Includes Golems, Automatons, Primal Guardians, Warmachines, and Augmentations.
Coming soon…
Creation | Order | Creature Name | Metarace | Race | Variant/Subgroup | Class/Role | Rank/Title | Alternate Names | publish? | Origins | Climate | Habitat | Level | HP (at lvl) | XP | Threat Rating | Size | Size Mod | Melee Mod | Ranged Mod | Spirit Mod | Faith Mod | Defense | Resistances | Stats | Languages | Senses | Form | Armor | Weapons | Alternate | Skills | Traits | Extra | Drops | Description |
False | Construct | Stone Golem, Large | Golem | Humanoid | Stone | Protector | Large | yes | Realm (Strife), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Cosmopolitan | Ruins/Dungeon, Urban | 7 | 136 (90+7d12) | 56 | 6 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +3 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 14; Armor 14; Dodge 0 Modular: Body (Default target, 25% HP, complete destruction if destoyed), Arm x2 (15% HP, loss of attack if destroyed), Leg x2 (15% HP, 1/2 movement each if destroyed), Head (15% HP, can't use skills, treat as if permanently blind) |
Arcane 6; Elemental 40; Natural 21; Holy 34; Demonic 18; Mental 4 | Move 4; Str 20; Agil 3; Stam 20; Int 3; Wis 1; Avd 2; Per 8; Res 17; Init 2; Cha 0 | Understands the language of its creator but can't speak it | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Stone x2 | Large Golem Fist x2 (2d8 dam, 20% stun, crushing blow 3) or extra-large weapons | Slow: (once/battle) instant, Slows all enemies within 12" for 2 rnds, roll vs. natural resistance |
Absorption IV: Absorbs 75% of current HP before taking any damage, unless damage is of a particular type (see Extra) Trample V: 5d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Air): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat Modular I: Made up of many parts that can each be targeted seperately is using Precision Attacks. Creature level typically equals the # of parts. Each part has HP as a % of the overall HP. Largest part is usually treated as the default target and has a higher proportion of HP (see Defense) |
Absorption ignored by Water/Frost damage or if struck by weapons with Crushing Blow or Armor Piercing Immune to Earth damage Sensitive to Air damage (2x dam, but not including collision damage caused by Air powers) |
crushed stone | Typically programed with set list of objectives (see Animator in Secondary Skills section). Mason Skill require to create/repair Stone Golems. Upgraded models can have varying extra attacks/abilities based on add-ons, but increase XP/lvl for each upgraded part/add-on. | ||
False | Construct | Clay Golem, Large | Golem | Humanoid | Clay | Protector | Large | Ceramic (Porcelain, etc...) | yes | Realm (Strife), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Tropical/Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Urban | 7 | 136 (90+7d12) | 45 | 6 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +3 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 10; Armor 10; Dodge 0 Modular: Body (Default target, 25% HP, complete destruction if destoyed), Arm x2 (15% HP, loss of attack if destroyed), Leg x2 (15% HP, 1/2 movement each if destroyed), Head (15% HP, can't use skills, treat as if permanently blind) |
Arcane 6; Elemental 40; Natural 21; Holy 34; Demonic 18; Mental 4 | Move 4; Str 20; Agil 3; Stam 20; Int 3; Wis 1; Avd 2; Per 8; Res 17; Init 2; Cha 0 | Understands the language of its creator but can't speak it | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Earthen x2 | Large Golem Fist x2 (2d8 dam, 20% stun, crushing blow 3) or extra-large weapons | Haste: (once/2 rnds) instant, grants itself an extra movement or action |
Absorption II: Absorbs 25% of current HP before taking any damage, unless damage is of a particular type (see Extra) Trample V: 5d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Immune II (Earth & Storm): Immune to these types of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Frost): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat Modular I: Made up of many parts that can each be targeted seperately is using Precision Attacks. Creature level typically equals the # of parts. Each part has HP as a % of the overall HP. Largest part is usually treated as the default target and has a higher proportion of HP (see Defense) Cursed Wounds V: For any physical damage caused by this creature, if not de-cursed first, MUST attempt to resist any healing. For non-magical healing (i.e. potions) use Natural resist with no "casting" modifiers. |
