• +3 Melee Hit • +1 Secondary Skill point in either: Duelist, Great Weapon, Paired Weapon, or FreeStyle Combat Specializations • +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Weapon Master | Virtuoso | 9 | recognition by at least 6 other Weapon Masters of the same path; Honored or Hostile common reputation; must have been hired as a professional weapon master to either train troops or complete a significant weapon master related task | +3 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Damage; Thrill Seeker (passive); +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by at least 6 other Weapon Masters of the same path • Honored or Hostile common reputation • must have been hired as a professional weapon master to either train troops or complete a significant weapon master related task |
• +3 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Damage • Thrill Seeker (passive) • +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Weapon Master | Head-Taker | 13 | recognition by at least 10 other Weapon Masters of the same path; Revered or Hated common reputation; must have decapitated (killed) a target of at least Threat 10 or higher in a single round (in fair combat) once during your career | +3 Melee Hit; Trophy Kill (passive); +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect | recognition by at least 10 other Weapon Masters of the same path • Revered or Hated common reputation • must have decapitated (killed) a target of at least Threat 10 or higher in a single round (in fair combat) once during your career |
• +3 Melee Hit • Trophy Kill (passive) • +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect |
Renown | Weapon Master | Living Legend | 17 | recognition by at least 15 other Weapon Masters of the same path; Revered or Hated common reputation; one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation | +3 Melee Hit; +1 Melee Damage; +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point; Additional Class Passive effect; Legendary Action (passive) | recognition by at least 15 other Weapon Masters of the same path • Revered or Hated common reputation • one or more tale of your legendary exploits must be in circulation |
• +3 Melee Hit • +1 Melee Damage • +1 Focus (Armed) Skill Point • Additional Class Passive effect • Legendary Action (passive) |
College | Wizard | Apprentice | 1 | find a Magus/Magi or higher to sponsor you; Pledge yourself to the (Core) Code of Wizardry: Spiritual Truths; join the outer ring of a College of Wizardry; Swear an Oath to your College of Wizardry | Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers; Gain Core Code: Spiritual Truths; +1 to cast with Spirit Powers; Spirit Echo (passive); Access to the outer ring of a College of Wizardry | find a Magus/Magi or higher to sponsor you • Pledge yourself to the (Core) Code of Wizardry: Spiritual Truths • join the outer ring of a College of Wizardry • Swear an Oath to your College of Wizardry |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 1 Powers • Gain Core Code: Spiritual Truths • +1 to cast with Spirit Powers • Spirit Echo (passive) • Access to the outer ring of a College of Wizardry |
College | Wizard | Honored Apprentice | 3 | Join a particular Order within your College of Wizardry; Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order); find a Magus/Magi or higher to sponsor you; Swear an Oath to your Order within College of Wizardry | Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers; Gain 1st Minor Code; +1 to cast with Spirit Powers; Access to the inner ring of a College of Wizardry | Join a particular Order within your College of Wizardry • Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order) • find a Magus/Magi or higher to sponsor you • Swear an Oath to your Order within College of Wizardry |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 2 Powers • Gain 1st Minor Code • +1 to cast with Spirit Powers • Access to the inner ring of a College of Wizardry |
College | Wizard | Savant | 6 | find a Grand Magus/Magi or higher to sponsor you and serve them as a ward; alternately could be a ward for other such persons of influence (i.e. noble house, royalty, etc…) | Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point | find a Grand Magus/Magi or higher to sponsor you and serve them as a ward • alternately could be a ward for other such persons of influence (i.e. noble house, royalty, etc…) |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 3 Powers • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • +1 Academic Secondary Skill Point |
College | Wizard | Magus/Magi | 9 | find an Istari or higher to sponsor you; Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor Code) of your choice (or as specified by your Order); pass a wizard test | Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers; Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code; +3 to cast with Spirit powers; Volatile Magic (passive); may have a personal apprentice; often serve a person or household of influence outside of a College of Wizardry | find an Istari or higher to sponsor you • Pledge yourself to a Great Code (or 2nd Minor Code) of your choice (or as specified by your Order) • pass a wizard test |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 4 Powers • Gain a Great Code or 2nd Minor Code • +3 to cast with Spirit powers • Volatile Magic (passive) • may have a personal apprentice • often serve a person or household of influence outside of a College of Wizardry |
