Coming soon…
Includes Giants, Trolls, Beastkin (Kobolds, Gnolls, Troglodytes, etc…), and Proto-Humanoids (Troggs, Neanderthals)
Creation | Order | Creature Name | Metarace | Race or Species | Variant/Subgroup | Class/Role | Rank/Age | Alternate Names | publish? | Origins | Climate | Habitat | Level | HP (at lvl) | XP | Threat Rating | Size | Size Mod | Melee Mod | Ranged Mod | Spirit Mod | Faith Mod | Defense | Resistances | Stats | Languages | Senses | Form | Armor | Weapons | Alternate | Skills | Traits | Extra | Drops | Description |
Second | Primatives | Deep Giant Headman | Giantkind | Giant | Deep | Witchdoctor | Headman | Fomorian | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Cosmopolitan | Subterranean, Ruins/Dungeon | 14 | 356 (230+28d8) | 292 | 16 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +6 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+); +2 Damage | +13 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +10 Hit; 14% Crit. (87+); +4 Damage | +12 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | AC 25; Armor 20; Dodge 5 Lair Action x2: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their cloud castle or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant, action, trap or environmental effect |
Arcane 14; Elemental 40; Natural 29; Holy 30; Demonic 24; Mental 16 | Move 6; Str 19; Agil 8; Stam 20; Int 7; Wis 9; Avd 5; Per 10; Res 15; Init 8; Cha 2 | Giant & Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Darksight II: Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Leather x6 plus Hide, Rough x8 | Giant Void Touched Great Club: 4d6+2d4 phys. damage +6 Void damage, stun 20%, Crushing blow 2, inflicts fear if failing a resolve test. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Evil Eye: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to use Evil Eye (Rng: 40, single target, 6d8 mental damage, target immediately suffers -10 to its Initiative Score for the remainder of the battle. Giant Flask of Distilled Acid (typ. 3 bottles carried on belt): May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw the Flask, dealing (2d4+2)x3 acid damage and applies 3 stacks of Corrosion. Can sacrifice both basic attacks to use Evil AND hurl Giant Flask fo Distilled Acid, as par tof teh same action. |
Can use up to Tier 5 Shadow & Caustic Powers (per day use: T5 x1, T4 x2, T3 x3, T2 x4, T12 x5, T0 unlimited) typ. instants: Nightmare Illusion (T5), Visions of Terror (T4), Dark Strength (T3), Corroding Hex (T2), Conjure: Shadow Beast (T1, can use as an instant) typ. actions: Deadly Fumes (T5), Orbs of Acid (T4), Caustic Vapor (T3), Cloud of Despair (T2), Fear (T1) |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Shadow Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Caustic Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Terrifying: Enemies must pass a Resolve test to move towards the creature and if it moves into base contact with a foe they must pass a Resolve test or immediately flee their full move directly away (treat as Feared & Frightened). Add Advantage or Disadvantage equal to the difference in sizes. Once a Resolve test is passed in either case, the target is immune for the remainder of the day. Cursed Wounds: For any physical damage caused by this creature, if not de-cursed first, MUST attempt to resist any healing. For non-magical healing (i.e. potions) use Natural resist with no "casting" modifiers. Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Brute Magic: Add melee damage bonuses to casting damage. Highly Malformed: Deep giants are hideous to behold, gaining the Terrifying trait and requiring two sucessful rolls to pass a Charm test. Wrists and head armor slots have Superior Dark Power and Burning Power enchants (+4 spell power to each, already added). |
3d8 Dark Matter + 1d8 Brimstone + 0-3 Giant Flasks of Distileld Acid (M) | Pale white or blue skinned with dark stringy hair, the Fomorians are the shortest of giants. These misshapen creatures are believed by most other giants to be cursed for some ancient affront to the gods. Though they likely once stood taller than hill giants, their bodies are permanently hunched over, averaging only 14 feet tall. This is to their advantage as they make their homes in the deep places of the world, not the most accommodating place to those of giant size. Their broad backs are heavily scarred from brushing up against cavern ceilings as they prowl about in the darkness, seaking to enslave or devour lesser beings. Most feared and reviled among them, is the witchdoctor. Wielding shadow magic and caustic powers, they literally carve out the underground empire of the deep giants. From the ranks of Witchdoctors only the most powerful Fomorians will be able to scheme and murder their way into dominance over their peers, rising to become the Headman of an entire Fomorian tribe. |
Second | Primatives | Sky Giant Countess | Giantkind | Giant | Sky | Wizard | Countess | Cloud Giant | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Cosmopolitan | Sky, Mountain | 16 | 378 (234+32d8) | 282 | 16 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +18 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+); +2 Damage | +17 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | +18 Hit; 17% Crit. (84+); +4 Damage | +20 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | AC 29; Armor 24; Dodge 5 Lair Action x2: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their cloud castle or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant, action, trap or environmental effect |
Arcane 26; Elemental 36; Natural 33; Holy 38; Demonic 34; Mental 28 | Move 6; Str 18; Agil 13; Stam 18; Int 13; Wis 15; Avd 5; Per 12; Res 19; Init 10; Cha 17 | Giant, Common, & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Cloth, Ironweave x8 | Giant Celestial Greathammer: 6d6 phys. damage +8 celestial damage, stun 12%, Crushing blow 4, re-roll first miss each round. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Meteorite: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to call down a meteorite (Rng: 24, 2" radius, 2d10+4 physical damage & 1d4+6 celestial damage, targets are Slowed for 1 round). |
Can use up to Tier 6 Wind & Celestial Powers (per day use: T6 x1, T5 x2, T4 x3, T3 x4, T2 x5, T1 x6, T0 unlimited) typ. instants: Change of Fates (T6), Levitate (T5), Good Fortune (T4), Celestial Divination (T3), Imbue: Quicken (T2), Disperse Magic (T1) typ. actions: Comet (T6), Cyclone (T5), Starfire (T4), Updraft (T3), Tranquil Breeze (T2), Whirlwind (T1) |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Wind Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Celestial Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Willpower II: twice per day, may elect at any time (even if crit hit) to auto resist a single faith/spirit power Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Brute Magic: Add melee damage bonuses to casting damage. Claustrophobia: Sky giants become irrationally aggressive if they cannot see the sky or stand at their full height. When in this state they suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests, gain +3 damage and will do almost anything to make themselves more comfortable, such as smashing through a ceiling or causing a cave in. Wrists and head armor slots have Superior Air Power and Celestial Power enchants (+4 spell power to each, already added). |
3d8 Aether + 1d8 Stardust | At an average height of 22 feet and with their fortresses built in the clouds, sky giants tower over most of giantkind and seeg themselves as the pinnacle of giant culture. They are only rivalled by the mighty sea giants, often a great point of contention. They possess pale skin with tones of blue or purple, and wispy white, grey or blue hair. Only the wisest and oldest sky giants become wizards, with command over the winds and a deep understanding of the celestial mysteries of the universe. |
Second | Primatives | Frost Troll, Ancient | Trollkind | Troll | Frost | Seige | Ancient | Ice Troll | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic | Mountain, Plain | 15 | 469 (304+30d10) | 216 | 13 | Massive (Upright) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +12 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+); +2 Damage | +11 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +11 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +10 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | AC 62; Armor 56; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 14; Elemental 63; Natural 25; Holy 28; Demonic 20; Mental 13 | Move 7; Str 19; Agil 8; Stam 19; Int 7; Wis 6; Avd 6; Per 7; Res 14; Init 4; Cha 1 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense I: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Caloused x8 plus Hide, Crystal x8 | Ice Shard (4d12, -20 Armor) + Frost Claw (1d12+1d10+4, -20 Armor). If in base contact with more than 1 enemy, gain 1 extra attack with mainhand weapon on a second target (Extra Attack I). | Ice Shard, Thrown: can throw up to 20", unlimited supply |
Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Resistant V (Elemental): +25 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Armor Piercing IV: some or all primary attacks have -20 armor Immune (Water/Frost): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Legendary II: Twice per round, but never in immediate sucession, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
5d10 Everice | |||
Second | Primatives | Sea Giant Sorceror | Giantkind | Giant | Sea | Sorceror | Regular | Storm Giant | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Good), Polarity (Chaos) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, Coastal/Shore | 13 | 332 (215+26d8) | 199 | 12 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +14 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+); +3 Damage | +14 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +6 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +8 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 37; Armor 32; Dodge 5; Noisy 8 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their bjerg citadel or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant, action, trap or environmental effect |
Arcane 24; Elemental 40; Natural 34; Holy 38; Demonic 33; Mental 26 | Move 6; Str 20; Agil 12; Stam 20; Int 12; Wis 14; Avd 5; Per 12; Res 19; Init 10; Cha 18 | Giant & Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Mail, Scale x8 | Giant Storm Touched Zwiehander: 2d12+2d6+10, overpowering (-10), 50% of damage jumps to enemy target within 6" as Elemental damage. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Coral Boulder: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw a coral encrusted boulder (Rng: 40, 3" radius, +5% crit, 2d12+10 Damage). Hurl Lightning: If not underwater, may sacrifice one of two basic attacks to hurl a lightning bolt (Rng: 40, 1" radius, 2d12+2d6+10 Storm damage, use Ranged modifiers), recharges each round on a 5+ on a D6 roll. Cannot use both in the same round. |
