Denizens are beings of the Second Creation that do not quite belong in the Realm of Strife, and are sometimes referred to as outsiders or realm dwellers. It is believed that Denizens come from one of the many Realms of Origin, possessing little similarity of substance to one another, but all highly marked by the spiritual energies of their home realm. Typically summoned or lured away to the Realm of Strife, Denizens cannot permanently exist outside their home Realm unless they are somehow anchored to the Realm of Strife.
This is a complex area of study in and of itself, that has led to volumes of literature written on the nature of summoning Denizens. Most scholars are divided into two camps; one claiming that these beings are summoned from a parallel or overlapping Spirit world within the Realm of Strife while the other camp believes they are summoned directly from Realms all their own. This second theory has largely led to the development of the theories surrounding the Realms of Origin and the Creation in Three Parts.
The Codex of Creation separates Denizens into several Metagroups, each with common characteristics:
Elementals are spirits comprised almost wholly of other worldly energies and substance. They can only exist outside of their Realm of Origin for a limited time, losing some of their energies and substance with each passing day. Even outside of their home realm they can be immensely powerful and are often summoned by spirit users as valuable spell casting allies. Shamans in particular rely heavily upon the power of elemental spirits, even going so far as to learn the elemental tongue in order to commune with them on a regular basis.
By sheer force of will some of the more powerful Elemental spirits can maintain their existence outside of their Realm of Origin but this has its limits, and a Resolve test is required at the end of each day spent outside their home realm. If failing this Resolve test the elemental spirit immediately drops one rank (i.e. a Middling Elemental would become a Lesser Elemental). If passing, they maintain their current rank until the end of the next day when they must test again.
If an Elemental is able to absorb sufficient sources of energy that also have some tie to the elemental realm from which they came, they can ignore the resolve test for that day (i.e. a Fire Elemental absorbing the heat from an active volcano). As such, when Elemental Spirits are found in the Realm of Strife, it is likely that they do not stray far from some source of elemental power.
Elemental Spirits come in a variety of breeds, each with its own unique form and natural abilities. The many elemental breeds can be broadly categorized into four main groups, with a fifth group for a lesser form of elemental spirit called an Elemental Imp. Read more…
True Elementals – Fire, Water, Earth, Air Elementals
The most common type of Elemental spirit is essentially the pure breeds, each comprised of the most stable form of spiritual energy from one of the four Elemental Realms of Origin.
Volatile Elementals – Acid, Frost, Metal, Storm Elementals
Less common, and arguably more dangerous, are the Volatile elementals. These are true elementals that have wandered too far inwards towards order (Water and Earth elementals) or outwards towards chaos (Fire and Air elementals) in each of their respective elemental realms. The exposure to the volatile energies found in these areas within their realms have fundamentally transformed them from their original form. In some cases it seems possible for them to revert back to true elementals, however the exact particulars of this process are unknown.
Crossbreed Elementals – Steam, Cloud, Dust, Lava Elementals
Crossbreed elementals do not naturally exist in any realm but are instead created through mad experiments and forbidden magics that attempt to bind Elemental Spirits together. This can be done with some measure of success, provided the polarities of the two Elemental Spirits cancel each other out and achieve balance. However such practice is highly offensive to Elementals as well as the typically well meaning Shaman’s that serve them.
Unstable Elementals – Mud and Smoke Elementals
Though largely theoretical, there are also thought to be two breeds of Unstable Elementals. By fusing water and earth elemental spirits, one could create a mud elemental, however there is no balance maintained in this fusion as both are of ordered polarity, making the binding difficult if not impossible to maintain. Likewise, fusing fire and air to create an smoke elemental would be highly unstable due to the combining of two chaotic polarities
Elemental Imps
Elemental imps are a form of lesser elemental spirits that can be found throughout the elemental realms, and the border realms between them. They are generally of evil alignment, however this evil manifests more in the form of a cruel mischievousness, rather than pure malevolence. While not particularly dangerous on their own, they tend to congregate in packs and grow bolder as their numbers increase.
Celestial and Terrestrial Spirits
Celestial and Terrestrial spirits are similar in many ways to Elementals, however they originate from the Natural Realms of Origin. Regardless of origin, they too are outsiders to the Realm of Strife and must likewise pass a Resolve test at the end of each day if they wish to remain there. The consequences of failure differ than those for elemental spirits, one of many things that sets them apart from simply being categorized as natural elementals.
Despite both being natural spirits, Celestial and Terrestrial spirits are quite distinct from one another and are treated as separate Metagroups, each with its own distinct forms or groups within each metagroup. Read more…
Treants (and awaken Trees, Shrubs, etc…)
The most common Spirits of Eden manifest in the Realm of Strife as Treants. In their truest form these tree spirits are often thought of as fully sentient and awakened trees, who see it as their duty to act as protectors and shepherds of the forest. Treants that fail the daily resolve test begin to lose their sentience, and are said to being falling asleep, passing into stage of partial sentience. In this form they are more tree than Treant, and are referred to simply as awakened trees. As awakened trees they possess only a instinctual intellect and all too often foul temperament. Though they can remain awakened for many years, sometimes even being roused from their partial slumber to become full Treants once more, if slipping further they will fall asleep for good and become like any other tree, their spirit trapped within the tree until it perishes through natural causes, flame or axe. Only then is the spirit released back to its true home in Eden.
Eden’s regenerative influence is prevalent in the Realm of Strife, found anywhere that plants grow and thrive, but especially so in the heart of the forest. This makes it relatively easy for Treants to absorb the necessary natural energies to maintain their sentience. As such Treants very often grow to be ancient beings, with long memories and even longer stories for those with the patience to hear them. In the deepest parts of the most ancient forests it is even thought that perhaps some Treants have existed since the very beginning of the Realm of Strife, stranded there when Creation was shattered by the subversive will of the Demons.
Certainly many Treants find their way to the Realm of Strife like any other spirit, summoned by a practitioner of the spiritual arts to fulfill their own goals. Similar to Elemental Shamans, Wild Shamans have learned the Primal Tongue of Treants and typically treat them with reverence and respect. Treants that are summon in this way are bound to the tree that becomes their physical body in the Realm of Strife but can be released back to Eden by the one who summoned them.
Celestials – Celestial Beings and Constellations
Little is known about the spirits of the Cosmos, generically referred to as Celestials or Celestial beings, but more often known by their individual names as constellations. This is simply because above all Spirits, they struggle the most to survive in the Realm of Strife, requiring vast amounts of energy to maintain their form. While the Cosmos is thought to completely surround the Realm of Strife, clearly evident when gazing upwards at a clear night sky, it seems to be the most removed of any of the Realms of Origin, with sources of Celestial energy few and far between.
While astronomers can list the names of a near infinite number of constellations, the only ones that can claim any true understanding of the spirits of the Cosmos are the Celestial Shamans, and these are as rare as a fallen star.
Unlike other Shamans, Celestial Shamans must typically commune with the Celestials at a distance, for the very presence of a celestial is said to cause mysterious maladies and even death. Yet what the few recorded interactions with celestials can say with certainty, is that these beings are immensely powerful and not to be trifled with. But to gain their favor, that is a undeniably powerful boon.
Codex of Denizens
The Codex of Denizens is the master list of all Denizens available for encounters and roleplaying for Realm of Strife GMs. While the framework for all known and theorized Denizens exists, not all entries are currently complete. The Codex of Denizens continues to expand as designers create new entries.
If you are looking for a Denizen that does not appear in this list please contact us and request that an entry be added to the codex and we will endeavor to publish your request in a timely manner.
Creation | Order | Creature Name | Metarace | Breed | Variant/Subgroup | Class/Role | Rank/Age | Alternate Names | publish? | Origins | Climate | Habitat | Level | HP (at lvl) | XP | Threat Rating | Size | Size Mod | Melee Mod | Ranged Mod | Spirit Mod | Faith Mod | Defense | Resistances | Stats | Languages | Senses | Form | Armor | Weapons | Alternate | Skills | Traits | Extra | Drops | Description |
Second | Denizen | Ent, Ancient | Terrestial | Awakened | Treant | Protector | Ancient | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Forest/Jungle, N/A | 17 | 751 (530+34d12) | 343 | 17 | Gargantuan (Upright) | 16; Crushing Blow 16, Toughness 4, Reach +3 | +10 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+); +3 Damage | +11 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +20 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | +26 Hit; 15% Crit. (86+) | AC 81; Armor 80; Dodge 1 |
Arcane 28; Elemental 40; Natural 40; Holy 40; Demonic 40; Mental 34 | Move 7; Str 20; Agil 4; Stam 20; Int 14; Wis 20; Avd 1; Per 5; Res 20; Init 5; Cha 6 | Primal Tongue & Sylvan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Bark, Ancient x8 | Branch Flurry x4: 3d10 dam melee attack, Reach 6", Overpowering (-6), Crushing Blow 6. OR Sweeping Branch x1: 4d10 dam melee attack Reach 6" that hits all targets in frontal arc range, 100% knock down, immune to block/parry/ward-off/etc...) | Entangling Roots (instant, roll vs. nature resist+dodge, range 10" Snares up to 6 targets and inflicts 1d12 damage each round, until roots are broken any damage over 12 will break the roots after 2 rounds targets become Immobilized until roots are broken) |
Immovable I: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Immune (Nature): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Legendary II: Twice per round, but never in immediate sucession, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Nature Damage Double damage from Fire Regenerates 2d12 per round |
6d12 Primordial Sap | |||
Second | Denizen | Celestial Ancient | Celestial | Constellate | Ancient | yes | Realm (The Cosmos), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Sky, N/A | 17 | 698 (477+34d12) | 328 | 17 | Gargantuan (Upright) | 16; Crushing Blow 16, Toughness 4, Reach +3 | +24 Hit; 15% Crit. (86+); +2 Damage | +24 Hit; 15% Crit. (86+) | +24 Hit; 15% Crit. (86+) | +24 Hit; 15% Crit. (86+) | AC 18; Armor 0; Dodge 18 Armor of Celestial Glory VI: Passive, +36 Armor +36 Natural Resistance, after 3 Armor Saves or Natural Resists armor erupts into a shower of Celestial energy causing 6d6 damage to all targets within 6", armor regenerates after 3 rounds or 1 minute out of combat |
Arcane 36; Elemental 36; Natural 36; Holy 36; Demonic 36; Mental 36 | Move 7; Str 18; Agil 18; Stam 18; Int 18; Wis 18; Avd 18; Per 18; Res 18; Init 18; Cha 18 | Primal Tongue & Celestian | Blindsense II: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to 2x their perception. Uneffected by light and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Incorporeal: Complete lack of solid form, immune to physical damage and effects (i.e. grapple, stun, etc...) unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); cannot have movement impaired by non-magical means; can pass through solid matter at will but cannot interact with it or end its movement inside of it; can move in 3 dimensions without normal flying restrictions |
Celestial Fist x2: 1d10+30 celestial & physical damage, if hitting on a roll of 2+ target must re-roll the first successful roll on their next turn. AND Starbeam x1: 5d12 celestial damage, range 30", can be used in base contact | Instead of attacking, can use its touch as Disperse Magic |
Celestial Jump: instant, teleports itself anywhere within 30" Analyse Target: instant, single target in base contact, use Mental Resistance, target is immobilized for 1 rnd while the caster learns everything about it, also grants catser +30 to hit and +30 Defense against that target for the remainder of the battle, target can choose to resist the effect and instead take 30 damage |
Immune (Celestial): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Earth & Water): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Dual Damage (Celestial & Physical): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Legendary II: Twice per round, but never in immediate sucession, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
6d12 Stardust | ||||||
Second | Denizen | Caustic Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Acid | Regular | Acid Mephit | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Volcanic | 4 | 51 (33+4d8) | 31 | 5 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); -1 Damage | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +1 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 20; Armor 8; Dodge 12 Illusionary Appearance: If an Caustic Imp remains perfectly still it appears as a yellowish vapor Death Effect: (replaces usual Volatile Caster death effect) upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius of acid causing 1d8+4 caustic damage. Leaves behind a puddle of acid, which adds a stack of Corrosion to anyone ending their turn within it. |
Arcane 16; Elemental 22; Natural 21; Holy 24; Demonic 22; Mental 18 | Move 4; Str 6; Agil 10; Stam 11; Int 8; Wis 10; Avd 12; Per 10; Res 12; Init 10; Cha 4 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Thick x4 | Caustic Claw: 1d6 physical + 6 caustic damage, inflicts 1 stack of Corrosion | Acid Breath: Exhauls a cone of acid, inflicting 1d4+1d6 caustic damage and applying 1 stack of Corrosion to each target |
Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Caustic Vapor (Beam action) Corroding Hex (Control instant) Burning Ward (Ward instant) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Immune (Fire): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Earth & Water): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Dual Damage (Physical & Caustic): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Enraged I: when dropping below 25% HP all attacks gain +5 Overpower & +50% Damage, below 5% HP increase to +10 Overpower +100% dam |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d6 Brimstone | Mercurial imp-like creatures whose bodies drip with caustic fluids. Native to the Caustic Mists on the edge of the Furnace realm. | |
Second | Denizen | Aetherium Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Air | Regular | Air Mephit | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Sky, Mountain | 2 | 25 (16+2d8) | 17 | 3 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); -1 Damage | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 24; Armor 8; Dodge 16 Illusionary Appearance: If an Aetherium Imp remains perfectly still it appears as swirling debris Death Effect: upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius whirlwind that causes 1d6 wind damage and knocks back any target that is medium or less in size. |
Arcane 22; Elemental 16; Natural 18; Holy 24; Demonic 22; Mental 21 | Move 4; Str 6; Agil 11; Stam 8; Int 11; Wis 10; Avd 16; Per 11; Res 12; Init 12; Cha 6 | Elemental Tongue & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Thick x4 | Aether Claw: 1d4 physical + 2 air damage | Wind Breath: Exhales a cone of fierce winds, inflicting 1d6 air damage |
Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Earth Bind (Burst action) Earth Ward (Ward instant) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Immune (Air): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Earth): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Dual Damage (Physical & Air): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d6 Aether | Menacing imp-like creatures whose bodies are buffeted by ever swirling winds. Native to the Aetherium Expanse found within the Realm of Storms | |
Second | Denizen | Cloudbank Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Cloud | Regular | Cloud Mephit | yes | Realm (Elemental Borders), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Sky, Mountain | 3 | 39 (25+3d8) | 24 | 4 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); -1 Damage | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 24; Armor 8; Dodge 16 Illusionary Appearance: If a Cloudbank Imp remains perfectly still it appears small patch of fog Death Effect: upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius cloud burst causing 1d4 water or air damage and a T2 Knock Down effect. The radius remains as a patch of thick fog that breaks LoS, for up to 1 hour or until otherwise dissipated. Thunderous Body: Anytime they are struck in melee, the attacker is Deafened. Blurred Form: +10AC against any attack requiring conventional sight |
Arcane 22; Elemental 20; Natural 20; Holy 24; Demonic 22; Mental 21 | Move 4; Str 6; Agil 11; Stam 10; Int 11; Wis 10; Avd 16; Per 10; Res 12; Init 12; Cha 6 | Elemental Tongue, Aquan & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Thick x4 | Cloud Claw: 1d4 physical + 4 water damage | Cloud Breath: Exhales a cone of thunderclouds, inflicting 2d4 damage (treat as both water and air damage), targets are Deafened for 1 round. All LoS within or through the cone is broken until the start of the imp's next turn. |
Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Cloudburst (Burst action, treat as a Thunderclap that can also cause Knockdown) Cloud Ward (Ward instant, treat as a combination of Water Ward & Air Ward) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Hardened II (Water & Air): Incoming damage of these types is reduced by half Sensitivity II (Earth & Heat): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Tri Damage (Physical, Water, Air): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as three damage types |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d3 Aether + 1d3 Everice | Aloof imp-like creatures whose bodies are shrouded in churning clouds and elemental air. Native to the Great Cloudbanks, the elemental border realm between the Realm of Storms and the Realm of Stillness. | |
Second | Denizen | Dustfury Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Dust | Regular | Dust Mephit | yes | Realm (Elemental Borders), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Desert, Plain | 3 | 39 (25+3d8) | 24 | 4 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); -1 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 38; Armor 20; Dodge 18 Illusionary Appearance: If a Dustfury Imp remains perfectly still it appears as natural dust-devil Death Effect: upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius of debris causing 1d6 earth or air damage that blinds targets for 1 round. Blurred Form: +10AC against any attack requiring conventional sight |
Arcane 18; Elemental 20; Natural 21; Holy 20; Demonic 21; Mental 20 | Move 4; Str 6; Agil 14; Stam 10; Int 9; Wis 11; Avd 18; Per 12; Res 10; Init 12; Cha 4 | Elemental Tongue, Auran & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Earthen x4 | Dust Claw: 1d4 physical + 4 air damage | Dust Breath: Exhales a cone of dust at high velocity, inflicting 2d4 damage (treated as both earth and air damage) and blinding targets for 1 round. All LoS within or through the cone is broken until the start of the imp's next turn. |
Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Sand Blaster (Beam action) Dust Ward (Ward instant, treat as a combination of Earth Ward & Air Ward) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Hardened II (Earth & Air): Incoming damage of these types is reduced by half Sensitivity II (Fire & Water): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Tri Damage (Physical, Air, Earth): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as three damage types |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d3 Thaumatite ore + 1d3 Aether | Morbid imp-like creatures whose bodies constantly swirl with dust. Native to to the Dustfury desert, the elemental border realm between the Realm of Storms and the Forge. | |
Second | Denizen | Forge Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Earth | Regular | Earth Mephit | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Subterranean, Rural | 2 | 33 (24+2d8) | 20 | 3 | Small (Upright) | -2 | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 30; Armor 20; Dodge 10 Illusionary Appearance: If an Forge Imp remains perfectly still it appears as a pile of small stones Death Effect: upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius of stone shards causing 1d8+2 earth damage |
Arcane 14; Elemental 24; Natural 22; Holy 26; Demonic 23; Mental 17 | Move 4; Str 9; Agil 9; Stam 12; Int 7; Wis 10; Avd 10; Per 9; Res 13; Init 10; Cha 5 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Earthen x4 | Forge Claw: 1d4+2 physical damage | Stone Breath: Exhales a cone of jagged gravel, inflicting 1d6 earth damage |
Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Aerobeam (Beam action) Wind Ward (Ward instant) |
Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Air): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Dual Damage (Physical & Earth): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d6 Thaumatite ore | Plodding imp-like creatures whose bodies are covered in jagged stone. Native to the Earthen Plains, Crystalline Forests, and Mineral Steppes found within the Forge Realm. | |
Second | Denizen | Furnace Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Fire | Regular | Fire Mephit | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Volcanic, Rural | 2 | 25 (16+2d8) | 20 | 3 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); -1 Damage | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 21; Armor 8; Dodge 13 Illusionary Appearance: If an Furnace Imp remains perfectly still it appears as a small natural fire Death Effect: upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius of flame causing 1d8 fire damage. Leaves behind an area of cinders that inflicts 1d4 fire damage to anyone that ends their turn in it. |
