Passive Skills represent skills that are either “always on” or skills that can only be used once per day but do not consume an instant or action. Typically they are not effected by Silence or other CC effects that prevent the use of skills. However GM discretion should be used to determine if a particular Passive Skill may not apply in a specific situation.
Passive skills are divided up into the following categories:
Passive Type | Skill Name | Race Restriction | Class Restriction | Faith Path | School of Spirit Power | Description |
Racial | Willpower | High Elf | n/a | n/a | n/a | once/day, may elect at any time (even if critically hit) to automatically resist a single faith or spirit based attack, effect or de-buff |
Racial | Animal Speech | Wild Elf | n/a | n/a | n/a | can understand animals and communicate with them on a basic level; may re-roll a failed Animal Training stat roll-off; during combat may dissuade animals from attacking (counts as an instant) if winning a charm vs resolve stat roll-off (results may vary by animal and effects are often temporary), if used against domestic/trained/mount animals the trainer/riders resolve may be used |
Racial | Ingenuity | Gnome | n/a | n/a | n/a | An uncanny ability to make split second adjustments to avoid a variety of disastrous failures. Re-roll any critical miss, miscast or misfire once per battle (must abide by second roll). |
Racial | Tunnel Sight | Mountain Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Gnome | n/a | n/a | n/a | retain a limited capacity to see in shades of grey while in natural subterranean darkness, at a range equal to 1/2 Perception |
Racial | Implacable | Dwarf | n/a | n/a | n/a | Immune to all movement penalties, including difficult terrain and triple layering of armor but excluding those that effectively reduce movement to zero (i.e. Snared and Immobilized CC effects) |
Racial | Lucky | Halfling | n/a | n/a | n/a | once per day, may re-roll a single undesirable dice roll, but must abide by second roll (this can include forcing an enemy to re-roll) |
Racial | Light of Foot | Halfling, Gnome, High Elf, Wild Elf | n/a | n/a | n/a | Can sneak (move while hidden) at 3/4 speed instead of the regular 1/2 speed and always ignore naturally occuring Difficult Terrain movement penalties |
Racial | Industrious | Human | n/a | n/a | n/a | Humans are exceptionally hard working and gain an additional secondary skill point at character creation, and again at level 5, 10, 15, and 20 |
Racial | Outcast | Half-elf, Half-Orc | n/a | n/a | n/a | reputation gains with common and other mainstream groups are cut in half but doubled for outcast groups |
Racial | Half-Breed | Half-elf, Half-Orc | n/a | n/a | n/a | may choose one other Racial Passive that represents a dominant trait from their elven or orcish heritage (I.e. Half-Orc could have Savagery or Thick Footed; while Half-elf could have Willpower, Animal Speech, or Light of Foot) |
Racial | Savagery | Orc, Desert Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | after landing a killing blow gain +1 physical damage per 5 levels (round up) until the end of your NEXT turn; this effect is refreshed each time a killing blow is scored, potentially extending the duration |
Racial | Bull Charge | Minotaur | n/a | n/a | n/a | add straight line distance (in inches) as a damage bonus to a single melee attack made after moving on foot |
Racial | Mule Kick | Centaur | n/a | n/a | n/a | can elect to make an additional 1d6 attack (frontal arc only) or an additional 3d6 attack (rear arc only), can equip + damage horseshoes to gain bonuses with Mule Kick |
Racial | Flight | Kayden | n/a | n/a | n/a | can fly at twice their movement speed, distance is measured in 3D space, while airborne still count as moving even if stationary adding a further -5 to hit with ranged and reload-ranged weapons, can't wear back armor but have +3 armor from Dense Feathers |
Racial | Large Race | Centaur, Minotaur, Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | larger than average race, must oversize all armor; +10% Critical Miss chance if wielding small weapons; gain 1 free Secondary Skill point into any Brute Skill during character creation |
Racial | Small Race | Halfling, Gnome | n/a | n/a | n/a | smaller than average race, must under-size all armor; +10% Critical Miss chance if wielding extra large (XL sized) weapons, however gain a natural +2 damage with any small (S sized) weapon that they have Proficiency with |
Racial | Thick Footed | Halfling, Orc | n/a | n/a | n/a | don't suffer the -1 movement penalty if not wearing footwear/armor |
Racial | Animal Feet | Kayden, Minotaur, Centaur | n/a | n/a | n/a | cannot wear conventional footwear/armor, but don't suffer the -1 movement penalty, can instead equip "beast" leg armor in their foot armor slot |
Racial | Half-horse | Centaur | n/a | n/a | n/a | Centaurs do not benefit from mounted bonuses but always count as "Riding" for weapon bonuses; also cannot wear conventional leg or back armor, but instead use "horse" chest & shoulder armor respectively; can ignore penalty for not wearing leg armor |
Racial | Brute Magic | Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Natural melee damage bonus from Strength is added as bonus spell power with spirit or faith powers |
Racial | Anakim Bloodline | Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Anakim must select a bloodline, granting them two additional unique racial passives |
Racial | Thick Skinned | Hill Anakim, Hill Dwarf | n/a | n/a | n/a | Hill races are incredibly thick skinned due to exposure to the elements and gain +1 Max HP per level |
Racial | Voracious Hunger | Hill Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Hill Anakim that have not eaten within the last 12 hours it may act irrationally or go into a feeding frenzy (GM can dictate behaviour as appropriate and may require resovle tests), for the duration suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests |
Racial | Toughness | Mountain Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Tough races reduce all incoming damage by 1 (at lvl 1, by 2 at level 5, by 3 at level 9, by 4 at level 13, by 5 at level 17) |
Racial | Anablephobia | Mountain Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Anablephobic races become unsettled when only open sky is overhead, suffering -3 disadvantage on all stat tests |
Racial | Fire Hardened | Volcanic Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Fire hardened races reduce damage from fire and heat by half |
Racial | Cold Sensitivity | Volcanic Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Cold sensitive races suffer double damage from frost and cold |