Can use up to Tier 5 Water & Storm Powers (per day use: T5 x1, T4 x2, T3 x3, T2 x4, T1 x5, T0 unlimited) typ. instants: Rivers Embrace (T5), Storm Surge (T4), Deep Resevoir (T3), Deeptide Armor (T2), Stormfury Armor (T1) typ. actions: Chain Lightning (T5), Thunderclap (T4), Lightning Bolt (T3), Deluge (T2), Turbulent Waters (T1) |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Water Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Storm Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Amphibious: Can breathe in air and water Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius |
Brute Magic: Add melee damage bonuses to casting damage. Xerophobia: Sea giants become irrationally aggressive if they cannot see water or if their environment seems too dry. When in this state they suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests, gain +3 damage and will do almost anything to make themselves more comfortable, such as breaking a dam or calling down a violent rain storm. |
2d8 Aether + 2d8 Everice | Though they make their homes in the deep oceans, sea giants are seated at the very top of giantkind. At massive 24 feet tall , they are respected and feared by all other giants. To the benefit of their smaller kin, the are generally benevolent and wish to see giantkind thrive as a whole, however they are not to be trifled with. Their blue/green skin tones and coral or turquoise hair colors, make them surprisingly difficult to sea when underwater. Particularly, as they age and their skin becomes encrusted by barnacles and other sea growth. Among the sea giants there are powerful sorcerers that command the vast power of the sea and can call down storms that are the terror of any seafaring vessel. |
Second | Primatives | Desert Giant Dervish | Giantkind | Giant | Desert | Dervish | Regular | Sand Giant | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Desert, Plain | 13 | 311 (194+26d8) | 191 | 12 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+); +2 Damage | +6 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +12 Hit; 15% Crit. (86+) | +14 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | AC 45; Armor 40; Dodge 5; Double Layer 8 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their bjerg citadel or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant, action, trap or environmental effect |
Arcane 20; Elemental 36; Natural 30; Holy 32; Demonic 28; Mental 22 | Move 6; Str 18; Agil 11; Stam 18; Int 10; Wis 12; Avd 5; Per 12; Res 16; Init 9; Cha 15 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Leather, Boiled x8 over Cloth, Quilted x8 | Giant Scorpian Mace: 4d6+2d4 phys. dam +6 Toxic damage, Stun 10%, Crushing Blow 3, inflicts Complex Deadly if hitting. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Boulder: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw a sandstone boulder (Rng: 40, 2" radius, 2d10+8 Damage). |
Can use up to Tier 5 Solar & Toxic Powers (per day use: T5 x1, T4 x2, T3 x3, T2 x4, T1 x5, T0 unlimited) typ. instants: Creeping Fumes (T5), Sunburn (T4), Solar Ward (T3), Imbue: Poison (T2), Conjure: Sundog (T1, can use as an instant) typ. actions: Call Down the Sun (T5), Touch of the Viper (T4), Noxious Breath (T3), Dawn Strike (T2), Serpent Strike (T1) |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Solar Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Toxic Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Savagery: after landing a killing blow gain +1 physical damage per 5 levels (round up) until the end of their NEXT turn; this effect is refreshed each time a killing blow is scored, potentially extending the duration Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius |
Brute Magic: Add melee damage bonuses to casting damage. Nomadic: Desert giants become irrationally aggressive if they spend too much time in the same place. When in this state they suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests, gain +3 damage and will do almost anything to ensure they can move on. |
2d8 Primordial Sap + 2d8 Prismatic Glass | With skin bronzed from so much time spent wandering under the blazing sun, these dark haired giants stand at 20 feet tall. Ever restless they cannot stay in any one place for too long. They know the desert better than anyone and are adept at using its meager resources to full advantage. The mysterious dervishes are the elite among the nomadic desert giants, wielding a unique combination of magic, rooted in the two greatest threats of the desert, the heat of the sun and the venom of its denizens. |
Second | Primatives | Sky Giant Wizard | Giantkind | Giant | Sky | Wizard | Regular | Cloud Giant | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Cosmopolitan | Sky, Mountain | 13 | 311 (194+26d8) | 182 | 12 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +15 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+); +2 Damage | +14 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +14 Hit; 16% Crit. (85+) | +16 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | AC 29; Armor 24; Dodge 5 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their bjerg citadel or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant, action, trap or environmental effect |
Arcane 24; Elemental 36; Natural 32; Holy 36; Demonic 32; Mental 26 | Move 6; Str 18; Agil 13; Stam 18; Int 12; Wis 14; Avd 5; Per 12; Res 18; Init 10; Cha 16 | Giant, Common, & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Cloth, Ironweave x8 | Giant Celestial Greathammer: 6d6 phys. damage +8 celestial damage, stun 12%, Crushing blow 4, re-roll first miss each round. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Meteorite: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to call down a meteorite (Rng: 24, 2" radius, 2d10+4 physical damage & 1d4+6 celestial damage, targets are Slowed for 1 round). |
Can use up to Tier 5 Wind & Celestial Powers (per day use: T5 x1, T4 x2, T3 x3, T2 x4, T1 x5, T0 unlimited) typ. instants: Levitate (T5), Good Fortune (T4), Celestial Divination (T3), Imbue: Quicken (T2), Disperse Magic (T1) typ. actions: Cyclone (T5), Starfire (T4), Updraft (T3), Tranquil Breeze (T2), Whirlwind (T1) |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Wind Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Celestial Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Willpower II: twice per day, may elect at any time (even if crit hit) to auto resist a single faith/spirit power |
Brute Magic: Add melee damage bonuses to casting damage. Claustrophobia: Sky giants become irrationally aggressive if they cannot see the sky or stand at their full height. When in this state they suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests, gain +3 damage and will do almost anything to make themselves more comfortable, such as smashing through a ceiling or causing a cave in. |
3d8 Aether + 1d8 Stardust | At an average height of 22 feet and with their fortresses built in the clouds, sky giants tower over most of giantkind and seeg themselves as the pinnacle of giant culture. They are only rivalled by the mighty sea giants, often a great point of contention. They possess pale skin with tones of blue or purple, and wispy white, grey or blue hair. Only the wisest and oldest sky giants become wizards, with command over the winds and a deep understanding of the celestial mysteries of the universe. |
Second | Primatives | Deep Giant Witchdoctor | Giantkind | Giant | Deep | Witchdoctor | Regular | Fomorian | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Cosmopolitan | Subterranean, Ruins/Dungeon | 10 | 260 (170+20d8) | 179 | 12 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +2 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+); +2 Damage | +9 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +6 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | +8 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 25; Armor 20; Dodge 5 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their bjerg citadel or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant, action, trap or environmental effect |
Arcane 14; Elemental 40; Natural 29; Holy 30; Demonic 24; Mental 16 | Move 6; Str 19; Agil 8; Stam 20; Int 7; Wis 9; Avd 5; Per 10; Res 15; Init 8; Cha 2 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Darksight II: Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Leather x6 plus Hide, Rough x8 | Giant Void Touched Great Club: 4d6+2d4 phys. damage +6 Void damage, stun 20%, Crushing blow 2, inflicts fear if failing a resolve test. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Evil Eye: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to use Evil Eye (Rng: 40, single target, 6d8 mental damage, target immediately suffers -10 to its Initiative Score for the remainder of the battle. Giant Flask of Distilled Acid (typ. 3 bottles carried on belt): May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw the Flask, dealing (2d4+2)x3 acid damage and applies 3 stacks of Corrosion. Can sacrifice both basic attacks to use Evil AND hurl Giant Flask fo Distilled Acid, as par tof teh same action. |
Can use up to Tier 4 Shadow & Caustic Powers (per day use: T4 x1, T3 x2, T2 x3, T1 x4, T0 unlimited) typ. instants: Visions of Terror (T4), Dark Strength (T3), Corroding Hex (T2), Conjure: Shadow Beast (T1, can use as an instant) typ. actions: Orbs of Acid (T4), Caustic Vapor (T3), Cloud of Despair (T2), Fear (T1) |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Shadow Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Caustic Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Terrifying: Enemies must pass a Resolve test to move towards the creature and if it moves into base contact with a foe they must pass a Resolve test or immediately flee their full move directly away (treat as Feared & Frightened). Add Advantage or Disadvantage equal to the difference in sizes. Once a Resolve test is passed in either case, the target is immune for the remainder of the day. Cursed Wounds: For any physical damage caused by this creature, if not de-cursed first, MUST attempt to resist any healing. For non-magical healing (i.e. potions) use Natural resist with no "casting" modifiers. |
Brute Magic: Add melee damage bonuses to casting damage. Highly Malformed: Deep giants are hideous to behold, gaining the Terrifying trait and requiring two sucessful rolls to pass a Charm test. |
