Beasts (aka Animals) throughout the Realm of Strife come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but all share several things in common; they live, breath, move, sleep, reproduce, and ingest matter for sustenance. Most animals possess very little connection to the Spirit of Creation, sometimes marked by it, but rarely able to tap into its power. Most have lost any tie to their Realm of Origin and in many ways are considered to simply originate from the Realm of Strife itself. Some even speculate that most animals were so dramatically altered when they arrived in the Realm of Strife that they became beings comprised solely of the Substance of Creation, and in many ways this is why they are considered to be lower order beings of the Second Creation. This has lead to a misconception that they are also the least intelligent, however this is not the case. In fact some beasts are surprisingly intelligent and demonstrate wisdom far beyond the foolish adventurers so often found among the Third Creation.
Beasts also have the distinction of being trainable, providing many useful functions to those willing to put in the effort to train them (see Animal Training and Companions) or those with coin enough to pay someone else to do it.
Beast Metagroups
The Codex of Creation separates beasts into several Metagroups, each with common characteristics:
- Aquatic
- Arthropod
- Avian
- Invertebrate
- Mammal
- Reptile
- Chimera (a mixture or 2 or more species)
Beast Classes
Beasts can be subdivided into several classes, that characterize the combat and defensive styles employed when engaged in battle:
- Aerial: uses flight as a weapon or means of escape/evasion
- Ambusher: uses stealth and natural environments to its advantage to mask its presence until ready to spring upon its prey
- Brute: uses pure physical violence to overwhelm and intimidate enemies
- Burrower: capable of tunneling through the ground and often surprising foes by bursting onto the battlefield with a variety of effects
- Disabler: uses venom, poison or other means of disabling enemies, often at range
- Herd: use strength of numbers for natural protection and often try to avoid combat, but also possess trample effects that can crush enemies beneath their hooves
- Magical: uses magical powers or natural abilities that mimic magic for self defense or to overcome prey, often at range
- Pack Hunter: gains bonuses when fighting or hunting with other beasts of the same type
- Protector: uses natural abilities or adaptations to protect its territories or targets that it deems important, often capable of drawing enemies attention to itself and possessing natural defenses that make it tougher than most other beasts
- Demigod: extremely powerful primal beings with some measure or form of immortality, employing a vast array of tactics and special abilities to defeat their enemies
Beast Calling
Primal Beast-callers can use their Faith Powers to summon beasts to temporarily aid them in combat. Beast calling automatically counts as a failed Difficulty roll if attempting to call a beast that is not native to the habitat the caster is currently in. The Difficulty for Calling a particular Beast directly corresponds to the Difficulty field in the Codex of Beasts.
Codex of Beasts
The Codex of Beasts is the master list of all beasts available to Realm of Strife GMs. It does not contain all known beasts, but the list continues to expand as designers create new entries in the codex.
If you are looking for a beast that does not appear in this list please contact us and request that an entry be added to the codex and we will endeavor to publish your request in a timely manner.
Creation | Order | Creature Name | Metagroup | Group or Species | Subgroup or Variant | Class/Role | Rank/Title | Alternate Names | publish? | Origins | Climate | Habitat | Level | HP (at lvl) | XP | Threat Rating | Size | Size Mod | Melee Mod | Ranged Mod | Spirit Mod | Faith Mod | Defense | Resistances | Stats | Languages | Senses | Form | Armor | Weapons | Alternate | Skills | Traits | Extra | Drops | Description | Traits (for Google Sheets only) | Placeholder | Training/Control Methods | Mount Type | Racial Preferences |
Second | Beast | Great Sand Worm | Invertebrate | Giant Worm | Burrower | Elder | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Desert | 16 | 990 (726+48d10) | 482 | 21 | Colossal (Prone) | 32; Crushing Blow 32, Toughness 8, Reach +4 | +10 Hit; 10% Crit. (91+); +3 Damage | +15 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +6 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | +15 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | AC 50; Armor 48; Dodge 2 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 44; Natural 32; Holy 40; Demonic 30; Mental 11 | Move 12; Str 24; Agil 5; Stam 22; Int 1; Wis 10; Avd 2; Per 10; Res 20; Init 10; Cha 1 | Worm "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense III (Sand): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Caloused x12 | Bite: 6d8+20 damage, if target is Massive sized or less and does not Dodge counts as being Consumed | Deadly Sinkhole: If burrowed under sand, can use its attack to create a conical sinkhole in the sand, with a 6" radius. Anyone that fails an Agility test (at -6 disadvantage at the center, reduced by 1 for each 1" of radius from the center), is drawn down to the maw of the sand worm and suffers a bite attack with no dodge contribution to AC. Can consume as normal. Afterwards Sandworm's head is exposed to attacks and must re-burrow before it can use Deadly Sinkhole again. |
Consume: Passive. Can consume and store targets in its gullet (equal to 1 Massive, 2 Huge, 4 Large, 8 Medium, 16 Small, etc...). Consumed targets are Blinded and Immobilized and take 3d20+10 Caustic damage at the start of each of the sand worms turns. If the Sand worm takes 200 or more damage before its next turn it must, as a Reaction, regurgitate all targets stored in its gullet which land up to 1d8" from its mouth and count as knocked down. Sand Burst: Instant. Must be burrowed under sand or have used Deadly Sinkold on its previous turn. Bursts to the surface, causing a Trample effect to all targets within 6". If failing to Dodge they are also Knocked Down. Diving Burrow: Instant. Quickly dives back into the sand and gains +2 movement. |
Tunneler II: Can tunnel through ground at regular movement, initial burrowing counts as an instant Trample VII: 7d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Legendary I: Once per round, this creature gains an extra reaction, instant or action that can be used in its own turn or immediately after any enemy turn |
Sand Tunneler: Tunneler trait only applies while in sand |
7d20 Raw Meat, 4d4 Water Sacs | n/a | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Tunnel Mantis, Hive Queen | Arthropod | Tunnel Mantis | Magical | Queen | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Ruins/Dungeon | 10 | 226 (136+20d8) | 111 | 9 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +12 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+); +2 Damage | +17 Hit; 11% Crit. (90+) | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +11 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | AC 49; Armor 36; Dodge 13 |
Arcane 14; Elemental 32; Natural 28; Holy 12; Demonic 18; Mental 19 | Move 5; Str 18; Agil 13; Stam 16; Int 7; Wis 12; Avd 13; Per 18; Res 6; Init 13; Cha 0 | Insect "Speech" & Hive communication | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense III (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Heavy x6 | Shriveled Claws x2: 1d6 damage each & All attacks count as both Nature & Physical damage | Advanced Hive Buzz (Aura 10' all in range have -20 to hit with Spirit/Faith abilities) |
Advanced Hive Mind blast: Single target, action, range 16", 2d20 Psionic Damage, inflicts 1 stack of Assimilate Advanced Hive Command: Action, all lesser mantis get a free move, inst & action on selected target |
Aura I: Passive effects in 1" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Dual Damage (Physical & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Immune (Acid): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Assimilate: 1d6 dam/rnd 1 stack silenced, 2 fight closest target, 3 controlled by Hive Queen pass intellect test to shed 1 stack Upon death, Assimilate causes 1d6dam per stack then dissapears, Relies on burrowers to create tunnels for it to travel through |
100% chance to drop Hive Gland, +10 to hit with special abilites for 1 battle x2 | Cunning & Insight | n/a | n/a | |||||
Second | Beast | Crab, Hulking | Arthropod | Crustacean | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, Coastal/Shore | 5 | 121 (76+10d8) | 106 | 9 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 72; Armor 62; Dodge 10 Debris Covered: The debris and other natural undersea formations covering a Hulking Crabs shell make it difficult to spot if it sits motionless on the sea floor, granting +5 Advantage on Avoidance |
Arcane 6; Elemental 32; Natural 26; Holy 24; Demonic 22; Mental 13 | Move 8; Str 17; Agil 8; Stam 16; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 10; Per 16; Res 12; Init 12; Cha 1 | Crustacean "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I (Antennae): Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Shell, Hardened x8 plus Coral & Debris x6 | Claw x2: 2d12+6 damage, can choose to Grapple | Pincer Crush: While grappling a target can inflict crushing damage equal to a regular claw attack. The damage is automatic, but an unmodified hit roll is made to determine if the target can armor save to reduce damage by half. Cannot critically miss or be dodged, but can still critically hit. |
Pincer Tear: Action. If grappling a target with one claw, can use the other claw to attempt to tear the grappled target apart. If passing a STR VS STR stat roll-off, inflicts regalar claw damage multiplied by how much it won the stat roll-off by. If that damage is greater than 1/4 of the targets current HP it rips a limb off. If equal to current HP it rips them apart and the target is immediately slain. No hit roll required but target can armor save to reduce damage by half, but doing so results in armor being removed/damaged. |
Amphibious: Can breathe in air and water Hardened (Piercing & Cutting): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Grapple: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break Trample III: 3d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Toughness II: Negates all incoming damage by 2 |
4d8 Raw Meat | n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Sand Worm | Invertebrate | Giant Worm | Burrower | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Desert | 8 | 250 (162+16d10) | 104 | 9 | Massive (Prone) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +3 Damage | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +5 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | AC 37; Armor 32; Dodge 5 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 36; Natural 26; Holy 28; Demonic 22; Mental 9 | Move 10; Str 20; Agil 7; Stam 18; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 5; Per 9; Res 14; Init 14; Cha 1 | Worm "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Sand): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Caloused x8 | Bite: 3d8+10 damage, if target is Large sized or less and does not Dodge counts as being Consumed | Deadly Sinkhole: If burrowed under sand, can use its attack to create a conical sinkhole in the sand, with a 3" radius. Anyone that fails an Agility test (at -3 disadvantage at the center, reduced by 1 for each 1" of radius from the center), is drawn down to the maw of the sand worm and suffers a bite attack with no dodge contribution to AC. Can consume as normal. Afterwards Sandworm's head is exposed to attacks and must re-burrow before it can use Deadly Sinkhole again. |
Consume: Passive. Can consume and store targets in its gullet (equal to 1 Large, 2 Medium, 4 Small, 8 Tiny, etc...). Consumed targets are Blinded and Immobilized and take 3d12 Caustic damage at the start of each of the sand worms turns. If the Sand worm takes 50 or more damage before its next turn it must, as a Reaction, regurgitate all targets stored in its gullet which land up to 1d4" from its mouth and count as knocked down. Sand Burst: Instant. Must be burrowed under sand or have used Deadly Sinkold on its previous turn. Bursts to the surface, causing a Trample effect to all targets within 3". If failing to Dodge they are also Knocked Down. Diving Burrow: Instant. Quickly dives back into the sand and gains +2 movement. |
Tunneler II: Can tunnel through ground at regular movement, initial burrowing counts as an instant Trample V: 5d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature |
Sand Tunneler: Tunneler trait only applies while in sand |
5d10 Raw Meat, 1d4 Water Sacs | n/a | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Longneck Dinosaur | Reptile | Dinosaur | Herd | Adult | Sauropod/Brontosaurus | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Plain, Forest/Jungle | 4 | 185 (133+8d12) | 95 | 9 | Gargantuan (Prone) | 16; Crushing Blow 16, Toughness 4, Reach +3 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +3 Damage | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 43; Armor 35; Dodge 8 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 38; Natural 27; Holy 8; Demonic 12; Mental 9 | Move 10; Str 22; Agil 10; Stam 19; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 8; Per 10; Res 4; Init 11; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Hardened x7 | Tailswipe: 5d6 damage, see Trait, use as primary attack, does not have to be engaged in front & rear | Trample VI: 6d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Tailswipe V: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra attack that hits all targets in reach in the rear arc, with 8" knockback on targets of lesser size |
5d10 Raw Meat | Dominance & Affection | n/a | Minotaurs & Centaurs (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Tyrannosaurus | Reptile | Dinosaur | Brute | Adult | Theropod | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Plain, Hill | 4 | 129 (85+8d10) | 82 | 8 | Massive (Prone) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +3 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -5 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 37; Armor 28; Dodge 9 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 34; Natural 26; Holy 14; Demonic 16; Mental 11 | Move 10; Str 21; Agil 11; Stam 17; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 9; Per 13; Res 7; Init 12; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Thick x7 | Bite: 3d10+20 damage, -20 armor Piercing | Tailswipe (4d6 dam, see Trait) |
Ferocious Roar (instant, all targets in a frontal arc within hearing range must pass a resolve test or become Vulnerable until their next turn, at which point they must move directly away at full speed) |
Trample IV: 4d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Tailswipe IV: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra attack that hits all targets in reach in the rear arc, with 6" knockback on targets of lesser size Armor Piercing IV: some or all primary attacks have -20 armor |
5d10 Raw Meat | Dominance & Cunning | n/a | Orcs (+2) & Half-Orcs (+1), Wild & High Elves (-2), Half-elves, Gnomes, Halflings (-1) | |||||
Second | Beast | Tunnel Mantis, Overlord | Arthropod | Tunnel Mantis | Magical | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Ruins/Dungeon | 6 | 95 (56+6d12) | 65 | 7 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +9 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+); +1 Damage | +13 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | AC 52; Armor 38; Dodge 14 |
Arcane 12; Elemental 28; Natural 25; Holy 18; Demonic 20; Mental 17 | Move 5; Str 17; Agil 14; Stam 14; Int 6; Wis 11; Avd 14; Per 18; Res 9; Init 14; Cha 0 | Insect "Speech" & Hive communication | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense III (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Heavy x5 plus Chitin, Hardened x1 | Hardened Claws x2: 1d12 damage each, Block (+3) with each claw & All attacks count as both Nature & Physical damage | Hive Buzz: Aura 10' all in range have -10 to hit with Spirit/Faith abilities |
Hive Mind blast: single target, action, range 16", 2d10 Psionic Damage, inflicts 1 stack of Assimilate Hive Command: Action, all lesser mantis' get a free move & action on selected target |
Aura I: Passive effects in 1" radius around the creature, effects vary (see Skills/Extra), can be offensive or defensive Dual Damage (Physical & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Immune (Acid): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Assimilate: 1d6 dam/rnd 1 stack silenced, 2 fight closest target, 3 controlled by Overlord pass intellect test to shed 1 stack Upon death, Assimilate causes 1d6dam per stack then dissapears, Relies on burrowers to create tunnels for it to travel through |
3d6 Raw Meat, 60% chance to drop Hive Gland, +10 to hit with special abilites for 1 battle. | Cunning & Insight | n/a | n/a | |||||
Second | Beast | Shark, Megalodon | Aquatic | Shark | Brute | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, N/A | 5 | 151 (96+10d10) | 61 | 7 | Massive (Prone) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +2 Damage | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 33; Armor 24; Dodge 9 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 32; Natural 26; Holy 16; Demonic 18; Mental 13 | Move 10; Str 19; Agil 12; Stam 16; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 9; Per 16; Res 8; Init 13; Cha 1 | Shark "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense III (Blood): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Caloused x6 | Bite: 5d6+5 | Blood-in-the water: Gain +24 to hit and +8 damage if their is a wounded target within movement range |
Swimmer, Only: This creature cannot move on land, unless its to crawl or flop at 1/10th (minimum 1). Its statement speed is assumed to be its swim speed, but is increased by 1.5x if moving in a straight line. Water Breathing: Can breathe underwater Moving Attack: can take action at any point along a straight line charge move, but counts as disengaging from base contact |
Sharks cannot breathe if they are not moving. If possible, they must always move during their turn and will tend to use their moving attack ratehr than end a move in base contact. If they are immobilized they will take 1d12+2 suffocation damage each round after the first. |
4d8 Raw Meat | n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Crocodile, Giant | Reptile | Crocodile | Ambusher | Adult | Alligator | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Coastal/Shore, Swamp | 3 | 101 (68+6d10) | 61 | 7 | Massive (Prone) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +3 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -5 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 40; Armor 30; Dodge 10 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 34; Natural 27; Holy 16; Demonic 18; Mental 13 | Move 8; Str 20; Agil 12; Stam 17; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 10; Per 14; Res 8; Init 12; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Caloused x5 plus Scales, Hardened x2 | Bite: 2d20 damage, Grapple | Tailswipe (4d6 dam, see Trait) |
Swamp Rush: instant, 2x move speed, can only use if starting or ending movement in water Deathroll: action, must be in water, if hit w/ bite on previous rnd target is knocked down and takes 8d6 damage |
Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Tailswipe IV: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra attack that hits all targets in reach in the rear arc, with 6" knockback on targets of lesser size Sneaky, Aquatic I: Can enter battle hidden if in water & treats water surfaces as breaking LoS for the purposes of re-hiding Grapple I: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break |
If target does anything other than recover HP deathroll will continue in next round, will not release unless dead or hit by a crit. |