Racial | Frost Hardened | Arctic Anakim, Frost Dwarf | n/a | n/a | n/a | Frost hardened races reduce damage from frost or cold by half |
Racial | Heat Sensitivity | Arctic Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Heat senstive races suffer double damage from fire and heat |
Racial | Willpower, Open-sky | Sky Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Sky Anakim have exceptional willpower when open sky is overhead; once/day, may elect at any time (even if critically hit) to automatically resist a single faith or spirit based attack, effect or de-buff |
Racial | Claustrophobia | Sky Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Claustrophobic races become unsettled if they cannot see the sky or stand at their full height, suffering -3 disadvantage on all stat tests |
Racial | Amphibious | Sea Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Can breath normally in and out of water, swim at 2x movement speed, and are naturally adapted for deep water pressures |
Racial | Xerophobia | Sea Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Xerophobic races become unsettled if they cannot see water, suffering -3 disadvantage on all stat tests |
Racial | Natural Empath | Forest Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Can keenly feel and understand the emotions, needs, or general well being of any beast or plant life, even allowing them to communicate on a simplistic level; may re-roll a failed Animal Training stat roll-off; during combat may dissuade animals from attacking (counts as an instant) if winning a charm vs resolve stat roll-off (results may vary by animal and effects are often temporary), if used against domestic/trained/mount animals the trainer/riders resolve may be used |
Racial | Metal Aversion | Forest Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | May act irrationally around sources of metal, increasingly so as the amount of metal increases (GM can dictate behaviour as appropriate and may require resovle tests), while under the effects of this irrational behaviour they suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests |
Racial | Nomad | Desert Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Nomadic races do not like to linger anywhere for too long, if spending more than 3 days in the same place (town, city, fortress, dungeon, cave, etc...) they suffer -3 disadvantage on all stat tests |
Racial | Darksight | Deep Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Can see in natural darkness at a range (in table top inches) equal to their Perception. In total darkness (no-light) everything appears as shades of grey while dim light allows for discernment of color. In bright light Perception is cut in half. |
Racial | Malformed | Deep Anakim | n/a | n/a | n/a | Malformed races are hideous to behold and permanently suffering -4 Charm and -1 Agility |
Racial | Subrace | Dwarf | n/a | n/a | n/a | This race has several subraces available, each adding two additional unique racial passives and providing a unique selection of racial secondary skills |
Racial | Bouyant | Island Dwarf | n/a | n/a | n/a | Bouyant races are naturally bouyant and will always float in water unless heavily weighed down |
Racial | Bravery | Island Dwarf | n/a | n/a | n/a | Every generation of island dwarf must overcome their fear of water, making them an exceptionally brave people group and granting +2 Advantage on any Resolve test |
Racial | Tunnel Fighting | Mountain Dwarf, Frost Dwarf | n/a | n/a | n/a | These dwarves are well adapted to fighting in cramped tunnels and excel at defending thier holdings beneath the surface, gaining +5 hit/cast with any type of attack while fighting underground or in tunnels |
Title | Thrill Seeker | n/a | Barbarian, Weapon Master, Berserker | n/a | n/a | when attacking opponents that are 2 sizes larger than you, receive +3 damage and +10 hit with melee and ranged physical attacks, this bonus increases by +1 dam for every additional size beyond that |
Title | Salute | n/a | Knight, Paladin, Samurai | n/a | n/a | when fighting a weaker and/or smaller opponent one-on-one the salute allows the combat to proceed without losing honor. This does not count as an instant or an action, but must still be stated prior to attacking. |
Title | Heroism | n/a | Barbarian, Vigilante, Warrior, Soldier | n/a | n/a | Once per day, activate at the start of your turn if standing alone in base contact with multiple targets that are at least the same size or larger than you; immediately use a single instant skill at no cost prior to taking the rest of your turn, and until no longer outnumbered if reduced below 0 HP may elect to remain conscious for an additional round and make an auto-crit main hand attack/skill |
Title | Tactical Prowess | n/a | Knight, Soldier | n/a | n/a | If passing an Initiative test first, may use an additional instant each round if it is tactical, non-damage, or non-combat in nature |
Title | Spirit Echo | n/a | Mage, Battlemage, Wizard | n/a | n/a | if spirit powers were used in a given combat, 25% chance that after the given combat has ended you will gain back 1d12+Intellect Spirit points |
Title | Rousing Sermon | n/a | Cleric, Monk, Priest | n/a | n/a | Once per day may deliver an inspiring or condemning Sermon related to your chosen faith while in combat; must surrender an entire turn and become Vulnerable; if passing a Faith test entire party auto-hits their next attack OR all enemies that are from the 3rd Creation roll 1d10 where 1=convert & switch sides for battle, 2-3=convert & leave battle, 4-6= spend a turn pondering (Vulnerable), 7-9= become angry (+2 dam), 10= become enraged (+5 dam), generally does not work on PC's, NPC's, Bosses, or Mini-Bosses; if failing a Faith test then Sermon has no effect and you lose all Faith |
Title | Sneaky | n/a | Thief, Ranger, Assassin, Ninja, Soldier | n/a | n/a | -3 Disadvantage when opponents are attempting to actively or passively detect you while hiding (does not apply to Stealth tests). The first ranged attack made in a battle while hidden does not make you undetected (no stealth test required) |
Title | Lawless | n/a | Vigilante, Zealot, Swashbuckler | n/a | n/a | when charged with lawless behaviour, arrested, put on trial, etc... Roll 1d10, 1=get off scot-free, 2-7=reduced sentence/effects, 8-10=no effect |
Title | Lay on hands | n/a | Cleric, Priest, Paladin, Monk | n/a | n/a | once/day, bring targets health up by 50% of max, must touch, can be done in combat by using any healing power in base contact with target, effectively replacing that powers normal effects |
Title | Survival Instincts | n/a | Shaman, Druid, Berserker, Ranger, Barbarian | n/a | n/a | receive a bonus +10% when resting and take 25% less damage from environmental effects and AoE style attacks |