3d8 Dark Matter + 1d8 Brimstone + 0-3 Giant Flasks of Distileld Acid (M) | Pale white or blue skinned with dark stringy hair, the Fomorians are the shortest of giants. These misshapen creatures are believed by most other giants to be cursed for some ancient affront to the gods. Though they likely once stood taller than hill giants, their bodies are permanently hunched over, averaging only 14 feet tall. This is to their advantage as they make their homes in the deep places of the world, not the most accommodating place to those of giant size. Their broad backs are heavily scarred from brushing up against cavern ceilings as they prowl about in the darkness, seaking to enslave or devour lesser beings. Most feared and reviled among them, is the witchdoctor. Wielding shadow magic and caustic powers, they literally carve out the underground empire of the deep giants. |
Second | Primatives | Forest Troll, Ancient | Trollkind | Troll | Forest | Seige | Ancient | Wild Troll | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, N/A | 15 | 469 (304+30d10) | 193 | 12 | Massive (Upright) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +12 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+); +2 Damage | +11 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +11 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +10 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | AC 46; Armor 40; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 14; Elemental 38; Natural 50; Holy 28; Demonic 20; Mental 13 | Move ; Str 19; Agil 8; Stam 19; Int 7; Wis 6; Avd 6; Per 7; Res 14; Init 4; Cha 1 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Earthen x8 | Massive Stone Axe x2: 3d8 damage. + Tusk Swipe: 3d8 dam to all targets in a frontal 180 degree arc. | Stone Axe, Thrown x2: typically carry extra stone axes that can be thrown at range equal to STR |
Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Resistant V (Natural): +25 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Sweeping Attacks II: Melee attacks hit in a 180 degree arc at maximum Reach Legendary II: Twice per round, but never in immediate sucession, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
5d10 Primordial Sap | A forest troll has dark green skin with patches of thick greenish-brown fur that appear almost like moss. When comapred to other trolls, their most unique feature is the large tusks protruding from their mouths. These are used to quickly clear underbrush, allowing forest trolls to move with ease through their forest homes. These tusks are equally useful for slashing at foes that foolishing clump up to clsoe in front of a forest troll. | ||
Second | Primatives | Stone Troll, Ancient | Trollkind | Troll | Stone | Seige | Ancient | Cave Troll | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Temperate | Subterranean, Mountain | 15 | 469 (304+30d10) | 184 | 12 | Massive (Upright) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +12 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+); +2 Damage | +11 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +11 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +10 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | AC 46; Armor 40; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 14; Elemental 63; Natural 25; Holy 28; Demonic 20; Mental 13 | Move 7; Str 19; Agil 8; Stam 19; Int 7; Wis 6; Avd 6; Per 7; Res 14; Init 4; Cha 1 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Darksight I: Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Earthen x8 | Massive 2H Stone Club or Axe: 3d12+6 dam, Overpowering (-8). + Headbutt: 4d8 dam, 60% stun. If in base contact with more than 1 enemy, gain 1 extra attack with mainhand weapon on a second target (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Boulder: action, range 20", 3" radius, 2d10+12 damage, targets are Slowed for 1 round |
Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Resistant V (Elemental): +25 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Legendary II: Twice per round, but never in immediate sucession, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
5d10 Thaumatite Ore | A cave troll has grey mottled skin and long stringy black hair. Their oversized foreheads posses a thick bone plate that is well adapted to smashing stone, likewise making thier headbutts deadly in combat. | ||
Second | Primatives | Volcanic Giant Runesmith | Giantkind | Giant | Volcanic | Runesmith | Regular | Fire Giant | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Volcanic, Subterranean | 10 | 252 (162+20d8) | 165 | 11 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | -1 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+); +2 Damage | -5 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | +5 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +6 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 68; Armor 68; Dodge 0; Stiff 6; Noisy 4; Double Layer 6; Triple Layer 4 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their bjerg citadel or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant, action, trap or environmental effect |
Arcane 20; Elemental 38; Natural 30; Holy 30; Demonic 26; Mental 21 | Move 6; Str 19; Agil 4; Stam 19; Int 10; Wis 11; Avd 5; Per 10; Res 15; Init 9; Cha 10 | Giant & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Plate, Laminar x6 w/ Mail, Chain x4 over Cloth, Quilted x8 | Giant Runic Greatsword: 2d12+2d6 phy. damage +8 fire damage, overpowering (-8). Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Magma Boulder: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw a magma boulder (Rng: 40, 3" radius, 2d10+4 physical damage & 1d4+6 fire damage). |
Can use up to Tier 4 Fire & Metal Powers (per day use: T4 x1, T3 x2, T2 x3, T1 x4, T0 unlimited) typ. instants: Flame Shroud (T4), Heat Exhaustion (T3), Steel Skin (T2), Imbue: Scorch (T1) typ. actions: Heat Wave (t4), Heat Ray (T3), Crystalline Regrowth (T2), (Huge) Mithril Spear (T1, 2x damage dice) |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Fire Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Metal Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Hardened (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Sensitivity (Cold): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Implacable: Immune to any effect that reduces movement, including difficult terrain and triple layering of armor Melee Adept I: +10 to hit with all Melee attacks (typically already added) |
Brute Magic: Add melee damage bonuses to casting damage |
3d8 Brimstone + 1d8 Thaumatite Ore | Volcanic giants have fiery red or orange hair, with ash or iron colored skin and a rust-like complexion. Averaging 18 feet tall, they are broad shouldered, barrel chested, and have large forearms from years spent at the forge and anvil. The most talented among them become runesmiths, using their craft to empower themselves with magic. They are capable of producing runecrafted weapons and armor that are said to be supriot even to the dwarves. A runecrafter is so respected among their peers, that they tend rise to the top of volcanic giant society. |
Second | Primatives | Arctic Giant Shaman | Giantkind | Giant | Arctic | Shaman | Regular | Frost Giant | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Order) | Arctic | Salt Water, Coastal/Shore | 10 | 252 (162+20d8) | 163 | 11 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +5 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+); +2 Damage | -5 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -1 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | AC 63; Armor 58; Dodge 5; Noisy 10; Double Layer 6; Triple Layer 4 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their bjerg citadel or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant, action, trap or environmental effect |
Arcane 16; Elemental 38; Natural 29; Holy 30; Demonic 25; Mental 18 | Move 6; Str 19; Agil 10; Stam 19; Int 8; Wis 10; Avd 5; Per 10; Res 15; Init 9; Cha 10 | Giant & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Mail, Plated x6 w/ Leather, Ringmail x4 over Cloth, Quilted x8 | Giant Frost Touched Great Axe: 2d10+2d8 phys. dam +10 Frost damage, overpowering (-3). Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Ice Boulder: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw a icy boulder (Rng: 40, 2" radius, +5% crit, 2d10+4 physical damage & 1d4+2 frost damage, targets are Slowed for 1 round). |
Can use up to Tier 4 Frost Powers (per day use: T4 x1, T3 x2, T2 x3, T1 x4, T0 unlimited) typ. instants: Frostbite (T4), Frost Shield (T3), Frost Armor (T2), Imbue: Shiver (T1) typ. actions: Avalanche (T4), Ice Barrier (T3), Frost Nova (T2), Freeze Magic (T1) |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Frost Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I: +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Hardened (Frost): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Sensitivity (Heat): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Implacable: Immune to any effect that reduces movement, including difficult terrain and triple layering of armor Melee Adept I: +10 to hit with all Melee attacks (typically already added) |
Brute Magic: Add melee damage bonuses to casting damage |
3d8 Everice + 1d8 Lunarite | Arctic giants are an impressive 20 feet tall with light blue or gray skin tones and long silver or white hair. They tend to wear long and well kept or braided beards. They are natural raiders and seafarers, more at ease navigating by the moon and stars, than being out in the bright light of day. They fierce warriors and have a reputation for terrorizing coastal communities along frigid arctic waters. Some among the arctic giants are capable of wielding powerful frost magic. These shamans are seen as being blessed by the gods, and are a boon to any arctic giants community. |
Second | Primatives | Mountain Giant Runecarver | Giantkind | Giant | Mountain | Runecarver | Regular | Stone Giant | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Arctic/Temperate | Mountain, Subterranean | 7 | 188 (125+14d8) | 147 | 10 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | 0 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +3 Damage | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +4 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +8 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 45; Armor 40; Dodge 5 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their bjerg citadel or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant, action, trap or environmental effect |
