Fey Creatures are beings of the Second Creation that possess supernatural or otherworldly powers or properties. The Fey are thought to exist in two realms simultaneously. One being their original Realm of Origin and the other being the Realm of Strife.
While not definitively immortal creations, it is very difficult to truly end their existence, for even if their physical body is destroyed in the Realm of Strife, some piece of their spirit still exists in another Realm. This allows them to eventually reform their physical bodies or be reborn in some sense in the Realm of Strife. When slain, some remnant of their physical body remains behind as a lifeless husk while their true essence lingers on, in some cases for days at a time, though more often only briefly. Inevitably, their spirit is always drawn back into the Realm where it belongs. Their it may abide for years or even eons before manifesting anew in the Realm of Strife.
Due to their close natural attunement to spiritual energies they are often highly prized as familiars for practitioners of the Spiritual Arts. In some cases Fey Creatures are drawn forth against their will to serve their masters. Others willingly serve, seeing it as an easy opportunity to once again return to the Realm of Strife.
Fey metaraces are divided into two broad categories;
Fey Folk: typically of humanoid or proto-humanoid form, but possessing physical and spiritual traits of the Realm of Origin from which the hail
Fey Beasts: coming in all the standard metaraces found among common beasts
- Aquatic
- Arthropod
- Avian
- Invertebrate
- Mammal
- Reptile
Creation | Order | Creature Name | Metagroup | Group or Species | Subgroup or Variant | Class/Role | Rank/Title | Alternate Names | publish? | Origins | Climate | Habitat | Level | HP (at lvl) | XP | Threat Rating | Size | Size Mod | Melee Mod | Ranged Mod | Spirit Mod | Faith Mod | Defense | Resistances | Stats | Languages | Senses | Form | Armor | Weapons | Alternate | Skills | Traits | Extra | Drops | Description | Traits (for Google Sheets only) | Placeholder | Training/Control Methods | Mount Type | Racial Preferences |
Second | Fey | Xcorch | Arthropod | Giant Crawler | Demigod | Adult | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Ruins/Dungeon | 20 | 598 (378+40d10) | 333 | 17 | Massive (Prone) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +21 Hit; 14% Crit. (87+); +3 Damage | +24 Hit; 15% Crit. (86+) | +17 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | +24 Hit; 15% Crit. (86+) | AC 52; Armor 40; Dodge 12 |
Arcane 16; Elemental 36; Natural 33; Holy 28; Demonic 29; Mental 23 | Move 10; Str 20; Agil 12; Stam 18; Int 8; Wis 15; Avd 12; Per 15; Res 14; Init 12; Cha 0 | Insect "Speech" & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense III (): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Chitin, Hardened x5 | Pincer Bite: 3d20 damage, -15 armor piercing | Flurry of Claws: action, 4d10 physical damage to all in base contact Lay Eggs: instant, lays 1d6 eggs w/in 1", can be combined with movement, each egg has 12HP & 25% Absorption, if not destroyed within 1 round hatches a crawler Engorge: instant, consume 1 target that is at least 2 sizes smaller, if failing Dodge test, consumed targets take 3d8 at the start of their own turn each round spend consumed, which restores HP to Xcorch, but if using Flaming Bile target is vomited out and is knocked down Flame Bile: 8" range, all Targets in 3" radius take 3d12 fire damage, spawns 1d10-5 crawlers Bile Eruption: action, must be tunneling, when breaking surface treat as Flame Bile centered on hole with 1" knockback on failed dodge |
Tunneler II: Can tunnel through ground at regular movement, initial burrowing counts as an instant Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Armor Piercing III: some or all primary attacks have -15 armor Legendary III: Thrice per round, but never in immediate sucession, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Scorching Carapace: Fire Aura 2" radius, chance to elemental resist, 1d12 dmg Spawning: When taking piercing/cutting damage, 50% chance to spawn a random giant crawler (of lesser sise) from each open wound |
5d10 Raw Meat; 3d6 brimstone | n/a & n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||
Second | Fey | Gynosphinx | Chimera | Sphinx | Gyno | yes | Realm (Dawn), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Ruins/Dungeon, Desert | 10 | 218 (128+20d8) | 127 | 10 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +14 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+); +1 Damage | +17 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +17 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +17 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | AC 38; Armor 21; Dodge 17 Lair Action: May use a special Lair Action at the top of every non-ambush turn when guarding its sacred charge. This is typically a bonus instant, action, trap or environmental effect and often involves using powerful illusions to alter the perceptions of reality for anyone nearby, while the sphinx itself is unaffected. |
Arcane 36; Elemental 30; Natural 33; Holy 36; Demonic 36; Mental 36 | Move 9; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 15; Int 18; Wis 18; Avd 17; Per 18; Res 18; Init 16; Cha 18 | Common, Wonderspeak, Telepathic | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Truesight: Can see (or otherwise perceive) in natural and magical darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to thier perception, as well as see through any type of illusion or invisibility, and can see the true form of shape shifting creatures |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Fur, Coarse/Dense x7 | Claw x2: 2d8+4 damage that counts as magical | The Light of Truth: Action, recharge on D6 score of 4+. The Gynosphinx focuses its eyes on a single target point up to 12" away, firing twin beams of pure light that inflict 4d8 + 10 solar damage to any targets along that line. If making a sweeping motion with its head while using the Light of Truth, the damage is reduced by half, but it hits anything in a 90 degree arc. Any form of invisibility, shape shifting, illusions, lies, deceptions, or any hiding/stealth target that is struck by the Light of Truth is automatically and immediately cancelled. |