Title | Shield Master | n/a | Guardian | n/a | n/a | receive a bonus +5% block w/ shields and +2 dam to shield blows, cannot equip anything other than a shield in the off hand slot and cannot equip two handed melee weapons without the 'Shield' attribute or Strongman Rank 3, however may use crossbows while shield is equipped (deal with it your using a shield...) |
Title | Challenge | n/a | Soldier, Warrior, Pit-Fighter, Barbarian | n/a | n/a | once/day, at the start of your turn you can challenge a single sentient target to single combat (circumstances permitting, i.e. typically needs to be a leader or commander of some kind), all other combat stops until challenge is resolved (by killing or knocking unconscious); winner = +5 hit/+1 dam for entire party, loser = entire party will flee until passing an resolve test, if target refuses then treat as a win for the challenger, cheat = auto lose |
Title | Fanatical Beliefs | n/a | Zealot, Priest | n/a | n/a | once/day, may re-roll a failed Faith Difficulty roll (Faith gain or lost based on second roll) |
Title | Ninja...Vanish | n/a | Ninja | n/a | n/a | once/day, can always elect to hide regardless of LOS rules and current combat situation |
Title | Deep Meditation | n/a | Runeweaver, Martial Artist, Shaolin | n/a | n/a | upgrades Standard Focus Meditation to also heal 1d6HP per Tier if not attacked or disrupted |
Title | Final Absolution | n/a | Zealot | n/a | n/a | if convincing a target to admit to their crimes or profess their guilt, all future attacks made against that target have +50% critical hit chance until the target is slain |
Title | Showmanship | n/a | Pit-Fighter, Weapon Master | n/a | n/a | Once per battle, if fighting in front of a willing audience may re-roll a failed hit, this effect is refreshed if landing a killing blow |
Title | Shield Brace | n/a | Guardian | n/a | n/a | Once per day, activate a the start of your turn, doubles the block advantage of your shield but prevents any form of attacking, while active passing a strength test will knockback all targets in base contact by 1", effect lasts until failing to block (including due to a critical hit) or choosing to attack or otherwise voluntarily cancelling the effect |
Title | Call of the Faithful | n/a | Cleric | n/a | n/a | Once per day, all friendlies within range equal to current Faith gain +3 Initiative (including Initiative Score), +3 Resolve and immediately loose any Vulnerable effects they current possess |
Title | Deadeye | n/a | Weapon Master | n/a | n/a | Once per day, roll vs. Perception to have your next ranged attack auto kill a target that is Large size or less, and is not a PC, NPC, boss, leader, commander, or other such special or named target; if failing immediately lose 2 Focus |
Title | Trophy Kill | n/a | Weapon Master | n/a | n/a | For each signficant trophy you visibly carry into battle gain +1 melee damage but suffer -1 Disadvantage on Agility and Charm stat test (examples: a skull hanging from your belt, necklace of elf ears, severed head mounted on your armor, etc...) |
Title | Tribal Power | n/a | Shaman, Priest | n/a | n/a | Once per day, may increase the critical cast chance of a power by 5% per tribe member or friendly in within 10" |
Title | Foresight | n/a | Druid | n/a | n/a | Once per day, see a glimpse of future events just before they happen, in combat this can be used to force a target that hit you to to re-roll the hit (must keep second roll) |
Title | Prophecy | n/a | Druid | n/a | n/a | Once per day, if first passing a Faith test receive a detailed prophetic vision of a future event or inspiration revelation, in combat must surrender an entire turn and become Vulnerable PRIOR to rolling but if successful entire party gains immediate gains a free turn; if failing lose all faith |
Title | Rhythms of Magic | n/a | Runeweaver | n/a | n/a | Once per day, if switching Attunements immediately cast an additional Spirit instant that has +10% Critical Cast chance |
Title | Cheat Death | n/a | Thief | n/a | n/a | once per day, if taking fatal damage passing a Stealth Check will instead reduce Stealth to 0 and HP to your choice of either 1 or 0 |
Title | Bathe-in-Blood | n/a | Berserker | n/a | n/a | if you struck a killing blow on your previous turn you may surrender your turn to hide, even if in LoS of an opponent, and convert all Fury into Stealth |
Title | Funeral Dirge | n/a | Swashbuckler | n/a | n/a | once per day, must pass a Stealth check, "you tell the tale of the target's death to them from the shadows..." the next 2 attacks of any kind you make against the target do max damage if they hit |
Title | Swift Hunt | n/a | Ranger | n/a | n/a | once per day, pass a Stealth check to make a free move (up to your full movement stat) that does not reduce or break Stealth in any way; does not count as Disengaging from Combat |
Title | Silent Death | n/a | Assassin | n/a | n/a | Once per day, if undetected and passing a Stealth test, your next melee or ranged attack silently auto kills a target that is Large size or less, and is not a PC, NPC, boss, leader, commander, or other such special or named target; if failing Stealth is reduced to zero and you are no longer hidden |
Title | Harness Chi | n/a | Shaolin | n/a | n/a | If failing a Faith Difficulty roll may choose to lose HP instead of Faith at a rate of 3HP Faith lost |
Title | From The Shadows | n/a | Ninja | n/a | n/a | once per day, must be in shadows, next set of fist/kick/strike actions does not reduce stealth and grants the additional ability to move up to 3" away from target without counting as Disengaging from Combat, these actions only gives away your positron if failing a Stealth Check, regardless of which arc they attack from |
Title | Volatile Magic | n/a | Mage, Wizard | n/a | n/a | Once per day, all powers cast on your next turn count as being Volatile powers; If already Volatile, then double the critical cast/miscast modifiers for Volatile powers. |
Title | Nullify Magic | n/a | Battlemage | n/a | n/a | Once per day, reduce your Spirit to zero to prevent any Spirit power from being cast in a 10" radius around you for 1 round; any existing Spirit effects are treated as though a Mass Dispel was cast; effects friend and foe |
Title | Mounted Exemplar | n/a | Knight | n/a | n/a | While mounted, increase the range and effect of all active Oaths as though you were 2 levels higher than your current level (up to a maximum of 22) |
Title | Anointed Virtue | n/a | Knight | n/a | n/a | May select two Virtues at the start of every battle instead of only one |
