Norlanin is the largest known continent in the Realm of Strife known as Aelar and serves as the primary game setting. It is home to all of the playable races of the Third Creation and includes a variety of kingdoms, sovereign nations, and city-states. With several hubs of mixed culture throughout, it is an ideal continent for new groups of players and GMs to begin their journey as it is relatively easy to justify a mismatched band of adventurers coming together to engage in a communal storyline.

Click the links below for zoomed in versions of the Norlanin Map:
Updated versions coming soon…
Northwest Norlanin (Tolgatha)
Northeast Norlanin (Minocea, Centauri Wilds, Angveldt, Wonderkin, Kazan)
Southeast Norlanin (Leonen, Kazan, Tinermoot, Emladria)
Southwest Norlanin (Solastaris, Tindermoot, Emladria)
- National and Political Divisions
- The Kingdom of Leonen
- The Island Nation of Kazan
- The Tindermoot
- The Free City State of Eleutheria
- The Solastaris Refuge
- The Emladrian Collective
- The Barony Isles
- The Centauri Wilds
- The Dominion of Minocea
- The Kingdom of Tolgatha
- The Shadowlands (Orcrond)
- The Vassal City-State of Volanthia
- The Kingdom of Angveldt
- The City State of Wunderkin
- The Kingdom of Ynerveldt
- The Northern Frontier
- Diplomatic Relations throughout Norlanin
- Character Classes in Norlanin
National and Political Divisions
The Kingdom of Leonen
Current Ruler: King Rhoman IV of House Videaus
Leonen is a densely populated human kingdom made up of seven provinces, each ruled by a Duke or Duchess, but all owing fealty to the King of Leonen. The nation has seen much political turmoil throughout its history due to a vast assortment of scheming…
The Island Nation of Kazan
Current Ruler: Grand Vizier Etra’vorn of Valkari Roost
The island nation of Kazan is home to the unique race of bird-men called the kayden. Made up of seven powerful clans, each makes its home in the towering roosts that surround the rocky island. The mightiest of the seven clans rises up to rule…
The Tindermoot
Current Governance: Democratic Assembly, under Prime Minister Heplin Bellypot
The Tindermoot is the peaceful lands of the halflings. You will find no fortified settlements or even locked doors in this land of rolling hills, bountiful farms, and pastures. The Tindermoot is governed by a democratic assembly centered in the provinces’ capital of Newhearth City…
The Free City State of Eleutheria
Current Governance: The Guild Council, under Guild Commander Brodash
Eleutheria is a fledgling free city-state founded by the group known as Heroes Guild in the wake of the War for the Tindermoot. Located northeast of Blueshore on lands once belonging to the Tindermoot, Eleutheria is often referred to as the City of Guilds due…
The Solastaris Refuge
Current Ruler: Shogun Solanis’Var “The Light Seeker”
West of the Tindermoot and across the Emerald Bay is a rugged landmass that the halflings once called the Headlands, now known as the Solastaris Refuge. Until recent times, this rocky plateau was largely uninhabited by civilized folk, save for a few small halfling settlements…
The Emladrian Collective
Current Governance: Tribal Collective, under First Speaker Talinara Willowynd
The Emladrian Collective lays claim to vast amounts of land; their ancient and sprawling empire-in-the-trees encompassing the entirety of the Emladris Forest. These long-lived wild elves make their homes in the massive trees that are as much a part of their culture as the elves…
The Barony Isles
Leader: Admiral Lorenzo Estallion, Baron of Highport
Sometimes referred to as the Isles of a Thousand Barons, the Barony Isles are an archipelago southwest of mainland Norlanin in the heart of the Strifesworn Sea. It is typically a lawless haven of pirates, swashbucklers, and scallywags. Across its many islands, big and small,…
The Centauri Wilds
Current Governor of Centauri City: Lord Governor Oakem Plainsrunner
The Centauri Wilds is a rugged and fertile land north of Leonen. They are aptly named as it is a truly wild and untamed region. It is here that the nomadic centaur tribes make their home, though there are also some nomadic tribes of humans…
The Dominion of Minocea
Current Ruler: King Drexigor the Scarred
The minotaurs of the Dominion of Minocea are fierce opponents who are nearly unstoppable when roused to war. It is said that Minocea could have easily conquered the whole of Eastern Norlanin if they were not so preoccupied with their own internal conflicts. Minotaurs are…
The Kingdom of Tolgatha