Arcane 16; Elemental 16; Natural 18; Holy 16; Demonic 18; Mental 18 | Move 4; Str 6; Agil 13; Stam 8; Int 8; Wis 10; Avd 13; Per 10; Res 8; Init 11; Cha 6 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Thick x4 | Furnace Claw: 1d4 physical + 2 heat damage | Flame Breath: Exhales a cone of flame, inflicting 1d6 fire damage |
Heat Aura: Radiates the heat the the Furnace, inflicting 2 auto-heat damage in a 1" radius Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Heat Ray (Beam action, sustained damage effects can be triggered by allied Furnace imps casting the same power) Flame Ward (Ward instant) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Aura I: Passive effects in 1" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Immune (Fire): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Water): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Dual Damage (Physical & Fire): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d6 Brimstone | Rageful imp-like creatures whose bodies are wreathed in flame. Native to the Scalding Plains, Crags of Sulfuron, and Great Lakes of Fire found within the Furnace Realm | |
Second | Denizen | Frozenheart Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Ice | Regular | Ice Mephit | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Coastal/Shore | 4 | 48 (30+4d8) | 36 | 5 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +6 Hit; 16% Crit. (85+); -1 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +2 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 26; Armor 12; Dodge 14 Illusionary Appearance: If a Frozenheart Imp remains perfectly still it appears as a collection of icicles Death Effect: (replaces usual Volatile Caster death effect) upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius of ice shards causing 1d8+4 frost damage and flash freezing any water it touches. |
Arcane 18; Elemental 20; Natural 21; Holy 24; Demonic 23; Mental 20 | Move 4; Str 7; Agil 13; Stam 10; Int 9; Wis 11; Avd 14; Per 12; Res 12; Init 12; Cha 6 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Crystal x4 | Ice Claw: 1d6 physical + 6 frost damage, if dealing max damage also Slows the target for 1 round | Icy Breath: Exhales a cone of freezing air, inflicting 1d4+1d6 frost damage and slowing targets for 1 round |
Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Ice Spike (Strike action) Bone Chill (Control instant) Frost Ward (Ward instant) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Fire & Crushing): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Dual Damage (Physical & Frost): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Vicious II: +10% Critical hit with physical melee attacks (typically already added) |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d6 Everice | Cruel imp-like creatures comprised of elemental ice. Native to the Frozen Heart deep within the Realm of Stillness | |
Second | Denizen | Magmasea Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Magma | Regular | Magma Mephit | yes | Realm (Elemental Borders), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Volcanic, Subterranean | 3 | 44 (30+3d8) | 25 | 4 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 32; Armor 20; Dodge 12 Illusionary Appearance: If a Magmasea Imp remains perfectly still it appears as a mound of magma Death Effect: upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius of magma globules causing 1d8 fire and physical damage |
Arcane 14; Elemental 24; Natural 22; Holy 20; Demonic 20; Mental 17 | Move 4; Str 8; Agil 12; Stam 12; Int 7; Wis 10; Avd 12; Per 10; Res 10; Init 10; Cha 5 | Elemental Tongue, Ignan & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Earthen x4 | Magma Claw: 1d4 physical + 4 fire damage | Molten Breath: Exhales a cone of hot air mixed with globs of molten earth, inflicting 2d4 fire damage and snaring targets for 1 round, after which they take and additional 1d4 fire damage |
Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Magma Bind (Burst action, treat as Earth Bind that inflicts only 1d8 damage, but if binding inflicts 1d8 fire damage next round) Magma Ward (Ward instant, treat as a combination of Earth Ward & Fire Ward) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Hardened II (Fire & Earth): Incoming damage of these types is reduced by half Sensitivity II (Air & Water): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Tri Damage (Physical, Fire, Earth): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as three damage types Toughness I: Negates all incoming damage by 1 |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d3 Thaumatite ore + 1d3 Brimstone | Dull imp-like creatures comprised of glowing magma. Native to the Magma Sea, the elemental border realm between the Forge and the Furnace. | |
Second | Denizen | Ent, Elder | Terrestial | Awakened | Treant | Protector | Elder | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Forest/Jungle, N/A | 15 | 469 (304+30d10) | 190 | 12 | Massive (Upright) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +10 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+); +2 Damage | +11 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +17 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | +23 Hit; 14% Crit. (87+) | AC 67; Armor 64; Dodge 3 |
Arcane 26; Elemental 38; Natural 38; Holy 36; Demonic 37; Mental 32 | Move 6; Str 19; Agil 6; Stam 19; Int 13; Wis 19; Avd 3; Per 7; Res 18; Init 7; Cha 6 | Primal Tongue & Sylvan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Bark, Elder x8 | Branch Flurry x3: 3d10 dam melee attack, Reach 5", Overpowering (-5), Crushing Blow 5. OR Sweeping Branch x1: 3d10 dam melee attack Reach 5" that hits all targets in frontal arc range, 75% knock down, immune to block/parry/ward-off/etc... | Entangling Roots (instant, roll vs. nature resist+dodge, range 10" Snares up to 5 targets and inflicts 1d10 damage each round, until roots are broken any damage over 10 will break the roots after 2 rounds targets become Immobilized until roots are broken) |
Immovable I: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Immune (Nature): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Nature Damage Double damage from Fire Regenerates 2d10 per round |
5d10 Primordial Sap | |||
Second | Denizen | August Celestial | Celestial | Constellate | Elder | yes | Realm (The Cosmos), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Sky, N/A | 15 | 405 (240+30d10) | 177 | 12 | Massive (Upright) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +19 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+); +1 Damage | +19 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | +19 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | +19 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Armor of Celestial Glory V: Passive, +30 Armor +30 Natural Resistance, after 3 Armor Saves or Natural Resists armor erupts into a shower of Celestial energy causing 5d6 damage to all targets within 5", armor regenerates after 3 rounds or 1 minute out of combat |
Arcane 30; Elemental 30; Natural 30; Holy 30; Demonic 30; Mental 30 | Move 6; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 15; Int 15; Wis 15; Avd 15; Per 15; Res 15; Init 15; Cha 15 | Primal Tongue & Celestian | Blindsense II: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to 2x their perception. Uneffected by light and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Incorporeal: Complete lack of solid form, immune to physical damage and effects (i.e. grapple, stun, etc...) unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); cannot have movement impaired by non-magical means; can pass through solid matter at will but cannot interact with it or end its movement inside of it; can move in 3 dimensions without normal flying restrictions |
Celestial Fist x2: 1d10+20 celestial & physical damage, if hitting on a roll of 3+ target must re-roll the first successful roll on their next turn. AND Starbeam x1: 4d12 celestial damage, range 24", can be used in base contact | Instead of attacking, can use its touch as Disperse Magic |
Celestial Jump: nstant, teleports itself anywhere within 25" Analyse Target: instant, single target in base contact, use Mental Resistance, target is immobilized for 1 rnd while the caster learns everything about it, also grants catser +25 to hit and +25 Defense against that target for the remainder of the battle, target can choose to resist the effect and instead take 25 damage |
Immune (Celestial): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Earth & Water): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Dual Damage (Celestial & Physical): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
5d10 Stardust | ||||||
Second | Denizen | Iron Headwall Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Metal | Regular | Metallic Mephit | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Subterranean | 4 | 57 (39+4d8) | 35 | 5 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | 0 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 35; Armor 24; Dodge 11 Illusionary Appearance: If an Iron Headwall Imp remains perfectly still it appears as a chuck of metallic ore Death Effect: (replaces usual Volatile Caster death effect) upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius of metal shards causing 1d8+4 physical damage and a 1 damage bleed effect |
Arcane 14; Elemental 26; Natural 22; Holy 26; Demonic 22; Mental 16 | Move 4; Str 9; Agil 12; Stam 13; Int 7; Wis 9; Avd 11; Per 10; Res 13; Init 10; Cha 5 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Soft Metallic x4 | Iron Claw: 1d6 + 6 physical damage, inflicts a 2 damage bleed effect | Razor Breath: Exhales a cone sharp metallic shards, inflicting 1d4+1d6 physical damage and causing a 2 damage bleed effect on all targets |
Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Razor Strike (Strike action) Staggering Chains (Control instant) Burning Ward (Ward instant) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Heat & Caustic): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Dual Damage (Physical & Metallic): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d6 Thaumatite ore | Humourless imp-like creatures whose bodies are covered in jagged metal. Native to the Iron Headwall deep within the Forge realm | |
Second | Denizen | Muckmire Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Mud | Regular | Mud Mephit | yes | Realm (Elemental Borders), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Forest/Jungle | 3 | 44 (30+3d8) | 30 | 4 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); -1 Damage | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 30; Armor 20; Dodge 10 Illusionary Appearance: If a Muckmire Imp remains perfectly still it appears as a mound of ordinary mud Death Effect: upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius of viscous mud causing 1d4 earth or water damage and snaring targets caught in its radius. This radius counts as difficult terrain for up to 1 day. |
Arcane 18; Elemental 24; Natural 23; Holy 14; Demonic 18; Mental 20 | Move 4; Str 7; Agil 12; Stam 12; Int 9; Wis 11; Avd 10; Per 10; Res 7; Init 10; Cha 3 | Elemental Tongue, Aquan & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Earthen x4 | Muck Claw: 1d4 physical + 4 water damage | Mud Breath: Exhales a cone of thick mud, inflicting 2d4 damage (treated as both earth and water damage), targets are snared, suffer -15 to hit/cast, and cannot use reactions for 1 full round. |
Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Mud Bind (Burst action, treat as Earth Bind that inflicts only 1d8 damage, but if binding slows the target for 1 round) Mud Ward (Ward instant, treat as a combination of Earth Ward & Water Ward) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Hardened II (Water & Earth): Incoming damage of these types is reduced by half Sensitivity II (Air & Heat): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Tri Damage (Physical, Earth, Water): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as three damage types Toughness I: Negates all incoming damage by 1 |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d3 Thaumatite ore + 1d3 Everice | Ornery imp-like creatures whose fluidic bodies are comprised of thick muddy elemental water. Native to the Muchmire Beaches, the elemental morder realm between the Realm of Stillness and the Forge. | |
Second | Denizen | Ashenwaste Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Smoke | Regular | Smoke Mephit | yes | Realm (Elemental Borders), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Rural, Ruins/Dungeon | 3 | 44 (30+3d8) | 21 | 4 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); -1 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 26; Armor 8; Dodge 18 Illusionary Appearance: If a Ashenwaste Imp remains perfectly still it appears cloud of smoke Death Effect: upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius of burning embers causing 1d8+2 heat damage. Leaves behind an area of cinders that inflicts 1d4 fire damage to anyone that ends their turn in it. Blurred Form: +10AC against any attack requiring conventional sight |
Arcane 20; Elemental 24; Natural 22; Holy 22; Demonic 21; Mental 20 | Move 4; Str 6; Agil 14; Stam 12; Int 10; Wis 10; Avd 18; Per 12; Res 11; Init 14; Cha 8 | Elemental Tongue, Ignan & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Thick x4 | Smoke Claw: 1d4 physical + 4 fire damage | Smoke Breath: Exhales a cone of hot black smoke, inflicting 2d4 heat damage and blinding targets for 1 round. The cone counts as shadow until the start fo the imp's next turn. |
Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Cinder Beam (Beam action, treat as Aero Beam but with the sustained damage effects of Heat Ray, which can be triggered by allied Ashenwaste imps casting the same power) Smoke Ward (Ward instant, treat as a combination of Air Ward & Fire Ward) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Hardened II (Fire & Air): Incoming damage of these types is reduced by half Sensitivity II (Earth & Water): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Tri Damage (Physical, Fire, Air): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as three damage types |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d3 Brimstone + 1d3 Aether | Deceptive imp-like creatures whose bodies billow thick black smoke. Native to the Ashenwaste, the elemental border realm between the Realm of Storms and the Furnace. | |
Second | Denizen | Steamreach Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Steam | Regular | Steam Mephit | yes | Realm (Elemental Borders), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Volcanic, Fresh Water | 3 | 39 (25+3d8) | 24 | 4 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); -1 Damage | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 24; Armor 8; Dodge 16 Illusionary Appearance: If a Steamreach Imp remains perfectly still it appears swirling column of steam Death Effect: upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius of scalding steam causing 1d8+2 heat damage Blurred Form: +10AC against any attack requiring conventional sight |
Arcane 22; Elemental 20; Natural 20; Holy 24; Demonic 22; Mental 21 | Move 4; Str 6; Agil 11; Stam 10; Int 11; Wis 10; Avd 16; Per 10; Res 12; Init 14; Cha 7 | Elemental Tongue, Aquan & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Thick x4 | Steam Claw: 1d4 physical + 4 heat damage | Steam Breath: Exhales a cone of scalding steam, inflicting 2d4+2 heat damage. All LoS within or through the cone is broken until the start of the imp's next turn. |
Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Steam Jet (Beam action, treat as Water Jet but with the sustained damage effects of Heat Ray, which can be triggered by allied Steamreach imps casting the same power) Steam Ward (Ward instant, treat as a combination of Water Ward & Fire Ward) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Hardened II (Water & Heat): Incoming damage of these types is reduced by half Sensitivity II (Earth & Air): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Tri Damage (Physical, Fire, Water): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as three damage types |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d3 Brimstone + 1d3 Everice | Temperamental imp-like creatures whose fluidic bodies are comprised of boiling elemental water. Native to the Steamreach, the elemental border realm between the Realm of Stillness and the Furnace. | |
Second | Denizen | Cyclonic Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Storm | Regular | Storm Mephit | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Sky, Coastal/Shore | 4 | 45 (27+4d8) | 31 | 5 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +4 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 23; Armor 8; Dodge 15 Illusionary Appearance: If an Cyclonic Imp remains perfectly still it appears as a storm cloud Death Effect: (replaces usual Volatile Caster death effect) upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius of electricity causing 1d8+4 storm damage and causing targets to drop any metallic weapons (treat as disarmed). Charged Body: Anytime they are hit with metallic weapon in melee, the attacker must pass a stamina test or be disarmed. |
Arcane 22; Elemental 18; Natural 19; Holy 18; Demonic 19; Mental 21 | Move 4; Str 8; Agil 11; Stam 9; Int 11; Wis 10; Avd 15; Per 11; Res 9; Init 11; Cha 5 | Elemental Tongue & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Thick x4 | Cyclonic Claw: 1d6 physical damage + 6 storm damage, if dealing max damage also shocks the target (treat as winded) | Lightning Breath: Exhales a cone crackling electricity, inflicting 1d4+1d6 storm damage and all targets to drop any metallic weapons they are holding (treat as disarmed) |
Storm Aura: Radiates a powerful electric field, inflicting 3 auto-storm damage in a 2" radius Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Lightning Bolt (Beam action) Electric Pulse (Hex instant) Storm Ward (Ward instant) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Immune (Air): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Earth & Water): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Dual Damage (Physical & Storm): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d6 Aether | Unpredictable imp-like creatures whose bodies crackle with lightning and that are native to the Cyclonic Horizon on the edge of the Realm of Storms | |
Second | Denizen | Sapphire Imp | Elemental | Elemental Imp | Water | Regular | Water Mephit | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Fresh Water, Salt Water | 2 | 27 (18+2d8) | 20 | 3 | Small (Upright) | -2 | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+); -1 Damage | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 19; Armor 8; Dodge 11 Illusionary Appearance: If an Sapphire Imp remains perfectly still it appears as a small pool of water Death Effect: upon reaching 0 HP explodes in a 1" radius of pressurized water causing 1d6 water damage. Leaves behind a puddle of water, which depending on the surface can be difficult terrain. |
Arcane 14; Elemental 18; Natural 18; Holy 18; Demonic 18; Mental 16 | Move 4; Str 6; Agil 9; Stam 9; Int 7; Wis 9; Avd 11; Per 10; Res 9; Init 9; Cha 5 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Thick x4 | Fluidic Claw: 1d4+2 water damage | Water Breath: Exhales a cone of high pressure water, inflicting 1d6 water damage |
Can cast the following spells once per day as a T2 caster: Water Jet (Beam action) Water Ward (Ward instant) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Dual Damage (Physical & Water): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Typically found in packs of 4 to 8 |
1d6 Everice | Lazy imp-like creatures with fluidic bodies comprised of elemental water. Native to the Sapphire Sea found within in the Realm of Stillness | |
Second | Denizen | Air Elemental, Prime | Elemental | True Elemental | Air | Prime | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Sky, Mountain | 17 | 457 (270+34d10) | 724 | 25 | Massive (Upright) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +19 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | +11 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +19 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | +20 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | AC 16; Armor 0; Dodge 16 Can appear as "thin air" (invisible) at will, where movement and any interaction with physical forms or material would be treated as moderate wind of equal size |
Arcane 26; Elemental 30; Natural 29; Holy 26; Demonic 27; Mental 27 | Move 8; Str 13; Agil 13; Stam 15; Int 13; Wis 14; Avd 16; Per 5; Res 13; Init 15; Cha 8 | Elemental Tongue & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense III (Air): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Air Slam x3: 1d12+1d8 physical damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed, if target Armorsaves and fails a Stamina test then apply additional T6 equivalent Wind Effects applied as a choice of 1) upward attack/uppercut (6" Knock-up), 2) downward attack/slam (knock-down), 3) outward attack/jab (6" knock-back), 4) side-swipe attack/backhand (sideways 6" knock-back) | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to displace loose solid matter (such as dirt or sand) of equal size, temporarily (1rnd) weaken solid matter (remove all dama negation/absorption), or use its touch as Scatter Magic |
Wind Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed this round and prevents any attacks from Disengaging from Combat, any target touched or moved through is knocked down and Winded if failing a Stamina test where the target has -8 disadvantage) Windshear (T6 Shock, can be used as an instant) Haste (Modify instant, no HP costs if self cast) Gale Force (Amplify instant) Whirlwind (T6 Cone action) Howling Vortex (Blast action) Cyclone (Nova action) Violent Squall (Storm action) Eye of the Storm (Shell action) Vaporize (Transmute action) Binding of Air (T6 Binding action) Gale Winds (Channel action, gain an extra action while channeling) Spawn Elementals (action, once every three rounds, creates 1d8 Air Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions) |
Caster VI: Unlimited used of Tier6 Powers Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Immune (Air): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Earth): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge IV: Can choose at will to use Dodge x4 instead of AC, unlimited use Legendary II: Twice per round, but never in immediate sucession, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Air Sensitive to Earth Damage (2x dam) If touching a natural source of wind (i.e. not including its own wind effects), the air elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 2d10 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) |
5d10 Aether | ||||