Absorption ignored if struck by weapons with Crushing Blow Immune to Storm and Fire damage Sensitive to Frost, Earth, & Blunt/Impact/Crushing damage (2x dam) |
broken clay shards | Typically programed with set list of objectives (see Animator in Secondary Skills section). Potter (Craftsman) Skill required to create/repair Clay Golems. Upgraded models can have varying extra attacks/abilities based on add-ons, but increase XP/lvl for each upgraded part/add-on. | |
False | Construct | Stone Golem, Medium | Golem | Humanoid | Stone | Protector | Medium | yes | Realm (Strife), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Cosmopolitan | Ruins/Dungeon, Urban | 7 | 120 (81+7d10) | 37 | 5 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +2 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 14; Armor 14; Dodge 0 Modular: Body (Default target, 25% HP, complete destruction if destoyed), Arm x2 (15% HP, loss of attack if destroyed), Leg x2 (15% HP, 1/2 movement each if destroyed), Head (15% HP, can't use skills, treat as if permanently blind) |
Arcane 6; Elemental 36; Natural 19; Holy 34; Demonic 18; Mental 4 | Move 3; Str 18; Agil 3; Stam 18; Int 3; Wis 1; Avd 3; Per 8; Res 17; Init 3; Cha 0 | Understands the language of its creator but can't speak it | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Stone x2 | Medium Golem Fist x2 (2d6 dam, 15% stun, crushing blow 2) or large weapons | Slow: (once/battle) instant, Slows all enemies within 8" for 2 rnds, roll vs. natural resistance |
Absorption IV: Absorbs 75% of current HP before taking any damage, unless damage is of a particular type (see Extra) Trample III: 3d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Air): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat Modular I: Made up of many parts that can each be targeted seperately is using Precision Attacks. Creature level typically equals the # of parts. Each part has HP as a % of the overall HP. Largest part is usually treated as the default target and has a higher proportion of HP (see Defense) |
Absorption ignored by Water/Frost damage or if struck by weapons with Crushing Blow or Armor Piercing Immune to Earth damage Sensitive to Air damage (2x dam, but not including collision damage caused by Air powers) |
crushed stone | Typically programed with set list of objectives (see Animator in Secondary Skills section). Mason Skill require to create/repair Stone Golems. Upgraded models can have varying extra attacks/abilities based on add-ons, but increase XP/lvl for each upgraded part/add-on. | ||
False | Construct | Brass Golem, Large | Golem | Humanoid | Brass | Protector | Large | Soft Metal (Bronze, Tin, etc...) | yes | Realm (Strife), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Urban | 7 | 136 (90+7d12) | 42 | 5 | Large (Upright) | 2; Crushing Blow 2 | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +3 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 12; Armor 12; Dodge 0 Modular: Body (Default target, 25% HP, complete destruction if destoyed), Arm x2 (15% HP, loss of attack if destroyed), Leg x2 (15% HP, 1/2 movement each if destroyed), Head (15% HP, can't use skills, treat as if permanently blind) |
Arcane 6; Elemental 40; Natural 21; Holy 34; Demonic 18; Mental 4 | Move 4; Str 20; Agil 3; Stam 20; Int 3; Wis 1; Avd 2; Per 8; Res 17; Init 2; Cha 0 | Understands the language of its creator but can't speak it | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Soft Metallic x2 | Large Golem Fist x2 (2d8 dam, 20% stun, crushing blow 3) or extra-large weapons | Poison Breath: instant (once/4rounds), inflicts superior exhausting poison |
Absorption III: Absorbs 50% of current HP before taking any damage, unless damage is of a particular type (see Extra) Trample V: 5d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Storm & Caustic): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat Modular I: Made up of many parts that can each be targeted seperately is using Precision Attacks. Creature level typically equals the # of parts. Each part has HP as a % of the overall HP. Largest part is usually treated as the default target and has a higher proportion of HP (see Defense) Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) |
Absorption ignored by Fire damage or if struck by weapons with Crushing Blow or Armor Piercing Immune to Earth damage Sensitive to Storm & Acid damage (2x dam) |
crushed stone | Typically programed with set list of objectives (see Animator in Secondary Skills section). Smithing Skill required to create/repair Metal Golems. Upgraded models can have varying extra attacks/abilities based on add-ons, but increase XP/lvl for each upgraded part/add-on. | |