Current Ruler: Patriarch-King Desmond Vectus XVII
Tolgatha is a large human kingdom located in relative isolation in the northwest of Norlanin. While other races can be found there, only humans are considered citizens. As such, other races must tread lightly when on Tolgathan soil. Tolgathans themselves are a hardy breed becoming…
The Shadowlands (Orcrond)
Current Governance: Tribal Supremacy
Orcrond is the true name of the barren homeland of the orcs, found on the western edge of Norlanin, typically known tothe rest of Norlanin as the Darklands. It is a harsh and inhospitable land of rocky coastlines, jagged hills, towering volcanic mountains, and desolate…
The Vassal City-State of Volanthia
Current Governance: The Grand Council of Volanthia (made up of the Seven Archmages), owing fealty to the Patriarch-King of Tolgatha
Volanthia, also known as the City of Mages, is a semi-autonomous city-state located within the human kingdom of Tolgatha. Founded over two centuries ago, it is ruled by the nine Archmages of the Grand Council and only permits permanent residence within its walls to practitioners…
The Kingdom of Angveldt
Current Ruler: High King Raegar Doune
The true extent of the underground Dwarven Kingdom of Angveldt is unknown, for it is said that their network of tunnels, settlements, mines, camps and waystations have never truly been mapped, for they are ever-expanding. This is a testament to the industrious nature of the…
The City State of Wunderkin
Current Leader: PrimeFacilitatorAndOtherwiseImportantHeadOfStateAndExemplarOfGnomishIngenuity (aka Prime Facilitator) Gorbin Turfwaddle
Wunderkin is a city-state that rivals even Volanthia in its fantastical nature. But rather than magical, its wonders are of a mechanical and technological nature. It is a city built out of a mountain, though now difficult to even distinguish as such due to the…
The Kingdom of Ynerveldt
Current Ruler: King Varl Frostvane
Distant cousins to the mountain dwarves of Angveldt, the frost dwarves of Ynerveldt are a hardy and isolated people. Living in the far northeast of Norlanin, most of their ancient settlements and dwarfholds were buried beneath snow and ice in ages long passed. However, their…
The Northern Frontier
Current Ruler: none, local governments only
The Northern Frontier is an uncivilized strip of land pressed between the Icewall Mountains and the northern borders of Tolgatha and Angveldt. The frontier towns and villages either cling to the frigid shores of the Frostknife Inlet or wander up the rugged river valley of…
Diplomatic Relations throughout Norlanin
Current Relations
Leonen | Kazan | Tindermoot | Eleutheria | Solastaris | Emladria | Barony Isles | Centauri Wilds | Minocea | Tolgatha | Orcrond | Volanthia | Wunderkin | Angveldt | Ynerveldt | Northern Frontier | |
Leonen | x | Wary | Ally | Hostile | Peace | Wary | Hostile | Peace | Wary | Neutral | Hostile | Hostile | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Kazan | Wary | x | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary | Hostile | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Tindermoot | Ally | Neutral | x | Ally | Peace | Wary | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Eleutheria | Hostile | Neutral | Ally | x | Peace | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Peace | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Solastaris | Peace | Neutral | Peace | Peace | x | Wary | Hostile | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Hostile | Peace | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Emladria | Wary | Neutral | Wary | Wary | Wary | x | Hostile | Wary | Neutral | Wary | Hostile | Wary | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Neutral |
Barony Isles | Hostile | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Hostile | Hostile | x | Neutral | Wary | Hostile | War | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary |
Centauri Wilds | Peace | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | x | Hostile | Neutral | Wary | Wary | Peace | Peace | Neutral | Neutral |
Minocea | Wary | Hostile | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary | Hostile | x | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Wary | Wary | Wary | Wary |
Tolgatha | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary | Hostile | Neutral | Neutral | x | War | Ally | Neutral | Peace | Neutral | Wary |
Orcrond | Hostile | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Hostile | Hostile | War | Wary | Wary | War | x | War | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Wary |