Trick of the Light (T2 instant unlimited use, in 20" radius around itself);Solar Shield x4 (T3 Instant, 4 uses OR 1 use but 4 targets) Light Ward x4 (T2 Instant, 4 uses OR 1 use but 4 targets) Radiant Brand x2 (T4 Action) Sun Shard x3 (T2 Action) Plane of Reflection x1 (T4 Action) Far Sight x1 (T2 Action) |
Immune II (Mental, Shadow): Immune to these types of damage and any associated effects |
Sacred Charge: A sphinx is a solitary creature, given physical form outside its native Dawn Realm in order to protect a sacred charge of some kind. This could be a sacred site, a powerful artefact or treasure, or a source of knowledge. Exactly where this sacred charge comes from, or who tasks the sphinx with its protection is largely unknown, though it would have to be a being of similar or even greater power than the sphinx itself. Once given, the sphinx will not deviate from its duty and requires no food, sleep or breathe to maintain its vigil. Even in death the sphinx attempts to protect its sacred charge, rendering it unreachable or unobtainable by any conventional means. In some cases, if a creature seeks that which the sphinx guards, it may propose a test or quest in order to prove one's worthiness. Accepting this test binds one to it for life, and failure can be deadly, though more often results in being sent away to never see the sphinx again. Gynosphinx are particularly fond of puzzles and riddles and will typically use these as a test of worthiness. Though, they have been know to pose riddles for seems like simple entertainment.;Rejuvenating: When slain outside of the Dawn Realm the spirit of the sphinx returns there. It cannot take corporeal form again outside of the Dawn Realm if its sacred charge is defiled or destroyed. However, if any shred of its sacred charge remains the Sphinx will stop at nothing to find its way back and punish those who dared defy it. This rebirth can take anywhere from decades, to centuries, or even millenia. Alternatively, a Sphinx could be called back to a physical form at any time, if given a new Sacred Charge. |
4d8 Prismatic Glass | A gynosphinx has the body of a lion but the head and sometimes upper torso of a feminine human. The feminine portion is often attractive and regal in bearing, though can also be outlandish or bizarre in appearance as well. Gynosphinxes possess vast and untold depths of knowledge regarding creation, the universe and magic, and it is said that to look directly into their eyes is to risk being lost in the eternal light of the Dawn Realm. As near infinite repositories of lore, the mind and will of a sphinx is completely unknowable and even if one could somehow break through their impenetrable mental barriers, the sheer volume of knowledge would drive them insane. Aware of how dangerous knowledge can be, a sphinx never gives away that knowledge to those they deem unworthy. For an Gynosphinx, to be worthy of even the smallest measure of their knowledge, is to prove yourself particularly clever or witty. Some Gynosphinxes may trade information in exchange for solving riddles or puzzles, or may ask you to complete some obscure quest for knowledge. While they typically abhor violence, they are powerful creatures that are capable of defending themselves with both claw and magic if they or whatever sacred charge they are guarding is ever threatened. | n/a | n/a | ||||||
Second | Fey | Sea Hag | Fey Folk | Hag | Sea | Druid | Regular | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, Coastal/Shore | 7 | 111 (72+7d10) | 78 | 8 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +9 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+); +1 Damage | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +8 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +8 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 30; Armor 18; Dodge 12 Illusionary Appearance: A Sea hag can magically make herself appear as regular humanoid of the same size and shape, and though far less hideous than her true form, she is still rather ugly or haggard looking. |
Arcane 24; Elemental 32; Natural 28; Holy 26; Demonic 25; Mental 24 | Move 4; Str 16; Agil 13; Stam 16; Int 12; Wis 12; Avd 12; Per 11; Res 13; Init 12; Cha 1 | Common & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Darksight I: Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Cloth x2 plus Scales, Light x8 | Claws x2: 1d6+2 damage | Deathly Gaze: Single target action. To catch the eye of a sea hag is to invite certain death. If the target is currently frightened by the sea hags appearance, the hag may magically reduce the targets HP to -3. In order for the Deathly Gaze to succeed, the hag must roll to hit against Mental Resistance (using its Spirit modifiers). Can use the follow Water powers (at T3) X times each day: - Anchor of the Deep x1 (T3 Binding, action) - Briny Thirst x1 (T3 Plague, action) - Turbulent Waters x1 (T3 Trap, action) - Riptide x3 (T3 Beam, action) - Waterlog x3 (T3 Hex, instant) Hags Curse: Instant, no Difficulty Roll Required. Sea hags are supernaturally gifted in the use of Curses and can cast them without limit. Sea hags can cast any of the following Curses: Curse of Weakness, Curse of Unbelief, Curse of Torment. |
Amphibious: Can breathe in air and water Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Aura IV: Passive effects in 4" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Caster III: Unlimited used of Tier3 Powers Cursed Wounds: For any physical damage caused by this creature, if not de-cursed first, MUST attempt to resist any healing. For non-magical healing (i.e. potions) use Natural resist with no "casting" modifiers. |
