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System of Faith (Gant)

Realm of Strife™ > Lore  > Gant > System of Faith (Gant)

Organization: ‘–>’ denotes that the Organization is a subset of one above
Race: unless listed as exclusive there can always be exceptions/converts

DeityOrganizationLeaderRaceClass RestrictionsExtent of InfluenceAvailable Disciplines
The One God (Elohim)Church of the One GodPatriarch Medonias IIIMulti-racialMulti-classThroughout the Continent of GantPrayers, Healing, Blessing, Protection, Invocation, Exorcism
–>Order of the Red HawkGrand Marshal Reginald TerdalionMulti-racialPaladinThroughout the Continent of Gant, but based in TelestraPrayers, Healing, Blessing, Protection, Invocation, Exorcism
–>Assilian MonksAbbot TimisMulti-racialMonkCloudspire AbbeyPrayers, Healing, Blessing, Protection, Invocation, Exorcism
–>Various Monastic Ordersvarious AbbotsMulti-racialMonkThroughout the Continent of GantPrayers, Healing, Blessing, Protection, Invocation, Exorcism
Holy Light DruidsChief Druid AranHumanDruidThroughout the Galladras LowlandsPrayers, Healing, Blessing, Protection, Invocation, Exorcism, Light
Druids of ManaChief Druid EamonHalflingDruidGreenharvest, Republic of GantPrayers, Healing, Blessing, Protection, Invocation, Exorcism, Mana
Druids of the HeavensChief Druid Hallid (Half-elf)Multi-racialDruidVery large conclave, throughout the Kingdom of GhallantPrayers, Healing, Blessing, Protection, Invocation, Exorcism, Celestial
Vahlin the MakerChurch of VahlinArch Bishop KhallagarDwarfMulti-classRalgor, and in Dwarven communities throughout the Republic of GantPrayers, Healing, Blessing, Protection, Invocation, Exorcism
Druids of Vahlin’s EarthChief Druid Hargast (deceased)DwarfDruidRalgor, Keth, and other outlying areasPrayers, Healing, Blessing, Protection, Invocation, Exorcism, Earth
Druids of the High ReachUnknownDwarfDruidRelatively small conclave, throughout the West Gantinor MountainsPrayers, Healing, Blessing, Protection, Invocation, Beast Calling, Frost
The Life-FatherNon-specific, TribalvariousWild-elfMulti-classMany Wild Elf tribes of the Athelnon forest, such as the Athel-leafPrayers, Healing, Blessing, Protection
Druids of AthelnonChief Druid AvonenWild-elfDruidWidespread throughout the Athelnon ForestPrayers, Healing, Blessing, Protection, Wild
Conclave of WindsUnknownWild-elf (exclusive)DruidRumoured to be the Scarlan PlateauPrayers, Healing, Protection, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Forces, Air
Galladras, The Well-Spring of LifeDaughters of GalladrasUnknownWild-elf (female only)DruidVery small, rumored to be near source of the Galladras RiverPrayers, Healing, Blessing, Psimaturgy, Forces, Water
Non-specific Reverence of Creation
(sometimes referred to as the Father of the Earth)
The FoundersUnknown, Long DeceasedDwarfPriest, PaladinExtinct Religion, remnants found in the Cathedral Groves of the West Gantinor FoothillsSystems, Forces, Beast Calling, Shapeshifting, Protection, Exorcism
Dark Primal godsNon-specific, TribalHigh Priestess, UnknownWild-elf (exclusive)Multi-classThe Sablewood Tribe, Deep within the Athelnon ForestRituals, Corruption, Curse, Disease, Summoning, Aspects, Beast Calling, Shapeshifting
Sablewood ConclaveUnknownWild-elf (exclusive)DruidThe Sablewood Tribe, Deep within the Athelnon ForestRituals, Corruption, Curse, Disease, Aspects, Beast Calling, Shapeshifting, Wild
Dark DruidsUnknownWild-elf (exclusive)DruidThroughout the Athelnon Forest, in secret in many tribesRituals, Corruption, Curse, Disease, Necromancy, Summoning, Dark
CerebusCult of CerebusUnknownMulti-racialMulti-classActive in secret throughout the Continent of GantRituals, Corruption, Curse, Disease, Necromancy, Summoning, Hemomancy
Non-specific Demonic EntitiesSons of FireChief Druid Eddecton (Human)Multi-racialDruidThroughout the Republic of GantRituals, Corruption, Curse, Disease, Necromancy, Summoning, Fire
The Deep & the Eternal FlameConclave of the DeepUnknownDwarf (exclusive)DruidsBeneath Ralgor, in conjunction with Fire WorshippersRituals, Curse, Omen, Earth, Fire
–>Fire Worshipersfollow the DruidsDwarf (exclusive)Non-faith classesBeneath Ralgor, in conjunction with Conclave of the Deepn/a
Order, as a concept, not a beingThe Order of TriunasHigh Priest AstrannonHigh-elf (exclusive)PriestCailhast, temples throughout the cityMantras, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Omens, Psicognition, Psimaturgy