Second | Denizen | Air Elemental, Elder | Elemental | True Elemental | Air | Elder | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Sky, Mountain | 15 | 294 (159+30d8) | 377 | 18 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +18 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | +9 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +15 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +16 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | AC 16; Armor 0; Dodge 16 Can appear as "thin air" (invisible) at will, where movement and any interaction with physical forms or material would be treated as moderate wind of equal size |
Arcane 22; Elemental 26; Natural 25; Holy 22; Demonic 23; Mental 23 | Move 7; Str 12; Agil 14; Stam 13; Int 11; Wis 12; Avd 16; Per 5; Res 11; Init 14; Cha 7 | Elemental Tongue & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Air): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Air Slam x3: 1d12+1d4 physical damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed, if target Armorsaves and fails a Stamina test then apply additional T5 equivalent Wind Effects applied as a choice of 1) upward attack/uppercut (5" Knock-up), 2) downward attack/slam (knock-down), 3) outward attack/jab (5" knock-back), 4) side-swipe attack/backhand (sideways 5" knock-back) | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to displace loose solid matter (such as dirt or sand) of equal size, temporarily (1rnd) weaken solid matter (remove all dama negation/absorption), or use its touch as Scatter Magic |
Wind Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed this round and prevents any attacks from Disengaging from Combat, any target touched or moved through is knocked down and Winded if failing a Stamina test where the target has -6 disadvantage) Windshear (T5 Shock, can be used as an instant) Haste (Modify instant, no HP costs if self cast) Gale Force (Amplify instant) Whirlwind (T5 Cone action) Howling Vortex (Blast action) Cyclone (Nova action) Eye of the Storm (Shell action) Binding of Air (T5 Binding action) Gale Winds (Channel action, gain an extra action while channeling) Spawn Elementals (action, once every three rounds, creates 1d6 Air Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions) |
Caster V: Unlimited used of Tier5 Powers Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Immune (Air): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Earth): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge IV: Can choose at will to use Dodge x4 instead of AC, unlimited use Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Air Sensitive to Earth Damage (2x dam) If touching a natural source of wind (i.e. not including its own wind effects), the air elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 2d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) |
4d8 Aether | ||||
Second | Denizen | Air Elemental, Greater | Elemental | True Elemental | Air | Greater | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Sky, Mountain | 10 | 131 (66+10d12) | 154 | 11 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +14 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +4 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +8 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +9 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 16; Armor 0; Dodge 16 Can appear as "thin air" (invisible) at will, where movement and any interaction with physical forms or material would be treated as moderate wind of equal size |
Arcane 18; Elemental 22; Natural 21; Holy 18; Demonic 19; Mental 19 | Move 6; Str 11; Agil 15; Stam 11; Int 9; Wis 10; Avd 16; Per 5; Res 9; Init 13; Cha 6 | Elemental Tongue & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Air): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Air Slam x3: 1d12 physical damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed, if target Armorsaves and fails a Stamina test then apply additional T4 equivalent Wind Effects applied as a choice of 1) upward attack/uppercut (4" Knock-up), 2) downward attack/slam (knock-down), 3) outward attack/jab (4" knock-back), 4) side-swipe attack/backhand (sideways 4" knock-back) | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to displace loose solid matter (such as dirt or sand) of equal size, temporarily (1rnd) weaken solid matter (remove all dama negation/absorption), or use its touch as Scatter Magic |
Wind Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed this round and prevents any attacks from Disengaging from Combat, any target touched or moved through is knocked down and Winded if failing a Stamina test where the target has -4 disadvantage) Windshear (T4 Shock, can be used as an instant) Gale Force (Amplify instant) Whirlwind (T4 Cone action) Howling Vortex (Blast action) Binding of Air (T4 Binding action) Gale Winds (Channel action, gain an extra action while channeling) Spawn Elementals (action, once every three rounds, creates 1d4 Air Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions) |
Caster IV: Unlimited used of Tier4 Powers Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Immune (Air): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Earth): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge III: Can choose at will to use Dodge x3 instead of AC, unlimited use |
Immune to Air Sensitive to Earth Damage (2x dam) If touching a natural source of wind (i.e. not including its own wind effects), the air elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d12 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) |
3d6 Aether | ||||
Second | Denizen | Air Elemental | Elemental | True Elemental | Air | Middling | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Sky, Mountain | 7 | 79 (41+7d10) | 77 | 8 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +12 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +3 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 16; Armor 0; Dodge 16 Can appear as "thin air" (invisible) at will, where movement and any interaction with physical forms or material would be treated as moderate wind of equal size |
Arcane 14; Elemental 18; Natural 17; Holy 14; Demonic 15; Mental 15 | Move 5; Str 10; Agil 16; Stam 9; Int 7; Wis 8; Avd 16; Per 5; Res 7; Init 12; Cha 5 | Elemental Tongue & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Air): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Air Slam x2: 1d10 physical damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed, if target Armorsaves and fails a Stamina test then apply additional T3 equivalent Wind Effects applied as a choice of 1) upward attack/uppercut (3" Knock-up), 2) downward attack/slam (knock-down), 3) outward attack/jab (3" knock-back), 4) side-swipe attack/backhand (sideways 3" knock-back) | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to displace loose solid matter (such as dirt or sand) of equal size, temporarily (1rnd) weaken solid matter (remove all dama negation/absorption), or use its touch as Scatter Magic |
Wind Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed this round and prevents any attacks from Disengaging from Combat, any target touched or moved through is knocked down and Winded if failing a Stamina test where the target has -2 disadvantage) Windshear (T3 Shock, can be used as an instant) Whirlwind (T3 Cone action) Aerobeam (Beam action) Binding of Air (T3 Binding action) |
Caster III: Unlimited used of Tier3 Powers Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Immune (Air): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Earth): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge III: Can choose at will to use Dodge x3 instead of AC, unlimited use |
Immune to Air Sensitive to Earth Damage (2x dam) If touching a natural source of wind (i.e. not including its own wind effects), the air elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d10 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
2d6 Aether | ||||
Second | Denizen | Air Elemental, Lesser | Elemental | True Elemental | Air | Lesser | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Sky, Mountain | 4 | 39 (21+4d8) | 32 | 5 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 16; Armor 0; Dodge 16 Can appear as "thin air" (invisible) at will, where movement and any interaction with physical forms or material would be treated as moderate wind of equal size |
Arcane 10; Elemental 14; Natural 13; Holy 10; Demonic 11; Mental 11 | Move 4; Str 9; Agil 17; Stam 7; Int 5; Wis 6; Avd 16; Per 5; Res 5; Init 11; Cha 4 | Elemental Tongue & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Air): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Air Slam: 1d8 physical damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed, if target Armorsaves and fails a Stamina test then apply additional T2 equivalent Wind Effects applied as a choice of 1) upward attack/uppercut (2" Knock-up), 2) downward attack/slam (knock-down), 3) outward attack/jab (2" knock-back), 4) side-swipe attack/backhand (sideways 2" knock-back) | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to displace loose solid matter (such as dirt or sand) of equal size, temporarily (1rnd) weaken solid matter (remove all dama negation/absorption), or use its touch as Scatter Magic |
Wind Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed this round and prevents any attacks from Disengaging from Combat, any target touched or moved through is knocked down and Winded if failing a Stamina test) Windshear (T2 Shock, can be used as an instant) Whirlwind (T2 Cone action) Aerobolt (Missile action) |
Caster II: Unlimited used of Tier2 Powers Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Immune (Air): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Earth): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge II: Can choose at will to use Dodge x2 instead of AC, unlimited use |
Immune to Air Sensitive to Earth Damage (2x dam) If touching a natural source of wind (i.e. not including its own wind effects), the air elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
1d6 Aether | ||||
Second | Denizen | Air Elemental, Spawn | Elemental | True Elemental | Air | Spawn | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Sky, Mountain | 2 | 15 (8+2d6) | 11 | 2 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | AC 16; Armor 0; Dodge 16 Can appear as "thin air" (invisible) at will, where movement and any interaction with physical forms or material would be treated as moderate wind of equal size |
Arcane 6; Elemental 10; Natural 9; Holy 6; Demonic 7; Mental 7 | Move 3; Str 8; Agil 18; Stam 5; Int 3; Wis 4; Avd 16; Per 5; Res 3; Init 10; Cha 3 | Elemental Tongue & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Air): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Air Slam: 1d6 physical damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed, if target Armorsaves and fails a Stamina test then apply additional T1 equivalent Wind Effects applied as a choice of 1) upward attack/uppercut (1" Knock-up), 2) downward attack/slam (knock-down), 3) outward attack/jab (1" knock-back), 4) side-swipe attack/backhand (sideways 1" knock-back) | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to displace loose solid matter (such as dirt or sand) of equal size, temporarily (1rnd) weaken solid matter (remove all dama negation/absorption), or use its touch as Scatter Magic |
Wind Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed this round and prevents any attacks from Disengaging from Combat, any target touched or moved through is knocked down and Winded if failing a Stamina test where the target has +2 advantage) Windshear (T1 Shock, can be used as an instant) Whirlwind (T1 Cone action) |
Caster I: Unlimited used of Tier1 Powers Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Immune (Air): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Earth): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge II: Can choose at will to use Dodge x2 instead of AC, unlimited use |
Immune to Air Sensitive to Earth Damage (2x dam) If touching a natural source of wind (i.e. not including its own wind effects), the air elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d6 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
1d4 Aether | ||||
Second | Denizen | Air Elemental, Vapor | Elemental | True Elemental | Air | Mote | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Sky, Mountain | 1 | 6 (3+1d4) | 2 | 0 | Diminutive (Upright) | -8 | +10 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -9 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | AC 16; Armor 0; Dodge 16 Can appear as "thin air" (invisible) at will, where movement and any interaction with physical forms or material would be treated as moderate wind of equal size |
Arcane 2; Elemental 6; Natural 5; Holy 2; Demonic 3; Mental 3 | Move 2; Str 7; Agil 20; Stam 3; Int 1; Wis 2; Avd 16; Per 5; Res 1; Init 9; Cha 2 | Elemental Tongue & Auran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Air): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Air Slam: 1d4 physical damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to displace loose solid matter (such as dirt or sand) of equal size, temporarily (1rnd) weaken solid matter (remove all dama negation/absorption), or use its touch as Scatter Magic |
Wind Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed this round and prevents any attacks from Disengaging from Combat, any target touched or moved through is knocked down and Winded if failing a Stamina test where the target has +4 advantage) Elemental Cantrip (Burst action, range 15", 1d4 damage Air Damage) |
Caster 0: Unlimited used of Tier0 Powers Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Immune (Air): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Earth): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge I: Can choose at will to use Dodge x1.5 instead of AC, unlimited use Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Immune to Air Sensitive to Earth Damage (2x dam) If touching a natural source of wind (i.e. not including its own wind effects), the air elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d4 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
0-1 Aether | ||||
Second | Denizen | Earth Elemental, Prime | Elemental | True Elemental | Earth | Prime | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Subterranean, Hill | 17 | 583 (396+34d10) | 876 | 29 | Massive (Upright) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +8 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+); +3 Damage | +10 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +20 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | +21 Hit; 14% Crit. (87+) | AC 57; Armor 56; Dodge 1 Can appear as regular stone (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 28; Elemental 44; Natural 37; Holy 44; Demonic 37; Mental 29 | Move 7; Str 20; Agil 2; Stam 22; Int 14; Wis 15; Avd 1; Per 4; Res 22; Init 5; Cha 8 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense III (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Stone x8 | Earth Slam: 5d12+14 Earth damage melee attack, Overpowering (-14), 70% Stun. OR Stomp: 4d6+4 Earth damage in 5" radius, Knock-Down if targets fail a Stam stat roll-off. | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to block the effects of natural wind, temporarily (1 rnd) remove all air from an area of equal size, or use its touch as Smother Magic |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Weaken (T6 Modify instant), Crushing Prison (T6 DOT instant), Earth Bind (T6 Burst action), Earth Pummel (Mainhand Strike action), Tremor (Shock action, can be used as an off-hand attack following an Earth Pummel+Slam), Boulder Toss (blast action, up to 4 simultaneous uses as a single action, but must use smaller sized elementals as the projectile boulders), Petrify (Transmute action) Spawn Elementals: action, once every three rounds, creates 1d8 Earth Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions |
Caster VI: Unlimited used of Tier6 Powers Toughness II: Negates all incoming damage by 2 Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Air): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Indomitable: Counts as Implacable, Immovable, Unyielding and Uncontrollable; also immune to critical misses, all forms of CC, and cannot be "insta-killed" (i.e. Heart Punch, throat crush, garrote, throat slash, etc...) Legendary II: Twice per round, but never in immediate sucession, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Earth Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Air Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of loose stone or gravel that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Earth elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 2d10 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns)) |
5d10 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Ent, Greater | Terrestial | Awakened | Treant | Protector | Greater | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Forest/Jungle, N/A | 10 | 243 (153+20d8) | 90 | 8 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +7 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+); +2 Damage | +7 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +11 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +16 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | AC 53; Armor 48; Dodge 5 |
Arcane 24; Elemental 36; Natural 35; Holy 32; Demonic 33; Mental 29 | Move 5; Str 18; Agil 8; Stam 18; Int 12; Wis 17; Avd 5; Per 8; Res 16; Init 9; Cha 6 | Primal Tongue & Sylvan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Bark, Heavy x8 | Branch Flurry x2: 3d10 dam melee attack, Reach 4", Overpowering (-4), Crushing Blow 4. OR Sweeping Branch x1: 2d10 dam melee attack with Reach 4" that hits all targets in frontal arc range, 50% knock down, immune to block/parry/ward-off/etc... | Entangling Roots (instant, roll vs. nature resist+dodge, range 10" Snares up to 4 targets and inflicts 1d8 damage each round, until roots are broken any damage over 8 will break the roots after 2 rounds targets become Immobilized until roots are broken) |
Immovable I: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Immune (Nature): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning |
Immune to Nature Damage Double damage from Fire Regenerates 2d8 per round |
4d8 Primordial Sap | |||
Second | Denizen | Earth Elemental, Elder | Elemental | True Elemental | Earth | Elder | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Subterranean, Hill | 15 | 380 (245+30d8) | 463 | 20 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +8 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+); +2 Damage | +8 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +16 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | +17 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | AC 51; Armor 49; Dodge 2 Can appear as regular stone (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 24; Elemental 40; Natural 33; Holy 40; Demonic 33; Mental 25 | Move 6; Str 19; Agil 4; Stam 20; Int 12; Wis 13; Avd 2; Per 4; Res 20; Init 6; Cha 7 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense III (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Stone x7 | Earth Slam: 4d12+10 Earth damage melee attack, Overpowering (-12), 60% Stun. OR Stomp: 4d6+4 Earth damage in 4" radius, Knock-Down if targets fail a Stam stat roll-off. | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to block the effects of natural wind, temporarily (1 rnd) remove all air from an area of equal size, or use its touch as Smother Magic |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Weaken (T5 Modify instant), Earth Bind (T5 Burst action), Earth Pummel (Mainhand Strike action), Tremor (Shock action, can be used as an off-hand attack following an Earth Pummel+Slam), Boulder Toss (blast action, but must use a smaller sized elemental as the projectile boulder) Spawn Elementals: action, once every three rounds, creates 1d6 Earth Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions |
Caster V: Unlimited used of Tier5 Powers Toughness II: Negates all incoming damage by 2 Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Air): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Indomitable: Counts as Implacable, Immovable, Unyielding and Uncontrollable; also immune to critical misses, all forms of CC, and cannot be "insta-killed" (i.e. Heart Punch, throat crush, garrote, throat slash, etc...) Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Earth Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Air Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of loose stone or gravel that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Earth elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 2d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) |
4d8 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Earth Elemental, Greater | Elemental | True Elemental | Earth | Greater | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Subterranean, Hill | 10 | 173 (108+10d12) | 179 | 12 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +5 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +2 Damage | +3 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +9 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +10 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | AC 45; Armor 42; Dodge 3 Can appear as regular stone (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 20; Elemental 36; Natural 29; Holy 36; Demonic 29; Mental 21 | Move 5; Str 18; Agil 6; Stam 18; Int 10; Wis 11; Avd 3; Per 4; Res 18; Init 7; Cha 6 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Stone x6 | Earth Slam: 3d12+6 Earth damage melee attack, Overpowering (-10), 50% Stun. OR Stomp: 3d6+3 Earth damage in 3" radius, Knock-Down if targets fail a Stam stat roll-off. | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to block the effects of natural wind, temporarily (1 rnd) remove all air from an area of equal size, or use its touch as Smother Magic |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Weaken (T4 Modify instant), Earth Bind (T4 Burst action), Earth Pummel (Mainhand Strike action), Tremor (Shock action, can be used as an off-hand attack following an Earth Pummel+Slam) Spawn Elementals: action, once every three rounds, creates 1d4 Earth Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions |
Caster IV: Unlimited used of Tier4 Powers Toughness I: Negates all incoming damage by 1 Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Air): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Unyielding: Immune to stun, slow, winded, incapacitate, immobilize, or silence CC effects or any effect that would cause them to miss a turn |
Immune to Earth Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Air Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of loose stone or gravel that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Earth elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d12 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) |
3d6 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Celestial Being, Greater | Celestial | Constellate | Greater | yes | Realm (The Cosmos), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Sky, N/A | 10 | 192 (102+20d8) | 82 | 8 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +11 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +11 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +11 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +11 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | AC 12; Armor 0; Dodge 12 Armor of Celestial Glory IV: +24 Armor +24 Natural Resistance, after 3 Armor Saves or Natural Resists armor erupts into a shower of Celestial energy causing 4d6 damage to all targets within 4", armor regenerates after 3 rounds or 1 minute out of combat |