Volanthia | Hostile | Neutral | Neutral | Peace | Peace | Wary | Wary | Wary | Neutral | Ally | War | x | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Neutral |
Wunderkin | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Peace | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | x | Unity | Wary | Neutral |
Angveldt | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Peace | Wary | Peace | Wary | Wary | Unity | x | Wary | Peace |
Ynerveldt | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary | Wary | x | Wary |
Northern Frontier | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Wary | Wary | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Peace | Wary | x |
Historic Relations
Leonen | Kazan | Tindermoot | Eleutheria | Solastaris | Emladria | Barony Isles | Centauri Wilds | Minocea | Tolgatha | Orcrond | Volanthia | Wunderkin | Angveldt | Ynerveldt | Northern Frontier | |
Leonen | x | War | Peace | x | x | Wary | War | Hostile | Hostile | Neutral | War | War | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Kazan | War | x | Neutral | x | x | Neutral | Neutral | Hostile | War | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Tindermoot | Peace | Neutral | x | x | x | Peace | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Eleutheria | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Solastaris | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Emladria | Wary | Neutral | Peace | x | x | x | Hostile | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Hostile | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Barony Isles | War | Neutral | Wary | x | x | Hostile | x | Neutral | Wary | War | War | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary |
Centauri Wilds | Hostile | Hostile | Neutral | x | x | Neutral | Neutral | x | War | Neutral | Wary | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Minocea | Hostile | War | Neutral | x | x | Wary | Wary | War | x | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Wary | Wary | Wary | Wary |
Tolgatha | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | x | x | Neutral | War | Neutral | Neutral | x | War | Ally | Neutral | Peace | Neutral | Wary |
Orcrond | War | Neutral | Wary | x | x | Hostile | War | Wary | Wary | War | x | War | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Wary |
Volanthia | War | Neutral | Wary | x | x | Neutral | Wary | Wary | Neutral | Ally | War | x | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Neutral |
Wunderkin | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | x | x | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | x | Unity | Hostile | Neutral |
Angveldt | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | x | x | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary | Peace | Wary | Wary | Unity | x | War | Peace |
Ynerveldt | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | x | x | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Hostile | War | x | Wary |
Northern Frontier | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | x | x | Neutral | Wary | Neutral | Wary | Wary | Wary | Neutral | Neutral | Peace | Wary | x |
Character Classes in Norlanin
Order based Classes
Several orders can be found in Leonen and Tolgatha. In Tolgatha only humans can be Knights, treated as an elite segment of the warrior caste. Meanwhile in Leonen the Knights of the Realm are landowners in the provinces and lesser nobles in their own right. There are even some Centaur Knights in Wildervarn Province.
Of all the nations in Norlanin only the savage Minotaurs of Minocea do not have a formal priestly order. This is not to say that they do not have their own belief system though. Most priestly orders are local to their own nations with the exception of the Church of Leonen which is subscribed to by the Tindermoot as well. In exchange the Tindermoot is granted an Arch-Bishop of its own that is of equal power to the Arch-Bishops of the provinces of Leonen. Among the humans of Leonen though the priestly order is reserved mostly for females, and is lead by the Matriarch and her four Cardinals from Leonenburg. Also sharing a similar belief system and priestly order is the mountain Dwarves of Angveldt and their cousins the Gnomes of Wunderkin Mountain. In Tolgatha the religious caste is the most powerful of all and it is the priestly order that rules and governs the nation, lead by their own Patriarch King, whose powers are those of any King, and beyond.
