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User | ID | Domain | School of Magic | School of Power | Discipline | Spell Name | Tier | Spirit Cost | Archetype | Use | Range | Description | Archetype Details | Class Restriction |
1 | Arcane | Common | None | Destruction | Arcane Cantrip | 0 | 2 | Burst | action | 15 | 1d4+1 arcane damage | Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Mage, Wizard | |
2 | Arcane | Common | None | Destruction | Arcane Spark | 0 | 2 | Shock | action | melee | 1d4+2 arcane damage | Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Battlemage | |
3 | Arcane | Common | None | Alteration | Detect Magic | 0 | 1 | Reveal | instant | 15 | detects/identifies all Spirit buffs/effects/enhancements (Spirit-based) on a given target, temporarily glow according to school (for up to 1 hour) • the more specific the target the more specific the results will be |
Reveal reveals hidden mysteries of the spirit world, allowing the caster and/or allies to exploit this knowledge |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Assassin | |
4 | Elemental | Fire, Water, Air, Earth | None | Destruction | Elemental Cantrip | 0 | 2 | Burst | action | 15 | 1d6 elemental damage (+2 if Volatile, but generates 1 volatile stack) • either randomly assigned between all Elemental damage types or aligned with a particular affinity the caster may have |
Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Shaman | |
5 | Elemental | Fire, Water, Air, Earth | None | Conjuration | Elemental Drumming | 0 | 0 | Utility | instant | self | Conjures a spirit drum that a shaman may use to cast their next elemental spirit power using HP instead of Spirit without enraging the Elemental Spirits and risking possession. Can only be granted by Spirit Drummer Shaman Title. | Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Shaman | |
6 | Arcane | Common | None | Alteration | Memorize Power | 0 | 1/Tier | Modify | non-combat | self | Commit a power to memory from a Spirit Book. This power is limited to being cast once per half rest, unless posessing Rank 2 or higher of the Linguist secondary skill. | Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Assassin | |
7 | Natural | Wild, High | None | Conjuration | Primal Drumming | 0 | 0 | Utility | instant | self | Conjures a spirit drum that a shaman may use to cast their next natural spirit power using HP instead of Spirit without enraging the Primal Spirits and risking possession. Can only be granted by Spirit Drummer Shaman Title. | Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Shaman | |
8 | Arcane | Common | None | Destruction | Rune of Force | 0 | 2 | Strike | action | melee | +1d4 arcane damage, can only be combined with fist or kick disciplines | Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Runeweaver | |
9 | Natural | Wild, High | None | Alteration | Sense Spirit | 0 | 1 | Reveal | instant | 15 | detects/identifies all spirit buffs/effects/enhancements (Spirit-based) on a given target or item as a mental impression or "feeling" that lasts for up to 1 hour • the more specific the target the more specific the results will be |
Reveal reveals hidden mysteries of the spirit world, allowing the caster and/or allies to exploit this knowledge |
Shaman, Druid, Runeweaver | |
10 | Arcane | Common | None | Destruction | Silent Cantrip | 0 | 2 | Burst | action | 15 | 1d6 arcane damage, does not reduce stealth in any way | Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Assassin | |
11 | Natural | Wild, High | None | Fortification | Spirit Heal | 0 | 2/level | Healing | instant | 10 | A single target receives 1d6 +1/level healing. Can never be cast using HP. | Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Shaman, Druid, Runeweaver | |
12 | Arcane | Common | None | Fortification | Spiritual Attunement | 0 | 1/max Tier | Synergy | instant | self | allows a Runeweaver to attune themselves to a different School of Magic than the one that is currently active • must have a matching Root Tattoo to be able to attune to that School of Magic • restores 1 Focus and may be used while Meditating |
Synergy single target • typically remains in play until consumed or dispelled • carries benefits based on the class mechanics of the target • mixed classes must choose a single mechanic to benefit |
Runeweaver | |
13 | Arcane | Common | None | Alteration | Steal Power | 0 | 2/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 15 | Granted by Spell Thief Assassin Title • replaces Memorize Power • can only be used once per day and only against targets that have not detected the assassins presence • can be used anytime a spirit power is cast or detected within range to attempt to steal it during own next turn counts as an instant if the stolen power is instant or an action if it is an action • roll against a resistance equal to the 15x the Tier of the Power if successful that power is immediately added to the Assassin's memory (if memory is full it overwrites an existing power) and removed from the original casters memory (except for dragons) • they can re-learn it given appropriate time, but it is effectively lost for the remainder of that battle • can also be used out of combat to Steal a Power from a Spirit Book, literally stealing the words off the page • can not be used against powers of Higher Tier than what the assassin currently has access to |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Assassin | |
14 | Arcane | Common, Light, Dark | None | Devastation | Arcane Venting | 0 | 0 | Venting | instant | self | The next power used gains the additional effect of venting all Volatile arcane spirit stacks off the caster, dealing 1d6 damage (of the appropriate type) per stack to all targets within a 2" radius (including self) | Venting Vents off all Volatile spirit energy with various effects. No spirit cost and cannot critically cast or miscast. Automatically inflicts damage to the caster. Uses a single casting roll for all other targets in range, no dodge allowed. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
14 | Elemental | Fire, Water, Air, Earth | None | Devastation | Elemental Venting | 0 | 0 | Venting | instant | self | The next power used gains the additional effect of venting all Volatile elemental spirit stacks off the caster, dealing 1d6 damage (of the appropriate type) per stack to all targets within a 2" radius (including self) | Venting Vents off all Volatile spirit energy with various effects. No spirit cost and cannot critically cast or miscast. Automatically inflicts damage to the caster. Uses a single casting roll for all other targets in range, no dodge allowed. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
14 | Natural | Wild | None | Destruction | Wild Cantrip | 0 | 2 | Burst | action | 15 | Druid only: 1d4 wild damage • if target is successfully wounded, grants caster +1 faith |
Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Druid | |
14 | Natural | Wild, High | None | Devastation | Natural Venting | 0 | 0 | Venting | instant | self | The next power used gains the additional effect of venting all Volatile natural spirit stacks off the caster, dealing 1d6 damage (of the appropriate type) per stack to all targets within a 2" radius (including self) | Venting Vents off all Volatile spirit energy with various effects. No spirit cost and cannot critically cast or miscast. Automatically inflicts damage to the caster. Uses a single casting roll for all other targets in range, no dodge allowed. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
15 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Conjuration | Conjure Animal Scout | 1 | 1 | Familiar | 10 minutes | 3 | summons a small animal (non-combat) that the caster can see and hear though at will, also reduces the spirit cost of all nature/wild powers by 1 while w/in 1" of caster | Familiar Conjures/summons an active Familiar under the casters control • requires 2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • can only be cast once per day and can never have more than one Familiar at a time • critical casts allow for the Familiars HP to be rolled twice, selecting the highest results • conjured Familiar appears within range of the caster and prefer to stay close to their master • Familiar acts independently of the caster on its own Initiative Score but will obey the casters commands unless they would be against its nature • Familiar disappears if the caster dismisses it (which counts as an instant), caster is knocked unconscious or sleeps, or if Familiar's HP drop below 0 • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Familiar typicaly dissapears but is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
16 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Alteration | Arcane Innervation | 1 | 10% of max | Modify | instant | 15 | restores 10% of the casters max Spirit to a single target (can be self cast) • this effect occurs once per round per Tier of the caster |
Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
17 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Conjuration | Arcane Shackles | 1 | 2/tier | Binding | action | 10 | targets are immobilized and/or silenced and/or snared • any damage breaks the shackles, except for Shock type powers which can be cast against shackled targets up to 15" away |
Binding conjures a physical restraint of some kind that applies crowd control effects to a target(s) in LoS • one target/Tier or one round/Tier or mix of both (i.e. a Tier 4 Binding power could affect one target for four rounds, or two targets for two rounds, or four targets for one round) • outside of combat treat duration as hours not rounds • typically damage will break the effect • casters may elect to only bind certain parts of the target, such as leaving the legs unbound so that a prisoner can be forced to walk on their own |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
18 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Devastation | Insect Swarm | 1 | 3/tier | Storm | action | 15 | unleash a swarm of biting insects in a 4" radius, causing X physical damage (using casting modifiers), where X scales by Tier • T1 = 1d2, T2 = 1d4, T3=1d6, T4=1d8, T5=1d10, T6=1d12, T7=1d10+1d4 |
Storm Has a large cylindrical area of effect in a radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Storm powers are typically not considered projectile based even if the component causing the damage is a projectile (i.e. cannot be blocked) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
19 | Arcane | Light | Light | Destruction | Blinding Touch | 1 | 3 | Shock | action | melee | 1d8 damage and blinds the target for 1 round • triggers Illumination |
Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
19 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Destruction | Solar Shock | 3 | 6 | Shock | action | melee | Transfers up to 1 stack of Solar Mass per Tier of the caster onto the target, inflicting 1d8 damage for each stack transferred • can only transfer stacks that were present prior to casting Solar Shock |
Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
20 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Fortification | Bound to Creation | 1 | 3 | Synergy | instant | 4 | increases the healing effects on a target by 1 per Tier of casters highest Tier of Spirit/Faith power or +0.5 per current Focus • if a critical heal occurs the effect ends |
Synergy single target • typically remains in play until consumed or dispelled • carries benefits based on the class mechanics of the target • mixed classes must choose a single mechanic to benefit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
20 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Fortification | Ancient Ways | 1 | 3 | Synergy | instant | 4 | While under the effect of this Synergy, anytime a poison effect (natural or magical) is paired with, countered by or used in combination with a Fury, Faith, Stealth, or Focus skill it has the following effect • Fury skill costs 1 less • Faith difficulty is reduced by 1 • Required Stealth reduced by 2 • Focus dice gains +1 |
Synergy single target • typically remains in play until consumed or dispelled • carries benefits based on the class mechanics of the target • mixed classes must choose a single mechanic to benefit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
21 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Conjuration | Conjure Food | 1 | 1/Tier | Utility | instant | 25 | creates up to 4 servings of food: • T1: equivalent to trail rations • T3: equivalent to fresh/cooked food • T5: equivalent to a feast |
Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
22 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Alteration | Coldfire | 1 | 2 | Modify | instant | 30 | Cast on any source of natural flame within range to turn it into a pale blue coldfire flame. Coldfire does not burn or consume fuel and instead of producing heat it actively absorbs it, effectively radiating cold. Coldfire lasts for up to 1 day unless dispelled or cancelled by the caster. Can be cast on multiple targets if multiplying the spirit cost by the number of targets. | Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
22 | Elemental | Water | Water | Conjuration | Conjure Water | 1 | 1/Tier | Utility | instant | 30 | creates up to 4 servings of water: • T1: Regular Water • T2:Spring Water • T3: Glacier Water • T4: Mineral Water • T5: Enchanted |
Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
23 | Natural | High | Celestial | Destruction | Cosmic Spark | 1 | 3/Tier | Shock | action | melee | 1d10/Tier damage, 30% chance +10%/Tier that on targets next turn may make target re-roll once | Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
24 | Elemental | Water | Water | Destruction | Imbue Undertow | 1 | 2 | Imbue | instant | 4 | upon wounding, the target is pulled up to 1" +1"/Tier" in a straight line in the opposite direction of the attack (i.e. behind the attacker, or towards the attacker if used on a ranged attack) | Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
25 | Arcane | Light | Light | Alteration | Cutting Laser | 1 | 4 | Modify | instant | 20 | hits a single target with a small beam of focused light that can cut though most mundane objects/materials • if used in combat as both an instant and an action can be used to damage a single piece of armor, cutting its Armor value in half until repaired (no effect on rune-crafted and/or enchanted armor) • triggers Illumination |
Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
25 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Alteration | Mass Ejection | 4 | 4 per stack | Modify | instant | 20 | Transfer any number of stacks of Solar Mass from the caster onto another target within range. This includes the stack of Solar mass that results from casting Mass Ejection. Target may choose whether or not to resist this effect. If the target already has volatile stacks of some kind, the Solar Mass stacks are converted into the matching type of volatile stacks. | Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
26 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Fortification | Damage Shield | 1 | 2 +2/Tier | Shield | instant | 10 | creates a 1d8 physical damage shield, +2/Tier • no additional effects when shield breaks |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
27 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Destruction | Dark Orb | 1 | 1 +2/Tier | Shot | action | 24 | An orb of dark magic is hurled at the target dealing 1d8 +2/Tier shadow damage. After it explodes it creates a dark mist for 1 round around the target reducing the hit chance of all attacks by 10 per Tier, Insidious-Force | Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
28 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Devastation | Dark Ribbon | 1 | 1+5/tier | Beam | action | 8 | The beam terminates upon hitting a single 'primary' target, then bounces to up to 1/tier 'secondary' targets w/in 4" of primary target • all secondary targets take 1d10 damage while primary target takes the sum of all damage done to secondary targets • use a single hit roll for all targets and divide bonus damage evenly between primary and all secondary targets, after determining base damage • has no effect if there is no secondary targets |
Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
29 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Alteration | Dispel Magic | 1 | 1/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 15 | dispel one known magic effect • use resistance equal to 10x the Tier of the caster of the effect • can also be used to dispel/shatter one spirit based enchant/crafting |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
30 | Natural | High | Celestial | Alteration | Disperse Magic | 1 | 1/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 15 | can dispel one known magic effect, use resistance equal to 12x the Tier of the caster of the effect • if successful this creates a field of loose spirit energy in a 3" radius around the target, the next power caster by ANY target within the field costs 50% less spirit, after which the field disappears • can also dispel/shatter one spirit based enchant/crafting |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
30 | Natural | High | Temporal | Alteration | Temporal Reset | 3 | 1/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 15 | can dispel one known magic effect, use resistance equal to 12x the Tier of the caster of the effect • if the effect is temporal magic, use resistance equal to 5x the Tier of the caster of the effect • also automatically cancels all temporal anomalies in a 1" per Tier radius around the target • can also dispel/shatter one temporal magic enchant/crafting |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
31 | Natural | High | Celestial | Fortification | Dormant Creation | 1 | 2/Tier | Healing | action | 15 | Immediately following the next time the target takes damage, they receive 1d6+1 healing per Tier and gain an Honor Code stack of their choice • if the effect is forcibly removed or dispelled it also triggers its effects |
Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
32 | Elemental | Water | Water | Alteration | Douse Magic | 1 | 1/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 15 | can dispel one known magic effect, use resistance equal to 12x the Tier of the caster of the effect • if the effect is fire or air magic, use resistance equal to 7x the Tier of the caster of the effect • can also be used to douse any natural flame in a 1" per Tier radius around the target • can also be used to dispel/shatter 1 fire or air magic based enchant/crafting |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
32 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Alteration | Freeze Magic | 2 | 1/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 15 | can dispel one known fire magic effect, use resistance equal to 7x the Tier of the caster of the effect • can also be used to dispel/shatter 1 fire magic based enchant/crafting • if used against any other source of magic (except light or solar) it instead places the item or effect into a permanent 'frozen stasis' at half the normal resistance, nullifying its effects until the frozen statis is dispelled, at which point the magic returns to its normal function and/or remaining duration |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
33 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Fortification | Earth Mending | 1 | 3 | Empower | instant | self | while buff is active any faith or spirit power used by the caster that directly increases health gains +1d6 effectiveness • also adds +1d6 healing to any healing effect used on the caster (I.e. if caster is healed by an ally or drinks a potion) • consume to auto-crit the next healing power of any kind |
Empower self cast buff with positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Empower spells may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Empower immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if an Empower is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
33 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Fortification | Iron Quills | 4 | 6 | Empower | instant | self | While buff is active the target gains a coat of iron quills that inflicts 1d4 auto damage on anyone that attacks them in base contact. For each volatile metal Agglomerate stack on the buffed target, increase the damage by +1d6. • Consume to violently expel the quills at a single target within 4" • Consuming deals the equivalent amount of damage to both the target and the one consuming the empower • Damage dealt from consuming the empower has Piercing Force |
Empower self cast buff with positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Empower spells may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Empower immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if an Empower is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
34 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Alteration | Electric Pulse | 2 | 4 | Hex | instant | 16 | Electricity crawls about the target, with no direct immediate effects. However, while active, the cast caster can use a reaction to Interrupt the target at will. Each Interrupt attempt costs 2 additional spirit and requires a seucessful casting roll; Consuming the hex causes the target to take 1d6 damage and become Vulnerable & Silenced for 1 full round or 1 minute | Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
35 | Natural | High | Celestial | Devastation | Eradicate | 1 | 6/Tier | Beam | action | 8 | 1d8 dam per Tier • single hit roll to all targets along a line, 2% per Tier chance that targets cease to exist |
Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
36 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Conjuration | Eye of the Night | 1 | 1 | Utility | instant | 30 | creates a floating eye under the control of the caster up to 30" away • the caster can switch his vision at will to that of the Eye of the Night • the Eye can see in the dark & is invisible if in shadow • Eye is destroyed if hit w/ direct light & temporarily blinds caster (1 round if in combat) |
Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
37 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Conjuration | False Flames | 1 | 1 per 1" | Illusion | instant | 10 | creates illusionary fire that appears real, but does not actually burn anything or produce heat • the spirit cost is based on the initial size of the False Flames (before any flowing) and measured in 1" cubes (i.e. a 3" by 3" by 3" False Flames conjuration would cost 27 spirit) |
Illusion Conjures a visible illusion that lacks true physical characteristics. Upon successfully casting, any creature that relies on conventional sight as its primary source of perception will believe the illusion to be real if the casting value is greater than their mental resistance. • illusions can't directly influence physical matter, nor can they inflict any kind of damage or effects • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed • dispel resistance is equal to the original casting value of the illusion • if there is evidence to suggest that the illusion might not be real, creatures may pass a Wisdom or Perception test to see through the illusion and therefore not be affected by it in anyway • GMs may choose to add advantage or disadvantage modifiers to these rolls depending on the situation. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
38 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Alteration | Fear | 1 | 4 | Control | action | 15 | A single target is subjected to Fear (CC effect), with +1" movement/tier of the caster added to the regular fear effect. Insidious-Force | Control single target, LoS required with a variety of crowd control effects • hard CC typically an action • soft CC typically an instant |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
38 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Alteration | Void Vessel | 4 | 20 | Control | action | 15 | The caster selects a single sentient/living target (typical against their will) to become a vessel for all current and future stacks of volatile Void energy, as if they were the caster. For the duration of the effect any self inflicted damage from Critical Casts or Miscasts is inflected on the Void Vessel instead. Any instant or action the Void Vessel makes has a chance to trigger Call of the Void, causing them to inflict harm upon themselves where possible. Alternatively, if the Void Vessel triggers Call of the Void the caster can choose to re-target the instant or action as they see fit. This effect lasts until the void vessel dies, is willingly released by the caster, the caster sleeps, or the effect is dispelled. | Control single target, LoS required with a variety of crowd control effects • hard CC typically an action • soft CC typically an instant |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
39 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Destruction | Acid Arrow | 1 | 1+2/Tier | Missile | action | 25 | Fires a magical arrow dripping with green acid, inflicting 1d6 damage +2 per Tier and 1 Stack of Corrosion | Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
39 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Destruction | Flame Lance | 1 | 3 | Missile | action | 25 | A magical flaming lance is thrown at the target, dealing 1d8+1 fire damage and burning for an additonal 1 dam per Tier each round for up to 1d6 rounds. • Heat-Seeking |
Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
40 | Arcane | Light | Light | Devastation | Flash Bang | 1 | 6 | Bomb | instant | 16 | remains dormant on target for 1 full round, then if exposed to natural light or hit by any light based power of any kind, it explodes dealing 1d6 damage in a 2.5" radius, blinding all targets • counts as Illumination upon exploding |
Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
41 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Conjuration | Floating Disc | 1 | 1 | Utility | instant | 40 | creates a small floating disc or vessel that can be used to transport S or M items a short distance | Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
42 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Devastation | Frost Trap | 1 | 2/Tier | Trap | action | 20 | 0.5" radius per Tier • inflicts 1d8 damage per Tier and all affected targets have their movement reduced by 1" per Tier (can be reduced to zero) on their next turn • if not escaping the radius of the trap after moving they are frozen for 1 round |
Trap sets a two dimensional area of effect trap on the ground (or in a single plane of space) that is triggered when something enters or moves through the given radius surrounding a target point • upon being triggered the area of effect moves up from the base, a distance equal to the radius, to form a cylinder area of effect • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
43 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Destruction | Ice Bolt | 1 | 3 | Missile | action | 30 | Fires a jagged chunk of ice at the target, inflicting 1d8 damage +1/Tier with a 15% chance/Tier to Slow for 2 rounds | Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
44 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Fortification | Inner Fire | 1 | 2 | Synergy | instant | 3 | while active, target gains 2 fury/vigor per round • effect is consumed upon taking damage of any kind, but this inflicts 2 auto-fire damage in a 1" radius |
Synergy single target • typically remains in play until consumed or dispelled • carries benefits based on the class mechanics of the target • mixed classes must choose a single mechanic to benefit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
45 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Conjuration | Lightning Rod | 1 | 4 | Totem | instant | 10 | radius 3" • Interrupts any target inside the totems radius (except caster) that fails an unmodified Elemental resist • while active any Storm based damage inflicted within 10" of the totem also inflicts 10% per Tier of its damage to a single target (except caster) within the totem's 3" radius, giving preference to the closest target OR the target with the most metal/conductive equipment |
Totem Conjures/summons a stationary object or entity that has an effect in an area around it • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Totems from previous castings are no longer present • lasts for 1 +1/Tier of caster rounds (minutes if out of combat) or until destroyed or dispelled • totems are typically 10-20 inches tall ("tiny", size mod -4) and have 10 HP and 0 AC/Resist unless otherwise stated • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
46 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Destruction | Magic Missile | 1 | 1/lvl | Missile | action | 30 | Fires a single arcane projectile, dealing 1d4 arcane dam per lvl (max level 5) | Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
46 | Arcane | Common | Null | Destruction | Disruption Bolt | 2 | 2.5 per Tier | Missile | action | 30 | Fires an arcane projectile that increases the miscast chance by 5% per Tier for any spirit or faith power cast by that target on their next turn. • Deals 4 arcane damage plus 1d6 per Tier. |
Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
47 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Fortification | Magical Convergeance | 1 | 3 | Empower | instant | self | while buff is active, gain +1 to cast or +1 spell power for every additional spirit spent when casting a spell (up to a max +10) • bonus spell power is included in crits and is distributed at will if there are multiple targets • consume to have your next power auto cast (no casting roll required) |
Empower self cast buff with positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Empower spells may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Empower immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if an Empower is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
48 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Devastation | Mana Bomb | 1 | 4 | Bomb | instant | 12 | remains on the target and stacks mana energy, gaining 1 stack each subsequent time the target is hit by any mana power • magic missile grants 1 stack per level and arcane darts grants 1 stack per dart • immediately upon reaching 5 stacks the bomb explodes dealing 1d10 damage in 2" radius |
Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
48 | Arcane | Common | Null | Devastation | Spirit Acclimator | 2 | 6 | Bomb | instant | 12 | remains on the target and adds one stack of Acclimation every time the target attempts to cast a spirit power or is hit by a Null power • target also gains a stack of Acclimation each time the caster does including from initial cast) • immediately upon reaching 4 stacks the bomb explodes dealing 1d12 damage in a 2" radius with a 15% chance to Silence for 1 round |
Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
49 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Destruction | Mana Scythe | 1 | 2 | Strike | action | melee | +1d6 damage • generates 1d6 spirit back to caster |
Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
49 | Arcane | Common | Null | Destruction | Null Strike | 2 | 3 | Strike | action | melee | +1d8 damage • Silences the target for 1 round |
Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
50 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Alteration | Melt Magic | 1 | 1/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 12 | can dispel one known magic effect, use resistance equal to 12x the Tier of the caster of the effect • if the effect is earth or water magic, use resistance equal to 7x the Tier of the caster of the effect • can also be used to rapidly melt naturally occuring ice in a 1" per Tier radius around the target • can also be used to dispel/shatter one earth or water magic based enchant/crafting |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
50 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Alteration | Oxidize Magic | 3 | 1/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 12 | can dispel one known magic effect, use resistance equal to 12x the Tier of the caster of the effect • if the effect is metal magic, use resistance equal to 5x the Tier of the caster of the effect • can also be used to rapidly oxidize, rust, or corrode natural metals and alloys in a 1" per Tier radius around the target • can also be used to dispel/shatter one metal magic based enchant/crafting |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
51 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Conjuration | Mirror Image | 1 | 3/Tier | Illusion | instant | 12 | Creates 1 per Tier exact replicas of the caster anywhere in range, that casts illusionary versions of all the same powers at the same targets as the true caster • these powers do not cause damage or effects of any kind, however they may confuse the target into attempting to defend against them (i.e. Block an LoS power with a shield, consume a ward, etc...) • enemies will also be confused as to which is the real caster and may target the wrong one • the mirror image has no physical form and any attacks against it cause it to disappear. |
Illusion Conjures a visible illusion that lacks true physical characteristics. Upon successfully casting, any creature that relies on conventional sight as its primary source of perception will believe the illusion to be real if the casting value is greater than their mental resistance. • illusions can't directly influence physical matter, nor can they inflict any kind of damage or effects • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed • dispel resistance is equal to the original casting value of the illusion • if there is evidence to suggest that the illusion might not be real, creatures may pass a Wisdom or Perception test to see through the illusion and therefore not be affected by it in anyway • GMs may choose to add advantage or disadvantage modifiers to these rolls depending on the situation. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
51 | Arcane | Common | Null | Conjuration | Null Image | 2 | 4/Tier | Illusion | instant | 12 | Creates 1 per Tier exact replicas of the caster anywhere in range, that casts illusionary versions of all the same powers at the same targets as the true caster • these powers do not cause damage or effects of any kind, however they may confuse the target into attempting to defend against them (i.e. Block an LoS power with a shield, consume a ward, etc...) • enemies will also be confused as to which is the real caster and may target the wrong one • the mirror image has no physical form and any attacks against it cause it to disappear • if those attacks are magical 50% of the damage that they would cause is converted into Spirit for the owner of the Null Image and if failing an unmodified Arcane resist the attacker is silenced. |
Illusion Conjures a visible illusion that lacks true physical characteristics. Upon successfully casting, any creature that relies on conventional sight as its primary source of perception will believe the illusion to be real if the casting value is greater than their mental resistance. • illusions can't directly influence physical matter, nor can they inflict any kind of damage or effects • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed • dispel resistance is equal to the original casting value of the illusion • if there is evidence to suggest that the illusion might not be real, creatures may pass a Wisdom or Perception test to see through the illusion and therefore not be affected by it in anyway • GMs may choose to add advantage or disadvantage modifiers to these rolls depending on the situation. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
52 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Destruction | Mithril Spear | 2 | 6 | Missile | action | 25 | Magically throws a Mithril spear that deals 1d12+4 physical damage, with Piercing Force. The spear dissapears after it strieks its target. | Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
53 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Conjuration | Mocking Stone | 1 | 4 | Totem | instant | 6 | radius 2" • while active the totem continuously Taunts enemy targets within radius, or attempting to use a LoS attacks/abilities through its radius • totem has 10AC/Resist and HP per Tier |
Totem Conjures/summons a stationary object or entity that has an effect in an area around it • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Totems from previous castings are no longer present • lasts for 1 +1/Tier of caster rounds (minutes if out of combat) or until destroyed or dispelled • totems are typically 10-20 inches tall ("tiny", size mod -4) and have 10 HP and 0 AC/Resist unless otherwise stated • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
54 | Arcane | Light | Light | Conjuration | Orb of Light | 1 | 1 | Utility | instant | 40 | conjures a small floating orb of light that can be controlled up to 40" away • lasts up to one day • triggers Illumination, with the Orb as the target |
Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
54 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Conjuration | Solar Lenses | 2 | 2 per target | Utility | instant | 40 | conjures a set of magical lenses that prevent any blinding effect caused by natural sunlight or Solar Mass | Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
55 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Alteration | Expunge | 1 | 1/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 15 | can dispel one known magic effect, use resistance equal to 12x the Tier of the caster of the effect • can also remove one known poison effect, use resistance equal to 20x the rank of the poison • also can dispel/shatter one spirit based enchant/crafting |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
56 | Elemental | Water | Water | Fortification | Rivers Grace | 1 | 3 | Boon | instant | 4 | Places a boon upon the target that allows it to move with supernatural grace, like the gentle flow of a river • grants +3 Advantage on all Agility and Charm rolls • Consume as an instant (or as a Reaction to taking taking damage) to auto-heal 1d10 HP +1 per Tier of Caster |
Boon single target buff • no LOS required, but caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Boons may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Boon immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if a Boon is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
57 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Conjuration | Rope Vine | 1 | 1 | Utility | instant | 30 | creates up to 30m of thick vines that can be used as rope • conjured vines will rot quicker than the real thing |
Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
58 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Devastation | Sand Storm | 1 | 2 +5/Tier | Storm | action | 12 | 2" per Tier radius • blocks LoS • 1d4 damage •15% chance/Tier will knockdown affected targets |
Storm Has a large cylindrical area of effect in a radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Storm powers are typically not considered projectile based even if the component causing the damage is a projectile (i.e. cannot be blocked) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
58 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Devastation | Metal Storm | 5 | 30 | Storm | action | 12 | Shards of jagged metal and razor sharp knives spin about in a deadly vortex dealing 2d12+6 damage with Piercing Force in a 3" radius | Storm Has a large cylindrical area of effect in a radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Storm powers are typically not considered projectile based even if the component causing the damage is a projectile (i.e. cannot be blocked) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
59 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Destruction | Imbue Scorch | 1 | 4 | Imbue | instant | 3 | Imbues Scorching heat onto a melee weapon granting +1 Damage per Tier • if hitting has a 15% per Tier chance to cause any periodic/residual fire damage on the target to be doubled for 1 round |
Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
59 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Destruction | Imbue Acid | 2 | 2 | Imbue | instant | 3 | On wound, the imbued weapon adds 2 stack of corrosion to the target | Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
60 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Fortification | Second Wind | 1 | 3/Tier | Synergy | instant | 6 | no effect until consumed • upon running out of Fury, Vigor, Spirit, or Stealth consume to immediately regain 10% of that resource per Casters Tier • for Fury, target must have had more than 50% of max Fury at some point during the battle in order to benefit form Second Wind • for Stealth, this prevents canceling hiding |
Synergy single target • typically remains in play until consumed or dispelled • carries benefits based on the class mechanics of the target • mixed classes must choose a single mechanic to benefit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
61 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Conjuration | Conjure Shadow Beast | 1 | (3x Creatures Threat Rating) per Tier | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Summons 1 Shadow Beast per Tier (see CoC: Shadow Beast) | Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
61 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Conjuration | Conjure Sundog | 1 | (3x Creatures Threat Rating) per Tier | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Summons 1 Sundog per Tier (see CoC: Sundog) | Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
62 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Destruction | Shadow Writhe | 2 | 3 | DOT | instant | 20 | Inflicts 1d6 damage each round. If not engaged in base contact, each time damage is dealt to the target they must turn 180 degrees. While under the effects of Shadow Writhe, the target cannot attack anyone that Disengages from Combat. | DOT no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects), damage bonus applies on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
62 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Destruction | Nether Sickness | 4 | 15 | DOT | instant | 20 | Inflicts 1d6+4 damage each round. Each time damage is dealt to the target they must pass a Mental Resistance test or take an additional 1d6+4 shadow damage | DOT no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects), damage bonus applies on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
63 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Fortification | Shadows Embrace | 2 | 2/Tier | Healing | action | 15 | A single target receives 1d6+1 healing per Tier and increases stealth by +1 per Tier if already hiding • if caster is hiding or in shadows heals the caster for the same amount |
Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
64 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Fortification | Shifting Shadows | 1 | 3/Tier | Boon | instant | 4 | -5 hit/Tier to enemies that target you, consume to instantly hide without taking a turn to do so @ 20% success per Tier | Boon single target buff • no LOS required, but caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Boons may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Boon immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if a Boon is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
65 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Destruction | Imbue Shiver | 2 | 3 | Imbue | instant | 4 | 50% extra damage if target has been frozen or had movement slowed by frost effects | Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
66 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Alteration | Smother Magic | 1 | 1/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 12 | can dispel one known magic effect, use resistance equal to 12x the Tier of the caster of the effect • if the effect is air or fire magic, use resistance equal to 7x the Tier of the caster of the effect • can also be used to temporarily remove all air in a 1" per Tier radius around the target, smothering any natural flame and stealing the breath from affected targets lungs (but not lasting long enough to cause any significant effects/suffocation) • can also be used to dispel/shatter one air or fire magic based enchant/crafting |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
67 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Devastation | Stinging Swarm | 1 | 6/tier | Storm | action | 15 | unleash a swarm of stinging insects in a 4" radius, causing X damage (using casting modifiers) and inflicting a X dam/round poison for up to 3 rounds, where X scales by Tier • T1 = 1, T2 = 1d2, T3=1d4, T4=1d6, T5=1d8, T6=1d10, T7=1d12 |
Storm Has a large cylindrical area of effect in a radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Storm powers are typically not considered projectile based even if the component causing the damage is a projectile (i.e. cannot be blocked) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
68 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Destruction | Imbue Stun | 1 | 3 | Imbue | instant | 3 | stun effects on weapon are multiplied by 10 | Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
68 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Destruction | Imbue Lacerate | 1 | 3 | Imbue | instant | 3 | adds a 2 damage per round Bleed effect | Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
69 | Natural | High | Temporal | Fortification | Temporal Bubble | 1 | 4/Tier | Shell | action | self | any incoming ranged projectile is slowed as it crosses into the temporal bubble, delaying impact until the start of the attackers next turn • if the intended target moves out of the projectile's path before that time, the projectiles automatically miss • after slowing 1 projectile per Tier in this manner the Temporal Bubble is expended |
Shell defensive powers that erect a stationary shell or field of influence around the caster and typically reduce incoming damage • unless otherwise stated as "self-cast only", the shell is a 1" per Tier radius, centered on the caster, and thus may envelop other targets (friend, foe, or inanimate objects) • the effects of the shell are typically only considered at the boundary, while all targets inside the shell are unaffected • remains in play for duration of battle, or until dispelled or expended • attacks with additional effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not generally inflict their effects if the damage does penetrate the shell • while within the shell the caster may on subsequent turns, refresh the shell back to its original state (effectively recasting at the same Tier of power) for 1/2 the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
70 | Elemental | Water | Water | Destruction | Water Jet | 1 | 3 | Missile | action | 15 | Fires a narrow high pressure jet of water that hits the first target in its path inflicting 2d4 Water damage and a 1d4" knock back with no immediate knock down effect, unless causing collision damage. The knock back still occurs even if water jet is successfully blocked by a shield | Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
71 | Elemental | Water | Water | Devastation | Turbulent Waters | 1 | 2/Tier | Trap | action | 20 | 1" radius per Tier • must be cast on a water body of some kind (stream, lake, pool, etc...) • when triggered the water becomes extremely turbulent, which could include effect such as surges, strong currents, rapids, whitewater, whirlpools, etc... • instead of using Elemental Resistance, affected targets must pass a Stamina test (at -1 Stamina per Tier of the power) or be knocked down and suffer 1d6 damage per Tier • as per GM discretion, depending on where the trap was cast targets could be swept away (off the battlefield) |
Trap sets a two dimensional area of effect trap on the ground (or in a single plane of space) that is triggered when something enters or moves through the given radius surrounding a target point • upon being triggered the area of effect moves up from the base, a distance equal to the radius, to form a cylinder area of effect • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
72 | Natural | High | Temporal | Conjuration | Time Piece | 2 | 2 | Utility | instant | 30 | Creates an hourglass or other such timepiece that measures time. Can also be used to trigger or delay a spell like a fuse. Must specify what spell it is being attached to it and what the delay is set at, measured in rounds (in combat) or time (out of combat). If used as a fuse the Time Piece dissapears upon triggering the attached spell. | Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
73 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Conjuration | Tongues of Flame | 1 | 1/target | Utility | instant | 25 | creates a tongue of flame over a targets head that provides light (treat as a lamp) and heat for several hours • while active, targets receive +10% resting effects |
Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
74 | Arcane | Light | Light | Fortification | True Sight | 1 | 3/Tier | Boon | instant | 6 | grants +10 hit/Tier with ranged weapons & 'shots', consuming the buff causes the targets eyes to shine with a bright golden light (triggers Illumination) and grants the following LoS effects for up to 1 hour • +2 Advantage per Tier of caster for spotting hidden enemies • sees the true form of any type of illusion • automatically sees through any form of invisibility • perceives the true form of any shape shifting creature |
Boon single target buff • no LOS required, but caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Boons may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Boon immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if a Boon is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
75 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Devastation | Whirlwind | 1 | 4 +1/Tier | Cone | action | Cone Template | targets take 1d4 damage (+2 for every Tier above 1) and are knocked back 6", if failing a Stamina test at -1 Disadvantage per Tier they are also knocked down • if targets collide with something before reaching the full 6" collision damage applies and knock down is automatic |
Cone Effects a three dimensional area in a cone originating from the casters location that is 8" long and 3" wide at the end (or using wargaming Cone Template). Unless otherwise stated, uses a single casting roll and allows partially covered targets to add dodge to their resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
75 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Devastation | Forked Lightning | 3 | 13 | Cone | action | Cone Template | Lightning forks out in a cone in front of the caster inflicting 2d8 damage. • add +3 damage per Volatile (Overcharged) stack on the caster prior to casting Forked Lightning • No dodge allowed. |
Cone Effects a three dimensional area in a cone originating from the casters location that is 8" long and 3" wide at the end (or using wargaming Cone Template). Unless otherwise stated, uses a single casting roll and allows partially covered targets to add dodge to their resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
76 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Destruction | Wild Growth | 1 | 3 | Burst | action | 12 | 2d4 damage, 5% +5%/Tier chance to Snare the target in vegetation for 1 round (3 damage per Tier to break) | Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
76 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Destruction | Toxic Shock | 3 | 4 | Burst | action | 12 | For every ongoing poison or poison-like effect on the target inflict 1d8 damage | Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
77 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Destruction | Windshear | 1 | 2/tier | Shock | action | melee | Melee with Reach 1" • 1d4 dam per Tier • if failing a Stamina test (@ -1 Stamina per Tier), target is Knocked Down |
Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
78 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Alteration | Winds of Change | 1 | 3 | Hex | instant | 16 | while active, prior to the hexxed target selecting its own target with a chosen attack, skill or ability, the caster may force the hexxed target to instead randomly determine another valid target (i.e. if the attack is melee, it must randomly select another target in melee range) • consuming the hex causes the target to become Winded for 1 round or 1 minute |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
79 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Conjuration | Zephyr Totem | 2 | 6 | Totem | instant | 10 | radius 2" • the first time any friendly target enters the Totem's radius they gain their choice of: 1d8 HP, 1d6 Vigor, 1d6 Spirit, +1d3 Focus, +1 Faith, +1 Stealth, +1 Honor Code Stack, or an extra Instant • any foe inside the radius that fails an unmodified Elemental Resistance roll is Winded until leaving the radius |
Totem Conjures/summons a stationary object or entity that has an effect in an area around it • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Totems from previous castings are no longer present • lasts for 1 +1/Tier of caster rounds (minutes if out of combat) or until destroyed or dispelled • totems are typically 10-20 inches tall ("tiny", size mod -4) and have 10 HP and 0 AC/Resist unless otherwise stated • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
80 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Destruction | Caustic Shot | 2 | 4+1/Tier | Shot | action | 24 | Fires a ball of sizzling caustic goo that deals 3d4 caustic damage. Also inflicts 1 Stack of Corrosion per Tier | Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
81 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Alteration | Arcane Blink | 2 | 2 | Movement | instant | 15 | immediately move 4" in straight line • ignoring any obstacles in your way • does not count as disengaging from combat |
Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
82 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Devastation | Arcane Darts | 2 | 1.5/lvl | Multi | action | 24 | creates 1 arcane dart per level of the caster (up to a maximum of 5), caster chooses to fire them at targets as they see with each dart inflicting 1d4+1 damage • may choose to assign more than one dart to a target |
Multi Fires multiple projectiles where LoS is required on each target • can't cast on targets in base contact • targets can add Dodge to Resistance • use a seperate casting roll for each target, however any Miscast(s) does not prevent the other rolls from succeeding (effectively done simultaneously) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
83 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Destruction | Arcane Grasp | 2 | 4 | Shock | action | melee | 3d6 damage | Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
84 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Fortification | Arcane Knowledge | 2 | 2/Tier | Boon | instant | 4 | +5 Spirit/Tier of caster, consume to give all targets w/in 6" 5 Spirit/Tier | Boon single target buff • no LOS required, but caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Boons may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Boon immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if a Boon is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
85 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Fortification | Arcane Mending | 2 | 2/Tier | Healing | action | 15 | All targets in a 1" radius receive 1d6+1 healing per Tier | Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
86 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Fortification | Bestial Rage | 2 | 5 | Empower | instant | self | while active caster has +2 nature, wild, physical and primal damage • consume to gain an extra regular mainhand attack this round |
Empower self cast buff with positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Empower spells may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Empower immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if an Empower is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
87 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Conjuration | Black Chains | 2 | 2/tier | Binding | action | 10 | targets are immobilized and/or snared • while chained any beneficial ability or power used on them is automatically negated • any damage breaks the chains • upon being broken, dispelled or otherwise ending all persistent postive and negative effects are removed from the target |
Binding conjures a physical restraint of some kind that applies crowd control effects to a target(s) in LoS • one target/Tier or one round/Tier or mix of both (i.e. a Tier 4 Binding power could affect one target for four rounds, or two targets for two rounds, or four targets for one round) • outside of combat treat duration as hours not rounds • typically damage will break the effect • casters may elect to only bind certain parts of the target, such as leaving the legs unbound so that a prisoner can be forced to walk on their own |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
88 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Alteration | Bone Chill | 2 | 3/Tier | Control | instant | 15 | Slows a single target for 1 round per Tier and increases all frost/cold damage done to the target by 1 per Tier for the duration | Control single target, LoS required with a variety of crowd control effects • hard CC typically an action • soft CC typically an instant |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
89 | Arcane | Light | Light | Destruction | Imbue Brilliance | 2 | 3 | Imbue | instant | 6 | negates block/parry/ward-off, if target is blinded then blindness is removed but causes extra 0.5dam/lvl • triggers Illumination |
Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
90 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Conjuration | Conjure Brownie | 2 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating | Familiar | 10 minutes | 3 | Summons a Brownie from the Realm of Wonders to act as the caster's familiar (see CoC: Brownie) | Familiar Conjures/summons an active Familiar under the casters control • requires 2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • can only be cast once per day and can never have more than one Familiar at a time • critical casts allow for the Familiars HP to be rolled twice, selecting the highest results • conjured Familiar appears within range of the caster and prefer to stay close to their master • Familiar acts independently of the caster on its own Initiative Score but will obey the casters commands unless they would be against its nature • Familiar disappears if the caster dismisses it (which counts as an instant), caster is knocked unconscious or sleeps, or if Familiar's HP drop below 0 • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Familiar typicaly dissapears but is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
91 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Alteration | Camoflage | 2 | 3 per target | Modify | instant | 15 | targets blend in with any natural environment and is virtually undetectable by natural senses so long as it does not move or take action, no effect if indoors/urban environment | Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
92 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Fortification | Burning Ward | 2 | 5 | Ward | instant | 6 | while ward is active target is immune to any type of damage-over-time that is caused by burning, such as Fire or Corrosion damage • cannot be used to negate self inflicted Caustic Effusion • when consumed the ward grants +50 Elemental Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Fire magic |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
93 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Fortification | Cauterize | 2 | 1.5/Tier | Healing | action | 12 | Deals 1d4 +1/Tier damage to a target and then gives them 1d8 healing per Tier • critical cast roll and modifiers apply only to the heal |
Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
94 | Natural | High | Celestial | Fortification | Celestial Ward | 2 | 5 | Ward | instant | 8 | while ward is active target is immune to Re-Roll and Gravity effects • when consumed the ward grants +50 Natural Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Celestial Powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
95 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Conjuration | Chains of Ice | 3 | 2/tier | Binding | action | 10 | targets are Immobilized (or snared) • any damage breaks the chains but in doing so inflicts +50% more damage |
Binding conjures a physical restraint of some kind that applies crowd control effects to a target(s) in LoS • one target/Tier or one round/Tier or mix of both (i.e. a Tier 4 Binding power could affect one target for four rounds, or two targets for two rounds, or four targets for one round) • outside of combat treat duration as hours not rounds • typically damage will break the effect • casters may elect to only bind certain parts of the target, such as leaving the legs unbound so that a prisoner can be forced to walk on their own |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
96 | Elemental | Water | Water | Conjuration | Anchor of the Deep | 2 | 2/Tier | Binding | action | 10 | targets cannot move more than 2" away from an anchor point established by the caster but can otherwise move freely • damage does NOT break the effect |
Binding conjures a physical restraint of some kind that applies crowd control effects to a target(s) in LoS • one target/Tier or one round/Tier or mix of both (i.e. a Tier 4 Binding power could affect one target for four rounds, or two targets for two rounds, or four targets for one round) • outside of combat treat duration as hours not rounds • typically damage will break the effect • casters may elect to only bind certain parts of the target, such as leaving the legs unbound so that a prisoner can be forced to walk on their own |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
97 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Destruction | Charged Bolt | 3 | 10 | Missile | action | 40 | A charged projectile is fired at the target and has a 10% per Tier chance to make target drop metal weapons (treat as Disarmed). • Deals 2d8+8 storm damage |
Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
98 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Conjuration | Neutralizing Totem | 1 | 8 | Totem | instant | 6 | radius 3" • at the end of the casters turn this limestone totem will automatically neutralize the largest stack of corrsion within its radius • immediately check if their are any damaging effects to weapons, armor, or gear held by the target |
Totem Conjures/summons a stationary object or entity that has an effect in an area around it • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Totems from previous castings are no longer present • lasts for 1 +1/Tier of caster rounds (minutes if out of combat) or until destroyed or dispelled • totems are typically 10-20 inches tall ("tiny", size mod -4) and have 10 HP and 0 AC/Resist unless otherwise stated • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
98 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Conjuration | Cleansing Totem | 2 | 8 | Totem | instant | 6 | radius 3" • at the end of the casters turn the totem attempts to remove one random negative effect on friendly targets within its radius by inflicting auto fire damage • success rate is set by the conjurer in 5% increments where damage equals 1 per 5% success chance |
Totem Conjures/summons a stationary object or entity that has an effect in an area around it • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Totems from previous castings are no longer present • lasts for 1 +1/Tier of caster rounds (minutes if out of combat) or until destroyed or dispelled • totems are typically 10-20 inches tall ("tiny", size mod -4) and have 10 HP and 0 AC/Resist unless otherwise stated • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
99 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Destruction | Cloud of Despair | 2 | 2/lvl of target | Burst | action | 12 | affected target uses their own main hand attack as a regular auto-hit attack on against themselves on their next turn • Insidious-Force |
Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
99 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Destruction | Netherbreach | 5 | 16 | Burst | action | 12 | Reality tears open for a brief moment, unleashing unspeakable horrors from the Void realm that assail the target. Deals 5d12 damage, where up any number of d12's can be replaced by a flat 10 damage for each stack of volatile Void energy present on the caster (must decide before rolling damage). | Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
100 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Devastation | Cone of Force | 2 | 4 | Cone | action | Cone Template | 1d4+2 damage, pushes affected targets to the nearest edge of the template | Cone Effects a three dimensional area in a cone originating from the casters location that is 8" long and 3" wide at the end (or using wargaming Cone Template). Unless otherwise stated, uses a single casting roll and allows partially covered targets to add dodge to their resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
100 | Arcane | Common | Null | Devastation | Cone of Dissonance | 2 | 6 | Cone | action | Cone Template | 1d4+4 damage, on targets next turn if they attempt to cast any power or use any primary or secondary skill they will take this damage a second time • unless recently affected by dissonance targets will typically not be aware of this until it's too late (GMs could force a Wisdom test if required) |
Cone Effects a three dimensional area in a cone originating from the casters location that is 8" long and 3" wide at the end (or using wargaming Cone Template). Unless otherwise stated, uses a single casting roll and allows partially covered targets to add dodge to their resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
101 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Devastation | Corrosive Miasma | 2 | 6 | Nova | action | 2 | 2d6 damage • inflicts 2 Stacks of Corrosion |
Nova radiates outwards from the caster on all sides, up to a radius defined by Range • use a single casting roll with no Dodge allowed • does not affect that caster themselves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
102 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Conjuration | Conjure Couatl Hatchling | 2 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating | Familiar | 10 minutes | 4 | Summons a Couatl Hatchling from the Realm of Storms to act as the caster's familiar (see CoC: Couatl Hatchling). The Couatl despawns before maturing into larger forms. | Familiar Conjures/summons an active Familiar under the casters control • requires 2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • can only be cast once per day and can never have more than one Familiar at a time • critical casts allow for the Familiars HP to be rolled twice, selecting the highest results • conjured Familiar appears within range of the caster and prefer to stay close to their master • Familiar acts independently of the caster on its own Initiative Score but will obey the casters commands unless they would be against its nature • Familiar disappears if the caster dismisses it (which counts as an instant), caster is knocked unconscious or sleeps, or if Familiar's HP drop below 0 • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Familiar typicaly dissapears but is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
103 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Fortification | Crystalline Regrowth | 2 | 3/Tier | Healing | action | 12 | A single target receives 1d6+1 healing per Tier and next source of incoming damage (all types) is reduced by 2 per Tier | Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
104 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Fortification | Dark Ransom | 2 | 3 | Synergy | instant | 4 | no effect until consumed • consume at any point to prevent detection while hiding or to prevent something from causing a loss in honor |
Synergy single target • typically remains in play until consumed or dispelled • carries benefits based on the class mechanics of the target • mixed classes must choose a single mechanic to benefit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
105 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Destruction | Imbue Secrecy | 1 | 3 | Imbue | instant | 4 | Renders an weapon utterly silent, preventing any stealth reduction when attacks are made with that weapon and causing it to count as "Stealthy". If the weapon is already Stealthy adds Stealthy +1. Insidious-Force | Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
106 | Elemental | Water | Water | Fortification | Deeptide Armor | 2 | 10 | Armor | instant | self | while active gain +6 Armor and +6 Elemental Resistance • after a successful armor save or Elemental Resist, convert 25% of the damage that would have been done into healing directed at a single target within 4" (including self) • after occurring 3 times the Deeptide Armor disappears • if successfully resisting heat or fire based damage increase the effect to 50% but immediately remove the Deeptide Armor |
Armor Self cast only. Armor remains in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed by certain conditions being met |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
107 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Destruction | Earth Bind | 2 | 6 | Burst | action | 10 | The ground at the targets feet reaches up to cursh them for 2d8 Earth damage with Crushing Force, 5% chance +5%/Tier to Snare target to that location for 1 round | Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
108 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Fortification | Earth Ward | 2 | 5 | Ward | instant | 6 | while ward is active target is immune to Stun effects • when consumed the ward grants +50 Elemental Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Earth powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
109 | Arcane | Light | Light | Alteration | Expel Darkness | 2 | 1/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 20 | can dispel one known magic effect, use resistance equal to 12x the Tier of the caster of the effect • if the effect is dark magic, use resistance equal to 7x the Tier of the caster of the effect • can also be used to remove all natural shadows or darkness in a 1" per Tier radius around the target for a short time (2 rounds in combat) • can also be used to dispel/shatter one dark magic based enchant/crafting • triggers Illumination |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
109 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Alteration | Repel Chaos | 3 | 1/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 20 | Can dispel one known chaos based magic effect (i.e. fire, air, dark), use resistance equal to 7x the Tier of the caster of the effect • if successful can also choose to knock the target back 2+1d6" • if cast on a target that is influenced by chaos the target must pass a resolve test (with -1 disadvantage per tier) or be inflicted with Fear. • Can also be used to dispel/shatter 1 dark magic based enchant/crafting |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
110 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Alteration | Extinguish Light | 2 | 1/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 15 | can dispel one known magic effect, use resistance equal to 12x the Tier of the caster of the effect • if the effect is light magic, use resistance equal to 7x the Tier of the caster of the effect • can also be used to extinguish natural light sources in a 1" per Tier radius around the target (i.e. snuff out a torch, candle, or lantern) • can also be used to dispel/shatter one light magic based enchant/crafting |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
111 | Elemental | Water | Water | Conjuration | False Water | 2 | 1 per 1" | Illusion | instant | 12 | creates illusionary water that appears real and flows in a realistic manner, but does not have physical form, feel wet, quench thirst, or put out fires • the spirit cost is based on the initial size of the False Water (before any flowing) and measured in 1" cubes (i.e. a 10" by 3" by 1" False Water conjuration would cost 30 spirit) |
Illusion Conjures a visible illusion that lacks true physical characteristics. Upon successfully casting, any creature that relies on conventional sight as its primary source of perception will believe the illusion to be real if the casting value is greater than their mental resistance. • illusions can't directly influence physical matter, nor can they inflict any kind of damage or effects • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed • dispel resistance is equal to the original casting value of the illusion • if there is evidence to suggest that the illusion might not be real, creatures may pass a Wisdom or Perception test to see through the illusion and therefore not be affected by it in anyway • GMs may choose to add advantage or disadvantage modifiers to these rolls depending on the situation. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
112 | Natural | High | Celestial | Destruction | Imbue Destiny | 2 | 3 | Imbue | instant | 4 | 25%/Tier chance to auto-hit and +1/Tier to Focus dice where applicable | Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
113 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Devastation | Fire Ball | 2 | 1 +3/Tier | Blast | action | 20 | A ball of flame is launched towards to the target point, rapidly growing in size as it travels and inflicting 1d8 +1d6dam/Tier Fire damage in a 1.5" radius around the target point • Heat-Seeking |
Blast Has an area of effect in a spherical radius around the target point • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Blast powers are projectile based, and unless otherwise stated move in a straight line from the caster to the target point |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
