Class Passives are automatically granted at character creation based upon which class you choose. They are typically designed to give a unique flavor to that classes interaction with its associated Primary Skill system, and for mixed classes often grants a measure of synergy between the two Primary Skill mechanics used by that class.
Passive Type | Skill Name | Race Restriction | Class Restriction | Description |
Class | Unarmed Alacrity | n/a | Martial Artist, Runeweaver, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Shaolin | Unarmed focus skill actions can also be used as an instant |
Class | One-Against-Many | n/a | Martial Artist, Runeweaver, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | When in base contact with more than one opponent, gain an extra instant that can only be used for a Focus skill |
Class | Battle Zen | n/a | Martial Artist, Runeweaver, Ninja, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | When not in base contact with an opponent, gain an extra instant that can only be used for a Focus skill |
Class | Double Reaction | n/a | Martial Artist, Runeweaver, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | You may always take a second reaction each turn, provided it is a Focus skill |
Class | Extra Attack | n/a | Martial Artist, Runeweaver, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | Gain an extra MH attack action, after your first action is fully completed, but can ONLY be a Focus skill "finisher" |
Class | Hulk | n/a | Barbarian | HP dice that are below 1/2 value are re-rolled until they are not (i.e. reroll any 1-6 on a d12 HP dice). Can have two Pacts active at any time. Gain +1 fury each time causing damage (i.e. 1H wpn grants +2, crit +3; 2H wpn grants +3, crit +5). While at Max fury, gain 1 Toughness |
Class | My Word is my Bond | n/a | Knight | After completing at least an uninterrupted half-rest, you may attempt to stack up to two codes stacks in each Code that you currently have available.; May always have at least 1 Oath and 1 Virtue active at the same time. At level 6 may have second oath or virtue active. At level 11 may have a third Oath or Virtue active. active; Can use an instant to swap out a single Oath or Virtue during battle |
Class | Stance Mastery | n/a | Soldier | The Vigor cost of all stances is cut in half. Can begin each battle with a Stance already active and can switch stances at the start of each turn without taking up an instant (must still pay the vigor cost). |
Class | Arcane Mastery | n/a | Mage | When using powers from the Arcane Domain, gain +1/5 lvls damage and bonus critical hit chance equal to current Max Spirit divided by 20; all Arcane spirit costs are reduced by 10% (minimum 1 reduction but never reducing costs below 1) |
Class | Elemental Mastery | n/a | Mage | When using powers from the Elemental Domain, gain +1/5 lvls damage and bonus critical hit chance equal to current Max Spirit divided by 20 |
Class | Natural Mastery | n/a | Mage | When using powers from the Natural Domain, gain +1/5 lvls damage and bonus critical hit chance equal to current Max Spirit divided by 20 |
Class | Dedication | n/a | Priest | Can ignore casting interupts if passing a Faith or Resolve test; once per battle may re-roll a failed Faith Difficulty roll (Faith gain or lost based on second roll); Gain +1 Advantage on all Holy or Demonic Faith powers |
Class | Master of Stealth | n/a | Thief | Offensive or aggressive stealth actions only costs 1 instead of 2 stealth. Treat all weapons as Stealthy unless they are Loud. Can Hide as an instant instead of an action. |
Class | Combo Flurry | n/a | Martial Artist | In a given round, each consecutive Focus Dice that scores at least a Fair Execution becomes part of a combo. Focus Dice gain +1 to thier result for every prior dice in the combo. Scoring a Poor Execution cancels the combo, but otherwise if the combo is maintained, then the final Focus Dice rolled that round is guaranteed at least a Good Execution or better. |
Class | Blood and Honor | n/a | Vigilante | Anytime fury is consumed stack up +1 advantage for Honor test. All stacked advantage must be sued for the next Honor test taken. Anytime a code is stacked gain +1 fury. While at max Fury, all Honor tests gain +1 advantage. |
Class | Bred for Battle | n/a | Warrior | All vigor/fury actions cost 1 less if they were preceded by an instant of the opposite type (i.e. Fury instant -> Vigor action OR Vigor instant -> Fury action). Regain +1d4 Vigor, at the start of any round where your Fury is at max. |