5d10 Raw Meat; 1d8 Crocodile Teeth | Dominance & Force | n/a | Ogres (+1) | ||||
Second | Beast | Giant Spider, Bloated Mother | Arthropod | Giant Spider | Brute | Mother | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Ruins/Dungeon | 5 | 121 (76+10d8) | 54 | 6 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +2 Damage | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | AC 51; Armor 40; Dodge 11 |
Arcane 10; Elemental 32; Natural 28; Holy 20; Demonic 22; Mental 17 | Move 8; Str 19; Agil 14; Stam 16; Int 5; Wis 12; Avd 11; Per 16; Res 10; Init 13; Cha 0 | Arachnid "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Hardened x5 | Bite: 4d8+4 damage, inflicts superior crippling poison type can vary by breed |
Web Wrap II: renders 1 base contact target immobile if failing a dodge test, pass a Strength test (-5) or dam > 10 to break) |
Poison III: Uses Superior poisons Climber I: +5 Advantage when attempting to climb or cling to almost any surface |
Often Carry 2d6 broodlings on their bodies |
4d8 Raw Meat; 0-2 Superior Poison Glands (of matching type) | Cunning & Insight | Exotic | Goblins (+1), Dwarves & Gnomes (-1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Triceratops | Reptile | Dinosaur | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Plain, Hill | 3 | 79 (52+6d8) | 48 | 6 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +2 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 38; Armor 28; Dodge 10 Bone Frill: 50% block against attacks made against frontal arc |
Arcane 2; Elemental 32; Natural 24; Holy 18; Demonic 17; Mental 9 | Move 7; Str 18; Agil 12; Stam 16; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 10; Per 12; Res 9; Init 13; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Heavy x7 plus Shell, Hardened x1 | Horns: 3d8+6 damage, Armor Piercing -10 | Tailswipe (3d6 dam, see Trait) |
Dino Charge: add straight line distance (in inches) as a damage bonus to a single melee attack made |
Trample III: 3d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Tailswipe III: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra attack that hits all targets in reach in the rear arc, with 4" knockback on targets of lesser size Armor Piercing II: some or all primary attacks have -10 armor |
4d8 Raw Meat | Dominance & Affection | Exotic | Minotaurs & Centaurs (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Orca | Aquatic | Cetacean | Pack Hunter | Adult | Killer Whale | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, N/A | 5 | 151 (96+10d10) | 47 | 6 | Massive (Prone) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +2 Damage | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +6 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | AC 34; Armor 24; Dodge 10 |
Arcane 10; Elemental 32; Natural 28; Holy 18; Demonic 21; Mental 17 | Move 10; Str 18; Agil 12; Stam 16; Int 5; Wis 12; Avd 10; Per 13; Res 9; Init 13; Cha 2 | Whale "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Echolocation I: Can perceive its surrounds without relying on sight at a range equal to 2x their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness and immune to blind, but echolocation is nullified if defened |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Caloused x6 | Bite: 5d6+5 | Deep Breath: Can hold its breathe for up to 30 minutes and is uneffected by the water pressure of diving deep undersea |
Swimmer, Only: This creature cannot move on land, unless its to crawl or flop at 1/10th (minimum 1). Its statement speed is assumed to be its swim speed, but is increased by 1.5x if moving in a straight line. Pack Hunting II: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +6) |
4d8 Raw Meat | n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Chimera | Chimera | Feline | Magical | Adult | yes | Realm (Wonders), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Mountain, Hill | 5 | 85 (53+5d12) | 47 | 6 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+); +2 Damage | +13 Hit; 9% Crit. (92+) | 0 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 36; Armor 22; Dodge 14 |
Arcane 12; Elemental 30; Natural 25; Holy 20; Demonic 20; Mental 16 | Move 8; Str 18; Agil 16; Stam 15; Int 6; Wis 10; Avd 14; Per 19; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 0 | Feline "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x7 plus Scales, Thick x2 | Lion Bite: 1d10 damage & Claw: 1d6 damage & Snake Bite: 1d8 damage, melee-range 2", inflicts complex crippling poison & Goat Horns: 1d6 damage | Flame Breath (replaces Goats attack, template, 2d8 dam vs Elemental resist, 50% chance of an additional 1d8 dam next turn) |
Challenging Roar (once/battle, instant, all living targets w/in 4" must take a Resolve test, if failing they must immediately flee, if passing treat as Taunted); |
Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) Fearsome I: Enemies must pass a Resolve test to move into base contact with the creature and if the Fearsome creature moves into base contact with a foe it must pass a Resolve test or be considered Frightened until doing so. Add Advantage or Disadvantage equal to the difference in sizes. Once a Resolve test is passed in either case, the target is immune for the remainder of the day. Poison II: Uses Complex poisons |
Eating Chimera flesh restores 1d6 Spirit per serving but induces a day long feverish sleep plagued with wild hallucinations |
4d8 Chimera Flesh, 0-2 Complex Crippling Poison Glands, 0-2 Goat Horns (medium), 1d4 Manastone | Insight & Will | n/a | n/a | |||||
Second | Beast | Otyugh | Monstrosity | Otyugh | Ambusher | Adult | yes | Realm (Strife), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Swamp | 5 | 99 (67+5d12) | 47 | 6 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -2 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 33; Armor 21; Dodge 12 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 38; Natural 30; Holy 16; Demonic 19; Mental 15 | Move 6; Str 16; Agil 11; Stam 19; Int 4; Wis 11; Avd 12; Per 14; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 1 | Monstrous "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Darksight I: Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Rugged x7 | Bite: 2d8+3 damage, diseased & Tentacle: 1d8+3 damage, Reach +1, grapple | Foul maw: Passive. Sucessful bite wounds inflict a foul infection if failing a Natural resist. Treat as a persistent disease effect that inclicts 1d10 damage upon infection and every 24 hours after until cured. Any infected target dies if it drops below 0 HP. Tentacle Slam: Passive. As part of a regualr attack action, grappled targets can be slammed into each other or into solid surfaces to inflict 2d6+3 damage and stunning for 1 round |
Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Sneaky, Aquatic: Can enter battle hidden if in water & treats water surfaces as breaking LoS for the purposes of re-hiding |
Sneaky, Aquatic (trait) applies to muddy or swampy waters only. Sneaky also applies when burrowed or hidden in garbage, sewage, dung piles, offal or carrion. |
3d6 (Diseased) Raw Meat | n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Crab, Emperor | Arthropod | Crustacean | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, Coastal/Shore | 4 | 68 (42+4d12) | 43 | 6 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +1 Damage | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -5 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 59; Armor 48; Dodge 11 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 28; Natural 23; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 11 | Move 7; Str 16; Agil 14; Stam 14; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 11; Per 14; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 1 | Crustacean "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I (Antennae): Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Shell, Thick x8 | Claw x2: 1d12+6 damage, can choose to Grapple | Pincer Crush: while grappling a target can inflict crushing damage equal toa regualr claw attack. No hit roll required but target can armor save to reduce damage by half. |
Pincer Tear: Action. If grappling a target with one claw, can use the other claw to attempt to tear the grappled target apart. If passing a STR VS STR stat roll-off, inflicts regalar claw damage multiplied by how much it won the stat roll-off by. If that damage is greater than 1/4 of the targets current HP it rips a limb off. If equal to current HP it rips them apart and the target is immediately slain. No hit roll required but target can armor save to reduce damage by half, but doing so results in armor being removed/damaged. |
Amphibious: Can breathe in air and water Hardened (Piercing & Cutting): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Grapple: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break Trample I: 1d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature |
3d6 Raw Meat | n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Ankylosaurus | Reptile | Dinosaur | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Plain, Hill | 3 | 79 (52+6d8) | 42 | 5 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +2 Damage | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 59; Armor 49; Dodge 10 Natural Armor: 25% absorption untill HP drops below 75% |
Arcane 2; Elemental 32; Natural 24; Holy 20; Demonic 18; Mental 9 | Move 6; Str 18; Agil 12; Stam 16; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 10; Per 11; Res 10; Init 13; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Heavy x7 plus Shell, Hardened x4 | Horns: 2d6 damage | Tailswipe (3d6 dam, 50% stun, see Trait) |
Trample III: 3d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Tailswipe III: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra attack that hits all targets in reach in the rear arc, with 4" knockback on targets of lesser size Thorny I: Body is covered in natural thorns, bone spikes, or other sharp protrusions that cause 1 auto damage each time someone attacks in base contact |
4d8 Raw Meat | Dominance & Affection | Exotic | Minotaurs & Centaurs (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Stegasaurus | Reptile | Dinosaur | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Plain, Hill | 3 | 79 (52+6d8) | 40 | 5 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +2 Damage | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 38; Armor 28; Dodge 10 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 32; Natural 24; Holy 16; Demonic 16; Mental 9 | Move 7; Str 18; Agil 12; Stam 16; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 10; Per 11; Res 8; Init 13; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Heavy x7 plus Shell, Hardened x1 | Spiked Tailswipe: 4d6 damage, Armor Piercing -10, see Trait, use as primary attack, does not have to be engaged in front & rear | Trample III: 3d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Tailswipe III: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra attack that hits all targets in reach in the rear arc, with 4" knockback on targets of lesser size Armor Piercing II: some or all primary attacks have -10 armor |
4d8 Raw Meat | Dominance & Affection | Exotic | Minotaurs & Centaurs (+1) | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Crocodile, Saltwater | Reptile | Crocodile | Ambusher | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Coastal/Shore, Swamp | 2 | 56 (38+4d8) | 39 | 5 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +2 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 34; Armor 23; Dodge 11 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 30; Natural 25; Holy 14; Demonic 17; Mental 13 | Move 7; Str 18; Agil 13; Stam 15; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 11; Per 14; Res 7; Init 13; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Rugged x5 plus Scales, Thick x2 | Bite: 1d20+1d10 damage, Grapple | Tailswipe (3d6 dam, see Trait) |
Swamp Rush: instant, 2x move speed, can only use if starting or ending movement in water Deathroll: action, must be in water, if hit w/ bite on previous rnd target is knocked down and takes 6d6 damage |
Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Tailswipe III: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra attack that hits all targets in reach in the rear arc, with 4" knockback on targets of lesser size Sneaky, Aquatic I: Can enter battle hidden if in water & treats water surfaces as breaking LoS for the purposes of re-hiding Grapple I: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break |
If target does anything other than recover HP deathroll will continue in next round, will not release unless dead or hit by a crit. |
4d8 Raw Meat; 1d8 Crocodile Teeth | Dominance & Force | Exotic | Ogres (+1) | |||||
Second | Beast | Rhinocerous | Mammal | Ungulate | Herd | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical | Plain, Hill | 2 | 53 (35+4d8) | 39 | 5 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 33; Armor 28; Dodge 5 Can wear all except Cloth Armor |
Arcane 2; Elemental 28; Natural 22; Holy 20; Demonic 18; Mental 9 | Move 6; Str 17; Agil 11; Stam 14; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 5; Per 12; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 2 | Ungulate "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Caloused x7 | Horn: 3d6 damage, Impale | Rhino Charge: may add 2 to movement stat (cannot be reduced) if charging, add +1hit/+1dam per inch of charge |
Trample IV: 4d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Toughness II: Negates all incoming damage by 2 |
3d6 Raw Meat, 0-1 Rhino Horn (medium) | Dominance & Will | Exotic | Minotaurs & Centaurs (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Wyvern | Reptile | Lizard | Aerial | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Hill, Mountain | 3 | 52 (33+3d12) | 39 | 5 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 35; Armor 24; Dodge 11 Can wear all except Mail Armor |
Arcane 4; Elemental 26; Natural 22; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 11 | Move 7; Str 16; Agil 15; Stam 13; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 11; Per 14; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Thick x6 | Bite: 2d8 damage & Barbed Tail: 3d6 damage, impale, -15 armor piercing | Poisoned Stinger (once/battle): If hit w/ Barbed Tail attack can elect to inject poisonous stinger, prevents target from leaving base contact Stinger inflicts simple deadly poison, re-infects so long as stinger remains lodged in target, 2d8+2 auto dam when stinger is pulled out |
Flyer I, Advanced: 2x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move Poison I: Uses Simple poisons Armor Piercing I: some or all primary attacks have -5 armor |
3d6 Raw Meat, 0-1 Poisonous Stinger (contains same poison as described above, treat as complex) | Dominance & Force | Flying | Orcs (+2) & Half-Orcs (+1), Wild & High Elves (-2), Half-elves, Gnomes, Halflings (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Armored War Horse, Heavy | Mammal | Equine | War Horse | Herd | Adult | Destrier | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Urban, N/A | 2 | 41 (28+2d12) | 38 | 5 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | -21 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+); +1 Damage | -11 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -11 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -5 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | AC 75; Armor 75; Dodge 0; Stiff 6; Noisy 6; Double Layer 6; Triple Layer 6 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 28; Natural 24; Holy 20; Demonic 20; Mental 14 | Move 5; Str 16; Agil 6; Stam 14; Int 4; Wis 10; Avd 6; Per 16; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 3 | Equine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Plate x6 w/ Mail, Chain x6 over Cloth, Quilted x6 plus Fur/Hair x7 | Hoof: 1d12 damage | Trample III: 3d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule Kick III: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (3d6 dam) rear arc melee attack Domesticated: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
3d6 Raw Meat | Affection & Will | Normal | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Crippler | Arthropod | Giant Crawler | Disabler | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Ruins/Dungeon | 3 | 76 (49+6d8) | 37 | 5 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +2 Damage | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 43; Armor 30; Dodge 13 Heat Gland: On death, sprays boiling ichor in a 1" radius, 1d12+4 elemental damage |
Arcane 4; Elemental 30; Natural 24; Holy 16; Demonic 17; Mental 11 | Move 9; Str 18; Agil 13; Stam 15; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 13; Per 15; Res 8; Init 13; Cha 0 | Insect "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Heavy x5 | Pincer Bite: 2d8+6 damage, inflicts Superior Crippling poison | Flurry of Claws: action, 1d8+3 dam claw attack on each target in base contact |
Poison III: Uses Superior poisons Death Effect I: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature |
4d8 Raw Meat; 0-2 Superior Crippling Poison Gland, 20% Heat Gland | Cunning & Insight | Exotic | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Giant Scorpian, Deathclaw | Arthropod | Giant Scorpian | Brute | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Hill, Plain | 4 | 96 (60+8d8) | 36 | 5 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +2 Damage | +11 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -5 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 49; Armor 36; Dodge 13 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 30; Natural 24; Holy 16; Demonic 17; Mental 11 | Move 8; Str 18; Agil 13; Stam 15; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 13; Per 18; Res 8; Init 13; Cha 0 | Arachnid "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Heavy x6 | Pincer Claw x2: 1d12+6 damage each | Tail Stinger: 4d6+6 damage, -15 armor piercing, Reach 2 |
Armor Piercing III: some or all primary attacks have -15 armor |
4d8 Raw Meat | Cunning & Insight | Exotic | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Tunnel Manits, Battle Mantis | Arthropod | Tunnel Mantis | Brute | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Ruins/Dungeon | 3 | 44 (28+3d10) | 36 | 5 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -5 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 63; Armor 48; Dodge 15 Acid Gland: On Death, all in base contact recieve 1 stack of Corrosive Ichor |
Arcane 6; Elemental 22; Natural 21; Holy 20; Demonic 20; Mental 13 | Move 6; Str 14; Agil 15; Stam 11; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 15; Per 16; Res 10; Init 15; Cha 0 | Insect "Speech" & Hive communication | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Hardened x6 | Acidic Mantis Claws x2: 1d10 damage, each attack inflicts 1 stack of Corrosive Ichor unless dodged, all attacks count as both Nature & Physical damage & Spiked Carapace: 3 damage (see Thorny) | Leaping Charge: Action, leap up to 3" & attack with both claws, if hitting 100% k.d. & immobilized until passing a Strength vs. Stamina test Vicious Swipe: Action, 1d10 dam, hits all in 0.5" radius, inflicts 1 stack of Corrisive Ichor |
Thorny III: Body is covered in natural thorns, bone spikes, or other sharp protrusions that cause 3 auto damage each time someone attacks in base contact Dual Damage (Physical & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Immune (Acid): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Corrosive Ichor: -5 armor/stack (max 4 stacks), w/in 1hr roll %=reduction to see if armor is permanently damaged, neutralized by sunlight Relies on burrowers to create tunnels for it to travel through |