Arcane 16; Elemental 40; Natural 32; Holy 40; Demonic 32; Mental 20 | Move 6; Str 20; Agil 9; Stam 20; Int 8; Wis 12; Avd 5; Per 10; Res 20; Init 7; Cha 6 | Giant & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Earthen x8 | Giant Runic Maul: 4d8+8 Earth Damage, Stun 28%, Crushing blow 4. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Runic Boulder: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw a rune carved boulder (Rng: 40, 2" radius, 2d12+10 Damage, targets are Slowed for 1 round). |
Can use up to Tier 4 Earth & Null Powers (per day use: T4 x1, T3 x2, T2 x3, T1 x4, T0 unlimited) typ. instants: Shatterstone (T4), Nullifying Ward (T3), Nullifying Shield (T2), Imbue Stun (T1) typ. actions: Shockwave (T4), Sand Blaster (T3), Crystalline Regrowth (T2), Slinging Stone (T1, can be used to Sling Runic Boulders) |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Earth Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Null Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Toughness I (+1 from Size): Negates all incoming damage by 1 |
Brute Magic: Add melee damage bonuses to casting damage. Anablephobia: Mountain giants become irrationally aggressive when there is nothing nearby that is taller than them, fearing they will fall up into the sky. When in this state they suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests, gain +3 damage and will do almost anything to make themselves more comfortable, such as piling up stonesstones, tearing the off the roof of a nearby house to wear as a wide brimmed hat, or digging a hole. |
3d8 Thaumatite Ore + 1d8 Manastone | Mountain giants have a grey toned skin, a granite-like complexion and are completely hairless. They average around 18 feet tall and are the leanest of giantkind. They often have runes carved into their stony flesh, wearing them in a symbolic manner akin to other races wearing tribal tattoos. The most talented Mountain giants practice a form of rune magic, carving runes of power into their own bodies or other enchanted objects. They are respected as artisans and teachers among their people, often finding themselves in positions of influence or leadership. |
Second | Primatives | Forest Giant Druid | Giantkind | Giant | Forest | Druid | Regular | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Good), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Swamp | 7 | 182 (119+14d8) | 144 | 10 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +1 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +2 Damage | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +5 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | +9 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 41; Armor 36; Dodge 5 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their bjerg citadel or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant, action, trap or environmental effect |
Arcane 18; Elemental 38; Natural 32; Holy 32; Demonic 29; Mental 22 | Move 6; Str 18; Agil 10; Stam 19; Int 9; Wis 13; Avd 5; Per 10; Res 16; Init 8; Cha 12 | Giant & Sylvan, also have a strong natural empathic ability with most beast and plant life | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Bark, Heavy x6 | Giant Eden touched Great Club: 4d6+2d4 phys. damage +6 Wild damage, stun 20%, Crushing blow 2, inflicts Primal Mind if failing a resolve test. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Tree Spear: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to an uprooted tree like a spear (Rng: 40, 2d10+8 Damage, hit all targets Medium sized or smaller targest in a line 1" wide alog its path). |
Can use up to Tier 4 Nature & Light Powers (per day use: T4 x1, T3 x2, T2 x3, T1 x4, T0 unlimited) typ. instants: Eden's Call (T4), Barkskin (T3), Primal Mind (T2), True Sight (T1) typ. actions: Lightfall (T4), Prismatic Arch (T3), Lifebloom (T2), Web Snare (T1) |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Nature Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Light Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature |
Brute Magic: Add melee damage bonuses to casting damage. Metallic Hatred: Forest giants hate any kind of processed or refined metals and become irrationally aggressive around them. When in this state they suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests, gain +3 damage and will do almost anything to remove it from their presence, suchas burrying it in the ground or smashing it into disrepair. Death Effect: immediately upon its death life flourishes in 4" radius around the giant, causing rapid growth of plant life and healing all living targets for 1d12 (+1 per target level) |
3d8 Primordial Sap + 1d8 Prismatic Glass | These 18 foot tall guardians of the forest have brown or greenish skin and curly moss-like hair. Infact when they move among the trees it often appears as if the forest has come alive. With a empathic relationship with the natural world and a strong aversion to metal, these normally peaceful and good-natured giants are quick to anger and exceptionally dangerous when the forest is threatened, none more so than the druids. Leading their people as the holders of ancient lore and power, the druids combine nature and light magic to both nature and defend their forest homes. | |
Second | Primatives | Sea Giant | Giantkind | Giant | Sea | Brute | Regular | Storm Giant | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Good), Polarity (Chaos) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, Coastal/Shore | 12 | 308 (200+24d8) | 136 | 10 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +13 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+); +3 Damage | +13 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +5 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +7 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 37; Armor 32; Dodge 5; Noisy 8 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their sea hold or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant or non-attack action |
Arcane 24; Elemental 40; Natural 34; Holy 38; Demonic 33; Mental 26 | Move 6; Str 20; Agil 12; Stam 20; Int 12; Wis 14; Avd 5; Per 12; Res 19; Init 10; Cha 18 | Giant & Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Mail, Scale x8 | Giant Zwiehander: 2d12+2d6+6, overpowering (-10). Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Coral Boulder: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw a coral encrusted boulder (Rng: 40, 3" radius, +5% crit, 2d12+10 Damage). Hurl Lightning: If not underwater, may sacrifice one of two basic attacks to hurl a lightning bolt (Rng: 40, 1" radius, 2d12+2d6+10 Storm damage, use Ranged modifiers), recharges each round on a 5+ on a D6 roll. Cannot use both in the same round. |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Water Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Storm Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Amphibious: Can breathe in air and water Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius |
Xerophobia: Sea giants become irrationally aggressive if they cannot see water or if their environment seems too dry. When in this state they suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests, gain +3 damage and will do almost anything to make themselves more comfortable, such as breaking a dam or calling down a violent rain storm. |
2d8 Aether + 2d8 Everice | Though they make their homes in the deep oceans, sea giants are seated at the very top of giantkind. At massive 24 feet tall , they are respected and feared by all other giants. To the benefit of their smaller kin, the are generally benevolent and wish to see giantkind thrive as a whole, however they are not to be trifled with. Their blue/green skin tones and coral or turquoise hair colors, make them surprisingly difficult to sea when underwater. Particularly, as they age and their skin becomes encrusted by barnacles and other sea growth. | |
Second | Primatives | Desert Giant | Giantkind | Giant | Desert | Brute | Regular | Sand Giant | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Desert, Plain | 12 | 288 (180+24d8) | 127 | 10 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +4 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+); +2 Damage | +5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +11 Hit; 14% Crit. (87+) | +13 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | AC 45; Armor 40; Dodge 5; Double Layer 8 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting to defend thier caravan, typ. a bonus instant or non-attack action |
Arcane 20; Elemental 36; Natural 30; Holy 32; Demonic 28; Mental 22 | Move 6; Str 18; Agil 11; Stam 18; Int 10; Wis 12; Avd 5; Per 12; Res 16; Init 9; Cha 15 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Leather, Boiled x8 over Cloth, Quilted x8 | Giant Great Mace: 4d6+2d4+2, Stun 10%, Crushing Blow 3. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Boulder: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw a sandstone boulder (Rng: 40, 2" radius, 2d10+8 Damage). |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Solar Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Toxic Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Savagery: after landing a killing blow gain +1 physical damage per 5 levels (round up) until the end of their NEXT turn; this effect is refreshed each time a killing blow is scored, potentially extending the duration Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius |
Nomadic: Desert giants become irrationally aggressive if they spend too much time in the same place. When in this state they suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests, gain +3 damage and will do almost anything to ensure they can move on. |
2d8 Primordial Sap + 2d8 Prismatic Glass | With skin bronzed from so much time spent wandering under the blazing sun, these dark haired giants stand at 20 feet tall. Ever restless they cannot stay in any one place for too long. They know the desert better than anyone and are adept at using its meager resources to full advantage. | |
Second | Primatives | Deep Giant | Giantkind | Giant | Deep | Brute | Regular | Fomorian | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Cosmopolitan | Subterranean, Ruins/Dungeon | 9 | 236 (155+18d8) | 126 | 10 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +1 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +2 Damage | +8 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +5 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | +7 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 25; Armor 20; Dodge 5 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their cave or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant or non-attack action |