Horrific Aura: Passive. A sea hag in its true form is utterly vile and repugnant to behold. Their horrific appearance is unsettling for any being of the third creation, and increases critical miss and critical cast chances by 5% for anyone with line of sight. If also within 6" while in LoS on the hags true form, the target must also pass a resolve test or become frightened until doing so. Hags Eye: A hag can magically remove and preserve one of their eyes and at will see through it at any distance away provided it is in the same realm, dimension, or plane of existence. Doing so blinds their other eyes for the duration. The Hags Eye can be used by any hag that belongs to the same coven. A Hags Eye can be used to brew a potion that removes any curse cast by the coven the eye belongs to. Coven: Hags often form covens in threes. For every other hag within 6" that belongs to the same coven, a hag gain +10 to cast |
1d6 GP, 1d6 Everice, 0-1 (Preserved) Hags Eye | n/a | n/a | ||||||
Second | Fey | Alicorn | Chimera | Equine | Magical | Adult | yes | Realm (Wonders), Alignment (Good), Polarity (Order) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Sky | 2 | 39 (26+2d12) | 40 | 5 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 22; Armor 12; Dodge 10 Can wear up to Plate Armor |
Arcane 12; Elemental 26; Natural 26; Holy 20; Demonic 23; Mental 19 | Move 7; Str 15; Agil 14; Stam 13; Int 6; Wis 13; Avd 10; Per 16; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 5 | Equine "Speech", Common & Telepathy | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Fur/Hair x6 plus Feathers, Dense x2 | Hoof (1d12) & Horn (1d6) Can surrender horn attack to auto cast dispel magic/cure disease/revmove curse, must touch | Wind Buffet: Action, 90° frontal arc, if w/in 6" must pass str test to move toward Pegasus, -20 hit when targeting Pegasus or rider with ranged Anti-magic: Action, automatically blocks the next spirit power used against the Unicorn and/or its rider (once/battle) |
Flyer I, Advanced: 2x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move Trample IV: 4d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mulekick III: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (3d6 dam) rear arc melee attack |
Mount |
0-1 Alicorn Horn (small) | Affection & Insight | Flying, can't be broken (must willingly choose to be used as a mount) | Wild & High Elves (+2), Humans (+1), Half Orcs (-3) Orcs (-2), Half-Elves, Minotaurs, Centaurs & Kayden (-1) | ||||||
Second | Fey | Furnace Salamander | Aquatic | Amphibian | Salamander | Ambusher | Adult | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Tropical/Temperate | Volcanic, Fresh Water | 3 | 52 (33+3d12) | 34 | 5 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 40; Armor 30; Dodge 10 Boiling Heat: passive, at will can radiate extreme heat from its body as an Aura, dealing 3d6 Heat damage in a 1" radius, if done in water the radius increases to 3" but does 1d6 less for each 1" away |
Arcane 10; Elemental 26; Natural 25; Holy 20; Demonic 22; Mental 17 | Move 6; Str 15; Agil 14; Stam 13; Int 5; Wis 12; Avd 10; Per 12; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 2 | Amphibian "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Soft Metallic x5 | Burning Bite: 1d8 physical damage + 1d6 fire damage | Burning Tailswipe: 1d8 physical Damage + 1d6 fire Damage, see Trait |
Heat Shock: instant, so sudden and intense is the heat of the Furnace Salamander that one source of heat damage this round (either from Burning Tailswipe, Burning Bite, or Boiling Heat) also Stuns the target for 1 round if failing a Resolve test |
Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Sneaky, Aquatic: Can enter battle hidden if in water & treats water surfaces as breaking LoS for the purposes of re-hiding Aura I: Passive effects in 1" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Tailswipe I: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra attack that hits all targets in reach in the rear arc, with 1" knockback on targets of lesser size Dual Damage (Phys & Fire): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Immune (Fire): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Water/Frost): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Amphibious: Can breathe in air and water |
Treats lava as water for the purposes of Swimmer and Sneaky, Aquatic traits Prefers to live in lava or fresh water hot springs, but will hide in other water sources for the purposes of Ambushing its prey, instantly boiling the water aroudn them and inflicting Heat Shock |
3d6 Raw Meat, 1d6 Brimstone | Similar in shape to the common Salamander, but significantly larger and possessing a black or charcoal colored metallic hide with vibrant heat spots. | Dominance & Force | Exotic | n/a | |||
Second | Fey | Unicorn | Mammal | Equine | Magical | Adult | yes | Realm (Wonders), Alignment (Good), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Plain | 2 | 39 (26+2d12) | 24 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 16; Armor 9; Dodge 7 Can wear up to Plate Armor |
Arcane 12; Elemental 26; Natural 26; Holy 20; Demonic 23; Mental 19 | Move 8; Str 15; Agil 14; Stam 13; Int 6; Wis 13; Avd 7; Per 16; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 5 | Equine "Speech", Common & Telepathy | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Fur/Hair x6 plus Fur, Coarse/Dense x1 | Hoof (1d12) & Horn (1d6) Can surrender horn attack to auto cast dispel magic/cure disease/revmove curse, must touch | Anti-magic: Action, automatically blocks the next spirit power used against the Unicorn and/or its rider (once/battle) |
Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule Kick II: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (2d6 dam) rear arc melee attack |
0-1 Unicorn Horn (Small); 0-1 Manastone | Affection & Insight | Exotic, can't be broken (must willingly choose to be used as a mount) | Wild & High Elves (+2), Humans (+1), Half Orcs (-3) Orcs (-2), Half-Elves, Minotaurs, Centaurs & Kayden (-1) | |||||||