2d6 Raw Meat; 1d6 Carapace Spikes (small), can be temporarily attached to a shield for +3 shield blow damage (lasts for 1 battle); 30% chance to drop intact acid Gland (small) | Cunning & Insight | Exotic | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Shark, Great | Aquatic | Shark | Brute | Adult | Tiger Shark, Great White | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, N/A | 3 | 76 (49+6d8) | 36 | 5 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -5 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 28; Armor 18; Dodge 10 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 30; Natural 25; Holy 14; Demonic 17; Mental 13 | Move 9; Str 17; Agil 12; Stam 15; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 10; Per 16; Res 7; Init 14; Cha 1 | Shark "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense III (Blood): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Rugged x6 | Bite: 4d6+4 | Blood-in-the water: Gain +12 to hit and +4 damage if their is a wounded target within movement range |
Swimmer, Only: This creature cannot move on land, unless its to crawl or flop at 1/10th (minimum 1). Its statement speed is assumed to be its swim speed, but is increased by 1.5x if moving in a straight line. Water Breathing: Can breathe underwater Moving Attack: can take action at any point along a straight line charge move, but counts as disengaging from base contact |
Sharks cannot breathe if they are not moving. If possible, they must always move during their turn and will tend to use their moving attack ratehr than end a move in base contact. If they are immobilized they will take 1d12+2 suffocation damage each round after the first. |
4d8 Raw Meat | n/a | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Rat Swarm, Huge | Mammal | Vermin | Burrower | Huge Swarm | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Urban, Subterranean | 4 | 60 (24+8d8) | 35 | 5 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +12 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+); -1 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -5 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 10; Armor 5; Dodge 5 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 12; Natural 15; Holy 10; Demonic 14; Mental 11 | Move 2; Str 5; Agil 19; Stam 6; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 5; Per 11; Res 5; Init 18; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x5 | Swarm of Bites: 4d8 damage where max damage cannot exceed current HP, hits all targets touched by swarm, no Dodge unless only partially covered | All wounds cause Gutter filth infection, 1 dam/rnd (or day), treat as disease |
Swarm (Huge): Comprised of many Diminutive or smaller creatures compelled to a frenzy of aggressive activity. Covers a 3" radius but is reduced to a Large Swarm at 75% HP. Can occupy another creatures space and move through any opening large enough for a single creature of the swarm. Cannot be healed, shielded, or gain temporary HP. Swarms take half physical damage but double AoE damage. Flyer II: 3x movement while flying Infected Wounds: Sucessful wounds inflict disease or disease-like effects, requiring an immediate natural resist check, immune for up to a day if passing |
4d8 Raw Meat | While many diminutive creatures will fight in packs to better defend themselves, swarms are something considerably more dangerous and almost always unantural. A rat swarm is typically driven by some greater and often sinister will such as a Vampire or sewer dwelling vermin lord, who whips the creatures into a frenzy and commands them to attack its foes. | n/a & n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Shark, Hammerhead | Aquatic | Shark | Brute | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, N/A | 3 | 76 (49+6d8) | 34 | 5 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | -8 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -5 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 18; Armor 18; Dodge 0 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 30; Natural 25; Holy 14; Demonic 17; Mental 13 | Move 9; Str 17; Agil 12; Stam 15; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd ; Per ; Res 7; Init 14; Cha 1 | Shark "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense III (Blood): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Rugged x6 | Bite: 3d8+3 | Hammer Attack: 2d8+2 damage, Crushing Blow 2, can hit two targets along a straight line when using a Moving Attack |
Blood-in-the water: Gain +12 to hit and +4 damage if their is a wounded target within movement range |
Swimmer, Only: This creature cannot move on land, unless its to crawl or flop at 1/10th (minimum 1). Its statement speed is assumed to be its swim speed, but is increased by 1.5x if moving in a straight line. Water Breathing: Can breathe underwater Moving Attack: can take action at any point along a straight line charge move, but counts as disengaging from base contact |
Sharks cannot breathe if they are not moving. If possible, they must always move during their turn and will tend to use their moving attack ratehr than end a move in base contact. If they are immobilized they will take 1d12+2 suffocation damage each round after the first. |
4d8 Raw Meat | n/a | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Duck-Billed Dinosaur | Reptile | Dinosaur | Herd | Adult | Hadrosaur | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Swamp, Forest/Jungle | 2 | 67 (45+4d10) | 33 | 5 | Massive (Prone) | 8; Crushing Blow 8, Toughness 2, Reach +2 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +2 Damage | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 38; Armor 28; Dodge 10 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 30; Natural 23; Holy 6; Demonic 11; Mental 9 | Move 9; Str 18; Agil 12; Stam 15; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 10; Per 11; Res 3; Init 13; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Thick x7 | Tailswipe: 1d6 damage, see Trait, use as primary attack does not have to be engaged in front & rear |
Trample IV: 4d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Tailswipe IV: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra attack that hits all targets in reach in the rear arc, with 6" knockback on targets of lesser size |
6d12 Raw Meat | Dominance & Affection | n/a | Minotaurs & Centaurs (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Beever | Chimera | Vermin | Disabler | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Coastal/Shore | 3 | 42 (25+3d10) | 32 | 5 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 45; Armor 29; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 20; Natural 19; Holy 16; Demonic 17; Mental 11 | Move 4; Str 13; Agil 16; Stam 10; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 16; Per 14; Res 8; Init 15; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x4 plus Chitin, Thick x3 | Bite: 2d8 damage & Stinger: 1d12+2 damage, -10 armor piercing, inflicts Superior Deadly Poison | Barrier: Instant, summons a 1"x1"x1" wooden barrier that blocks all damage barrier has AC:0 1d12+8 HP & 50% absorption Tail slap: Action, stuns any target w/in 8" that PASSES a perception test |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Armor Piercing II: some or all primary attacks have -10 armor Poison III: Uses Superior poisons |
2d6 Raw Meat; 0-2 Superior Deadly Poison Glands | Force & Cunning | Exotic | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Behemoth Toad | Aquatic | Amphibian | Giant Toad | Brute | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Swamp, Fresh Water | 4 | 100 (64+8d8) | 32 | 5 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +2 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 30; Armor 24; Dodge 6 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 32; Natural 24; Holy 16; Demonic 16; Mental 9 | Move 4; Str 18; Agil 11; Stam 16; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 6; Per 13; Res 8; Init 13; Cha 0 | Amphibian "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Caloused x6 | Bite: 1d12+1d6 damage, if hitting a Large or smaller target, they must pass an agility test or become Swallowed | Frog Stomp: (passive) if hopping brings it into base contact with a target of equal or lesser size, counts as a 1d12 attack w/ 50% stun Grapple Tongue: (instant) range 6", if no targets are in base contact can use its tongue to Grapple a target into base contact bite if failing dodge test Swallowed: (passive) Toad can only have one Swallowed target at a time, any Swallowed target takes 1d8 acid damage and is Blind and Immobilized for the duration, Swallowed target can do nothing on its turn except attempt to escape by passing a Strength or Agility test with -8 Disadvantage, effect continues even after Toad is slain unless Swallowed target is cut out or pulled free |
Amphibious: Can breathe in air and water Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Hopper I: Can hop to move, 1x movement in a straight line, allows for easily jumping over obstacles, must start and end its turn on the ground |
4d8 Raw Meat; 0-1 random rusted metal weapon or armor, 0-3 gp, 0-9 sp | Cunning & Will | Exotic | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Bat Swarm, Huge | Mammal | Vermin | Aerial | Huge Swarm | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Forest/Jungle | 4 | 60 (24+8d8) | 32 | 5 | Huge (Prone) | 4; Crushing Blow 4, Toughness 1, Reach +1 | +12 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+); -1 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -5 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 9; Armor 4; Dodge 5 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 12; Natural 15; Holy 10; Demonic 14; Mental 11 | Move 2; Str 5; Agil 19; Stam 6; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 5; Per 11; Res 5; Init 18; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x4 | Swarm of Bites: 4d8 damage, max damage cannot exceed current HP hits all targets touched by swarm no Dodge unless partially covered |
Swarm (Huge): Comprised of many Diminutive or smaller creatures compelled to a frenzy of aggressive activity. Covers a 3" radius but is reduced to a Large Swarm at 75% HP. Can occupy another creatures space and move through any opening large enough for a single creature of the swarm. Cannot be healed, shielded, or gain temporary HP. Swarms take half physical damage but double AoE damage. Flyer II: 3x movement while flying Nocturnal: gain +5 Advantage on Perception, Initiative, and Resolve rolls taken at night, -5 Disadvantage during the day |
4d8 Raw Meat | While many diminutive creatures will fight in packs to better defend themselves, swarms are something considerably more dangerous and almost always unantural. A bat swarm is typically driven by some greater and often sinister will such as a Vampire, who whips the creatures into a frenzy and commands them to attack its foes. | n/a & n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Crab, Great Spiny | Arthropod | Crustacean | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, Coastal/Shore | 3 | 44 (28+3d10) | 31 | 5 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 58; Armor 46; Dodge 12 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 22; Natural 19; Holy 16; Demonic 16; Mental 9 | Move 6; Str 14; Agil 15; Stam 11; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 12; Per 12; Res 8; Init 15; Cha 1 | Crustacean "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I (Antennae): Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Shell, Heavy x8 plus Spines x6 | Claw x2: 1d10+3 damage, can choose to Grapple | Pincer Crush: while grappling a target can inflict crushing damage equal toa regualr claw attack. No hit roll required but target can armor save to reduce damage by half. |
Pincer Tear: Action. If grappling a target with one claw, can use the other claw to attempt to tear the grappled target apart. If passing a STR VS STR stat roll-off, inflicts regalar claw damage multiplied by how much it won the stat roll-off by. If that damage is greater than 1/4 of the targets current HP it rips a limb off. If equal to current HP it rips them apart and the target is immediately slain. No hit roll required but target can armor save to reduce damage by half, but doing so results in armor being removed/damaged. |
Amphibious: Can breathe in air and water Hardened (Piercing & Cutting): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Grapple: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break Thorny III: Body is covered in natural thorns, bone spikes, or other sharp protrusions that cause 3 auto damage each time someone attacks in base contact |
2d6 Raw Meat | n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Giant Spider, Brood Mother | Arthropod | Giant Spider | Brute | Mother | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Ruins/Dungeon | 4 | 68 (42+4d12) | 30 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +1 Damage | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 48; Armor 35; Dodge 13 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 28; Natural 25; Holy 18; Demonic 20; Mental 15 | Move 7; Str 17; Agil 15; Stam 14; Int 4; Wis 11; Avd 13; Per 17; Res 9; Init 14; Cha 0 | Arachnid "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Thick x5 | Bite: 2d8+4 damage, inflicts complex crippling poison type can vary by breed |
Web Wrap I: renders 1 base contact target immobile if failing a dodge test, pass a Strength test or dam > 5 to break) |
Poison II: Uses Complex poisons Climber I: +5 Advantage when attempting to climb or cling to almost any surface |
Often Carry 1d6 broodlings on their bodies |
3d6 Raw Meat, 0-2 Complex Poison Glands (of matching type) | Cunning & Insight | Exotic | Goblins (+1), Dwarves & Gnomes (-1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Tunnel Mantis, Burrower | Arthropod | Tunnel Mantis | Burrower | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Ruins/Dungeon | 2 | 23 (14+2d8) | 30 | 4 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 49; Armor 33; Dodge 16 Acid Gland: On Death, all in base contact recieve 1 stack of Corrosive Ichor |
Arcane 4; Elemental 14; Natural 16; Holy 8; Demonic 13; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 10; Agil 16; Stam 7; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 16; Per 14; Res 4; Init 16; Cha 0 | Insect "Speech" & Hive communication | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense II (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 2x Perception with +5 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Light x5 plus Chitin, Hardened x1 | Acidic Mantis Claws x2: 1d8 damage, each attack inflicts 1 stack of Corrosive Ichor unless dodged, all attacks count as both Nature & Physical damage | Acid Spray: action, template, 1d6 dam & 1 stack of Corrosive Ichor to targets touched Acid Spit: action, rng16", single target, 1d10+1d6 dam, applies 1 stack of Corrosive Ichor |
Tunneler III: Can tunnel through ground at 2x movement, initial burrowing counts as an instant Dual Damage (Physical & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Immune (Acid): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Acid Eruption: action, must be tunneling, when breaking surface treat as an AcidSpray w/in 2" radius of exit point Corrosive Ichor: -5 armor/stack (max 4 stacks), w/in 1hr roll %=reduction to see if armor is permanently damaged, neutralized by sunlight |
1d6 Raw Meat; 20% chance to drop intact acid Gland (small) | Cunning & Insight | n/a | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Giant Scorpian, Ironhide | Arthropod | Giant Scorpian | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Hill, Mountain | 4 | 68 (42+4d12) | 28 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +11 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -5 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 62; Armor 48; Dodge 14 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 28; Natural 23; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 11 | Move 5; Str 15; Agil 13; Stam 14; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 14; Per 18; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 0 | Arachnid "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Hardened x6 | Pincer Claw x2: 1d8+5 damage | Tail Claw: 3d6+6 damage, Reach 2, successful tail hits Grapple the target, STR roll off to break |
Grapple: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break |
3d6 Raw Meat, 0-2 Simple Deadly Poison Glands | Cunning & Insight | Exotic | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Giant Scorpian, Sand | Arthropod | Giant Scorpian | Burrower | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Desert, Subterranean | 3 | 52 (33+3d12) | 28 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 44; Armor 30; Dodge 14 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 26; Natural 22; Holy 16; Demonic 17; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 15; Agil 14; Stam 13; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 14; Per 18; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 0 | Arachnid "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Light x6 | Pincer Claw x2: 1d10+3 damage | Tail Stinger: 3d6+6 damage, -10 armor piercing, Reach 2, inflicts complex deadly poison |
Ground Burst: instant, must be tunneling, when breaking surface causes knockdown w/in 1" if failing Dodge test |
Poison II: Uses Complex poisons Tunneler I: Can tunnel through ground at 1/2 movement, initial burrowing counts as an instant Armor Piercing II: some or all primary attacks have -10 armor |
3d6 Raw Meat, 0-2 Complex Deadly Poison Glands | Cunning & Insight | Exotic | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Giant Scorpian, Twilight-Death | Arthropod | Giant Scorpian | Ambusher | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Swamp | 3 | 42 (25+3d10) | 28 | 4 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 51; Armor 36; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 20; Natural 19; Holy 16; Demonic 17; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 12; Agil 16; Stam 10; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 18; Res 8; Init 15; Cha 0 | Arachnid "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Heavy x6 | Pincer Claw x2: 1d6+4 damage | Tail Stinger: 2d6+6 damage, -10 armor piercing, Reach 1, inflicts superior deadly poison |
Silent Assault (+5 to hit while hidden) |
Poison III: Uses Superior poisons Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected Armor Piercing II: some or all primary attacks have -10 armor |
Only hunts during twlight hours |
2d6 Raw Meat; 0-2 Superior Deadly Poison Glands | Cunning & Insight | Exotic | n/a | |||||
Second | Beast | Bear, Polar | Mammal | Ursine | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic | Plain, Coastal/Shore | 2 | 41 (28+2d12) | 27 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 29; Armor 21; Dodge 8 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 28; Natural 23; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 11 | Move 5; Str 17; Agil 14; Stam 14; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 8; Per 14; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 1 | Ursine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Coarse/Dense x7 | Bite: 1d8+7 damage OR Claw x2: 1d8+1 damage each | Bear Hug (If successfully hitting with both Claw attacks triggers Grapple I, but bear can not attack with claws while grappling) |
Challenging Roar (once/battle, instant, all living targets w/in 4" must take a Resolve test, if failing they must immediately flee, if passing treat as Taunted) Kodiak Strike x1 |
Toughness I: Negates all incoming damage by 1 Threatening I: Enemies in base contact are treated as being Taunted if failing a Resolve test Grapple: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break Hardened (Cold): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half |
3d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Will | Exotic | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Winter Wolf | Mammal | Canine | Pack Hunter | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic | Plain, Hill | 5 | 75 (42+5d12) | 27 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +1 Damage | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 28; Armor 14; Dodge 14 Winter Camouflage: +2 Advantage on Avoidance tests when in snowy terrrain |