Arcane 24; Elemental 24; Natural 24; Holy 24; Demonic 24; Mental 24 | Move 5; Str 12; Agil 12; Stam 12; Int 12; Wis 12; Avd 12; Per 12; Res 12; Init 12; Cha 12 | Primal Tongue & Celestian | Blindsense II: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to 2x their perception. Uneffected by light and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Incorporeal: Complete lack of solid form, immune to physical damage and effects (i.e. grapple, stun, etc...) unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); cannot have movement impaired by non-magical means; can pass through solid matter at will but cannot interact with it or end its movement inside of it; can move in 3 dimensions without normal flying restrictions |
Celestial Fist x2: 1d10+10 celestial & physical damage, if hitting on a roll of 4+ target must re-roll the first successful roll on their next turn. AND Starbeam x1: 3d12 celestial damage, range 18", can be used in base contact | Instead of attacking, can use its touch as Disperse Magic |
Celestial Jump: instant, teleports itself anywhere within 20" Analyse Target: instant, single target in base contact, use Mental Resistance, target is immobilized for 1 rnd while the caster learns everything about it, also grants catser +20 to hit and +20 Defense against that target for the remainder of the battle, target can choose to resist the effect and instead take 20 damage |
Immune (Celestial): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Earth & Water): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Dual Damage (Celestial & Physical): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
4d8 Stardust | ||||||
Second | Denizen | Earth Elemental | Elemental | True Elemental | Earth | Middling | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Subterranean, Hill | 7 | 111 (72+7d10) | 105 | 9 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | 0 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +5 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | AC 39; Armor 35; Dodge 4 Can appear as regular stone (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 16; Elemental 32; Natural 25; Holy 32; Demonic 25; Mental 17 | Move 4; Str 17; Agil 8; Stam 16; Int 8; Wis 9; Avd 4; Per 4; Res 16; Init 8; Cha 5 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Stone x5 | Earth Slam: 3d12+6 Earth damage melee attack, Overpowering (-8), 40% Stun. OR Stomp: 3d6+3 Earth damage in 2" radius, Knock-Down if targets fail a Stam stat roll-off. | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to block the effects of natural wind, temporarily (1 rnd) remove all air from an area of equal size, or use its touch as Smother Magic |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Weaken (T3 Modify instant), Earth Bind (T3 Burst action), Tremor (Shock action, can be used as an off-hand attack following a Slam) |
Caster III: Unlimited used of Tier3 Powers Toughness I: Negates all incoming damage by 1 Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Air): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Unyielding: Immune to stun, slow, winded, incapacitate, immobilize, or silence CC effects or any effect that would cause them to miss a turn |
Immune to Earth Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Air Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of loose stone or gravel that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Earth elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d10 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
2d6 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Prismatic Construct | Arcanid | Light Forged | Protector | Regular | yes | Realm (Dawn), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Urban, Ruins/Dungeon | 8 | 112 (60+8d12) | 53 | 6 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +12 Hit; 19% Crit. (82+); +1 Damage | +11 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | 0 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 27; Armor 21; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 24; Natural 13; Holy 34; Demonic 18; Mental 4 | Move 5; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 12; Int 3; Wis 1; Avd 6; Per 14; Res 17; Init 4; Cha 0 | understands Dawnspeak but cannot speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Truesight: Can see (or otherwise perceive) in natural and magical darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to thier perception, as well as see through any type of illusion or invisibility, and can see the true form of shape shifting creatures |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Crystal x7 | Glass Razor x2: 2d8+4 damage. Armor Piercing -10. Wounds Bleed for 3 damage per round | Prismatic Arch: T3 Spirit Action. Unlimited use. Can be used as an instant if hit by a direct source of light. Shattering Glass: Passive. Upon dropping below 50% HP and against at 0 HP the Prismatic Construct erupts with shattered glass inflicting 3d6 damage and 2 damage per round Bleed effect in a 2" radius. Mesmerize: After targeting a Prismatic Construct or otherwise looking at it, no one may look away until first passing a Wisdom test. |
Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat Immune (Light): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Sensitivity II (Dark & Crushing Blow Weapons): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Vicious II: +10% Critical hit with physical melee attacks (typically already added) |
3d6 Prismatic Glass | A prismatic constructs appears as a large, vaguely humanoid creature, made of entirely of glass and seeming impossibly fragile at first glance. However their crystalline bodies are exceptionally hard and possess razor sharp edges that never grow dull. Their multifaceted reflective structure not only renders them immune to any form of light damage, it also causes light to refract and scatter in random directions. This makes their movements seem unpredictable and has a mesmerizing effect on anyone that gazes upon them. This makes them highly prized as protectors for those clever enough to use them. | ||||
Second | Denizen | Earth Elemental, Lesser | Elemental | True Elemental | Earth | Lesser | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Subterranean, Hill | 4 | 60 (42+4d8) | 45 | 6 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 33; Armor 28; Dodge 5 Can appear as regular stone (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 12; Elemental 28; Natural 21; Holy 28; Demonic 21; Mental 13 | Move 3; Str 16; Agil 10; Stam 14; Int 6; Wis 7; Avd 5; Per 4; Res 14; Init 6; Cha 4 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Stone x4 | Earth Slam: 2d12+8 Earth damage melee attack, Overpowering (-6), 30% Stun. OR Stomp: 1d12+2 Earth damage in 1" radius, Knock-Down if targets fail a Stam stat roll-off. | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to block the effects of natural wind, temporarily (1 rnd) remove all air from an area of equal size, or use its touch as Smother Magic |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Weaken (T2 Modify instant), Earth Bind (T2 Burst action) |
Caster II: Unlimited used of Tier2 Powers Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Air): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Unyielding: Immune to stun, slow, winded, incapacitate, immobilize, or silence CC effects or any effect that would cause them to miss a turn |
Immune to Earth Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Air Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of loose stone or gravel that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Earth elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
1d6 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Ent | Terrestial | Awakened | Treant | Protector | Middling | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Forest/Jungle, N/A | 7 | 113 (68+7d12) | 48 | 6 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +11 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | AC 40; Armor 32; Dodge 8 |
Arcane 20; Elemental 30; Natural 30; Holy 30; Demonic 30; Mental 25 | Move 4; Str 15; Agil 10; Stam 15; Int 10; Wis 15; Avd 8; Per 9; Res 15; Init 11; Cha 6 | Primal Tongue & Sylvan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Bark, Thick x8 | Branch Flurryx2: 2d10 dam melee attack, Reach 3", Overpowering (-3), Crushing Blow 3 OR Sweeping Branch x1: 1d10 dam melee attack with Reach 3" that hits all targets in frontal arc range, 25% knock down, immune to block/parry/ward-off/etc... | Entangling Roots (instant, roll vs. nature resist+dodge, range 10" Snares up to 3 targets and inflicts 1d6 damage each round, until roots are broken any damage over 6 will break the roots after 2 rounds targets become Immobilized until roots are broken) |
Immovable I: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Immune (Nature): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning |
Immune to Nature Damage Double damage from Fire Regenerates 1d12 per round |
3d6 Primordial Sap | |||
Second | Denizen | Void Horror | Arcanid | Void Creature | Brute | Regular | yes | Realm (The Void), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 10 | 155 (90+10d12) | 43 | 6 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +14 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+); +1 Damage | +15 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +5 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +5 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 12; Elemental 30; Natural 21; Holy 30; Demonic 21; Mental 12 | Move 5; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 15; Int 6; Wis 6; Avd 15; Per 16; Res 15; Init 10; Cha 0 | understands Voidspeak but cannot speak it | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Amorphous: Corporeal, but with no clearly defined shape/form; Only takes half damage from physical attacks; can fit through almost any space; treats all sides as frontal arc; can passively hide until taking action (often appearing a puddle or patch of moisture) |
Horrific Pseudopod: 2d8+4 Shadow & Physical damage , Reach 2. Will form as many pseudopods as is required to successfully hit twice each round. Causes Horrific Wounds. | Horrific Wounds: Any successful hit inflicts Fear on the target if it fails a Resolve test, with Disadvantage equal to the number of Pseudopods formed that turn Reconstitution: at the start of each of its own turns, the Void Horror heals 1d100% of the last wound it received, unless that wound was caused by Light or Solar damage |
Terrifying: Enemies must pass a Resolve test to move towards the creature and if it moves into base contact with a foe they must pass a Resolve test or immediately flee their full move directly away (treat as Feared & Frightened). Add Advantage or Disadvantage equal to the difference in sizes. Once a Resolve test is passed in either case, the target is immune for the remainder of the day. Dual Damage (Physical & Dark): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Immune (Dark): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Light): Incoming damage of this type is doubled |
3d6 Dark Matter | Thought to to be the congealed essense of the void itself, Void horrors are a towering amorphous mass of thick and oily darkness. Its ever changing form shambles across the battlefield in awkward and haphazard movements, with numerous tentacle like pseudopods springing out of its body to strike a relentless series of blows. It's assault will not cease until it is satisfied that it has inflicted its horrific wounds. A void horror inspires fear with its very presence and is terrifying to behold. | |||||
Second | Denizen | Star Child | Celestial | Constellate | Middling | yes | Realm (The Cosmos), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Sky, N/A | 7 | 91 (45+7d12) | 46 | 6 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | AC 10; Armor 0; Dodge 10 Armor of Celestial Glory III: Passive, +18 Armor +18 Natural Resistance, after 3 Armor Saves or Natural Resists armor erupts into a shower of Celestial energy causing 3d6 damage to all targets within 3", armor regenerates after 3 rounds or 1 minute out of combat |
Arcane 20; Elemental 20; Natural 20; Holy 20; Demonic 20; Mental 20 | Move 4; Str 10; Agil 10; Stam 10; Int 10; Wis 10; Avd 10; Per 10; Res 10; Init 10; Cha 10 | Primal Tongue & Celestian | Blindsense II: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to 2x their perception. Uneffected by light and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Incorporeal: Complete lack of solid form, immune to physical damage and effects (i.e. grapple, stun, etc...) unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); cannot have movement impaired by non-magical means; can pass through solid matter at will but cannot interact with it or end its movement inside of it; can move in 3 dimensions without normal flying restrictions |
Cosmic Spark x2: 1d10+5 celestial damage, on a roll of 5+ target must re-roll the first successful roll on their next turn. AND Starbeam x1: 2d12 celestial damage, range 12", can be used in base contact | Instead of attacking, can use its touch as Disperse Magic |
Celestial Jump: instant, teleports itself anywhere within 15" Analyse Target: instant, single target in base contact, use Mental Resistance, target is immobilized for 1 rnd while the caster learns everything about it, also grants catser +15 to hit and +15 Defense against that target for the remainder of the battle, target can choose to resist the effect and instead take 15 damage |
Immune (Celestial): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Earth & Water): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Dual Damage (Celestial & Physical): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
3d6 Stardust | ||||||
Second | Denizen | Earth Elemental, Spawn | Elemental | True Elemental | Earth | Spawn | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Subterranean, Hill | 2 | 25 (18+2d6) | 15 | 3 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 20; Armor 14; Dodge 6 Can appear as regular stone (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 8; Elemental 24; Natural 17; Holy 24; Demonic 17; Mental 9 | Move 2; Str 15; Agil 12; Stam 12; Int 4; Wis 5; Avd 6; Per 4; Res 12; Init 4; Cha 3 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Stone x2 | Earth Slam: 2d8 Earth damage melee attack, Overpowering (-4), 20% Stun. OR Stomp: 1d8 Earth damage to targets in base contact, Knock-Down if targets fail a Stam stat roll-off. | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to block the effects of natural wind, temporarily (1 rnd) remove all air from an area of equal size, or use its touch as Smother Magic |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Earth Bind (T1 Burst Action) |
Caster I: Unlimited used of Tier1 Powers Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Air): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects |
Immune to Earth Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Air Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of loose stone or gravel that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Earth elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d6 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
1d4 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Earth Elemental, Shard | Elemental | True Elemental | Earth | Mote | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Subterranean, Hill | 1 | 14 (11+1d4) | 3 | 0 | Diminutive (Upright) | -8 | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | AC 14; Armor 7; Dodge 7 Can appear as regular stone (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 4; Elemental 20; Natural 13; Holy 20; Demonic 13; Mental 5 | Move 1; Str 14; Agil 14; Stam 10; Int 2; Wis 3; Avd 7; Per 4; Res 10; Init 2; Cha 2 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Stone x1 | Earth Slam: 1d4 Earth damage melee attack, Overpowering (-2), 10% Stun. | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to block the effects of natural wind, temporarily (1 rnd) remove all air from an area of equal size, or use its touch as Smother Magic |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Elemental Cantrip (Burst action, range 15", 1d4 Earth damage) |
Caster 0: Unlimited used of Tier0 Powers Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Air): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Immune to Earth Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Air Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of loose stone or gravel that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Earth elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d4 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
0-1 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Fire Elemental, Prime | Elemental | True Elemental | Fire | Prime | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Volcanic, Desert | 17 | 439 (252+34d10) | 590 | 23 | Massive (Upright) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +12 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+); -1 Damage | +12 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +18 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | +18 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | AC 2; Armor 0; Dodge 2 Can appear as regular flame (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 24; Elemental 28; Natural 26; Holy 38; Demonic 31; Mental 24 | Move 7; Str 5; Agil 6; Stam 14; Int 12; Wis 12; Avd 2; Per 6; Res 19; Init 7; Cha 8 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense III: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Fire Slam: 1d10+5d6 Fire damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed | Scorching Heat (passive Aura IV anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being within 3" of base contact, takes 1d20 fire damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Scorching Heat can be used as an action to dry up natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Melt Magic |
Flame Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed in 3 dimensions this round and adds +7 damage to scorching heat) Ignite (T6 DOT instant) Fire Bomb (T6 Bomb instant) Fireball (T6 Blast action, can use on targets in base contact) Rain of Fire (Storm action) Immolate (burst action) Everflame (Transmute action) Spawn Elementals (action, once every three rounds, creates 1d8 Fire Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions) |
Caster VI: Unlimited used of Tier6 Powers Aura III: Passive effects in 3" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Immune (Fire): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Water): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Legendary II: Twice per round, but never in immediate sucession, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Fire Sensitive to Water/Frost Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of flame that is smaller or weaker that itself (not included fires it was responsible for setting), the fire elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 2d10 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns)) |
5d10 Brimstone | ||||
Second | Denizen | Fire Elemental, Elder | Elemental | True Elemental | Fire | Elder | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Volcanic, Desert | 15 | 282 (147+30d8) | 319 | 16 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +12 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+); -1 Damage | +10 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +14 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +14 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | AC 4; Armor 0; Dodge 4 Can appear as regular flame (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 20; Elemental 24; Natural 22; Holy 32; Demonic 26; Mental 20 | Move 6; Str 5; Agil 8; Stam 12; Int 10; Wis 10; Avd 4; Per 6; Res 16; Init 8; Cha 7 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense III: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Fire Slam: 1d10+4d6 Fire damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed | Scorching Heat (passive Aura IV anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being within 3" of base contact, takes 1d12 fire damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Scorching Heat can be used as an action to dry up natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Melt Magic |
Flame Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed in 3 dimensions this round and adds +6 damage to scorching heat) Ignite (T5 DOT instant) Fire Bomb (T5 Bomb instant) Fireball (T5 Blast action, can use on targets in base contact) Rain of Fire (Storm action) Everflame (Transmute action) Spawn Elementals (action, once every three rounds, creates 1d6 Fire Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions) |
Caster V: Unlimited used of Tier5 Powers Aura III: Passive effects in 3" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Immune (Fire): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Water): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Fire Sensitive to Water/Frost Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of flame that is smaller or weaker that itself (not included fires it was responsible for setting), the fire elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 2d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns)) |
4d8 Brimstone | ||||
Second | Denizen | Fire Elemental, Greater | Elemental | True Elemental | Fire | Greater | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Volcanic, Desert | 10 | 125 (60+10d12) | 134 | 10 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +9 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+); -1 Damage | +5 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +7 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +7 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 6; Armor 0; Dodge 6 Can appear as regular flame (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 16; Elemental 20; Natural 18; Holy 26; Demonic 21; Mental 16 | Move 5; Str 5; Agil 10; Stam 10; Int 8; Wis 8; Avd 6; Per 6; Res 13; Init 9; Cha 6 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense II: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Fire Slam: 1d10+3d6 Fire damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed | Scorching Heat (passive Aura III anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being within 2" of base contact, takes 1d10 fire damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Scorching Heat can be used as an action to dry up natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Melt Magic |
Flame Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed in 3 dimensions this round and adds +5 damage to scorching heat) Fire Bomb (T4 Bomb instant) Fireball (T4 Blast action, can use on targets in base contact) Everflame (Transmute action) Spawn Elementals (action, once every three rounds, creates 1d4 Fire Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions) |
Caster IV: Unlimited used of Tier4 Powers Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Immune (Fire): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Water): Incoming damage of this type is doubled |