False | Construct | Stone Golem, Small | Golem | Humanoid | Stone | Protector | Small | yes | Realm (Strife), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Cosmopolitan | Ruins/Dungeon, Urban | 7 | 104 (72+7d8) | 23 | 4 | Small (Upright) | -2 | 0 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 14; Armor 14; Dodge 0 Modular: Body (Default target, 25% HP, complete destruction if destoyed), Arm x2 (15% HP, loss of attack if destroyed), Leg x2 (15% HP, 1/2 movement each if destroyed), Head (15% HP, can't use skills, treat as if permanently blind) |
Arcane 6; Elemental 32; Natural 17; Holy 34; Demonic 18; Mental 4 | Move 3; Str 16; Agil 4; Stam 16; Int 3; Wis 1; Avd 4; Per 8; Res 17; Init 4; Cha 0 | Understands the language of its creator but can't speak it | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Stone x2 | Small Golem Fist x2 (2d4 dam, 10% stun, crushing blow 1) or medium weapons | Slow: (once/battle) instant, Slows all enemies within 4" for 2 rnds, roll vs. natural resistance |
Absorption IV: Absorbs 75% of current HP before taking any damage, unless damage is of a particular type (see Extra) Trample I: 1d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Air): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat Modular I: Made up of many parts that can each be targeted seperately is using Precision Attacks. Creature level typically equals the # of parts. Each part has HP as a % of the overall HP. Largest part is usually treated as the default target and has a higher proportion of HP (see Defense) |
Absorption ignored by Water/Frost damage or if struck by weapons with Crushing Blow or Armor Piercing Immune to Earth damage Sensitive to Air damage (2x dam, but not including collision damage caused by Air powers) |
crushed stone | Typically programed with set list of objectives (see Animator in Secondary Skills section). Mason Skill require to create/repair Stone Golems. Upgraded models can have varying extra attacks/abilities based on add-ons, but increase XP/lvl for each upgraded part/add-on. | ||
False | Construct | Clay Golem, Medum | Golem | Humanoid | Clay | Protector | Medium | Ceramic (Porcelain, etc...) | yes | Realm (Strife), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Tropical/Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Urban | 7 | 120 (81+7d10) | 30 | 4 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +2 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 10; Armor 10; Dodge 0 Modular: Body (Default target, 25% HP, complete destruction if destoyed), Arm x2 (15% HP, loss of attack if destroyed), Leg x2 (15% HP, 1/2 movement each if destroyed), Head (15% HP, can't use skills, treat as if permanently blind) |
Arcane 6; Elemental 36; Natural 19; Holy 34; Demonic 18; Mental 4 | Move 3; Str 18; Agil 3; Stam 18; Int 3; Wis 1; Avd 3; Per 8; Res 17; Init 3; Cha 0 | Understands the language of its creator but can't speak it | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Earthen x2 | Medium Golem Fist x2 (2d6 dam, 15% stun, crushing blow 2) or large weapons | Haste: (once/2 rnds) instant, grants itself either an extra movement or action |
Absorption II: Absorbs 25% of current HP before taking any damage, unless damage is of a particular type (see Extra) Trample III: 3d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Immune II (Earth & Storm): Immune to these types of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Frost): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat Modular I: Made up of many parts that can each be targeted seperately is using Precision Attacks. Creature level typically equals the # of parts. Each part has HP as a % of the overall HP. Largest part is usually treated as the default target and has a higher proportion of HP (see Defense) Cursed Wounds V: For any physical damage caused by this creature, if not de-cursed first, MUST attempt to resist any healing. For non-magical healing (i.e. potions) use Natural resist with no "casting" modifiers. |
Absorption ignored if struck by weapons with Crushing Blow Immune to Storm and Fire damage Sensitive to Frost, Earth, & Blunt/Impact/Crushing damage (2x dam) |
broken clay shards | Typically programed with set list of objectives (see Animator in Secondary Skills section). Potter (Craftsman) Skill required to create/repair Clay Golems. Upgraded models can have varying extra attacks/abilities based on add-ons, but increase XP/lvl for each upgraded part/add-on. | |
