Title Passives are automatically granted when the requirements for a specific Title are met. Title Passives may be specific to a single class or apply to more than one class. For more details on how to unlock Title Passives see the Titles page.
Passive Type | Skill Name | Race Restriction | Class Restriction | Description |
Title | Thrill Seeker | n/a | Barbarian, Weapon Master, Berserker | when attacking opponents that are 2 sizes larger than you, receive +3 damage and +10 hit with melee and ranged physical attacks, this bonus increases by +1 dam for every additional size beyond that |
Title | Salute | n/a | Knight, Paladin, Samurai | when fighting a weaker and/or smaller opponent one-on-one the salute allows the combat to proceed without losing honor. This does not count as an instant or an action, but must still be stated prior to attacking. |
Title | Heroism | n/a | Barbarian, Vigilante, Warrior, Soldier | Once per day, activate at the start of your turn if standing alone in base contact with multiple targets that are at least the same size or larger than you; immediately use a single instant skill at no cost prior to taking the rest of your turn, and until no longer outnumbered if reduced below 0 HP may elect to remain conscious for an additional round and make an auto-crit main hand attack/skill |
Title | Tactical Prowess | n/a | Knight, Soldier | If passing an Initiative test first, may use an additional instant each round if it is tactical, non-damage, or non-combat in nature |
Title | Spirit Echo | n/a | Mage, Battlemage, Wizard | if spirit powers were used in a given combat, 25% chance that after the given combat has ended you will gain back 1d12+Intellect Spirit points |
Title | Rousing Sermon | n/a | Cleric, Monk, Priest | Once per day may deliver an inspiring or condemning Sermon related to your chosen faith while in combat; must surrender an entire turn and become Vulnerable; if passing a Faith test entire party auto-hits their next attack OR all enemies that are from the 3rd Creation roll 1d10 where 1=convert & switch sides for battle, 2-3=convert & leave battle, 4-6= spend a turn pondering (Vulnerable), 7-9= become angry (+2 dam), 10= become enraged (+5 dam), generally does not work on PC's, NPC's, Bosses, or Mini-Bosses; if failing a Faith test then Sermon has no effect and you lose all Faith |
Title | Sneaky | n/a | Thief, Ranger, Assassin, Ninja, Soldier | -3 Disadvantage when opponents are attempting to actively or passively detect you while hiding (does not apply to Stealth tests). The first ranged attack made in a battle while hidden does not make you undetected (no stealth test required) |
Title | Lawless | n/a | Vigilante, Zealot, Swashbuckler | when charged with lawless behaviour, arrested, put on trial, etc... Roll 1d10, 1=get off scot-free, 2-7=reduced sentence/effects, 8-10=no effect |
Title | Lay on hands | n/a | Cleric, Priest, Paladin, Monk | once/day, bring targets health up by 50% of max, must touch, can be done in combat by using any healing power in base contact with target, effectively replacing that powers normal effects |
Title | Survival Instincts | n/a | Shaman, Druid, Berserker, Ranger, Barbarian | receive a bonus +10% when resting and take 25% less damage from environmental effects and AoE style attacks |
Title | Shield Master | n/a | Guardian | receive a bonus +5% block w/ shields and +2 dam to shield blows, cannot equip anything other than a shield in the off hand slot and cannot equip two handed melee weapons without the 'Shield' attribute or Strongman Rank 3, however may use crossbows while shield is equipped (deal with it your using a shield...) |
Title | Challenge | n/a | Soldier, Warrior, Pit-Fighter, Barbarian | once/day, at the start of your turn you can challenge a single sentient target to single combat (circumstances permitting, i.e. typically needs to be a leader or commander of some kind), all other combat stops until challenge is resolved (by killing or knocking unconscious); winner = +5 hit/+1 dam for entire party, loser = entire party will flee until passing an resolve test, if target refuses then treat as a win for the challenger, cheat = auto lose |
Title | Fanatical Beliefs | n/a | Zealot, Priest | once/day, may re-roll a failed Faith Difficulty roll (Faith gain or lost based on second roll) |
Title | Ninja...Vanish | n/a | Ninja | once/day, can always elect to hide regardless of LOS rules and current combat situation |
Title | Deep Meditation | n/a | Runeweaver, Martial Artist, Shaolin | upgrades Standard Focus Meditation to also heal 1d6HP per Tier if not attacked or disrupted |
Title | Final Absolution | n/a | Zealot | if convincing a target to admit to their crimes or profess their guilt, all future attacks made against that target have +50% critical hit chance until the target is slain |
Title | Showmanship | n/a | Pit-Fighter, Weapon Master | Once per battle, if fighting in front of a willing audience may re-roll a failed hit, this effect is refreshed if landing a killing blow |
Title | Shield Brace | n/a | Guardian | Once per day, activate a the start of your turn, doubles the block advantage of your shield but prevents any form of attacking, while active passing a strength test will knockback all targets in base contact by 1", effect lasts until failing to block (including due to a critical hit) or choosing to attack or otherwise voluntarily cancelling the effect |
