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Combat Specialist

Combat specializations are unique fighting styles for player characters. Combat Specialists spend long hours at practice to master a particular fighting style, and as such most classes can only learn a single Combat Specialization. Knights and Martial Artists are an exception to this rule and may learn up to two Combat Specializations.

Any bonuses or skills gained through Combat Specializations only apply while fighting in the styles outlined for each Specialization. If for some reason during combat you no longer meet the requirement for that Combat Specialization (i.e. Paired Weapon Specialist that has their off hand weapon disarmed) all benefits immediate cease until the condition is met again.

Faith and Spirit classes are not eligible for Combat Specializations unless they are mixed classes possessing one of the Primary Skill sets listed in the overview below as part of their mixed class.

Specialization Style Fury Vigor Honor Focus Stealth
Sword and Board 1H Weapon & Shield   yes yes    
Duelist Weapon & Empty Hand yes yes yes yes yes
Great Weapon 2H Weapon yes yes yes yes  
Paired Weapon 2 Identical Weapons yes yes yes yes yes
Freestyle 2 Mixed Weapons yes yes yes yes yes
Sharp Shooter Bow/Crossbows @ long range   yes   yes yes
Skirmisher Bows/Crossbows @ short range   yes   yes yes
Peltast Throwing Weapons   yes   yes yes
Bow Casting Bows/Crossbows/Firearms combined with Spirit/Faith powers yes yes yes   yes
Warder Any weapon with a ward-off   yes yes yes yes
Mounted Any weapons while mounted yes yes yes    
Pugilist Unarmed (Focus)       yes  
Self Defense Defense (Focus)       yes  
Light Armor Dodge multipliers yes yes yes yes yes
Heavy Armor Reduced triple layer penalties yes yes yes    

Note: Some classes may be further restricted due to a lack of proficiency (natural or trained) with a particular type of weapon(s) required for that combat style (i.e., Wizards cannot gain proficiency with shields, therefore despite being an Honor class Sword & Board is not a valid choice).

Sword and Board

The sword and board fighting specialization actually refers to wielding any eligible weapon in the main hand and a shield in the off hand. While this is a popular specialization for high defense tanks, it can assist in in some offensive builds as well.
Mutually Exclusive with Freestyle – cannot have both


The Duelist wields any type of weapon in the main hand with no weapon in the off hand. This style blends versatility and speed, making it ideal in one-on-one combat. The Duelist specialization also grants certain classes added flexibility, allowing them to use their off hand for casting spirit or faith powers, or can simply allow for other tricks on the battlefield that might require a free hand. This style is popular among those that wield weapons that can be used both in one or two hands,  potentially increasing damage by adding the empty off hand to their main hand weapon to inflict two handed damage when required. A free hand can also be useful for those that combine weapon based attacks with unarmed Focus attacks, allowing them a potent off hand attack.
Mutually Exclusive with Great Weapon – cannot have both

Great Weapon

Great Weapon fighting refers to a combat specialization that requires using two hands to wield large weapons that can deal a significant amount of damage but are often clumsy for the untrained. While some would claim that the only requirement to fight effectively with a massive weapon is pure strength, this is not necessarily the case. Great Weapon combat specialists rely more on technique and momentum than brute strength. As such Great Weapon Fighting is Mutually Exclusive with Duelist and Strongman

Paired Weapon

Paired Weapon Specialists practice combat as graceful art form, a dance of blades. (Dual Wield with two of the same weapon, can’t use Clumsy weapons)
Mutually Exclusive with Freestyle and Strongman – cannot have both


Freestyle Specialists are highly versatile combatants who are comfortable fighting with a vast array of weapons and prefer to dual wield mixed or mismatched weapons (including shields), with an emphasis on off hand attacks. Together these strategies make them highly unpredictable in combat, keeping their opponents guessing. Freestyle Specialists also recognize that in the chaos of battle you never know what weapon, or whose weapon, will end up in your hand and it is pure wisdom to ensure you can wield it effectively. (Dual wield with two different weapons)
Mutually Exclusive with Paired Weapon and Sword and Board – cannot have both

Sharp Shooter

Sharp shooters are long range specialists, who prefer to line up shots with bows or crossbows well away from immediate threat of retaliation.


Skirmishers are highly mobile ranged specialists that use bows or crossbows at short range with deadly effect.


Peltasts specialize in throwing weapons of every kind (does not apply to weapons thrown using the Fury skill: “Furious Throw”)

Bow Casting

Bow casters are conventional casters who have learned how to channel the powers they wield through a projectile weapon such as a bow or crossbow. It is a rare skill, but if mastered adds deadly potency to standard ranged attacks.
Restricted to Faith or Spirit mixed classes only


The Warder fighting style is one that seeks to keep enemies at distance, frustrating them at every turn by preventing attacks. It is a very defensive combat style, but one that is quite popular among those who seek to avoid taking damage. The Warder combat specialization only applies when wielding weapons with the “Ward-off” weapon effect.


Fighting effectively from a mounted position is its own unique style that requires an immense amount of training. This fighting style can apply to any type of weapon, so long as it is used while mounted.


(Focus classes only)
Pugilists are unarmed combat specialists, preferring the simplicity and reliability of their own fists or the devastating impact of a variety of kicks to the reliance upon weapons.

Self Defense

(Focus classes only)
Self Defense specialists are highly trained to use their body in a defensive fashion, making them extremely resilient in combat and even allowing them to weather some damage without losing Focus

Light Armor

Light armor specialists train to be quick on their feet, relying upon avoidance rather than heavy armor to protect themselves in battle. Their light armor allows them to dodge with skills far beyond the average fighter.

Heavy Armor

Heavy armor specialists rarely if ever attempt to dodge attacks, trusting instead in their sturdy armor to protect them. As they train and gain experience fighting in heavy armor they become accustomed to its cumbersome weight, allowing some of its penalties to be negated.