Arcane 10; Elemental 24; Natural 23; Holy 16; Demonic 19; Mental 16 | Move 8; Str 16; Agil 14; Stam 12; Int 5; Wis 11; Avd 14; Per 16; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 2 | Canine "Speech" & understands Giant | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x7 | Bite: 1d10+3 damage | Chilling Breath: Inflicts 2d8 frost damage and slows targets for 1 round |
Pack Hunting II: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +6) Execution II: When opponent is at less than or equal to 20% health all damage is max damage Resistant II (Frost): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Breath I: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits up to 2 targets in a frontal arc melee, use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist) |
Typically hunts in packs of 3-6, often found alongside Arctic Giants |
3d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Cunning | Exotic | Arctic Giants (+2), Arctic Anakim (+1), Elves (-1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Hippogriff | Chimera | Equine | Aerial | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Hill, Sky | 2 | 39 (26+2d12) | 27 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +1 Damage | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 24; Armor 14; Dodge 10 Can wear up to Plate Armor |
Arcane 8; Elemental 26; Natural 24; Holy 20; Demonic 21; Mental 15 | Move 8; Str 15; Agil 17; Stam 13; Int 4; Wis 11; Avd 10; Per 16; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 4 | Equine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x7 | Beak: 1d10+2 damage & Talons: 2d8 damage | Flyer I, Advanced: 2x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule kick II: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (2d6 dam) rear arc melee attack |
3d6 Raw Meat, 3d6 Hippogriff Feathers | Affection & Will | Flying | Elves (+1) | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Giant Scorpian, Stinging | Arthropod | Giant Scorpian | Disabler | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Swamp | 3 | 52 (33+3d12) | 27 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 44; Armor 30; Dodge 14 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 26; Natural 22; Holy 16; Demonic 17; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 15; Agil 14; Stam 13; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 14; Per 18; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 0 | Arachnid "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Light x6 | Pincer Claw x2: 1d18+3 damage | Tail Stinger: 3d6+6 damage, -10 armor piercing, Reach 2, inflicts complex deadly poison |
Poison II: Uses Complex poisons Armor Piercing II: some or all primary attacks have -10 armor |
3d6 Raw Meat, 0-2 Complex Deadly Poison Glands | Cunning & Insight | Exotic | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Armored War Horse, Light | Mammal | Equine | War Horse | Herd | Adult | Courser | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Urban, N/A | 2 | 39 (26+2d12) | 26 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | -2 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+); +1 Damage | +1 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -11 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -5 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | AC 59; Armor 51; Dodge 8; Noisy 6; Double Layer 6 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 26; Natural 23; Holy 20; Demonic 20; Mental 14 | Move 8; Str 15; Agil 13; Stam 13; Int 4; Wis 10; Avd 8; Per 16; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 3 | Equine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Mail, Plated x6 over Cloth, Quilted x6 plus Fur/Hair x7 | Hoof: 1d10 damage | Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule Kick II: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (2d6 dam) rear arc melee attack Domesticated: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
3d6 Raw Meat | Affection & Will | Normal | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Owl, Giant | Avian | Bird of Prey | Ambusher | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Sky | 2 | 33 (20+2d12) | 25 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 26; Armor 12; Dodge 14 |
Arcane 10; Elemental 20; Natural 22; Holy 16; Demonic 20; Mental 17 | Move 5; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 10; Int 5; Wis 12; Avd 14; Per 18; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 4 | Avian "Speech", understands Common, Elvish, & Sylvan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Feathers, Dense x4 | Beak: 1d8+2 damage & Talon: 1d8+1d6 damage | Aerial Ambush: once/battle, must be hidden, +15hit & max damage with all attacks |
Flyer III, Advanced: 4x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected |
3d6 Raw Meat, 3d6 feathers | Insight & Cunning | Flying | Wild & High Elves (+2), Half-Elves (+1), Orcs (-2), Half-Orcs (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Pegasus | Chimera | Equine | Aerial | Adult | yes | Realm (Storms), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Temperate | Plain, Sky | 2 | 39 (26+2d12) | 25 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 22; Armor 12; Dodge 10 Can wear up to Plate Armor |
Arcane 10; Elemental 26; Natural 25; Holy 20; Demonic 22; Mental 17 | Move 7; Str 15; Agil 14; Stam 13; Int 5; Wis 12; Avd 10; Per 16; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 5 | Equine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x6 plus Feathers, Dense x2 | Hoof: 1d12 damage | Wind Buffet (Action, 90° frontal arc, if w/in 6" must pass str test to move toward Pegasus, -20 hit when targeting Pegasus or rider with ranged) |
Flyer I, Advanced: 2x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move Trample IV: 4d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule kick III: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (3d6 dam) rear arc melee attack |
3d6 Raw Meat, 3d6 Pegasus Feathers | Insight & Will | Flying | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Crocodile, Freshwater | Reptile | Crocodile | Ambusher | Adult | Alligator | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Coastal/Shore, Swamp | 2 | 37 (24+2d12) | 25 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 28; Armor 16; Dodge 12 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 24; Natural 22; Holy 12; Demonic 16; Mental 13 | Move 5; Str 15; Agil 14; Stam 12; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 12; Per 14; Res 6; Init 14; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Thick x5 plus Scales, Heavy x2 | Bite: 2d10 damage, Grapple | Tailswipe (2d6 dam, see Trait) |
Swamp Rush: instant, 2x move speed, can only use if starting or ending movement in water Deathroll: action, must be in water, if hit w/ bite on previous rnd target is knocked down and takes 4d6 damage |
Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Tailswipe II: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra attack that hits all targets in reach in the rear arc, with 2" knockback on targets of lesser size Sneaky, Aquatic I: Can enter battle hidden if in water & treats water surfaces as breaking LoS for the purposes of re-hiding Grapple I: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break |
If target does anything other than recover HP deathroll will continue in next round, will not release unless dead or hit by a crit. |
3d6 Raw Meat, 1d8 Crocodile Teeth | Dominance & Force | Exotic | Ogres (+1) | ||||
Second | Beast | Raptor | Reptile | Dinosaur | Pack Hunter | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Plain | 2 | 37 (24+2d12) | 25 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 25; Armor 14; Dodge 11 |
Arcane 10; Elemental 24; Natural 24; Holy 12; Demonic 18; Mental 17 | Move 8; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 12; Int 5; Wis 12; Avd 11; Per 15; Res 6; Init 14; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Light x7 | Bite: 1d8+1 damage & Claws x2: 3d6 damage | Shred: action, leap up to 4" away w/ 50% knock down, if target has 10% HP or less it is automatically killed if not do a single claw attack |
Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) Armor Piercing I: some or all primary attacks have -5 armor |
3d6 Raw Meat, 0-2 Raptor Claws (small) | Dominance & Cunning | Exotic | Orcs (+2) & Half-Orcs (+1), Wild & High Elves (-2), Half-elves, Gnomes, Halflings (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Sand Wormling | Invertebrate | Giant Worm | Burrower | Juvenile | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Desert | 4 | 68 (42+4d12) | 25 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 24; Armor 16; Dodge 8 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 28; Natural 18; Holy 16; Demonic 12; Mental 5 | Move 8; Str 16; Agil 9; Stam 14; Int 1; Wis 4; Avd 8; Per 8; Res 8; Init 16; Cha 1 | Worm "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Sand): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Caloused x4 | Bite: 1d8+5 damage, if target is Small sized or less and does not Dodge counts as being Consumed | Deadly Sinkhole: If burrowed under sand, can use its attack to create a conical sinkhole in the sand, with a 1" radius. Anyone that fails an Agility test (at -1 disadvantage at the center, reduced by 1 for each 1" of radius from the center), is drawn down to the maw of the sand worm and suffers a bite attack with no dodge contribution to AC. Can consume as normal. Afterwards Sandworm's head is exposed to attacks and must re-burrow before it can use Deadly Sinkhole again. |
Consume: Passive. Can consume and store targets in its gullet (equal to 1 Small, 2 Tiny, 4 Diminuitive, etc...). Consumed targets are Blinded and Immobilized and take 2d6 Caustic damage at the start of each of the sand worms turns. If the Sand worm takes 15 or more damage before its next turn it must, as a Reaction, regurgitate all targets stored in its gullet which land up to 1d2" from its mouth and count as knocked down. Sand Burst: Instant. Must be burrowed under sand or have used Deadly Sinkold on its previous turn. Bursts to the surface, causing a Trample effect to all targets within 1". If failing to Dodge they are also Knocked Down. Diving Burrow: Instant. Quickly dives back into the sand and gains +2 movement. |
Tunneler I: Can tunnel through ground at 1/2 movement, initial burrowing counts as an instant Trample III: 3d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature |
Sand Tunneler: Tunneler trait only applies while in sand |
3d6 Raw Meat, 0-1 Water Sacs | n/a | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Eagle, Great | Avian | Bird of Prey | Aerial | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Mountain, Sky | 2 | 37 (24+2d12) | 25 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 25; Armor 12; Dodge 13 |
Arcane 10; Elemental 24; Natural 24; Holy 16; Demonic 20; Mental 17 | Move 5; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 12; Int 5; Wis 12; Avd 13; Per 18; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 4 | Avian "Speech", understands Common, Elvish, & Sylvan | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Feathers, Dense x4 | Beak: 1d10+2 damage & Talons: 1d8+1d6 damage | Great Hawk Strike: once/battle, action, combine Beak & Talon attacks into a single max damage attack |
Flyer III, Advanced: 4x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move |
3d6 Raw Meat, 3d6 feathers | Insight & Will | Flying | Wild & High Elves (+2), Half-Elves (+1), Orcs (-2), Half-Orcs (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Pterradon | Reptile | Dinosaur | Aerial | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Mountain, Sky | 2 | 37 (24+2d12) | 25 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 25; Armor 14; Dodge 11 Can wear all except Mail Armor |
Arcane 4; Elemental 24; Natural 21; Holy 16; Demonic 17; Mental 11 | Move 5; Str 15; Agil 13; Stam 12; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 11; Per 16; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Light x7 | Beak: 1d20+1 damage | Screech: action, 1d6+1/2 Perception stat as damage to all in 2" front 90 degree arc Frightful Swoop: if using Fly-by, can choose to pick up enemy with successful strength test and release, causes fall/collision damage as req'd |
Flyer III, Advanced: 4x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move |
3d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Force | Flying | Orcs (+2) & Half-Orcs (+1), Wild & High Elves (-2), Half-elves, Gnomes, Halflings (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Spiderwolf | Chimera | Canine | Disabler | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Ruins/Dungeon | 3 | 42 (25+3d10) | 24 | 4 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -5 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 36; Armor 21; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 20; Natural 20; Holy 14; Demonic 17; Mental 13 | Move 8; Str 14; Agil 16; Stam 10; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 15; Per 16; Res 7; Init 15; Cha 2 | Canine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Coarse/Dense x7 | Bite: 1d10+2 damage, inflicts simple disrupting poison | Leap Attack: Combines hopping movement plus action, 85% knock down, +50% Crit Web: instant, rng: 6, renders target immobile if fail dodge test, Str test to escape, can be used at any point during movement |
Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) Poison I: Uses Simple poisons Execution II: When opponent is at less than or equal to 20% health all damage is max damage Climber I: +5 Advantage when attempting to climb or cling to almost any surface Hopper I: Can hop to move, 1x movement in a straight line, allows for easily jumping over obstacles, must start and end its turn on the ground |
2d6 Raw Meat; 0-2 Simple Disrupting Poison Gland | Dominance & Insight | Exotic | Orcs & Goblins (+1), Wild & High Elves (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Bear, Cave | Mammal | Ursine | Protector | Adult | Kodiak | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic/Temperate | Hill, Subterranean | 2 | 39 (26+2d12) | 24 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 29; Armor 21; Dodge 8 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 26; Natural 22; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 11 | Move 5; Str 15; Agil 14; Stam 13; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 8; Per 14; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 1 | Ursine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Coarse/Dense x7 | Bite: 1d8+6 damage OR Claw x2: 1d8 damage each | Bear Hug (If successfully hitting with both Claw attacks triggers Grapple I, but bear can not attack with claws while grappling) |
Challenging Roar (once/battle, instant, all living targets w/in 3" must take a Resolve test, if failing they must immediately flee, if passing treat as Taunted) Kodiak Strike x1 |
Toughness I: Negates all incoming damage by 1 Threatening I: Enemies in base contact are treated as being Taunted if failing a Resolve test Grapple: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break |
3d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Will | Exotic | Dwarf (+1) | |||||
Second | Beast | Boar, Cave | Mammal | Ungulate | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Hill, Subterranean | 5 | 78 (46+5d12) | 24 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 17% Crit. (84+); +1 Damage | +9 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +3 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | AC 39; Armor 28; Dodge 11 Can wear up to Plate Armor, Max Double Layer |
Arcane 4; Elemental 26; Natural 22; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 11 | Move 7; Str 15; Agil 12; Stam 13; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 11; Per 15; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 1 | Ungulate "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Caloused x7 | Vicious Tusks: 1d8 damage | Boar Charge: if moved before attacking add +2 damage Intercept: can take its movement out of turn to intercept an opponent that would pass within range |
Vicious II: +10% Critical hit with physical melee attacks (typically already added) |
3d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Will | Normal | Dwarves (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Moose | Mammal | Ungulate | Herd | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Hill | 2 | 39 (26+2d12) | 24 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 29; Armor 21; Dodge 8 Can wear up to Mail Armor |
Arcane 2; Elemental 26; Natural 21; Holy 16; Demonic 16; Mental 9 | Move 8; Str 16; Agil 12; Stam 13; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 8; Per 15; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 2 | Ungulate "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Rugged x7 | Antlers: 2d8 damage with Block (+6) in front arc only & Hoof: 1d8 damage | Antler Toss: instant, must have successfully blocked an attack with its antlers in previous round and must pass a strength test Successful Antler Toss has k.b. equal to 2" plus any charge distance, target is k.d. if failing agil test |
Trample IV: 4d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature |
3d6 Raw Meat, 0-2 Moose Antlers | Dominance & Will | Exotic | Wild Elf (+1), Orc (-2) & Half Orc (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Griffon | Chimera | Feline | Aerial | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic/Temperate | Mountain, Sky | 2 | 37 (24+2d12) | 23 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 28; Armor 14; Dodge 14 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 24; Natural 23; Holy 16; Demonic 19; Mental 15 | Move 8; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 12; Int 4; Wis 11; Avd 14; Per 17; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 3 | Feline "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Feathers, Thick x7 | Beak: 1d10+2 damage & Talons: 2d8 damage | Griffon Strike (once/battle, action, max damage, target bleeds for 1d4 dam/rnd and suffers -25% movement until healed) |
Flyer I, Advanced: 2x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move |
3d6 Raw Meat, 3d6 Griffon Feathers | Dominance & Will | Flying | Dwarves & Humans (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Crab, Giant | Arthropod | Crustacean | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, Coastal/Shore | 2 | 33 (22+2d10) | 22 | 4 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 53; Armor 40; Dodge 13 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 22; Natural 19; Holy 14; Demonic 15; Mental 9 | Move 6; Str 13; Agil 15; Stam 11; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 13; Per 12; Res 7; Init 15; Cha 1 | Crustacean "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I (Antennae): Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Shell, Heavy x8 | Claw x2: 1d8+2 damage, can choose to Grapple | Pincer Crush: while grappling a target can inflict crushing damage equal toa regualr claw attack. No hit roll required but target can armor save to reduce damage by half. |
Pincer Tear: Action. If grappling a target with one claw, can use the other claw to attempt to tear the grappled target apart. If passing a STR VS STR stat roll-off, inflicts regalar claw damage multiplied by how much it won the stat roll-off by. If that damage is greater than 1/4 of the targets current HP it rips a limb off. If equal to current HP it rips them apart and the target is immediately slain. No hit roll required but target can armor save to reduce damage by half, but doing so results in armor being removed/damaged. |
Amphibious: Can breathe in air and water Hardened (Piercing & Cutting): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half Grapple: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break |