Title | Relic Defender | n/a | Knight | n/a | n/a | While wielding or defending your relic gain +3 Advantage on all Resolve tests and re-roll the first failed Resistance check, block, parry, or wardoff each round |
Title | Benediction | n/a | Priest | n/a | n/a | Once per day, generate 1 Action Points (AP) per 2 Faith consumed, may assign AP to friendlies w/in 10" (distributed as you see fit) to redeem at any time during their own turn; 1AP=free instant, 1AP=free move, 2AP=free action, (max one each) |
Title | Crusaders Glory | n/a | Paladin | n/a | n/a | Immediately gain 1 Faith every time you land a killing blow against at target that is directly related to you current Crusade |
Title | Bannerman | n/a | Samurai | n/a | n/a | While carrying the banner of your Shogun affixed to your armor (or otherwise under orders from your Shogun) re-roll any failed Resolve test |
Title | Burden of Secrets | n/a | Monk | n/a | n/a | +5 to cast and +5% Critical Cast on all Faith Powers; On any miscast lose an additonal 1 Faith |
Title | Mindless Rage | n/a | Berserker, Barbarian | n/a | n/a | Start each battle with Fury equal to your current level, however if during the battle Fury drops below this amount you go into a mindless rage and always attack (or move to do so) the closest target whether friend or foe, until Fury goes above this value again |
Title | Legendary Action | n/a | Barbarian, Soldier, Vigilante, Warrior, Pit-Fighter, Guardian, Swashbuckler, Weapon Master | n/a | n/a | Once per battle, gain an extra action on your own turn. |
Class | Unarmed Alacrity | n/a | Martial Artist, Runeweaver, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Shaolin | n/a | n/a | Unarmed focus skill actions can also be used as an instant |
Class | One-Against-Many | n/a | Martial Artist, Runeweaver, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | n/a | n/a | When in base contact with more than one opponent, gain an extra instant that can only be used for a Focus skill |
Class | Battle Zen | n/a | Martial Artist, Runeweaver, Ninja, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | n/a | n/a | When not in base contact with an opponent, gain an extra instant that can only be used for a Focus skill |
Class | Double Reaction | n/a | Martial Artist, Runeweaver, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | n/a | n/a | You may always take a second reaction each turn, provided it is a Focus skill |
Class | Extra Attack | n/a | Martial Artist, Runeweaver, Ninja, Pit-Fighter, Samurai, Shaolin, Weapon Master | n/a | n/a | Gain an extra MH attack action, after your first action is fully completed, but can ONLY be a Focus skill "finisher" |
Class | Hulk | n/a | Barbarian | n/a | n/a | HP dice that are below 1/2 value are re-rolled until they are not (i.e. reroll any 1-6 on a d12 HP dice). Can have two Pacts active at any time. Gain +1 fury each time causing damage (i.e. 1H wpn grants +2, crit +3; 2H wpn grants +3, crit +5). While at Max fury, gain 1 Toughness |
Class | My Word is my Bond | n/a | Knight | n/a | n/a | After completing at least an uninterrupted half-rest, you may attempt to stack up to two codes stacks in each Code that you currently have available.; May always have at least 1 Oath and 1 Virtue active at the same time. At level 6 may have second oath or virtue active. At level 11 may have a third Oath or Virtue active. active; Can use an instant to swap out a single Oath or Virtue during battle |
Class | Stance Mastery | n/a | Soldier | n/a | n/a | The Vigor cost of all stances is cut in half. Can begin each battle with a Stance already active and can switch stances at the start of each turn without taking up an instant (must still pay the vigor cost). |
Class | Arcane Mastery | n/a | Mage | n/a | n/a | When using powers from the Arcane Domain, gain +1/5 lvls damage and bonus critical hit chance equal to current Max Spirit divided by 20; all Arcane spirit costs are reduced by 10% (minimum 1 reduction but never reducing costs below 1) |
Class | Elemental Mastery | n/a | Mage | n/a | n/a | When using powers from the Elemental Domain, gain +1/5 lvls damage and bonus critical hit chance equal to current Max Spirit divided by 20 |
Class | Natural Mastery | n/a | Mage | n/a | n/a | When using powers from the Natural Domain, gain +1/5 lvls damage and bonus critical hit chance equal to current Max Spirit divided by 20 |
Class | Dedication | n/a | Priest | n/a | n/a | Can ignore casting interupts if passing a Faith or Resolve test; once per battle may re-roll a failed Faith Difficulty roll (Faith gain or lost based on second roll); Gain +1 Advantage on all Holy or Demonic Faith powers |
Class | Master of Stealth | n/a | Thief | n/a | n/a | Offensive or aggressive stealth actions only costs 1 instead of 2 stealth. Treat all weapons as Stealthy unless they are Loud. Can Hide as an instant instead of an action. |
Class | Combo Flurry | n/a | Martial Artist | n/a | n/a | In a given round, each consecutive Focus Dice that scores at least a Fair Execution becomes part of a combo. Focus Dice gain +1 to thier result for every prior dice in the combo. Scoring a Poor Execution cancels the combo, but otherwise if the combo is maintained, then the final Focus Dice rolled that round is guaranteed at least a Good Execution or better. |
Class | Blood and Honor | n/a | Vigilante | n/a | n/a | Anytime fury is consumed stack up +1 advantage for Honor test. All stacked advantage must be sued for the next Honor test taken. Anytime a code is stacked gain +1 fury. While at max Fury, all Honor tests gain +1 advantage. |
Class | Bred for Battle | n/a | Warrior | n/a | n/a | All vigor/fury actions cost 1 less if they were preceded by an instant of the opposite type (i.e. Fury instant -> Vigor action OR Vigor instant -> Fury action). Regain +1d4 Vigor, at the start of any round where your Fury is at max. |
Class | Elemental Fury | n/a | Shaman | n/a | n/a | Whenever inflicting damage with a power from the Elemental Domain gain +1 fury (+2 for a critical hit) and whenever using a fury skill your next offensive elemental power has +10% crit; gain +2 damage with Elemental Shock and Strike powers; all Elemental spirit costs are reduced by 10% (minimum 1 reduction but never reducing costs below 1); While at max Fury, gain +1 spell power. |
Class | Natural Fury | n/a | Shaman | n/a | n/a | Whenever inflicting damage with a power from the Natural Domain gain +1 fury (+2 for a critical hit) and whenever using a fury skill your next offensive elemental power has +10% crit; gain +2 damage with Natural Shock and Strike powers; all Natural spirit costs are reduced by 10% (minimum 1 reduction but never reducing costs below 1); While at max Fury, gain +1 spell power. |