Arcane 14; Elemental 40; Natural 29; Holy 30; Demonic 24; Mental 16 | Move 6; Str 19; Agil 8; Stam 20; Int 7; Wis 9; Avd 5; Per 10; Res 15; Init 8; Cha 2 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Darksight II: Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Leather x6 plus Hide, Rough x8 | Giant Great Club: 4d6+2d4+2, stun 20%, Crushing blow 2. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Evil Eye: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to use Evil Eye (Rng: 40, single target, 6d8 mental damage, target immediately suffers -10 to its Initiative Score for the remainder of the battle. Giant Flask of Distilled Acid (typ. 3 bottles carried on belt): May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw the Flask, dealing (2d4+2)x3 acid damage and applies 3 stacks of Corrosion. Can sacrifice both basic attacks to use Evil AND hurl Giant Flask fo Distilled Acid, as par tof teh same action. |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Shadow Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Caustic Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Terrifying: Enemies must pass a Resolve test to move towards the creature and if it moves into base contact with a foe they must pass a Resolve test or immediately flee their full move directly away (treat as Feared & Frightened). Add Advantage or Disadvantage equal to the difference in sizes. Once a Resolve test is passed in either case, the target is immune for the remainder of the day. Cursed Wounds: For any physical damage caused by this creature, if not de-cursed first, MUST attempt to resist any healing. For non-magical healing (i.e. potions) use Natural resist with no "casting" modifiers. |
Highly Malformed: Deep giants are hideous to behold, gaining the Terrifying trait and requiring two sucessful rolls to pass a Charm test. |
3d8 Dark Matter + 1d8 Brimstone + 0-3 Giant Flasks of Distileld Acid (M) | Pale white or blue skinned with dark stringy hair, the Fomorians are the shortest of giants. These misshapen creatures are believed by most other giants to be cursed for some ancient affront to the gods. Though they likely once stood taller than hill giants, their bodies are permanently hunched over, averaging only 14 feet tall. This is to their advantage as they make their homes in the deep places of the world, not the most accommodating place to those of giant size. Their broad backs are heavily scarred from brushing up against cavern ceilings as they prowl about in the darkness, seaking to enslave or devour lesser beings. | |
Second | Primatives | Sky Giant | Giantkind | Giant | Sky | Brute | Regular | Cloud Giant | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Cosmopolitan | Sky, Mountain | 12 | 288 (180+24d8) | 121 | 9 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +14 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+); +2 Damage | +13 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +13 Hit; 15% Crit. (86+) | +15 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | AC 29; Armor 24; Dodge 5 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their cloud castle or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant or non-attack action |
Arcane 24; Elemental 36; Natural 32; Holy 36; Demonic 32; Mental 26 | Move 6; Str 18; Agil 13; Stam 18; Int 12; Wis 14; Avd 5; Per 12; Res 18; Init 10; Cha 16 | Giant, Common, & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Cloth, Ironweave x8 | Giant Greathammer: 6d6+4, stun 12%, Crushing blow 4. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Meteorite: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to call down a meteorite (Rng: 24, 2" radius, 2d10+4 physical damage & 1d4+6 celestial damage, targets are Slowed for 1 round). |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Wind Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Celestial Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Willpower II: twice per day, may elect at any time (even if crit hit) to auto resist a single faith/spirit power |
Claustrophobia: Sky giants become irrationally aggressive if they cannot see the sky or stand at their full height. When in this state they suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests, gain +3 damage and will do almost anything to make themselves more comfortable, such as smashing through a ceiling or causing a cave in. |
3d8 Aether + 1d8 Stardust | At an average height of 22 feet and with their fortresses built in the clouds, sky giants tower over most of giantkind and seeg themselves as the pinnacle of giant culture. They are only rivalled by the mighty sea giants, often a great point of contention. They possess pale skin with tones of blue or purple, and wispy white, grey or blue hair. | |
Second | Primatives | Volcanic Giant | Giantkind | Giant | Volcanic | Brute | Regular | Fire Giant | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Volcanic, Subterranean | 9 | 228 (147+18d8) | 120 | 9 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | -2 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+); +2 Damage | -6 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | +4 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +5 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 68; Armor 68; Dodge 0; Stiff 6; Noisy 4; Double Layer 6; Triple Layer 4 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their forge or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant or non-attack action |
Arcane 20; Elemental 38; Natural 30; Holy 30; Demonic 26; Mental 21 | Move 6; Str 19; Agil 4; Stam 19; Int 10; Wis 11; Avd 5; Per 10; Res 15; Init 9; Cha 10 | Giant & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Plate, Laminar x6 w/ Mail, Chain x4 over Cloth, Quilted x8 | Giant Greatsword: 2d12+2d6+4, overpowering (-8). Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Magma Boulder: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw a magma boulder (Rng: 40, 3" radius, 2d10+4 physical damage & 1d4+6 fire damage). |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Fire Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Metal Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Hardened (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Sensitivity (Cold): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Implacable: Immune to any effect that reduces movement, including difficult terrain and triple layering of armor Melee Adept I: +10 to hit with all Melee attacks (typically already added) |
3d8 Brimstone + 1d8 Thaumatite Ore | Volcanic giants have fiery red or orange hair, with ash or iron colored skin and a rust-like complexion. Averaging 18 feet tall, they are broad shouldered, barrel chested, and have large forearms from years spent at the forge and anvil. | ||
Second | Primatives | Arctic Giant | Giantkind | Giant | Arctic | Brute | Regular | Frost Giant | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Order) | Arctic | Salt Water, Coastal/Shore | 9 | 228 (147+18d8) | 118 | 9 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +4 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+); +2 Damage | -6 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -4 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -2 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | AC 63; Armor 58; Dodge 5; Noisy 10; Double Layer 6; Triple Layer 4 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their bjerg citadel or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant or non-attack action |
Arcane 16; Elemental 38; Natural 29; Holy 30; Demonic 25; Mental 18 | Move 6; Str 19; Agil 10; Stam 19; Int 8; Wis 10; Avd 5; Per 10; Res 15; Init 9; Cha 10 | Giant & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Mail, Plated x6 w/ Leather, Ringmail x4 over Cloth, Quilted x8 | Giant Great Axe: 2d10+2d8+6, Overpowering (-2). Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Ice Boulder: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw a icy boulder (Rng: 40, 2" radius, +5% crit, 2d10+4 physical damage & 1d4+2 frost damage, targets are Slowed for 1 round). |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Frost Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I: +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Hardened (Frost): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Sensitivity (Heat): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Implacable: Immune to any effect that reduces movement, including difficult terrain and triple layering of armor Melee Adept I: +10 to hit with all Melee attacks (typically already added) |
3d8 Everice + 1d8 Lunarite | Arctic giants are an impressive 20 feet tall with light blue or gray skin tones and long silver or white hair. They tend to wear long and well kept or braided beards. They are natural raiders and seafarers, more at ease navigating by the moon and stars, than being out in the bright light of day. They fierce warriors and have a reputation for terrorizing coastal communities along frigid arctic waters. | ||
Second | Primatives | Hill Giant Bully | Giantkind | Giant | Hill | Bully | Regular | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Cosmopolitan | Hill, Mountain | 7 | 190 (127+14d8) | 117 | 9 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | -1 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+); +2 Damage | +4 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +3 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 17; Armor 12; Dodge 5 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their bjerg citadel or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant, action, trap or environmental effect |
Arcane 14; Elemental 36; Natural 26; Holy 28; Demonic 22; Mental 15 | Move 6; Str 18; Agil 8; Stam 18; Int 7; Wis 8; Avd 5; Per 8; Res 14; Init 6; Cha 4 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Leather x6 | More Giant'er Great Club: 4d6+2d4+6, stun 25%, Crushing blow 3. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Boulder: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw a boulder (Rng: 40, 2" radius, 2d10+8 Damage). |
Instants: Greater Frenzy x1, Interrupting Shout x2 (OoT), Come At Me x3, Bully x3 Actions: Massive Strike x1, Meat Shield x2 |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity, Melee: +3% Critical Hit with physical melee damage (typically already added) Affinity, Ranged: +3% Critical Hit with physical ranged damage (typically already added) Thick Skinned II: Gain +2 Max HP per level (already added to base HP) Relentless II: Gain '+6 Advantage on all Resolve tests while pursuing a specific task or objective |
Voracious Hunger: Hill Giants that have not eaten within the last 12 hours it will act irrationally or go into a feeding frenzy, for the duration suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests but gain +3 damage |