False | Construct | Brass Golem, Medium | Golem | Humanoid | Brass | Protector | Medium | Soft Metal (Bronze, Tin, etc...) | yes | Realm (Strife), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Urban | 7 | 120 (81+7d10) | 27 | 4 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +2 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 12; Armor 12; Dodge 0 Modular: Body (Default target, 25% HP, complete destruction if destoyed), Arm x2 (15% HP, loss of attack if destroyed), Leg x2 (15% HP, 1/2 movement each if destroyed), Head (15% HP, can't use skills, treat as if permanently blind) |
Arcane 6; Elemental 36; Natural 19; Holy 34; Demonic 18; Mental 4 | Move 3; Str 18; Agil 3; Stam 18; Int 3; Wis 1; Avd 3; Per 8; Res 17; Init 3; Cha 0 | Understands the language of its creator but can't speak it | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Soft Metallic x2 | Medium Golem Fist x2 (2d6 dam, 15% stun, crushing blow 2) or large weapons | Poison Breath: instant (once/4rounds), inflicts complex exhausting poison |
Absorption III: Absorbs 50% of current HP before taking any damage, unless damage is of a particular type (see Extra) Trample III: 3d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Storm & Caustic): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat Modular I: Made up of many parts that can each be targeted seperately is using Precision Attacks. Creature level typically equals the # of parts. Each part has HP as a % of the overall HP. Largest part is usually treated as the default target and has a higher proportion of HP (see Defense) Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) |
Absorption ignored by Fire damage or if struck by weapons with Crushing Blow or Armor Piercing Immune to Earth damage Sensitive to Storm & Acid damage (2x dam) |
scrap brass | Typically programed with set list of objectives (see Animator in Secondary Skills section). Smithing Skill required to create/repair Metal Golems. Upgraded models can have varying extra attacks/abilities based on add-ons, but increase XP/lvl for each upgraded part/add-on. | |
False | Construct | Animated Armor, Plate | Animated Object | Armor | Plate | Guardian | yes | Realm (Strife), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (N/A) | Cosmopolitan | Ruins/Dungeon, Urban | 4 | 61 (39+4d10) | 30 | 4 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -1 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | -4 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -6 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | AC 56; Armor 56; Dodge 0; Stiff 8 |
Arcane 36; Elemental 26; Natural 14; Holy 34; Demonic 18; Mental 4 | Move 3; Str 14; Agil 3; Stam 13; Int 3; Wis 1; Avd 3; Per 6; Res 17; Init 5; Cha 0 | Understands the language of its creator but can't speak it | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Plate, Full x8 | Gauntlet Smash x2 (1d6+2 phys. damage, 5% stun) | if the Animated armor is holding a weapon, it may instead attack with that weapon. If an equipped weapon would inflict more than 8 damage the animated armor cannot use an offhand attack. |
When animated armor remains motionless it is visually indistinguishable from regular armor, however detect magic or sense spirit reveal the domain of the power that animates it (typically Arcane) |
Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat Resistant VI: +30 resistance to this type of damage/effects (typically already added) Implacable: Immune to any effect that reduces movement, including difficult terrain and triple layering of armor |
If failing to resist a Dispel effect that works against the appropriate Domain, the Animated Armor becomes inactive for 1 round (or 1 minute out of combat), or if the Dispel crits the Animated Armor immediately falls apart and is destroyed Resistance VI (Additional +30 Resistance already added as Arcane but if animated by alternate means, subtract that from Arcane and add to appropriate Resistance) |
Armor is effectively destroyed upon reaching 0 HP and is of no use or value | |||
False | Construct | Clay Golem, Small | Golem | Humanoid | Clay | Protector | Small | Ceramic (Porcelain, etc...) | yes | Realm (Strife), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Tropical/Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Urban | 7 | 104 (72+7d8) | 18 | 3 | Small (Upright) | -2 | 0 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 10; Armor 10; Dodge 0 Modular: Body (Default target, 25% HP, complete destruction if destoyed), Arm x2 (15% HP, loss of attack if destroyed), Leg x2 (15% HP, 1/2 movement each if destroyed), Head (15% HP, can't use skills, treat as if permanently blind) |