Class | Militant Faith | n/a | Zealot | n/a | n/a | If using a faith power to benefit a party member or inflict damage, gain +1 fury (2 if crit). When casting a direct damage offensive Faith power OR if the Zealot caused physical damage in their previous turn, gain +1 Advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls. While at max Fury, gain +1 advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls. |
Class | Caged Fury | n/a | Berserker | n/a | n/a | Passively gain 1 fury per round of combat while hiding; any stealth skill that does not cause direct damage generates 1 fury; using ANY fury skill immediately converts all available Stealth directly into Fury (up to max Fury) and makes you auto detected once your action is complete; cannot Hide again until Fury returns to zero. While at max Fury, gain +3% melee crit. |
Class | Foul Temper | n/a | Pit-Fighter | n/a | n/a | Whenever Focus is lost, immediately gain 10% of fury max on top of current fury. After any successful defensive reaction, gain +1 Focus. While at max fury, gain +1 melee damage. Any time Fury is reduced to zero, gain +1 Focus. |
Class | The Best Defense | n/a | Guardian | n/a | n/a | If using an instant Honor skill of any kind to defend an ally, the next Vigor action has +10hit & +1dam per 5 lvls; activating Defensive Stance or any Vigor skill with a taunt effect also allows a chance to stack a code |
Class | Spiritual Authority | n/a | Wizard | n/a | n/a | Consuming a code returns 0.5 spirit/lvl and any time a spell causes a critical hit automatically gain an extra code stack; all Natural spirit costs are reduced by 10% (rounded up to 1 but never reducing costs below 1) |
Class | Selfless Resolve | n/a | Paladin | n/a | n/a | If using an Honor skill to benefit a party member within the last round (including oaths), gain +1 Advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for any faith power used. |
Class | Teller of Tales | n/a | Swashbuckler | n/a | n/a | Successfully stacking a code causes next stealth skill to have +2 hit/lvl. Using a non-direct damage stealth skill causes next code consumed to count has having 1 bonus stack. Can never lose honor while undetected. |
Class | Honor in Battle | n/a | Samurai | n/a | n/a | While any oath is active, any damage taken that is 5 or less does not reduce focus (stacks with similar Specialist Skills); any time a 'Perfect' is scored automatically gain an extra code stack |
Class | Adrenaline Casting | n/a | Battlemage | n/a | n/a | While in base contact with an enemy, can use a non-melee action-based spirit powers as an instant if self-casting or casting on a target that is not in base contact (LOS still applies), but if doing so cannot cast for your action; gain +10 to hit with Shock and Strike powers or physical attacks that have been Imbued; gain +10 to all resistances while any self-cast Ward power is active |
Class | Warrior Priest | n/a | Cleric | n/a | n/a | If in close combat gain +0.5% crit & +1 hit/cast & +0.5 spell power per lvl on melee-based offensive powers & all defensive powers; bonus doubles if used a vigor action in previous turn; everytime you gain faith you also gain an equal amount of Vigor |
Class | Hit and Run | n/a | Ranger | n/a | n/a | If Ranger used a stealth action in the previous round gain +1 movement this round and moving out of base contact does not count as disengaging from combat, after moving regain 1 vigor |
Class | Marksman | n/a | Weapon Master | n/a | n/a | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored with a Ranged or Thrown weapon automatically gain 2 vigor per 5 lvls. Any time a 'Critical hit' is scored with a ranged Vigor skill gain +1 to next focus dice roll. Gain an additional +1 damage with Ranged or Thrown attacks at every Title. |
Class | Swordmaster | n/a | Weapon Master | n/a | n/a | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored with a Sword automatically gain 2 vigor per 5 lvls. Any time a 'Critical hit' is scored with a melee Vigor skill gain +1 to next focus dice roll. Gain an additional +2% Parry with swords at every Title. |
Class | Hammered | n/a | Weapon Master | n/a | n/a | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored with an Axe automatically gain 2 vigor per 5 lvls. Any time a 'Critical hit' is scored with a melee Vigor skill gain +1 to next focus dice roll. Gain an additional +1 Crushing Blow with Bludgeons at every Title. |
Class | Axe Fiend | n/a | Weapon Master | n/a | n/a | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored with an Axe automatically gain 2 vigor per 5 lvls. Any time a 'Critical hit' is scored with a melee Vigor skill gain +1 to next focus dice roll. Gain an additional +1% Cleaving with Axes at every Title. |
Class | Reaper | n/a | Weapon Master | n/a | n/a | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored with a Polearm automatically gain 2 vigor per 5 lvls. Any time a 'Critical hit' is scored with a melee Vigor skill gain +1 to next focus dice roll. Gain an additional +1 damage with Polearms at every Title. |
Class | Arcane Insight | n/a | Druid | n/a | n/a | Any successful Spirit power from the Arcane Domain generates 1 Faith; Faith can also be consumed in place of Spirit to cast Arcane powers |
Class | Elemental Insight | n/a | Druid | n/a | n/a | Any successful Spirit power from the Elemental Domain generates 1 Faith; Faith can also be consumed in place of Spirit to cast Elemental powers |
Class | Natural Insight | n/a | Druid | n/a | n/a | Any successful Spirit power from the Natural Domain generates 1 Faith; Faith can also be consumed in place of Spirit to cast Natural powers; Natural Domain spirit costs are reduced by 10% (minimum 1 reduction but never reducing costs below 1); Gain +1 Advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for all Primal Faith powers |
Class | Utility Caster | n/a | Assassin | n/a | n/a | Spells that do not cause direct damage of any kind (i.e. crowd control, buffs, de-buffs, etc...) cost 20% less spirit to cast (cannot reduce cost below 1) and increase stealth by +1; |
Class | Arcane Focus | n/a | Runeweaver | n/a | n/a | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored the next Arcane Domain power costs half as much and has +1% crit per level, also self-casting any Arcane 'Boon', 'Empower', 'Ward', or 'Shield' Spirit power automatically regenerates 1 focus; upgrades standard Focus Meditation to allow simultaneous use of Spiritual Attunement |
Class | Elemental Focus | n/a | Runeweaver | n/a | n/a | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored the next Elemental Domain power costs half as much and has +1% crit per level, also self-casting any Elemental 'Boon', 'Empower', 'Ward', or 'Shield' Spirit power automatically regenerates 1 focus; upgrades standard Focus Meditation to allow simultaneous use of Spiritual Attunement |