College | Wizard | Grand Magus/Magi | 13 | find an Istari or higher to sponsor you; pass a wizard test; must have served a person or household of influence | Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers; +3 to cast with Spirit powers; may have a personal apprentice and/or a Savant as a ward; may teach at a College of Wizardry; often also serve a person or household of great influence outside of a College of Wizardry | find an Istari or higher to sponsor you • pass a wizard test • must have served a person or household of influence |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 5 Powers • +3 to cast with Spirit powers • may have a personal apprentice and/or a Savant as a ward • may teach at a College of Wizardry • often also serve a person or household of great influence outside of a College of Wizardry |
College | Wizard | Istari | 16 | appointed by a council of Istari or the Wizard Lord; Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order); must pass a wizard test; must have spent time teaching at a College of Wizardry | Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers; Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code; +3 to cast with Spirit powers; may have a personal apprentice and/or a Savant as a ward; may oversee a College of Wizardry, though not required to if they are pledged to service of some great cause | appointed by a council of Istari or the Wizard Lord • Pledge yourself to a Minor Code of your choice (or as specified by your Order) • must pass a wizard test • must have spent time teaching at a College of Wizardry |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 6 Powers • Gain 2nd or 3rd Minor Code • +3 to cast with Spirit powers • may have a personal apprentice and/or a Savant as a ward • may oversee a College of Wizardry, though not required to if they are pledged to service of some great cause |
College | Wizard | Wizard Lord | 18 | must be given the title by an existing Wizard Lord of your order, resulting in their death; only one per order (school of spirit powers) | Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers; +2 to cast with Spirit powers; head of an Order of Wizards may have a personal apprentice and/or a Savant as a ward; may appoint Istari; may oversee several Colleges of wizardry | must be given the title by an existing Wizard Lord of your order, resulting in their death • only one per order (school of spirit powers) |
• Sanctioned use of Tier 7 Powers • +2 to cast with Spirit powers • head of an Order of Wizards may have a personal apprentice and/or a Savant as a ward • may appoint Istari • may oversee several Colleges of wizardry |
Outlaw | Wizard | Hedge Wizard | 1-20 | Having never sworn Oaths to a College of Wizardry or pledged themselves to the service of creation through their Order; Upholding the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class such as following a single School of Spirit Powers | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order); Can follow any Codes available to Wizards that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Order of Wizards; | Having never sworn Oaths to a College of Wizardry or pledged themselves to the service of creation through their Order • Upholding the Oaths, Virtues, and Codes that would be typical for their class such as following a single School of Spirit Powers |
• Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles (these may be temporarily revoked upon joining an order) • Can follow any Codes available to Wizards that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Order of Wizards • |
Outlaw | Wizard | Oathbroken | 1-20 | Intentionally leaving the authority of the Colleges of Wizardry; breaking of the Oaths that bind you to them (or vice versa); most often by using powers forbidden by your Order and/or learning powers from multiple schools of spirit powers | Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles; with the exception of command/authority rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken; Can follow any Codes available to Wizards that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Order of Wizards; may learn powers from any School of Spirit Powers; can no longer use Honor Oaths; will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens | Intentionally leaving the authority of the Colleges of Wizardry • breaking of the Oaths that bind you to them (or vice versa) • most often by using powers forbidden by your Order and/or learning powers from multiple schools of spirit powers |
• Gain Codes at the minimum level requirement for non-outlawed titles • with the exception of command/authority rewards, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming Oathbroken • Can follow any Codes available to Wizards that they choose (i.e. could have up to 3 minor codes instead of 2 minor and 1 great code) and do not need to follow Codes specified by any specific Order of Wizards • may learn powers from any School of Spirit Powers • can no longer use Honor Oaths • will be relentlessly hunted by the Mage Wardens |
Renown | Zealot | Believer | 1 | profess unrelenting belief in a Known/Accepted Faith witnessed by a T4 or higher Faith class belonging to the same Faith | Sacred Text (typically gifted by whomever led them to believe) | profess unrelenting belief in a Known/Accepted Faith witnessed by a T4 or higher Faith class belonging to the same Faith | • Sacred Text (typically gifted by whomever led them to believe) |
Renown | Zealot | Fanatic | 3 | feared/respected by 5+ people; must have broken a local law of some kind in the name of your beliefs | +2 to cast with Faith powers; Fanatical Beliefs (passive) | feared/respected by 5+ people • must have broken a local law of some kind in the name of your beliefs |