Immune to Fire Sensitive to Water/Frost Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of flame that is smaller or weaker that itself (not included fires it was responsible for setting), the fire elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d12 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) |
3d6 Brimstone | ||||
Second | Denizen | Fire Elemental | Elemental | True Elemental | Fire | Middling | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Volcanic, Desert | 7 | 75 (36+7d10) | 75 | 8 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +8 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+); -1 Damage | +2 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +2 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +2 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 8; Armor 0; Dodge 8 Can appear as regular flame (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 12; Elemental 16; Natural 14; Holy 20; Demonic 16; Mental 12 | Move 4; Str 5; Agil 12; Stam 8; Int 6; Wis 6; Avd 8; Per 6; Res 10; Init 10; Cha 5 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense II: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Fire Slam: 1d10+2d6 Fire damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed | Scorching Heat (passive Aura II anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or within 1" of base contact, takes 1d8 fire damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Scorching Heat can be used as an action to dry up natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Melt Magic |
Flame Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed in 3 dimensions this round and adds +4 damage to scorching heat) Fire Bomb (T3 Bomb instant) Fireball (T3 Blast action, can use on targets in base contact) Everflame (Transmute action) |
Caster III: Unlimited used of Tier3 Powers Aura I: Passive effects in 1" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Immune (Fire): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Water): Incoming damage of this type is doubled |
Immune to Fire Sensitive to Water/Frost Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of flame that is smaller or weaker that itself (not included fires it was responsible for setting), the fire elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d10 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
2d6 Brimstone | ||||
Second | Denizen | Fire Elemental, Lesser | Elemental | True Elemental | Fire | Lesser | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Volcanic, Desert | 4 | 36 (18+4d8) | 29 | 4 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 10; Armor 0; Dodge 10 Can appear as regular flame (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 8; Elemental 12; Natural 10; Holy 14; Demonic 11; Mental 8 | Move 3; Str 5; Agil 14; Stam 6; Int 4; Wis 4; Avd 10; Per 6; Res 7; Init 9; Cha 4 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense I: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Fire Slam: 1d10+1d6 Fire damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed | Scorching Heat (passive Aura II anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or within 1" of base contact, takes 1d6 fire damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Scorching Heat can be used as an action to dry up natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Melt Magic |
Flame Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed in 3 dimensions this round and adds +3 damage to scorching heat) Fireball (T2 Blast action, can use on targets in base contact) |
Caster II: Unlimited used of Tier2 Powers Aura I: Passive effects in 1" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Immune (Fire): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Water): Incoming damage of this type is doubled |
Immune to Fire Sensitive to Water/Frost Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of flame that is smaller or weaker that itself (not included fires it was responsible for setting), the fire elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
1d6 Brimstone | ||||
Second | Denizen | Fire Elemental, Spawn | Elemental | True Elemental | Fire | Spawn | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Volcanic, Desert | 2 | 13 (6+2d6) | 10 | 2 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); -1 Damage | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | AC 12; Armor 0; Dodge 12 Can appear as regular flame (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 4; Elemental 8; Natural 6; Holy 8; Demonic 6; Mental 4 | Move 2; Str 5; Agil 16; Stam 4; Int 2; Wis 2; Avd 12; Per 6; Res 4; Init 8; Cha 3 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense I: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Fire Slam: 1d10 Fire damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed | Scorching Heat (passive Aura I anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being in base contact with, takes 1d4 fire damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Scorching Heat can be used as an action to dry up natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Melt Magic |
Flame Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed in 3 dimensions this round and adds +2 damage to scorching heat) Flame Lance (Missile action, can use on targets in base contact) |
Caster I: Unlimited used of Tier1 Powers Aura 0: Passive effects in base contact around the creature, effects vary (see Extra), can be offensive or defensive Immune (Fire): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Water): Incoming damage of this type is doubled |
Immune to Fire Sensitive to Water/Frost Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of flame that is smaller or weaker that itself (not included fires it was responsible for setting), the fire elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d6 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
1d4 Brimstone | ||||
Second | Denizen | Void Spider | Arcanid | Void Creature | Ambusher | Regular | yes | Realm (The Void), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 3 | 37 (20+3d10) | 31 | 5 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 38; Armor 24; Dodge 14 Shadow Blend: Treat as invisible when in shadows or darkness Shadow Chitin: in addition to granting Armor, chitin also grants +1 Arcane Resist per slot, already added |
Arcane 18; Elemental 16; Natural 12; Holy 32; Demonic 20; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 15; Agil 14; Stam 8; Int 7; Wis 4; Avd 14; Per 18; Res 16; Init 16; Cha 0 | understands Voidspeak but cannot speak it | Darksight II: Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. Tremorsense I (In Shadows): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Heavy x4 | Bite: 4d6 Shadow & Physical damage. Inflicts complex Void poison (2d6 damage & Silence for up to 4 rounds) using lesser of Natural or Arcane resist. | Poison Spit: Action. Spits a 0.5" radius glob of Void poison as ranged attack up to 10" away. Persists on the battlefield until exposed to sunlight. Inflicts or refreshes void poison effects if touched |
Shadow Climb: Passive. Can climb shadows as if they were a physical substance |
Poison II: Uses Complex poisons Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected Climber I: +5 Advantage when attempting to climb or cling to almost any surface Immune (Dark): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Light): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Dual Damage (Physical & Dark): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
2d6 Dark Matter | Void spiders are as black as shadow itself, making them effectively invisible while in darkness. The only giveaway being thier eight glowing red eyes, all octagons of various sizes, which they only open when not relying on their unique form of Tremorsense. When seen in the light, their shape resembles that of a giant spider, but with segmented body parts taking on polyhedral shapes, with joints appearing to be little more than loosely touching vertices. They don't spin webs like traditional spiders but use shadows in much the same way, climbing them as if it was a physical substance and easily sensing movement or vibrations within an area of shadow they occupy. This makes them well suited to ambushing unwary prey from the shadows, poisoning and devouring them with their vicious polyhedral fangs. | |||
Second | Denizen | Fire Elemental, Spark | Elemental | True Elemental | Fire | Mote | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Volcanic, Desert | 1 | 5 (2+1d4) | 2 | 0 | Diminutive (Upright) | -8 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -9 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -9 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | AC 14; Armor 0; Dodge 14 Can appear as regular flame (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 2; Elemental 4; Natural 3; Holy 2; Demonic 2; Mental 2 | Move 1; Str 5; Agil 18; Stam 2; Int 1; Wis 1; Avd 14; Per 6; Res 1; Init 7; Cha 2 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense I: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Fire Slam: 1d4 Fire damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed | Scorching Heat (passive Aura I anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being in base contact with, takes 1d2 fire damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Scorching Heat can be used as an action to dry up natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Melt Magic |
Flame Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed in 3 dimensions this round and adds +1 damage to scorching heat) Elemental Cantrip (Burst action, Range 15", 1d4 Fire Damage) |
Caster 0: Unlimited used of Tier0 Powers Aura 0: Passive effects in base contact around the creature, effects vary (see Extra), can be offensive or defensive Immune (Fire): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Water): Incoming damage of this type is doubled |
Immune to Fire Sensitive to Water/Frost Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of flame that is smaller or weaker that itself (not included fires it was responsible for setting), the fire elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d4 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
0-1 Brimstone | ||||
Second | Denizen | Invisible Stalker, Lesser | Elemental | True Elemental | Invisible Stalker | Lesser | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Sky, Mountain | 4 | 43 (21+4d10) | 39 | 5 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 16; Armor 0; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 20; Elemental 14; Natural 19; Holy 20; Demonic 22; Mental 22 | Move 4; Str 12; Agil 17; Stam 7; Int 10; Wis 12; Avd 16; Per 15; Res 10; Init 12; Cha 3 | Elemental Tongue, Auran & can also understand Common but not speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Air): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Air Slash x2: 1d10+2 physical damage melee attack, cannot be parried/blocked/reversed unless weapon is rune crafted and/or enchanted, if grappling does not reduce number of attacks | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to displace loose solid matter (such as dirt or sand) of equal size, temporarily (1rnd) weaken solid matter (remove all damage negation/absorption) |
Wind Surge (instant, grants 2x movement speed this round and prevents any attacks from Disengaging from Combat, any target touched or moved through is knocked down and Winded if failing a Stamina test) Locate Quarry (instant, automatically locates a target they are tracking, works across any distance provided they are in the same Realm/plane of existence) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Invisibility, True: completely invisible in its natural form, treat as permanently hidden and undetectable for combat purposes, movements and actions can only be detected by secondary means (i.e. environmental displacement, feeling, side-effects), spells or abilties that see through invisibility reveal only a vague outline Grapple: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break Immune (Air): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Earth): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge II: Can choose at will to use Dodge x2 instead of AC, unlimited use Relentless II: Gain '+6 Advantage on all Resolve tests while pursuing a specific task or objective |
Immune to Air Sensitive to Earth Damage (2x dam) Cannot speak but understands both the Elemental and Common tongue |
1d6 Aether | Invisible Stalkers are malevolent creatures comprised of pure elemental air that are native to the Realm of Storms. They have a deep hatred of anything with physical form and can be readily convinced to hunt down and slay a particular creture provided it has substance. Their innate ability to locate and track their quarry makes them extremely useful as bound servants for retrieving objects or artefacts. However, when a mortal spirit user attempts to do so their is signficant risk for if the binding should ever fail, the Invisible Stalker would will stop at nothign to murder them. When tracking something, whether of their own accord or compelled by someone else, they possess a single minded focus and will not be easily turned from their task. | |||
Second | Denizen | Mana Wraith | Arcanid | Wonderborn | Magical | Regular | yes | Realm (Wonders), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Ruins/Dungeon, Sky | 3 | 42 (25+3d10) | 28 | 4 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 10; Armor 0; Dodge 10 |
Arcane 40; Elemental 20; Natural 15; Holy 20; Demonic 15; Mental 10 | Move 4; Str 10; Agil 10; Stam 10; Int 5; Wis 5; Avd 10; Per 10; Res 10; Init 10; Cha 0 | Common & Mage Tongue (Arcane) | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Sense Spirit I: Can sense spirit users and spirit crafted/enchanted items at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Incorporeal: Complete lack of solid form, immune to physical damage and effects (i.e. grapple, stun, etc...) unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); cannot have movement impaired by non-magical means; can pass through solid matter at will but cannot interact with it or end its movement inside of it; can move in 3 dimensions without normal flying restrictions |
Mana Claw x2: 1d12+3 Arcane Damage, roll vs. Resist+Dodge, Reach 2 | Siphon Spirit (instant, rng 4", drains 1d12+3 spirit from target and gives it to another spirit user or heals self, has no effect on targets that do not have spirit) Absorb Spirit (if resisting any Arcane power that causes damage, instead treat it as a heal) |
Resistant VI (Arcane): +30 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) |
Resistant to Arcane (+30 already added) |
2d6 Manastone | |||||
Second | Denizen | Water Elemental, Prime | Elemental | True Elemental | Water | Prime | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Fresh Water, Salt Water | 17 | 475 (288+34d10) | 801 | 27 | Massive (Upright) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +17 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+); +2 Damage | +13 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +21 Hit; 14% Crit. (87+) | +20 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as regular water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 30; Elemental 32; Natural 30; Holy 44; Demonic 36; Mental 29 | Move 8; Str 18; Agil 11; Stam 16; Int 15; Wis 14; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 22; Init 9; Cha 12 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense III (Water): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Water Slam x3: 2d12 Water damage melee attack, all can be used as off-hand attacks after casting as an action, cannot be parried, can Imbue both with T6 Undertow as an instant | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to extinguish a non-magical flame of equal size or use its touch as Douse Magic |
Turbulent Wake (instant, when swimming can choose to trigger T6 Turbulent Waters around itself) Waterlog (Hex instant) The Bends (T6 DOT instant) Deluge (Cone action) Forking Stream (Multi action) Tidal Wave (Nova action) Crushing Deep (Shock action) Geyser Field (Storm action) Bubble of Refuge (Shell action) Liquify (Transmute action) Healing Stream (T6 Healing action) Spawn Elementals (action, once every three rounds, creates 1d8 Water Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions) |
Caster VI: Unlimited used of Tier6 Powers Swimmer II: 3x movement while in water Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge IV: Can choose at will to use Dodge x4 instead of AC, unlimited use Legendary II: Twice per round, but never in immediate sucession, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Water/Frost Sensitive to Fire/Heat Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of water of the same type (i.e. fresh vs. salt water), the water elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 2d10HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) Stabilizing Presence (not only is a Prime Water immune to the chances of transforming into an Ice Elemental, it also exterts that effect to all lesser Water Elementals within a 20" radius) |
5d10 Everice | ||||
Second | Denizen | Water Elemental, Elder | Elemental | True Elemental | Water | Elder | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Fresh Water, Salt Water | 15 | 307 (172+30d8) | 412 | 19 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +16 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+); +1 Damage | +11 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +17 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | +16 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as regular water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 26; Elemental 28; Natural 26; Holy 38; Demonic 31; Mental 25 | Move 7; Str 16; Agil 12; Stam 14; Int 13; Wis 12; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 19; Init 10; Cha 11 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense III (Water): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Water Slam x2: 2d12 Water damage melee attack, both can be used as off-hand attacks after casting as an action, cannot be parried, can Imbue both with T5 Undertow as an instant | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to extinguish a non-magical flame of equal size or use its touch as Douse Magic |
Turbulent Wake (instant, when swimming can choose to trigger T5 Turbulent Waters around itself) Waterlog (Hex instant) The Bends (T5 DOT insant) Deluge (Cone action) Forking Stream (Multi action) Tidal Wave (Nova action) Crushing Deep (Shock Action) Liquify (Transmute action) Healing Stream (T5 Healing action) Spawn Elementals (action, once every three rounds, creates 1d6 Water Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions) |
Caster V: Unlimited used of Tier5 Powers Swimmer II: 3x movement while in water Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge IV: Can choose at will to use Dodge x4 instead of AC, unlimited use Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Water/Frost Sensitive to Fire/Heat Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of water of the same type (i.e. fresh vs. salt water), the water elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 2d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) if hit by frost powers instead of taking damage, use the damage that would be inflicted as a percentage chance to change the water elemental into an Ice Elemental with equivalent size & HP |
4d8 Everice | ||||
Second | Denizen | Water Elemental, Greater | Elemental | True Elemental | Water | Greater | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Fresh Water, Salt Water | 10 | 137 (72+10d12) | 170 | 11 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +12 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +10 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +9 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as regular water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 22; Elemental 24; Natural 22; Holy 32; Demonic 26; Mental 21 | Move 6; Str 14; Agil 13; Stam 12; Int 11; Wis 10; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 16; Init 11; Cha 10 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Water): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Water Slam x2: 2d8 Water damage melee attack, both can be used as off-hand attacks after casting as an action, cannot be parried, can Imbue both with T4 Undertow as an instant | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to extinguish a non-magical flame of equal size or use its touch as Douse Magic |
Turbulent Wake (instant, when swimming can choose to trigger T4 Turbulent Waters around itself) Waterlog (Hex instant) The Bends (T4 DOT insant) Deluge (Cone action) Forking Stream (Multi action) Healing Stream (T4 Healing action) Spawn Elementals (action, once every three rounds, creates 1d4 Water Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions) |
Caster IV: Unlimited used of Tier4 Powers Swimmer II: 3x movement while in water Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge III: Can choose at will to use Dodge x3 instead of AC, unlimited use |
Immune to Water/Frost Sensitive to Fire/Heat Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of water of the same type (i.e. fresh vs. salt water), the water elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d12 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) if hit by frost powers instead of taking damage, use the damage that would be inflicted as a percentage chance to change the water elemental into an Ice Elemental with equivalent size & HP |
3d6 Everice | ||||
Second | Denizen | Water Elemental | Elemental | True Elemental | Water | Middling | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Fresh Water, Salt Water | 7 | 84 (45+7d10) | 91 | 8 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +3 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +5 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as regular water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 18; Elemental 20; Natural 18; Holy 26; Demonic 21; Mental 17 | Move 5; Str 12; Agil 14; Stam 10; Int 9; Wis 8; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 13; Init 12; Cha 9 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Water): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Water Slam x2: 2d6 Water damage melee attack, both can be used as off-hand attacks after casting as an action, cannot be parried, can Imbue both with T3 Undertow as an instant | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to extinguish a non-magical flame of equal size or use its touch as Douse Magic |
Turbulent Wake (instant, when swimming can choose to trigger T3 Turbulent Waters around itself) Waterlog (Hex insant) Deluge (Cone action) Riptide (Beam action) Healing Stream (T3 Healing action) |
Caster III: Unlimited used of Tier3 Powers Swimmer II: 3x movement while in water Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge III: Can choose at will to use Dodge x3 instead of AC, unlimited use |