Arcane 6; Elemental 32; Natural 17; Holy 34; Demonic 18; Mental 4 | Move 3; Str 16; Agil 4; Stam 16; Int 3; Wis 1; Avd 4; Per 8; Res 17; Init 4; Cha 0 | Understands the language of its creator but can't speak it | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Earthen x2 | Small Golem Fist x2 (2d4 dam, 10% stun, crushing blow 1) or medium weapons | Haste: (once/2 rnds) instant, grants itself either an extra movement or action |
Absorption II: Absorbs 25% of current HP before taking any damage, unless damage is of a particular type (see Extra) Trample I: 1d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Immune II (Earth & Storm): Immune to these types of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity (Frost): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat Modular I: Made up of many parts that can each be targeted seperately is using Precision Attacks. Creature level typically equals the # of parts. Each part has HP as a % of the overall HP. Largest part is usually treated as the default target and has a higher proportion of HP (see Defense) Cursed Wounds V: For any physical damage caused by this creature, if not de-cursed first, MUST attempt to resist any healing. For non-magical healing (i.e. potions) use Natural resist with no "casting" modifiers. |
Absorption ignored if struck by weapons with Crushing Blow Immune to Storm and Fire damage Sensitive to Frost, Earth, & Blunt/Impact/Crushing damage (2x dam) |
broken clay shards | Typically programed with set list of objectives (see Animator in Secondary Skills section). Potter (Craftsman) Skill required to create/repair Clay Golems. Upgraded models can have varying extra attacks/abilities based on add-ons, but increase XP/lvl for each upgraded part/add-on. | |
False | Construct | Brass Golem, Small | Golem | Humanoid | Brass | Protector | Small | Soft Metal (Bronze, Tin, etc...) | yes | Realm (Strife), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Urban | 7 | 104 (72+7d8) | 17 | 3 | Small (Upright) | -2 | 0 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +1 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 12; Armor 12; Dodge 0 Modular: Body (Default target, 25% HP, complete destruction if destoyed), Arm x2 (15% HP, loss of attack if destroyed), Leg x2 (15% HP, 1/2 movement each if destroyed), Head (15% HP, can't use skills, treat as if permanently blind) |
Arcane 6; Elemental 32; Natural 17; Holy 34; Demonic 18; Mental 4 | Move 3; Str 16; Agil 4; Stam 16; Int 3; Wis 1; Avd 4; Per 8; Res 17; Init 4; Cha 0 | Understands the language of its creator but can't speak it | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Soft Metallic x2 | Small Golem Fist x2 (2d4 dam, 10% stun, crushing blow 1) or medium weapons | Poison Breath: instant (once/4rounds), inflicts simple exhausting poison |
Absorption III: Absorbs 50% of current HP before taking any damage, unless damage is of a particular type (see Extra) Trample I: 1d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Storm & Caustic): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat Modular I: Made up of many parts that can each be targeted seperately is using Precision Attacks. Creature level typically equals the # of parts. Each part has HP as a % of the overall HP. Largest part is usually treated as the default target and has a higher proportion of HP (see Defense) Breath II: Action, must recharge after use, +25% chance per turn to recharge (stacking) or automatic after a half rest, hits an 8" length by 3" width cone (or cone template), use Ranged attack modifiers against apppropriate resistance (target can add dodge to resist if partially covered and choosing to roll away) |
Absorption ignored by Fire damage or if struck by weapons with Crushing Blow or Armor Piercing Immune to Earth damage Sensitive to Storm & Acid damage (2x dam) |
scrap brass | Typically programed with set list of objectives (see Animator in Secondary Skills section). Smithing Skill required to create/repair Metal Golems. Upgraded models can have varying extra attacks/abilities based on add-ons, but increase XP/lvl for each upgraded part/add-on. | |