Prior to the arrival of the Solastaris Elves, Wizardry in Norlanin was practiced only in the Northern Kingdom of Tolgatha. Here the Wizards made up the bulk of the Magi Caste. With the more recent arrival of the Solastaris Elves, who brought with them a powerful and mysterious Wizard Lord of the Golden Order, Wizardry has now found a new foothold in Norlanin. Volanthia was quick to learn of his arrival and sought to learn what they could from him, sending a contingent of their own Wizards to the Solastaris Refuge. The High Elven Wizards treated them cordially, however it was clear they viewed their understanding of Wizardry as they would a child’s. Some among the High Elves were intrigued by the human Wizards and the City of Mages from which they had come, deciding to journey North to Volanthia to study among the humans and help guide their wizards in the service of creation.
Most Paladins in Norlanin are men of Leonen, serving the One-God and tasked with enforcing Leonen’s strict ban on all spiritual arts. In the aftermath of the mage rebellion in Leonen the King, in cooperation with the Church outlawed the use and teaching of any and all spiritual arts. The vast majority of the kingdom applauded the creation of the new laws but there was still much power in the mage community and enforcing the new law was no laughing matter. With the Church now viewing the spiritual arts as a form of heresy, a new fighting force was created, drawn from male priests and pious knights, throughout the kingdom. This new order of Paladins was called the Royal Order of Archons. Once the mass exile was accomplished the order was retained to act as sort of police force. To this day they remain vigilant for any sign of magic within the kingdom. While their jurisdiction ends at the Leonen border they do sometimes venture beyond on missions of special importance to their King and their Matriarch. Paladin orders do exist elsewhere in isolated pockets. Two of the more significant Orders outside of Leonen are the centaur paladins known as the Keeper’s of the Wild and the Tolgathan Order of Royal Guards.
To the High Elves of Solastaris there are few more honourable and worthy paths in life than that of the Order of Samurai. The ideals and precepts of these noble warriors form the back bone of their entire society. Acting not only as the political leaders of their nation under the guidance of the Shogun, the Samurai also act as the military leaders as well. Their way of life is already becoming a legend of sorts and there are those who desire to emulate it.
Monastic Orders exist throughout Leonen, the Tindermoot, Emladria, and even the subterranean halls of Angveldt, though they take on many forms and functions depending on their origins.
Though somewhat akin to the Monks native to Norlanin, the High Elves brought with them their own form of monastic life. The Shaolin orders are likewise devoted to the religious beliefs of their people but also martial combat, a concept that runs through most of their society. Like most of their practices the Elves of Solastaris have garnered attention from the other races of Norlanin yet again with the aesthetic life the Shaolin Orders offer.
College Based Classes
Martial Artist
While martial combat is considered an art form to the Solastaris Elves, as evidenced by the colleges that have already cropped up to teach the next generation of elves, they are not the only race to develop forms of martial arts. It is said that the Wild Elves of Emladris also practice their own forms of martial arts. While information is always scarce when it comes to the Island nation of Kazan, the Kayden have been known to practice a very unique form of martial arts, taught rumour has it, at a magnificent College in the capital.
While once the Colleges of Mages where scattered throughout Norlanin, after the Mage Rebellion in Leonen and the subsequent exile of all magic users, their towers and hideaways were mostly destroyed. But the Mages came together and built their magnificent city in the barren plains of eastern Tolgatha. Here the colleges rebuilt and now all Mage Colleges in Norlanin exist solely within the walls of Volanthia. Mages from all across Norlanin have little choice but to call Volanthia home if they wish to truly advance in their studies. While not traditionally practiced by Wild Elves the Mage Colleges generally open their doors to any would be practitioner of the spiritual arts, remembering all too well the discrimination they have faced at the hands of the “non-gifted”. Unconfirmed rumors do exist that Volanthia may have secret outposts outside of the City of Mages, where their field agents can both to monitor the use of the spiritual arts and to maintain their interests throughout the rest of Norlanin.