2d6 Raw Meat | n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Rat Swarm, Large | Mammal | Vermin | Burrower | Large Swarm | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Urban, Subterranean | 3 | 35 (15+3d12) | 21 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +11 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+); -1 Damage | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 10; Armor 5; Dodge 5 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 12; Natural 15; Holy 10; Demonic 14; Mental 11 | Move 2; Str 5; Agil 19; Stam 6; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 5; Per 11; Res 5; Init 18; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x5 | Swarm of Bites: 3d8 damage where max damage cannot exceed current HP, hits all targets touched by swarm, no Dodge unless only partially covered | All wounds cause Gutter filth infection, 1 dam/rnd (or day), treat as disease |
Swarm (Large): Comprised of many Diminutive or smaller creatures compelled to a frenzy of aggressive activity. Covers a 2" radius but is reduced to a Medium Swarm at 66% HP.. Can occupy another creatures space and move through any opening large enough for a single creature of the swarm. Cannot be healed, shielded, or gain temporary HP. Swarms take half physical damage but double AoE damage. Flyer II: 3x movement while flying Infected Wounds: Sucessful wounds inflict disease or disease-like effects, requiring an immediate natural resist check, immune for up to a day if passing |
3d6 Raw Meat | While many diminutive creatures will fight in packs to better defend themselves, swarms are something considerably more dangerous and almost always unantural. A rat swarm is typically driven by some greater and often sinister will such as a Vampire or sewer dwelling vermin lord, who whips the creatures into a frenzy and commands them to attack its foes. | n/a & n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Ram, Highland | Mammal | Ungulate | Herd | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic/Temperate | Mountain, Hill | 2 | 39 (26+2d12) | 21 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 23; Armor 14; Dodge 9 Can wear up to Plate Armor, Max Double Layer |
Arcane 2; Elemental 26; Natural 21; Holy 18; Demonic 17; Mental 9 | Move 7; Str 15; Agil 12; Stam 13; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 9; Per 14; Res 9; Init 14; Cha 2 | Ungulate "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x7 | Hoof: 1d8 damage & Horns: 1d6 damage when in base contact, see 'Headbutt' | Headbutt: action, must have charged, 4d6 +2 per inch moved (up to a max of creatures level) Headbutt has Crushing Blow = to creatures level, but if armor saved creature is stunned 1 rnd |
Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature |
3d6 Raw Meat, 0-2 Highland Ram Horns (medium) | Affection & Will | Normal | Dwarves (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Shark, Hunter | Aquatic | Shark | Brute | Adult | Whitetip, Bull Shark | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, N/A | 2 | 37 (24+2d12) | 21 | 4 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | -9 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 18; Armor 18; Dodge 0 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 24; Natural 22; Holy 12; Demonic 16; Mental 13 | Move 8; Str 15; Agil 13; Stam 12; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd ; Per ; Res 6; Init 15; Cha 1 | Shark "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense III (Blood): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 2x Perception with +8 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Rugged x6 | Bite: 3d6+3 | Blood-in-the water: Gain +6 to hit and +2 damage if their is a wounded target within movement range |
Swimmer, Only: This creature cannot move on land, unless its to crawl or flop at 1/10th (minimum 1). Its statement speed is assumed to be its swim speed, but is increased by 1.5x if moving in a straight line. Water Breathing: Can breathe underwater Moving Attack: can take action at any point along a straight line charge move, but counts as disengaging from base contact |
Sharks cannot breathe if they are not moving. If possible, they must always move during their turn and will tend to use their moving attack ratehr than end a move in base contact. If they are immobilized they will take 1d12+2 suffocation damage each round after the first. |
3d6 Raw Meat | n/a | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Komodo Dragon | Reptile | Lizard | Disabler | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Plain, Forest/Jungle | 2 | 31 (20+2d10) | 21 | 4 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 26; Armor 14; Dodge 12 Can wear up to Mail Armor |
Arcane 4; Elemental 20; Natural 19; Holy 12; Demonic 15; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 13; Agil 16; Stam 10; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 12; Per 14; Res 6; Init 15; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Light x7 | Bite: 1d8 damage & Claws x2: 2d6 damage, armor piercing -5 & Tailswipe: 2d4 damage, see Trait & Bite has simple deadly poison (1d6 damage, 6 rounds max) | Poison I: Uses Simple poisons Armor Piercing I: some or all primary attacks have -5 armor Tailswipe I: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra attack that hits all targets in reach in the rear arc, with 1" knockback on targets of lesser size Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected |
2d6 Raw Meat; 0-6 Komodo Dragon Claws (small), 0-1 Simple Deadly Poison Gland | Affection & Cunning | Exotic | Halflings (+1) | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Wolverine | Mammal | Vermin | Brute | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Hill | 1 | 22 (17+1d10) | 20 | 3 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +7 Hit; 16% Crit. (85+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 30; Armor 14; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 22; Natural 20; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 11; Agil 17; Stam 11; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 16; Per 16; Res 10; Init 15; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x7 | Bite: 1d6 damage & Claw: 1d8 damage | if fighting more than 1 target, gain up to 2 extra claw attacks against the 2nd target |
Vermin Frenzy: once/battle, each sucessive hit in a single round has +1 hit/+1 dmg |
Vicious II: +10% Critical hit with physical melee attacks (typically already added) Extra Attacks II: Potential for up to 2 extra attacks, typically requires certain conditions to be met |
2d6 Raw Meat | Force & Cunning | Exotic | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Bear, Grizzly | Mammal | Ursine | Protector | Adult | Brown Bear | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Hill, Forest/Jungle | 2 | 37 (24+2d12) | 20 | 3 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 22; Armor 14; Dodge 8 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 24; Natural 21; Holy 18; Demonic 18; Mental 11 | Move 5; Str 16; Agil 14; Stam 12; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 8; Per 14; Res 9; Init 14; Cha 1 | Ursine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x7 | Bite: 1d10+2 damage OR Claw x2: 1d6 damage each | Bear Hug (If successfully hitting with both Claw attacks triggers Grapple I, but bear can not attack with claws while grappling) |
Challenging Roar (once/battle, instant, all living targets w/in 2" must take a Resolve test, if failing they must immediately flee, if passing treat as Taunted) Kodiak Strike x1 |
Toughness I: Negates all incoming damage by 1 Threatening I: Enemies in base contact are treated as being Taunted if failing a Resolve test Grapple: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break |
3d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Will | Exotic | n/a | |||||
Second | Beast | Dire Wolf | Mammal | Canine | Pack Hunter | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Plain | 3 | 50 (30+3d12) | 19 | 3 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -3 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 35; Armor 21; Dodge 14 |
Arcane 10; Elemental 24; Natural 23; Holy 16; Demonic 19; Mental 16 | Move 8; Str 16; Agil 14; Stam 12; Int 5; Wis 11; Avd 14; Per 16; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 2 | Canine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Coarse/Dense x7 | Bite: 1d10+3 damage | Pack Hunting II: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +6) Execution II: When opponent is at less than or equal to 20% health all damage is max damage |
Typically hunts in packs of 3-6 |
3d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Force | Exotic | Orcs (+1), Wild & High Elves (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Fire Toad | Aquatic | Amphibian | Giant Toad | Magical | Adult | yes | Realm (The Furnace), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Chaos) | Tropical/Temperate | Volcanic, Fresh Water | 3 | 44 (28+3d10) | 19 | 3 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 20; Armor 12; Dodge 8 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 32; Natural 20; Holy 12; Demonic 15; Mental 11 | Move 4; Str 12; Agil 13; Stam 11; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 8; Per 13; Res 6; Init 14; Cha 1 | Amphibian "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Thick x6 | Bite: 1d8 damage, if hitting a Small or smaller target, they must pass an agility test or become Swallowed | Fiery Burp: (action) once/2 rounds. Launches a glob of fiery bile up to 12", inflicting 1d8+1d6 Elemental damage in a 1.5" radius. Requires LoS on initial target, use Ranged attack modifiers vs Elemental Resistance where all except initial target may add Dodge to Resist. |
Frog Stomp: (passive) if hopping brings it into base contact with a target of equal or lesser size, counts as a 1d8 attack w/ 50% stun Grapple Tongue: (instant) range 6", if no targets are in base contact can use its tongue to Grapple a target into base contact bite if failing dodge test Swallowed: (passive) Toad can only have one Swallowed target at a time, any Swallowed target takes 1d8 acid damage and is Blind and Immobilized for the duration, Swallowed target can do nothing on its turn except attempt to escape by passing a Strength or Agility test with -8 Disadvantage, effect continues even after Toad is slain unless Swallowed target is cut out or pulled free |
Amphibious: Can breathe in air and water Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Hopper I: Can hop to move, 1x movement in a straight line, allows for easily jumping over obstacles, must start and end its turn on the ground Resistant II (Elemental): +10 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) |
2d6 Raw Meat; 0-2 Fiery Bile Gland (can be used as a thrown weapon equal to a 1/2 damage 'Fiery Burp' or can be harvested to 0-1 Brimstone) | Cunning & Will | Exotic | n/a | |||||
Second | Beast | Elk | Mammal | Ungulate | Herd | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Hill | 1 | 26 (20+1d12) | 19 | 3 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -9 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 24; Armor 14; Dodge 10 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 26; Natural 21; Holy 14; Demonic 15; Mental 9 | Move 8; Str 15; Agil 12; Stam 13; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 10; Per 16; Res 7; Init 14; Cha 2 | Ungulate "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Thick x7 | Antlers: 2d6+2 damage with Parry (+6) in front arc only & Hoof: 1d8 damage | After successful parry may make a free antler attack on foe |
Trample III: 3d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Extra Attacks I: Potential for up to 1 extra attack, typically requires certain conditions to be met |
3d6 Raw Meat, 0-2 Elk Antlers (medium) | Dominance & Will | Exotic | Wild Elf (+1), Orc (-2) & Half Orc (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Bat Swarm, Large | Mammal | Vermin | Aerial | Large Swarm | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Forest/Jungle | 3 | 35 (15+3d12) | 19 | 3 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +11 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+); -1 Damage | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 9; Armor 4; Dodge 5 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 12; Natural 15; Holy 10; Demonic 14; Mental 11 | Move 2; Str 5; Agil 19; Stam 6; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 5; Per 11; Res 5; Init 18; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x4 | Swarm of Bites: 3d8 damage, max damage cannot exceed current HP hits all targets touched by swarm no Dodge unless partially covered |
Swarm (Large): Comprised of many Diminutive or smaller creatures compelled to a frenzy of aggressive activity. Covers a 2" radius but is reduced to a Medium Swarm at 66% HP.. Can occupy another creatures space and move through any opening large enough for a single creature of the swarm. Cannot be healed, shielded, or gain temporary HP. Swarms take half physical damage but double AoE damage. Flyer II: 3x movement while flying Nocturnal: gain +5 Advantage on Perception, Initiative, and Resolve rolls taken at night, -5 Disadvantage during the day |
3d6 Raw Meat | While many diminutive creatures will fight in packs to better defend themselves, swarms are something considerably more dangerous and almost always unantural. A bat swarm is typically driven by some greater and often sinister will such as a Vampire, who whips the creatures into a frenzy and commands them to attack its foes. | n/a & n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Ice Toad | Aquatic | Amphibian | Giant Toad | Magical | Adult | yes | Realm (Stillness), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Arctic | Coastal/Shore, Subterranean | 3 | 44 (28+3d10) | 18 | 3 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 20; Armor 12; Dodge 8 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 22; Natural 20; Holy 12; Demonic 15; Mental 11 | Move 4; Str 12; Agil 13; Stam 11; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 8; Per 13; Res 6; Init 14; Cha 1 | Amphibian "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Thick x6 | Bite: 1d8 damage, if hitting a Small or smaller target, they must pass an agility test or become Swallowed | Icy Burp: (action) once/2 rounds. Inflicts 1d6 Frost damage to all targets in a frontal arc up to 3" away. Use Ranged attack modifiers vs Elemental Resistance + Dodge. |
Frog Stomp: (passive) if hopping brings it into base contact with a target of equal or lesser size, counts as a 1d8 attack w/ 50% stun Grapple Tongue: (instant) range 6", if no targets are in base contact can use its tongue to Grapple a target into base contact bite if failing dodge test Swallowed: (passive) Toad can only have one Swallowed target at a time, any Swallowed target takes 1d8 acid damage and is Blind and Immobilized for the duration, Swallowed target can do nothing on its turn except attempt to escape by passing a Strength or Agility test with -8 Disadvantage, effect continues even after Toad is slain unless Swallowed target is cut out or pulled free |
Amphibious: Can breathe in air and water Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Hopper I: Can hop to move, 1x movement in a straight line, allows for easily jumping over obstacles, must start and end its turn on the ground Immune (Frost): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
2d6 Raw Meat | Cunning & Will | Exotic | n/a | |||||
Second | Beast | Leacher | Arthropod | Giant Crawler | Disabler | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Ruins/Dungeon | 3 | 31 (18+3d8) | 18 | 3 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 46; Armor 30; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 14; Natural 16; Holy 16; Demonic 17; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 10; Agil 16; Stam 7; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 16; Per 15; Res 8; Init 16; Cha 0 | Insect "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Heavy x5 | Leaching Bite: 1d10 damage, if hitting Latches onto target and can use Leach effect on subsequent rounds OR Tail Sting: 1d12 damage, can still be used while leaching | Leach: inflicts 1d10 dmg per round with 50% life steal, while leeching can not use bite & moves along with target, can be removed with fire or by passing strength test which inflicts 1d10+2 dmg to leeched target |
Latch I: sucessful hits Latch onto the target, treat similar to Grapple except that creature moves with the target; if target is 1 size smaller than creature instead simply treat as Grapple |
1d6 Raw Meat; 30% to drop health regen gland(s); instant to consume & restores 10% total HP | Cunning & Insight | n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Falcon, Great | Avian | Bird of Prey | Aerial | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Mountain, Sky | 2 | 29 (18+2d10) | 18 | 3 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 27; Armor 12; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 10; Elemental 18; Natural 21; Holy 16; Demonic 20; Mental 17 | Move 4; Str 13; Agil 16; Stam 9; Int 5; Wis 12; Avd 15; Per 18; Res 8; Init 15; Cha 4 | Avian "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Feathers, Dense x4 | Beak: 1d10 damage & Talons: 2d4 damage | Great Hawk Strike: once/battle, action, combine Beak & Talon attacks into a single max damage attack |
Flyer III, Advanced: 4x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move |
2d6 Raw Meat, 2d6 feathers | Insight & Affection | Flying | Halflings (+1), Orcs (-2), Half-Orcs (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Saber Tooth Cat | Mammal | Feline | Ambusher | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Plain, Hill | 2 | 37 (24+2d12) | 18 | 3 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 29; Armor 14; Dodge 15 Can wear all except Mail Armor, but losses stealth ability if wearing plate |
Arcane 4; Elemental 24; Natural 21; Holy 8; Demonic 13; Mental 11 | Move 10; Str 15; Agil 16; Stam 12; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 15; Res 4; Init 14; Cha 2 | Feline "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x7 | Bite: 1d12 damage, -5 Armor Piercing & Claw: 1d6 damage | Feline Pounce: action, must be hidden, breaks stealth, +15hit & max dam bite with 100% knock down |
Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected Armor Piercing I: some or all primary attacks have -5 armor |
Typically a solitary hunter but lives in prides of 3-6 |
3d6 Raw Meat, 0-2 Saber Tooth (small) can be used as a Crude Dirk | Dominance & Cunning | Exotic | Wild Elves (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | War Horse, Heavy | Mammal | Equine | War Horse | Herd | Adult | Destrier | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Urban, N/A | 2 | 41 (28+2d12) | 17 | 3 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 15; Armor 9; Dodge 6 Can wear up to Plate Armor |
Arcane 8; Elemental 28; Natural 24; Holy 20; Demonic 20; Mental 14 | Move 8; Str 16; Agil 12; Stam 14; Int 4; Wis 10; Avd 6; Per 16; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 3 | Equine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x6 plus Fur, Coarse/Dense x1 | Hoof: 1d12 damage | Trample III: 3d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule Kick III: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (3d6 dam) rear arc melee attack Domesticated: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
3d6 Raw Meat | Affection & Will | Normal | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Cobra, Emperor | Reptile | Serpent | Cobra | Disabler | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Swamp, Forest/Jungle | 3 | 47 (30+3d10) | 17 | 3 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +7 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); +1 Damage | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 29; Armor 15; Dodge 14 Fearsome Hood: instant, can extend its hood to trigger Fearsome trait |