Class | Elemental Fury | n/a | Shaman | Whenever inflicting damage with a power from the Elemental Domain gain +1 fury (+2 for a critical hit) and whenever using a fury skill your next offensive elemental power has +10% crit; gain +2 damage with Elemental Shock and Strike powers; all Elemental spirit costs are reduced by 10% (minimum 1 reduction but never reducing costs below 1); While at max Fury, gain +1 spell power. |
Class | Natural Fury | n/a | Shaman | Whenever inflicting damage with a power from the Natural Domain gain +1 fury (+2 for a critical hit) and whenever using a fury skill your next offensive elemental power has +10% crit; gain +2 damage with Natural Shock and Strike powers; all Natural spirit costs are reduced by 10% (minimum 1 reduction but never reducing costs below 1); While at max Fury, gain +1 spell power. |
Class | Militant Faith | n/a | Zealot | If using a faith power to benefit a party member or inflict damage, gain +1 fury (2 if crit). When casting a direct damage offensive Faith power OR if the Zealot caused physical damage in their previous turn, gain +1 Advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls. While at max Fury, gain +1 advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls. |
Class | Caged Fury | n/a | Berserker | Passively gain 1 fury per round of combat while hiding; any stealth skill that does not cause direct damage generates 1 fury; using ANY fury skill immediately converts all available Stealth directly into Fury (up to max Fury) and makes you auto detected once your action is complete; cannot Hide again until Fury returns to zero. While at max Fury, gain +3% melee crit. |
Class | Foul Temper | n/a | Pit-Fighter | Whenever Focus is lost, immediately gain 10% of fury max on top of current fury. After any successful defensive reaction, gain +1 Focus. While at max fury, gain +1 melee damage. Any time Fury is reduced to zero, gain +1 Focus. |
Class | The Best Defense | n/a | Guardian | If using an instant Honor skill of any kind to defend an ally, the next Vigor action has +10hit & +1dam per 5 lvls; activating Defensive Stance or any Vigor skill with a taunt effect also allows a chance to stack a code |
Class | Spiritual Authority | n/a | Wizard | Consuming a code returns 0.5 spirit/lvl and any time a spell causes a critical hit automatically gain an extra code stack; all Natural spirit costs are reduced by 10% (rounded up to 1 but never reducing costs below 1) |
Class | Selfless Resolve | n/a | Paladin | If using an Honor skill to benefit a party member within the last round (including oaths), gain +1 Advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for any faith power used. |
Class | Teller of Tales | n/a | Swashbuckler | Successfully stacking a code causes next stealth skill to have +2 hit/lvl. Using a non-direct damage stealth skill causes next code consumed to count has having 1 bonus stack. Can never lose honor while undetected. |
Class | Honor in Battle | n/a | Samurai | While any oath is active, any damage taken that is 5 or less does not reduce focus (stacks with similar Specialist Skills); any time a 'Perfect' is scored automatically gain an extra code stack |
Class | Adrenaline Casting | n/a | Battlemage | While in base contact with an enemy, can use a non-melee action-based spirit powers as an instant if self-casting or casting on a target that is not in base contact (LOS still applies), but if doing so cannot cast for your action; gain +10 to hit with Shock and Strike powers or physical attacks that have been Imbued; gain +10 to all resistances while any self-cast Ward power is active |
Class | Warrior Priest | n/a | Cleric | If in close combat gain +0.5% crit & +1 hit/cast & +0.5 spell power per lvl on melee-based offensive powers & all defensive powers; bonus doubles if used a vigor action in previous turn; everytime you gain faith you also gain an equal amount of Vigor |
Class | Hit and Run | n/a | Ranger | If Ranger used a stealth action in the previous round gain +1 movement this round and moving out of base contact does not count as disengaging from combat, after moving regain 1 vigor |
Class | Marksman | n/a | Weapon Master | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored with a Ranged or Thrown weapon automatically gain 2 vigor per 5 lvls. Any time a 'Critical hit' is scored with a ranged Vigor skill gain +1 to next focus dice roll. Gain an additional +1 damage with Ranged or Thrown attacks at every Title. |