Second | Fey | Nightmare | Mammal | Equine | Magical | Adult | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Tropical/Temperate | Plain, Volcanic | 2 | 39 (26+2d12) | 20 | 3 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 16; Armor 9; Dodge 7 Can wear up to Plate Armor |
Arcane 12; Elemental 26; Natural 26; Holy 20; Demonic 23; Mental 19 | Move 8; Str 15; Agil 14; Stam 13; Int 6; Wis 13; Avd 7; Per 16; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 1 | Equine "Speech", Common & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Fur/Hair x6 plus Fur, Coarse/Dense x1 | Hoof (1d12) | Malevolent Gaze: Action, stares at a single target w/in 20" with its fiery red eyes, causing Fear if failing a Resolve test Flame Trail: leaves flaming hoof prints along its movement path for 1 rnd, causing 1d4 Fire dam to anything it touches (add to Trample dam) |
Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule Kick II: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (2d6 dam) rear arc melee attack |
Dominance & Force | Exotic, can't be broken (must willingly choose to be used as a mount) | Orcs (+2), Half Orcs (+1), Elves (-1) | ||||||||
Second | Fey | Dragon Frog | Aquatic | Amphibian | Dragon Frog | Familiar | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Tropical/Temperate | Swamp, Coastal/Shore | 4 | 26 (12+4d6) | 19 | 3 | Tiny (Prone) | -4 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 20; Armor 8; Dodge 12 Water Blend: effectively invisible when submerged in fresh water, unless taking aggressive actions |
Arcane 10; Elemental 12; Natural 17; Holy 16; Demonic 19; Mental 16 | Move 4; Str 9; Agil 12; Stam 6; Int 5; Wis 11; Avd 12; Per 10; Res 8; Init 8; Cha 8 | Amphibian "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Thick x4 | Bite: 1d6+2 damage | Sense Magic: a Dragon Frogs spots passively change color to match the most prevalent school of magic nearby. They can also focus on a specific object or area to actively use this ability Deluge: T4 Cone action, 1/day Waterlog: T3 Hex instant, 2/day Douse Magic: Dispel instant/action, 2/day Healing Stream: Healing action, 3/day Twin Water Jet: 2x Missile action (must be a single target), 4/hour |
Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Amphibious: Can breathe in air and water Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Swimmer II: 3x movement while in water Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Elemental Water Aura: 2" radius, effects master & familiar only, grants +1 movement, +10 cast and +2 spell damage with Water powers, +2 healing to anyone within the aura |
1d4-1 Enchanted Water | Dragon Frogs are not true dragons, but they do possess small dragon-like wings and their head appears more dragon than frog. Here the resemlance ends as the rest of their body appears as a plumb frog body, covered in color changing spots. They are elsuive creautures, becoming transparent while in their natural fresh water habitates. Dragon Frogs are notoriously ornery around those with no affinity for water. They make excellent familairs for water mages, and are highly prized for there healing capacilities and elemental water aura. | n/a & n/a | n/a | Elves & Humans (+1) | |||||
Second | Fey | Phoenix Hatchling | Avian | Bird of Prey | Phoenix | Familiar | Hatchling | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Tropical/Temperate | Volcanic, Mountain | 4 | 24 (10+4d6) | 19 | 3 | Tiny (Prone) | -4 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +11 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 21; Armor 4; Dodge 17 Heat Blend: when in warm or hot temperatures can blend in with its environment, effectively becoming invisible, but cannot take actions while doing so |
Arcane 12; Elemental 10; Natural 9; Holy 18; Demonic 13; Mental 10 | Move 4; Str 8; Agil 15; Stam 5; Int 6; Wis 4; Avd 17; Per 18; Res 9; Init 9; Cha 4 | Avian "Speech" & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Feathers, Light x4 | Beak or Talons: 1d6 damage | Smell Magic: natural senses act as detect magic Wall of Fire: T4 Obstacle action, 1/day Heat Exhaustion: T3 Hex instant, 2/day Melt Magic: Dispel instant/action, 2/day Cauterize: T3 Healing action, 3/day Twin Flame Lance: 2x Missile action (must be a single target), 4/hour |
Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Elemental Fire Aura: 2" radius, effects caster and allies of their choice, grants +5 cast & +3 spell dam with Fire powers and generates 3 fury and vigor per rnd where applicable Elemental Rebirth: When a phenix dies, amidst the feathers and ash can be found a small egg-like cinder. The egg has HP equal to the Pheonix's max HP before its death and has 50% Absorption to all forms of damage except water/frost. The cinder radiates heat, dealing 1d6 heat damage per creature level to anything that touches it. |
1d6 Phoenix Feathers & 1 Cinder Egg | Unlike its full grown counterpart, a Pheonix hatchlings body has not yet been consumed by flames. It appears as a tiny bird of prey, with crimson feathers and golden beak and talons. Phoenix Hatchlings are very rare, being true born rather than reborn from its magical Cinder Egg. Few survive to become full grown adults as their Cinder Egg is only strong as the Phoenix was in life, making it much easier to destroy and prevent its rebirth. Pheoniz Hatchlings are also much more vulnerable at this age, having yet to come fully into their innate powers of fiery destruction. This makes them more docile and simplier to control, making them an ideal familiar for those wishing to harness their Elemental Fire Aura. Mistreatment of a Phoenix hatchling is ill advised, for if an adutl Phoenix ever found out about the msitreatment of one of their vulnerable young, their fiery wrath would no no limits. | n/a & n/a | n/a | |||||
Second | Fey | Shardling | Fey Folk | Sprite | Shardling | Familiar | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Cosmopolitan | Subterranean, Mountain | 3 | 25 (14+3d6) | 19 | 3 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 27; Armor 20; Dodge 7 Stone Form: can turn itself into a non-discript stone/rock form, making it virtually undetectable, but cannot move or take action in this form |