Immune to Water/Frost Sensitive to Fire/Heat Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of water of the same type (i.e. fresh vs. salt water), the water elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d10 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) if hit by frost powers instead of taking damage, use the damage that would be inflicted as a percentage chance to change the water elemental into an Ice Elemental with equivalent size & HP |
2d6 Everice | ||||
Second | Denizen | Water Elemental, Lesser | Elemental | True Elemental | Water | Lesser | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Fresh Water, Salt Water | 4 | 42 (24+4d8) | 38 | 5 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as regular water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 14; Elemental 16; Natural 14; Holy 20; Demonic 16; Mental 13 | Move 4; Str 10; Agil 15; Stam 8; Int 7; Wis 6; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 10; Init 11; Cha 8 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Water): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Water Slam: 2d4 Water damage melee attack, can be used as an off-hand atttack after casting as an action, cannot be parried, can Imbue with T2 Undertow as an instant | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to extinguish a non-magical flame of equal size or use its touch as Douse Magic |
Turbulent Wake (instant, when swimming can choose to trigger T2 Turbulent Waters around itself) Tidal Shot (Shot action, can use on targets in base contact) Healing Stream (T2 Healing action) |
Caster II: Unlimited used of Tier2 Powers Swimmer II: 3x movement while in water Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge II: Can choose at will to use Dodge x2 instead of AC, unlimited use |
Immune to Water/Frost Sensitive to Fire/Heat Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of water of the same type (i.e. fresh vs. salt water), the water elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) if hit by frost powers instead of taking damage, use the damage that would be inflicted as a percentage chance to change the water elemental into an Ice Elemental with equivalent size & HP |
1d6 Everice | ||||
Second | Denizen | Water Elemental, Spawn | Elemental | True Elemental | Water | Spawn | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Fresh Water, Salt Water | 2 | 16 (9+2d6) | 14 | 3 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as regular water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 10; Elemental 12; Natural 10; Holy 14; Demonic 11; Mental 9 | Move 3; Str 8; Agil 16; Stam 6; Int 5; Wis 4; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 7; Init 10; Cha 7 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Water): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Water Slam: 1d6 Water damage melee attack, can be used as an off-hand attack after casting as an action, cannot be parried, can Imbue with T1 Undertow as an instant | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to extinguish a non-magical flame of equal size or use its touch as Douse Magic |
Turbulent Wake (instant, when swimming can choose to trigger T1 Turbulent Waters around itself) Water Jet (Missile action, can use on targets in base contact) Healing Stream (T1 Healing Action) |
Caster I: Unlimited used of Tier1 Powers Swimmer II: 3x movement while in water Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge II: Can choose at will to use Dodge x2 instead of AC, unlimited use |
Immune to Water/Frost Sensitive to Fire/Heat Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of water of the same type (i.e. fresh vs. salt water), the water elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d6 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) if hit by frost powers instead of taking damage, use the damage that would be inflicted as a percentage chance to change the water elemental into an Ice Elemental with equivalent size & HP |
1d4 Everice | ||||
Second | Denizen | Water Elemental, Droplet | Elemental | True Elemental | Water | Mote | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Fresh Water, Salt Water | 1 | 7 (5+1d4) | 2 | 0 | Diminutive (Upright) | -8 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); -1 Damage | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as regular water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 6; Elemental 8; Natural 6; Holy 8; Demonic 6; Mental 5 | Move 2; Str 6; Agil 17; Stam 4; Int 3; Wis 2; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 4; Init 9; Cha 6 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Water): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Water Slam: 1d4 Water damage melee attack, cannot be parried | Instead of attacking, can use its touch to extinguish a non-magical flame of equal size or use its touch as Douse Magic |
Turbulent Wake (instant, when swimming can choose to trigger T0 Turbulent Waters around itself) Elemental Cantrip (Burst action, range 15", 1d4 damage Water Damage) |
Caster 0: Unlimited used of Tier0 Powers Swimmer II: 3x movement while in water Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Swift Dodge I: Can choose at will to use Dodge x1.5 instead of AC, unlimited use Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Immune to Water/Frost Sensitive to Fire/Heat Damage (2x dam) If touching another source of water of the same type (i.e. fresh vs. salt water), the water elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d4 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) if hit by frost powers instead of taking damage, use the damage that would be inflicted as a percentage chance to change the water elemental into an Ice Elemental with equivalent size & HP |
0-1 Everice | ||||
Second | Denizen | Caustic Elemental, Prime | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Caustic | Prime | Acid Elemental | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Volcanic | 17 | 475 (288+34d10) | 828 | 28 | Massive (Upright) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +17 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+); +2 Damage | +13 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +21 Hit; 19% Crit. (82+) | +20 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as slightly dis-colored water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 30; Elemental 32; Natural 30; Holy 44; Demonic 36; Mental 29 | Move 7; Str 18; Agil 11; Stam 16; Int 15; Wis 14; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 22; Init 9; Cha 12 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense III: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Acid Slam x3: 2d12 physical & acid damage melee attack, all can be used as off-hand attacks after casting as an action, cannot be parried, on wound each attack adds 1 stack of Corrosion to the target | Caustic Effervescence: Passive Aura III. Anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being within 3" of base contact, receives 7 stacks of Corrosion if failing an Elemental resist (stacks with other sources of Corrosion but not itself) Alternately instead of dealing damage, Caustic Effervesence can be used as an action to corrode mundane (non-magical) items that are susceptible to corrosion or can be treated as casting Oxidize Magic. |
Corrosive Passage: instant, can overcharge caustic effervescence to rapidly corrode mundane non-organic materials, burning a hole though them and passing through at normal speed. Spells: Corroding Hex (Hex instant) Acid Trail (Movement instant) Catalyst (Amplify instant) Corrosive Blast (Blast action) Deadly Fumes (Environment action) Face Melter (Burst action) Corrosive Miasma (Nova action) Glacial Shards (Multi action) Spawn Elementals: action, once every three rounds, creates 1d8 Caustic Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions. |
Caster VI: Unlimited used of Tier6 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Immune (Fire/Burning): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Water & Neutralizing agents): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Swift Dodge IV: Can choose at will to use Dodge x4 instead of AC, unlimited use Aura III: Passive effects in 3" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Dual Damage (Physical & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Legendary II: Twice per round, but never in immediate sucession, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Fire/Burning Sensitive to Water & any attack paired with a neutralizing agent (2x dam) If touching another significant source of corrosive fluid, the caustic elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 2d10 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) |
5d10 Brimstone | |||
Second | Denizen | Lantern Wisp | Arcanid | Light Forged | Magical | Regular | yes | Realm (Dawn), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Sky, N/A | 3 | 26 (13+3d8) | 22 | 4 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 0; Armor 0; Dodge 0 Brightness: passive unless invisibile, any creature that uses standard vision to directly target the wisp is blinded for 1 round immediately following the attack provided they PASS a Perception test. Also blocks LOS in a 2" radius around itself |
Arcane 10; Elemental 10; Natural 10; Holy 20; Demonic 15; Mental 10 | Move 6; Str 10; Agil 10; Stam 5; Int 5; Wis 5; Avd 0; Per 10; Res 10; Init 10; Cha 0 | none | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense II: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to 2x their perception. Uneffected by light and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Incorporeal: Complete lack of solid form, immune to physical damage and effects (i.e. grapple, stun, etc...) unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); cannot have movement impaired by non-magical means; can pass through solid matter at will but cannot interact with it or end its movement inside of it; can move in 3 dimensions without normal flying restrictions |
Searing Light: 3d6 light damage in a 2" radius, no dodge. Immediately sets Variable Illumination to a minimum of 2" | Variable Illumination: can vary the degree of illumination that its body produces at will, ranging for 2" to 8" of bright light, and twice that for dim light. Can also hide its light entirely, effectively making it invisible until attacking Healing Light (T2 Healing action) |
Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat Immune (Light): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Hardened (Dark): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half |
1d6 Prismatic Glass | Floating beings of pure light and abstract form, Lantern Wisps are seemingly mindless creatures native to the Dawn Realm. Unless otherwise directed, they have a singular focus to shed light upon darkness. This is why they are referred to as Lantern Wisps, as they function in many ways as a semi-sentient light source. | |||||
Second | Denizen | Celestial Being, Lesser | Celestial | Constellate | Lesser | yes | Realm (The Cosmos), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Sky, N/A | 4 | 46 (24+4d10) | 24 | 4 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 8; Armor 0; Dodge 8 Armor of Celestial Glory II: Passive, +12 Armor +12 Natural Resistance, after 3 Armor Saves or Natural Resists armor erupts into a shower of Celestial energy causing 2d6 damage to all targets within 2", armor regenerates after 3 rounds or 1 minute out of combat |
Arcane 16; Elemental 16; Natural 16; Holy 16; Demonic 16; Mental 16 | Move 4; Str 8; Agil 8; Stam 8; Int 8; Wis 8; Avd 8; Per 8; Res 8; Init 8; Cha 8 | Primal Tongue & Celestian | Blindsense II: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to 2x their perception. Uneffected by light and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Incorporeal: Complete lack of solid form, immune to physical damage and effects (i.e. grapple, stun, etc...) unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); cannot have movement impaired by non-magical means; can pass through solid matter at will but cannot interact with it or end its movement inside of it; can move in 3 dimensions without normal flying restrictions |
Cosmic Spark x2: 1d10 celestial damage, on a roll of 6+ target must re-roll the first successful roll on their next turn. AND Starbeam x1: 1d12 celestial damage, range 6", can be used in base contact | Instead of attacking, can use its touch as Disperse Magic |
Celestial Jump: instant, teleports itself anywhere within 10" Analyse Target: instant, single target in base contact, use Mental Resistance, target is immobilized for 1 rnd while the caster learns everything about it, also grants catser +10 to hit and +10 Defense against that target for the remainder of the battle, target can choose to resist the effect and instead take 10 damage |
Immune (Celestial): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Earth & Water): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Dual Damage (Celestial & Physical): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
2d6 Stardust | ||||||
Second | Denizen | Caustic Elemental, Elder | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Caustic | Elder | Acid Elemental | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Volcanic | 15 | 307 (172+30d8) | 416 | 19 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +16 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+); +1 Damage | +11 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +17 Hit; 17% Crit. (84+) | +16 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as slightly dis-colored water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 26; Elemental 28; Natural 26; Holy 38; Demonic 31; Mental 25 | Move 6; Str 16; Agil 12; Stam 14; Int 13; Wis 12; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 19; Init 10; Cha 11 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense III: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Acid Slam x2: 2d12 physical & acid damage melee attack, both can be used as off-hand attacks after casting as an action, cannot be parried, on wound each attack adds 1 stack of Corrosion to the target | Caustic Effervescence: Passive Aura III. Anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being within 3" of base contact, receives 6 stacks of Corrosion if failing an Elemental resist (stacks with other sources of Corrosion but not itself) Alternately instead of dealing damage, Caustic Effervesence can be used as an action to corrode mundane (non-magical) items that are susceptible to corrosion or can be treated as casting Oxidize Magic. |
Corrosive Passage: instant, can overcharge caustic effervescence to rapidly corrode mundane non-organic materials, burning a hole though them and passing through at normal speed. Spells: Corroding Hex (Hex instant) Acid Trail (Movement instant) Catalyst (Amplify instant) Deadly Fumes (Environment action) Face Melter (Burst action) Corrosive Miasma (Nova action) Spawn Elementals: action, once every three rounds, creates 1d6 Caustic Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions. |
Caster V: Unlimited used of Tier5 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Immune (Fire/Burning): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Water & Neutralizing agents): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Swift Dodge IV: Can choose at will to use Dodge x4 instead of AC, unlimited use Aura III: Passive effects in 3" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Dual Damage (Physical & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Fire/Burning Sensitive to Water & any attack paired with a neutralizing agent (2x dam) If touching another significant source of corrosive fluid, the caustic elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 2d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) |
4d8 Brimstone | |||
Second | Denizen | Caustic Elemental, Greater | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Caustic | Greater | Acid Elemental | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Volcanic | 10 | 137 (72+10d12) | 173 | 11 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +12 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +10 Hit; 14% Crit. (87+) | +9 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as slightly dis-colored water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 22; Elemental 24; Natural 22; Holy 32; Demonic 26; Mental 21 | Move 5; Str 14; Agil 13; Stam 12; Int 11; Wis 10; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 16; Init 11; Cha 10 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense II: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Acid Slam x2: 2d8 physical and acid damage melee attack, both can be used as off-hand attacks after casting as an action, cannot be parried, on wound each attack adds 1 stack of Corrosion to the target | Caustic Effervescence: Passive Aura II. Anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being within 2" of base contact, receives 5 stacks of Corrosion if failing an Elemental resist (stacks with other sources of Corrosion but not itself) Alternately instead of dealing damage, Caustic Effervesence can be used as an action to corrode mundane (non-magical) items that are susceptible to corrosion or can be treated as casting Oxidize Magic. |
Corrosive Passage: instant, can overcharge caustic effervescence to rapidly corrode mundane non-organic materials, burning a hole though them and passing through at normal speed. Spells: Corroding Hex (Hex instant) Acid Trail (Movement instant) Catalyst (Amplify instant) Face Melter (Burst action) Corrosive Miasma (Nova action) Spawn Elementals: action, once every three rounds, creates 1d4 Caustic Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions. |
Caster IV: Unlimited used of Tier4 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Immune (Fire/Burning): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Water & Neutralizing agents): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Swift Dodge III: Can choose at will to use Dodge x3 instead of AC, unlimited use Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Dual Damage (Physical & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Immune to Fire/Burning Sensitive to Water & any attack paired with a neutralizing agent (2x dam) If touching another significant source of corrosive fluid, the caustic elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d12 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) |
3d6 Brimstone | |||
Second | Denizen | Caustic Elemental | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Caustic | Middling | Acid Elemental | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Volcanic | 7 | 84 (45+7d10) | 93 | 8 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +3 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +5 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as slightly dis-colored water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 18; Elemental 20; Natural 18; Holy 26; Demonic 21; Mental 17 | Move 4; Str 12; Agil 14; Stam 10; Int 9; Wis 8; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 13; Init 12; Cha 9 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense II: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Acid Slam x2: 2d6 physical and acid damage melee attack, both can be used as off-hand attacks after casting as an action, cannot be parried, on wound each attack adds 1 stack of Corrosion to the target | Caustic Effervescence: Passive Aura I. Anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being within 1" of base contact, receives 4 stacks of Corrosion if failing an Elemental resist (stacks with other sources of Corrosion but not itself) Alternately instead of dealing damage, Caustic Effervesence can be used as an action to corrode mundane (non-magical) items that are susceptible to corrosion or can be treated as casting Oxidize Magic. |
Corrosive Passage: instant, can overcharge caustic effervescence to rapidly corrode mundane non-organic materials, burning a hole though them and passing through at normal speed. Spells: Corroding Hex (Hex instant) Acid Trail (Movement instant) Face Melter (Burst action) Corrosive Miasma (Nova action) |
Caster III: Unlimited used of Tier3 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Immune (Fire/Burning): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Water & Neutralizing agents): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Swift Dodge III: Can choose at will to use Dodge x3 instead of AC, unlimited use Aura I: Passive effects in 1" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Dual Damage (Physical & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Immune to Fire/Burning Sensitive to Water & any attack paired with a neutralizing agent (2x dam) If touching another significant source of corrosive fluid, the caustic elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d10 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
2d6 Brimstone | |||
Second | Denizen | Caustic Elemental, Lesser | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Caustic | Lesser | Acid Elemental | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Volcanic | 4 | 42 (24+4d8) | 37 | 5 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | 0 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as slightly dis-colored water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 14; Elemental 16; Natural 14; Holy 20; Demonic 16; Mental 13 | Move 3; Str 10; Agil 15; Stam 8; Int 7; Wis 6; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 10; Init 11; Cha 8 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense I: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Acid Slam: 2d4 physical and acid damage melee attack, can be used as off-hand attacks after casting as an action, cannot be parried, on wound each attack adds 1 stack of Corrosion to the target | Caustic Effervescence: Passive Aura I. Anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being within 1" of base contact, receives 3 stacks of Corrosion if failing an Elemental resist (stacks with other sources of Corrosion but not itself) Alternately instead of dealing damage, Caustic Effervesence can be used as an action to corrode mundane (non-magical) items that are susceptible to corrosion or can be treated as casting Oxidize Magic. |
Corrosive Passage: instant, can overcharge caustic effervescence to rapidly corrode mundane non-organic materials, burning a hole though them and passing through at normal speed. Spells: Corroding Hex (Hex instant) Caustic Shot (T2 Shot action) Corrosive Miasma (Nova action) |
Caster II: Unlimited used of Tier2 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Immune (Fire/Burning): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Water & Neutralizing agents): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Swift Dodge II: Can choose at will to use Dodge x2 instead of AC, unlimited use Aura I: Passive effects in 1" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Dual Damage (Physical & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Immune to Fire/Burning Sensitive to Water & any attack paired with a neutralizing agent (2x dam) If touching another significant source of corrosive fluid, the caustic elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
1d6 Brimstone | |||