Title | Call of the Faithful | n/a | Cleric | Once per day, all friendlies within range equal to current Faith gain +3 Initiative (including Initiative Score), +3 Resolve and immediately loose any Vulnerable effects they current possess |
Title | Deadeye | n/a | Weapon Master | Once per day, roll vs. Perception to have your next ranged attack auto kill a target that is Large size or less, and is not a PC, NPC, boss, leader, commander, or other such special or named target; if failing immediately lose 2 Focus |
Title | Trophy Kill | n/a | Weapon Master | For each signficant trophy you visibly carry into battle gain +1 melee damage but suffer -1 Disadvantage on Agility and Charm stat test (examples: a skull hanging from your belt, necklace of elf ears, severed head mounted on your armor, etc...) |
Title | Tribal Power | n/a | Shaman, Priest | Once per day, may increase the critical cast chance of a power by 5% per tribe member or friendly in within 10" |
Title | Foresight | n/a | Druid | Once per day, see a glimpse of future events just before they happen, in combat this can be used to force a target that hit you to to re-roll the hit (must keep second roll) |
Title | Prophecy | n/a | Druid | Once per day, if first passing a Faith test receive a detailed prophetic vision of a future event or inspiration revelation, in combat must surrender an entire turn and become Vulnerable PRIOR to rolling but if successful entire party gains immediate gains a free turn; if failing lose all faith |
Title | Rhythms of Magic | n/a | Runeweaver | Once per day, if switching Attunements immediately cast an additional Spirit instant that has +10% Critical Cast chance |
Title | Cheat Death | n/a | Thief | once per day, if taking fatal damage passing a Stealth Check will instead reduce Stealth to 0 and HP to your choice of either 1 or 0 |
Title | Bathe-in-Blood | n/a | Berserker | if you struck a killing blow on your previous turn you may surrender your turn to hide, even if in LoS of an opponent, and convert all Fury into Stealth |
Title | Funeral Dirge | n/a | Swashbuckler | once per day, must pass a Stealth check, "you tell the tale of the target's death to them from the shadows..." the next 2 attacks of any kind you make against the target do max damage if they hit |
Title | Swift Hunt | n/a | Ranger | once per day, pass a Stealth check to make a free move (up to your full movement stat) that does not reduce or break Stealth in any way; does not count as Disengaging from Combat |
Title | Silent Death | n/a | Assassin | Once per day, if undetected and passing a Stealth test, your next melee or ranged attack silently auto kills a target that is Large size or less, and is not a PC, NPC, boss, leader, commander, or other such special or named target; if failing Stealth is reduced to zero and you are no longer hidden |
Title | Harness Chi | n/a | Shaolin | If failing a Faith Difficulty roll may choose to lose HP instead of Faith at a rate of 3HP Faith lost |
Title | From The Shadows | n/a | Ninja | once per day, must be in shadows, next set of fist/kick/strike actions does not reduce stealth and grants the additional ability to move up to 3" away from target without counting as Disengaging from Combat, these actions only gives away your positron if failing a Stealth Check, regardless of which arc they attack from |
Title | Volatile Magic | n/a | Mage, Wizard | Once per day, all powers cast on your next turn count as being Volatile powers; If already Volatile, then double the critical cast/miscast modifiers for Volatile powers. |
Title | Nullify Magic | n/a | Battlemage | Once per day, reduce your Spirit to zero to prevent any Spirit power from being cast in a 10" radius around you for 1 round; any existing Spirit effects are treated as though a Mass Dispel was cast; effects friend and foe |
Title | Mounted Exemplar | n/a | Knight | While mounted, increase the range and effect of all active Oaths as though you were 2 levels higher than your current level (up to a maximum of 22) |
Title | Anointed Virtue | n/a | Knight | May select two Virtues at the start of every battle instead of only one |
Title | Relic Defender | n/a | Knight | While wielding or defending your relic gain +3 Advantage on all Resolve tests and re-roll the first failed Resistance check, block, parry, or wardoff each round |
Title | Benediction | n/a | Priest | Once per day, generate 1 Action Points (AP) per 2 Faith consumed, may assign AP to friendlies w/in 10" (distributed as you see fit) to redeem at any time during their own turn; 1AP=free instant, 1AP=free move, 2AP=free action, (max one each) |
Title | Crusaders Glory | n/a | Paladin | Immediately gain 1 Faith every time you land a killing blow against at target that is directly related to you current Crusade |
Title | Bannerman | n/a | Samurai | While carrying the banner of your Shogun affixed to your armor (or otherwise under orders from your Shogun) re-roll any failed Resolve test |
Title | Burden of Secrets | n/a | Monk | +5 to cast and +5% Critical Cast on all Faith Powers; On any miscast lose an additonal 1 Faith |
Title | Mindless Rage | n/a | Berserker, Barbarian | Start each battle with Fury equal to your current level, however if during the battle Fury drops below this amount you go into a mindless rage and always attack (or move to do so) the closest target whether friend or foe, until Fury goes above this value again |
Title | Legendary Action | n/a | Barbarian, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior, Pit-Fighter, Guardian, Swashbuckler, Weapon Master | Once per battle, gain an extra action on your own turn. |