Class | Natural Focus | n/a | Runeweaver | n/a | n/a | Any time a 'Perfect' is scored the next Natural Domain power costs half as much and has +1% crit per level, also self-casting any Natural 'Boon', 'Empower', 'Ward', or 'Shield' Spirit power automatically regenerates 1 focus; upgrades standard Focus Meditation to allow simultaneous use of Spiritual Attunement |
Class | Pacifist | n/a | Monk | n/a | n/a | If in the previous round the monk caused no direct damage they gain +1 Advantage per 5 lvls on Stealth tests and Faith Difficulty rolls; Any Faith power that heals or directly benefits a party member generates +1 Stealth if cast while hiding |
Class | Meditative Faith | n/a | Shaolin | n/a | n/a | When using standard Focus Meditation may also simultaneously activated any action based Tier0 Faith power; successful faith actions cause next unarmed/kick to do 50% more damage; Gain +1 Advantage on Faith Difficulty rolls for all Psionic Faith powers |
Class | Silent Killer | n/a | Ninja | n/a | n/a | While hiding kicks/fist attacks count as strikes, if preceded by a stealth instant then focus actions gain +1 dam/5 lvls; Focus instants never cause Stealth reduction; Focus Meditation can be activated for free when spending a whole turn to hide |
Class | Dedicated Caster | n/a | Mage, Priest, Druid | n/a | n/a | When suffering a Miscast on an instant power, you may still cast an action power as normal. |
Faith | Demonic Counter | n/a | Priest, Zealot, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Shaolin | Holy | n/a | All offensive Holy powers receive +5% critical cast chance against any Abomination of Creation (i.e. Demons, Devils, Hell Fiends) or demonic False Creation (i.e. Undead) or those wielding Demonic powers or otherwise benefiting from them (including Craftings and Enchants) |
Faith | Purification | n/a | Priest, Zealot, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Shaolin | Holy | n/a | Holy exclusive. All beneficial or defensive Holy powers that are successfully cast on a target have a passive 5% per tier chance to cure, dispel, or otherwise remove one persistent Demonic based effect (NOT including Craftings and Enchants) |
Faith | Primal Counter | n/a | Priest, Zealot, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Shaolin | Demonic | n/a | All offensive Demonic powers receive +5% critical cast chance against any being of the Second Creation (i.e. Dragonkind, Beasts, Denizens, Fey, Primitives, Plants, Aberrations) or those wielding Primal powers or otherwise benefiting from them (including Craftings and Enchants) |
Faith | Possession | n/a | Priest, Zealot, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Shaolin | Demonic | n/a | Demonic Exclusive. Any Demonic power successfully cast against a living target that does not have a soul has a passive 2% per tier chance to cause the target to be possessed by a demon with a Threat Rating less than or equal to the target. |
Faith | Corrupt Creation | n/a | Priest, Zealot, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Shaolin | Demonic | n/a | Demonic Exclusive. Any Demonic power successfully cast on a target has a passive 5% per tier chance to remove a Primal Aspect or cause a Shapeshifted target to instantaneously revert back to its true form (this occurs out of turn and does not effect the targets own next turn in anyway, but also does not trigger the de-buff clearing effect if they are Specialized in Shapeshifting) |
Faith | Psionic Counter | n/a | Priest, Zealot, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Shaolin | Primal | n/a | All offensive Primal Powers receive +5% critical cast chance against any being of the Third Creation (i.e. Humanoids, Greenskins, Anthromorphs, Monsters) or those wielding Psionic powers or otherwise benefiting from them (including Craftings and Enchants) |
Faith | Primal Instinct | n/a | Priest, Zealot, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Shaolin | Primal | n/a | Primal Exclusive. Any Primal power successfully cast on a target has a passive 5% per tier chance to cure, dispel, or otherwise remove one persistent Psionic based effect (NOT including Craftings and Enchants) |
Faith | Holy Counter | n/a | Priest, Zealot, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Shaolin | Psionic | n/a | All offensive Psionic powers receive +5% critical cast chance against beings of the First Creation (i.e. Angels, Nephilim) or those wielding Holy powers or otherwise benefiting from them (including Craftings and Enchants) |
Faith | Transcendence | n/a | Priest, Zealot, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Shaolin | Psionic | n/a | Psionic Exclusive. Any Psionic power successfully cast on a target has a passive 5% per tier chance to dispel, or otherwise remove one persistent Holy based effect (NOT including Craftings and Enchants) |
Volatile | Volatile Powers | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Null, Solar, Void, Caustic, Frost, Metal, Storm, Toxic, Temporal | Volatile Powers are spirit powers that are inherently unstable and become increasingly so the more they are used. While typically more powerful than non-volatile spirit powers, they are risky to wield, and often inflict damage and other negative side effects to the caster. Volatile powers are recommended for advanced players only. The following rules apply to ALL volatile powers: +5% Miscast and Critical Cast chance; After a Volatile power is cast, regardless of success or failure, add one stack of Volatile spirit energy matching the school of the power; On critical failure: in addition to standard effects, caster takes 1d6 damage per Tier, remove all Volatile stacks; On critical cast: in addition to standard effects, caster takes 1d12 damage per Tier (NOT doubled), add an additional Volatile stack; Volatile stacks will have different 'per stack' effects applied depending on the school of power; A Tier0 instant 'Venting' power can be used remove all Volatile stacks; If no Volatile power is used for a round, 1 stack will automatically drop off |
Spirit | Arcane Capacitance | n/a | Mage, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Mana | All Tier2 and higher powers add a stack of Arcane Capacitance when successfully cast. The stack can be consumed (as an instant) at any time to add +1dam/+2hit per stack to the next power. |
Volatile | Acclimation | n/a | Mage, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Null | Null powers accumulate negative spirit energy with every cast, becoming less and less effective. For each Volatile Null energy stack: increase base Miscast chance by +5%, apply -5 to hit modifier, increase Spirit cost of all powers by 1. |