With all of the Mages relocating to Volanthia the Battlemages had no choice but to follow. This proved to be a beneficial move for them however as they were adopted as the police force for the new City-State. After all in a city full of mages it wouldn’t do for the city guard to have no spiritual prowess. As an extension of the Mage Colleges the Battlemages are likewise non-discriminatory to the various races.
Guild Based Classes
Where there is wealth there will be those who take that wealth without asking permission, and where they are people such as this there will be Thieves Guilds to line their pockets with the spoils. This is true regardless of country or creed.
When the Wild Elven tribes untied to form their collective nation they quickly realized the need for a fighting force that owed its allegiance to no one tribe and at the same time all tribes. So the Rangers Guild was formed, calling themselves the Asp’enalla, the Silent Protectors. They are the closest thing that the Emladrian Elves have to a national army, tasked with protecting the vast Emladris forest and safeguarding the Wild Elf way of life. But these are not the only rangers in these lands. Dwarf, Human, Halfling, and even the savage Orcs employ Rangers Guilds to act as scouts and trackers. Rangers of the Warrior Caste in Tolgatha act as the first line of defense against Greenskin raiders in the borderlands.
While highly secretive in nature Assassin’s Guilds of various sizes exists virtually everywhere in Norlanin. There is always money to be made in the profession of death and revenge. Perhaps the only exception to this is among the Minotaurs and Centaurs of the wild North-East. These races would never dream of attacking a foe from behind. The glory of combat is to look into the eyes of a worthy opponent as your blade drains his life away after a well fought battle. Of all the practitioners of Spiritual arts the Assassins have perhaps been the hardest to exorcise from Leonen. The same secrecy that protects them from the law of most lands protects them also from the anti-magic laws of Leonen.
Of all the things that the High Elf refugees brought with them to Norlanin, none shames the Shogun more than the Ninja Guild. They stand in stark contrast to the principles and ideals of the Samurai but have been embedded in their culture for so long and keep their secrets so well that there is no way to identify them or destroy them. They are a dark shadow cast on a people who have traveled a long and weary path to try and live in the sunlight. Their legend has inspired other secret societies and would be Ninja Guilds to crop up throughout Norlanin, though none can compare to the skill and sheer will of the Solastaris Ninja.
Rite Based Classes
Though it was never very common, as a form of the spiritual arts Shamanism has been outlawed in Leonen as well but is still widely practiced in other, wilder, parts of Norlanin, particularly among the Wild Elves of Emladris. The Rite of the Shaman (along with the Rite of the Druid, depending on the tribe) is the primary force of magic among the Emladrians, whose connection to nature and the world around them runs very deep. There is even a group of Shamans that make their home in Volanthia.
Like Shamans, Druids are not allowed within Leonen’s borders. There were never many to begin with as they too prefer the wilder places in Norlanin. The Rite of the Druid is a deep part of Emladrian Culture, but can be found any place outside of Leonen, so long as it is away from civilization. The Druids are one of the few magic users that does not have a presence in Volanthia.
The Rite of the Runeweaver is a seldom walked path but one that has developed uniquely amongst many cultures. Most remain on the fringes of the cultures from which they originated, with the exception of the Runeweavers from Leonen, who like so many other persecuted magic-users fled to Volanthia.
Renown Based Classes
The continent of Norlanin is a vast land with a menagerie of cultures and peoples. Many of the people of this land follow paths all their own and it is their deeds, not an affiliation with any given organization, that defines who they are. Among these can be found Barbarians, Vigilantes, Soldiers, Warriors, Zealots, Berserkers, Pit-Fighters, Guardians, Swashbucklers, Clerics, and Marksmen.