4d8 Random Food stuffs | Hill giants tend to have lighter or tanned skin tones, thick dark hair, and are generally quite hairy. Standing at an average height of 16 feet, they are some of the smallest among giantkind, a fact they sometimes attempt to make up for by growing immensely wide. They are know for their dim wits and voracious hunger. Hill giant bullies are the largest and meanest of hill giants, and are quick to enrage when in combat. | |
Second | Primatives | Mountain Giant | Giantkind | Giant | Mountain | Brute | Regular | Stone Giant | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Arctic/Temperate | Mountain, Subterranean | 6 | 164 (110+12d8) | 99 | 9 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | -1 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +3 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +3 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | AC 45; Armor 40; Dodge 5 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their cave or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant or non-attack action |
Arcane 16; Elemental 40; Natural 32; Holy 40; Demonic 32; Mental 20 | Move 6; Str 20; Agil 9; Stam 20; Int 8; Wis 12; Avd 5; Per 10; Res 20; Init 7; Cha 6 | Giant & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Earthen x8 | Giant Maul: 4d8+4 Damage, Stun 14%, Crushing blow 4. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Runic Boulder: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw a rune carved boulder (Rng: 40, 2" radius, 2d12+10 Damage, targets are Slowed for 1 round). |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Earth Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Null Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Toughness I (+1 from Size): Negates all incoming damage by 1 |
Anablephobia: Mountain giants become irrationally aggressive when there is nothing nearby that is taller than them, fearing they will fall up into the sky. When in this state they suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests, gain +3 damage and will do almost anything to make themselves more comfortable, such as piling up stonesstones, tearing the off the roof of a nearby house to wear as a wide brimmed hat, or digging a hole. |
3d8 Thaumatite Ore + 1d8 Manastone | Mountain giants have a grey toned skin, a granite-like complexion and are completely hairless. They average around 18 feet tall and are the leanest of giantkind. They often have runes carved into their stony flesh, wearing them in a symbolic manner akin to other races wearing tribal tattoos. | |
Second | Primatives | Forest Giant | Giantkind | Giant | Forest | Brute | Regular | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Good), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Swamp | 6 | 159 (105+12d8) | 96 | 9 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | 0 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +2 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +4 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | AC 41; Armor 36; Dodge 5 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their grove or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant or non-attack action |
Arcane 18; Elemental 38; Natural 32; Holy 32; Demonic 29; Mental 22 | Move 6; Str 18; Agil 10; Stam 19; Int 9; Wis 13; Avd 5; Per 10; Res 16; Init 8; Cha 12 | Giant & Sylvan, also have a strong natural empathic ability with most beast and plant life | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Bark, Heavy x6 | Giant Great Club: 4d6+2d4+2, stun 20%, Crushing blow 2. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Tree Spear: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to an uprooted tree like a spear (Rng: 40, 2d10+8 Damage, hit all targets Medium sized or smaller targest in a line 1" wide alog its path). |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity I (Nature Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Affinity I (Light Powers): +5% Critical Hit with a given non-physical damage type (typically already added) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature |
Metallic Hatred: Forest giants hate any kind of processed or refined metals and become irrationally aggressive around them. When in this state they suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests, gain +3 damage and will do almost anything to remove it from their presence, suchas burrying it in the ground or smashing it into disrepair. Death Effect: immediately upon its death life flourishes in 4" radius around the giant, causing rapid growth of plant life and healing all living targets for 1d12 (+1 per target level) |
3d8 Primordial Sap + 1d8 Prismatic Glass | These 18 foot tall guardians of the forest have brown or greenish skin and curly moss-like hair. Infact when they move among the trees it often appears as if the forest has come alive. With a empathic relationship with the natural world and a strong aversion to metal, these normally peaceful and good-natured giants are quick to anger and exceptionally dangerous when the forest is threatened. | ||
Second | Primatives | Frost Troll, Elder | Trollkind | Troll | Frost | Seige | Elder | Ice Troll | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic | Mountain, Plain | 12 | 288 (180+24d8) | 107 | 9 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +9 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+); +2 Damage | +8 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +7 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +6 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 50; Armor 44; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 12; Elemental 56; Natural 23; Holy 20; Demonic 15; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 18; Agil 8; Stam 18; Int 6; Wis 5; Avd 6; Per 7; Res 10; Init 6; Cha 1 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense I: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Caloused x8 plus Hide, Crystal x4 | Ice Shard (2d12, -15 Armor) + Frost Claw (1d10+1d8+2, -15 Armor). If in base contact with more than 1 enemy, gain 1 extra attack with mainhand weapon on a second target (Extra Attack I). | Ice Shard, Thrown: can throw up to 20", unlimited supply |
Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Resistant IV (Elemental): +20 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Armor Piercing III: some or all primary attacks have -15 armor Immune (Water/Frost): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
4d8 Everice | |||
Second | Primatives | Forest Troll, Elder | Trollkind | Troll | Forest | Seige | Elder | Wild Troll | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, N/A | 12 | 288 (180+24d8) | 100 | 9 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +9 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+); +2 Damage | +8 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +7 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +6 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 38; Armor 32; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 12; Elemental 36; Natural 43; Holy 20; Demonic 15; Mental 11 | Move ; Str 18; Agil 8; Stam 18; Int 6; Wis 5; Avd 6; Per 7; Res 10; Init 6; Cha 1 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Caloused x8 | Huge Stone Axe x2: 2d8 damage. + Tusk Swipe: 2d8 dam to all targets in a frontal 180 degree arc. | Stone Axe, Thrown x2: typically carry extra stone axes that can be thrown at range equal to STR |
Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Resistant IV (Natural): +20 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Sweeping Attacks II: Melee attacks hit in a 180 degree arc at maximum Reach Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
4d8 Primordial Sap | |||
Second | Primatives | Stone Troll, Elder | Trollkind | Troll | Stone | Seige | Elder | Cave Troll | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Temperate | Subterranean, Mountain | 12 | 288 (180+24d8) | 97 | 9 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +9 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+); +2 Damage | +8 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +7 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +6 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 38; Armor 32; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 12; Elemental 56; Natural 23; Holy 20; Demonic 15; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 18; Agil 8; Stam 18; Int 6; Wis 5; Avd 6; Per 7; Res 10; Init 6; Cha 1 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Darksight I: Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Caloused x8 | Huge 2H Stone Club or Axe: 4d6+4 dam, Overpowering (-6.) + Headbutt: 3d8 dam, 45% Stun. If in base contact with more than 1 enemy, gain 1 extra attack with mainhand weapon on a second target (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Boulder: action, range 20", 2" radius, 2d10+8 damage, targets are Slowed for 1 round |
Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Resistant IV (Elemental): +20 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
4d8 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Primatives | Hill Giant | Giantkind | Giant | Hill | Brute | Regular | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Cosmopolitan | Hill, Mountain | 6 | 165 (111+12d8) | 81 | 8 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | -2 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+); +2 Damage | +3 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +3 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 17; Armor 12; Dodge 5 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when fighting within their den or other such lair, typ. a bonus instant or non-attack action |
Arcane 14; Elemental 36; Natural 26; Holy 28; Demonic 22; Mental 15 | Move 6; Str 18; Agil 8; Stam 18; Int 7; Wis 8; Avd 5; Per 8; Res 14; Init 6; Cha 4 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Leather x6 | Giant Great Club: 4d6+2d4+2, stun 20%, Crushing blow 2. Can attack twice if using only a basic attack action (Extra Attack I). | Hurl Boulder: May sacrifice one of two basic attacks to throw a boulder (Rng: 40, 2" radius, 2d10+8 Damage). |
Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Affinity, Melee: +3% Critical Hit with physical melee damage (typically already added) Affinity, Ranged: +3% Critical Hit with physical ranged damage (typically already added) Thick Skinned II: Gain +2 Max HP per level (already added to base HP) Relentless II: Gain '+6 Advantage on all Resolve tests while pursuing a specific task or objective |
Voracious Hunger: Hill Giants that have not eaten within the last 12 hours it will act irrationally or go into a feeding frenzy, for the duration suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests but gain +3 damage |