False | Construct | Wood Golem, Medium | Golem | Humanoid | Wood | Protector | Medium | Soft Wood (Cedar, Pine, Spruce, etc...) | yes | Realm (Strife), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Tropical/Temperate | Forest/Jungle, Urban | 7 | 120 (81+7d10) | 14 | 3 | Medium (Upright) | 0 | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+); +2 Damage | +4 Hit; 6% Crit. (95+) | -1 Hit; 5% Crit. (96+) | -3 Hit; 4% Crit. (97+) | AC 4; Armor 4; Dodge 0 Modular: Body (Default target, 25% HP, complete destruction if destoyed), Arm x2 (15% HP, loss of attack if destroyed), Leg x2 (15% HP, 1/2 movement each if destroyed), Head (15% HP, can't use skills, treat as if permanently blind) |
Arcane 6; Elemental 36; Natural 19; Holy 34; Demonic 18; Mental 4 | Move 3; Str 18; Agil 3; Stam 18; Int 3; Wis 1; Avd 3; Per 8; Res 17; Init 3; Cha 0 | Understands the language of its creator but can't speak it | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Bark, Light x2 | Medium Golem Fist x2 (1d6+1d4 dam, 20% stun) or large weapons | Splinters: instant, if the wood golem took damage during the previous round it can fling splinters up to 15", treat as a LoS physical ranged attack that causes 3d4 damage |
Absorption II: Absorbs 25% of current HP before taking any damage, unless damage is of a particular type (see Extra) Trample I: 1d6 dam, does not effect targets of equal size or larger than the creature Sensitivity (Fire): Incoming damage of this type is doubled Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat Modular I: Made up of many parts that can each be targeted seperately is using Precision Attacks. Creature level typically equals the # of parts. Each part has HP as a % of the overall HP. Largest part is usually treated as the default target and has a higher proportion of HP (see Defense) |
Absorption ignored by if struck by weapons with Cleaving Immune to Nature damage Sensitive to Fire damage (2x dam) |
soft wood scraps | Typically programed with set list of objectives (see Animator in Secondary Skills section). Carpenter (Craftsman) Skill require to create/repair Wood Golems. Upgraded models can have varying extra attacks/abilities based on add-ons, but increase XP/lvl for each upgraded part/add-on. | |
False | Construct | Animated Tin Soldier | Animated Object | Toy | Tin | Swarm | Tiny | yes | Realm (Strife), Alignment (Neutral), Polarity (Order) | Temperate | Ruins/Dungeon, Urban | 1 | 14 (10+1d6) | 7 | 2 | Tiny (Upright) | -4 | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -2 Hit; 3% Crit. (98+) | -7 Hit; 2% Crit. (99+) | -9 Hit; 1% Crit. (100+) | AC 12; Armor 12; Dodge 0 Quick Recovery: recovering from a knockdown only costs an instant, may still move as normal |
Arcane 6; Elemental 16; Natural 9; Holy 36; Demonic 19; Mental 4 | Move 2; Str 12; Agil 8; Stam 8; Int 3; Wis 1; Avd 6; Per 8; Res 18; Init 6; Cha 0 | Understands the language of its creator but can't speak it | Blind: This creature is naturally or otherwise blind and must rely solely on other senses. When outside the range of its other senses, it automatically fails any Perception test Blindsense I: Can mentally (or otherwise) perceive its surrounds without conventional senses at a range equal to their perception. Uneffected by light or darkness, and immune to blind or any other sensory depriving effect. |
Corporeal: Comprised of physical and tangible substance that can be interacted with under normal conditions Inorganic: Does not eat, sleep, breathe, or bleed (immune to any effect related to these); Immune to stun, poison, disease, and most non-physical faith-based damage/effects; typically destroyed if reaching 0 HP |
Hide, Soft Metallic x2 | Tiny Tin Weapon (1d3 dam) | Charge of the Tin Brigade: instant, gain +1 movement & +1 damage for 1 rnd for every other Tin Soldier occupying the same 1"x1" space (max +3) |
Absorption III: Absorbs 50% of current HP before taking any damage, unless damage is of a particular type (see Extra) Immune (Earth): Immune to this type of damage and any associated effects Sensitivity II (Storm & Caustic): Incoming damage of these types is doubled Mindless: Does not possess the ability to truly think or reason, instead operating on some form of predetermined will or set of parameters; immune to taunt, fear and all mental or pyschological damage and effects; dodge always equals zero regardless of Avd. Stat |
Absorption ignored by Fire damage or if struck by weapons with Crushing Blow or Armor Piercing Immune to Earth damage Sensitive to Storm & Acid damage (2x dam) |
scrap tin | Typically programed with set list of objectives (see Animator in Secondary Skills section). Smithing Skill required to create/repair Metal Golems. Upgraded models can have varying extra attacks/abilities based on add-ons, but increase XP/lvl for each upgraded part/add-on. |