Spirit | Illumination | n/a | Mage, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Light | Applies to any Light Power that includes ‘Illumination’ in its description. Any time a Light Power with Illumination is cast it illuminates a 6″ radius around any target effected for 1 full round. For Light Powers that include a projectile measure a 6″ radius along its entire path. Any hidden target within this radius must pass an Avoidance test or become “detected”. Note: this can be used to create zones of shadow for Stealth purposes. |
Volatile | Solar Powered | n/a | Mage, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Solar | All Solar Powers cost 10% less Spirit (always at least 1 less) and have +10 to cast when the caster is standing in direct sunlight. Also, cost 10% more Spirit (always at least 1 more) and have -10 to cast when the caster is indoors and/or is standing in darkness/shadows. |
Volatile | Solar Mass | n/a | Mage, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Solar | With every cast Solar powers build up Solar Mass, which manifests as a bright halo of swirling light around the caster. As it grows in size, Solar Mass will become critical. Each stack of volatile energy manifests as a stack of Solar Mass. Solar mass illuminates a 6″ radius around the caster. For each stack of Solar Mass , there is a 20% chance to blind anyone (friend or foe) that targets caster with any LoS or melee power, skill, or attack using conventional visual senses. Upon reaching 5 stacks Solar Mass goes critical and the next Solar power cast has a flat unmodified 50% Critical Cast and 50% Miscast chance, after which all stacks of Solar Mass are removed. |
Spirit | Twilight Damage | n/a | Mage, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Dream, Lunar | Twilight damage is its own damage type, however if a target has a sensitivity to light damage and/or shadow damage, it also has sensitivity to twilight damage |
Spirit | Drowsy | n/a | Mage, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Dream | Any time a target is effected by a spell with 'Drowsy' in the description, they become Drowsy for 1 full round, suffering -10 resistance to Twilight spells. ANY twilight spell (Dream or Lunar) successfully cast on a target already under the effects of Drowsy, once its own effects are completed, puts the target to Sleep if failing an unmodified Mental Resist. This sleep effect is treated this similar to the Deep Sleep spell, except that the duration is only 1 round or 10 minutes outside of combat. |
Spirit | Dreamstate | n/a | Mage, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Dream | After any successful casting of a Dream power, when the spell compeltes the caster receives 1 stack of Dream State, up to a maximum of the highest Tier of the Caster. Many spells scale based on the stacks of Dream State available. As the casters body sinks deeper into the dreamstate, their form begins to blur, gaining +3AC per stack of Dreamstate Taking damage of any kind or NOT casting a Dream power in a given round causes one stack to fall off. |
Volatile | Lunar Empowerment | n/a | Mage, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Lunar | All Lunar Powers cost 10% less Spirit (always at least 1 less) and have +5% critical casting chance when the caster is standing in moonlight |
Volatile | Lunacy | n/a | Mage, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Lunar | With every cast, Lunar powers increase the casters Lunacy, risking madness if cast without restraint. More coming soon… |
Spirit | Insidious Force | n/a | Mage, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Shadow | Any Shadow power with 'Insidious Force' in its description, has -10 to enemy resist if power is used from behind the target or target is unaware it is being targeted (i.e. caster is hidden). |
Volatile | Call of the Void | n/a | Mage, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Void | Using Void powers is a dangerous affair, as it opens the caster up the eternal emptiness of the void, inexplicably calling them towards oblivion. Immediately after any successful cast of a Void Power roll 1d10 per stack of Volatile Void energy, if rolling one or more “0’s” the caster succumbs to the Call of the Void. If succumbing to the Call of the Void, effects vary depending on whether an offensive or non-offensive power was used. Offensive power: the caster will redirect the power onto themselves (or if not possible, the nearest ally). Non-offensive power: the caster cancels the power at the last second (still losing the spirit) and instead auto self inflicts a wound (typically with whatever main hand weapon is equipped). |
Spirit | Heat Seeking | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Fire | Spells with 'Heat Seeking' in the description gain +15 to cast or +3 spell damage against any target that is under the effects of periodic fire damage, suffered heat or fire damage on its previous turn, or naturally produces a significant amount of heat. |
Spirit | Corrosion on Impact | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Caustic | Most offensive Caustic Powers cause Corrosion on impact (i.e. hits or misses for any reason other than a dodge), where the number of stacks of Corrosion is listed in the powers description |
Volatile | Caustic Effusion | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Caustic | The use of Caustic powers builds up over time, until the caster is shrouded in a corrosive mist or literally oozes corrosive fluids from their flesh. Each stack of Volatile Caustic energy counts as a stack of Corrosion on the caster Unlike normal corrosion stacks, those placed on the caster from Volatile powers are removed or fall off in the same manner as volatile stacks Any target in base contact with the caster also receives the same amount of Corrosion stacks (in addition to any they may already have) If Volatile Caustic stacks ever reach as high as your current Charm stat, your next Caustic power auto-crit casts and you immediately and permanently lose 1 charm from scarring, this effect can only occur once per day and cannot reduce charm below 4 |
Spirit | Water Damage | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Water | All direct damage caused by Water Powers is treated as magical damage that uses Elemental Resistance and inflicts Impact or Crushing Injuries |
Spirit | Water Pressure | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Water | After casting 4 Water powers in a row, the next water power cast has the casters choice of EITHER reducing the spirit cost by 20 (effectively making any power that costs 20 or less free) OR gaining +15% Critical Cast chance. The Water Pressure effect is then consumed. |