Class | Swordmaster | n/a | Weapon Master | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored with a Sword automatically gain 2 vigor per 5 lvls. Any time a 'Critical hit' is scored with a melee Vigor skill gain +1 to next focus dice roll. Gain an additional +2% Parry with swords at every Title. |
Class | Hammered | n/a | Weapon Master | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored with an Axe automatically gain 2 vigor per 5 lvls. Any time a 'Critical hit' is scored with a melee Vigor skill gain +1 to next focus dice roll. Gain an additional +1 Crushing Blow with Bludgeons at every Title. |
Class | Axe Fiend | n/a | Weapon Master | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored with an Axe automatically gain 2 vigor per 5 lvls. Any time a 'Critical hit' is scored with a melee Vigor skill gain +1 to next focus dice roll. Gain an additional +1% Cleaving with Axes at every Title. |
Class | Reaper | n/a | Weapon Master | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored with a Polearm automatically gain 2 vigor per 5 lvls. Any time a 'Critical hit' is scored with a melee Vigor skill gain +1 to next focus dice roll. Gain an additional +1 damage with Polearms at every Title. |
Class | Arcane Insight | n/a | Druid | Any successful Spirit power from the Arcane Domain generates 1 Faith; Faith can also be consumed in place of Spirit to cast Arcane powers |
Class | Elemental Insight | n/a | Druid | Any successful Spirit power from the Elemental Domain generates 1 Faith; Faith can also be consumed in place of Spirit to cast Elemental powers |
Class | Natural Insight | n/a | Druid | Any successful Spirit power from the Natural Domain generates 1 Faith; Faith can also be consumed in place of Spirit to cast Natural powers; Natural Domain spirit costs are reduced by 10% (minimum 1 reduction but never reducing costs below 1); Gain +1 Advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for all Primal Faith powers |
Class | Utility Caster | n/a | Assassin | Spells that do not cause direct damage of any kind (i.e. crowd control, buffs, de-buffs, etc...) cost 20% less spirit to cast (cannot reduce cost below 1) and increase stealth by +1; |
Class | Arcane Focus | n/a | Runeweaver | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored the next Arcane Domain power costs half as much and has +1% crit per level, also self-casting any Arcane 'Boon', 'Empower', 'Ward', or 'Shield' Spirit power automatically regenerates 1 focus; upgrades standard Focus Meditation to allow simultaneous use of Spiritual Attunement |
Class | Elemental Focus | n/a | Runeweaver | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored the next Elemental Domain power costs half as much and has +1% crit per level, also self-casting any Elemental 'Boon', 'Empower', 'Ward', or 'Shield' Spirit power automatically regenerates 1 focus; upgrades standard Focus Meditation to allow simultaneous use of Spiritual Attunement |
Class | Natural Focus | n/a | Runeweaver | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored the next Natural Domain power costs half as much and has +1% crit per level, also self-casting any Natural 'Boon', 'Empower', 'Ward', or 'Shield' Spirit power automatically regenerates 1 focus; upgrades standard Focus Meditation to allow simultaneous use of Spiritual Attunement |
Class | Pacifist | n/a | Monk | If in the previous round the monk caused no direct damage they gain +1 Advantage per 5 lvls on Stealth tests and Faith Difficulty rolls; Any Faith power that heals or directly benefits a party member generates +1 Stealth if cast while hiding |
Class | Meditative Faith | n/a | Shaolin | When using standard Focus Meditation may also simultaneously activated any action based Tier0 Faith power; successful faith actions cause next unarmed/kick to do 50% more damage; Gain +1 Advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for all Psionic Faith powers |
Class | Silent Killer | n/a | Ninja | While hiding kicks/fist attacks count as strikes, if preceded by a stealth instant then focus actions gain +1 dam/5 lvls; Focus instants never cause Stealth reduction; Focus Meditation can be activated for free when spending a whole turn to hide |
Class | Dedicated Caster | n/a | Mage, Priest, Druid | When suffering a Miscast on an instant power, you may still cast an action power as normal. |