Arcane 16; Elemental 16; Natural 18; Holy 14; Demonic 17; Mental 18 | Move 4; Str 8; Agil 6; Stam 8; Int 8; Wis 10; Avd 7; Per 10; Res 7; Init 7; Cha 8 | Sprite, Terran & Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Earthen x4 | Rock Fist: 1d6 dam, 5% stun | Smell Magic: natural senses act as detect magic Imbue Stun: instant, self or master only, 3/hour Tremors: Control action, 1/day Smother Magic: Dispel instant/action, 2/day Mithril Spear: Missile action, ignore Volatile effects, can cast and still use Rock Fist as an offhand attack, 3/hour |
Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Toughness II: Negates all incoming damage by 2 Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Elemental Earth Aura: 2" radius, effects master & familiar only, +5 cast & +2 spell damage with Earth powers, negates 10% of incoming damage and converts it into 2x Spirit |
1d4-1 Thaumatite Ore | Shardlings are tiny Fey Folk attuned to earth magic, vaguely resembling a tiny gnome with stone skin and crystalline hair. Theare incredibly passive creatures, sometimes remaining still for days at a time. However if they perceive that earth is threatned in anyway they will always rise to its defense. Exactly what constitutes a threat to earth, is not always apparent to non-Shardlings. They are prized by spirit users as familiars, due to their innate ability to sense magic by smell, as well as the earth aura they radiate. | n/a & n/a | n/a | Dwarves & Gnomes (+1) | |||||
Second | Fey | Boggle | Fey Folk | Sprite | Bogle | Familiar | yes | Realm (The Void), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Tropical/Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 2 | 18 (11+2d6) | 18 | 3 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+); -1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 25; Armor 16; Dodge 9; Stiff 4 Slip into Shadows: when in shadows Boggles automatically become hidden and unseen if they desire, remaining so unless taking actions |
Arcane 26; Elemental 14; Natural 16; Holy 18; Demonic 18; Mental 22 | Move 4; Str 5; Agil 7; Stam 7; Int 13; Wis 9; Avd 13; Per 15; Res 9; Init 9; Cha 4 | Sprite, Mage Tongue (Arcane) & Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Leather, Splinted x4 | Machete: 1d6 dam | Smell Magic: natural senses act as detect magic Shadow Taunt: thrice/day, instant, a single target within 10" is taunted if failing a Resolve test, at the same time the Boggle creates an illsionary copy of themselves while they immediately become hidden and can sneak away or hop to safety, leaving the target taunted to the illusionary copy which dissapears upon being struck Fear: T3 Control action, 1/day Extinguish Light: Dispel instant/action, 2/day Shadow Bolt: T3 Missile action, 3/hour |
Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Sneaky III: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +5 Advantage to avoid being detected Hopper II: Can hop to move, 2x movement in a straight line, allows for easily jumping over obstacles, must start and end its turn on the ground Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Arcane Shadow Aura: 2" radius, effects master & familiar only, grants +2 Advantage on Avoidance rolls and +5 cast & +2 spell damage with Shadow powers |
1d4 -1 Dark Matter | Boggles are tiny Fey Folk attuned to dark arcane magic, vaguely resembling a small goblin with sagging rubbery flesh that is most often blackish-blue or dark gray. They are cruel tricksters, deriving great pleasure from confusing and confounding friend and foe alike. Boggles are abnoxiously loud and love to taunt and annoy, provided they know they can escape their targets wrath. When confronted directly, they are equally as whiny and submissive, for they are cowardly at heart. They are prized by spirit users as familiars, due to their innate ability to sense magic by smell, as well as the aura of darkness that they radiate. | n/a & n/a | n/a | Goblins (+1) | |||||
Second | Fey | Dream Pixie | Fey Folk | Sprite | Dream Pixie | Familiar | yes | Realm (Dreams), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Rural, Forest/Jungle | 3 | 19 (9+3d6) | 15 | 3 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+); -1 Damage | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | AC 20; Armor 4; Dodge 16 Twilight Blend: when in dusk/twlight light conditions can blend in with its environment, effectively becoming invisible, but cannot take actions while doing so |
Arcane 28; Elemental 10; Natural 22; Holy 18; Demonic 26; Mental 31 | Move 4; Str 4; Agil 18; Stam 5; Int 14; Wis 17; Avd 16; Per 15; Res 9; Init 9; Cha 13 | Sprite, Dreamspeak & Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Cloth x4 | Dusk Fingers: main hand, must touch, 1d4+1 twilight damage, roll vs. Arcane Resist + Dodge | Smell Magic: natural senses act as detect magic Dream Dust: thrice per day, instant, 2" range, causes the surface it lands on to glow slightly with a calming light for up to 1 hour, causing anyone who touches it to automatically become Drowsy. If hit by any source of twilight magic the Dream Dust the Drowsy effec tis triggered and can put the effected target to sleep (see Drowsy spirit passive). Once per day the Pixie can also command its own dust to spontaneously activate (treat as an instant), triggering the Drowsy effect on all targets that have com into contact with the Dream Dust. Dreamspeak: T3 Modify instant, 1/day Awaken: Dispel instant/action, 2/day, treat as permanently having 1 stack of dreamstate Dreamweaver's Missile: T1 Missile action, can cast twice per action, 3 actions/hour |
Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Dream Aura: 2" radius, effects caster and allies of their choice, grants +5 cast & +2 spell dam with Dream powers and restores 1 Stealth or Focus that was lost this round, where applicable. |