4d8 Random Food stuffs | Hill giants tend to have lighter or tanned skin tones, thick dark hair, and are generally quite hairy. Standing at an average height of 16 feet, they are some of the smallest among giantkind, a fact they sometimes attempt to make up for by growing immensely wide. They are know for their dim wits and voracious hunger. | ||
Second | Primatives | Forest Troll, Mature | Trollkind | Troll | Forest | Seige | Mature | Wild Troll | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, N/A | 9 | 152 (94+9d12) | 42 | 5 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +3 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +2 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 30; Armor 24; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 10; Elemental 34; Natural 36; Holy 14; Demonic 11; Mental 9 | Move ; Str 17; Agil 8; Stam 17; Int 5; Wis 4; Avd 6; Per 7; Res 7; Init 7; Cha 1 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Rugged x8 | Large Stone Axe x2: 1d8+2 damage. + Tusk Swipe: 1d8 dam to all targets in a frontal 180 degree arc. | Stone Axe, Thrown x2: typically carry extra stone axes that can be thrown at range equal to STR |
Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Resistant III (Natural): +15 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Sweeping Attacks II: Melee attacks hit in a 180 degree arc at maximum Reach |
3d6 Primordial Sap | Typically programed with set list of objectives (see Animator in Secondary Skills section). Mason Skill require to create/repair Stone Golems. Upgraded models can have varying extra attacks/abilities based on add-ons, but increase XP/lvl for each upgraded part/add-on. | ||
Second | Primatives | Frost Troll, Mature | Trollkind | Troll | Frost | Seige | Mature | Ice Troll | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic | Mountain, Plain | 9 | 152 (94+9d12) | 42 | 5 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +3 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +2 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 36; Armor 30; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 10; Elemental 49; Natural 21; Holy 14; Demonic 11; Mental 9 | Move 5; Str 17; Agil 8; Stam 17; Int 5; Wis 4; Avd 6; Per 7; Res 7; Init 7; Cha 1 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense I: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Rugged x8 plus Hide, Crystal x2 | Ice Shard (2d8, -10 Armor) + Frost Claw (1d8+1d6, -10 Armor) | Ice Shard, Thrown: can throw up to 20", unlimited supply |
Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Resistant III (Elemental): +15 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Armor Piercing II: some or all primary attacks have -10 armor Immune (Water/Frost): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled |
3d6 Everice | |||
Second | Primatives | Stone Troll, Mature | Trollkind | Troll | Stone | Seige | Mature | Cave Troll | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Temperate | Subterranean, Mountain | 9 | 152 (94+9d12) | 37 | 5 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +3 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +2 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 30; Armor 24; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 10; Elemental 49; Natural 21; Holy 14; Demonic 11; Mental 9 | Move 5; Str 17; Agil 8; Stam 17; Int 5; Wis 4; Avd 6; Per 7; Res 7; Init 7; Cha 1 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Darksight I: Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Rugged x8 | 2H Stone Club or Axe: 2d6+2 dam, Overpowering(-4). + Headbutt: 2d8 dam, 30% Stun | Hurl Boulder: action, range 20", 1.5" radius, 2d10+4 damage, targets are Slowed for 1 round |
Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Resistant III (Elemental): +15 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) |
3d6 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Primatives | Troglodyte, Scavenger | Beastkin | Troglodyte | Ambusher | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Cosmopolitan | Subterranean, Ruins/Dungeon | 2 | 39 (28+2d10) | 23 | 4 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 49; Armor 40; Dodge 9; Stiff 4 Chameleon Skin: Troglodytes have a limited ability to change the pigment and texture of thier skin to match various types of rock, making them naturally Sneaky in their home environments. If they remain motionless this grants them 3x the regular Sneaky Advantage (+9) |
Arcane 12; Elemental 28; Natural 24; Holy 12; Demonic 16; Mental 16 | Move 4; Str 14; Agil 6; Stam 14; Int 6; Wis 10; Avd 13; Per 10; Res 6; Init 12; Cha 2 | Proto-Draconic & Reptile "speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Darksight I: Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Plate, Laminar x4 plus Hide, Thick x8 | Bite (1d8+2) & various scavenged weapon typ. Spatha 1d12 dam & Morningstar 1d8+2 dama) |
Stench: Oily secretions from the Troglodytes body produce a foul stench that makes it difficult to concentrate when nearby. Treat as Disrupting Poison, passively applied as Aura II. After a successful Natural Resist targets are immune for 1 hour. Troglodytes are immune to the stench of thier own kind. |
Sneaky I: Can enter battle hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected Aura I: Passive effects in 1" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Susceptible II (Light): -10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) |
Troglodytes are aware of their tell tale scent and may use it to their advantage by smearing it on cave walls to confuse their prey |
1d6+4 GP | |||||
Second | Primatives | Frost Troll, Young | Trollkind | Troll | Frost | Seige | Young | Ice Troll | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic | Mountain, Plain | 5 | 84 (56+5d10) | 22 | 4 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 25; Armor 19; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 42; Natural 19; Holy 10; Demonic 8; Mental 7 | Move 4; Str 16; Agil 8; Stam 16; Int 4; Wis 3; Avd 6; Per 7; Res 5; Init 5; Cha 1 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense I: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Thick x8 plus Hide, Crystal x1 | Ice Shard (2d6, -5 Armor) + Frost Claw (1d6+1d4, -5 Armor) | Ice Shard, Thrown: can throw up to 20", unlimited supply |
Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Resistant II (Elemental): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Armor Piercing I: some or all primary attacks have -5 armor Immune (Water/Frost): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled |
2d6 Everice | |||
Second | Primatives | Forest Troll, Young | Trollkind | Troll | Forest | Seige | Young | Wild Troll | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, N/A | 5 | 84 (56+5d10) | 20 | 3 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 22; Armor 16; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 32; Natural 29; Holy 10; Demonic 8; Mental 7 | Move ; Str 16; Agil 8; Stam 16; Int 4; Wis 3; Avd 6; Per 7; Res 5; Init 5; Cha 1 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Thick x8 | Stone Axe x2: 1d8 damage. + Tusk Swipe: 1d4 damage to all targets in a frontal 90 degree arc. | Stone Axe, Thrown x2: typically carry extra stone axes that can be thrown at range equal to STR |
Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Resistant II (Natural): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Sweeping Attacks I: Melee attacks hit in a 90 degree arc at maximum Reach |
2d6 Primordial Sap | |||
Second | Primatives | Stone Troll, Young | Trollkind | Troll | Stone | Seige | Young | Cave Troll | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Temperate | Subterranean, Mountain | 5 | 84 (56+5d10) | 20 | 3 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 22; Armor 16; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 42; Natural 19; Holy 10; Demonic 8; Mental 7 | Move 4; Str 16; Agil 8; Stam 16; Int 4; Wis 3; Avd 6; Per 7; Res 5; Init 5; Cha 1 | Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Darksight I: Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Thick x8 | 2H Stone Club or Axe: 2d6+2 dam, Overpowering (-2). + Headbutt: 1d8 dam, 15% Stun. | Hurl Boulder: action, range 20", 1" radius, 2d10 damage, targets are Slowed for 1 round |
Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Resistant II (Elemental): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) |
2d6 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Primatives | Sahuagin | Beastkin | Sahuagin | Ambusher | Sea Devils | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Order) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, Coastal/Shore | 2 | 35 (24+2d10) | 18 | 3 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 45; Armor 31; Dodge 14 |
Arcane 16; Elemental 24; Natural 22; Holy 16; Demonic 18; Mental 18 | Move 4; Str 13; Agil 11; Stam 12; Int 8; Wis 10; Avd 14; Per 12; Res 8; Init 12; Cha 4 | Sahaugin & Shark "speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Darksight I: Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Shell, Heavy x3 plus Scales, Light x8 | Spear (1d8+1, ward-off, thrown +4) & Bite (1d6+2) | If spear has been thrown or otherwise disarmed, can make a claw attack for 1d6+2 damage |
Blood Frenzy: when attacking any target that is not at max HP, gain +2 damage and may re-roll any non-critical miss |
Amphibious (4hrs max): Can breathe in air and water Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Sneaky, Aquatic: Can enter battle hidden if in water & treats water surfaces as breaking LoS for the purposes of re-hiding |
1d6 GP | Sahuagin are scaled sea dwelling bipedal creatures that vaguely resemble eels. Their webbed feet and many fins allow them to swim with ease. They have gills to breathe in water but also conventional lungs that allow a limited capacity to breath air, though after around 4 hours out of water they will begin to suffocate. The Sahuagin see themselves as the rightful rulers of the ocean deeps and will fight fiercely to establish dominance. Though individually they are relatively weak they will swarm in great numbers, particularly if they catch the scent of blood. Sahuagin culture reveres sharks, seeing them as the offspring of an ancient shark deity that they universally worship. | |||
Second | Primatives | Troglodyte | Beastkin | Troglodyte | Ambusher | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Cosmopolitan | Subterranean, Ruins/Dungeon | 2 | 39 (28+2d10) | 16 | 3 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 29; Armor 16; Dodge 13 Chameleon Skin: Troglodytes have a limited ability to change the pigment and texture of thier skin to match various types of rock, making them naturally Sneaky in their home environments. If they remain motionless this grants them 3x the regular Sneaky Advantage (+9) |