Second | Denizen | Caustic Elemental, Spawn | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Caustic | Spawn | Acid Elemental | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Volcanic | 2 | 16 (9+2d6) | 13 | 3 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -4 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as slightly dis-colored water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 10; Elemental 12; Natural 10; Holy 14; Demonic 11; Mental 9 | Move 2; Str 8; Agil 16; Stam 6; Int 5; Wis 4; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 7; Init 10; Cha 7 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense I: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Acid Slam: 1d6 physical and acid damage melee attack, can be used as off-hand attacks after casting as an action, cannot be parried, on wound each attack adds 1 stack of Corrosion to the target | Caustic Effervescence: Passive Aura 0. Anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being in base contact, receives 2 stacks of Corrosion if failing an Elemental resist (stacks with other sources of Corrosion but not itself) Alternately instead of dealing damage, Caustic Effervesence can be used as an action to corrode mundane (non-magical) items that are susceptible to corrosion or can be treated as casting Oxidize Magic. |
Corrosive Passage: instant, can overcharge caustic effervescence to rapidly corrode mundane non-organic materials, burning a hole though them and passing through at normal speed. Spells: Acid Arrow (T1 Missile Action) |
Caster I: Unlimited used of Tier1 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Immune (Fire/Burning): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Water & Neutralizing agents): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Swift Dodge II: Can choose at will to use Dodge x2 instead of AC, unlimited use Aura 0: Passive effects in base contact around the creature, effects vary (see Extra), can be offensive or defensive Dual Damage (Physical & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Immune to Fire/Burning Sensitive to Water & any attack paired with a neutralizing agent (2x dam) If touching another significant source of corrosive fluid, the caustic elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d6 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
1d4 Brimstone | |||
Second | Denizen | Ent, Lesser | Terrestial | Awakened | Treant | Protector | Lesser | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Forest/Jungle, N/A | 4 | 55 (33+4d10) | 20 | 3 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 26; Armor 16; Dodge 10 |
Arcane 10; Elemental 22; Natural 21; Holy 28; Demonic 24; Mental 15 | Move 3; Str 12; Agil 12; Stam 11; Int 5; Wis 10; Avd 10; Per 8; Res 14; Init 13; Cha 6 | Primal Tongue & Sylvan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Bark, Light x8 | Branch Slap x1: 2d10 dam melee attack, Reach 2", Overpowering (-2), Crushing Blow 2 | Entangling Roots (instant, roll vs. nature resist+dodge, range 10" Snares up to 2 targets and inflicts 1d4 damage each round, until roots are broken any damage over 4 will break the roots after 2 rounds targets become Immobilized until roots are broken) |
Immovable I: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Immune (Nature): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning |
Immune to Nature Damage Double damage from Fire Regenerates 1d10 per round |
2d6 Primordial Sap | |||
Second | Denizen | Caustic Elemental, Droplet | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Caustic | Mote | Acid Elemental | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Swamp, Volcanic | 2 | 10 (5+2d4) | 3 | 0 | Diminutive (Upright) | -8 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | AC 15; Armor 0; Dodge 15 Can appear as slightly dis-colored water (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 6; Elemental 8; Natural 6; Holy 8; Demonic 6; Mental 5 | Move 1; Str 6; Agil 17; Stam 4; Int 3; Wis 2; Avd 15; Per 7; Res 4; Init 9; Cha 6 | Elemental Tongue & Ignan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Heatsense I: Can sense differences in heat within physical substance at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Fluid: Natural form is a fluid; immune to physical damage and effects unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); can fit through almost any space and take on almost any form, but can still be contained by solid matter; treats all sides as frontal arc Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Acid Slam: 1d4 physical and acid damage melee attack, cannot be parried, on wound each attack adds 1 stack of Corrosion to the target | Caustic Effervescence: Passive Aura 0. Anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being in of base contact, receives 1 stack of Corrosion if failing an Elemental resist (stacks with other sources of Corrosion but not itself) Alternately instead of dealing damage, Caustic Effervesence can be used as an action to corrode mundane (non-magical) items that are susceptible to corrosion or can be treated as casting Oxidize Magic. |
Corrosive Passage: instant, can overcharge caustic effervescence to rapidly corrode mundane non-organic materials, burning a hole though them and passing through at normal speed. Spells: Elemental Cantrip (Burst action, range 15", 1d4 Acid damage) |
Caster I: Unlimited used of Tier1 Powers Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened Immune (Fire/Burning): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Water & Neutralizing agents): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Swift Dodge I: Can choose at will to use Dodge x1.5 instead of AC, unlimited use Aura 0: Passive effects in base contact around the creature, effects vary (see Extra), can be offensive or defensive Dual Damage (Physical & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
Immune to Fire/Burning Sensitive to Water & any attack paired with a neutralizing agent (2x dam) If touching another significant source of corrosive fluid, the caustic elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d4 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
0-1 Brimstone | |||
Second | Denizen | Ice Elemental, Prime | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Ice | Prime | Frost Elemental | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Coastal/Shore | 17 | 547 (360+34d10) | 715 | 25 | Massive (Upright) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +8 Hit; 24% Crit. (77+); +1 Damage | +11 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +19 Hit; 18% Crit. (83+) | +19 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | AC 27; Armor 24; Dodge 3 Can appear as regular ice (of appropriate size) at will, or snow (at one size large) |
Arcane 26; Elemental 40; Natural 33; Holy 40; Demonic 33; Mental 26 | Move 7; Str 17; Agil 2; Stam 20; Int 13; Wis 13; Avd 3; Per 5; Res 20; Init 7; Cha 7 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense III (Ice/Snow): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Crystal x8 | Ice Slash x2 (2d12+1d6+6 physical melee attack) | Icy Chill (passive Aura III anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being within 3" of base contact, takes 1d20 frost damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Icy Chill can be used as an action to freeze natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Freeze Magic |
Frost Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid ice or snow at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Ice Flow (Amplify instant), Frostbite (T6 DOT instant), Frost Thorns (Counter instant), Ice Bolt (T6 Missile action), Frost Nova (Nova action), Ice Spike (Strike action), Glacial Shards (Multi action) Spawn Elementals: Action. Once every three rounds, creates 1d8 Earth Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions. |
Caster VI: Unlimited used of Tier6 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Fire & Crushing): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Aura III: Passive effects in 3" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Vicious III: +15% Critical hit with physical melee attacks (typically already added) Legendary II: Twice per round, but never in immediate sucession, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Water/Frost Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Fire/Heat & Crushing Damage (2x dam) If touching another significant source of ice or snow, the ice elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 2d10 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) if gradually exposed to warmer temperatures and/or fully immersed in water, will eventually change into a Water Elemental with equivalent HP, but one size smaller |
5d10 Everice | ||
Second | Denizen | Ice Elemental, Elder | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Ice | Elder | Frost Elemental | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Coastal/Shore | 15 | 356 (221+30d8) | 388 | 18 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +8 Hit; 24% Crit. (77+); +1 Damage | +9 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +15 Hit; 16% Crit. (85+) | +15 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | AC 25; Armor 21; Dodge 4 Can appear as regular ice (of appropriate size) at will, or snow (at one size large) |
Arcane 22; Elemental 36; Natural 29; Holy 36; Demonic 29; Mental 22 | Move 6; Str 16; Agil 4; Stam 18; Int 11; Wis 11; Avd 4; Per 5; Res 18; Init 8; Cha 6 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense III (Ice/Snow): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Crystal x7 | Ice Slash x2 (2d12+1d6 physical melee attack) | Icy Chill (passive Aura III anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being within 3" of base contact, takes 1d12 frost damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Icy Chill can be used as an action to freeze natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Freeze Magic |
Frost Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid ice or snow at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence. Ice Flow (Amplify instant), Frostbite (T5 DOT instant), Frost Thorns (Counter instant), Ice Bolt (T5 Missile action), Frost Nova (Nova action), Ice Spike (Strike action) Spawn Elementals: Action. Once every three rounds, creates 1d6 Earth Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions. |
Caster V: Unlimited used of Tier5 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Fire & Crushing): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Aura III: Passive effects in 3" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Vicious III: +15% Critical hit with physical melee attacks (typically already added) Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Water/Frost Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Fire/Heat & Crushing Damage (2x dam) If touching another significant source of ice or snow, the ice elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 2d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) if gradually exposed to warmer temperatures and/or fully immersed in water, will eventually change into a Water Elemental with equivalent HP, but one size smaller |
4d8 Everice | ||
Second | Denizen | Ice Elemental, Greater | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Ice | Greater | Frost Elemental | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Coastal/Shore | 10 | 161 (96+10d12) | 169 | 11 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +5 Hit; 22% Crit. (79+); +1 Damage | +4 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +8 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | +8 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 23; Armor 18; Dodge 5 Can appear as regular ice (of appropriate size) at will, or snow (at one size large) |
Arcane 18; Elemental 32; Natural 25; Holy 32; Demonic 25; Mental 18 | Move 5; Str 15; Agil 6; Stam 16; Int 9; Wis 9; Avd 5; Per 5; Res 16; Init 9; Cha 5 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Ice/Snow): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Crystal x6 | Ice Slash x2 (1d12+1d10 physical melee attack) | Icy Chill (passive Aura II anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being within 2" of base contact, takes 1d10 frost damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Icy Chill can be used as an action to freeze natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Freeze Magic |
Frost Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid ice or snow at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Ice Flow (Amplify instant), Frostbite (T4 DOT instant), Ice Bolt (T4 Missile action), Frost Nova (Nova action), Ice Spike (Strike action) Spawn Elementals: Action. Once every three rounds, creates 1d4 Ice Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions. |
Caster IV: Unlimited used of Tier4 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Fire & Crushing): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Aura II: Passive effects in 2" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Vicious III: +15% Critical hit with physical melee attacks (typically already added) |
Immune to Water/Frost Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Fire/Heat & Crushing Damage (2x dam) If touching another significant source of ice or snow, the ice elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d12 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) if gradually exposed to warmer temperatures and/or fully immersed in water, will eventually change into a Water Elemental with equivalent HP, but one size smaller |
3d6 Everice | ||
Second | Denizen | Ice Elemental | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Ice | Middling | Frost Elemental | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Coastal/Shore | 7 | 102 (63+7d10) | 89 | 8 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +4 Hit; 16% Crit. (85+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +3 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +3 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 21; Armor 15; Dodge 6 Can appear as regular ice (of appropriate size) at will, or snow (at one size large) |
Arcane 14; Elemental 28; Natural 21; Holy 28; Demonic 21; Mental 14 | Move 4; Str 14; Agil 8; Stam 14; Int 7; Wis 7; Avd 6; Per 5; Res 14; Init 10; Cha 4 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Ice/Snow): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Crystal x5 | Ice Slash x2 (1d12+1d10 physical melee attack) | Icy Chill (passive Aura I anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or within 1" of base contact, takes 1d8 frost damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Icy Chill can be used as an action to freeze natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Freeze Magic |
Frost Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid ice or snow at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Ice Flow (Amplify instant), Ice Bolt (T3 Missile action), Frost Nova (Nova action), Ice Spike (Strike action) |
Caster III: Unlimited used of Tier3 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Fire & Crushing): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Aura I: Passive effects in 1" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Vicious II: +10% Critical hit with physical melee attacks (typically already added) |
Immune to Water/Frost Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Fire/Heat & Crushing Damage (2x dam) If touching another significant source of ice or snow, the ice elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d10 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) if gradually exposed to warmer temperatures and/or fully immersed in water, will eventually change into a Water Elemental with equivalent HP, but one size smaller |
2d6 Everice | ||
Second | Denizen | Ice Elemental, Lesser | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Ice | Lesser | Frost Elemental | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Coastal/Shore | 4 | 54 (36+4d8) | 40 | 5 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +3 Hit; 15% Crit. (86+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -2 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 19; Armor 12; Dodge 7 Can appear as regular ice (of appropriate size) at will, or snow (at one size large) |
Arcane 10; Elemental 24; Natural 17; Holy 24; Demonic 17; Mental 10 | Move 3; Str 13; Agil 10; Stam 12; Int 5; Wis 5; Avd 7; Per 5; Res 12; Init 8; Cha 3 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Ice/Snow): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Crystal x4 | Ice Slash x2 (1d8+1d6 physical melee attack) | Icy Chill (passive Aura I anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or within 1" of base contact, takes 1d6 frost damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Icy Chill can be used as an action to freeze natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Freeze Magic |
Frost Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid ice or snow at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Ice Flow (Amplify instant), Ice Bolt (T2 Missile action), Frost Nova (Nova action) |
Caster II: Unlimited used of Tier2 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Fire & Crushing): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Aura I: Passive effects in 1" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Vicious II: +10% Critical hit with physical melee attacks (typically already added) |
Immune to Water/Frost Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Fire/Heat & Crushing Damage (2x dam) If touching another significant source of ice or snow, the ice elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) if gradually exposed to warmer temperatures and/or fully immersed in water, will eventually change into a Water Elemental with equivalent HP, but one size smaller |
1d6 Everice | ||
Second | Denizen | Ice Elemental, Spawn | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Ice | Spawn | Frost Elemental | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Coastal/Shore | 2 | 22 (15+2d6) | 26 | 4 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +3 Hit; 15% Crit. (86+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | AC 14; Armor 6; Dodge 8 Can appear as regular ice (of appropriate size) at will, or snow (at one size large) |
Arcane 6; Elemental 20; Natural 13; Holy 20; Demonic 13; Mental 6 | Move 2; Str 12; Agil 12; Stam 10; Int 3; Wis 3; Avd 8; Per 5; Res 10; Init 6; Cha 2 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Ice/Snow): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Crystal x2 | Ice Slash x2 (1d8 physical melee attack) | Icy Chill (passive Aura 0 anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being in base contact with, takes 1d3 frost damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Icy Chill can be used as an action to freeze natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Freeze Magic |
Frost Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid ice or snow at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Ice Bolt (T1 Missile Action) |
Caster I: Unlimited used of Tier1 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Fire & Crushing): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Aura 0: Passive effects in base contact around the creature, effects vary (see Extra), can be offensive or defensive Vicious II: +10% Critical hit with physical melee attacks (typically already added) |
Immune to Water/Frost Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Fire/Heat & Crushing Damage (2x dam) If touching another significant source of ice or snow, the ice elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d6 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) if gradually exposed to warmer temperatures and/or fully immersed in water, will eventually change into a Water Elemental with equivalent HP, but one size smaller |
1d4 Everice | ||
Second | Denizen | Ice Elemental, Shard | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Ice | Mote | Frost Elemental | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Coastal/Shore | 2 | 15 (10+2d4) | 3 | 0 | Diminutive (Upright) | -8 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | AC 12; Armor 3; Dodge 9 Can appear as regular ice (of appropriate size) at will, or snow (at one size large) |
Arcane 2; Elemental 16; Natural 9; Holy 16; Demonic 9; Mental 2 | Move 1; Str 11; Agil 14; Stam 8; Int 1; Wis 1; Avd 9; Per 5; Res 8; Init 4; Cha 1 | Elemental Tongue & Aquan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Ice/Snow): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Crystal x1 | Ice Slash (1d4 physical melee attack) | Icy Chill (passive Aura 0 anything the elemental touches, either by moving through or being in base contact with, takes 1 frost damage if failing Elemental resist) alternately instead of dealing damage, Icy Chill can be used as an action to freeze natural water or moisture of equal size or counts as Freeze Magic |
Frost Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid ice or snow at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Elemental Cantrip (Burst action, range 15", 1d4 Frost damage) |
Caster I: Unlimited used of Tier1 Powers Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune (Water): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Fire & Crushing): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Aura 0: Passive effects in base contact around the creature, effects vary (see Extra), can be offensive or defensive |
Immune to Water/Frost Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted Sensitive to Fire/Heat & Crushing Damage (2x dam) If touching another significant source of ice or snow, the ice elemental absorbs some of it into its own form and heals for 1d4 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) if gradually exposed to warmer temperatures and/or fully immersed in water, will eventually change into a Water Elemental with equivalent HP, but one size smaller |
0-1 Everice | ||
Second | Denizen | Metallic Elemental, Prime | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Metallic | Prime | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Subterranean | 17 | 583 (396+34d10) | 1,005 | 31 | Massive (Upright) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +9 Hit; 25% Crit. (76+); +3 Damage | +10 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+) | +19 Hit; 18% Crit. (83+) | +20 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | AC 25; Armor 24; Dodge 1 Can appear as a inanimate metal statue (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 26; Elemental 44; Natural 36; Holy 46; Demonic 37; Mental 27 | Move 7; Str 20; Agil 3; Stam 22; Int 13; Wis 14; Avd 1; Per 4; Res 23; Init 5; Cha 8 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense III (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Crystal x8 | Razor Slash x2 (2d12+8 physical melee attack, -20 armor piercing, on wound inflicts 1d10 Bleed effect stacks) | Instead of attacking, can temporarily (1 rnd) change its form to fluidic metal, becoming immune to all forms of physical damage and allowing it fit through almost any space. Any enemy target it touches while in its fluid form automatically gains 3 volatile metal Agglomerate stacks |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Imbue Lacerate (T1 Imbue Instant), Steel Shot (T4 Shot Action), Razor Strike (T3 Strike Action), Iron Quills (T4 Empower Instant, treat damage as though 5 stacks of Agglomerate are present at all times), Metal Storm (T5 Storm Action), Shards of Metal (T6 Multi Action) Spawn Elementals (action, once every three rounds, creates 1d8 Earth Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions) |
