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Development Priorities

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Development Priorities

This post is copied from the Realm of Strife Patreon Page, see the original post here.

Just wanted to update everyone about what we’ll be working on in the months ahead as we dive headlong back into development mode. Its by no means a complete list, nor is there any particular order to it, but it summarizes some of the more ambitious priorities that are in the works. Feel free to post a comment letting me know what priorities you are most excited about, or that you want to see scheduled first.

Chapter 3 of the Knightlord Campaign

The third chapter of the Knightlord campaign is long overdue for Knight Lord and Knight Marshal backers from the 2014 Kickstarter project. I’m pleased to say we’re ready to start rolling out play sessions. The campaign isn’t 100% completed yet, but its far enough along that any of the four groups that are owed this third chapter can start scheduling play sessions via the “Campaigns” Discord channel.

Continued Improvements to the New Website

The new website is up and running, but there is still a lot of work to be done, pages to be added, formatting to be cleaned up, and links to be fixed. It’s an ongoing process that we’ll be chipping away at all year long.

Codex of Creation

Last year we’d started in on a MASSIVE overhaul of the Codex of Creation (which for those who don’t know is basically the “manual of monsters” for RoS). Unfortunately, the surprise shut down of the old wikispaces website caused a major shift in priorities and the CoC was placed on the back burner. That said its kind of essential for running most campaigns and is missing from the new website. So one of the big priorities this year will be getting at least a working version up on the website and then continuing on with the overhaul. Its a HUGE task, so your patience is (as always) appreciated.

Spirit Healing

Options for building spirit classes with direct healing powers will be rolling out soon for beta testing. Move over Faith classes, there’s a new healer in town 🙂

Volatile Spirit Powers

One of the most exciting development priorities this year will be the addition of Volatile Spirit Powers. Think of these as off shoots of the existing schools of spirit powers, that are wild an unpredictable, heck even out right dangerous to wield. With explosive results upon critical failures AND critical casts, as well as some unique casting rules and passive effects they are sure to appeal to any player looking for an edgy and exciting new play-style. There is a ton of work that needs to go into these, and BETA versions will likely be rolled out slowly (one school at a time) for play testing.

But to tease you with one good example, the first Volatile spell powers that will be released are Frost powers. For too long Frost and Water powers have existed in the same school, heck even crowding each other out at times, when really they feel like two distinct and interesting player choices. For those that want to go full-on Hydromancer, look to see all Frost powers replaced with a complete list of Water powers in all disciplines and spell archetypes (with some fun new ocean/sea powers mixed in so that salt-water can join the party). Meanwhile for those that love the idea of a Cryomancer, Frost powers will instead now gain their own limited spell list with a ton of extra flavor and “icing” on top. Because they are all still part of the same School, mixing the two will also likely still be an option.

For the purposes of the “Laws of Magic”, Volatile Spirit Schools will still be considered part of the School from which the originate. However, depending on the continent they will often be treated as their own branch within the colleges, or as a sort of satellite college. In some cases they may even be treated as forbidden powers, leading to some great content for Renegade Mage or outlaw narratives.

Volanthia Divided

To coincide with the BETA release of the Volatile Spirit powers, I’ve begun conceptual work on a new campaign, exclusively available to Journeyman patrons or higher. This campaign will revolve around the brewing conflict within the walls of Volanthia, the City of Mages, as internal factions cast blame for a horrendous magical accident with far reaching consequences.

Not only is it going to be fantastic campaign, centered around a cast of almost exclusively Spirit-Class characters, it will also serve as the narrative background for the introduction of the volatile spirit powers into Realm of Strife canon. Meaning, any character involved will likely also become a legendary hero or infamous villain, whose story is directly tied to the release of Volatile Spirit powers.

This is your chance to make a permanent mark upon the Realm of Strife. I’ll update you all soon with a potential start date for the Volanthia Divided campaign. But don’t forget, this an exclusive perk for Journeyman patrons or higher!


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