Arcane 4; Elemental 24; Natural 21; Holy 14; Demonic 16; Mental 11 | Move 7; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 12; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 14; Per 17; Res 7; Init 14; Cha 2 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Heavy x5 | Bite: 1d10 damage, inflicts superior crippling poison | Poison III: Uses Superior poisons Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Fearsome I: Enemies must pass a Resolve test to move into base contact with the creature and if the Fearsome creature moves into base contact with a foe it must pass a Resolve test or be considered Frightened until doing so. Add Advantage or Disadvantage equal to the difference in sizes. Once a Resolve test is passed in either case, the target is immune for the remainder of the day. |
3d6 Raw Meat, 0-2 Superior Crippling Poison Glands | Cunning & Dominance | Exotic | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Tunnel Mantis, Hiveling | Arthropod | Tunnel Mantis | Burrower | Juvenile | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Ruins/Dungeon | 1 | 9 (5+1d6) | 17 | 3 | Tiny (Prone) | -4 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); -1 Damage | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -9 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 47; Armor 30; Dodge 17 Acid Gland: On Death, all in base contact recieve 1 stack of Corrosive Ichor |
Arcane 2; Elemental 8; Natural 12; Holy 6; Demonic 11; Mental 9 | Move 5; Str 7; Agil 17; Stam 4; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 17; Per 12; Res 3; Init 17; Cha 0 | Insect "Speech" & Hive communication | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tremorsense I (Earth): Can sense vibrations and movement through listed substances up to range of 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Light x6 | Mantis Claw x2: 1d4 damage each, +1 damage per 1" of leaping strike & All attacks count as both Nature & Physical damage | Leaping Strikes: action, can leap up to 3", attack with both claws on a single target & then return Ground Burst: instant, must be tunneling, when breaking surface causes knockdown w/in 1" if failing Dodge test |
Tunneler II: Can tunnel through ground at regular movement, initial burrowing counts as an instant Dual Damage (Physical & Acid): Typical or majority of attacks/skills count as two damage types Death Effect: Special ability or effect that is triggered immediately upon the death of the creature Immune (Acid): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects |
Corrosive Ichor: -5 armor/stack (max 4 stacks), w/in 1hr roll %=reduction to see if armor is permanently damaged, neutralized by sunlight |
1d4 Raw Meat; 10% chance to drop intact acid Gland (small) | Cunning & Insight | n/a | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Lion | Mammal | Feline | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Plain, Forest/Jungle | 2 | 39 (26+2d12) | 17 | 3 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 24; Armor 9; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 26; Natural 22; Holy 10; Demonic 14; Mental 11 | Move 10; Str 16; Agil 16; Stam 13; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 15; Res 5; Init 14; Cha 2 | Feline "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x6 plus Fur, Coarse/Dense x1 | Bite: 1d10 damage & Claw: 1d6 damage | Challenging Roar (once/battle, instant, all living targets w/in 4" must take a Resolve test, if failing they must immediately flee, if passing treat as Taunted); |
Threatening I: Enemies in base contact are treated as being Taunted if failing a Resolve test |
3d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Cunning | Exotic | Wild Elves (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Giant Spider, Death Creeper | Arthropod | Giant Spider | Ambusher | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Ruins/Dungeon | 2 | 29 (18+2d10) | 16 | 3 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 39; Armor 24; Dodge 15 Can wear up to Mail Armor if a mount |
Arcane 6; Elemental 18; Natural 19; Holy 14; Demonic 17; Mental 13 | Move 6; Str 14; Agil 16; Stam 9; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 15; Per 18; Res 7; Init 15; Cha 0 | Arachnid "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Heavy x4 | Bite: 2d4 damage, inflicts simple crippling poison | Spider Pounce: action, must be hidden, breaks stealth, +15hit & max dam bite with 100% knock down |
Poison I: Uses Simple poisons Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected Climber I: +5 Advantage when attempting to climb or cling to almost any surface |
2d6 Raw Meat; 0-2 Simple Crippling Poison Glands | Cunning & Insight | Exotic | Goblins (+1), Dwarves & Gnomes (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Anaconda | Reptile | Serpent | Constrictor | Ambusher | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Swamp, Forest/Jungle | 2 | 39 (26+2d12) | 16 | 3 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 29; Armor 15; Dodge 14 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 26; Natural 22; Holy 16; Demonic 17; Mental 11 | Move 7; Str 17; Agil 15; Stam 13; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 14; Per 17; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Heavy x5 | Bite: 1d10 damage, grapple | Constrict: if grapple is mantained for 1 full round the target is immbolized until serpent releases If constricted for 4 rounds target is knocked unconscious, if maintianed beyond battle target is slain |
Grapple I: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Sneaky, Aquatic I: Can enter battle hidden if in water & treats water surfaces as breaking LoS for the purposes of re-hiding |
3d6 Raw Meat | Cunning & Force | Exotic | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Giant Spider, Thorned | Arthropod | Giant Spider | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Ruins/Dungeon | 2 | 31 (20+2d10) | 15 | 3 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 43; Armor 28; Dodge 15 Can wear up to Mail Armor if a mount |
Arcane 6; Elemental 20; Natural 20; Holy 18; Demonic 19; Mental 13 | Move 5; Str 14; Agil 16; Stam 10; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 15; Per 18; Res 9; Init 15; Cha 0 | Arachnid "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Thick x4 | Bite: 1d8+2 damage | Threatening I: Enemies in base contact are treated as being Taunted if failing a Resolve test Thorny I: Body is covered in natural thorns, bone spikes, or other sharp protrusions that cause 1 auto damage each time someone attacks in base contact Climber I: +5 Advantage when attempting to climb or cling to almost any surface |
2d6 Raw Meat | Cunning & Insight | Exotic | Goblins (+1), Dwarves & Gnomes (-1) | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Warg | Mammal | Canine | Pack Hunter | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Evil), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic/Temperate | Hill, Forest/Jungle | 2 | 37 (24+2d12) | 15 | 3 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 35; Armor 21; Dodge 14 Can wear up to Mail Armor, Max Double Layer |
Arcane 4; Elemental 24; Natural 21; Holy 12; Demonic 15; Mental 11 | Move 9; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 12; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 14; Per 14; Res 6; Init 14; Cha 1 | Canine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Coarse/Dense x7 | Bite: 1d10 damage | Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) Execution I: When opponent is at less than or equal to 10% health all damage is max damage |
Typically hunts in packs of 3-6 |
3d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Force | Normal | Orcs & Goblins (+2) & Half-Orcs (+1), Wild & High Elves (-2), Half-elves, Gnomes, Halflings (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Giant Scorpian, Tomb | Arthropod | Giant Scorpian | Pack Hunter | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Subterranean | 3 | 31 (18+3d8) | 14 | 3 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +10 Hit; 8% Crit. (93+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 44; Armor 30; Dodge 14 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 14; Natural 16; Holy 14; Demonic 16; Mental 11 | Move 5; Str 9; Agil 17; Stam 7; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 14; Per 18; Res 7; Init 16; Cha 0 | Arachnid "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Light x6 | Pincer Claw x2: 1d6+1 damage | Tail Stinger: 1d8+4 damage, -5 armor piercing, inflicts simple necrotic poison |
Poison I: Uses Simple poisons Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) |
1d6 Raw Meat; 0-2 Simple Necrotic Poison Glands | Cunning & Insight | n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | War Horse, Light | Mammal | Equine | War Horse | Herd | Adult | Courser | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Urban, N/A | 2 | 39 (26+2d12) | 14 | 3 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 17; Armor 9; Dodge 8 Can wear up to Plate Armor |
Arcane 8; Elemental 26; Natural 23; Holy 20; Demonic 20; Mental 14 | Move 8; Str 15; Agil 13; Stam 13; Int 4; Wis 10; Avd 8; Per 16; Res 10; Init 14; Cha 3 | Equine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x6 plus Fur, Coarse/Dense x1 | Hoof: 1d10 damage | Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule Kick II: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (2d6 dam) rear arc melee attack Domesticated: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
3d6 Raw Meat | Affection & Will | Normal | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Crocodile, Dwarf | Reptile | Crocodile | Ambusher | Adult | Alligator | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Coastal/Shore, Swamp | 1 | 19 (14+1d10) | 14 | 3 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 22; Armor 9; Dodge 13 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 18; Natural 19; Holy 10; Demonic 15; Mental 13 | Move 4; Str 11; Agil 15; Stam 9; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 13; Per 14; Res 5; Init 15; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Rough x5 plus Scales, Light x2 | Bite: 1d6+1d4 damage, Grapple | Tailswipe (1d6 dam, see Trait) |
Swamp Rush: instant, 2x move speed, can only use if starting or ending movement in water Deathroll: action, must be in water, if hit w/ bite on previous rnd target is knocked down and takes 2d6 damage |
Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Tailswipe I: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra attack that hits all targets in reach in the rear arc, with 1" knockback on targets of lesser size Sneaky, Aquatic I: Can enter battle hidden if in water & treats water surfaces as breaking LoS for the purposes of re-hiding Grapple I: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break |
If target does anything other than recover HP deathroll will continue in next round, will not release unless dead or hit by a crit. |
2d6 Raw Meat; 1d8 Crocodile Teeth | Dominance & Force | Exotic | Ogres (+1) | ||||
Second | Beast | Giant Spider, Jade | Arthropod | Giant Spider | Disabler | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Ruins/Dungeon | 2 | 29 (18+2d10) | 14 | 3 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 39; Armor 24; Dodge 15 Can wear up to Mail Armor if a mount |
Arcane 6; Elemental 18; Natural 19; Holy 16; Demonic 18; Mental 13 | Move 6; Str 14; Agil 16; Stam 9; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 15; Per 18; Res 8; Init 15; Cha 0 | Arachnid "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Heavy x4 | Bite: 2d4 damage, inflicts simple crippling poison | Can spit its crippling poison (as above) treat like a ranged weapon (rng: 8") |
Poison I: Uses Simple poisons Climber I: +5 Advantage when attempting to climb or cling to almost any surface |
2d6 Raw Meat; 0-2 Simple Crippling Poison Glands | Cunning & Insight | Exotic | Goblins (+1), Dwarves & Gnomes (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Giant Spider, Silk | Arthropod | Giant Spider | Disabler | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Ruins/Dungeon | 2 | 29 (18+2d10) | 14 | 3 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 39; Armor 24; Dodge 15 Can wear up to Mail Armor if a mount |
Arcane 6; Elemental 18; Natural 19; Holy 16; Demonic 18; Mental 13 | Move 6; Str 14; Agil 16; Stam 9; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 15; Per 18; Res 8; Init 15; Cha 0 | Arachnid "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Heavy x4 | Bite: 2d4 damage, inflicts simple disrupting poison | Web (instant, rng: 6, renders target immobile if fail dodge test, Strength test to escape) |
Poison I: Uses Simple poisons Climber I: +5 Advantage when attempting to climb or cling to almost any surface |
2d6 Raw Meat; 0-2 Simple Disrupting Poison Glands | Cunning & Insight | Exotic | Goblins (+1), Dwarves & Gnomes (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Goat, Firebreathing | Monstrosity | Ungulate | Fire Breathing | Herd | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Ruins/Dungeon, N/A | 1 | 19 (14+1d10) | 13 | 3 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -9 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 20; Armor 12; Dodge 8 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 18; Natural 17; Holy 8; Demonic 12; Mental 9 | Move 6; Str 12; Agil 13; Stam 9; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 8; Per 12; Res 4; Init 15; Cha 1 | Ungulate "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x2 plus Fur, Thick/Shaggy x5 | Horns: 1d4 damage, when in base contact, see 'Headbutt' | Flame Breath (action, template, 2d8 dam vs Elemental resist, 50% chance of an additional 1d8 dam next turn) |
Headbutt (action, must have charged, 2d4 +1 per inch moved up to a max of creatures level, Headbutt has Crushing Blow = to creatures level) |
Trample I: 1d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) |
2d6 Raw Meat, 0-2 Ram/Goat Horns (small) | Fire breathing goats are not naturally occuring, created only by the experimentation of mad spirit users, and therefore are not found in the wild (and are therefore NOT summonable by a beast caller) | n/a & n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||
Second | Beast | Rat Swarm, Medium | Mammal | Vermin | Burrower | Medium Swarm | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Urban, Subterranean | 2 | 23 (12+2d10) | 13 | 3 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +10 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 10; Armor 5; Dodge 5 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 12; Natural 15; Holy 10; Demonic 14; Mental 11 | Move 2; Str 5; Agil 19; Stam 6; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 5; Per 11; Res 5; Init 18; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x5 | Swarm of Bites: 2d8 damage where max damage cannot exceed current HP, hits all targets touched by swarm, no Dodge unless only partially covered | All wounds cause Gutter filth infection, 1 dam/rnd (or day), treat as disease |
Swarm (Medium): Comprised of many Diminutive or smaller creatures compelled to a frenzy of aggressive activity. Covers a 1" radius but is reduced to a Small Swarm at 50% HP. Can occupy another creatures space and move through any opening large enough for a single creature of the swarm. Cannot be healed, shielded, or gain temporary HP. Swarms take half physical damage but double AoE damage. Flyer II: 3x movement while flying Infected Wounds: Sucessful wounds inflict disease or disease-like effects, requiring an immediate natural resist check, immune for up to a day if passing |
2d6 Raw Meat | While many diminutive creatures will fight in packs to better defend themselves, swarms are something considerably more dangerous and almost always unantural. A rat swarm is typically driven by some greater and often sinister will such as a Vampire or sewer dwelling vermin lord, who whips the creatures into a frenzy and commands them to attack its foes. | n/a & n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Tiger | Mammal | Feline | Ambusher | Adult | Lioness | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Plain, Forest/Jungle | 1 | 25 (18+1d12) | 13 | 3 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 22; Armor 7; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 24; Natural 21; Holy 8; Demonic 13; Mental 11 | Move 10; Str 15; Agil 16; Stam 12; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 15; Res 4; Init 14; Cha 2 | Feline "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x7 | Bite: 1d8 damage & Claw: 1d6 damage | Feline Pounce: action, must be hidden, breaks stealth, +15hit & max dam bite with 100% knock down |
Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected |
Typically a solitary hunter but live in prides of 4-8 |
3d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Cunning | Exotic | Wild Elves (+1) | |||||
Second | Beast | Draft Horse | Mammal | Equine | Draft Horse | Herd | Adult | Percheron | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Rural, Urban | 2 | 41 (28+2d12) | 12 | 2 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 15; Armor 9; Dodge 6 Can wear up to Plate Armor |
Arcane 6; Elemental 28; Natural 23; Holy 16; Demonic 17; Mental 12 | Move 8; Str 17; Agil 11; Stam 14; Int 3; Wis 9; Avd 6; Per 15; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 2 | Equine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x6 plus Fur, Coarse/Dense x1 | Hoof: 1d8 damage | Trample III: 3d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule Kick III: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (3d6 dam) rear arc melee attack Flighty I: If struck in combat while alone, or w/o presence of master/rider, will immediately flee if failing a resolve test & continue until passing Domesticated: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
Typically hunts in packs of 3-6 |
3d6 Raw Meat | Affection & Force | Normal | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | |||||
Second | Beast | Boar, Wild | Mammal | Ungulate | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Plain, Forest/Jungle | 1 | 21 (15+1d10) | 12 | 2 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +3 Hit; 15% Crit. (86+) | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 33; Armor 21; Dodge 12 Can wear up to Plate Armor, Max Double Layer |
Arcane 4; Elemental 20; Natural 19; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 13; Agil 13; Stam 10; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 12; Per 15; Res 10; Init 15; Cha 1 | Ungulate "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Rugged x7 | Vicious Tusks: 1d6 damage | Boar Charge: if moved before attacking add +2 damage Intercept: can take its movement out of turn to intercept an opponent that would pass within range |
Vicious II: +10% Critical hit with physical melee attacks (typically already added) |
2d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Will | Normal | Centaurs (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Strider, Mountain | Avian | Flightless Bird | Herd | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic/Temperate | Mountain, Hill | 1 | 22 (17+1d10) | 11 | 2 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 34; Armor 24; Dodge 10 Can wear up to Mail Armor, Max Double Layer |
Arcane 4; Elemental 22; Natural 20; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 11 | Move 10; Str 12; Agil 13; Stam 11; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 10; Per 12; Res 10; Init 15; Cha 2 | Avian "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Thick x7 plus Feathers, Thick x5 | Beak: 1d6+1 damage & Antlers: 1d6+1 damage | Trample I: 1d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Flighty I: If struck in combat while alone, or w/o presence of master/rider, will immediately flee if failing a resolve test & continue until passing Hopper I: Can hop to move, 1x movement in a straight line, allows for easily jumping over obstacles, must start and end its turn on the ground |