114 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Destruction | Flame Orb | 4 | 11 | Shot | action | 20 | The flame orb inflicts 1d10+10 fire damage to the target and remains in play. The target takes another 1d6+6 damage on their next turn if it does not move. If they do move the orb will attempt to follow them once they have completed their movement. The orb moves up to 10" in a straight line towards the target but will strike the first solid object in its path dealing 1d8+8 damage if failing an unmodified elemental resistance. The orb is Heat-Seeking. | Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
115 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Destruction | Flame Strike | 2 | 7 | Strike | action | melee | +1d6 damage • on the follow round target takes 1d6 damage and one less each round after until zero • if either portion of Flame Strike critically hits also double the 1d6 damage taken on the subsequent round and reduce it by two each round after until reaching zero • Heat-Seeking |
Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
116 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Fortification | Flame Ward | 3 | 6 | Ward | instant | 6 | while ward is active target takes half damage from fire and heat and cannot catch fire in any way (and is therefore immune to Fire based damage-over-time effects) • when consumed the ward grants +50 Elemental Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Fire powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
117 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Devastation | Flaming Breath | 2 | 8 | Cone | action | Cone Template | 2d8 damage, 75% chance of doing an additional 1d8 damage during the targets next turn, Heat Seeking | Cone Effects a three dimensional area in a cone originating from the casters location that is 8" long and 3" wide at the end (or using wargaming Cone Template). Unless otherwise stated, uses a single casting roll and allows partially covered targets to add dodge to their resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
118 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Fortification | Frost Armor | 3 | 12 | Armor | instant | self | while active gain +12 Armor & Imbue: Shiver ' free to cast • after 3 Armor Saves or taking any fire/heat damage, the Frost Armor is destroyed casting a free Frost Nova |
Armor Self cast only. Armor remains in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed by certain conditions being met |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
119 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Devastation | Frost Nova | 2 | 7 | Nova | action | 2 | 1d12+1d4 damage, 20% chance/Tier to freeze the target for 1 round (see Frozen effect in Glossary) | Nova radiates outwards from the caster on all sides, up to a radius defined by Range • use a single casting roll with no Dodge allowed • does not affect that caster themselves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
120 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Fortification | Cold Ward | 2 | 5 | Ward | instant | 8 | while ward is active target is immune to all magical and natural/environmental effects caused by cold such as exhaustion, slows, freezing and movement/stat-reducing effects • when consumed the ward grants +50 Elemental Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Frost powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
121 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Alteration | Fuel the Flames | 2 | 9 | Channel | action (uninterrupted) | 10 | choose a single 90˚arc up to 10" in front of caster • reduces Elemental resist by 10 and doubles any non-crit fire damage taken by targets for 1 full round • can also be used out of combat to rapidly increase the size or heat of a fire • each channeling lasts for 30 minutes outside of combat |
Channel Effects persist for 1 full round, typically inflicted at the beginning of the turn of any effected targets. May continue casting in consecutive rounds if paying 10% of the full spirit cost with no casting roll required, provided the caster is not interupted and did not move. • while channeling the caster counts as being Vulnerable • if the channeled power causes CC effects of some kind, it is assumed that they are one continuous CC effect • if used outside of combat the duration of the effect varies depending on the power but is immediately cancelled if the caster is interrupted or moves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
122 | Natural | High | Celestial | Conjuration | Gravity Leash Totem | 2 | 5 | Totem | instant | 8 | radius 4" • while active no target (except caster) may leave the totem's radius of effect |
Totem Conjures/summons a stationary object or entity that has an effect in an area around it • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Totems from previous castings are no longer present • lasts for 1 +1/Tier of caster rounds (minutes if out of combat) or until destroyed or dispelled • totems are typically 10-20 inches tall ("tiny", size mod -4) and have 10 HP and 0 AC/Resist unless otherwise stated • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
122 | Natural | High | Temporal | Conjuration | Glitch Totem | 2 | 5 | Totem | instant | 8 | While active all targets (except caster) within a 4" radius around the totem have +5% per Tier critical miss/miscast chance. Any movement (except caster) that passes at least partially through the radius is undone if failing a Natural resist, preventing any further movement. | Totem Conjures/summons a stationary object or entity that has an effect in an area around it • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Totems from previous castings are no longer present • lasts for 1 +1/Tier of caster rounds (minutes if out of combat) or until destroyed or dispelled • totems are typically 10-20 inches tall ("tiny", size mod -4) and have 10 HP and 0 AC/Resist unless otherwise stated • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
123 | Natural | High | Celestial | Alteration | Gravitic Pull | 2 | 3 | Control | instant | 15 | Target is pulled up to 8" towards the caster. If the target is heavier than the caster (or is secured to something that is) then the caster is pulled to the target instead. Can cause collision damage to both targets if pulling further than the current distance between them. If gravitic pull results in base contact: • the next melee action made that turn inflicts +2 physical damage • triggers movement based passive effects (i.e. Bull Charge, Lance Kick, etc...) • triggers Impale weapon effects |
Control single target, LoS required with a variety of crowd control effects • hard CC typically an action • soft CC typically an instant |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
124 | Arcane | Light | Light | Fortification | Healing Light | 2 | 2/Tier | Healing | action | 20 | A single target receives 1d6+1 healing per Tier or caster may choose to double the cost for all targets in a 1" radius to receive 1d6+1 healing per Tier • all targets are immune to Focus loss for 1 round • triggers Illumination |
Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
124 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Fortification | Radiant Brand | 4 | 8 | Healing | action | 20 | A single target is healed for 2d12 +1/level of the target • if target is dedicated to or born of Order increase to 3d12 • if target is dedicated to or born of Chaos deals damage instead |
Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
125 | Elemental | Water | Water | Fortification | Healing Stream | 2 | 2.5/Tier | Healing | action | 15 | A single target receives 1d6+2 healing. For every Tier above 1, Healing Stream can bounce in a straight line to another target that is in range, causing them to receive 1d6+2 healing • can hit a target more than once if bouncing back to them • critical cast and modifiers apply only to the initial target • caster may choose themselves as the initial target |
Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
126 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Destruction | Ice Flow | 3 | 3 | Amplify | instant | self | The next Frost based destruction power cast does +3 damage and does not add Volatile stacks. Caster may also choose to remove one volatile stack to add another +2 damage. | Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
127 | Natural | High | Celestial | Alteration | Influence Thoughts | 2 | 6 | Modify | instant | 15 | briefly influences the decision making process of a single target (does not work in combat) | Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
127 | Natural | High | Temporal | Alteration | Time Dilation | 4 | 8 | Modify | instant | 15 | Modifies the duration of an existing spell effect or other time based effect. The caster may choose to either increase or decrease the duration, but cannot increase it by more than 2x or reduce it by more than 1/2. | Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
128 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Fortification | Iron Ward | 2 | 5 | Ward | instant | 6 | while ward is active target is immune to Crushing Blow and Armor Piercing effects • when consumed the ward grants a 40% block chance, increases to 50% if blocking a Metal power • block can be paired with an equipped Shield, combining the total block value |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
129 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Fortification | Lifebloom | 2 | 2/Tier | Healing | action | 15 | A single target receives 1d6+1 healing per round for 1 round per Tier (i.e. T6 version heals 1d6+1 immediately, and then 1d6+1 per round for 5 more rounds) • if forcibly removed or dispelled in any way all remaining rounds of healing are applied immediately • if target is healed by a faith power while Lifebloom is active, the Lifebloom effects are automatically refreshed • critical cast and modifiers apply to the first round only |
Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
129 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Fortification | Vampiric Toxin | 3 | 3/Tier | Healing | action | 15 | Inflicts a single target with a vampiric poison which causes 1d4+2 damage per round for 1 round per Tier (i.e. T6 version deal 1d4+2 damage immediately, and then 1d4+2 per round for 5 more rounds) • any damage done heals a friendly target of the casters choice for the same amount • if choosing to self heal double the amount • critical cast and modifiers apply to first round only |
Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
130 | Arcane | Light | Light | Fortification | Light Shield | 2 | 8 | Shield | instant | 14 | creates a 1d12+10 arcane damage shield that negates all Light effects • the attack which destroys the shield blinds the attacker for 1 round • triggers Illumination |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
131 | Arcane | Light | Light | Destruction | Luminous Shot | 2 | 6 | Shot | action | 32 | A ball of light hits the target for 1d12 light damage, +2 damage for each full 3" it travels (max +2/Tier) if fired in presence of light sources (absorbs light energy as it travels) | Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
132 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Fortification | Mage Armor | 2 | 12 | Armor | instant | self | while active gain +5 Armor and +5 to all Arcane, Elemental, and Natural Resistances. • After a successful armor save or resist gain +1d6 spirit |
Armor Self cast only. Armor remains in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed by certain conditions being met |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
132 | Arcane | Common | Null | Fortification | Armor of the Wardens | 4 | 14 | Armor | instant | self | while active gain +2 Armor per Tier and +2 to all Arcane, Elemental, and Natural Resistances per Tier. • After a successful armor save, self casts a free Damage Shield at the casters current Tier. • After a successful magic resist, prevents the attacker from using that power on their next turn 1 round. • after three armor saves or resists the Armor of the Wardens is destroyed, restoring 2d6 Spirit |
Armor Self cast only. Armor remains in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed by certain conditions being met |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
133 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Devastation | Molten Spray | 2 | 10 | Cone | action | Cone Template | 1d8+8 damage, 5% chance +5%/Tier to Sanre the target to that location for 1 round | Cone Effects a three dimensional area in a cone originating from the casters location that is 8" long and 3" wide at the end (or using wargaming Cone Template). Unless otherwise stated, uses a single casting roll and allows partially covered targets to add dodge to their resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
134 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Fortification | Nature Ward | 3 | 6 | Ward | instant | 8 | while ward is active target is immune to any type of Grapple, necrotic effect, or any effect that would play on their bestail or primal nature • if the target is hit by an effect that would unwillingly cause it to change into something other than its natural form, that effect is negated and the ward is automatically consumed at no cost • when consumed the ward grants +50 Natural resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Nature Powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
135 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Fortification | Nimble Breeze | 2 | 4 | Boon | instant | 6 | Grants +4 Dodge and +3 Movement • may consume to grant Haste for 1 round |
Boon single target buff • no LOS required, but caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Boons may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Boon immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if a Boon is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
136 | Arcane | Common | Null | Fortification | Nullifying Shield | 2 | 2 +2/Tier | Shield | instant | 10 | creates a 1d8 (all) spirit damage shield, +2/Tier • the attack which destroys the shield causes a Nullifying effect on the attacker which prevents them from casting Spirit powers on their next turn |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
137 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Devastation | Storm Capacitor | 2 | 9 | Bomb | instant | 16 | remains on target, absorbing all Storm damage from up to three separate sources/occurrences and instead storing the damage up • after the third occurance of storm damage the bomb is automatically triggered, inflicting the total stored damage divided evenly between all targets within 2.5" • caster can trigger the bomb early to Interrupt the initial target (provided at least some damage has been stored) doing so counts as an out-of-turn instant |
Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
138 | Arcane | Light | Light | Conjuration | Plane of Reflection | 4 | 8 | Obstacle | action | 16 | creates a two dimensional plane with an area of 2 square inches per lvl (i.e. 6"x2"=12"sq. would required level 6), oriented however the caster sees fit, that appears as a reflective mirror like surface but has no true corporeal form • the plane of reflection blocks LoS for anything behind it but can extend LoS around corners in some cases (treat it like a double sided mirror) • some targets may become confused by it (forcing an intellect or wisdom test where appropriate) • any LoS spirit or faith power targeted at the Plane of Reflection is deflected at the same angle at which it struck the Plane of Reflection • Light based LoS projectiles have their critical cast chance doubled if deflected off the plane of Reflection prior to hitting their target • has no effect on physical ranged projectiles however since it disrupts LoS intuitively targets would not generally attempt to shoot through it |
Obstacle creates physical obstacles on the battlefield where they did not exist before • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat, unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
139 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Destruction | Imbue Poison | 2 | 4 / 8 / 12 | Imbue | instant | 4 | Imbues a poison of the casters choice • Tier 2 is Simple poison • Tier3 is Complex Poison • Tier4 is Superior Poison • Tier5 is Matchless Poison |
Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
140 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Alteration | Primal Mind | 2 | 6 | Hex | instant | 12 | target will always attack the closest target friend or foe & have +2 damage • consuming the hex causes the target to make an auto-hit max damage attack with their own main-hand weapon against themself |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
140 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Alteration | Widows Hex | 2 | 6 | Hex | instant | 12 | target's Natural resistance is reduced by 20 for the duration of the hex, increasing to 40 if attempting to resist poison, poison like effects, or disease • consuming the hex prevents the target from healing in anyway for 1 full round |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
141 | Elemental | Water | Water | Destruction | Pressurize | 2 | 6 | Amplify | instant | self | immediately apply the effects of having maxed out Water-Pressure to your next destruction power • in your next round all Spirit costs are doubled |
Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
142 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Alteration | Scatter Magic | 2 | 1/Tier against | Dispel | instant or action | 20 | can dispel one known magic effect, use resistance equal to 12x the Tier of the caster of the effect • if the effect is earth or water magic, use resistance equal to 7x the Tier of the caster of the effect • can also be used to create blast of air in a 1" per Tier radius around the target that is strong enough to scatter loose objects and materials but not creatures that are tiny or larger • can also be used to dispel/shatter one earth or water magic based enchant/crafting |
Dispel Removes, negates, or otherwise alters a persistent or ongoing effect that the caster is aware of. If the Tier of the caster of the effect is unknown, use the Tier of the effect instead. Typically, this is an action OR can be used as an instant for double the Spirit cost. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
143 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Destruction | Shadow Bolt | 2 | 6 | Missile | action | 30 | Fires a shadowy projectile that deals 3d6 shadow damage. Has a 5% chance (+5%/Tier) to cause Fear on the target if they fail a Resolve test. • Insidious-Force |
Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
143 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Destruction | Void Bolt | 3 | 8 | Missile | action | 30 | Fires a projectile brought forth from the Void that deals 3d8 shadow damage. Has a 5% chance (+5%/Tier) to Silence the target on their next turn. • Insidious-Force |
Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
144 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Fortification | Shadow Ward | 2 | 5 | Ward | instant | 8 | while ward is active target is immune to Fear and fear-related effects • when consumed the ward grants +50 Arcane Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Shadow powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
145 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Destruction | Shallow Grave | 2 | 10 | Amplify | instant | 10 | the earth opens beneath the targets feet, swallowing up their legs • Small, Medium or Large targets are snared for the duration, Tiny or less are immobilized, and Huge or greater are unaffected • persistent effect but can be dispelled • any Earth based destruction powers cast on a different target also damage snared/immobilized target • occurs up to three times • if target takes any other damage effect is cancelled |
Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
146 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Devastation | Shatter | 3 | 10 | Blast | action | 24 | 2" radius, 1d6+1d8 damage • 2x damage if Frost effects have Frozen the target (counts as Shattering) or otherwise caused Immobilize effects • 1.5x damage if Frost effects have caused target to be Slowed or otherwise reduced movement speed |
Blast Has an area of effect in a spherical radius around the target point • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Blast powers are projectile based, and unless otherwise stated move in a straight line from the caster to the target point |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
147 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Destruction | Imbue Silence | 2 | 4 | Imbue | instant | 4 | Target is Silenced for one round/Tier, damage cancels effect on second and subsequent rounds • If target is subjected to Fear or fear-like effects, prolong Silence one more round. • Insidious-Force |
Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
148 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Devastation | Coronal Wave | 3 | 10 | Nova | action | 3 | 3d6 damage +2 damage per Volatile (Solar Mass) stack present on the caster prior to casting Coronal Wave | Nova radiates outwards from the caster on all sides, up to a radius defined by Range • use a single casting roll with no Dodge allowed • does not affect that caster themselves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
149 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Fortification | Solar Shield | 3 | 8 | Shield | instant | 14 | creates a 1d12+10 arcane damage shield that negates all Solar effects and can be used to block self inflicted damage from volatile solar powers amd effects • the attack which destroys the shield causes 1d8+2 Solar damage to all in base contact with the shielded target |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
150 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Destruction | Spirit Drain | 2 | 4 | DOT | instant | 20 | 1d6 damage, if the target uses Spirit powers inflicts +2 damage • The caster gains spirit in an amount equal to the damage dealt and if the target uses spirit to cast its spirit powers, loses that much spirit. |
DOT no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects), damage bonus applies on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
150 | Arcane | Common | Null | Destruction | Spirit Burn | 2 | 6 | DOT | instant | 20 | 1d6+2 damage, if the target uses Spirit powers the damage is doubled and they lose spirit in an amount equal to the damage dealt. • If the target does not consume Spirit to cast in the conventional way, it must instead pass an Intellect test in order to cast any spirit powers while under the effects of Spirit Burn. |
DOT no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects), damage bonus applies on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
151 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Conjuration | Staggering Chains | 1 | 1+1/tier | Binding | action | 8 | targets are Slowed and Winded • all stun/knock down/snaring/immobilizing effects are 25% more likely to occur • chains are invulnerable to damage but can be dispelled |
Binding conjures a physical restraint of some kind that applies crowd control effects to a target(s) in LoS • one target/Tier or one round/Tier or mix of both (i.e. a Tier 4 Binding power could affect one target for four rounds, or two targets for two rounds, or four targets for one round) • outside of combat treat duration as hours not rounds • typically damage will break the effect • casters may elect to only bind certain parts of the target, such as leaving the legs unbound so that a prisoner can be forced to walk on their own |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
152 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Destruction | Imbue Static | 3 | 4 | Imbue | instant | 6 | Imbues an electrical charge onto a weapon, granting +4 damage. When wounding a target, a static charge is transferred from the weapon to the target which inflicts 1d6 damage per inch the next time the target is knocked back by any means. | Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
153 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Fortification | Steel Skin | 2 | 8 | Boon | instant | 3 | target gains 10% damage negation and +15 Armor, consume (out of turn if desired) to boost to 75% damage negation against the next successful wound | Boon single target buff • no LOS required, but caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Boons may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Boon immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if a Boon is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
154 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Conjuration | Strangle Vines | 2 | 1+1/tier | Binding | action | 10 | target cannot move, and unless they pass a strength test they also cannot use actions/instants, any damage breaks the vines | Binding conjures a physical restraint of some kind that applies crowd control effects to a target(s) in LoS • one target/Tier or one round/Tier or mix of both (i.e. a Tier 4 Binding power could affect one target for four rounds, or two targets for two rounds, or four targets for one round) • outside of combat treat duration as hours not rounds • typically damage will break the effect • casters may elect to only bind certain parts of the target, such as leaving the legs unbound so that a prisoner can be forced to walk on their own |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
155 | Natural | High | Temporal | Fortification | Temporal Ward | 3 | 6 | Ward | instant | 8 | while ward is active target is immune to most temporal/time manipulating effects • when consumed the ward grants +50 Natural Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Temporal Powers • can be cast on an existing temporal anomaly to contain it or prevent it from becoming larger |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
156 | Elemental | Water | Water | Destruction | Tidal Shot | 2 | 7 | Shot | action | 24 | A dense mote of water is charged with tidal forces and sent speeding towards the target, inflicting 1d8+1d6+1d4 water damage on impact • increase damage by +2 for every tier of the caster beyond 2 • the target is knocked down if it fails a Stamina test, apply -1 Disadvantage per Tier of the caster |
Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
157 | Natural | High | Temporal | Devastation | Time Bomb | 1 | 5 | Bomb | instant | 12 | remains on target until reaching 10 minus 1/Tier stacks (i.e. with a T4 caster would last 6 stacks • anytime the target does something stacks are added, where instants = 1 stack, movement = 2 stacks, actions = 3 stacks, after certain number of instants/actions/moves • once the maximum stacks are reached, it explodes dealing 1d10+2 damage in a 2" radius |
Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
158 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Fortification | Toxic Ward | 2 | 5 | Ward | instant | 8 | while ward is active target is immune to the persistent effects of any poison, venom or toxin • also automatically removes any existing Poisons when cast on a target • when consumed the ward grants +50 Natural resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Nature and Toxic Powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
159 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Fortification | Tranquil Breeze | 2 | 1 +2/Tier | Healing | action | 20 | Generates 1d6+1 healing per Tier that once rolled can then be allocated among any targets the caster sees fit within range • targets may choose to assign up to 50% (round down) of the healing received as Spirit or Vigor instead of HP |
Healing typically single target powers with direct healing capabilities • LoS required • cannot be cast from HP • add spell power modifiers as increased healing • critical cast results in double the healing value • if cast more than once per day out of combat double the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
160 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Fortification | Vigorous Flame | 2 | 7 | Empower | instant | self | while buff is active may add +1 dam/Tier to fire based attacks & an additional +2dam/Tier @ a cost of 1 vigor/dam • consume to gain 3+1 vigor/Tier |
Empower self cast buff with positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Empower spells may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Empower immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if an Empower is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
160 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Fortification | Effusive Mandate | 5 | 10 | Empower | instant | self | While active the caster experiences an overwhelming desire to dissolve and destroy everything around them with acid. In this state the caster can only barely see friend from foe and cannot cast any beneficial spells except on themselves. Any offensive power must be cast on the nearest target unless first passing a Resolve test. • While under the effects of Effusive Mandate, all caustic powers gain +2 to cast and +1 damage for each stack of volatile Corrosion on the caster • Consuming Effusive Mandate removes its effects and transfers all stacks of volatile Corrosion present on the caster to another target within 4", but deals its periodic damage one extra time before being transferred. |
Empower self cast buff with positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Empower spells may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Empower immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if an Empower is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
161 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Devastation | Void Contagion | 3 | 11 | Bomb | instant | 12 | Remains dormant on a target until affected by a Silence and/or Fear effects, at which time that effect spreads to any target with 2" that fails a Resolve Test. Each time Void Contagion is triggered all targets affected by it take 1d8+4 damage. If it does not spread to another target upon being triggered the effect ends on all targets after inflicting its damage. | Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
162 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Fortification | Nether Ward | 3 | 6 | Ward | instant | 8 | while ward is active target is immune to Silence effects and any type of self-inflicted dark or physical damage is reduced by half • when consumed the ward grants +50 Arcane Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Void powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
163 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Alteration | Void Weapon | 1 | 4 per Tier | Modify | instant | 15 | Turns targeted weapons into Void Weapons, including any projectiles they fire. When attacking with a Void weapon if the D100 hit roll is 20 or less, ignore all of the targets Armor. One target/Tier or one round/Tier or mix of both (i.e., at Tier 4 could affect one weapon for four rounds, or two weapons for two rounds, or four weapons for one round) | Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
164 | Elemental | Water | Water | Alteration | Water Breathing | 2 | 3 per target | Modify | instant | 15 | targets can breathe underwater for up to 1 hour, or until cancelled or Dispelled | Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
165 | Elemental | Water | Water | Fortification | Water Ward | 2 | 5 | Ward | instant | 8 | while ward is active target cannot get wet in anyway and is immune to all forms of slow and stat-reducing effects • when consumed the ward grants +50 Elemental Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Water powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
166 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Alteration | Weaken | 2 | 1/Tier | Modify | instant | 12 | single target/item has any Damage Absorption properties reduced by 10% per Tier, any Damage Negation reduced by 1 per Tier, and any Strength based melee damage bonuses reduced by 1 per Tier | Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
167 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Conjuration | Conjure Dust Devil | 2 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating | Familiar | 10 minutes | 4 | Summons a Dust Devil from the Realm of Storms to act as the caster's familiar (see CoC: Dust Devil) | Familiar Conjures/summons an active Familiar under the casters control • requires 2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • can only be cast once per day and can never have more than one Familiar at a time • critical casts allow for the Familiars HP to be rolled twice, selecting the highest results • conjured Familiar appears within range of the caster and prefer to stay close to their master • Familiar acts independently of the caster on its own Initiative Score but will obey the casters commands unless they would be against its nature • Familiar disappears if the caster dismisses it (which counts as an instant), caster is knocked unconscious or sleeps, or if Familiar's HP drop below 0 • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Familiar typicaly dissapears but is worth XP if destroyed |
168 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Devastation | Winding Boom | 2 | 7 | Bomb | instant | 16 | remains on target and stacks Elemental energy everytime the target moves, both voluntary and involuntary movements • every 1" moved results in 1 stack of Elemental energy • upon reaching 12 stacks the energy is released, inflicting 3d4 damage in a 2" radius and Winding any damaged target |
Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
169 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Destruction | Imbue Quicken | 2 | 5 | Imbue | instant | 6 | +1 dam/Tier • the imbued weapon or attack occurs so quickly that the target cannot possibly react to it, therefore does not receive dodge contribution to AC and cannot be blocked, parried, or negated by out-of-turn instants |
Imbue Imbues powers/effects onto a weapon (including natural weapons such as animal claws/bites, or fists) • cannot stack imbues on a weapon but stays on the weapon until successfully hitting • does not stack or chain with skills/powers other than 'strikes', 'shots', or unarmed Focus skills • roll to cast immediately, where a crit cast doubles the dispel resistance • some imbues may require additional resist rolls upon hitting • unless otherwise stated, in order for imbue effects to be applied the physical attack must hit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
170 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Destruction | Aerobolt | 2 | 4 | Missile | action | 40 | Fires a magical bolt of elemental energy at extremely high velocity, preventing any dodge contribution to resistance and any chance to block • inflicts 1d12 damage |
Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
171 | Elemental | Water | Water | Alteration | Currents | 1 | 2/Tier | Control | instant | 15 | caster selects a direction for currents to flow in relation to single target • if target wishes to move against the current it must first pass a strength test and even if successful move at 1/2 speed, cut strength in half if in water • if moving with the currents (even if against its will i.e. Knocksbacks) target moves +2" further, increases to +4" if in water • effects last 1 round per Tier or 1 hour per Tier outside of combat |
Control single target, LoS required with a variety of crowd control effects • hard CC typically an action • soft CC typically an instant |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
172 | Elemental | Water | Water | Devastation | Crashing Wave | 2 | 7 | Blast | action | 24 | A stream of water shoots up into the air and arches towards the target point, where it expands into a crashing wave that inflicts 2d6 Water damage in a 2" radius around the target point • targets are knocked down if failing a Stamina test |
Blast Has an area of effect in a spherical radius around the target point • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Blast powers are projectile based, and unless otherwise stated move in a straight line from the caster to the target point |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
173 | Elemental | Water | Water | Devastation | Tidal Wave | 5 | 13 | Nova | action | 3 | A small tidal waves spreads out in a ring around the caster causing 3d10+2 water damage in a 1" inner radius, 2d10+2 in a 2" middle radius, and 1d10+2 in a 3" outer radius • any target that takes damage has -2 disadvantage on all Agility, Stamina, and Initiative rolls for up to one hour or until thoroughly drying out |
Nova radiates outwards from the caster on all sides, up to a radius defined by Range • use a single casting roll with no Dodge allowed • does not affect that caster themselves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
