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At the crossroads of Faith and Spirit you will find the Druid. Unique among practitioners of the Spiritual Arts, the Druid believes there is no distinction between the powers they wield and the divine hand of the gods. One cannot truly understand the Spiritual world without Faith, but without an understanding of the Spiritual arts Faith itself is misunderstood. This is a balance that every Druid adheres to regardless of their own particular beliefs. Despite this unifying factor, the Druidic faiths and the Conclaves that follow them are among the most varied and fragmented of all Faiths, for any number of Conclaves may revere an entirely different aspect of the same god. Fortunately, some Druidic Faiths are inclusive enough to recognize this fact. Yet for others who follow gods, demigods, demons, and powerful beings with far more malicious and sinister intent, this can lead to wholesale slaughter and bloodshed all in the name of the same deity.

Among Druids you will find some of the most versatile heroes, villains, and adventurers, for the unique combination of Faith and Spirit provides a vast array of powers at their disposal. Depending on the Druidic Conclave they belong to, Druids can fill virtually any role in a group. Some may find that the confines of a Conclave are too restrictive and seek to make their way alone. This can be an alluring option; many a Witchdoctor or Hermit are found in the wild places of the world as a result.

Regardless of the Faith they follow or the Conclave they belong to, Druids are most often found on the outskirts of Society. Their unique belief system can sometimes set them at odds with established Faiths, driving them to meet in secret or establish remote communities where they can live and practice their Faith in relative obscurity.

Class Overview

Typical Roles: Healer, Support/Utility, Ranged Damage, Tank
Damage Types: Spirit (Arcane, Elemental, Natural), Faith (Holy, Demonic, Psionic, Primal)
Class Mechanic: Spirit and Faith

Available Races Initial Gold
Anakim 168.0
Dwarf 210.0
Half-elf 138.0
Halfling 162.0
Human 180.0
Kayden 126.0
Minotaur 144.0
Wild Elf 132.0

Default Stats: During Character Creation you may choose to use the default stat line shown below, before racial modifiers. This can be instead of rolling for stats, or if after rolling ten sets of stats you don’t like the results.

Default Stat Druid

During Character Creation you may choose to use the Default Stat Line, before racial modifiers, instead of rolling for stats, or if after rolling ten sets of stats you don’t like the results


Natural Armor Proficiency: Cloth
Trainable Armor Proficiency: None
Natural Weapon Proficiency: Knives, Staves, Wands
Trainable Weapon Proficiency: Bludgeons

Class Skills

Class Passive Skill: Arcane, Elemental, or Natural Insight (choose one Domain), PLUS Dedicated Caster
Class Secondary Skill: HerbloreAlchemy, or Animal Trainer (choose one)

Primary Skills

Druidic Faith

A Druid’s faith is firmly planted in the spirit world, seeing the hand of gods at work throughout creation and themselves as the conduit for their power. As a mixed class, Druids blend their two core primary skill mechanics more than most, selecting to follow a faith that represents a unique combination of Faith Path and School of Magic. In general concept there is one Druidic Faith for every pairing of Faith Path and School of Magic (i.e. Holy Fire, Demonic Earth, Psionic Light, Primal Air, etc…), governed by a Druidic Conclave. For specific Conclaves see Systems of Faith (Gant) or Systems of Faith (Norlanin).

While some druids have been known to convert to another Druidic faith, it is far more typical that once a Druid accepts their particular faith, they adhere to it for a lifetime. Whatever Druidic faith they adhere to, it covers all Tiers of Spirit and Faith Powers that would be available to them.

Study and Communion 

For Druids, learning new Spirit and Faith powers is a process of study and communion. This can take the form of direct contact with their deity through prayer or rituals, or through reading and mediating upon the sacred texts of their particular Faith or belief system. The exact methods vary greatly by faith, however in essence this relationship with the powers that they serve and the scared texts that accompany it are the source or template for all Spirit and Faith powers available to the Druid. By rote and repetition Druids can unlock the mysteries of these powers, committing them to memory.

To learn a new power requires a minimum of a half rest and a stat test made on the average of their Wisdom and Intellect stats, at -1 Disadvantage per Tier of the power they are attempting to learn.

  • If failing: There are no negative effects, however the druid may not attempt to learn any new power for one full day
  • If succeeding: The power is now “known” and available to the Druid and can now be used at will while it remains in the Druid’s memory
  • Alternately: If the power is taught by a Druid Spirit Teacher, the stat test can be re-rolled once per day

There is a limit to the number of powers known to a Druid, with a separate tally kept for memorized Spirit and Faith powers (see Level Ups table below). If those limits are reached, learning another power would force a previous one out of the casters memory, effectively over-writing it.

Invoking the Powers

For Druids to invoke the powers they serve requires the use of both a verbal/vocalized component and a physical component (see Methods of Casting). This typically includes both some form of chanting or singing, as well as casting gestures that rhythmically match the vocalization and evoke a sense of the power they serve.

Level Ups

Druids use the following chart for leveling up:

HP Dice (Frail): Small Race (1d6), Medium Race (1d6), Large Race (1d8)


  1. When rolling for Spirit don’t forget to add bonus spirit gain from intellect modifiers if applicable
  2. Max Spirit Powers Known does not include Tier 0 powers
  3. Max Faith Powers Known does not include Tier 0 powers


Specializations are recommended for advanced players only, and are accomplished through the Secondary Skill system (see Specialist Skills). Druids may choose to specialize their skills in up to one weapon use, one spirit study and/or one faith discipline, but can not have more than two specializations in total.

  • Max one Weapon Specialist skill (choose from: Knives, Staves, Wands, Bludgeons)
  • Max one Spirit Specialist skill (choose from: Devastation, Destruction, Conjuration, Alteration, Fortification)
  • Max one Faith Specialist skill (choose from any Discipline associated with your Faith Path)

Title System

Druidic Conclaves

Druids work in groups of like minded individuals who share the same beliefs, called Conclaves. Each Conclave is lead by one or more Chief Druid and is dedicated to a single pairing of Faith Path and School of Spirit Powers (i.e. Holy Fire, Primal Earth, Psionic Shadow, etc). There can be more than one Conclave dedicated to a particular pairing, however if they are located within close proximity to one another they often form part of a Greater Conclave.

To advance in rank in a Druidic Conclave requires that the Druid completes a sacred Rite, as prescribed by the leadership of that Conclave. To dabble in powers beyond your rank without having completed the appropriate Rite is usually punished by casting the errant Druid out of the Conclave.

The titles awarded by the Druidic Rites are as follows:

Outlaw Titles


A Druid Hermit is one who follows a known Druidic Faith, adhering to the prescribed pairing of Faith and Spirit powers that are acceptable to that faith, without actually being a part of a Conclave. This could be because no Conclave exists in that area, or that the Druid has simply chosen not to join, or even perhaps they have been excluded for some reason, regardless the result is the same. Because they are still following a known Druidic faith or religion, Hermits are generally left alone. However they will lack the sense of community and the benefits it brings if they are not part of a conclave.


Witch Doctor is the Outlaw Title given to any Druid that is not part of a Druidic Conclave and also does not adhere to any particular pairing of Spirit and Faith powers. Without these restrictions Witchdoctor Druids are capable of wielding some of the widest array of powers, combining forces together that would never normal be permitted. As a result Witch Doctors can grow to be extremely powerful, and dangerous. In doing so however, Witch Doctors earn the unwavering attention of both Mage Wardens and Zealots, and are likely to be cut down if they wander out of obscurity. As such most Witch Doctors live solitary lives, away from society.

Common Builds

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Additional Lore

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Notable Characters

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Demo Character

Khali Starsong

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