2d6 Raw Meat, 2d6 feathers, 0-2 Strider Antlers | Dominance & Insight | Normal | Halflings & Gnomes (+1) | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Badger | Mammal | Vermin | Burrower | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Subterranean, Forest/Jungle | 1 | 14 (9+1d8) | 11 | 2 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 31; Armor 14; Dodge 17 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 12; Natural 16; Holy 18; Demonic 19; Mental 13 | Move 6; Str 8; Agil 17; Stam 6; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 17; Per 16; Res 9; Init 16; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x7 | Bite: 1d4 damage & Claw x2: 1d6 damage each | if fighting more than 1 target, gain 2 extra claw attacks against the 2nd target |
Tunneler I: Can tunnel through ground at 1/2 movement, initial burrowing counts as an instant Extra Attacks II: Potential for up to 2 extra attacks, typically requires certain conditions to be met |
1d6 Raw Meat | Force & Cunning | n/a | Halflings (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Bat Swarm, Medium | Mammal | Vermin | Aerial | Medium Swarm | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Forest/Jungle | 2 | 23 (12+2d10) | 11 | 2 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +10 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 9; Armor 4; Dodge 5 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 12; Natural 15; Holy 10; Demonic 14; Mental 11 | Move 2; Str 5; Agil 19; Stam 6; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 5; Per 11; Res 5; Init 18; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x4 | Swarm of Bites: 2d8 damage, max damage cannot exceed current HP hits all targets touched by swarm no Dodge unless partially covered |
Swarm (Medium): Comprised of many Diminutive or smaller creatures compelled to a frenzy of aggressive activity. Covers a 1" radius but is reduced to a Small Swarm at 50% HP. Can occupy another creatures space and move through any opening large enough for a single creature of the swarm. Cannot be healed, shielded, or gain temporary HP. Swarms take half physical damage but double AoE damage. Flyer II: 3x movement while flying Nocturnal: gain +5 Advantage on Perception, Initiative, and Resolve rolls taken at night, -5 Disadvantage during the day |
2d6 Raw Meat | While many diminutive creatures will fight in packs to better defend themselves, swarms are something considerably more dangerous and almost always unantural. A bat swarm is typically driven by some greater and often sinister will such as a Vampire, who whips the creatures into a frenzy and commands them to attack its foes. | n/a & n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Bear, Black | Mammal | Ursine | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Hill | 1 | 22 (17+1d10) | 11 | 2 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 17; Armor 7; Dodge 10 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 22; Natural 20; Holy 16; Demonic 17; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 12; Agil 15; Stam 11; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 10; Per 14; Res 8; Init 15; Cha 1 | Ursine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x7 | Bite: 1d8+1 damage OR Claw x2: 1d4 damage each | Bear Hug (If successfully hitting with both Claw attacks triggers Grapple I, but bear can not attack with claws while grappling) |
Challenging Roar (once/battle, instant, all living targets w/in 2" must take a Resolve test, if failing they must immediately flee, if passing treat as Taunted) |
Toughness I: Negates all incoming damage by 1 Threatening I: Enemies in base contact are treated as being Taunted if failing a Resolve test Grapple: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break |
2d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Will | Exotic | n/a | ||||||
Second | Beast | Cheetah | Mammal | Feline | Ambusher | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical | Plain, Forest/Jungle | 1 | 21 (15+1d10) | 10 | 2 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 23; Armor 7; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 20; Natural 20; Holy 6; Demonic 13; Mental 13 | Move 12; Str 11; Agil 17; Stam 10; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 16; Per 16; Res 3; Init 15; Cha 2 | Feline "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x7 | Bite: 1d6 damage & Claw: 1d4 damage | Feline Pounce: action, must be hidden, breaks stealth, +15hit & max dam bite with 100% knock down |
Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected |
Typically a solitary hunter but lives in prides of 4-6 |
2d6 Raw Meat | Insight & Cunning | Exotic | Wild Elves (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Hyena | Mammal | Canine | Pack Hunter | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Plain, Desert | 1 | 22 (17+1d10) | 10 | 2 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 29; Armor 14; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 22; Natural 20; Holy 10; Demonic 14; Mental 11 | Move 8; Str 13; Agil 16; Stam 11; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 16; Res 5; Init 15; Cha 1 | Canine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x7 | Bite: 1d10 damage | Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) Execution I: When opponent is at less than or equal to 10% health all damage is max damage |
Typically hunts in packs of 4-8 Tundra Hyena variant: found only in the arctic tundra, has +5 Frost resistance |
2d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Force | Normal | Orcs (+1), Wild & High Elves (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Python | Reptile | Serpent | Constrictor | Ambusher | Adult | Boa Constrictor | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Swamp, Forest/Jungle | 1 | 20 (15+1d8) | 10 | 2 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 30; Armor 15; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 20; Natural 19; Holy 10; Demonic 14; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 13; Agil 16; Stam 10; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 17; Res 5; Init 15; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Heavy x5 | Bite: 1d8 damage, grapple | Constrict: if grapple is mantained for 1 full round the target is immbolized until serpent releases If constricted for 6 rounds target is knocked unconscious, if maintianed beyond battle target is slain |
Grapple I: successful hits Grapple the target if it is the same size or smaller, cannot leave base contact while grappled, STR roll off to break Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected |
2d6 Raw Meat | Cunning & Force | Exotic | n/a | |||||
Second | Beast | Strider, Plains | Avian | Flightless Bird | Herd | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Plain, Desert | 1 | 19 (14+1d10) | 10 | 2 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 31; Armor 19; Dodge 12 Can wear up to Mail Armor, Max Double Layer |
Arcane 4; Elemental 18; Natural 18; Holy 20; Demonic 19; Mental 11 | Move 10; Str 11; Agil 14; Stam 9; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 12; Per 12; Res 10; Init 15; Cha 2 | Avian "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Hide, Thick x7 plus Feathers, Light x5 | Beak: 1d6+1 damage & Antlers: 1d6+1 damage | Trample I: 1d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Flighty I: If struck in combat while alone, or w/o presence of master/rider, will immediately flee if failing a resolve test & continue until passing Hopper I: Can hop to move, 1x movement in a straight line, allows for easily jumping over obstacles, must start and end its turn on the ground |
2d6 Raw Meat, 2d6 feathers, 0-2 Strider Antlers | Dominance & Insight | Normal | Halflings & Gnomes (+1) | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Wild Horse | Mammal | Equine | Wild Horse | Herd | Adult | Mustang | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Plain, N/A | 1 | 25 (18+1d12) | 10 | 2 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 24; Armor 15; Dodge 9 If tamed can only wear riding saddles and up to Leather Armor |
Arcane 6; Elemental 24; Natural 22; Holy 16; Demonic 18; Mental 13 | Move 9; Str 15; Agil 13; Stam 12; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 9; Per 15; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 2 | Equine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x6 plus Fur, Coarse/Dense x1 | Hoof: 2d4 damage | Trample II: 2d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule Kick I: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (1d6 dam) rear arc melee attack Flighty I: If struck in combat while alone, or w/o presence of master/rider, will immediately flee if failing a resolve test & continue until passing |
3d6 Raw Meat | Affection & Will | Normal | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Cobra, King | Reptile | Serpent | Cobra | Disabler | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Swamp, Forest/Jungle | 1 | 18 (14+1d8) | 10 | 2 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 30; Armor 15; Dodge 15 Fearsome Hood: instant, can extend its hood to trigger Fearsome trait |
Arcane 4; Elemental 18; Natural 18; Holy 12; Demonic 15; Mental 11 | Move 6; Str 11; Agil 16; Stam 9; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 17; Res 6; Init 15; Cha 2 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Heavy x5 | Bite: 1d8 damage, inflicts complex crippling poison | Poison II: Uses Complex poisons Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Fearsome I: Enemies must pass a Resolve test to move into base contact with the creature and if the Fearsome creature moves into base contact with a foe it must pass a Resolve test or be considered Frightened until doing so. Add Advantage or Disadvantage equal to the difference in sizes. Once a Resolve test is passed in either case, the target is immune for the remainder of the day. |
2d6 Raw Meat; 0-2 Complex Crippling poison Glands | Cunning & Dominance | Exotic | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Black Panther | Mammal | Feline | Ambusher | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, N/A | 1 | 19 (14+1d10) | 10 | 2 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 23; Armor 7; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 18; Natural 19; Holy 6; Demonic 13; Mental 13 | Move 9; Str 11; Agil 17; Stam 9; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 16; Per 16; Res 3; Init 15; Cha 2 | Feline "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x7 | Bite: 1d6 damage & Claw: 1d4 damage | Feline Pounce: action, must be hidden, breaks stealth, +15hit & max dam bite with 100% knock down |
Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected |
Typically a solitary hunter |
2d6 Raw Meat | Insight & Cunning | Exotic | Wild Elves (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Cougar | Mammal | Feline | Ambusher | Adult | Jaguar/Leopard | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Plain, Forest/Jungle | 1 | 19 (14+1d10) | 10 | 2 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 23; Armor 7; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 18; Natural 19; Holy 6; Demonic 13; Mental 13 | Move 9; Str 11; Agil 17; Stam 9; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 16; Per 16; Res 3; Init 15; Cha 2 | Feline "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x7 | Bite: 1d6 damage & Claw: 1d4 damage | Feline Pounce: action, must be hidden, breaks stealth, +15hit & max dam bite with 100% knock down |
Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected |
Typically a solitary hunter |
2d6 Raw Meat | Insight & Cunning | Exotic | Wild Elves (+1) | |||||
Second | Beast | Dog, Guard | Mammal | Canine | Domestic | Protector | Adult | Attack Dog | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Urban, Rural | 1 | 19 (14+1d10) | 9 | 2 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 28; Armor 14; Dodge 14 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 18; Natural 17; Holy 20; Demonic 18; Mental 10 | Move 8; Str 12; Agil 15; Stam 9; Int 2; Wis 8; Avd 14; Per 16; Res 10; Init 15; Cha 3 | Canine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x7 | Bite: 1d8 damage | Trained I: +3 Advantage on Resolve rolls and -1 Control Required when within 10" of its master/trainer Loyal I: +1 dam vs targets that attack its master Domesticated: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
2d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Affection | Normal | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Wolf | Mammal | Canine | Pack Hunter | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Arctic/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Hill | 1 | 21 (15+1d10) | 9 | 2 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 29; Armor 14; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 6; Elemental 20; Natural 20; Holy 10; Demonic 15; Mental 13 | Move 8; Str 12; Agil 16; Stam 10; Int 3; Wis 10; Avd 15; Per 16; Res 5; Init 15; Cha 2 | Canine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x7 | Bite: 1d8 damage | Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) Execution I: When opponent is at less than or equal to 10% health all damage is max damage |
Typically hunts in packs of 4-8 |
2d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Force | Normal | Orcs (+1), Wild & High Elves (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Riding Horse | Mammal | Equine | Riding Horse | Herd | Adult | Thoroughbred | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Urban, Rural | 1 | 25 (18+1d12) | 8 | 2 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); +1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 18; Armor 10; Dodge 8 Can wear up to Leather Armor |
Arcane 8; Elemental 24; Natural 22; Holy 8; Demonic 14; Mental 14 | Move 10; Str 15; Agil 15; Stam 12; Int 4; Wis 10; Avd 8; Per 16; Res 4; Init 14; Cha 5 | Equine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x7 plus Fur, Coarse/Dense x1 | Hoof: 1d6 damage | Trample I: 1d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule Kick I: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (1d6 dam) rear arc melee attack Flighty I: If struck in combat while alone, or w/o presence of master/rider, will immediately flee if failing a resolve test & continue until passing Domesticated: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
3d6 Raw Meat | Affection & Force | Normal | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Stirge | Arthropod | Insect | Aerial | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Swamp, Forest/Jungle | 1 | 9 (5+1d6) | 7 | 2 | Tiny (Prone) | -4 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); -1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 36; Armor 20; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 8; Natural 12; Holy 6; Demonic 11; Mental 10 | Move 5; Str 5; Agil 16; Stam 4; Int 2; Wis 8; Avd 16; Per 16; Res 3; Init 17; Cha 0 | Insect "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Extra Sense I (Blood): Can non-visually sense the listed property at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1x Perception with +3 Advantage to Perception rolls |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Light x4 | Proboscis: 1d4+3 damage, see Latch | Blood Drain (while latched, inflicts 1d4+3 auto damage, if forcibly removed inflicts an additional 1d4+3 damage) |
Flyer I: 2x movement while flying Latch: sucessful hits Latch onto the target, treat similar to Grapple except that creature moves with the target; if target is 1 size smaller than creature instead simply treat as Grapple |
1d4 Raw Meat | Cunning & Insight | n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Stock Horse | Mammal | Equine | Stock Horse | Herd | Adult | Appaloosa | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Rural, Urban | 1 | 26 (20+1d12) | 7 | 2 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 16; Armor 9; Dodge 7 Can wear up to Mail Armor |
Arcane 6; Elemental 26; Natural 22; Holy 12; Demonic 15; Mental 12 | Move 8; Str 15; Agil 12; Stam 13; Int 3; Wis 9; Avd 7; Per 15; Res 6; Init 14; Cha 2 | Equine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x6 plus Fur, Coarse/Dense x1 | Hoof: 1d6 damage | Trample I: 1d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule Kick I: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (1d6 dam) rear arc melee attack Flighty I: If struck in combat while alone, or w/o presence of master/rider, will immediately flee if failing a resolve test & continue until passing Domesticated: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
3d6 Raw Meat | Affection & Force | Normal | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Dog, Hunting | Mammal | Canine | Domestic | Protector | Adult | Domestic Dog | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Urban, Rural | 1 | 14 (9+1d8) | 7 | 2 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 29; Armor 14; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 12; Natural 14; Holy 16; Demonic 16; Mental 10 | Move 7; Str 9; Agil 16; Stam 6; Int 2; Wis 8; Avd 15; Per 16; Res 8; Init 16; Cha 3 | Canine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x7 | Bite: 1d6 damage | Trained I: +3 Advantage on Resolve rolls and -1 Control Required when within 10" of its master/trainer Loyal I: +1 dam vs targets that attack its master Domesticated: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
1d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Affection | n/a | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Rattlesnake | Reptile | Serpent | Disabler | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Desert, Plain | 1 | 14 (9+1d8) | 7 | 2 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 31; Armor 15; Dodge 16 Rattle: instant, can use its rattle to trigger Fearsome trait |
Arcane 4; Elemental 12; Natural 15; Holy 8; Demonic 13; Mental 11 | Move 5; Str 8; Agil 17; Stam 6; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 16; Per 17; Res 4; Init 16; Cha 2 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Heavy x5 | Bite: 1d6 damage, inflicts simple crippling poison | Poison I: Uses Simple poisons Fearsome I: Enemies must pass a Resolve test to move into base contact with the creature and if the Fearsome creature moves into base contact with a foe it must pass a Resolve test or be considered Frightened until doing so. Add Advantage or Disadvantage equal to the difference in sizes. Once a Resolve test is passed in either case, the target is immune for the remainder of the day. |
1d6 Raw Meat; 0-2 Simple Crippling Poison Glands | Cunning & Force | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Viper | Reptile | Serpent | Disabler | Adult | Adder/Mamba | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Swamp, Forest/Jungle | 1 | 14 (9+1d8) | 7 | 2 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 31; Armor 15; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 12; Natural 15; Holy 6; Demonic 12; Mental 11 | Move 5; Str 8; Agil 17; Stam 6; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 16; Per 17; Res 3; Init 16; Cha 1 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Heavy x5 | Bite: 1d6 damage, inflicts simple crippling poison | Poison I: Uses Simple poisons Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water |
1d6 Raw Meat; 0-2 Simple Crippling Poison Glands | Cunning & Force | n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Ram | Mammal | Ungulate | Herd | Adult | Goat | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Rural, Hill | 1 | 19 (14+1d10) | 7 | 2 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -9 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 20; Armor 12; Dodge 8 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 18; Natural 17; Holy 8; Demonic 12; Mental 9 | Move 6; Str 12; Agil 13; Stam 9; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 8; Per 12; Res 4; Init 15; Cha 1 | Ungulate "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x2 plus Fur, Thick/Shaggy x5 | Horns: 1d4 damage when in base contact, see 'Headbutt' | Headbutt: action, must have charged, 2d4 +1 per inch moved (up to a max of creatures level) Headbutt has Crushing Blow = to creatures level |
Trample I: 1d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Flighty I: If struck in combat while alone, or w/o presence of master/rider, will immediately flee if failing a resolve test & continue until passing Domesticated: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
