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Containing (Enchant)

Realm of Strife™ > Gear  > Enchanting > Containing (Enchant)

The ‘of Containing’ enchant uses arcane spirit energy to create a pocket dimension in which a single inanimate objects and sometimes sentient being can physically be stored. Entrance and exit from the pocket dimension is typically linked to a verbal command or specific touch (sometimes both). A well known example of this would be releasing a Genie by rubbing a an enchanted Lamp.

Due to the immense spiritual energy involved to maintain a pocket dimension within the enchanted device or item, there are size restrictions:

Enchant RankMax Item SizeMax Creature Size
SuperiorExtra LargeLarge
Matchlesstheoretically no limitHuge, but theoretically no limit

Attempting to store something larger than the maximum sizes listed above typically causes the pocket dimension to collapse, destroying whatever was contained within it as well as the enchanted item itself. In some cases a sentient creature may be able to escape prior tot eh pocket dimension collapsing.

Sentient beings cannot generally be forced into the pocket dimension against their will, although they could be tricked or coerced. While a living being is housed within the pocket dimension they are sustained by the power of the enchant for as long as it is maintained. Once inside however, typically the sentient being or inanimate object is trapped within the enchanted item until released. Each containing enchant is different and as such time and space are experienced differently by each sentient being that chooses to enter the pocket dimension. If a containing enchant is dispelled whatever is contained within it is immediately released.

The ‘of Containing’ enchant seems to fail when attempting to contain beings of the Third Creation (i.e. Humanoids, Anthromorphs, Greenskins). Enchanters hypothesize that the presence of a soul somehow contravenes the effect.