• +2 to cast with Faith powers • Fanatical Beliefs (passive) |
Renown | Zealot | Witch Hunter | 6 | feared/respected by 50+ people; Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation; Friendly or Unfriendly reputation with a religious Order of some kind; must have successfully hunted at least one Outlawed Faith class (i.e. Witch/Warlock, Heretic, Witch Doctor, Oathbroken, etc…) | +2 to cast with Faith powers; Lawless (passive); +1 Bounty Hunter Secondary Skill Point | feared/respected by 50+ people • Friendly or Unfriendly common reputation • Friendly or Unfriendly reputation with a religious Order of some kind • must have successfully hunted at least one Outlawed Faith class (i.e. Witch/Warlock, Heretic, Witch Doctor, Oathbroken, etc…) |
• +2 to cast with Faith powers • Lawless (passive) • +1 Bounty Hunter Secondary Skill Point |
Renown | Zealot | Confessor | 10 | feared/respected by 500+ people; Honored or Hostile common reputation; Honored or Hostile reputation with a religious Order of some kind; must have retrieved at least three unwilling confession | +2 to cast with Faith powers; Final Absolution (passive) | feared/respected by 500+ people • Honored or Hostile common reputation • Honored or Hostile reputation with a religious Order of some kind • must have retrieved at least three unwilling confession |
• +2 to cast with Faith powers • Final Absolution (passive) |
Renown | Zealot | Inquisitor | 13 | feared/respected by 5000+ people; Revered or Hated common reputation; Revered or Hated reputation with a religious Order of some kind; must have participated in an inquisition | +3 Fury Max; +2 to cast with Faith powers | feared/respected by 5000+ people • Revered or Hated common reputation • Revered or Hated reputation with a religious Order of some kind • must have participated in an inquisition |
• +3 Fury Max • +2 to cast with Faith powers |
Renown | Zealot | Grand Inquisitor | 17 | feared/respected by 50000+ people; Revered or Hated common reputation; Arch Nemesis or Unity reputation with a religious Order of some kind | +5 Fury Max; +2 to cast with Faith powers; can organize and lead large scale inquisitions | feared/respected by 50000+ people • Revered or Hated common reputation • Arch Nemesis or Unity reputation with a religious Order of some kind |
• +5 Fury Max • +2 to cast with Faith powers • can organize and lead large scale inquisitions |
Outlaw | Zealot | Heretic | 1-20 | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed; often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers | With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic; can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers); Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you; will be pursued by Witch Hunters | Must be labelled as a Heretic (either summarily or after a trial) by an established religious order, priesthood or monastic community for breaking away from their orthodoxy, doctrine or creed • often as a result of being caught using Forbidden powers and/or mixing of powers |
• With the exception of positions of governance, retain any other title rewards gained prior to becoming a Heretic • can use any Faith powers they choose (except for Opposing Faith Powers) • Religious Orders may attempt to exile or execute you • will be pursued by Witch Hunters |
Common Builds
Ranged Damage Builds
Undoubtedly ranged damage is the most common build for Rangers. A Rangers ranged damage build relies on mainstay abilities like Focused Stance and Hail of Arrows (for unrivaled multi-target damage), or a variety of powerful Stealth/Vigor combos such as Concentration + Stealth Shot (for reliable and sustainable single target damage) or Take Aim + Hawk Shot (for massive single target burst damage). However even among common ranged damage builds there are many variations to explore:
Focusing on high single target damage with long range bows and crossbows, a sniper sits in stealth at a distance attacking high priority targets. The Sharp Shooter specialization is key to this build, however specializing in either Bows or Crossbows (at least up to Rank2) to is also recommended to increase damage output and remove the risk of critical misses. To maximize their damage output, a Sniper should ensure that they almost never miss, either through increasing their hit chance or using an ability like Snipe (stealth) to negate heavy armor. Snipers typical do not focus much on defense, taking steps to ensure they remain undetected and assuming that in the event their position is compromised they can keep their distance from their foes. To that end, traps and other movement impairing abilities like Severing Shot (stealth) are extremely useful.
War Archer
Between Hail of Arrows and a variety of shooting Spree combos (Spree instant plus any “shot” type ability), a Ranger can provide impressive multi-target damage. The Skirmisher specialization works very well with this build, allowing the Ranger to stay highly mobile and keep his enemies guessing. Multi-target builds can be inherently dangerous, as hitting so many targets is sure to draw unwanted attention. However, unlike many multi-target ranged damage builds of other Classes, the War Archer Ranger build benefits from the improved defense and survivability found in both its class mechanics. Also the Ranger Class Passive, Hit-and-Run, allows for an easy disengage from unwanted close combat. When all else fails and Ranger finds himself engaged by multiple enemies who have grown tired of being peppered by arrows, the option to wear Mail armor helps keep the Ranger alive.