174 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Destruction | Wild Wrath | 2 | 3 per Tier | Shot | action | 24 | A surge of wrathful energy strikes the target for 1d6 wild damage per Tier • if successfully causing damage, generates 1 Cycle of Life stack for every 5+ rolled |
Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
175 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Devastation | Briarthorns | 2 | 6 | Nova | action | 1 | razor sharp thorns spring up from the ground around the casters feet • inflicts 2d6 physical damage • if the caster does not move in subsequent rounds, this damage is repeated for any targets that remain inside or attempt to move into or out of the 1" radius around the caster for up to 3 rounds • effect is automatically cancelled if caster moves and can be dispelled |
Nova radiates outwards from the caster on all sides, up to a radius defined by Range • use a single casting roll with no Dodge allowed • does not affect that caster themselves |
176 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Destruction | Amplification | 3 | 9 | Amplify | instant | 12 | any non-critical cast common/mana based damage inflicted on the target by the casters destruction powers is increased by 50% for the remainder of the battle or until dispelled or target knocked unconscious | Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
177 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Fortification | Arcane Ward | 2 | 5 | Ward | instant | 8 | while ward is active target has +10 Arcane Resistance • when consumed the ward grants +50 Arcane Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Common Arcane powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
178 | Natural | High | Celestial | Alteration | Astral Transferance | 3 | 12 | Transmute | action | 8 | temporarily transfers the consciousness of one target into another (within range) • damage, sleep, or one of the targets moving more than 100m away from the other automatically ends the effect • can be dispelled • if used in combat unwilling targets can resist every round |
Transmute alters the physical form and/or properties of the target, granting various effects |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
179 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Fortification | Barkskin | 3 | 8 | Armor | instant | self | while active gain +10 Armor and reduce all incoming damage by 2 (including Crushing Blow damage) • after taking reducing a total of 10 damage Barkskin is destroyed, healing the caster for 2d6HP |
Armor Self cast only. Armor remains in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed by certain conditions being met |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
180 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Destruction | Black Blade | 3 | 3 | Strike | action | melee | +1d8 dam, does not reduce stealth or allow target to auto-detect your presence • Insidious-Force • if wielding a weapon with the 'Stealthy' effect add the Stealthy value as extra weapon damage |
Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
181 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Conjuration | Blackheart Totem | 3 | 7 | Totem | instant | 8 | radius 3" • totem's radius counts as being in shadow at all times • adds 1d6 bonus damage to any Shadow/Dark power or Stealth ability used while inside totem's radius |
Totem Conjures/summons a stationary object or entity that has an effect in an area around it • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Totems from previous castings are no longer present • lasts for 1 +1/Tier of caster rounds (minutes if out of combat) or until destroyed or dispelled • totems are typically 10-20 inches tall ("tiny", size mod -4) and have 10 HP and 0 AC/Resist unless otherwise stated • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
182 | Arcane | Light | Light | Alteration | Blind | 3 | 9 | Control | instant | 20 | blinds a target for 1 round @ Tier3, 2 rounds @ Tier4, 3 rounds @ Tier5 | Control single target, LoS required with a variety of crowd control effects • hard CC typically an action • soft CC typically an instant |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
183 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Conjuration | Conjure Boggle | 2 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating | Familiar | 10 minutes | 3 | Summons a Boggle from the Void realm to act as the casters familiar (see CoC: Bogle) | Familiar Conjures/summons an active Familiar under the casters control • requires 2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • can only be cast once per day and can never have more than one Familiar at a time • critical casts allow for the Familiars HP to be rolled twice, selecting the highest results • conjured Familiar appears within range of the caster and prefer to stay close to their master • Familiar acts independently of the caster on its own Initiative Score but will obey the casters commands unless they would be against its nature • Familiar disappears if the caster dismisses it (which counts as an instant), caster is knocked unconscious or sleeps, or if Familiar's HP drop below 0 • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Familiar typicaly dissapears but is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
183 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Conjuration | Conjure Whispering Worm | 5 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating | Familiar | 10 minutes | 3 | Summons a Whispering Worm as a familiar (see CoC: Whispering Worm) under development... "a highly intelligent 'Fine' sized void creature in the form of a black worm, roughly 3 cm in length. Whispering worms crawl into the ear of sentient beings whispering lies and half-truths to gain a semblance of mind control over the host. They are also of known to act as familiars to powerful Nethermancers, augmenting their power even as they slowly lead them down the path of self-destruction." | Familiar Conjures/summons an active Familiar under the casters control • requires 2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • can only be cast once per day and can never have more than one Familiar at a time • critical casts allow for the Familiars HP to be rolled twice, selecting the highest results • conjured Familiar appears within range of the caster and prefer to stay close to their master • Familiar acts independently of the caster on its own Initiative Score but will obey the casters commands unless they would be against its nature • Familiar disappears if the caster dismisses it (which counts as an instant), caster is knocked unconscious or sleeps, or if Familiar's HP drop below 0 • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Familiar typicaly dissapears but is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
184 | Arcane | Light | Light | Destruction | Bright Flare | 3 | 6 | Amplify | instant | 16 | prevents the target from using ranged LoS based attacks/skills for 1 round and reduces Stealth to zero • while active, any time the caster inflicts damage with a light or solar destruction power, the target effected by Bright Flare takes 2d6 damage and the duration is extended for another round. • duration cannot exceed the tier of the caster • triggers Illumination on the target for the duration |
Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
184 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Destruction | Solar Focus | 2 | 2 | Amplify | instant | self | The next Solar destruction or devastation power cast does +2 damage per stack of Solar Mass to a single target. Also grants the caster +1 Focus if applicable. | Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
185 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Fortification | Carapace | 3 | 3/Tier | Shell | action | self | self-cast only • caster is covered in a thick chitinous carapace (effects caster only) • 3 pieces per Tier, granting +1 armor per piece and +2HP per piece • any damage inflicted while active is first removed from the bonus HP granted by the carapace • for every 2HP damage inflicted 1 piece of the Carapace is destroyed |
Shell defensive powers that erect a stationary shell or field of influence around the caster and typically reduce incoming damage • unless otherwise stated as "self-cast only", the shell is a 1" per Tier radius, centered on the caster, and thus may envelop other targets (friend, foe, or inanimate objects) • the effects of the shell are typically only considered at the boundary, while all targets inside the shell are unaffected • remains in play for duration of battle, or until dispelled or expended • attacks with additional effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not generally inflict their effects if the damage does penetrate the shell • while within the shell the caster may on subsequent turns, refresh the shell back to its original state (effectively recasting at the same Tier of power) for 1/2 the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
186 | Natural | High | Celestial | Fortification | Celestial Rebirth | 3 | 5 | Empower | instant | self | each time caster lands a killing blow gain +3 celestial dam on next power (wizards also gain 1 code stack) • automatically consumed upon death to return the caster to life with Spirit and HP equal to 30% of max (+10%/current honor) however the next time the caster falls asleep they will die once more |
Empower self cast buff with positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Empower spells may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Empower immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if an Empower is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
187 | Natural | High | Celestial | Destruction | Celestial Sickness | 3 | 7 | DOT | instant | 20 | 1d8 damage • for the duration the target must pass a stamina test before moving |
DOT no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects), damage bonus applies on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
188 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Conjuration | Chains of Fire | 3 | 1+2/tier | Binding | action | 8 | targets are Immobilized and/or Snared • any non-fire/heat damage breaks the chains • upon being broken, dispelled or otherwise ending deals 3d6 dam per round chains were active |
Binding conjures a physical restraint of some kind that applies crowd control effects to a target(s) in LoS • one target/Tier or one round/Tier or mix of both (i.e. a Tier 4 Binding power could affect one target for four rounds, or two targets for two rounds, or four targets for one round) • outside of combat treat duration as hours not rounds • typically damage will break the effect • casters may elect to only bind certain parts of the target, such as leaving the legs unbound so that a prisoner can be forced to walk on their own |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
189 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Alteration | Cloaking Shadows | 3 | 1/ 1" radius | Environment | action | 15 | engulfs an area in shadows w/in 1"/Spirit spent of a fixed point for up to 1 day, blocks LOS while in area (i.e. hiding & targeting), caster can still target as normal | Environment powers with a variety of environmental effects that typically impact a large area |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
190 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Destruction | Conflagurate | 3 | 6 | Amplify | instant | 10 | each time the target takes fire/heat damage from your destruction powers add 1d8+2 damage • persistent effect (even if target HP<0) but can be dispelled • effect ends if the target goes a round without taking fire/heat damage |
Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
190 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Destruction | Catalyst | 4 | 4 | Amplify | instant | 10 | The next Caustic destruction power cast inflicts twice as many stacks of Corrosion | Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
191 | Natural | High | Celestial | Conjuration | Conjure Living Constellation | 3 | 5 | Familiar | 10 minutes | 3 | Summons 1 of 12 living Constellations, basic 1d6 celestial damage LoS 16" ranged attack • additional effects are granted to the caster while the Constellation is in play • based on a d10 roll where 1to10: +5 Advantage to the corresponding stat (1=str, 2=agil, etc...), 11: +15 to cast, 12: +3 spell power • Constellation is immune to all damage and effects but if caster takes damage constellation is immediately destroyed |
Familiar Conjures/summons an active Familiar under the casters control • requires 2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • can only be cast once per day and can never have more than one Familiar at a time • critical casts allow for the Familiars HP to be rolled twice, selecting the highest results • conjured Familiar appears within range of the caster and prefer to stay close to their master • Familiar acts independently of the caster on its own Initiative Score but will obey the casters commands unless they would be against its nature • Familiar disappears if the caster dismisses it (which counts as an instant), caster is knocked unconscious or sleeps, or if Familiar's HP drop below 0 • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Familiar typicaly dissapears but is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
191 | Natural | High | Temporal | Conjuration | Time Teller | 5 | 10 | Familiar | 10 minutes | 3 | Summons a floating animated time piece such as a clock, sun dial, or hourglass that is completely immune to all forms of damage or effects, and cannot physically interact with the world. The time teller will, upon command, inform the caster what time they currently exist in as well as other pertenent pieces of applicable information related to time variance or temporal anomalies. •The time teller will dissapear if struck by Temporal damage or if moved more than 3" from the caster •The Time Teller can be commanded to move into a temporal anomaly, causing it and the anomaly to immediately dissapear, inflicting 3d6+5 damage to anything within its radius • While present the Time Teller grants the caster +5 High Magic spell power, provided there are no Temporal Anomalies within 30" • |
Familiar Conjures/summons an active Familiar under the casters control • requires 2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • can only be cast once per day and can never have more than one Familiar at a time • critical casts allow for the Familiars HP to be rolled twice, selecting the highest results • conjured Familiar appears within range of the caster and prefer to stay close to their master • Familiar acts independently of the caster on its own Initiative Score but will obey the casters commands unless they would be against its nature • Familiar disappears if the caster dismisses it (which counts as an instant), caster is knocked unconscious or sleeps, or if Familiar's HP drop below 0 • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Familiar typicaly dissapears but is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
192 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Fortification | Dark Shield | 3 | 8 | Shield | instant | 10 | Creates a 1d12+10 arcane damage shield that negates all Shadow effects • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts Fear on the attacker and allows the shielded target to immediately hide if they so choose (assume LOS is temporarily broken) |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
193 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Fortification | Dark Strength | 3 | 9 | Empower | instant | self | base weapon dam increased according to available stealth/4 • mages/druids also gain +shadow & demonic dam ' str/4 • consume to auto-crit your next single regular mainhand attack |
Empower self cast buff with positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Empower spells may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Empower immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if an Empower is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
194 | Arcane | Light | Light | Devastation | Deadly Mirage | 3 | 10 | Trap | action | 28 | 3" radius mirage that often draws targets towards it, can trigger on any turn to do 3d6 damage • counts as Illumination once triggered |
Trap sets a two dimensional area of effect trap on the ground (or in a single plane of space) that is triggered when something enters or moves through the given radius surrounding a target point • upon being triggered the area of effect moves up from the base, a distance equal to the radius, to form a cylinder area of effect • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
195 | Elemental | Water | Water | Fortification | Deep Resevoir | 3 | 5 | Empower | instant | self | while active may expend HP at a rate of 1HP:2Spirit when using HP to cast, mages also receive +2 Damage or Healing with Water Powers while active • consuming reduces the Spirit cost of the next power cast by 1d20 (down to a minimum of 0) |
Empower self cast buff with positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Empower spells may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Empower immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if an Empower is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
196 | Elemental | Water | Water | Devastation | Depth Charge | 3 | 12 | Bomb | instant | 12 | places dormant spell effect upon a single target that triggers under heavy water pressure, either naturally from being more than 2" below water, or when the caster of the depth charge reaches maximum water pressure • upon being triggered explodes causing 3d10 water damage in a 1" inner radius, 2d10 in a 2" middle radius, and 1d10 in a 3" outer radius • any target that takes damage has -2 disadvantage on all Agility, Stamina, and Initiative rolls for up to one hour or until thoroughly drying out |
Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
197 | Arcane | Light | Light | Conjuration | Conjure Fairy | 2 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating | Familiar | 10 minutes | 4 | Summons a Fairy from the Dawn Realm as a familiar (see CoC: Fairy) • triggers Illumination |
Familiar Conjures/summons an active Familiar under the casters control • requires 2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • can only be cast once per day and can never have more than one Familiar at a time • critical casts allow for the Familiars HP to be rolled twice, selecting the highest results • conjured Familiar appears within range of the caster and prefer to stay close to their master • Familiar acts independently of the caster on its own Initiative Score but will obey the casters commands unless they would be against its nature • Familiar disappears if the caster dismisses it (which counts as an instant), caster is knocked unconscious or sleeps, or if Familiar's HP drop below 0 • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Familiar typicaly dissapears but is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
198 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Devastation | Caustic Sheen | 1 | 3/Tier | Bomb | instant | 10 | A near invisible sheen of latent caustic magic is applied on surfaces/targets in a 0.5"/Tier radius. If any portion of the Caustic Sheen is stuck by caustic magic or interacts with someone or something that is currently under the effects of Corrosion the sheen becomes active, rapidly dissolving or burning through the surfaces upon which it was applied. Anything covered in the sheen when it activates takes 1d6 damage plus 2 per the total number of Corrosion stacks present within the radius. • ignores any absorption or hardened effects of inanimate matter unless specfically immune to Caustic effects • if applied to solid matter the dissolving effect will penetrate up to 10cm in depth, but will not transfer from one material type to another. |
Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
198 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Devastation | Fire Bomb | 3 | 3/Tier | Bomb | instant | 10 | remains on target for up to 6 rounds, adding 1 stack each round • at the start of each of the targets turns there is 15% per stack chance that it explodes dealing 1d8 +1d6dam/Tier to all targets within 1.5" radius • any time the target takes fire/heat based damage add an additional stack, while taking water/frost damage removes 1 stack • counts as Heat-Seeking on the round that it is triggered |
Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
199 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Fortification | Flame Shield | 3 | 8 | Shield | instant | 8 | creates a 1d12+10 elemental damage shield that negates all Fire effects • the attack which destroys the shield causes 2d4 Fire damage to all in base contact with the shielded target and grants Fury to the shielded target for any damage done |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
200 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Devastation | Flash Freeze | 2 | 6 | Bomb | instant | 12 | remains on the target • starts with 1 stack, but any time it is hit by a water based power or effect add a stack • when the target is hit by a frost power or effect, consume all stacks and trigger the bomb • inflicts 1d8 damage per stack in a 2" radius and Slows targets for 2 rounds • taking fire/heat dam of any kind has a 70% chance to remove 1 stack, potential dispelling the effect |
Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
201 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Alteration | Fog Bank | 3 | 8 | Environment | action | 20 | 8" radius, all in area have line of sight reduced to 2" (except caster), counts as being in shadows for stealth purposes | Environment powers with a variety of environmental effects that typically impact a large area |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
201 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Alteration | Thunderheads | 4 | 16 | Environment | action | self | Allows the caster to turn ordinary clouds into Thunderheads, causing loud thunder every time a spirit or faith power is cast and boosting effectiveness of Storm powers • this effect persists for 1 hour in a 15" radius column between the ground and the clouds, centered on the point where the spell was originally cast • while inside this area any spirit or faith power cast (except Air/Storm powers) has +10% miscast chance and the added effect that the Miscast also Deafens the caster for 1 round • any storm power cast against a target inside this area that is also holding or wearing metal gains +15 to Cast/Hit or +25% damage |
Environment powers with a variety of environmental effects that typically impact a large area |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
202 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Devastation | Lightning Bolt | 2 | 16 or (8/Tier) | Beam | action | 10 | A bolt of lightning shoots out from the caster, inflicting 2d8+2 damage to all targets in a 1" wide line with no dodge allowed on a single casting roll. For each Tier beyond 2, add either 1d8 damage or 2" range. | Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
202 | Elemental | Dark | Void | Devastation | Void Lightning | 2 | 16 | Beam | action | 8 | Jagged black void lightning shoots out from the caster, inflicting 2d6+2 damage to all targets in a 1" wide line with no dodge allowed on a single casting roll. There is a 5% per Tier chance that a creature from the void realm will be summoned at the terminus point of the void lightning. The creature is randomly determined but cannot exceed the threat rating of a dark conjuration power of the same Tier as the caster. Default can be assumed to be 1 shadow beast per Tier of the caster. | Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
203 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Conjuration | Conjure Frost Hydra | 2 | 2+3/Head | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | Conjures a magical hydra with 1 head/Tier, where each head spits 1 'Ice Bolt'/round. • Each time the hydra takes 10 or more damage it loses 1 head (no AC or resists). • Can only lose multiple heads from a single attack if it is AoE or multi-target • Hydra despawns when no there are no heads remaining. |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
204 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Fortification | Ice Shield | 1 | 3 +2/Tier | Shield | instant | 10 | creates a stationary 1d10 (+2 per Tier) physical and elemental damage shield made of solid ice around the target that also negates all Frost effects while the target remains adjacent to it • the caster chooses a 90, 180, 270, or 360 degree around the target and the shield cannot be moved or attacked through • the attack which destroys the shield causes the attacker to be frozen for 1 round or if resisted instead Slows the attacker for 1 round |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
205 | Natural | High | Celestial | Conjuration | Gravity Wall | 3 | 8 | Obstacle | action | 12 | creates a wall of gravitic force extending up from the ground that is invisible to normal senses • wall is 2" high and 1" wide in a straight line oriented in any direction • the length of the wall can be up to 1" per level (max level 10) • may add additional height by increasing the spirit cost by 50% per additional 1" of height • anything with mass that passes through the wall and fails a Natural resist has its movement cut in half after which it drops to the ground, counting as being Knocked Down (flying targets also take 1/2 fall damage) • treat inanimate objects as having 0 resistance to this effect • physical projectiles such as arrows and some spirit powers suffer have their range cut in half and suffer -20 to hit if passing through the Gravity Wall |
Obstacle creates physical obstacles on the battlefield where they did not exist before • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat, unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
206 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Alteration | Corroding Hex | 2 | 5 | Hex | instant | 10 | target's Elemental Resistance and Armor is reduced by 20 for the duration of the hex, stacking with any ongoing Corrosion effects • consuming the hex neutralizes all stacks of Corrosion but deals 1d4 damage per stack |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
206 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Alteration | Heat Exhaustion | 3 | 6 | Hex | instant | 10 | target immediately gains 1 stack of Exhaustion and must pass a strength test each round or count as being Winded • consuming the hex inflicts 2d6 damage & causes the Winded effect for 1 round or 1 minute • Heat-Seeking |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
207 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Devastation | Caustic Vapor | 3 | 13 | Beam | action | 6 | Caustic vapors rapidly spread along the ground in a straight line from the caster and then rise up to inflict acid/burning damage to anyone caught in them • single hit roll to all targets initially caught in the vapor • inflicts 2d6+4 damage and 3 stacks of Corrosion • persists for 1 round after being cast • anyone crossing or caught in the vapor on a subsequent round receives half damage and only 1 stack of Corrosion |
Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
207 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Devastation | Heat Ray | 3 | 9 | Beam | action | 6 | A narrow and nearly invisible ray of intense heat inflicts 2d6 damage using a single hit roll to all targets along line. May continuously cast if uninterrupted by damage or CC, paying the full spirit cost each round but multiplying damage inflicted on targets that were already hit in previous rounds • targets hit a 2nd time in a row have 2x # of damage dice rolled • targets hit a 3rd time in a row have 3x # of damage dice rolled • Heat-Seeking |
Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
208 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Conjuration | Ice Barrier | 4 | 7 | Obstacle | action | 12 | creates a barrier of solid ice 1" high and 1" wide in a straight line oriented in any direction, and may wholly or partially envelope anything in its path provided it is not moving (i.e., does not typically work on living targets) • the length of the wall can be up to 1" per level (max level 10) • may add additional height by increasing the spirit cost by 50% per additional 1" of height • total spirit cost is cut in half if cast over on existing natural water source • barrier does not block LoS but is otherwise impassable • counts as hard cover where applicable • can be climbed over but suffer -5 Disadvantage when attempting to do so • the barrier has 30HP and 25% absorption (except versus attacks with Crushing Blow and/or heat properties) and takes double damage from fire/heat • if reduced to 0 HP the entire barrier shatters/melts at the end of the casters turn • re-casting Ice Barrier on an existing barrier restores its HP to max |
Obstacle creates physical obstacles on the battlefield where they did not exist before • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat, unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
209 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Destruction | Ice Spike | 2 | 3 | Strike | action | melee | Causes a sharp spike of ice to rapidly grow on any weapon, increasing Reach by 1 and adding +1d6+2 damage • can be cast as an Out-of-Turn Instant when an enemy moves into base contact, similar to the 'Impale' weapon effect • if already wielding a weapon with the 'Impale' effect add +10 to hit to both the physical and spirit portion |
Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
210 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Conjuration | Illusionary Beast | 3 | 4 per Tier | Illusion | instant | 12 | can create an illusionary beast of any kind, however the more rare and powerful the beast is the less likely the illusion will be believed (i.e. a giant rat in a sewer is believable a dragon in a sewer, not as so much) • the maximum creature size of an Illusionary Beast is dictated by Tier, where Tier 1 = Tiny or Smaller, with one size increase per Tier after that (i.e. Tier 7 = Colossal) |
Illusion Conjures a visible illusion that lacks true physical characteristics. Upon successfully casting, any creature that relies on conventional sight as its primary source of perception will believe the illusion to be real if the casting value is greater than their mental resistance. • illusions can't directly influence physical matter, nor can they inflict any kind of damage or effects • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed • dispel resistance is equal to the original casting value of the illusion • if there is evidence to suggest that the illusion might not be real, creatures may pass a Wisdom or Perception test to see through the illusion and therefore not be affected by it in anyway • GMs may choose to add advantage or disadvantage modifiers to these rolls depending on the situation. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
211 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Conjuration | Inanimate Illusion | 2 | 2 per 1" | Illusion | instant | 10 | creates illusionary versions of any inanimate (non-moving) solid matter • has no true physical form |
Illusion Conjures a visible illusion that lacks true physical characteristics. Upon successfully casting, any creature that relies on conventional sight as its primary source of perception will believe the illusion to be real if the casting value is greater than their mental resistance. • illusions can't directly influence physical matter, nor can they inflict any kind of damage or effects • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed • dispel resistance is equal to the original casting value of the illusion • if there is evidence to suggest that the illusion might not be real, creatures may pass a Wisdom or Perception test to see through the illusion and therefore not be affected by it in anyway • GMs may choose to add advantage or disadvantage modifiers to these rolls depending on the situation. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
211 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Conjuration | Fool's Gold | 3 | 10 | Illusion | instant | 10 | Creates the illusion that a single targeted metal object is made of a different metal than it actually is. The shape or form of the object is not affected, only the metal it is made of. If the metal is inside a container, then the illusion can apply to all metal inside the container (i.e. a bag of copper coins could appear as gold coins). The illusion tricks conventional senses into believing that the appearance, feel, weigh, lustre and stiffness of the metal is something other than it is, without actually modifiying any of its physical or chemical properties. When the illusions wears off it might be wise to be nowhere near the mercenary or merchant you sold the item to. Examples: • A bronze hammer could appear to be made of solid lead, tricking its wielder into thinking they couldn't use it effectively in combat, though its actual weight never changed. • A sword made of the finest castle-forged steel could appear as rusted and not worth stealing. • A copper chalice that is green with age could fetch 100 times its worth as a gleaming golden chalice. |
Illusion Conjures a visible illusion that lacks true physical characteristics. Upon successfully casting, any creature that relies on conventional sight as its primary source of perception will believe the illusion to be real if the casting value is greater than their mental resistance. • illusions can't directly influence physical matter, nor can they inflict any kind of damage or effects • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed • dispel resistance is equal to the original casting value of the illusion • if there is evidence to suggest that the illusion might not be real, creatures may pass a Wisdom or Perception test to see through the illusion and therefore not be affected by it in anyway • GMs may choose to add advantage or disadvantage modifiers to these rolls depending on the situation. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
212 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Destruction | Worm Rot | 3 | 7 | DOT | instant | 20 | worms burrow into the targets flesh, causing 2d4 damage per round and reducing Initiative Score by 5 for the duration • no effect on targets that do not possess organic tissue or flesh |
DOT no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects), damage bonus applies on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
212 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Alteration | Fortify Poison | 3 | 7 | Modify | instant | 12 | Caster targets a natural or magical source of poison (such as a creature, vial of poison, enchanted/imbue weapon, etc...), increasing its effects by 50% for up to 1 hour or until used or dispelled. If the poison effects cannot be quantitatively increased then increase the duration by 50% instead. Can also be self cast to increase the poison effects of the next spell cast. | Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
213 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Fortification | Iron Will | 3 | 5 | Synergy | instant | 3 | each time the target uses a Vigor, Fury, Stealth or Honor code ability they gain a stack of Iron Will, increasing damage with that mechanic by 1 per stack and gaining resistance to stuns or any ability that makes the target move against their will, equal to 20% +10% per stack • can have up to 6 stacks • effect is consumed if failing to resist one of those effects |
Synergy single target • typically remains in play until consumed or dispelled • carries benefits based on the class mechanics of the target • mixed classes must choose a single mechanic to benefit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
214 | Arcane | Light | Light | Conjuration | Light Binding | 3 | 2/tier | Binding | action | 14 | targets are blinded AND silenced • any damage breaks the bindings • whoever breaks the bindings, whether through damage or dispelling, is blinded for 1 round • triggers Illumination |
Binding conjures a physical restraint of some kind that applies crowd control effects to a target(s) in LoS • one target/Tier or one round/Tier or mix of both (i.e. a Tier 4 Binding power could affect one target for four rounds, or two targets for two rounds, or four targets for one round) • outside of combat treat duration as hours not rounds • typically damage will break the effect • casters may elect to only bind certain parts of the target, such as leaving the legs unbound so that a prisoner can be forced to walk on their own |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
215 | Arcane | Light | Light | Alteration | Light Travel | 5 | 9 | Movement | instant | 20 | target rapidly moves in straight line, anywhere within LoS of a light source • movement is so fast as to appear as having been instantaneously transported • no limit on distance however must guess distance before measuring • if miscalculation would result in striking a solid object take 4x regular collision damage |
Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
216 | Arcane | Light | Light | Fortification | Light Ward | 2 | 5 | Ward | instant | 12 | while ward is active target is immune to Blinding effects and provides Illumination • the ward may also be used to suppress all sources of Illumination present on the target if they wish to do so • when consumed the ward grants +50 Arcane Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Light powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
217 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Devastation | Mana Beam | 3 | 4/tier | Beam | action | 8 | 1d8+1d6 dam, can bounce to additional targets if w/in 8" of initial target & w/in 270°arc of where beam hits previous target, max 1 target/Tier, separate hit roll for each target, only 1st target takes bonus spell damage | Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
218 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Conjuration | Conjure Ingot | 2 | 2 per Tier per Ingot | Utility | instant | 25 | create a pure metallic ingot from a visible (LoS) raw ore source. Ingots are used for several secondary crafting skills (i.e. Blacksmithing) or can be traded for equivalent currency. Scales by Tier • Tier 2 = base/soft metals (copper, lead, tin, etc...) • Tier 3 = hard/semi-precious metals (iron, silver, etc...) • Tier 4 = ultra-hard/precious metals (titanium, tungsten, gold, platinum, etc...) • Tier 5 = otherworldly metals (tranilium) |
Utility non-combat oriented conjuration (not worth any XP), typically used as a survival/adventuring tool |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
219 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Alteration | Mind Trap | 3 | 4 | Control | action | 15 | Creates an unsolvable puzzle or riddle in a single targets mind, effectively trapping them in their own thoughts • use Mental Resistance instead of Arcane Resistance • target is Immobilized for 1d6 rounds or until passing an intellect test (2nd & subsequent rounds only) • damage of any kind breaks the effect |
Control single target, LoS required with a variety of crowd control effects • hard CC typically an action • soft CC typically an instant |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
220 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Devastation | Noxious Breath | 3 | 9 | Cone | action | Cone Template | 2d6+4 damage, all targets affected move 1" in a random direction, inflicts an exhausting poison that reduces Initiative Score by 5 for up to 3 rounds | Cone Effects a three dimensional area in a cone originating from the casters location that is 8" long and 3" wide at the end (or using wargaming Cone Template). Unless otherwise stated, uses a single casting roll and allows partially covered targets to add dodge to their resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
221 | Arcane | Common | Null | Fortification | Nullifying Ward | 3 | 6 | Ward | instant | 8 | no direct effects while ward is active but when consumed, the ward completely negates a single Spirit power | Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
222 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Devastation | Primordial Ray | 3 | 11 | Beam | action | 8 | 1d6+1d4 damage • single hit roll to all targets along line • each target hit spawns a living ooze w/in 1d6" with move:4, AC:15 • ooze moves towards the closest target • if ooze is hit or comes into base contact it explodes in a 1" radius for 1d6 natural damage |
Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
223 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Alteration | Resize | 2 | 10 | Transmute | action | 8 | Can shrink or grow the size of a single target (creature, weapon, armor piece, or item) that is corporeal and non magical, and either inorganic or non-living. If the target is somehow capable of moving on its own, any significant movement cancels the effect. Otherwise, the effects are permanent unless dispelled or a command phrase is given. Traces of the magic remain permanently detectable while resized. The target cannot shrink or grow if there is restricted space to do so (i.e. cannot shrink a helm to crush a skull or grow a foundation stone to burst a damn), this includes returning to it original size (i.e if resizing an immobilized zombie, placing it in a sealed box, then allowing movement, it would not return to its original size unless removed from from the box). • Tier 2: shrink or grow by 1 size • Tier 3: shrink or grow by up to 2 sizes • Tier 4: shrink or grow by up to 3 sizes |
Transmute alters the physical form and/or properties of the target, granting various effects |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
223 | Arcane | Common | Null | Alteration | Dissolution | 2 | 1 per piece | Transmute | instant | 8 | Can target any amount of a single type of raw enchanting components that the caster is aware of (i.e. everice, stardust, etc...). This pulls the spiritual energy out of the component, generating 1d6 loose spirit energy (per piece) in a 3" radius around the component based in the associated domain (i.e. Everice is transmuted into loose Elemental spirit) which can then be freely claimed as spirit points by anyone within the area of effect. If there is more than one target, friend or foe, that wishes to claim the loose spirit the winner of an initiative stat roll-off claims it. This process renders the components inert, worthless, or otherwise mundane (i.e. crumbles to dust, or melts away). • At Tier4 this can used in combination with a dispel to disenchant a weapon, armor, or item to capture loose spirit from the components that would have been used for that enchant. |
Transmute alters the physical form and/or properties of the target, granting various effects |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
224 | Natural | High | Celestial | Devastation | Rings | 3 | 9 | Nova | action | 2 | 2d12 damage, if resisted spirit cost is refunded | Nova radiates outwards from the caster on all sides, up to a radius defined by Range • use a single casting roll with no Dodge allowed • does not affect that caster themselves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
225 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Fortification | Rockhide Armor | 3 | 13 | Armor | instant | self | while active gain +16 Armor, -20 to hit, and become imbue to stun, knockdown, and knock back effects • after taking any single wound greater than 20 (or greater than 10 air/storm damage), the Rock Armor is destroyed stunning anyone in base contact for 1 round |
Armor Self cast only. Armor remains in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed by certain conditions being met |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
226 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Devastation | Sand Blaster | 3 | 10 | Beam | action | 6 | 2d8+4 dam & knocks target back to end of beam • if colliding with solid object (i.e. wall) or another target causes standard collision damage • if colliding with additional targets, all targets are knocked back • hit roll on initial target only • 10%+10%/Tier chance to damage a single piece of non-enchanted/crafted armor (or shield if blocking) • damaged item is rendered useless for remainder of battle (immediatel subtract armor value) and must be repaired before being used again • if used against inanimate objects (i.e. doors, chests, etc...) cuts absorption in half |
Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
227 | Elemental | Water | Water | Conjuration | Conjure Sea Hydra | 3 | 2+3/Head | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | Conjures a magical hydra with 1 head/Tier, where each head spits 1 'Water Jet'/round. • Each time the hydra takes 10 or more damage it loses 1 head (no AC or resists). • Can only lose multiple heads from a single attack if it is AoE or multi-target • Hydra despawns when no there are no heads remaining. |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
228 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Devastation | Shadow Rain | 3 | 21 | Storm | action | 15 | 4" radius, 1d10+1d8 damage, 5% chance +5%/Tier to cause targets to immediately move at regular speed in a random direction | Storm Has a large cylindrical area of effect in a radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Storm powers are typically not considered projectile based even if the component causing the damage is a projectile (i.e. cannot be blocked) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
228 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Devastation | Eldritch Storm | 4 | 24 | Storm | action | 15 | The air in a 4" radius swirls with blackened phantasms and otherworldly shapes, distorting reality and causing intense physical and mental pain. Targets caught within the Eldritch Storm suffer 1d10+6 shadow damage and cannot tell friend from foe on their own next turn. | Storm Has a large cylindrical area of effect in a radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Storm powers are typically not considered projectile based even if the component causing the damage is a projectile (i.e. cannot be blocked) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
229 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Conjuration | Conjure Shardling | 3 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating | Familiar | 10 minutes | 2 | Summons a Shardling from the Forge realm to act as the caster's familiar (see CoC: Shardling) | Familiar Conjures/summons an active Familiar under the casters control • requires 2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • can only be cast once per day and can never have more than one Familiar at a time • critical casts allow for the Familiars HP to be rolled twice, selecting the highest results • conjured Familiar appears within range of the caster and prefer to stay close to their master • Familiar acts independently of the caster on its own Initiative Score but will obey the casters commands unless they would be against its nature • Familiar disappears if the caster dismisses it (which counts as an instant), caster is knocked unconscious or sleeps, or if Familiar's HP drop below 0 • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Familiar typicaly dissapears but is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
230 | Arcane | Light | Light | Destruction | Shattered Glass | 3 | 6 | DOT | instant | 30 | 1d6+2 damage, use AC instead of resistance with no dodge allowed | DOT no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects), damage bonus applies on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
231 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Destruction | Shock Pulse | 2 | 4 + 2/Tier | Shot | action | 32 | A pulse of storm energy is hurled at the target for 2d6 dam. The pulse persists at the point at which it struck its target for 1 full round. During that time any target that moves within 1" of the initial target location takes 1d6dam/tier and consumes the pulse • at the end of the duration, if no target took the additional damage, the original target takes that damage and the pulse is consumed |
Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
232 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Fortification | Solar Ward | 3 | 6 | Ward | instant | 12 | while ward is active target is immune to Blinding and Dispeling effects • the ward also reduces the illumination and blinding chance of Solar mass by half • when consumed the ward grants +50 Arcane Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Solar powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
233 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Alteration | Speed of the Cheetah | 3 | 6 | Movement | instant | 15 | +3 movement until cancelled, dispelled, or taking damage of any kind • leaving base contact while Speed of the Cheetah is active creates a -20hit modifier for any attacks made as part of Disengaging from Combat |
Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
233 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Alteration | Creeping Fumes | 5 | 8 | Movement | instant + movement | 15 | The casters body is temporarily reduced to a toxic mist which quickly spreads along the ground in a 15" radius. The caster may use its movement to reappear undetected anywhere within 2" of the rear arc (including base contact) of an unpoisoned target within range. If used while in base contact does not count as disengaging from combat. | Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
234 | Arcane | Common | Null | Conjuration | Spelleater Totem | 3 | 11 | Totem | instant | 8 | Radius 3" • while active totem has 1d6 charges • spell eater charges can be used to nullify the effects of spirit powers cast within the totem's radius or one passing through it (Except for those used by the caster) • where 1 charge nullifies 1 Tier of power (i.e. a 6 charge Spell Eater totem could nullify 1 Tier6 power, 2 Tier 3 powers, 6 Tier 1 powers, etc...) • once all charges are consumed the totem despawns |
Totem Conjures/summons a stationary object or entity that has an effect in an area around it • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Totems from previous castings are no longer present • lasts for 1 +1/Tier of caster rounds (minutes if out of combat) or until destroyed or dispelled • totems are typically 10-20 inches tall ("tiny", size mod -4) and have 10 HP and 0 AC/Resist unless otherwise stated • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
235 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Fortification | Calming Breeze | 3 | 6 | Empower | instant | self | target is enveloped in a calming breeze that generally reduces agitation, temper, or fear, granting +2 Resolve • while active all Spirit costs & Psionic difficulties are reduced by 1 (2 if Mage), cannot reduce below 1, Runeweavers can re-roll any 'Poor" result • consume to gain 2 extra Instants in the same round it was consumed |
Empower self cast buff with positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Empower spells may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Empower immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if an Empower is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
236 | Elemental | Water | Water | Conjuration | Standing Wave | 3 | 7 | Obstacle | action | 12 | creates a standing wave of water 2" high and 1" wide in a straight line oriented in any direction • the length of the wave can be up to 1" per level (max level 10) • may add additional height by increasing the spirit cost by 50% per additional 1" of height • total spirit cost is cut in half if cast over on existing natural water source • solid matter can only pass through the standing wave if moving with the wave, not against it • no physical projectiles can pass through either side, unless they are water based. |
Obstacle creates physical obstacles on the battlefield where they did not exist before • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat, unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
237 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Conjuration | Storm Chains | 3 | 3/tier | Binding | action | 14 | targets Immobilized and/or snared • any damage that is NOT Storm based breaks the chains • any storm damage done to one target under the effects of Storm Chains is divided evenly between all targets under the effect of Storm Chains |
Binding conjures a physical restraint of some kind that applies crowd control effects to a target(s) in LoS • one target/Tier or one round/Tier or mix of both (i.e. a Tier 4 Binding power could affect one target for four rounds, or two targets for two rounds, or four targets for one round) • outside of combat treat duration as hours not rounds • typically damage will break the effect • casters may elect to only bind certain parts of the target, such as leaving the legs unbound so that a prisoner can be forced to walk on their own |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
238 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Fortification | Storm Ward | 3 | 6 | Ward | instant | 12 | while ward is active target can repel lightning-based damage and effects, gaining +20 resistance to them and if resisting, instead redirecting the damage and/or effects onto a more valid target is within 3" if it exists (i.e holding or wearing metal) • also immune to deafening and other such thunder-based effects • when consumed the ward grants +50 Elemental Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Storm powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
239 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Fortification | Strength of the Flame | 3 | 4 | Boon | instant | 3 | +3 Strength (max 20) • consume to gain a +3 physical damage modifier for 1 full round • treated as part of your "natural" strength damage modifiers |
Boon single target buff • no LOS required, but caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Boons may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Boon immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if a Boon is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
240 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Devastation | Sun Ray | 1 | 6 per tier | Beam | action | 10 | An intense ray of sunlight sweeps from left to right (or right to left), bathing a 90˚arc in bright daylight. Any target facing the caster takes 1d6 damage per tier and suffers -20 to hit and cast for 1 round. • If striking any hidden targets, they are detected if failing an Avoidance or Stealth test, using standard detection modifiers • the Sun Ray casts a shadow in 90˚arc behind any target struck • any targets inside the 10" 90˚ arc but inside the shadow cast by another target are unaffected • use a single casting roll with bonus spell damage divided evenly among targets |
Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
241 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Fortification | Sun Spheres | 3 | 8 | Defense | instant | self | while active 3 spheres of pure light circle around the caster • the spheres can be consumed at any time by the caster for no cost to either blind a target that has attempted to hit them (potentially preventing the attack if it requires LoS) or to add +5 to hit and +3 damage to any direct damage Light/Sun power • also illuminates are around the caster similar to a torch |
Defense Self cast only. Effects remain in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed. • active magical defenses typically aimed at preventing or discouraging opponents from targeting or moving into base contact with the caster |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
242 | Natural | High | Temporal | Destruction | Temporal Rupture | 3 | 3/Tier | Burst | action | 12 | T3 1d20 damage • T4 1d20+1d10 damage • T5 2d20 damage • T6 2d20+1d10 damage T7 3d20 damage • 10%/Tier -10% chance that whatever actions the target carried out in its last turn are immediately reversed |
Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
243 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Destruction | Iron Fist | 2 | 2 | Shock | action | melee | the casters fists briefly become solid iron allowing for a 2d4 Earth damage fist attack with Crushing Force • can be used as a main hand and off hand attack at 2x spirit cost • can also be paired with a Focus fist attack at a further 2x spirit cost, where damage remains set at 2d4 but Focus dice/effects apply |
Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
243 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Destruction | Tremor | 3 | 5 | Shock | action | melee | 3d6 Earth damage with Crushing Force • inflicts max damage if target is stunned, snared, or immobilized |
Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
244 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Alteration | Tremors | 3 | 6 | Control | action | 12 | The targets body is wracked by violent tremors and must take a Stamina test at the end of each of their turns or they are knocked down • lasts for 1 round per Tier • if they are already knocked down they are stunned • the stun effect cannot occur 2 rounds in a row however the knock down can |
Control single target, LoS required with a variety of crowd control effects • hard CC typically an action • soft CC typically an instant |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
244 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Alteration | Iron Maiden | 4 | 12 | Control | action | 12 | The target is encased in a magical iron maiden which completely immobilizes them while also making them immune to any external source of damage, except heat which is doubled. The caster may decide the particular form of the Iron maiden, such as leaving a slit near the eyes so the target can see out and thus establish LoS for non-damage spell effects cast on them. The effect lasts until they iron maiden is physically opened or dispelled, until the target dies or until cancelled by the caster, at which point it disappears. The target takes bleed damage for every round spent in the Iron Maiden, or every 5 minutes if out of combat. The bleed damage starts at 1d6 (+casters spell damage modifiers), and cumulatively increases by 1d6 each round. This bled effect stacks with any other sources of bleed damage. The iron maiden will disappear after 1 day passes unless the spell is recast to refresh it. | Control single target, LoS required with a variety of crowd control effects • hard CC typically an action • soft CC typically an instant |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
245 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Destruction | Twisted Shadow | 3 | 7 | Amplify | instant | 12 | The targets own shadow attacks them witha regualr main hand attack for 1 rnd/Tier. • While active all of the casters destruction powers gain +3 shadow dam & on spell-hit inflicte Fear if the target fails a Resolve test. • The shadow is invulnerable except to light powers which dispel it if hit (use targets resist) |
Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
246 | Elemental | Water | Water | Devastation | Riptide | 3 | 12 | Beam | action | 8 | 3d4 dam • single hit roll to all targets w/in 0.5" of a straight line, pulls or pushes all targets caught in beam to one end of the beam |
Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
247 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Alteration | Everflame | 3 | 5 | Transmute | action | 6 | must be cast on an existing source of open flame, turning it into Everflame and rendering it impossible to extinguish through conventional means such water, smothering, running out of fuel or even dispels, without first dispelling or removing the Everflame effect • lasts for up to one full day |
Transmute alters the physical form and/or properties of the target, granting various effects |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
248 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Alteration | Updraft | 3 | 9 | Control | action | 20 | target is knocked up into the air 2+1d4" • at the start of the targets turn they fall back to the ground taking fall damage and becoming knocked down |
Control single target, LoS required with a variety of crowd control effects • hard CC typically an action • soft CC typically an instant |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
249 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Fortification | Void Shield | 2 | 7 | Shield | instant | 10 | creates a 1d12+8 arcane damage shield that negates all Void effects • the attack which destroys the shield silences the attacker for 1 round • also cancels out Call of the Void, however doing so destroys the shield and therefore silences the shielded target |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
250 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Alteration | Void Walk | 3 | 9 | Movement | instant | 15 | disappear and then reappear anywhere within range • may elect to reappear hidden • doing so causes you to become undetected and returns 1d4 stealth |
Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
251 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Devastation | Downdraft | 3 | 8 | Trap | action | 28 | 4" radius • 2d4 damage • triggers an intense downdraft of air that pushes targets to the ground (knocked down) if failing a Stamina test |
Trap sets a two dimensional area of effect trap on the ground (or in a single plane of space) that is triggered when something enters or moves through the given radius surrounding a target point • upon being triggered the area of effect moves up from the base, a distance equal to the radius, to form a cylinder area of effect • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
252 | Elemental | Water | Water | Fortification | Water Shield | 3 | 8 | Shield | instant | 10 | creates a 1d12+10 elemental damage shield that increases all water based healing effects on the target by 50% • the attack which destroys the shield reduces the attackers Initiative Score by 3 for the remainder of the battle (or until dispelled) |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
253 | Elemental | Water | Water | Alteration | Waterlog | 3 | 6 | Hex | instant | 12 | target has -10 to hit, -3 Initiative Score, and -3 disadvantage on Initiative rolls • target must pass an Initiative test if they wish to move • consuming the hex causes the target to immediately gain 1 stack of Exhaustion |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
254 | Elemental | Water | Water | Alteration | Wave Runner | 3 | 5 | Movement | instant | 15 | can walk on the surface of any water with normal movement, or swim through water at 2x movement speed • standard Disengaging from Combat rules apply |
Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
255 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Conjuration | Herdstone | 2 | 5 per Tier | Totem | instant | 8 | radius 3" • any friendly that starts its movement within the radius of the Herdstone is granted 1d6 per Tier Trample effect for that movement • stacks with other sources of Trample. |
Totem Conjures/summons a stationary object or entity that has an effect in an area around it • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Totems from previous castings are no longer present • lasts for 1 +1/Tier of caster rounds (minutes if out of combat) or until destroyed or dispelled • totems are typically 10-20 inches tall ("tiny", size mod -4) and have 10 HP and 0 AC/Resist unless otherwise stated • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
255 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Conjuration | Sourwood Totem | 3 | 6 per Tier | Totem | instant | 8 | radius 3", caster selects a single type of poison • any target that enters or passes through the radius is afflicted with that poison • the duration of poison does not tick down until leaving the radius or the totem disappears • at Tier 4 increase to Complex poisons • at Tier 5 increase to Superior Poisons |
Totem Conjures/summons a stationary object or entity that has an effect in an area around it • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Totems from previous castings are no longer present • lasts for 1 +1/Tier of caster rounds (minutes if out of combat) or until destroyed or dispelled • totems are typically 10-20 inches tall ("tiny", size mod -4) and have 10 HP and 0 AC/Resist unless otherwise stated • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
256 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Alteration | Wild Bloom | 3 | 18 | Environment | action | 15 | Wild flowers or mushrooms bloom in a 15" radius around caster for 3 rounds (or 1 hour outside of combat), causing stacking effects (based on the Tier) to be applied to all targets within the bloom for the duration: • (T3) +20% HP gain when any target within the bloom is healed • (T4) any healing done to a target within the bloom also restores 50% of the value in spirit (not including over heals) • (T5) grants 20% of affected targets max HP as temporary HP (lost once bloom ends) |
Environment powers with a variety of environmental effects that typically impact a large area |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
256 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Alteration | Virulent Bloom | 3 | 18 | Environment | action | 15 | Toxic mushrooms or flowers bloom in a 15" radius around caster for 3 rounds (or 1 hour outside of combat), causing stacking effects (based on the Tier) to be applied to all targets within the bloom for the duration: • (T3) while within the bloom poison resistance is cut in half • (T4) poison damage or effects or duration are doubled • (T5) at the end of the duration all ongoing poison effects prolonged for another 3 rounds |
Environment powers with a variety of environmental effects that typically impact a large area |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
257 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Fortification | Wind Ward | 2 | 5 | Ward | instant | 12 | while ward is active target is immune to any wind based effect that would move them against their will (i.e. Knock back/down/up) and all Winded effects • when consumed the ward grants +50 Elemental Resistance, increases to +60 if resisting Wind powers |
Ward places a ward on the caster or on individual party members that lasts for up to one day (unless dispelled) • Ward spells may be consumed at will as an instant or as a reaction, even after an enemy spell caster has rolled to cast • consuming a Ward adds additional specific resistances, and when sued as a reaction can potentially turn a hit/success into a miss/failure • there is no limit to the number of wards that may be present on the battlefield but only one of each School of powers can be stacked on any single target • once consumed Wards may be re-cast |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
258 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Conjuration | Windwall | 3 | 8 | Obstacle | action | 16 | creates a wall of wind 2" high and 1" wide in a straight line oriented in any direction • the length of the wall can be up to 1" per level (max level 10) • may add additional height by increasing the spirit cost by 50% per additional 1" of height • the wall itself is invisible however it effects the area around i.e. swirling dust) it and is therefore usually detectable by normal senses • any projectile based attack or flying creature that attempts to pass through but fails an Elemental resist, is deflected back 1/4 of the distance it travelled before hitting the wind wall |
Obstacle creates physical obstacles on the battlefield where they did not exist before • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat, unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
259 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Conjuration | Binding of Air | 2 | 1 +2/tier | Binding | action | 14 | The bindings of air can restrain a target much like conventional ropes or chains, however they are invisible to natural senses • targets are immobilized and/or silenced and/or snared • wind powers used against the target have both their damage and any movement related effects increased by 50%, but any damage breaks the bindings |
Binding conjures a physical restraint of some kind that applies crowd control effects to a target(s) in LoS • one target/Tier or one round/Tier or mix of both (i.e. a Tier 4 Binding power could affect one target for four rounds, or two targets for two rounds, or four targets for one round) • outside of combat treat duration as hours not rounds • typically damage will break the effect • casters may elect to only bind certain parts of the target, such as leaving the legs unbound so that a prisoner can be forced to walk on their own |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
260 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Devastation | Aerobeam | 3 | 12 | Beam | action | 10 | a dense column of concentrated wind travels in a straight line away from the caster, inflicting 2d4 damage to the first target it hits and Knocking that target down • the Knocked Down target is then pushed along the ground to the end of the beam, potentially taking an additional per inch damage if the ground is sufficiently rough (i.e. rocky ground +1 dam/inch) • if the target hits another target along that line both take collision damage and are pushed |
Beam fires in straight line from caster to target, LOS not required, dodge is allowed unless otherwise stated • casting rolls and spell power distribution is spell specific |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
261 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Destruction | Dust Shot | 1 | 2 per Tier | Shot | action | 32 | A swirling ball of dust is launched at the target, inflicting 1d4 damage per Tier and blinding the target for 1 round • can have additional or alternate effects depending on the environmental debris available |
Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
262 | Elemental | Water | Water | Destruction | Keelhaul | 3 | 4 | Strike | action | melee | temporarily encrusts the casters weapon in razor sharp barnacles and marine growth, adding +1d8 water damage to the attack but treated as cutting instead of impact damage • for one full round the target is inundated with sea water, causing a drowning like effect that can be treated as Winded |
Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
263 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Fortification | Acid Shield | 4 | 8 | Shield | instant | 8 | creates a 1d12+10 elemental damage shield that negates all acid/corrosion effects while active • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts 4 Stacks of Corrosion on the attacker |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
264 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Destruction | Arcane Barrage | 4 | 11 | Shot | action | 24 | A barrage of arcane magic assaults a single target, drawing additional power from nearby magic users. Inflicts 2d8+8 dam +1d6 dam for each spirit user within 8" (up to 1/Tier, target and caster not included) that contributes 2 spirit (can roll vs resist to force them to contribute spirit) | Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
264 | Arcane | Common | Null | Destruction | Spirit Seeker | 3 | 12 | Shot | action | 24 | Launches a swirling mass of null magic that deals 2d8+1d6+6 damage to a single target • if the target is is a Spirit users gains combined bonus of +5 to cast and +1d8 damage per max Tier of the Target |
Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
265 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Devastation | Arcane Eruption | 4 | 10 | Trap | action | 20 | 3" radius, 3d8 damage • 10% chance per tier that any targets that are spirit users are stunned for 1 round |
Trap sets a two dimensional area of effect trap on the ground (or in a single plane of space) that is triggered when something enters or moves through the given radius surrounding a target point • upon being triggered the area of effect moves up from the base, a distance equal to the radius, to form a cylinder area of effect • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
266 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Alteration | Avalanche | 5 | 22 | Channel | action (uninterrupted) | 12 | The caster innundates an area with an avalanche of snow and ice which covers an area with width equal to (up to) 1" per Tier of the caster, length of 5", and height of 1". It originates from a target point within 12" of the caster and moves in any direction they choose. Targets caught in the effect are automatically hit as elemental resistance is ignored however, they can resist the effects of the avalanche if passing a stamina test at a base -15 disadvantage with size modifier further applied as advantage or disadvantage. Any target that fails, as well as any loose objects, are knocked straight back until reaching the end length of the Avalanche. affected targets that fail a Dodge test are also knocked down and immbolized until they can be freed by their allies • while Immobilized targets suffer -5 Elemental Resist and may be subject to suffocation if their heads are buried (GM descretion) • each round spend channeling increases the length of the Avalanche by 5" as does combining the spell with a natural avalanche, further pushing targets whether immbolized or not • accumulated snow and ice persist after the channelling ends, but melt twice as fast due to heat or environmental factors • the area affected by Avalanche counts as difficult ground until fully melted • targets that are huge or larger may attempt a stamina test to resist being pushed by the avalanche • each channeling lasts for 10 seconds outside of combat |
