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Initial Gold

The following table lists Initial (level 0) gold amounts by class. The amounts listed are pre-calculated based on a class gold “factor” multiplied by a racial gold allotment. No calculation is required. Simply match your class to the races listed for that class to determine initial gold. If a particular race for the selected class is blank this indicates that race is not available as choice for the selected class (see Class Codex).

wdt_ID race_no_link Race Assassin Barbarian Battlemage Berserker Cleric Druid Guardian Knight Mage Martial Artist Monk Ninja Paladin Pit-Fighter Priest Ranger Runeweaver Samurai Shaman Shaolin Soldier Swashbuckler Thief Vigilante Warrior Weapon Master Wizard Zealot
1 Anakim Anakim 98.0 189.0 168.0 147.0 168.0 224.0 210.0 182.0 203.0 119.0 126.0 203.0 210.0 154.0 168.0 259.0 238.0 189.0 133.0 154.0 245.0 112.0
2 Centaur Centaur 105.0 157.5 240.0 300.0 217.5 127.5 135.0 225.0 180.0 202.5 142.5 165.0 120.0
3 Dwarf Dwarf 122.5 210.0 183.8 210.0 280.0 227.5 253.8 157.5 253.8 218.8 192.5 166.3 210.0 323.8 297.5 236.3 166.3 192.5 140.0
4 Gnome Gnome 189.0 147.0 210.0 126.0 175.0 168.0 259.0 238.0 154.0
5 Half-elf Half-elf 184.0 80.5 155.3 138.0 120.8 138.0 172.5 115.0 155.3 97.8 103.5 166.8 143.8 126.5 109.3 138.0 212.8 195.5 155.3 109.3 126.5 92.0
6 Half-orc Half-orc 152.0 66.5 128.3 114.0 152.0 142.5 80.8 137.8 118.8 104.5 114.0 175.8 161.5 128.3 90.3 104.5 76.0
7 Halfling Halfling 216.0 141.8 162.0 202.5 135.0 175.5 121.5 195.8 168.8 128.3 162.0 249.8 229.5 182.3 148.5
8 HighElf High Elf 216.0 168.0 256.0 320.0 240.0 160.0 216.0 144.0 200.0 240.0 152.0 192.0 296.0 176.0 280.0
9 Human Human 240.0 105.0 202.5 180.0 157.5 180.0 240.0 300.0 225.0 150.0 195.0 202.5 217.5 127.5 135.0 217.5 187.5 225.0 165.0 142.5 180.0 277.5 255.0 202.5 142.5 165.0 262.5 120.0
10 Kayden Kayden 168.0 73.5 110.3 126.0 168.0 105.0 141.8 94.5 131.3 99.8 126.0 194.3 178.5 141.8 99.8 115.5 84.0
11 Minotaur Minotaur 84.0 162.0 126.0 144.0 192.0 102.0 180.0 132.0 144.0 162.0 114.0 132.0 96.0
12 Orc Orc 160.0 70.0 135.0 120.0 160.0 85.0 145.0 125.0 110.0 120.0 170.0 135.0 95.0 110.0 80.0
13 WildElf Wild Elf 176.0 77.0 132.0 132.0 165.0 110.0 143.0 93.5 99.0 159.5 137.5 121.0 104.5 203.5 187.0 121.0 88.0