Bow and Blade
Another option for ranged damage is a hybrid build, that aims at wearing the enemy down with ranged attacks and then rushing in to finish them off in melee combat. Again the Ranger’s Hit-and-Run Class Passive works well with this tactic, allowing them to use a stealth based ranged action in one turn and then granting extra movement and vigor to charge in on the next round and gaining the the benefit of attacking from hidden (no block/parry/dodge/ward-off). Even better is to wait until an enemy is caught in one of your well laid traps and then rush in to finish the job while they are vulnerable.
Other Common Builds
Rangers are a highly versatile class that can excel in a variety of rolls, outside of ranged damage. Some other common builds include:
Stealth Tank
With access to Defensive stance and Taunt, any vigor class capable of wearing heavier armor and benefiting from weapons with a strong parry can certainly act as a tank for a group. However the unique approach of a Ranger tank is that the enemy may not even be aware of the tanks presence until its too late to avoid him, allowing for a variety of highly strategic maneuvers. Think how enjoyable it will be to sling taunts at your foe from the shadows, only to have them waste their efforts searching for you, while your allies deliver a swift death. When it becomes impractical to continue your efforts from the shadows or in the event that an enemy detects your presence, you can rely on the Avoidance discipline to bolster your defensive tanking capabilities.
At ease both at range and in close combat, a Ranger Saboteur aids their allies by stripping the foe of their combat potential with Stealth abilities like Festering Shot and Impair armor. There are also uniquely capable of delivering excellent vigor based crowd control with abilities like Crippling Blow or Mammoth Strike, all from the relative safety of Stealth. While certainly not required, specializing in Sabotage can make this build even more potent.
Stealth Assault
As the only Stealth class capable of wielding a two handed weapon, Rangers have a unique option for pure melee damage by equipping a two-handed sword and specializing in both Swords and Great weapons. Few things could be more terrifying to your foes than to be attacked out of no where by a massive Claymore. As you lay in wait for your enemy combo up Offensive Stance and Study Prey. Then when they are within reach spring into action with the extra movement from your Class Passive and use combos like Battle Lust + Surprise Attack to deliver a critical hit of epic proportions or come flying across the battlefield with Bleed + Tactical Charge and leave your enemy bleeding out face down in the dirt. If you want to truly frustrate your enemies, use your Hit-and-Run Class Passive to ensure that they seldom have a target to retaliate against or use a Demoralize + Kodiak Strike to send their champion halfway across the battlefield without even giving away your position.
Beast Master
Most Rangers tend to feel at home in the wild places of this world, making them well suited from a lore standpoint to work with a variety of animal pets or companions (particularly so for Wild Elf Rangers). This will of course work most effectively with the Animal Trainer Secondary Skill. The symbiotic relationship between Ranger and beast has a multitude of benefits. Being naturally adept at ranged combat, they can send their animals into close combat while supporting them from a distance or use Taunts and other tank like abilities to afford their more fragile pets some protection. Of course in some cases the roles could be reversed, with a tough tanking-capable beast like a Bear acting to protect the Ranger. Avian beasts are also very popular among Rangers, for scouting missions and relaying messages, or even as additional effectively-ranged attacks in combat (via most avian creatures “fly-by” passive).
Additional Lore
While there are countless Ranger Guilds throughout the Realm of Strife, each with its own goals and sphere of influence, most exist in relative obscurity. However, some of the more notorious or distinguished Ranger Guilds are:
Notable Characters
Mute of the Athel-Leaf Tribe (aka Iulin Lumornor)
Ranger Captain of the Guardians of Athelnon and hero of the War of the Twin Terrors. Rumored to have been afflicted by the werewolf curse. Perished in battle against the Shade of Deathlord Archibald at the foot of the Undead Fortress of Necrodark.
“Now that we have reached the end of things for us all and yet retain this Heavenly gift which has linked our minds, I can sense that you all wish to know the name that my family gave to me. You wish to know me, not just as a companion for our journeys, but as a brother, and I can think of none more worthy to hear my true name. My friends, I am Iulin Lumornor, and it has been an honor to live and die by your sides. Farewell, and may the Life-Father embrace you.”
-Excerpt from the War of the Twin Terrors, Chapter17: “Agamedien Triumphant”
Demo Character
Mute of the Athel-Leaf Tribe
Level 4 Ranger, bow specialist with animal training for combat pets