Channel Effects persist for 1 full round, typically inflicted at the beginning of the turn of any effected targets. May continue casting in consecutive rounds if paying 10% of the full spirit cost with no casting roll required, provided the caster is not interupted and did not move. • while channeling the caster counts as being Vulnerable • if the channeled power causes CC effects of some kind, it is assumed that they are one continuous CC effect • if used outside of combat the duration of the effect varies depending on the power but is immediately cancelled if the caster is interrupted or moves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
267 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Devastation | Ball Lightning | 4 | 14 | Blast | action | 32 | The caster using a swirling motion to collect a dense ball of lightning which is then hurled directly at a target point, inflicting 2d10+2 Storm damage in a 2" radius with no Dodge added to resistance for anyone touched by the radius | Blast Has an area of effect in a spherical radius around the target point • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Blast powers are projectile based, and unless otherwise stated move in a straight line from the caster to the target point |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
268 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Alteration | Mana Rain | 3 | 10 | Channel | action (uninterrupted) | 12 | The caster causes a spiritual rain to fall within a large cylindrical area of effect in a 4" radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • all targets (friend or foe) receive 3d6 Spirit at the end of their turn, provided they end their turn at least partially covered by the area of effect • outside of combat, must be channeled in 1 hour increments |
Channel Effects persist for 1 full round, typically inflicted at the beginning of the turn of any effected targets. May continue casting in consecutive rounds if paying 10% of the full spirit cost with no casting roll required, provided the caster is not interupted and did not move. • while channeling the caster counts as being Vulnerable • if the channeled power causes CC effects of some kind, it is assumed that they are one continuous CC effect • if used outside of combat the duration of the effect varies depending on the power but is immediately cancelled if the caster is interrupted or moves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
268 | Arcane | Common | Null | Alteration | Banish | 4 | 13 | Channel | action (uninterrupted) | 12 | Banishes a single creature or creation that is ethereal, primarily spirit in form, or otherwise strongly influenced by magic • while banished it is considered silenced, immobilized and only barely visible to natural senses • remains banished for the duration of the channeling and for 1d4 rounds after the channeling ends, but can resist each round after • if used outside of combat must be channelled in 1 hour increments, and remains active for 1 hour after the last channeling |
Channel Effects persist for 1 full round, typically inflicted at the beginning of the turn of any effected targets. May continue casting in consecutive rounds if paying 10% of the full spirit cost with no casting roll required, provided the caster is not interupted and did not move. • while channeling the caster counts as being Vulnerable • if the channeled power causes CC effects of some kind, it is assumed that they are one continuous CC effect • if used outside of combat the duration of the effect varies depending on the power but is immediately cancelled if the caster is interrupted or moves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
269 | Arcane | Light | Light | Alteration | Blurred Vision | 1 | 7 | Hex | instant | 16 | target subtracts d20 from their to hit roll for melee/ranged and from casting roll with LOS powers • suffer -1 disadvantage on all perception test • consuming the hex causes the target to suffer from Blindness for 1 round or 1 minute |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
270 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Fortification | Breath of Mana | 4 | 4 | Synergy | instant | 4 | for every Fury, Vigor, or Stealth resource spent/lost on an ability, add that much to all resistances until using another Fury/Vigor/Stealth ability • taking spirit/faith damage consumes the effect but returns the bonus resistance back as Vigor, Fury, or Stealth |
Synergy single target • typically remains in play until consumed or dispelled • carries benefits based on the class mechanics of the target • mixed classes must choose a single mechanic to benefit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
271 | Arcane | Light | Light | Destruction | Bright Lance | 4 | 10 | Missile | action | 40 | A magical glowing lance is thrown at the target, dealing 2d8+8 light damage with 10%/Tier chance to blind target for 1 round • triggers Illumination |
Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
271 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Destruction | Sun Shard | 3 | 10 | Missile | action | 40 | Fires a jagged shard of glass charged with solar energy deals 2d8+6 damage to the target. If striking a magical shield or barrier of any kind it is immediately destroyed, regardless of the type of damage it blocks, but the damage of the Sun Shard is reduced by 6. | Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
272 | Arcane | Light | Light | Devastation | Bright Wave | 4 | 12 | Cone | action | Cone Template | affected targets may choose to be blinded for 1 round or take 1d20+1d10 dam • template counts as Illumination |
Cone Effects a three dimensional area in a cone originating from the casters location that is 8" long and 3" wide at the end (or using wargaming Cone Template). Unless otherwise stated, uses a single casting roll and allows partially covered targets to add dodge to their resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
273 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Destruction | Burning Touch | 4 | 9 | Shock | action | melee | 1d20 damage 1st round, 1d12, 2nd round, 1d10 3rd round, 1d8 4th round • Heat-Seeking |
Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
274 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Alteration | Rolling Iron | 2 | 8 | Movement | instant | 12 | Agglomerate stacks are repositioned on the targets body to temporarily transform it into an iron ball. Cannot be used on targets with 4 or more stacks of Agglomerate. The next movement that the target takes ignores any movement penalties caused by Agglomerate and adds +1 movement per stack. Total movement is doubled when travelling downhill and halved when travelling uphill. While in ball form: • you can only travel in a straight line, • are immune to physical damage • cause a 2d6 trample effect • cause collision damage equal to 1d6 per Inch mvoed PRIOR to impact, capped at 2d6 per Tier • deal the equivalent amount of fall damage to any surface/target you land on, capped at 2d6 per Tier • counts as disengaging from combat if leaving base contact |
Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
274 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Alteration | Burrow | 4 | 8 | Movement | instant | 12 | burrow into the ground and re-emerge as the movement phase in a subsequent anywhere within 12" • while burrowed all LOS is broken • if emerging directly beneath another target a Stamina Roll-off is required • where failure prevents emerging and success knicks the target down • if burrowing to leave base contact, still counts as Disengaging from Combat |
Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
275 | Natural | High | Temporal | Destruction | Chrono Strike | 2 | 2 per Tier | Strike | action | melee | +1d6 damage per Tier. The strike shifts through time to occur a split second before the target can react to it, negating any defensive reactions (block, parry, ward-off, reversal, etc...) and preventing any dodge contribution to AC or Resistance | Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
275 | Natural | High | Celestial | Destruction | Celestial Fist | 4 | 12 | Strike | action | melee | +1d10 damage, if spirit portion successfully hits (regardless of physical portion hitting) roll another hit on any target in base contact, continue hitting until missing or striking 3 times total • the 2nd and 3rd hits are pure spirit (no physical portion) and do 2d10 damage each • if using an Focus based Fist attack treat the main hand damage as that of your highest rank Fist attack |
Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
276 | Natural | High | Celestial | Fortification | Celestial Shield | 4 | 8 | Shield | instant | 10 | creates a 1d12+10 natural damage shield that negates all celestial effects while active • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts the Ill Fortune Hex on the attacker |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
277 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Devastation | Circle of Burning | 3 | 13 | Trap | action | 16 | Once triggered the ground erupts in flames, engulfing a 3" radius and causing 2d4 fire damage. Anyone still inside the circle of burning at the end of their next turn takes an additional 3d8 damage. • Counts as Heat-Seeking once triggered |
Trap sets a two dimensional area of effect trap on the ground (or in a single plane of space) that is triggered when something enters or moves through the given radius surrounding a target point • upon being triggered the area of effect moves up from the base, a distance equal to the radius, to form a cylinder area of effect • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
277 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Devastation | Deadly Fumes | 5 | 8 | Environment | action | 16 | Deadly invisible fumes fill a 3" cubic area inflicting 5 stacks of Corrosion on anyone that breathes them in. The fumes persist for 1d4 rounds unless dispelled or otherwise neutralized. The number of stacks inflicted on subsequent rounds is equal to 5 minus the number of rounds the fumes have persisted. | Environment powers with a variety of environmental effects that typically impact a large area |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
278 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Alteration | Dehydrate | 4 | 10 | Control | instant | 12 | rapidly pulls moisture from the target, causing most living targets to drink any liquid in their possession such as water, potions, alcohol, or even poisons, consuming an appropriate portion of their turn • if not the target stops what they are doing and moves as fast as possible towards the nearest source of water/moisture, often leaving the battlefield all together • Heat-Seeking |
Control single target, LoS required with a variety of crowd control effects • hard CC typically an action • soft CC typically an instant |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
279 | Elemental | Water | Water | Conjuration | Conjure Dragon Frog | 4 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating | Familiar | 10 minutes | 3 | Summons a Dragon Frog from the Realm of Stillness to act as the caster's familiar (see CoC: Dragon Frog) | Familiar Conjures/summons an active Familiar under the casters control • requires 2 minutes of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • can only be cast once per day and can never have more than one Familiar at a time • critical casts allow for the Familiars HP to be rolled twice, selecting the highest results • conjured Familiar appears within range of the caster and prefer to stay close to their master • Familiar acts independently of the caster on its own Initiative Score but will obey the casters commands unless they would be against its nature • Familiar disappears if the caster dismisses it (which counts as an instant), caster is knocked unconscious or sleeps, or if Familiar's HP drop below 0 • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Familiar typicaly dissapears but is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
280 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Conjuration | Conjure Earth Elemental | 1 | (3x Creatures Threat Rating) +1 | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 5 | Summons an Earth Elemental (see CoC) based on the Tier of the Power •Tier1 = Elemental Mote •Tier2 = Elemental Spawn •Tier3 = Lesser Elemental •Tier4 = Middling Elemental •Tier5 = Greater Elemental •Tier6 = Elder Elemental |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
280 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Conjuration | Conjure Metallic Elemental | 2 | (3x Creatures Threat Rating) +1 | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 5 | Summons a Metallic Elemental (see CoC) based on the Tier of the Power •Tier1 = Elemental Mote •Tier2 = Elemental Spawn •Tier3 = Lesser Elemental •Tier4 = Middling Elemental •Tier5 = Greater Elemental •Tier6 = Elder Elemental |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
281 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Fortification | Earth Shield | 4 | 9 | Shield | instant | 8 | creates a 1d12+10 elemental damage shield that negates all Earth effects • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts the attacker with a Earth based Stun effect for 1 round |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
282 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Destruction | Eden's Call | 4 | 8 | Amplify | instant | 12 | any Wild/Nature Destruction Power used on the target can be re-rolled as many times as the caster would like, however each re-roll reduces the damage by 10% • |
Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
283 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Alteration | Electromagnetic Field | 4 | 10 | Modify | instant | 20 | creates an electromagnetic field around a single target item (weapons, armor, etc) • if that item contains conductive metals and is not strapped on or attached in some way it can be pulled free and thrown anywhere within 20" • if it is a weapon treat it as having been thrown, otherwise use damage equivalent to 1d2 for S, 1d4 for M, 1d6 for L, 1d8 for XL • can also be used to throw your own items up to 20" |
Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
284 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Fortification | Energy Twister | 4 | 16 | Defense | instant | self | 3 twisters @ 2" radius around caster, intercept any enemy that crosses radius and inflicting a 3" 'Updraft' • gain +1 storm dam (+2 if mage) & +1 dam to any non-spirit ability per active twister |
Defense Self cast only. Effects remain in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed. • active magical defenses typically aimed at preventing or discouraging opponents from targeting or moving into base contact with the caster |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
285 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Devastation | Stinking Quagmire | 2 | 8 | Trap | action | 20 | The ground is transformed into a foul smelling bog in a 4" radius, which counts as difficult terrain (reduces movement). Anyone caught in the quagmire or moving through it is infected with a single poison effect that counts as both Simple Deadly Poison and Simple Weakening Poison. | Trap sets a two dimensional area of effect trap on the ground (or in a single plane of space) that is triggered when something enters or moves through the given radius surrounding a target point • upon being triggered the area of effect moves up from the base, a distance equal to the radius, to form a cylinder area of effect • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
285 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Devastation | Entangling Roots | 4 | 13 | Trap | action | 20 | Snares all targets in a 3" radius, inflicting 1d6 damage each round, until roots are broken • any damage over 6 will break the roots • after 2 rounds targets become Immobilized until roots are broken |
Trap sets a two dimensional area of effect trap on the ground (or in a single plane of space) that is triggered when something enters or moves through the given radius surrounding a target point • upon being triggered the area of effect moves up from the base, a distance equal to the radius, to form a cylinder area of effect • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
286 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Conjuration | False Storm | 5 | 16 | Illusion | instant | battlefield | Creates a raging illusionary storm that remains ever on the horizon. Anyone that can see or hear it must pass a Resolve test or they will immediately flee or seek to find cover from the storm. Once a target passes a resolve test it is no longer affected by the False Storm in an appreciable way. | Illusion Conjures a visible illusion that lacks true physical characteristics. Upon successfully casting, any creature that relies on conventional sight as its primary source of perception will believe the illusion to be real if the casting value is greater than their mental resistance. • illusions can't directly influence physical matter, nor can they inflict any kind of damage or effects • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed • dispel resistance is equal to the original casting value of the illusion • if there is evidence to suggest that the illusion might not be real, creatures may pass a Wisdom or Perception test to see through the illusion and therefore not be affected by it in anyway • GMs may choose to add advantage or disadvantage modifiers to these rolls depending on the situation. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
287 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Fortification | Flame Cage | 4 | 8 | Shell | action | self | erects a cage of flame around the caster • anyone moving or making a melee attack through the Flame Cage takes 3d6 auto fire • the very presence of the flame cage typically dissuades attackers, who naturally would look for less dangerous targets |
Shell defensive powers that erect a stationary shell or field of influence around the caster and typically reduce incoming damage • unless otherwise stated as "self-cast only", the shell is a 1" per Tier radius, centered on the caster, and thus may envelop other targets (friend, foe, or inanimate objects) • the effects of the shell are typically only considered at the boundary, while all targets inside the shell are unaffected • remains in play for duration of battle, or until dispelled or expended • attacks with additional effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not generally inflict their effects if the damage does penetrate the shell • while within the shell the caster may on subsequent turns, refresh the shell back to its original state (effectively recasting at the same Tier of power) for 1/2 the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
288 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Alteration | Acid Trail | 3 | 6 | Movement | instant | 12 | Grants +2 Movement until cancelled, dispelled, casting any other power, or using any kind of skill. Leaves a trail of acid behind for 1 round that places 3 Stacks of Corrosion on any target that crosses it. Leaving base contact while under the effects DOES count as Disengaging from Combat but adds 1 Stack of Corrosion per attack made to any target that uses its free attacks. | Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
288 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Alteration | Flame Leap | 4 | 7 | Movement | instant | 12 | Target becomes one with a source of open flame within 4" and then may jump to any other source of open flame within 12". Target retains all equipment on thier person, except if they are holding the initial source of flame, which drops to the ground. • Temporarily breaks LoS (can use a Action to then Hide within the flame). • May choose to hide in the flame indefinitely. • Reappearing in subsequent rounds counts as an instant. • The next melee attack made after exiting the flame gains +2 fire damage • If the open flame is extinguished the target re-appears at that location. |
Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
289 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Fortification | Flame Shroud | 4 | 8 | Armor | instant | self | while active automatically inflict 2 passive fire damage to all targets within 1", including self, each round • after a successful armor save against a physical attack the weapon that was used is considered damaged until it can be repaired • the weapon can resist this effect if it is rune-crafted/enchanted, with resist equal to 15 per Enchanting rank +20 if rune-crafted |
Armor Self cast only. Armor remains in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed by certain conditions being met |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
290 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Destruction | Frostbite | 3 | 8 | DOT | instant | 20 | 1d6+2 damage • target has movement reduced by 1/4 (or a minimum of -1) for the duration • |
DOT no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects), damage bonus applies on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
291 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Alteration | Gale Winds | 4 | 6 | Channel | action (uninterrupted) | 16 | caster chooses a direction for the wind to blow in a 16" cube around a target point that the caster can see • all targets must pass a strength test to move into wind (except caster) or gain x1.5 move if moving with the wind • moving directly perpendicular to the wind direction has no effect • treat as natural wind in terms of interactions with objects within the are a (i.e. can blow the sails on a ship) • channel in 1 hour increments outside of combat |
Channel Effects persist for 1 full round, typically inflicted at the beginning of the turn of any effected targets. May continue casting in consecutive rounds if paying 10% of the full spirit cost with no casting roll required, provided the caster is not interupted and did not move. • while channeling the caster counts as being Vulnerable • if the channeled power causes CC effects of some kind, it is assumed that they are one continuous CC effect • if used outside of combat the duration of the effect varies depending on the power but is immediately cancelled if the caster is interrupted or moves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
292 | Arcane | Light | Light | Fortification | Glasshide Armor | 4 | 12 | Armor | instant | self | while active, immune to acid based attacks/damage, reflects 50% of next incoming physical damage, which destroys the Glass armor casts Shattered Glass on anyone within 1" | Armor Self cast only. Armor remains in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed by certain conditions being met |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
293 | Natural | High | Temporal | Fortification | Haste | 2 | 8 | Boon | instant | 4 | while buff is active target can choose to reduce their current HP by 10% of their maximum to benefit from Haste that round. Each time this is done, there is a 50% chance to add a stack of volatile temporal energy. • Consuming the buff grants Haste for 1 round without reducing any HP |
Boon single target buff • no LOS required, but caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Boons may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Boon immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if a Boon is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
293 | Natural | High | Celestial | Fortification | Good Fortune | 4 | 9 | Boon | instant | 4 | while buff is active may re-roll a single dice once per round and choose which to use, consume to re-roll a third time | Boon single target buff • no LOS required, but caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Boons may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Boon immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if a Boon is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
293 | Natural | High | Temporal | Fortification | Chrono Shift | 6 | 15 | Empower | instant | 4 | while buff is active if the target would suffer a fatal blow or be reduced below 0 HP, the attack which caused it is repeated starting back it it's hit or cast roll. The target may then choose which outcome they prefer and apply its outcome as if it was the only one that occured. Doing so ends the effect. If Chrono Shift is consumed prior to this effect taking place it instead negates the last damage that was dealt to the target. | Empower self cast buff with positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Empower spells may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Empower immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if an Empower is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
294 | Natural | High | Temporal | Devastation | Stasis Trap | 2 | 2 per Tier | Trap | action | 20 | 1" radius per Tier. Inflicts 1d10 damage and then places the target in a temporal stasis. While in stasis time does not pass for any affected targets and they are completely immune to all damage and effects for up to 1 hour. The stasis effect immediately ends if the caster uses another temporal power or if anything of physical substance moves into the affected radius. | Trap sets a two dimensional area of effect trap on the ground (or in a single plane of space) that is triggered when something enters or moves through the given radius surrounding a target point • upon being triggered the area of effect moves up from the base, a distance equal to the radius, to form a cylinder area of effect • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
294 | Natural | High | Celestial | Devastation | Gravity Well | 4 | 24 | Trap | action | 20 | 4" radius, targets/loose objects instantly thrown to center of trap, inflicts 1d10dam per object (max 4d10) & snares targets for 1 round | Trap sets a two dimensional area of effect trap on the ground (or in a single plane of space) that is triggered when something enters or moves through the given radius surrounding a target point • upon being triggered the area of effect moves up from the base, a distance equal to the radius, to form a cylinder area of effect • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
295 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Devastation | Heat Wave | 4 | 6 | Nova | action | 1 | 3d8 damage, 10%/Tier chance to inflict Heat Exhaustion, if target already under effects of Heat Exhaustion then double the number of damage dice • Heat-Seeking |
Nova radiates outwards from the caster on all sides, up to a radius defined by Range • use a single casting roll with no Dodge allowed • does not affect that caster themselves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
296 | Natural | High | Celestial | Alteration | Ill Fortune | 4 | 6 | Hex | instant | 12 | caster may force target to re-roll a single dice once/round and choose which result to use • consuming the hex causes the target to ponder their life choices, effectively becoming immobilized for 1 round or 1 minute |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
297 | Elemental | Water | Water | Alteration | Healing Rain | 4 | 16 | Channel | action (uninterrupted) | 15 | The caster causes a gentle rain to fall within a large cylindrical area of effect in a 4" radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • all targets receive 2d6 healing at the end of their turn, provided they end their turn at least partially covered by the area of effect • outside of combat, must be channeled in 1 hour increments • will prevent campfires and reduce resting percentages by -10% due to wetness |
Channel Effects persist for 1 full round, typically inflicted at the beginning of the turn of any effected targets. May continue casting in consecutive rounds if paying 10% of the full spirit cost with no casting roll required, provided the caster is not interupted and did not move. • while channeling the caster counts as being Vulnerable • if the channeled power causes CC effects of some kind, it is assumed that they are one continuous CC effect • if used outside of combat the duration of the effect varies depending on the power but is immediately cancelled if the caster is interrupted or moves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
298 | Arcane | Light | Light | Devastation | Lightfall | 4 | 28 | Storm | action | 20 | a cascade of light falls from the sky in a 5" radius, inflicting 1d12+1d4+2 damage • 15%/Tier chance to reduce Stealth to zero for any target hit • triggers Illumination |
Storm Has a large cylindrical area of effect in a radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Storm powers are typically not considered projectile based even if the component causing the damage is a projectile (i.e. cannot be blocked) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
298 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Devastation | Storm of Radiance | 6 | 38 | Storm | action | 20 | radiant solar energy swirls in a 4" radius, inflicting 1d12+12 damage • LoS is completely blocked by the effect • caster immediately maxes out Solar Mass if touched by the storm |
Storm Has a large cylindrical area of effect in a radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Storm powers are typically not considered projectile based even if the component causing the damage is a projectile (i.e. cannot be blocked) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
299 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Fortification | Lightning Shield | 4 | 9 | Shield | instant | 14 | creates a 1d12+8 elemental damage shield that negates all Storm effects while active. Any non-magical physical projectile aimed at the shielded target is struck with lightning just prior to making contact with the shield, effectively incinerating or otherwise damaging it and causing no damage to the shield. Each time the shield does this it loses 5 points of shielding • the attack which destroys the shield also inflicts an equal amount of damage is back on the attacker as Storm damage |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
300 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Devastation | Mana Blast | 4 | 14 | Blast | action | 24 | A mote of condensed mana is launched from the caster and upon reaching its target point it explodes for 3d10+2 damage in a 1.5" radius around the target point | Blast Has an area of effect in a spherical radius around the target point • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Blast powers are projectile based, and unless otherwise stated move in a straight line from the caster to the target point |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
301 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Conjuration | Conjure Magic Hand | 1 | T1: 2, T2: 5, T3: 8 | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Conjures a translucent violet hand that acts as a minion under the complete control of the caster. The magic hand typically follows the caster around but can be ordered to move up to 6" at a time. If the caster unwillingly loses control of the magic hand or if it ever moves more than 6" away from the caster, it immediately disappears. The magic hand is roughly the same size as the casters hand and can be used to complete simple tasks that a normal hand could, such as open a door, administer a potion, or stow/retrieve/carry items. The hand has no HP and cannot be targetted in the conventional sense. Where necessary, use the casters agility stat. • At Tier 1: the hand cannot attack in any way and may only carry up to Medium items • At Tier 2: the hand can make a simple unarmed attack that inflicts 1 physical and 1 arcane damage, as well as carry up to Medium items • At Tier 3: the hand can attack with a weapon (using the casters combat modifiers) or use Focus based Fist attacks as per its caster, as well as carry up to Large items |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
301 | Arcane | Common | Null | Conjuration | Conjure Mana Wraith | 4 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Summon 1 Mana Wraith (see ) | Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
302 | Arcane | Light | Light | Alteration | Mesmerize | 4 | 14 | Channel | action (uninterrupted) | 16 | All targets in a 90˚ arc that are facing the caster are mesmerized for the duration of the channelling. Treat this as being blinded, silenced and immobilized for the duration. • Inflicting damage of any kind to the targets breaks the mesmerizing effects • each channeling lasts for 15 minutes outside of combat • triggers Illumination |
Channel Effects persist for 1 full round, typically inflicted at the beginning of the turn of any effected targets. May continue casting in consecutive rounds if paying 10% of the full spirit cost with no casting roll required, provided the caster is not interupted and did not move. • while channeling the caster counts as being Vulnerable • if the channeled power causes CC effects of some kind, it is assumed that they are one continuous CC effect • if used outside of combat the duration of the effect varies depending on the power but is immediately cancelled if the caster is interrupted or moves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
303 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Fortification | Metallic Plates | 5 | 9 | Shield | instant | 8 | metallic plates swirl around the target, acting as a 1d12+10 physical damage shield and conveniently parting whenever the target needs to attack. • The attack which destroys the shield grants the shielded target +15 Armor until wounded or hit by a crushing blow |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
304 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Devastation | Quicksand | 3 | 9 | Trap | action | 16 | 3" radius, affected targets move at 1/2 speed on turn 1, are snared on turn2, and Immobilized on turn3 • immobilized targets take 1d8 damage each round until pulled free • targets can be pulled free by someone outside the quicksand area if passing a Strength test |
Trap sets a two dimensional area of effect trap on the ground (or in a single plane of space) that is triggered when something enters or moves through the given radius surrounding a target point • upon being triggered the area of effect moves up from the base, a distance equal to the radius, to form a cylinder area of effect • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
305 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Alteration | Magnetic Hex | 3 | 6 | Hex | instant | 10 | The target becomes magnetic, granting +20 to hit and + 3 damage to any melee or ranged attack made by a metal object. • Consuming the hex causes the target to draw all volatile metal Agglomerate stacks within 10" to itself, effectively removing them from any nearby metal caster and putting them all on the hexed target. |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
305 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Alteration | Sand Skin | 4 | 6 | Hex | instant | 10 | all attacks against target do 10% more damage • consuming the hex causes the target to suffer 100% extra damage on the next single attack made against them |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
306 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Devastation | Venomous Rupture | 3 | 10 | Bomb | instant | 12 | remains on target until it suffers from 3 ongoing poison effects • inflicts the 2x the sum total of all ongoing poison damage to all targets in a 2" radius, while the initial target only takes1x |
Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
306 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Devastation | Seed of Eden | 4 | 10 | Bomb | instant | 12 | remains on target until it is healed in any way • inflicting the value of the heal as damage to all targets in a 2" radius, including the initial target |
Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
307 | Natural | High | Temporal | Conjuration | Shackles of Time | 3 | 4/Tier | Binding | action | 10 | While shackled the target is permanently under the effects of Slow • slowed targets take +50% damage from high magic • shackles are invulnerable to damage but can be dispelled |
Binding conjures a physical restraint of some kind that applies crowd control effects to a target(s) in LoS • one target/Tier or one round/Tier or mix of both (i.e. a Tier 4 Binding power could affect one target for four rounds, or two targets for two rounds, or four targets for one round) • outside of combat treat duration as hours not rounds • typically damage will break the effect • casters may elect to only bind certain parts of the target, such as leaving the legs unbound so that a prisoner can be forced to walk on their own |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
308 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Devastation | Shadow Crash | 4 | 9 | Blast | action | 24 | Launches a massive bolt of shadow magic that travels in a high arch through the air before crashing down to inflict 3d6+3 Shadow damage in 1" radius around the target point • any target damaged has a 10%/Tier chance to become Silenced until the end of their next turn • benefits from Insidious-Force |