Caster VI: Unlimited used of Tier6 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune II (Earth & Fire): Immune to these types of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Caustic & Storm): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Indomitable: Counts as Implacable, Immovable, Unyielding and Uncontrollable; also immune to critical misses, all forms of CC, and cannot be "insta-killed" (i.e. Heart Punch, throat crush, garrote, throat slash, etc...) Toughness III: Negates all incoming damage by 3 Armor Piercing IV: some or all primary attacks have -20 armor Legendary II: Twice per round, but never in immediate sucession, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Earth & Fire/Heat Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted, unless hit by Fire/Heat effects within the last round Sensitive to Caustic & Storm Damage (2x dam) If maintaining contact with a source of metal that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Metallic elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 2d10 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns)) |
5d10 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Sundog | Arcanid | Light Forged | Pack Hunter | Regular | Blink Dog | yes | Realm (Dawn), Alignment (Good), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Plain, Desert | 1 | 12 (8+1d8) | 10 | 2 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | AC 32; Armor 14; Dodge 18 Solar Hide: in addition to granting Armor, hide also grants +1 Arcane Resist per slot, already added |
Arcane 21; Elemental 10; Natural 10; Holy 20; Demonic 15; Mental 12 | Move 6; Str 14; Agil 15; Stam 5; Int 7; Wis 5; Avd 18; Per 12; Res 10; Init 12; Cha 0 | understands Dawnspeak but cannot speak it | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Thick x7 | Flash Bite x2: 1d6 Solar & Physical damage. First bite counts as an instant second bite as an action. | Solar Blink: Instant. Teleport up to 6" to an unoccupied space in LoS. Unlimited use if sun is visible, otherwise once per hour. If used to leave base contact, does not count as Disengaging from combat |
Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) Immune (Light): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Loyal II: +2 dam vs targets that attack its master Sensitivity (Dark): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Dual Damage (Physical & Solar): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
1d6 Prismatic Glass | Sundogs are said to be able to appear in the blink of an eye, garnering them the nickname Blink dogs. They are sleek golden furred canines native to the Realm of Dawn. According to folklore they sometimes appear in pairs in the Realm of Strife when the weather phenomenon by the same name occurs. They are good natured creatures who abhor chaos, and more specifically darkness and fear. It is not easy to gain their friendship, but once their trust is gained these intelligent pack hunters are fiercely loyal. When they are found in the Realm of Strife they do not linger long and typically disappear once the sun has set. | |||
Second | Denizen | Shadow Beast | Arcanid | Void Creature | Pack Hunter | Regular | yes | Realm (The Void), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Chaos) | Extra Planar | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 1 | 12 (8+1d8) | 10 | 2 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | AC 32; Armor 14; Dodge 18 Shadow Hide: in addition to granting Armor, hide also grants +1 Arcane Resist per slot, already added |
Arcane 17; Elemental 10; Natural 10; Holy 20; Demonic 15; Mental 10 | Move 6; Str 14; Agil 15; Stam 5; Int 5; Wis 5; Avd 18; Per 12; Res 10; Init 10; Cha 0 | none | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. Extra Sense II (Fear): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Thick x7 | Shadow Claws x2: 1d6 Shadow & Physical damage | Feed-on-fear: instant, if any target 10" was affected by Fear during the last round, gain 1d6HP. If this causes the Shadow Beast to increase its HP beyond its Max, keep the additional HP and gain +10% critical hit chance for every 1 HP above Max |
Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) Immune (Dark): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Fearsome I: Enemies must pass a Resolve test to move into base contact with the creature and if the Fearsome creature moves into base contact with a foe it must pass a Resolve test or be considered Frightened until doing so. Add Advantage or Disadvantage equal to the difference in sizes. Once a Resolve test is passed in either case, the target is immune for the remainder of the day. Sensitivity (Light): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Dual Damage (Physical & Dark): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
1d6 Dark Matter | Shadow beasts are a physical manifestation of the Void, taking on the generic form of a four legged canine-like beast with no head. Despite having no head, they seem to have no trouble tracking prey. Their senses are particularly attuned to detecting fear. Though relatively fragile, a pack of Shadow Beasts that have caught the scent of fear can be quiet deadly. Shadow beasts are capable of feeding off of others fear, physically growing in size and becoming increasingly vicious. To this end, they are capable of changing their form to whatever their prey fears most. While this modified form is purely illusionary and does not grant any additional attacks or abilities based on the form it takes, it does grant Shadow Beasts a passive fear aura. | ||||
Second | Denizen | Metallic Elemental, Elder | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Metallic | Elder | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Subterranean | 15 | 380 (245+30d8) | 577 | 23 | Huge (Upright) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +9 Hit; 24% Crit. (77+); +2 Damage | +8 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +15 Hit; 16% Crit. (85+) | +16 Hit; 12% Crit. (89+) | AC 65; Armor 63; Dodge 2 Can appear as a inanimate metal statue (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 22; Elemental 40; Natural 32; Holy 42; Demonic 33; Mental 23 | Move 6; Str 19; Agil 5; Stam 20; Int 11; Wis 12; Avd 2; Per 4; Res 21; Init 6; Cha 7 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense III (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Hard Metallic x7 | Razor Slash x2 (2d12 physical melee attack, -15 armor piercing, on wound inflicts 1d8 Bleed effect stacks) | Instead of attacking, can temporarily (1 rnd) change its form to fluidic metal, becoming immune to all forms of physical damage and allowing it fit through almost any space. Any enemy target it touches while in its fluid form automatically gains 3 volatile metal Agglomerate stacks |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Imbue Lacerate (T1 Imbue Instant), Steel Shot (T4 Shot Action), Razor Strike (T3 Strike Action), Iron Quills (T4 Empower Instant, treat damage as though 4 stacks of Agglomerate are present at all times), Metal Storm (T5 Storm Action) Spawn Elementals: Action. Once every three rounds, creates 1d6 Earth Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions) |
Caster V: Unlimited used of Tier5 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune II (Earth & Fire): Immune to these types of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Caustic & Storm): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Indomitable: Counts as Implacable, Immovable, Unyielding and Uncontrollable; also immune to critical misses, all forms of CC, and cannot be "insta-killed" (i.e. Heart Punch, throat crush, garrote, throat slash, etc...) Toughness III: Negates all incoming damage by 3 Armor Piercing III: some or all primary attacks have -15 armor Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Immune to Earth & Fire/Heat Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted, unless hit by Fire/Heat effects within the last round Sensitive to Caustic & Storm Damage (2x dam) If maintaining contact with a source of metal that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Metallic elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 2d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) |
4d8 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Metallic Elemental, Greater | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Metallic | Greater | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Subterranean | 10 | 173 (108+10d12) | 226 | 14 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 22% Crit. (79+); +2 Damage | +3 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +8 Hit; 13% Crit. (88+) | +9 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | AC 57; Armor 54; Dodge 3 Can appear as a inanimate metal statue (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 18; Elemental 36; Natural 28; Holy 38; Demonic 29; Mental 19 | Move 5; Str 18; Agil 7; Stam 18; Int 9; Wis 10; Avd 3; Per 4; Res 19; Init 7; Cha 6 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Hard Metallic x6 | Razor Slash x2 (1d12+1d6 physical melee attack, -15 armor piercing, on wound inflicts 1d6 Bleed effect stacks) | Instead of attacking, can temporarily (1 rnd) change its form to fluidic metal, becoming immune to all forms of physical damage and allowing it fit through almost any space. Any enemy target it touches while in its fluid form automatically gains 2 volatile metal Agglomerate stacks |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Imbue Lacerate (T1 Imbue Instant), Steel Shot (T4 Shot Action), Razor Strike (T3 Strike Action), Iron Quills (T4 Empower Instant, treat damage as though 3 stacks of Agglomerate are present at all times) Spawn Elementals: Action. Once every three rounds, creates 1d4 Earth Elemental Spawns that appear 2d8" away in random directions |
Caster IV: Unlimited used of Tier4 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune II (Earth & Fire): Immune to these types of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Caustic & Storm): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Unyielding: Immune to stun, slow, winded, incapacitate, immobilize, or silence CC effects or any effect that would cause them to miss a turn Toughness II: Negates all incoming damage by 2 Armor Piercing III: some or all primary attacks have -15 armor |
Immune to Earth & Fire/Heat Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted, unless hit by Fire/Heat effects within the last round Sensitive to Caustic & Storm Damage (2x dam) If maintaining contact with a source of metal that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Metallic elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d12 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP, including its own spawns) |
3d6 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Metallic Elemental | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Metallic | Middling | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Subterranean | 7 | 111 (72+7d10) | 127 | 10 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | +5 Hit; 17% Crit. (84+); +1 Damage | 0 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +3 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 49; Armor 45; Dodge 4 Can appear as a inanimate metal statue (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 14; Elemental 32; Natural 24; Holy 34; Demonic 25; Mental 15 | Move 4; Str 17; Agil 9; Stam 16; Int 7; Wis 8; Avd 4; Per 4; Res 17; Init 8; Cha 5 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Hard Metallic x5 | Razor Slash x2 (1d12+1d6 physical melee attack, -10 armor piercing, on wound inflicts 1d4 Bleed effect stacks) | Instead of attacking, can temporarily (1 rnd) change its form to fluidic metal, becoming immune to all forms of physical damage and allowing it fit through almost any space. Any enemy target it touches while in its fluid form automatically gains 2 volatile metal Agglomerate stacks |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Imbue Lacerate (T1 Imbue Instant), Mithril Spear (T2 Missile Action), Razor Strike (T3 Strike Action) |
Caster III: Unlimited used of Tier3 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune II (Earth & Fire): Immune to these types of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Caustic & Storm): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Unyielding: Immune to stun, slow, winded, incapacitate, immobilize, or silence CC effects or any effect that would cause them to miss a turn Toughness II: Negates all incoming damage by 2 Armor Piercing II: some or all primary attacks have -10 armor |
Immune to Earth & Fire/Heat Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted, unless hit by Fire/Heat effects within the last round Sensitive to Caustic & Storm Damage (2x dam) If maintaining contact with a source of metal that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Metallic elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d10 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
2d6 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Metallic Elemental, Lesser | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Metallic | Lesser | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Subterranean | 4 | 60 (42+4d8) | 58 | 6 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +4 Hit; 16% Crit. (85+); +1 Damage | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -2 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 41; Armor 36; Dodge 5 Can appear as a inanimate metal statue (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 10; Elemental 28; Natural 20; Holy 30; Demonic 21; Mental 11 | Move 3; Str 16; Agil 11; Stam 14; Int 5; Wis 6; Avd 5; Per 4; Res 15; Init 6; Cha 4 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Hard Metallic x4 | Razor Slash x2 (1d8+1d6 physical melee attack, -10 armor piercing, on wound inflicts 1d3 Bleed effect stacks) | Instead of attacking, can temporarily (1 rnd) change its form to fluidic metal, becoming immune to all forms of physical damage and allowing it fit through almost any space. Any enemy target it touches while in its fluid form automatically gains 1 volatile metal Agglomerate stacks |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Imbue Lacerate (T1 Imbue Instant), Mithril Spear (T2 Missile Action) |
Caster II: Unlimited used of Tier2 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune II (Earth & Fire): Immune to these types of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Caustic & Storm): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Unyielding: Immune to stun, slow, winded, incapacitate, immobilize, or silence CC effects or any effect that would cause them to miss a turn Toughness I: Negates all incoming damage by 1 Armor Piercing II: some or all primary attacks have -10 armor |
Immune to Earth & Fire/Heat Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted, unless hit by Fire/Heat effects within the last round Sensitive to Caustic & Storm Damage (2x dam) If maintaining contact with a source of metal that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Metallic elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d8 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
1d6 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Metallic Elemental, Spawn | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Metallic | Spawn | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Subterranean | 2 | 25 (18+2d6) | 21 | 4 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +4 Hit; 15% Crit. (86+); +1 Damage | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | AC 24; Armor 18; Dodge 6 Can appear as a inanimate metal statue (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 6; Elemental 24; Natural 16; Holy 26; Demonic 17; Mental 7 | Move 2; Str 15; Agil 13; Stam 12; Int 3; Wis 4; Avd 6; Per 4; Res 13; Init 4; Cha 3 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Hard Metallic x2 | Razor Slash x2 (1d8 physical melee attack, -5 armor peircing, on wound inflicts 1d2 Bleed effect stacks) | Instead of attacking, can temporarily (1 rnd) change its form to fluidic metal, becoming immune to all forms of physical damage and allowing it fit through almost any space. Any enemy target it touches while in its fluid form automatically gains 1 volatile metal Agglomerate stacks |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round. Does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Imbue Lacerate (T1 Imbue Instant) |
Caster I: Unlimited used of Tier1 Powers Volatile Caster: This creature is naturally volatile and ignores all penalties and special effects for casting Volatile spirit powers except for a flat +5% Critical cast chance with all Volatile powers (typically already added); also explodes or otherwise vents volatile energy upon death, dealing 1d6 (per Tier of Caster) damage of the appropriate type in a 2" radius Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune II (Earth & Fire): Immune to these types of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Caustic & Storm): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Toughness I: Negates all incoming damage by 1 Armor Piercing I: some or all primary attacks have -5 armor |
Immune to Earth & Fire/Heat Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted, unless hit by Fire/Heat effects within the last round Sensitive to Caustic & Storm Damage (2x dam) If maintaining contact with a source of metal that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Metallic elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d6 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
1d4 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Metallic Elemental, Shard | Elemental | Volatile Elemental | Metallic | Mote | yes | Realm (The Forge), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Extra Planar | Mountain, Subterranean | 2 | 18 (13+2d4) | 4 | 1 | Diminutive (Upright) | -8 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | AC 16; Armor 9; Dodge 7 Can appear as a inanimate metal statue (of appropriate size) at will |
Arcane 2; Elemental 20; Natural 12; Holy 22; Demonic 13; Mental 3 | Move 1; Str 14; Agil 15; Stam 10; Int 1; Wis 2; Avd 7; Per 4; Res 11; Init 2; Cha 2 | Elemental Tongue & Terran | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Hard Metallic x1 | Razor Slash (1d4 physical melee attack, on wound inflicts 1 Bleed effect stack) | Instead of attacking, can temporarily (1 rnd) change its form to fluidic metal, becoming immune to all forms of physical damage and allowing it fit through almost any space. |
Earth Glide: Instant. Can pass through solid stone, dirt, or any other type of earth at 2x movement speed this round does not leave behind a tunnel, hole, or any other indication of its presence Spells: Elemental Cantrip (Burst action, range 15", 1d4 Earth damage) |
Caster I: Unlimited used of Tier1 Powers Hardened (Physical): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Immune II (Earth & Fire): Immune to these types of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Caustic & Storm): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Immovable: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Docile: Will typically not attack unless provoked/threatened |
Immune to Earth & Fire/Heat Hardened to Physical Damage (50%) even if enchanted, unless hit by Fire/Heat effects within the last round Sensitive to Caustic & Storm Damage (2x dam) If maintaining contact with a source of metal that is smaller or weaker that itself, the Metallic elemental absorbs it into its own form and heals for 1d4 HP (this includes other elementals of lesser rank or less HP) |
0-1 Thaumatite Ore | |||
Second | Denizen | Ent Sapling | Terrestial | Awakened | Treant | Protector | Sapling | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Forest/Jungle, N/A | 2 | 25 (16+2d8) | 8 | 2 | Small (Upright) | -2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 23; Armor 8; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 16; Natural 13; Holy 20; Demonic 15; Mental 6 | Move 3; Str 10; Agil 14; Stam 8; Int 1; Wis 5; Avd 15; Per 6; Res 10; Init 15; Cha 6 | Primal Tongue & Sylvan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Bark, Soft x8 | Branch Slap x1: 1d6+1d4 dam melee attack, Reach 1", Overpowering (-1), Crushing Blow 1 | Entangling Roots (instant, roll vs. nature resist+dodge, range 10" Snares a single target and inflicts 1d2 damage each round, until roots are broken any damage over 2 will break the roots after 2 rounds targets become Immobilized until roots are broken) |
Immovable I: Immune to knockdown, knockback, or knockup effects Immune (Nature): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Regenerate I: Regenerates 1x HP dice for size at the start of every turn unless it received Fire, Acid, or Necrotic damage (or was otherwise prevented from healing) in the previous round, persists even after death unless body is completely destroyed by burning |
Immune to Nature Damage Double damage from Fire Regenerates 1d8 per round |
1d6 Primordial Sap | |||
Second | Denizen | Star Spawn | Celestial | Constellate | Spawn | yes | Realm (The Cosmos), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Extra Planar | Sky, N/A | 2 | 21 (12+2d8) | 7 | 2 | Small (Upright) | -2 | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+); -1 Damage | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 6; Armor 0; Dodge 6 Armor of Celestial Glory I: Passive, +6 Armor +6 Natural Resistance, after 3 Armor Saves or Natural Resists armor erupts into a shower of Celestial energy causing 1d6 damage to all targets within 1", armor regenerates after 3 rounds or 1 minute out of combat |
Arcane 12; Elemental 12; Natural 12; Holy 12; Demonic 12; Mental 12 | Move 3; Str 6; Agil 6; Stam 6; Int 6; Wis 6; Avd 6; Per 6; Res 6; Init 6; Cha 6 | Primal Tongue & Celestian | Blindsense II: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to 2x their perception. Uneffected by light and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Incorporeal: Complete lack of solid form, immune to physical damage and effects (i.e. grapple, stun, etc...) unless runecrafted, enchanted, or otherwise magical (roll vs resistance+dodge); cannot have movement impaired by non-magical means; can pass through solid matter at will but cannot interact with it or end its movement inside of it; can move in 3 dimensions without normal flying restrictions |
Cosmic Spark: 1d10 celestial damage, on a roll of 7+ target must re-roll the first successful roll on their next turn | Instead of attacking, can use its touch as Disperse Magic |
Celestial Jump: instant, teleports itself anywhere within 5" Analyse Target: instant, single target in base contact, use Mental Resistance, target is immobilized for 1 rnd while the caster learns everything about it, also grants catser +5 to hit and +5 Defense against that target for the remainder of the battle, target can choose to resist the effect and instead take 5 damage |
Immune (Celestial): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Earth & Water): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Dual Damage (Celestial & Physical): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types |
1d6 Stardust |