1d4-1 Dream Dust | Dream Pixies are tiny Fey Folk attuned to twilight magic, vaguely resembling a tiny childlike elf with radiant wings that usually include a variety of colors such as magenta, pink, orange, pale green, and silver, and appear similar in form to those of a dragonfly or butterfly. Clever and mischievous creatures, they are drawn to the dreams of other creatures and cannot help but use their magic to meddle with them. This is not something they do maliciously, and the results of their meddling is unpredicatable, just as likely to cause pleasant or inspirational dreams as they are to cause nightmares. They are generally docile and avoid combat, using their natural environments to hide away whenever possible and usually only travelling under cover of dusk. However when angered or threatened their bright colored hair is said to take on nightmarish forms intended to scare away predators and agressors. They are prized by spirit users and collectors due to their innate ability to sense magic by smell, their magical dream dust, and the aura of twlight magic that they radiate. They will willingly serve a master, especially a spirit user who focuses on stealth or focus, seeing it as an opportunity to sneak into the dreams others without consequence. | n/a & n/a | n/a | Elves & Gnomes (+1) | |||||
Second | Fey | Dust Devil | Fey Folk | Sprite | Dust Devil | Familiar | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Cosmopolitan | Desert, Plain | 2 | 16 (9+2d6) | 15 | 3 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | AC 24; Armor 8; Dodge 16 Fluid Form: can spin itself into a fluidic air form, during which time it can only be seen based on the swirling of nearby debris. All standard rules for fluid form creatures applies, but the Dust Devil can take no aggressive actions in this form. |
Arcane 6; Elemental 12; Natural 10; Holy 6; Demonic 7; Mental 7 | Move 4; Str 8; Agil 18; Stam 6; Int 3; Wis 4; Avd 16; Per 5; Res 3; Init 9; Cha 3 | Sprite, Auran & Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Cloth, Quilted x4 | Fist Slam: 1d6 dam | Smell Magic: natural senses act as detect magic Wind Gust: instant, can be used in fluid form, grants 2x land or flying movement speed, if passing through a target that fails a Stamina test, the target is knocked back 2" in the direction the Dust Devil is moving Updraft: Control action, 1/day Scatter Magic: Dispel instant/action, 2/day Windshear: T3 Shock action, combined with Fist Slam, 3/hour |
Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Swift Dodge II: Can choose at will to use Dodge x2 instead of AC, unlimited use Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Elemental Wind Aura: 2" radius, effects master & familiar only, -10 to hit for incoming projectiles, +5 cast & +2 spell dam with Wind powers |
1d4-1 Aether | Dust Devils are tiny Fey Folk attuned to wind magic. They are impish bronze skinned creatures with wild hair that seems to perpetually blow in unseen winds. They are vicious and decietful creatures at heart, smiling a sharp toothed and compliant grin to your face, only to betray you when your back is turned. They are prized by spirit users as familiars, due to their innate ability to sense magic by smell, as well as the aura of wind that they radiate. | n/a & n/a | n/a | ||||||
Second | Fey | Acid Pixie | Fey Folk | Sprite | Acid Pixie | Familiar | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Tropical/Temperate | Swamp, Volcanic | 3 | 19 (9+3d6) | 15 | 3 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+); -1 Damage | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | AC 20; Armor 4; Dodge 16 Heat Blend: when in warm or hot temperatures can blend in with its environment, effectively becoming invisible, but cannot take actions while doing so |
Arcane 28; Elemental 10; Natural 22; Holy 18; Demonic 26; Mental 31 | Move 4; Str 4; Agil 18; Stam 5; Int 14; Wis 17; Avd 16; Per 15; Res 9; Init 9; Cha 13 | Sprite, Ignan & Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Cloth x4 | Acid Fingers: main hand, must touch, 1d4+1 caustic damage, roll vs. Elemental Resist + Dodge | Smell Magic: natural senses act as detect magic Caustic Pixie Dust: thrice per day, instant, 2' range, causes the surface it lands on to be coated in a sticky powder slime for up to 1 hour. If hit by any liquid or caustic power the Casutic Pixie Dust becomes highly corrosive, applying 3 stacks of Corrosion on the target. Once per day the Pixie can also command its own dust to spontaneously become corrosive (treat as an instant) Acidify: T3 Amplify instant, 1/day Melt Magic: Dispel instant/action, 2/day Acid Arrow: T1 Missile action, can cast twice per action, 3 actions/hour |
Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Volatile Elemental Fire Aura: 2" radius, effects caster and allies of their choice, grants +3 spell dam with Caustic powers and generates 1d4 fury and vigor per rnd where applicable |
1d4-1 Caustic Pixie Dust | Acid Pixies are tiny Fey Folk corrupted and driven mad by volatile fire magic. They vaguely resemble a tiny childlike elf with wings shimmering yellow and green wings that appear similar in form to those of a dragonfly or butterfly. Timid and mostly insane, they are obsessed with causing mayhem and destruction, but only when they think they can get away with no one notcing them. They are generally docile and avoid combat, using their natural environments to hide away whenever possible. However when angered or threatened their pale yellow hair seems to bubble and broil with caustic vapors. They are prized by spirit users and collectors due to their innate ability to sense magic by smell, their magical caustic pixie dust, and the aura of volatile elemental fire that they radiate. They will willingly serve a master, especially a spirit user who focuses on destruction or devestation powers, seeing it as an opportunity to burn and melt higns without reprisal. | n/a & n/a | n/a | Elves & Gnomes (+1) | |||||