Blast Has an area of effect in a spherical radius around the target point • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Blast powers are projectile based, and unless otherwise stated move in a straight line from the caster to the target point |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
309 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Conjuration | Conjure Shadow Hydra | 4 | 2+6/Head | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | Conjures a magical hydra with 1 head/Tier, where each head spits 1 'Shadow Bolt'/round. • Each time the hydra takes 10 or more damage it loses 1 head (no AC or resists). • Can only lose multiple heads from a single attack if it is AoE or multi-target • Hydra despawns when no there are no heads remaining. |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
309 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Conjuration | Conjure Eldritch Pillar | 3 | 3+6/Tier | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | Conjures a black pillar covered in writhing larva that seems to stretch to infinite heights and has an unnerving effect on anyone nearby. Anyone within 6" of the Eldritch Pillar cannot rest and any spell cast within 6" of the Eldritch Pillar has +10% miscast chance. • The pillar has 40 HP and the same AC/resists/modifiers as the caster, but is hardened to physical damage and sensitive to Light/Solar damage and all AoE damage. • The pillar may make 1 attack per tier each round, always preferring its melee attack if targets are in range. • The melee attack has Reach 3 and is a long appendage made up of thousands of larva which reaches out and strikes at a nearby target inflicting 2d8+6 damage with a STR 13 Grapple effect • if successfully grappling that appendage cannot attack again but instead pulls the target towards the pillar at rate of 1" per round • If brought into base contact with the pillar the target is immobilized and takes 3d8+9 auto damage each round. • Appendages that are struck are immediately destroyed, breaking the grapple and also dealing damage to the pillar itself • Broken appendages can reform and attack again on subsequent turns • If no targets are in melee reach, ranged attacks can be made instead, ejecting balls of larva up to 10", inflicting 1d8+3 physical damage while ignoring armor. |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
310 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Devastation | Shrapnel Charge | 3 | 7 | Bomb | instant | 10 | remains on target until struck by Earth Damage or being hit by an attack with Crushing Blow. Once triggered place the cone template directly behind the direction in which the target was struck, the target and anyone in the cone template take 2d8 damage with Piercing Force | Bomb Applied to a single target within LOS and remains in play with no immediate or direct effects and no casting roll required. While it remains in play it can be dispelled. • Once a certain condition or duration is reached, the caster can use a reaction to trigger the spell Bomb. • Once triggered, a casting roll is made, where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
311 | Natural | High | Celestial | Conjuration | Conjure Star Cluster | 4 | 10/Tier | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | conjures a stationary cluster of tiny stars that are completely invulnerable to damage • cast 'Starfire' each round, lasts for 1 cast per Tier |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
312 | Natural | High | Celestial | Destruction | Starfire | 4 | 12 | Missile | action | 30 | A condensed burning star erupts from the caster striking the target for 3d12 celestial damage, where the minimum roll canot be less than 10. • If the target takes damage, for 1 round the caster can use a reaction to force the target to re-roll any dice roll once. |
Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
313 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Destruction | Stone Shot | 3 | 8 | Shot | action | 20 | Fires a formless mass of elemental magic that upon striking the target causes stones to hit them from all directions, dealing 2d8+2 Earth Damage with Crushing Force • 10% chance/Tier to stun target for 1 round |
Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
313 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Destruction | Steel Shot | 4 | 9 | Shot | action | 20 | Fires a dense grouping of enchanted steel pellets towards the target, inflicting 2d8+5 earth damage with Piercing Force • damage is increased by +10 if target is 5" or less away • damage is reduced by -10 if target is more than 10" away |
Shot Magical projectile based power that does not have solid/physical form and can only be blocked by shields that are rune crafted and/or enchanted. • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Counts as a 'Shot' • Target can add dodge to resistance |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
314 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Conjuration | Stonewall | 4 | 7 | Obstacle | action | 10 | creates an impassable wall of stone 1" high and 1" wide in a straight line oriented in any direction • the length of the wall can be up to 1" per level (max level 10) • may add additional height by increasing the spirit cost by 50% per additional 1" of height • blocks LoS and counts as hard cover where applicable • can be climbed over • each 1" long segment of the wall has 40HP and 50% absorption • reducing a segment to 0HP causes only that segment to crumble • wall cannot be repaired in any way |
Obstacle creates physical obstacles on the battlefield where they did not exist before • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat, unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
315 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Destruction | Storm Surge | 4 | 9 | Amplify | instant | self | if not already at 4 or more Volatile Storm stacks, immediately increase to 4 stacks • may cast any two destruction Storm powers during your next action phase, up to a maximum of Tier 6 powers |
Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
316 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Alteration | Tame Beast | 4 | 11 | Channel | action (uninterrupted) | 12 | Brings a single beast, fey beast, bestkin, or anthromorph under the casters complete control for the duration of the channeling • each channeling lasts for 1 hour outside of combat |
Channel Effects persist for 1 full round, typically inflicted at the beginning of the turn of any effected targets. May continue casting in consecutive rounds if paying 10% of the full spirit cost with no casting roll required, provided the caster is not interupted and did not move. • while channeling the caster counts as being Vulnerable • if the channeled power causes CC effects of some kind, it is assumed that they are one continuous CC effect • if used outside of combat the duration of the effect varies depending on the power but is immediately cancelled if the caster is interrupted or moves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
317 | Natural | High | Celestial | Alteration | Teleport | 4 | 10 | Movement | instant | 15 | target instantly teleports from their current location to a location that the caster can see or picture in their mind, and that has space enough to containt the target • can be used on targets against their will, but if doing so must roll against thier resistance |
Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
318 | Natural | High | Temporal | Fortification | Temporal Shield | 3 | 8 | Shield | instant | 10 | creates a 1d12+10 natural damage shield that negates all Temporal effects while active • the attack which destroys the shield freezes the attacker in time for 1 round granting complete immunity but skipping their next turn |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
319 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Alteration | Visions of Terror | 4 | 8 | Hex | instant | 12 | target must make full move in a random direction each round • counts as cast with Insidious-Force • consuming the Hex causes the target to attempt to flee the battlefield (move towards the nearest table edge) until passing a Resolve test and cuts the HP gain of the targets next Rest in half as their sleep is plagued by Nightmares |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
319 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Alteration | Whispers from Beyond | 2 | 5 | Hex | instant | 12 | An otherworldly voice whispers in the targets ears, a mixture of lies and truths that defy explanation and cannot be articulated beyond the targets own inner thoughts. For the duration of the hex the target suffers -2 disadvantage on Resolve and Initiative tests and is forced to attempt to resist any beneficial spell cast on them (i.e., healing). • Consuming the hex causes the target to unerringly believe a lie of the casters choice until completing a full rest. The target is not aware that they are being compelled to believe this lie, and forgets it existed after completing the full rest. |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
320 | Elemental | Water | Water | Destruction | The Bends | 2 | 7 | DOT | instant | 20 | the caster causes the formation of bubbles in the blood supply of a single target wracking their body with debilitating pain • causes 1d6 damage and -1 per Tier disadvantage to Agility, Stamina, and Initiative for the duration • if the target is knocked down the damage is doubled • target must have blood to be affected |
DOT no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects), damage bonus applies on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
321 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Destruction | Thunderclap | 1 | 4 | Burst | action or reaction | 16 | A burst of thunder rages around a single target dealing 1d10 damage and Deafening the target for 1 round. If not otherwise used that round, can be used as a reaction to also interrupt enemy spell casting, however the target adds +5/Tier of the power being interupted to their resistance. | Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
322 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Destruction | Touch of the Viper | 4 | 6 | Shock | action | melee | no initial dam but inflicts a 1d12+2 poison for up to 3 rounds, poison also has 25% (each round) chance of Immobilizing the target for 1 round | Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
323 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Fortification | Toxic Shield | 4 | 10 | Shield | instant | 10 | creates a 1d12+10 natural damage shield that negates all Poison effects while active • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts the attacker with Complex Deadly Poison |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
324 | Elemental | Water | Water | Fortification | Tranquil Waters | 4 | 5 | Synergy | instant | 4 | no effect until consumed • if the target fails a Faith difficulty roll, consume Tranquil waters to negate any effects of the failure • consuming also prevents Focus loss for 1 round |
Synergy single target • typically remains in play until consumed or dispelled • carries benefits based on the class mechanics of the target • mixed classes must choose a single mechanic to benefit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
325 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Conjuration | Conjure Venomous Beast | 1 | (3x Creatures Threat Rating) x (# of serpents) | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Summons a number of venomous serpents no greater than the Tier of the Caster, type of serpent varies by Tier • Tier1 = Viper, Adder, Mamba, or Rattlesnake • Tier2 = King Cobra • Tier3 = Emperor Cobra |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
325 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Conjuration | Conjure Treant | 2 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Summons an Treant (see CoC) based on the Tier of the Power •Tier2 = Ent Sapling •Tier3 = Lesser Ent •Tier4 = Middling Ent •Tier5 = Greater Ent •Tier6 = Elder Ent |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
326 | Elemental | Water | Water | Devastation | Deluge | 3 | 12 | Cone | action | Cone Template | the caster sends a deluge of water towards their target which spreads out to cover a wide area • inflicts 1d12+10 damage and any target in side the cone is knocked down if it fails a Stamina test, regardless if it took damage • the area inside the cone was soft ground of any kind then it is considered difficult terrain for the remainder of the battle or up to 1 hour maximum |
Cone Effects a three dimensional area in a cone originating from the casters location that is 8" long and 3" wide at the end (or using wargaming Cone Template). Unless otherwise stated, uses a single casting roll and allows partially covered targets to add dodge to their resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
327 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Fortification | Void Armor | 4 | 13 | Armor | instant | self | while active gain +10 Armor, +10 Arcane Resist, -3 to enemy detection while hiding • after a successful armor save or Arcane resist silence the attacker for 1 round • after any 3 such instances the Void Armor is destroyed, silencing the caster for 1 round |
Armor Self cast only. Armor remains in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed by certain conditions being met |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
328 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Conjuration | Wall of Fire | 4 | 7 | Obstacle | action | 10 | creates a wall of flame 2" high and 1" wide in a straight line oriented in any direction • the length of the wall can be up to 1" per level (max level 10) • may add additional height by increasing the spirit cost by 50% per additional 1" of height • passing through the wall causes 1d12 auto fire damage |
Obstacle creates physical obstacles on the battlefield where they did not exist before • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat, unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
329 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Devastation | Wave of Terror | 4 | 15 | Nova | action | 2 | 3d6 damage and targets are affected by Fear | Nova radiates outwards from the caster on all sides, up to a radius defined by Range • use a single casting roll with no Dodge allowed • does not affect that caster themselves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
330 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Fortification | Grass Shield | 3 | 7 | Shield | instant | 10 | giant blades of grass or other such flexible oversized growth springs up around the feet of the target, acting as a 1d10+6 natural and physical damage shield that also negates all negative Nature effects while active • no effect if cast on targets standing on ground where it would be impossible for organic matter to grow • the attack which destroys the shield also heals the shielded target for the same amount |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
331 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Fortification | Wind Shield | 3 | 7 | Shield | instant | 14 | creates a 1d12+10 elemental damage shield that negates all wind effects while active • the attack which destroys the shield causes a 6" knockback Wind effect to attacker |
Shield places a magical shield around a single target's body that blocks out damage and negates certain related effects, but only from external sources (i.e. no effect against self inflicted damage/effects). • When critically cast, doubles the value of the shield • Remains until end of battle or until shield gives out • attacks with extra effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not inflict their effects if the damage does not penetrate the shield • the attack which destroys the shield inflicts an effect back on the attacker that can be resisted without modifiers |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
332 | Arcane | Light | Light | Conjuration | Conjure Lantern Wisp | 3 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | Summons a Lantern Wisp (see CoC: Lantern Wisp) • triggers Illumination upon the Lantern Wisp (i.e. cannot be invisible upon initial summoning) |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
333 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Alteration | Feather Fall | 2 | 4 per target | Modify | instant | 20 | For up to 1 hour (or until cancelled or dispelled), any time the affected target(s) would fall it is a gentle and controlled descent. When needed assume a downward movement rate of 10" per round. If the target hits the ground while the effect is active it takes no fall damage and lands on its feet (if it has feet). • spirit cost is modified by the targets size modifier (down to a minimum cost of 1 spirit) • cannot be used to reduce the speed of a flying target moving downwards |
Modify modifies the basic properties of something for useful purposes |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
334 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Conjuration | Gusting Apparition | 4 | 4 per Tier | Illusion | instant | 16 | manipulates the wind to create a vaguely humanoid or animal shape from local debris (leaves, dust, etc...) or even clouds/fog • often mistaken for a ghostly apparition, which can potentially cause Fear • the Gusting Apparition can be controlled by the caster to make gestures and/or move up to 6" per round • Caster may transmit his voice on the wind to make the Gusting Apparition appear as though it is speaking • if at any point it touches a target, they are Winded if failing an Elemental Resistance roll • the maximum creature size of a Gusting Apparition is dictated by Tier, where Tier 1 = Tiny or Smaller, with one size increase per Tier after that (i.e. Tier 7 = Colossal) |
Illusion Conjures a visible illusion that lacks true physical characteristics. Upon successfully casting, any creature that relies on conventional sight as its primary source of perception will believe the illusion to be real if the casting value is greater than their mental resistance. • illusions can't directly influence physical matter, nor can they inflict any kind of damage or effects • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed • dispel resistance is equal to the original casting value of the illusion • if there is evidence to suggest that the illusion might not be real, creatures may pass a Wisdom or Perception test to see through the illusion and therefore not be affected by it in anyway • GMs may choose to add advantage or disadvantage modifiers to these rolls depending on the situation. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
335 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Devastation | Howling Vortex | 4 | 8 | Blast | action | 28 | 3" radius • 3d4 damage • pushes all targets within the radius to the outside edge • if failing an Stamina test targets are knocked down |
Blast Has an area of effect in a spherical radius around the target point • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Blast powers are projectile based, and unless otherwise stated move in a straight line from the caster to the target point |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
336 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Destruction | Gale Force | 3 | 9 | Amplify | instant | self | may cast any two destruction Wind powers during your next action phase, up to a maximum of Tier 6 powers • the second power automatically counts as being cast with maxed out Gathering Winds, but then resets Gathering Winds |
Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
337 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Destruction | Downburst | 4 | 6 | Burst | action | 16 | an isolated downdraft of intense wind hits the target, inflicting 4d4 initial wind damage • if target is on the ground they are Knocked Down • if target is flying or otherwise in the air, they are pushed downwards up to 10" minus their size modifier and if hitting the ground, taking equivalent collision damage and also becoming Knocked Down • in either case Large and Huge targets must fail a Stamina test in order to be Knocked Down, while Massive or larger targets can ignore the Knockdown all together |
Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
338 | Arcane | Light | Light | Fortification | Aegis of Light | 5 | 3/Tier | Shell | action | self | 1d6HP/tier shield vs all Spirit and Faith damage (except Holy) • caster may choose to automatically cancel (with no refund) a single Shadow/Dark/Void power cast against targets within the Aegis of Light (even if cast from within), at the cost of consuming the Aegis, regardless of remaining HP on the shield • while active the caster gains a free Honor Code stack of their choice for every 6 HP of damage negated by the Shield and/or if consuming the Aegis • triggers Illumination |
Shell defensive powers that erect a stationary shell or field of influence around the caster and typically reduce incoming damage • unless otherwise stated as "self-cast only", the shell is a 1" per Tier radius, centered on the caster, and thus may envelop other targets (friend, foe, or inanimate objects) • the effects of the shell are typically only considered at the boundary, while all targets inside the shell are unaffected • remains in play for duration of battle, or until dispelled or expended • attacks with additional effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not generally inflict their effects if the damage does penetrate the shell • while within the shell the caster may on subsequent turns, refresh the shell back to its original state (effectively recasting at the same Tier of power) for 1/2 the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
339 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Conjuration | Conjure Air Elemental | 1 | (3x Creatures Threat Rating) +1 | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | Summons an Air Elemental (see CoC) based on the Tier of the Power •Tier1 = Elemental Mote •Tier2 = Elemental Spawn •Tier3 = Lesser Elemental •Tier4 = Middling Elemental •Tier5 = Greater Elemental •Tier6 = Elder Elemental |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
339 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Conjuration | Conjure Storm Elemental | 2 | (3x Creatures Threat Rating) +1 | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | Summons a Storm Elemental (see CoC) based on the Tier of the Power •Tier1 = Elemental Mote •Tier2 = Elemental Spawn •Tier3 = Lesser Elemental •Tier4 = Middling Elemental •Tier5 = Greater Elemental •Tier6 = Elder Elemental |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
340 | Arcane | Common | Null | Fortification | Mage Prison | 5 | 4/Tier | Shell | action | self | creates an impenetrable arcane cage around around the caster with 1d8HP/tier (vs. all damage types) • while within the Mage Prison, targets cannot use spirit powers (including the caster) |
Shell defensive powers that erect a stationary shell or field of influence around the caster and typically reduce incoming damage • unless otherwise stated as "self-cast only", the shell is a 1" per Tier radius, centered on the caster, and thus may envelop other targets (friend, foe, or inanimate objects) • the effects of the shell are typically only considered at the boundary, while all targets inside the shell are unaffected • remains in play for duration of battle, or until dispelled or expended • attacks with additional effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not generally inflict their effects if the damage does penetrate the shell • while within the shell the caster may on subsequent turns, refresh the shell back to its original state (effectively recasting at the same Tier of power) for 1/2 the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
341 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Destruction | Arcane Burst | 5 | 14 | Burst | action | 12 | 5d10 dam • +10% damage against targets that are spirit users |
Burst no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
342 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Devastation | Arcane Torrent | 5 | 33 | Storm | action | 15 | 4.5" radius • 3d10 damage |
Storm Has a large cylindrical area of effect in a radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Storm powers are typically not considered projectile based even if the component causing the damage is a projectile (i.e. cannot be blocked) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
343 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Devastation | Birds of Prey | 5 | 22 | Multi | action | 24 | 1d12+8 damage, up to three separate targets | Multi Fires multiple projectiles where LoS is required on each target • can't cast on targets in base contact • targets can add Dodge to Resistance • use a seperate casting roll for each target, however any Miscast(s) does not prevent the other rolls from succeeding (effectively done simultaneously) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
344 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Fortification | Black Smoke | 6 | 16 | Defense | instant | self | while active caster doesn't reduce stealth & enemies suffer -10 hit ranged/melee vs caster, if caster wounded smoke jumps to target & inflicts 1d4 times the non-crit dam done to the caster, consuming the smoke | Defense Self cast only. Effects remain in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed. • active magical defenses typically aimed at preventing or discouraging opponents from targeting or moving into base contact with the caster |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
345 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Devastation | Boulder Toss | 5 | 14 | Blast | action | 20 | Magically tosses a nearby boulder from its current location either in a straight line or arched through the air towards a target point • impacts a 1" radius, causing 3d8+6 Earth damage with Crushing Force, does 2x damage to targets that are stunned/knocked down or recovered from being stunned/knocked down during their turn • if no boulders exist nearby the spell creates one from any source of earth, dirt or dust surrounding the caster |
Blast Has an area of effect in a spherical radius around the target point • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Blast powers are projectile based, and unless otherwise stated move in a straight line from the caster to the target point |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
346 | Arcane | Light | Light | Devastation | Bright Volley | 5 | 23 | Multi | action | 32 | fires 3 individual bright lances that must target different targets • triggers Illumination |
Multi Fires multiple projectiles where LoS is required on each target • can't cast on targets in base contact • targets can add Dodge to Resistance • use a seperate casting roll for each target, however any Miscast(s) does not prevent the other rolls from succeeding (effectively done simultaneously) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
347 | Natural | High | Temporal | Destruction | Compound Casting | 3 | 5 | Amplify | instant | self | the next destruction power from any school of power that you cast through a temporal anomoly (i.e., a temporal anomoly exists within a straight line between the caster and the target) loops back through time and is cast a second time for free. • at Tier 6 the spell can be cast a third time. |
Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
347 | Natural | High | Celestial | Destruction | Celestial Alignment | 5 | 11 | Amplify | instant | self | grants 1d8 stacks of Supremacy that can be consumed at any time and in any increment the caster wishes to any target of a Celestial/High destruction power, the consumed stacks of Supremacy are added to any Stacks of Supremacy already in effect on the target • once all of the 1d8 stacks are used up Celestial Alignment ends • Celestial Alignment can be dispelled prematurely |
Amplify Amplifies the damage of the casters destruction powers through a variety of means. No direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists. Cannot be stacked. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
348 | Natural | High | Celestial | Conjuration | Conjure Celestial Being | 2 | 3x Creatures Threat Rating | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Summons an Celestial Being (see CoC) based on the Tier of the Power •Tier2 = Star Spawn •Tier3 = Lesser Celestial Being •Tier4 = Greater Celestial Being •Tier5 = Star Child •Tier6 = August Celestial |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
349 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Devastation | Chain Lightning | 5 | 22 | Multi | action | 32 | LOS required on first target only, no dodge allowed, causes 6d6 dam then jumps to the next closet target w/in 3" (up to 4 times), losing 1d6 dam each jump, separate hit roll each jump, but bonuses only apply to first target | Multi Fires multiple projectiles where LoS is required on each target • can't cast on targets in base contact • targets can add Dodge to Resistance • use a seperate casting roll for each target, however any Miscast(s) does not prevent the other rolls from succeeding (effectively done simultaneously) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
350 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Fortification | Chrysalis of Storms | 5 | 24 | Shell | action | self | Self-cast only • Places the caster into a hard shelled chrysalis charged with storm energy • the caster is completely immobilized while inside the chrysalis but may still use non-LoS powers and/or elect to use Chain Lightning as an action for no spirit cost, however, the Chain Lightning chooses targets based purely on proximity to the Chrysalis • the Chrysalis is destroyed if it suffers more than 30 damage, with none of that damage carrying over to the caster • upon being destroyed the caster gains 6 Focus and +2% Critical Cast chance with Storm/Air powers for the remainder or the battle, for every round spen within the Chrysalis |
Shell defensive powers that erect a stationary shell or field of influence around the caster and typically reduce incoming damage • unless otherwise stated as "self-cast only", the shell is a 1" per Tier radius, centered on the caster, and thus may envelop other targets (friend, foe, or inanimate objects) • the effects of the shell are typically only considered at the boundary, while all targets inside the shell are unaffected • remains in play for duration of battle, or until dispelled or expended • attacks with additional effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not generally inflict their effects if the damage does penetrate the shell • while within the shell the caster may on subsequent turns, refresh the shell back to its original state (effectively recasting at the same Tier of power) for 1/2 the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
351 | Natural | High | Celestial | Fortification | Cosmic Force | 5 | 8 | Synergy | instant | 4 | target gains +1 Hit per current focus/honor and +2 Hit per max spirit/faith tier, on all attacks • if failing to hit with a D100 hit roll while Cosmic Force is active, the effect is consumed but the attack instead auto-hits |
Synergy single target • typically remains in play until consumed or dispelled • carries benefits based on the class mechanics of the target • mixed classes must choose a single mechanic to benefit |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
352 | Natural | High | Celestial | Devastation | Cosmic Rays | 5 | 12 | Cone | action | Cone Template | A fan of glittering cosmic rays inflicts 2d8+8 damage to anythin in its path. Any target that is wounded will move and attack other targets affected by cosmic rays on their next turn. | Cone Effects a three dimensional area in a cone originating from the casters location that is 8" long and 3" wide at the end (or using wargaming Cone Template). Unless otherwise stated, uses a single casting roll and allows partially covered targets to add dodge to their resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
353 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Devastation | Cyclone | 5 | 21 | Nova | action | 3 | 3d12+4 damage, knicks targets back 1d6 inches | Nova radiates outwards from the caster on all sides, up to a radius defined by Range • use a single casting roll with no Dodge allowed • does not affect that caster themselves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
354 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Destruction | Dark Grasp | 5 | 8 | Shock | action | melee | 4d8 damage, 5% chance +5%/Tier to Silence the target on their next turn, Insidious-Force | Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
354 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Destruction | Touch from Beyond | 1 | 3 per Tier | Shock | action | melee | 1d8 damage per Tier. Causes the target to be filled with an unquenchable emptiness that prevents them from regaining HP by any means unless first passing a Mental Resistance test. The effect is persistent until passing 3 Mental resist tests in this manner, or alternatively until removed as if it was a curse. | Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
355 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Alteration | Draining Hex | 5 | 6 | Hex | instant | 12 | Doubles the cost of any skill or power. For skills or powers that do not have a cost or for creatures that don't consume resources to use skills or powers, instead restricts the use of those skills to either an instant or an action only. • consuming the hex causes the target to immediately gain 2 stacks of Exhaustion |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
355 | Arcane | Common | Null | Alteration | Dampen Magic | 3 | 6 | Hex | instant | 12 | Reduces the damage, duration, or effects by half for any spell cast by the hexxed target. Only one of these three properties can be reduced by half, in priority order as listed. • Consuming the hex prevents spell casting for 2 rounds. |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
356 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Destruction | Razor Strike | 3 | 4 | Strike | action | melee | +1d12 damage with Piercing Force | Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
356 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Destruction | Earth Pummel | 4 | 6 | Strike | action | melee | +1d10+5 Earth damage with Crushing Force • knicks target back 1d6" and stuns them for 1rnd if they collide with a solid object • if wielding a weapon with the 'Crushing Blow' affect the physical portion of Earth Pummel is considered to have hit so long as it inflicts damage |
Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
357 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Alteration | Earthquake | 5 | 18 | Channel | action (uninterrupted) | 10 | Causes a violent earthquake in a 10" radius around a target point • for the duration this area is considered difficult terrain and any creature or ally within the radius that fails a Stamina test at the beginning of their turn is knocked down and stunned for the duration of their turn • any rigid structure takes 1d8+2 physical damage per Tier of the caster, ignoring standard absorption • each channeling lasts for 1 minutes outside of combat |
Channel Effects persist for 1 full round, typically inflicted at the beginning of the turn of any effected targets. May continue casting in consecutive rounds if paying 10% of the full spirit cost with no casting roll required, provided the caster is not interupted and did not move. • while channeling the caster counts as being Vulnerable • if the channeled power causes CC effects of some kind, it is assumed that they are one continuous CC effect • if used outside of combat the duration of the effect varies depending on the power but is immediately cancelled if the caster is interrupted or moves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
358 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Fortification | Embrace of the Earth | 5 | 4/Tier | Shell | action | self | self-cast only • completely encases the caster in stone • the stone shell has 6HP per Tier and 50% Absorption, with 0 AC • while encased cannot move, attack or cast LoS powers, but cast earth powers @ half cost & faith powers @ half difficulty |
Shell defensive powers that erect a stationary shell or field of influence around the caster and typically reduce incoming damage • unless otherwise stated as "self-cast only", the shell is a 1" per Tier radius, centered on the caster, and thus may envelop other targets (friend, foe, or inanimate objects) • the effects of the shell are typically only considered at the boundary, while all targets inside the shell are unaffected • remains in play for duration of battle, or until dispelled or expended • attacks with additional effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not generally inflict their effects if the damage does penetrate the shell • while within the shell the caster may on subsequent turns, refresh the shell back to its original state (effectively recasting at the same Tier of power) for 1/2 the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