Volatile | Deep Cold | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Frost | The continued use of volatile frost powers puts the caster into a state of Deep Cold, increasing the chances of both critical casts and miscasts. Remaining in this state too long will cause the caster to freeze solid. When 4 or more stacks of Volatile Frost energy are present on the caster, gain +15% to BOTH Critical Cast & Miscast. Upon reaching 8 stacks, the caster is frozen, and remains so for 2 rounds (unless dispelled or shattered). |
Spirit | Earth Damage | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Earth, Metal | All direct damage caused by Earth or Metal Powers is treated as physical damage and therefore uses AC instead of Elemental Resistance. However, for the purposes of physical damage immunity or reduction/absorption it still counts as a spirit-based attack. (I.e. an Ethereal creature would typically be immune to physical damage but not the physical damage caused by a power like Stone Shot). Earth Powers typically cause impact or crushing injuries. Metal Powers typically cause piercing or cutting injuries. |
Spirit | Crushing Force | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Earth, Metal | Applies to any Earth (or Metal) Power that includes ‘Crushing Force’ in its description. Anytime a Crushing Force power is cast on the same target is gains +1 damage and +2 Crushing Blow, stacking up to 3 times. Crushing Force also cuts any Damage Absorption and/or Damage Negation by half, regardless of the number of stacks. |
Spirit | Piercing Force | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Metal | Applies to any Metal Power that includes ‘Piercing Force’ in its description. Piercing Force powers have -3 Armor Piercing per Tier of the power and 1 dam per rnd Bleed effect per Tier of the power. |
Volatile | Agglomerate | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Metal | Every time a volatile metal power is used, residual liquid metal begins to agglomerate upon the casters own body. As it solidifies the caster gains some defensive benefit, but loses mobility. If left unchecked the caster will eventually become completely immobilized. This agglomerated metal will slowly dissipate on its own over time, but if the excess volatile metal is quickly vented off it will typically cause an explosion of shrapnel, as deadly to the caster as it is to anyone nearby. For each Volatile Metal stack: gain +5 Armor, but reduce movement by 1/4. After 4 stacks the caster becomes Rooted. After 5 stacks the caster becomes Immobilized. |
Spirit | Gathering Winds | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Wind | After casting 4 air powers in a row, the next air power cast has the casters choice of EITHER reducing the spirit cost by 20 (effectively making any power that costs 20 or less free) OR gaining +15% Critical Cast chance. The Gathering Winds effect is then consumed. |
Volatile | Overcharged | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Storm | The continued use of volatile storm powers puts the caster into an Overcharged state, increasing the chances of both critical casts and miscasts. Remaining in this state too long will cause the caster to lose control of their powers, causing random outbursts of electrical energy. When 4 or more stacks of Volatile Storm energy are present on the caster, gain +15% to BOTH Critical Cast & Miscastl. Upon reaching 8 stacks, the caster loses control of their turns until dropping back down to 4 or less stacks, during which time they hover several meters off the ground and fire off 1d4 lightning bolts, each in a random direction and striking friend of foe. The Overcharged random Lightning Bolts do not cost any spirit, cannot crit cast or fail, and reduce Volatile Storm stacks by one each. |
Spirit | Cycle of Life | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Wild | Gain 1 Cycle of Life stack any time a target (friend or foe) dies within 15″ while under a persist Nature effect belonging to the caster or from Nature damage inflicted by the caster. Stacks may be consumed as an auto-cast instant (no d100 roll) that heals a single target within 15″ for 1d12 per stack consumed. |
Volatile | Overdose | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Toxic | Regardless of the target, trace amounts of Volatile Toxic energy build up within the casters body and can eventually lead to an overdose. For each Volatile Toxic energy stack, increase base Critical Cast and Miscast chance by +5%. Scoring a Critical Fail with any Toxic power triggers Overdose, which inflicts 3x the standard Miscast damage for a volatile power. Any time overdose is triggered, all volatile stacks are removed. |
Spirit | Supremacy | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Celestial | Gain +10% dam or effectiveness of the currently cast power for every persistent spirit effect (of any school) currently on the target (beneficial or negative), crafting/enchants excluded. |
Volatile | Temporal Anomaly | n/a | Mage, Shaman, Wizard, Battlemage, Druid, Assassin, Runeweaver | n/a | Temporal | Meddling with temporal powers carries great risk, particularly if doing so too often. While consequences are predicable, the temporal anomaly that it creates are anything but. After reaching 4 stacks of Volatile Temporal energy, a Temporal Anomaly forms in a random direction 1d6″ away from the the casters last target. The anomaly starts with a radius of 1″, but grows by 1″ for every stack (above 4) of Volatile Temporal energy with within 30″ of it. Anomaly remains active until dispelled or corrected using a Temporal Venting Power. Any target touched by the anomaly that fails a Natural resistance check experiences a random effect while within the radius. The effects of the temporal anomaly are random (or determined by a GM), examples include: 1. lost in time (likely never to be seen again). 2. long forward jump in time (could be days, years, or even centuries). 3. short forward jump in time (could be seconds or hours, typically to sometime after a battle has ended). 4. target treated as under the effects of Haste. 5. time loop (target repeats the same turn over and over). 6. frozen in time (immune to everything, but unable to act). 7. target treated as under the effects of Slow. 8. short backward jump (could be seconds or hours, may gain special knowledge about a battle). 9. long backward jump (could be days, years, or even centuries). 10. split timelines (multiple copies of the target existing, each any have different motivations, or even fight for different sides in a conflict). |