2d6 Raw Meat, 0-2 Ram/Goat Horns (small) | Affection & Will | Normal | Dwarves (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Bobcat | Mammal | Feline | Ambusher | Adult | Lynx | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Hill | 1 | 14 (9+1d8) | 7 | 2 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 24; Armor 7; Dodge 17 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 12; Natural 17; Holy 4; Demonic 13; Mental 15 | Move 8; Str 8; Agil 18; Stam 6; Int 4; Wis 11; Avd 17; Per 17; Res 2; Init 16; Cha 3 | Feline "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x7 | Bite: 1d4 damage & Claw: 1d2 damage | Feline Pounce: action, must be hidden, breaks stealth, +15hit & max dam bite with 100% knock down |
Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected |
Typically a solitary hunter |
1d6 Raw Meat | Insight & Cunning | n/a | Wild Elves (+1) | |||||
Second | Beast | Rat, Giant | Mammal | Vermin | Burrower | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Subterranean, Urban | 1 | 14 (9+1d8) | 7 | 2 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -9 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 26; Armor 10; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 12; Natural 14; Holy 8; Demonic 12; Mental 9 | Move 6; Str 8; Agil 17; Stam 6; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 16; Per 14; Res 4; Init 16; Cha 0 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur, Thick/Shaggy x5 | Bite: 1d4 damage & Claw: 1d4 damage | All wounds cause Gutter filth infection, 1 dam/rnd (or day), treat as disease |
Tunneler I: Can tunnel through ground at 1/2 movement, initial burrowing counts as an instant Infected Wounds I: Sucessful wounds inflict disease or disease-like effects, requiring an immediate natural resist check, immune for up to a day if passing |
Usually in packs of 2-10 |
1d6 Raw Meat | Force & Cunning | n/a | Goblins (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Eagle | Avian | Bird of Prey | Aerial | Adult | Vulture | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Sky | 1 | 14 (9+1d8) | 7 | 2 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 20; Armor 4; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 12; Natural 17; Holy 8; Demonic 15; Mental 15 | Move 4; Str 8; Agil 17; Stam 6; Int 4; Wis 11; Avd 16; Per 16; Res 4; Init 16; Cha 5 | Avian "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Feathers, Light x4 | Beak: 1d6 damage OR Talons: 1d6 damage | Hawk Strike: once/battle |
Flyer III, Advanced: 4x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move |
1d6 Raw Meat; 1d6 feathers | Insight & Cunning | n/a | Kayden (+2), Wild Elves (+1), Orcs & Half Orcs (-1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Mule | Mammal | Equine | Pack Horse | Herd | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Rural, Plain | 1 | 25 (18+1d12) | 7 | 2 | Large (Prone) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+); +1 Damage | +5 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 16; Armor 9; Dodge 7 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 24; Natural 20; Holy 16; Demonic 16; Mental 10 | Move 7; Str 15; Agil 11; Stam 12; Int 2; Wis 8; Avd 7; Per 15; Res 8; Init 14; Cha 1 | Equine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x6 plus Fur, Coarse/Dense x1 | None: no damage, will use mule kick: 2d6 damage for self-defense when fleeing is not possible | Trample I: 1d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule Kick II: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (2d6 dam) rear arc melee attack Flighty II: If struck in combat under any circumstance, will immediately flee if failing a resolve test & continue until passing resolve test Domesticated: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
Cannot be ridden in combat |
3d6 Raw Meat | Affection & Force | Normal | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Rat Swarm, Small | Mammal | Vermin | Burrower | Small Swarm | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Urban, Subterranean | 1 | 14 (9+1d8) | 6 | 1 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 10; Armor 5; Dodge 5 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 12; Natural 15; Holy 10; Demonic 14; Mental 11 | Move 2; Str 5; Agil 19; Stam 6; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 5; Per 11; Res 5; Init 18; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x5 | Swarm of Bites: 1d8 damage where max damage cannot exceed current HP, hits all targets touched by swarm, no Dodge unless only partially covered | All wounds cause Gutter filth infection, 1 dam/rnd (or day), treat as disease |
Swarm (Small): Comprised of many Diminutive or smaller creatures compelled to a frenzy of aggressive activity. Covers a 0.5" radius. Can occupy another creatures space and move through any opening large enough for a single creature of the swarm. Cannot be healed, shielded, or gain temporary HP. Swarms take half physical damage but double AoE damage. Flyer II: 3x movement while flying Infected Wounds: Sucessful wounds inflict disease or disease-like effects, requiring an immediate natural resist check, immune for up to a day if passing |
1d6 Raw Meat | While many diminutive creatures will fight in packs to better defend themselves, swarms are something considerably more dangerous and almost always unantural. A rat swarm is typically driven by some greater and often sinister will such as a Vampire or sewer dwelling vermin lord, who whips the creatures into a frenzy and commands them to attack its foes. | n/a & n/a | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Owl | Avian | Bird of Prey | Ambusher | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Sky | 1 | 14 (9+1d8) | 6 | 1 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 20; Armor 4; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 12; Natural 17; Holy 6; Demonic 14; Mental 15 | Move 4; Str 8; Agil 17; Stam 6; Int 4; Wis 11; Avd 16; Per 16; Res 3; Init 16; Cha 5 | Avian "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Feathers, Light x4 | Beak: 1d4 damage OR Talons: 1d4 damage | Aerial Ambush: once/battle, must be hidden, +15hit & max damage with primary attack |
Flyer III, Advanced: 4x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected |
1d6 Raw Meat; 1d6 feathers | Insight & Cunning | n/a | Kayden (+2), Wild Elves (+1), Orcs & Half Orcs (-1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Giant Spider Broodling | Arthropod | Giant Spider | Pack Hunter | Juvenile | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Ruins/Dungeon | 1 | 9 (5+1d6) | 6 | 1 | Tiny (Prone) | -4 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 37; Armor 20; Dodge 17 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 8; Natural 13; Holy 10; Demonic 14; Mental 11 | Move 5; Str 8; Agil 17; Stam 4; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 17; Per 18; Res 5; Init 17; Cha 0 | Arachnid "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Chitin, Light x4 | Bite: 1d4 damage | Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) Climber I: +5 Advantage when attempting to climb or cling to almost any surface |
1d4 Raw Meat | Cunning & Insight | n/a | Goblins (+1), Dwarves & Gnomes (-1) | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Weasel | Mammal | Vermin | Burrower | Adult | Mongoose | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Subterranean, Forest/Jungle | 1 | 10 (6+1d6) | 6 | 1 | Tiny (Prone) | -4 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 24; Armor 6; Dodge 18 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 10; Natural 16; Holy 16; Demonic 19; Mental 15 | Move 6; Str 6; Agil 18; Stam 5; Int 4; Wis 11; Avd 18; Per 16; Res 8; Init 17; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x6 | Bite: 1d4 damage & Claw: 1d4 damage | if fighting more than 1 target, gain 2 extra claw attacks against the 2nd target |
Tunneler I: Can tunnel through ground at 1/2 movement, initial burrowing counts as an instant Extra Attacks II: Potential for up to 2 extra attacks, typically requires certain conditions to be met |
1d4 Raw Meat | Force & Cunning | n/a | Halflings (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Dog, Wild | Mammal | Canine | Pack Hunter | Adult | Jackal/Coyote | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Forest/Jungle, Plain | 1 | 15 (11+1d8) | 6 | 1 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 23; Armor 7; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 14; Natural 18; Holy 8; Demonic 15; Mental 15 | Move 7; Str 9; Agil 17; Stam 7; Int 4; Wis 11; Avd 16; Per 16; Res 4; Init 16; Cha 2 | Canine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x7 | Bite: 1d6 damage | Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) Execution I: When opponent is at less than or equal to 10% health all damage is max damage Domesticated: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
1d6 Raw Meat | Dominance & Will | n/a | Wild Elves (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Crab, King | Arthropod | Crustacean | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Salt Water, Coastal/Shore | 1 | 10 (6+1d6) | 6 | 1 | Tiny (Prone) | -4 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -9 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 32; Armor 16; Dodge 16 |
Arcane 2; Elemental 10; Natural 13; Holy 4; Demonic 10; Mental 9 | Move 5; Str 8; Agil 17; Stam 5; Int 1; Wis 8; Avd 16; Per 10; Res 2; Init 17; Cha 1 | Crustacean "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I (Antennae): Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Shell, Light x4 | Claw x2: 1d2+1 damage, can choose to Grapple | Amphibious: Can breathe in air and water Hardened (Piercing & Cutting): Incoming damage of this type is reduced by half |
1d4 Raw Meat | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Second | Beast | Bat Swarm, Small | Mammal | Vermin | Aerial | Small Swarm | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Forest/Jungle | 1 | 14 (9+1d8) | 5 | 1 | Small (Prone) | -2 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 9; Armor 4; Dodge 5 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 12; Natural 15; Holy 10; Demonic 14; Mental 11 | Move 2; Str 5; Agil 19; Stam 6; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 5; Per 11; Res 5; Init 18; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x4 | Swarm of Bites: 1d8 damage, max damage cannot exceed current HP hits all targets touched by swarm no Dodge unless partially covered |
Swarm (Small): Comprised of many Diminutive or smaller creatures compelled to a frenzy of aggressive activity. Covers a 0.5" radius. Can occupy another creatures space and move through any opening large enough for a single creature of the swarm. Cannot be healed, shielded, or gain temporary HP. Swarms take half physical damage but double AoE damage. Flyer II: 3x movement while flying Nocturnal: gain +5 Advantage on Perception, Initiative, and Resolve rolls taken at night, -5 Disadvantage during the day |
1d6 Raw Meat | While many diminutive creatures will fight in packs to better defend themselves, swarms are something considerably more dangerous and almost always unantural. A bat swarm is typically driven by some greater and often sinister will such as a Vampire, who whips the creatures into a frenzy and commands them to attack its foes. | n/a & n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Monkey | Mammal | Primate | Protector | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, N/A | 1 | 10 (6+1d6) | 5 | 1 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+); -1 Damage | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 28; Armor 8; Dodge 20 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 10; Natural 16; Holy 12; Demonic 17; Mental 15 | Move 6; Str 6; Agil 17; Stam 5; Int 4; Wis 11; Avd 20; Per 12; Res 6; Init 17; Cha 5 | Primate "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x8 | Monkey Slap: 1d3 damage | Poo Fling (inst, single target, range 12", counts as a taunt effect) Scamper (inst, leave base contact w/o being considered 'disengaging from combat') Banana Peel Toss (once/battle, rng 6" 20% k.d, use during enemy move, action in own next turn) Evade (action, for 1 rnd use dodge x5 instead of AC vs physical attacks & LoS powers) |
1d4 Raw Meat; 0-1 Banana | Affection & Force | n/a | Humans (+1) | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Domestic Cat | Mammal | Feline | Ambusher | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Urban, Rural | 1 | 9 (5+1d6) | 5 | 1 | Tiny (Prone) | -4 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 25; Armor 7; Dodge 18 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 8; Natural 15; Holy 2; Demonic 12; Mental 15 | Move 7; Str 5; Agil 19; Stam 4; Int 4; Wis 11; Avd 18; Per 17; Res 1; Init 17; Cha 4 | Feline "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x7 | Bite: 1d4 damage OR Claw: 1d4 damage | Feline Pounce: action, must be hidden, breaks stealth, +15hit & max dam bite |
Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected Domesticated I: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
1d4 Raw Meat | Affection & Cunning | n/a | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Hawk | Avian | Bird of Prey | Aerial | Adult | Falcon | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Sky | 1 | 9 (5+1d6) | 4 | 1 | Tiny (Prone) | -4 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 21; Armor 4; Dodge 17 |
Arcane 8; Elemental 8; Natural 15; Holy 8; Demonic 15; Mental 15 | Move 3; Str 5; Agil 18; Stam 4; Int 4; Wis 11; Avd 17; Per 16; Res 4; Init 17; Cha 4 | Avian "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Feathers, Light x4 | Beak: 1d4 damage OR Talons: 1d4 damage | Hawk Strike: once/battle |
Flyer III, Advanced: 4x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move |
1d4 Raw Meat; 1d4 feathers | Insight & Cunning | n/a | Kayden (+2), Wild Elves (+1), Orcs & Half Orcs (-1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Fox | Mammal | Canine | Pack Hunter | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Forest/Jungle, Plain | 1 | 9 (5+1d6) | 4 | 1 | Tiny (Prone) | -4 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 24; Armor 7; Dodge 17 |
Arcane 10; Elemental 8; Natural 16; Holy 6; Demonic 15; Mental 17 | Move 6; Str 5; Agil 18; Stam 4; Int 5; Wis 12; Avd 17; Per 18; Res 3; Init 17; Cha 3 | Canine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x7 | Bite: 1d4 damage | Pack Hunting I: +1 dam & +1 Resolve for every other packhunter of that type w/in 10" (Max +3) Execution I: When opponent is at less than or equal to 10% health all damage is max damage |
Often found in pairs |
1d4 Raw Meat | Dominance & Cunning | n/a | Wild Elves (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Garden Snake | Reptile | Serpent | Ambusher | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Swamp, Forest/Jungle | 1 | 9 (5+1d6) | 4 | 1 | Tiny (Prone) | -4 | +8 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -1 Damage | +7 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 27; Armor 10; Dodge 17 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 8; Natural 13; Holy 4; Demonic 11; Mental 11 | Move 4; Str 5; Agil 18; Stam 4; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 17; Per 17; Res 2; Init 17; Cha 2 | Reptile "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Scales, Light x5 | Bite: 1d3 damage | Swimmer I: 2x movement while in water Sneaky II: Can enter battle hidden, moves at full speed while hidden & +3 Advantage to avoid being detected |
1d4 Raw Meat | Cunning & Force | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Second | Beast | Donkey | Mammal | Equine | Herd | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Rural, Plain | 1 | 22 (17+1d10) | 3 | 0 | Medium (Prone) | 0 | 0 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | +4 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | AC 14; Armor 9; Dodge 5 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 22; Natural 19; Holy 20; Demonic 18; Mental 10 | Move 6; Str 13; Agil 10; Stam 11; Int 2; Wis 8; Avd 5; Per 14; Res 10; Init 15; Cha 1 | Equine "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x6 plus Fur, Coarse/Dense x1 | None: no damage, will use mule kick: 1d6 damage for self-defense when fleeing is not possible | Trample I: 1d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Mule Kick I: if engaged in close combat in both front and back, may make an extra (1d6 dam) rear arc melee attack Flighty III: If struck in combat under any circumstance, will immediately flee & continue until passing resolve test Domesticated: cannot be "summoned" with Beast Calling |
Cannot be ridden in combat |
2d6 Raw Meat | Affection & Force | Normal | Humans (+1) & Halflings (+1) | |||||||
Second | Beast | Rat | Mammal | Vermin | Burrower | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Cosmopolitan | Urban, Subterranean | 1 | 5 (2+1d4) | 2 | 0 | Diminutive (Prone) | -8 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -2 Damage | +3 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 23; Armor 5; Dodge 18 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 4; Natural 11; Holy 2; Demonic 10; Mental 11 | Move 4; Str 3; Agil 19; Stam 2; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 18; Per 13; Res 1; Init 18; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Tunnel Sight: Can see in a limited capacity in natural subterranean darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to 1/2 their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey. Dim light and bright light function as normal. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x5 | Bite: 1d2 damage | All wounds cause Gutter filth infection, 1 dam/rnd (or day), treat as disease |
Tunneler I: Can tunnel through ground at 1/2 movement, initial burrowing counts as an instant Infected Wounds I: Sucessful wounds inflict disease or disease-like effects, requiring an immediate natural resist check, immune for up to a day if passing |
Usually in packs of 4-12 |
0-1 Raw Meat | Force & Cunning | n/a | Goblins (+1) | ||||||
Second | Beast | Bat | Mammal | Vermin | Aerial | Adult | Fruit Bat | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Tropical/Temperate | Subterranean, Forest/Jungle | 1 | 5 (2+1d4) | 1 | 0 | Diminutive (Prone) | -8 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -2 Damage | +1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -8 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 19; Armor 4; Dodge 15 |
Arcane 4; Elemental 4; Natural 11; Holy 2; Demonic 10; Mental 11 | Move 2; Str 3; Agil 19; Stam 2; Int 2; Wis 9; Avd 15; Per 11; Res 1; Init 18; Cha 1 | Vermin "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Fur/Hair x4 | Bite: 1d2 damage | Flyer II: 3x movement while flying Nocturnal: gain +5 Advantage on Perception, Initiative, and Resolve rolls taken at night, -5 Disadvantage during the day |
Usually in packs of 4-12 |
0-1 Raw Meat | Insight & Affection | n/a | |||||||
Second | Beast | Song bird | Avian | Common Bird | Aerial | Adult | yes | Realm (Eden), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Balance) | Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Sky | 1 | 5 (2+1d4) | 1 | 0 | Diminutive (Prone) | -8 | +9 Hit; 7% Crit. (94+); -2 Damage | +6 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -5 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | +2 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | AC 18; Armor 0; Dodge 18 |
Arcane 10; Elemental 4; Natural 14; Holy 2; Demonic 13; Mental 17 | Move 2; Str 3; Agil 19; Stam 2; Int 5; Wis 12; Avd 18; Per 16; Res 1; Init 18; Cha 4 | Avian "Speech" | Conventional: Relies on conventional senses, typically eyesight but also hearing and smell |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions |
Beak: 1d3 damage OR Talons: 1d3 damage | Flyer II, Advanced: 3x movement while flying and can take a 'fly-by' action at any point along straight line fly move |
0-1 Raw Meat; 0-1 feathers | Affection & Cunning | n/a | Kayden (+1) |