359 | Natural | High | Temporal | Alteration | Endless Loop | 5 | 10 | Hex | instant | 12 | target will repeat whatever it was doing at the time the Hex was applied, if this no longer becomes possible (i.e. run out of Class resources), target will use basic attack if it was attacking or simply do nothing • consuming the Hex causes the target to no longer be able to do whatever repeated action they were taking until at least a Half Rest is taken |
Hex A spell that imposes negative effects on a single target and remains in play for up to one hour unless dispelled or consumed. Does not require LOS however, the caster must be able to picture the target in their mind • Consuming a hex can be triggered at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • The caster may force the Hex to be consumed as an reaction in subsequent rounds, however this requires a successful casting roll against the target • Consuming a Hex immediately ends its effects, but causes additional consequences • If a Hex is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
360 | Arcane | Light | Light | Alteration | Far Sight | 2 | 13 | Environment | action | 20 | anywhere in LoS, included distant horizons, can be viewed as though the caster was within 20" of that point • effectively magnifying vision over long distances, but not actually reducing range |
Environment powers with a variety of environmental effects that typically impact a large area |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
360 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Alteration | Sunshine | 1 | 4 | Environment | action | 20 | Causes the sun to shine in a 20" radius around the caster, according to current time of day, lasting until the sun sets. This effectively removes or negates whatever is obstructing or preventing it from shining, whether due to natural or magical means. This triggers the Solar Powered passive effect for Solar casters. Depending on other conditions this could also provide sufficient warmth to negate or even remove stacks of exhaustion caused by cold or wet effects. If cast while indoors or underground, the sell has no direct effect, but does make the caster aware of where the sun would be in the sky if they could see it. At Tier3 this effect can be placed on a stationary point instead of on the caster. | Environment powers with a variety of environmental effects that typically impact a large area |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
361 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Devastation | Orbs of Acid | 4 | 6 per orb | Multi | action | 20 | hurls up to 2-5 orbs of acid in forward 90 degree arc, each orb inflicts 2d6+4 burning damage and 1 stack of Corrosion. If allocating more than 1 orb on a target, instead of rolling extra damage dice simply increase the damage by 50%. More than 2 orbs on a target does no additional damage but does add additional stacks of Corrosion. | Multi Fires multiple projectiles where LoS is required on each target • can't cast on targets in base contact • targets can add Dodge to Resistance • use a seperate casting roll for each target, however any Miscast(s) does not prevent the other rolls from succeeding (effectively done simultaneously) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
361 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Devastation | Fiery Arrows | 5 | 16 | Multi | action | 20 | summons 1d4+1 arrows that can be fired immediately or in subsequent turns (w/o taking action), 1d8+1d6 damage each • each individual target is affected by Heat-Seeking |
Multi Fires multiple projectiles where LoS is required on each target • can't cast on targets in base contact • targets can add Dodge to Resistance • use a seperate casting roll for each target, however any Miscast(s) does not prevent the other rolls from succeeding (effectively done simultaneously) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
362 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Conjuration | Conjure Fire Elemental | 1 | (3x Creatures Threat Rating) +1 | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 5 | Summons an Fire Elemental (see CoC) based on the Tier of the Power •Tier1 = Elemental Mote •Tier2 = Elemental Spawn •Tier3 = Lesser Elemental •Tier4 = Middling Elemental •Tier5 = Greater Elemental •Tier6 = Elder Elemental |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
362 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Conjuration | Conjure Caustic Elemental | 2 | (3x Creatures Threat Rating) +1 | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 5 | Summons a Caustic Elemental (see CoC) based on the Tier of the Power •Tier1 = Elemental Mote •Tier2 = Elemental Spawn •Tier3 = Lesser Elemental •Tier4 = Middling Elemental •Tier5 = Greater Elemental •Tier6 = Elder Elemental |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
363 | Elemental | Fire | Caustic | Conjuration | Conjure Acid Hydra | 4 | 2+6/Head | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Conjures a magical hydra with 1 head/Tier, where every head can spit a single 'Orb of Acid' each round. • Each time the hydra takes 10 or more damage it loses 1 head (no AC or resists). • Can only lose multiple heads from a single attack if it is AoE or multi-target • Hydra despawns when no there are no heads remaining. |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
363 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Conjuration | Conjure Flame Hydra | 5 | 2+7/Head | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Conjures a magical hydra with 1 head/Tier, where each head spits 1 'Tier2 Fireball'/round. • Each time the hydra takes 10 or more damage it loses 1 head (no AC or resists). • Can only lose multiple heads from a single attack if it is AoE or multi-target • Hydra despawns when no there are no heads remaining. |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
364 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Conjuration | Conjure Ice Elemental | 2 | (3x Creatures Threat Rating) +1 | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Summons an Ice Elemental (see CoC) based on the Tier of the Power •Tier1 = Elemental Shard •Tier2 = Elemental Spawn •Tier3 = Lesser Elemental •Tier4 = Middling Elemental •Tier5 = Greater Elemental •Tier6 = Elder Elemental |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
365 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Destruction | Frost Shock | 4 | 9 | Shock | action | melee | Touch to inflict 1d12+10 damage with a 10% chance/Tier to freeze the target for 1 round (see Frozen effect in Glossary) or otherwise causes the target to be Slowed for 1 round | Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
366 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Fortification | Frost Thorns | 4 | 13 | Defense | instant | self | any enemy target that moves into base contact receives a 2d10 frost based impale attack, that does not count as a reaction • this effect can occur 3 times before Frost Thorns are consumed |
Defense Self cast only. Effects remain in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed. • active magical defenses typically aimed at preventing or discouraging opponents from targeting or moving into base contact with the caster |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
367 | Elemental | Water | Frost | Devastation | Hailstorm | 5 | 25 | Storm | action | 15 | 5" radius, 1d12+1d6 damage, while targets are in the area of effect they are Slowed | Storm Has a large cylindrical area of effect in a radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Storm powers are typically not considered projectile based even if the component causing the damage is a projectile (i.e. cannot be blocked) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
368 | Elemental | Water | Water | Devastation | Geyser Field | 6 | 25 | Storm | action | 15 | creates a Geyser at the center of a 4" radius which hits any single target at that point with the Geyser (Burst) power • also creates 4 additional geysers that strike targets at random within the 4" radius, potentially hitting up to 4 targets with the Geyser (Burst) power |
Storm Has a large cylindrical area of effect in a radius around the target point, where the height up or down from the target point is equal to the radius of the cylinder • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where only targets that are partially covered by the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Storm powers are typically not considered projectile based even if the component causing the damage is a projectile (i.e. cannot be blocked) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
369 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Destruction | Ignite | 3 | 6 | DOT | instant | 15 | 1d8+2 damage • Heat-Seeking |
DOT no direct projectile therefore no LOS required and no dodge allowed, however caster must still have some reason to know that a target exists • remains active for one additional round per Tier or until dispelled/canceled, resist against initial cast only (unlike poison effects), damage bonus applies on first round only |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
370 | Elemental | Earth | Metal | Conjuration | Conjure Iron Hydra | 5 | 2+8/Tier | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Conjures a magical hydra with 1 head/Tier, where each head spits 1 'Molten Spray'/round. • Each time the hydra takes 10 or more damage it loses 1 head (no AC or resists). • Can only lose multiple heads from a single attack if it is AoE or multi-target • Hydra despawns when no there are no heads remaining. |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
371 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Alteration | Levitate | 5 | 12 | Movement | instant | 20 | allows the target to levitate, moving through the air at move x2 for up to 1 hour (or until cancelled or dispelled) • if used on targets other than the caster, Levitate is only maintained while within 20" of the caster • caster may choose to control the movement of the target, however doing so counts as an action in addition to casting Levitate as an instant, and requires a hit roll as though it was an offensive power |
Movement alters the way things move • self cast only, unless spending 1.5x the spirit cost • cannot be cast on unwilling targets • unless otherwise specified, using a Movement power to leave base contact with an enemy does NOT count as Disengaging from Combat |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
372 | Elemental | Water | Water | Alteration | Liquify | 5 | 15 | Transmute | action | 8 | converts a single target/creature (up to Huge) or item (up to XL) into a liquid • target loses solid form and becomes immune to most physical damage • cannot move on its own but will flow as a natural liquid and can be carried in a sealed vessel/container • after 1 hour the target returns to solid form again • this can occur sooner if the caster chooses to end the effect or if the effect is dispelled |
Transmute alters the physical form and/or properties of the target, granting various effects |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
373 | Arcane | Light | Light | Destruction | Lucent Blade | 5 | 7 | Strike | action | melee | +2d12+4dam • cannot be parried, blocked, or caught (i.e. immune to Focus: Catch Weapon) • if wielding a weapon with the 'Overpowering' effect deal 20% additional weapon damage • triggers Illumination |
Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
373 | Arcane | Light | Solar | Destruction | Dawn Strike | 2 | 3 | Strike | action | melee | +1d8dam • if Dawn Strike is parried, blocked or warded off but the attack would otherwise have hit, the target is blinded for 1 round |
Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
374 | Natural | High | Celestial | Devastation | Meteorite | 5 | 22 | Blast | action | 24 | A meteorite plummets from the sky and inflicts 1d8*1d6 Celestial & Physical Damage in a 2" radius around the target point • must have reasonable overhead clearance for the spell to succeed |
Blast Has an area of effect in a spherical radius around the target point • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Blast powers are projectile based, and unless otherwise stated move in a straight line from the caster to the target point |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
374 | Natural | High | Temporal | Devastation | Singularity | 6 | 24 | Blast | action | 24 | The caster hurls an infinitely small and dense speck of matter at a target point, which exists for only a brief moment. All targets caught inside a 2" radius around the target point suffer 1d10+4 damage x the total number of targets. Any affected target has -5 disadvantage on ALL stat tests for 1 full round. | Blast Has an area of effect in a spherical radius around the target point • LoS is required for the target point, however the area of effect can hit targets out of LoS • use a single casting roll where the initial target cannot dodge but those in the area of effect can add dodge to their Resistance • Blast powers are projectile based, and unless otherwise stated move in a straight line from the caster to the target point |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
375 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Conjuration | Nightmare Illusion | 5 | 20 | Illusion | instant | 12 | Creates a stationary nightmare illusion that takes on a different form in the eyes of anyone that looks at it, based on their own worst fears • while the illusion is believed to be real anyone that looks at it or attempts to target it is affected by Fear unless passing a Resolve test |
Illusion Conjures a visible illusion that lacks true physical characteristics. Upon successfully casting, any creature that relies on conventional sight as its primary source of perception will believe the illusion to be real if the casting value is greater than their mental resistance. • illusions can't directly influence physical matter, nor can they inflict any kind of damage or effects • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed • dispel resistance is equal to the original casting value of the illusion • if there is evidence to suggest that the illusion might not be real, creatures may pass a Wisdom or Perception test to see through the illusion and therefore not be affected by it in anyway • GMs may choose to add advantage or disadvantage modifiers to these rolls depending on the situation. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
376 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Alteration | Shadowmeld | 5 | 20 | Transmute | action | 8 | a single target/creature (up to Huge) or item (up to XL) loses all physical form, becoming an ethereal shadow that is immune to all physical damage but takes double light and solar damage • while under the effects of Shadowmeld the target cannot interact with the physical world (can walk through walls etc…) and may only use shadow or void powers, which cause double damage at half the Spirit cost • for every hour spent in Shadowmeld there is a 1% chance that the target will become permanently ethereal, this increases by 1% for every hour that Shadowmeld is maintained • if the effects become permanent the target will eventually fade away entirely |
Transmute alters the physical form and/or properties of the target, granting various effects |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
377 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Conjuration | Conjure Predator Plant | 5 | 10 | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | conjures a large predator plant at a fixed location • HP = 50 • AC/resists/modifiers = same as casters • has instant Grapple ability & 4d10 bite attack, both with Reach 4" |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
378 | Arcane | Light | Light | Fortification | Prismatic Empowerment | 5 | 7 | Empower | instant | self | while active: automatically generates 3 Focus or 1 Honor Code Stack each round, reduces the cost of all Fury, Vigor, Spirit, or Stealth skills by 25%, and reduces the Difficulty of all Faith powers by 2 (to a minimum of 1) • consume buff to gain an extra action this round • triggers Illumination when consumed or anytime persistent effects are utilized |
Empower self cast buff with positive effects that remain in play for up to one hour unless dispelled • some Empower spells may be consumed at will as an instant for the affected target on their own turn • consuming a Empower immediately ends its effects, but causes an immediate additional effect • if an Empower is consumed it cannot be recast on that target for 1 hour |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
379 | Arcane | Light | Light | Conjuration | Conjure Prismatic Tower | 5 | 17 | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 10 | pulsates Light energy in a 4" radius at the end of the Casters turn, inflicting 4d6 damage and randomly dispelling 1 negative effect on any target in range • triggers Illumination |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
380 | Elemental | Fire | Fire | Alteration | Scorched Earth | 5 | 7 | Environment | action | 12 | all moisture in a 12" radius around the caster rapidly dries out • this shrivels most simple plants/crops and evaporates any standing water, rendering the soil effectively desolate until receiving a significant amount of moisture again |
Environment powers with a variety of environmental effects that typically impact a large area |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
381 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Devastation | Screaming Horror | 5 | 17 | Cone | action | Cone Template | 4d8+4 damage and targets are Silenced for 1 round. Insidious Force | Cone Effects a three dimensional area in a cone originating from the casters location that is 8" long and 3" wide at the end (or using wargaming Cone Template). Unless otherwise stated, uses a single casting roll and allows partially covered targets to add dodge to their resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
381 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Devastation | Eldritch Fingers | 1 | 7 | Cone | action | Cone Template | Countless crawling fingers made of an inky blackness surge forward in a cone in front of the caster, inflicting 1d6+4 damage and applying -3 disadvantage to any Resolve or Initiative roll the targets must make. This effect stacks with any other forms of disadvantage and only ends if dispelled or after a half rest. No HP or Spirit can be gained back from this half rest, as the memory of hundreds of fingers crawling over their skin haunts their rest. | Cone Effects a three dimensional area in a cone originating from the casters location that is 8" long and 3" wide at the end (or using wargaming Cone Template). Unless otherwise stated, uses a single casting roll and allows partially covered targets to add dodge to their resistance. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
382 | Elemental | Earth | Earth | Devastation | Shockwave | 4 | 8 | Nova | action | 1 | 3d10 Earth damage with Crushing Force • 10% chance per Tier that targets are knocked down |
Nova radiates outwards from the caster on all sides, up to a radius defined by Range • use a single casting roll with no Dodge allowed • does not affect that caster themselves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
384 | Natural | Wild | Nature | Fortification | Spore Cloud | 5 | 20 | Defense | instant | self | while active caster is surrounded by a cloud of deadly spores in a 1" radius • spores inflict 3d6 dam to enemies & cause any strike, shot, or faith power used by the caster to be 3d6 more effective • each time the caster is hit radius increases by 1 but decreases effects by 1d6 • dissipates after being hit 3 times |
Defense Self cast only. Effects remain in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed. • active magical defenses typically aimed at preventing or discouraging opponents from targeting or moving into base contact with the caster |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
384 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Fortification | Gorgon's Mane | 5 | 14 | Defense | instant | self | While active the casters hair becomes a writhing mass of poisonous snakes. When the caster is attacked by any target within 1" the snakes counter attack 3 times with +10 to hit vs AC, inflicting 1d6 damage per attack where each poison carries a different type of poison: • first snake carries complex deadly poison • second snake carries complex bewildering poison • third snake carries complex languishing poison • Gorgon's Mane dissipates after being attacked hit 4 times or if dispelled |
Defense Self cast only. Effects remain in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed. • active magical defenses typically aimed at preventing or discouraging opponents from targeting or moving into base contact with the caster |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
385 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Destruction | Stinger | 5 | 14 | Missile | action | 30 | A large venomous stigner is hurled at the target, dealing 2d12 physical damage and inflicting a 1d12/round natural damage poison for up to 3 rounds. | Missile Magical projectile based power that has solid/physical form and therefore can be blocked with a conventional shield • requires LOS and cannot cast on targets in base contact with the caster • Target can add dodge to resistance roll |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
386 | Elemental | Air | Storm | Destruction | Storm Strike | 5 | 7 | Strike | action | melee | +1d4+1d6+1d8+6 damage • can elect to use the spirit portion on an separate target within 1" of physical target • if wielding a weapon that has the "Melee-Range" effect mya extent the range of the spirit effect by adding in the melee range of the weapon |
Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
387 | Natural | High | Temporal | Fortification | Timelost Armor | 4 | 11 | Armor | instant | self | while active gain +12 Armor • anytime an opponent successfully hits you (including a crit) you may force your opponent to re-roll their hit dice • however if they score a hit on the second roll you temporarily disappear into the timeways on your next turn, (effectively losing your turn) • this effect can be used up to 3 times before the Timeless Armor is destroyed, at which point both the caster and attacker disappear into the timeways for 1 round, during which time they may continue to attack one another |
Armor Self cast only. Armor remains in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed by certain conditions being met |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
388 | Natural | Wild | Toxic | Conjuration | Conjure Venomous Plant | 4 | 12 | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | conjures a large venomous plant at a fixed location • HP = 50 • AC/resists/modifiers = same as casters • can use 'Noxious Breath' but may start template up to 6" away |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
389 | Natural | High | Celestial | Alteration | Cosmic Exposure | 5 | 18 | Channel | action (uninterrupted) | 12 | Select a single target point, bathing it in latent Cosmic radiation • any target touched by a 1" radius around the target point has Natural & Arcane Resistances reduced by 15 for a full round • for each round of channeling increase the radius by 1" OR increase the Resistance modifier by 10 • maximum radius is equal to 1" per Tier of the Caster • each channeling lasts for 1 hour outside of combat |
Channel Effects persist for 1 full round, typically inflicted at the beginning of the turn of any effected targets. May continue casting in consecutive rounds if paying 10% of the full spirit cost with no casting roll required, provided the caster is not interupted and did not move. • while channeling the caster counts as being Vulnerable • if the channeled power causes CC effects of some kind, it is assumed that they are one continuous CC effect • if used outside of combat the duration of the effect varies depending on the power but is immediately cancelled if the caster is interrupted or moves |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
390 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Conjuration | Wall of Wonders | 5 | 11 | Obstacle | action | 12 | creates a wall of swirling colors and shapes (but no physical form) that is 2" high and 1" wide in a straight line oriented in any direction • blocks LoS but does not provide cover • the length of the wall can be up to 1" per level (max level 10) • may add additional height by increasing the spirit cost by 50% per additional 1" of height • any sentient target that attempts to pass through it but fails an Arcane resist immediately halts their movement and loses the remainder of their turn • affected targets will remain trapped within the Wall of Wonders until passing an intellect test (taken at the start of each of their turns) • for every subsequent round affected targets gain +3 Advantage on their stat test • once passing an intellect test targets become immune to its effects for the remainder of the battle • trapped targets that take damage while inside the wall are immediately freed of its effects |
Obstacle creates physical obstacles on the battlefield where they did not exist before • last for the duration of battle or 1 hour out of combat, unless otherwise dispelled or destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
391 | Elemental | Water | Water | Conjuration | Conjure Water Elemental | 1 | (3x Creatures Threat Rating) +1 | Minion | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 6 | Summons an Water Elemental (see CoC) based on the Tier of the Power •Tier1 = Elemental Mote •Tier2 = Elemental Spawn •Tier3 = Lesser Elemental •Tier4 = Middling Elemental •Tier5 = Greater Elemental •Tier6 = Elder Elemental |
Minion Conjures/summons an active combat Minion(s) under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Minion appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can only be cast once per hour, even if Minion was dismissed or destroyed • conjured Minion appears within range of the caster and moves as they dictate • the Minion uses the casters Initiative Score and will always attempt to protect the caster while control is maintained • conjured Minions disappear after 1 hour, if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), or if the Minion's HP drop below 0 • control is lost if the caster is knocked unconscious, sleeps or otherwise loses control of their mental faculties and the Minion either disappears or becomes hostile • if the caster unwillingly loses control the Minion acts on is own Initiative Score and is worth XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
392 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Devastation | Gale of Arrows | 4 | 14 | Multi | action | 32 | fire four magical arrows in a 90 degree firing arc • no more than two arrows can be assigned to a given target • arrows are fired at extremely high velocity, preventing any dodge contribution to resistance & preventing any chance to block • each arrow inflicts 1d12 damage |
Multi Fires multiple projectiles where LoS is required on each target • can't cast on targets in base contact • targets can add Dodge to Resistance • use a seperate casting roll for each target, however any Miscast(s) does not prevent the other rolls from succeeding (effectively done simultaneously) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
393 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Fortification | Eye of the Storm | 4 | 4/Tier | Shell | action | self | Summons forth storming winds all around the caster, while maintaining an area of calm within the eye of the storm • This shell of wind will deflect the next 1 per Tier projectiles, ranged attacks, powers, or skills made against any target within the Eye of the Storm if it originates from outside the eye of the storm |
Shell defensive powers that erect a stationary shell or field of influence around the caster and typically reduce incoming damage • unless otherwise stated as "self-cast only", the shell is a 1" per Tier radius, centered on the caster, and thus may envelop other targets (friend, foe, or inanimate objects) • the effects of the shell are typically only considered at the boundary, while all targets inside the shell are unaffected • remains in play for duration of battle, or until dispelled or expended • attacks with additional effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not generally inflict their effects if the damage does penetrate the shell • while within the shell the caster may on subsequent turns, refresh the shell back to its original state (effectively recasting at the same Tier of power) for 1/2 the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
394 | Elemental | Air | Wind | Destruction | Wind Slash | 4 | 8 | Strike | action | melee | +3d4+4 damage • if striking with a weapon that would cause piercing or cutting injuries add +10% critical hit chance for both physical and spirit portion of the attack |
Strike Adds spirit based damage/effects onto a regular main hand melee attack or Focus skill, and counts as a 'strike'. See Combat rules for Combined Attacks. Strike powers do allow for a regular off-hand attack if dual wielding, but the off-hand attack cannot be a Spirit/Faith power or Focus skill • if a Strike is used while unarmed (non-Focus) it is assumed that a basic fist attack is made (i.e. a 1 damage physical attack) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
395 | Elemental | Water | Water | Destruction | Crushing Deep | 5 | 9 | Shock | action | melee | with just a touch, the target is crushed within its own armor as the intense pressure of the ocean's deep bears down upon it • inflicts 1d10 damage for every 10 Armor value that the target has, up to a maximum of 5d10 • if the damage inflicted is over 20 then each of the targets armor pieces suffers one stack of damage |
Shock Requires an empty hand and must touch the target. Counts as either a main hand or off-hand Non-Physical attack, but if used as an off hand attack the main hand can only be a regular weapon attack. If using a weapon in two hands Shocks can still be cast with the off hand if no attack was made with the weapon that round • targets can add dodge to resistance roll • ward-offs apply • can be combined with a main hand Focus skill but doing so prevents using any kind of off hand attack or kick, and follows the Combat rules for Combined attacks. |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
396 | Elemental | Water | Water | Fortification | Rivers Embrace | 5 | 13 | Defense | instant | self | while active 3 streams of water magic swirl around the caster • any target that gets within 1" of the caster immediately triggers one of streams • this halts the targets movement, inflicting 2d6 damage and knocking the target down |
Defense Self cast only. Effects remain in play for up to one hour, or until dispelled or consumed. • active magical defenses typically aimed at preventing or discouraging opponents from targeting or moving into base contact with the caster |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
397 | Arcane | Common | Mana | Conjuration | Conjure Arcane Watchdog | 2 | 6 | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | Conjures a magical watchdog that is immune to all forms of damage and CC. The watchdog will remain at the location it was conjured until the caster ends the spell, moves more than 20" away, or until dispelled. The watchdog will sound an alarm if any creature/being of size small or larger approaches within 2" per Tier. Creatures/beings within the radius when the watchdog is first conjured are ignored. The watchdog is treated as invisible to all except the caster, and will attack any target within 1" that is hostile to the caster with a bite attack that inflicts 1d8 arcane damage. | Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
397 | Arcane | Common | Null | Conjuration | Conjure Arcane Construct | 6 | 35 | Sentinel | action (uninterrupted) or 1 minute | 8 | Conjures a four piece stationary construct that is completely immune to any spirit based damage but has 0 AC. Each time the construct takes 10 or more damage it loses one piece at random (unless targeted by a Precision Attack). The construct despawns when all four pieces are destroyed. Each round the Arcane Construct can use all of the following attacks, provided that piece has not been destroyed: • Head: Mana Blast • Arms: (one attack each), where attacks count as Arcane Grasp with reach 2 • Torso: Power Nova (torso), |
Sentinel Conjures/summons an active stationary combat oriented-entity under the casters control • requires 1 minute of uninterrupted casting time outside of combat • if cast as an action during combat the Sentinel appears at the start of the casters next turn, provided they were not interrupted • can be cast an unlimited number of times, provided any Sentinels of the same type from previous castings no longer exist • conjured Sentinels appear within range of the caster and cannot move except to rotate on the spot • the Sentinel uses the casters Initiative Score and will attack any target the caster deems hostile • Sentinels disappear after 24 hours if they are not fed Spirit equal to 10% of their original cost or 1 enchanting component of the appropriate type • also disappear if dismissed by the caster (which counts as an instant), if the Sentinels HP drop below 0, or if dispelled • if the caster is slain the Sentinel either disappears or becomes hostile to all, gaining its own Initiative Score of 1d12+1 • not worth any XP if destroyed |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
398 | Arcane | Dark | Shadow | Devastation | Black Arrows | 6 | 19 | Multi | action | 24 | Fires 1d12+1 arrows in high arc 10" overhead, which remain in the air until the next round. At the start of the castrers next turn use the LoS of the arrows to pick targets as desired (w/in range of caster). Use a separate hit roll for each target, where each individual arrow inflicts 5 damage. Insidious Force. | Multi Fires multiple projectiles where LoS is required on each target • can't cast on targets in base contact • targets can add Dodge to Resistance • use a seperate casting roll for each target, however any Miscast(s) does not prevent the other rolls from succeeding (effectively done simultaneously) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
398 | Arcane | Dark | Void | Devastation | Hungering Tentacles | 2 | 3 per Tier | Multi | action | 4 | Thick black undulating tentacles erupt from the casters form, granting 1 melee attack per tier with Reach (4"). Each attack inflicts 2d6 physical damage, using casting rolls and modifiers against the targets AC. • Hungering Tentacles ignores the 4-3-2 rule but no more than 2 tentacles can strike the same target |
Multi Fires multiple projectiles where LoS is required on each target • can't cast on targets in base contact • targets can add Dodge to Resistance • use a seperate casting roll for each target, however any Miscast(s) does not prevent the other rolls from succeeding (effectively done simultaneously) |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
399 | Elemental | Water | Water | Fortification | Bubble of Refuge | 6 | 12 | Shell | action | self | envelopes the caster in a magical bubble that negates all damage in either direction • if damage exceeds 10, the bubble pops but the damage is still negated • while inside the bubble all healing effects are increased by 20% • caster's own water powers may pass through the bubble at will • if used underwater it no longer negates damage or increases healing effects and can be passed through freely, but instead holds any amount of water at bay effectively creating a pocket of breathable air for up to 1 day |
Shell defensive powers that erect a stationary shell or field of influence around the caster and typically reduce incoming damage • unless otherwise stated as "self-cast only", the shell is a 1" per Tier radius, centered on the caster, and thus may envelop other targets (friend, foe, or inanimate objects) • the effects of the shell are typically only considered at the boundary, while all targets inside the shell are unaffected • remains in play for duration of battle, or until dispelled or expended • attacks with additional effects (i.e. silence or stun) do not generally inflict their effects if the damage does penetrate the shell • while within the shell the caster may on subsequent turns, refresh the shell back to its original state (effectively recasting at the same Tier of power) for 1/2 the spirit cost |
Mage, Battlemage, Wizard, Druid, Shaman, Assassin, Runeweaver | |
400 | Natural | High | Celestial | Conjuration | Celestial Sign | 6 | 20 | Illusion | instant | battlefield | summons a illusionary Celestial Sign in the sky above the battlefield (i.e. the brightening of a star, abnormal tails on a comet, a wild meteor shower, rearranging of constellations, etc...) • anyone opponent that believ |