Arcane 12; Elemental 28; Natural 24; Holy 12; Demonic 16; Mental 16 | Move 4; Str 14; Agil 10; Stam 14; Int 6; Wis 10; Avd 13; Per 10; Res 6; Init 12; Cha 2 | Proto-Draconic & Reptile "speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Darksight I: Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Thick x8 | Bite (1d8+2) & Claw x2 (1d6+2) | Stench: Oily secretions from the Troglodytes body produce a foul stench that makes it difficult to concentrate when nearby. Treat as Disrupting Poison, passively applied as Aura II. After a successful Natural Resist targets are immune for 1 hour. Troglodytes are immune to the stench of thier own kind. |
Sneaky I: Can enter battle hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected Aura I: Passive effects in 1" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Susceptible II (Light): -10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) |
Troglodytes are aware of their tell tale scent and may use it to their advantage by smearing it on cave walls to confuse their prey |
1d6 GP | |||||
Second | Primatives | Kobold, Kahoona | Beastkin | Kobold | Command | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Order) | Tropical/Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 4 | 42 (24+4d8) | 14 | 3 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 36; Armor 28; Dodge 8; Stiff 7 |
Arcane 12; Elemental 16; Natural 13; Holy 16; Demonic 13; Mental 11 | Move 4; Str 9; Agil 8; Stam 8; Int 6; Wis 5; Avd 15; Per 10; Res 8; Init 8; Cha 4 | Draconic, Kobold & broken Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Leather, Splinted x7 | medium sword/bludgeon typ. gladius (1d10) & dirk (1d6) |
Explosive Concoction x3 (thrown rng = str, 1d4+4 dam, 1" radius, target can roll to dodge) |
Hawk Strike x1 Call of the Kahoona (instant, if passing a Resolve test , nearest Kobold gets extra move or action) |
Often appear as if they are alone, but rarely are Like to set traps and/or ambush enemies, rarely attack enemies head on that are larger than themselves unless out numbering them |
1d8 SP, 1 Earwax Candle + remaining vials of explosive concoction | Best described as a cross between a rodent and draconid, Kobolds are believed to share some distant and ancient ancestry to Dragons. Sometimes they can even be found pressed into service by dragons, particularly when a new lair requires excavating. Subterranean by nature, they may have once possessed some kind of heat sense. However, this is no longer the case and Kobolds now navigate by candlelight. This is a brilliant, though revolting, adaptation as a species for they use their profuse excretions of ear wax to fashion an unending supply of pungent candles. Kobolds are a primitive race, but highly orderly and well known for their skills in mining and possessing a maniacal desire for shiny things. Their dens are ever expanding, in order to accommodate their prolific rate of reproduction. Though not much of a threat on their own, an infestation of Kobolds can prove very dangerous if they are not dealt with. | ||||
Second | Primatives | Kobold, Miner | Beastkin | Kobold | Worker | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Order) | Tropical/Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 3 | 34 (20+3d8) | 11 | 2 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 29; Armor 20; Dodge 9; Stiff 5 |
Arcane 12; Elemental 16; Natural 13; Holy 14; Demonic 12; Mental 11 | Move 4; Str 9; Agil 9; Stam 8; Int 6; Wis 5; Avd 14; Per 10; Res 7; Init 7; Cha 3 | Draconic, Kobold & broken Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Leather, Splinted x5 | Pick Axe 2H (1d12+2 damage) | Explosive Concoction x2 (thrown rng = str, 1d4+4 dam, 1" radius, target can roll to dodge) |
No Take Candle! x1 (instant, next main hand attack has +2 damage) Ohhh Shinies! x1 (instant, next main hand attack has +8 to hit) |
Bolder than most Kobolds, but still rarely attack enemies head on that are larger than themselves unless out numbering them |
1d8 SP, 1 Earwax Candle + remaining vials of explosive concoction | Best described as a cross between a rodent and draconid, Kobolds are believed to share some distant and ancient ancestry to Dragons. Sometimes they can even be found pressed into service by dragons, particularly when a new lair requires excavating. Subterranean by nature, they may have once possessed some kind of heat sense. However, this is no longer the case and Kobolds now navigate by candlelight. This is a brilliant, though revolting, adaptation as a species for they use their profuse excretions of ear wax to fashion an unending supply of pungent candles. Kobolds are a primitive race, but highly orderly and well known for their skills in mining and possessing a maniacal desire for shiny things. Their dens are ever expanding, in order to accommodate their prolific rate of reproduction. Though not much of a threat on their own, an infestation of Kobolds can prove very dangerous if they are not dealt with. | ||||
Second | Primatives | Kobold, Trickster | Beastkin | Kobold | Ambusher | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Order) | Tropical/Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 3 | 31 (18+3d8) | 10 | 2 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 29; Armor 15; Dodge 14 |
Arcane 12; Elemental 14; Natural 12; Holy 14; Demonic 12; Mental 11 | Move 4; Str 8; Agil 14; Stam 7; Int 6; Wis 5; Avd 14; Per 10; Res 7; Init 7; Cha 3 | Draconic, Kobold & broken Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Leather, Studded x5 | Knife x2 Typ. Dirk x2 (1d6dam each) |
Javelin x3 for throwing (1d8 dam, rng = str+10) |
Impair Armor I x1 (instant, melee, if passing agility test reduce targets armor by 10 for remainder of battle) Crippling Strike/Shot II x1 (action, melee/rng, +2 dam & reduces targets move by half and Initiative Score by 4 for remainder of battle) |
Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected |
Typically starts battle hidden Like to set traps and/or ambush enemies, rarely attack enemies head on that are larger than themselves unless out numbering them |
1d6 SP | Best described as a cross between a rodent and draconid, Kobolds are believed to share some distant and ancient ancestry to Dragons. Sometimes they can even be found pressed into service by dragons, particularly when a new lair requires excavating. Subterranean by nature, they may have once possessed some kind of heat sense. However, this is no longer the case and Kobolds now navigate by candlelight. This is a brilliant, though revolting, adaptation as a species for they use their profuse excretions of ear wax to fashion an unending supply of pungent candles. Kobolds are a primitive race, but highly orderly and well known for their skills in mining and possessing a maniacal desire for shiny things. Their dens are ever expanding, in order to accommodate their prolific rate of reproduction. Though not much of a threat on their own, an infestation of Kobolds can prove very dangerous if they are not dealt with. | |||
Second | Primatives | Kobold, Garbage Eater | Beastkin | Kobold | Ambusher | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Order) | Tropical/Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 3 | 31 (18+3d8) | 8 | 2 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 23; Armor 10; Dodge 13 |
Arcane 12; Elemental 14; Natural 12; Holy 14; Demonic 12; Mental 11 | Move 4; Str 8; Agil 13; Stam 7; Int 6; Wis 5; Avd 13; Per 10; Res 7; Init 7; Cha 3 | Draconic, Kobold & broken Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Leather x5 | Knife x2 Typ. Dirk x2 (1d6dam each) |
Foul Stink: enemies must pass a Stamina test when in base contact (Aura 0) or else they lose their mainhand attack |
Aura 0: Passive effects in base contact around the creature, effects vary (see Extra), can be offensive or defensive |
Typically starts battle hidden in a pile of garbage Like to set traps and/or ambush enemies, rarely attack enemies head on that are larger than themselves unless out numbering them |
1d4 -1 SP & random garbage | Best described as a cross between a rodent and draconid, Kobolds are believed to share some distant and ancient ancestry to Dragons. Sometimes they can even be found pressed into service by dragons, particularly when a new lair requires excavating. Subterranean by nature, they may have once possessed some kind of heat sense. However, this is no longer the case and Kobolds now navigate by candlelight. This is a brilliant, though revolting, adaptation as a species for they use their profuse excretions of ear wax to fashion an unending supply of pungent candles. Kobolds are a primitive race, but highly orderly and well known for their skills in mining and possessing a maniacal desire for shiny things. Their dens are ever expanding, in order to accommodate their prolific rate of reproduction. Though not much of a threat on their own, an infestation of Kobolds can prove very dangerous if they are not dealt with. | ||||
Second | Primatives | Kobold, Squirt | Beastkin | Kobold | Skirmisher | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Order) | Tropical/Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 2 | 23 (14+2d8) | 5 | 1 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 18; Armor 5; Dodge 13 |
Arcane 12; Elemental 14; Natural 12; Holy 12; Demonic 11; Mental 11 | Move 4; Str 8; Agil 13; Stam 7; Int 6; Wis 5; Avd 13; Per 10; Res 6; Init 6; Cha 3 | Draconic, Kobold & broken Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Cloth x5 | Javelin for melee (1d8dam) | carry 1 extra Javelin for Throwing (1d8 dam, rng = str+10) |
Like to set traps and/or ambush enemies, rarely attack enemies head on that are larger than themselves unless out numbering them |
1d4 SP, 0-1 Earwax Candle | Best described as a cross between a rodent and draconid, Kobolds are believed to share some distant and ancient ancestry to Dragons. Sometimes they can even be found pressed into service by dragons, particularly when a new lair requires excavating. Subterranean by nature, they may have once possessed some kind of heat sense. However, this is no longer the case and Kobolds now navigate by candlelight. This is a brilliant, though revolting, adaptation as a species for they use their profuse excretions of ear wax to fashion an unending supply of pungent candles. Kobolds are a primitive race, but highly orderly and well known for their skills in mining and possessing a maniacal desire for shiny things. Their dens are ever expanding, in order to accommodate their prolific rate of reproduction. Though not much of a threat on their own, an infestation of Kobolds can prove very dangerous if they are not dealt with. |