Second | Fey | Brownie | Fey Folk | Sprite | Brownie | Familiar | yes | Realm (Wonders), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Rural, Hill | 2 | 16 (9+2d6) | 14 | 3 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); -1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 24; Armor 10; Dodge 14 Natural Invisibility: short duration partial invisibility, 2rnds max in combat, can activate even when in LOS to become hidden and trigger Sneaky III, cannot take any actions while invisible |
Arcane 26; Elemental 12; Natural 22; Holy 18; Demonic 25; Mental 29 | Move 4; Str 4; Agil 16; Stam 6; Int 13; Wis 16; Avd 14; Per 15; Res 9; Init 9; Cha 10 | Sprite, Mage Tongue (Arcane) & Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Leather x5 | Smallsword: 1d6 dam | Smell Magic: natural senses act as detect magic Swift Shoes: once/hour, instant, activate to triple movement speed for 1 movement Mind Trap: Control action, 1/day Dispel Magic: Dispel instant/action, 2/day Magic Missile: Missile action, lvl3, 3/hour |
Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Sneaky III: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +5 Advantage to avoid being detected Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Common Arcane Aura: 2" radius, effects master & familiar only, +5 cast & +2 spell damage with Common Arcane powers, regenerates 1 Spirit/rnd |
1d4 GP, various shiny trinkets | Brownies are tiny Fey Folk attuned to common arcane magic, vaguely resembling a small gnome dressed in scraps of leather and typically sporting a floppy hat. They are extremely mischevious but generally dislike causing actual harm. Brownies are naturally shy and experts at remaining unseen, however they are irresistably drawn to anything shiny which often causes them to throw caution to the wind in order to obtain some new trinket. Generally friendly and helpful to those with good intent, they also notoriously easy to offend. Luckily their memories are short when presented with a shiny present. They are prized by spirit users as familiars, due to their innate ability to sense magic by smell, as well as the aura of mana that they radiate. | n/a & n/a | n/a | Halflings & Gnomes (+1) | |||||
Second | Fey | Flame Pixie | Fey Folk | Sprite | Flame Pixie | Magical | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Good), Polarity (Chaos) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Volcanic | 2 | 15 (8+2d6) | 14 | 3 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | AC 20; Armor 4; Dodge 16 Heat Blend: when in warm or hot temperatures can blend in with its environment, effectively becoming invisible, but cannot take actions while doing so |
Arcane 28; Elemental 10; Natural 22; Holy 18; Demonic 26; Mental 31 | Move 4; Str 4; Agil 18; Stam 5; Int 14; Wis 17; Avd 16; Per 15; Res 9; Init 9; Cha 13 | Sprite, Ignan & Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Cloth x4 | Fire Fingers: main hand, must touch, 1d4+1 fire damage, roll vs. Elemental Resist + Dodge | Smell Magic: natural senses act as detect magic Smoldering Pixie Dust: thrice per day, instant, 2' range, causes the surface it lands on to be unusually warm for up to 1 hour. If hit by a spark or source of intense heat the Smoldering Pixie Dust ignites into open flame, treat this as if the Ignite spell was cast on the target. Once per day the Pixie can also command its own dust to spontaneously ignite (treat as an instant) Heat Exhaustion: T3 Hex instant, 1/day Melt Magic: Dispel instant/action, 2/day Flame Lance: T1 Missile action, can cast twice per action, 3 actions/hour |
Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Elemental Fire Aura: 2" radius, effects caster and allies of their choice, grants +5 cast & +2 spell dam with Fire powers and generates 2 fury and vigor per rnd where applicable |
1d4-1 Smoldering Pixie Dust | Flame Pixies are tiny Fey Folk attuned to elemental fire magic, vaguely resembling a tiny childlike elf with wings radiant red and orange wings that appear similar in form to those of a dragonfly or butterfly. Wild and unruly creatures, they are none the less good natured and careful to ensure their innate powers do not inadvertently cause wildfires. They are generally docile and avoid combat, using their natural environments to hide away whenever possible. However when angered or threatened their bright red hair ignites into a magical illusionary flame and their temper is said to far outmatch their size. They are prized by spirit users and collectors due to their innate ability to sense magic by smell, their magical smoldering pixie dust, and the aura of elemental fire that they radiate. However they are free spirited and utterly refuse serve any master, making them effectively impossible to use as familiars, though many have tried and failed. They will at times assist non-pixie allies if they believe they share common purpose. | n/a & n/a | n/a | Elves & Gnomes (+1) | |||||
Second | Fey | Couatl Hatchling | Reptile | Serpent | Couatl | Familiar | Hatchling | Cloud Serpent | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Good), Polarity (Chaos) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Swamp | 2 | 12 (5+2d6) | 13 | 3 | Tiny (Prone) | -4 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 24; Armor 8; Dodge 16 Natural Shapeshift: can change its appearance at will to any similar sized (and threat rating) beast, usually as a means of avoiding attention however using any of its pwoers or takign any kind of agressive action causes it to automatically revert to its true form. |
Arcane 24; Elemental 6; Natural 13; Holy 14; Demonic 17; Mental 22 | Move 4; Str 4; Agil 18; Stam 3; Int 12; Wis 10; Avd 16; Per 15; Res 7; Init 7; Cha 8 | Reptile "Speech", Auran & Telepathy | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Scales, Light x4 | Fangs: 1d4+1 damage, see Skills for venom | Smell Magic: natural senses act as detect magic Scatter Magic venom: the fangs of a Couatl drip with a venom that acts as aScatter Magic spell. Twice per day the Couatl can spit this venom as a cone template Storm Chains: T2 Binding action, 1/day Tranquil Breeze: T2 Healing action, 2/day Charged Bolt: T2 Missile action, 3/hour |
Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Elemental Storm Aura: 2" radius, effects caster and allies of their choice, grants +5% Critical Cast and Failure chance & +3 spell dam with Storm powers |
1d4-1 Aether | Couatl are noble and benevolent serpent like creatures with shimmering scales and beautiful feathered wings. They live among the clouds and rarely interact with others. Their altruistic nature makes them natural caretakers and guardians who bind themselves to a greater purpose of some kind, be it prophecy, creation, or some other divine plan. They spend their long lives in service to this purpose, but they do not intervene directly unless it is absolutely necessary. While Cuoatl generally hate evil and act to thawrt it whenever possible, in very rare cases they are evil themselves and hate good, dedicated themselves to sowing chaos and destruction. As hatchlings, Couatl are sometimes entrusted into the care of spell casters, acting as familiars. This allows the parents to pursue whatever greater purpose they are bound to, while ensuring their young are well taken care of. | n/a & n/a | n/a | Kayden (+1) | |||
Second | Fey | Fairy | Fey Folk | Sprite | Fairy | Familiar | yes | Realm (Dawn), Alignment (Good), Polarity (Order) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Sky | 2 | 9 (4+2d4) | 12 | 2 | Diminutive (Upright) | -8 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -2 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | AC 26; Armor 8; Dodge 18 Light Blend: when in direct sunlight can blend in with its environment, effectively becoming invisible, but cannot take actions while doing so |
Arcane 30; Elemental 6; Natural 21; Holy 18; Demonic 27; Mental 33 | Move 4; Str 2; Agil 18; Stam 3; Int 15; Wis 18; Avd 18; Per 15; Res 9; Init 9; Cha 14 | Sprite, Mage Tongue (Arcane) & Common | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Cloth, Quilted x4 | Stilleto: 1d6 dam | Smell Magic: natural senses act as detect magic Fairy Dust: thrice per day, instant, 2' range, causes the surface it lands on to be under the effects of Illumination for up to 1 hour, granting +1 Advantage on all Stat rolls and increases any healing done on that target by 1d4 Blind: T3 Control action, 1/day Expel Darkness: Dispel instant/action, 2/day Luminous Shot: T3 Shot action, 3/hour |
Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Arcane Light Aura: 2" radius, effects master & familiar only, +5 cast & +2 spell dam with Light/Solar powers, regenerates 1HP per round |
1d4-1 Fairy Dust | Fairies are diminuitive Fey Folk attuned to light arcane magic, vaguely resembling a tiny highelf with shimmering wings that are similar in form to those of a dragonfly or butterfly. Noble creatures, they are pure of heart and will not willingly casue harm to others unless they know a creature is evil. When roused to righteous anger they are surprisingly brave for their size. They are prized by spirit users as familiars, due to their innate ability to sense magic by smell, as well as the aura of light that they radiate. | n/a & n/a | n/a | Elves (+1) | |||||
Second | Fey | Spirit Leech | Invertebrate | Leech | Magical | Adult | yes | Realm (Wonders), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Swamp | 2 | 23 (14+2d8) | 10 | 2 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 22; Armor 6; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 19; Elemental 14; Natural 16; Holy 16; Demonic 17; Mental 11 | Move 4; Str 9; Agil 15; Stam 7; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 16; Per 15; Res 8; Init 16; Cha 0 | Worm "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Rejuvenating: When its Substance or physical form is destroyed in the Realm of Strife its Spirit and/or Soul lives on, either returning to its Realm of Origin or being anchored within some form of physical object or remains, allowing it to take physical form again (see Extra for details). This effectively makes the creature immortal unless slain within its own Realm of Origin or if the anchored object is destroyed before it can reform itself. |
Hide, Thick x3 | Latching Bite (1d6 damage, auto-hits if already Latched, deals 1d6 damage if forcibly removed i.e. with a Strength stat test) | Spirit Leach: if Latched also drains Spirit equal to 2x the damage done by Latching Bite, healing the Spirit Leech for that amount |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Latch: sucessful hits Latch onto the target, treat similar to Grapple except that creature moves with the target; if target is 1 size smaller than creature instead simply treat as Grapple Resistant III (Arcane): +15 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) |
Typically found in packs of 3-6, though if an abundant source of magic exists this number can be many times larger |
1d2 Manastone | A spirit leech is a two-foot long indigo hued invertebrate that can float upon the minute magical currents present throughout the realm of Strife. This gives it an appearance of being able to swim through the air. Spirit Leeches do not require physical sustenance, but instead feed upon sources of magic in order to maintain their physical form outside the Realm of Wonders. As such they are naturally drawn to abundant sources of spiritual energy, though they are particularly fond of Arcane energy. They possess a suction-cup like mouth, full of tiny razor sharp teeth, that allow them to easily latch onto any source of spiritual energy, be it living prey or arcane artifact. Once latched they will attempt to remain so until they have completely drained their food source of spirit. The rate at which they consume spirit is relatively low, making a single Spirit Leech only a minor threat. However, when amassing in great numbers, Spirit Leeches can become a serious nuisance or even a deadly threat if left unchecked. | Force & Insight | n/a | n/a |