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Realm of Strife™ > Gear > Herblore

The Herblore skill can be used to forage for edible food or useful herbs a set number of times each day, depending on the rank of Herblore skill. This requires dedicating time specifically to this task where each attempt is considered to take a half-rest.

Alternately, if already travelling through a particular environment a character with the herblore skill can choose to search as they travel, but suffering a -3 disadvantage while doing so. This type of foraging still counts towards the per day limit.

Foraging Rolls

Foraging is a two step process. The first is a foraging stat test and the second is a results roll.

Stat Test

The first step is to pass a Perception or Wisdom test. Perception test is considered a straight forward physical search while a Wisdom test represents using your experience to look for indicators of the presence of various herbs.

Some environments are more difficult to find edible food or useful herbs in, resulting in Disadvantage applied to your stat roll. See the table below for disadvantage by environment type.

Failing this stat roll does not have any negative consequences, it simply means you were unable to find any thing, and consumes one of your allotted attempts per day as well as the time spend doing so (in most cases a half-rest).

If passing the stat test, consult the table to see the quantity of items that can be found for the environment you are searching.

Results Roll

If passing a foraging stat test, make a d100 roll. To determine what you find, consult the table below. The results could be something dangerous or unexpected (on low critical failure style rolls), edible food, or simple/complex/superior/matchless herbal components. If you Herblore skill is not sufficient enough to find the higher rank herbal components (complex, superior, or matchless), then you must re-roll the d100 if it lands within the ranges specified for those higher end components.

Dangerous outcomes are typically a random creature encoutner or some kind of environmental effect. The table lists some examples, but these are for guidance only and are open to GM discretion.

For simple, Complex, and Superior herbs listed in the table below, the order in which the herbal components are listed is relative to how common they are. For example, if three components are listed, the first is most common and the last is least common in that environment. Percentages are intentionally not divided beyond simple, complex, or superior, as these are guidelines only. GMs are free modify this as is fitting for the circumstance.

Matchless herbal components do not exist within the current herblore/alchemy framework. However, the percentages are similar to that of a critical success style roll, and as such GMs can get creative with this result. This could award the player their choice of herbal component for that environment, or double the results of a second roll, or perhaps some magical or otherwise special component or plot point discovery.

Foraging Table

Herbal Components

Simple Herbs

Peaceleaf: A common herb with wide green leaves that can be found almost anywhere. Known to possess properties related to stamina and fury, it used extensively as a base ingredient in healing potions and curatives. While the mild aroma of its crushed leaves is said to have a calming effect, among some it can induce the opposite response.

Red Thistle: A low lying prickled plant that grows in thick clusters in very dry climates. Its blood-red flowers can be crushed to make a thick syrup with various combat related properties.

Sulfron Buds: Rare except in areas of extreme heat, the black buds from the Sulfron plant are known to have volatile properties and are related to the alchemical ability to change or transmute. The buds must be picked before they develop, almost explosively, into the narrow razorsharp leaves characteristic of the Sulfron plant. They are named for the sulfur like stench they emit when the buds open.

Junn Berry: Junn berries are small pale orange berries with an extremely bitter taste. They thrive near water but can also be found in wet shaded areas in forest environments. When fermented into a mash form the base for many potions and elixirs related to specific class mechanics.

Teren Root: Teren root is a hearty and unassuming brown root that grows in the cracks of rocky cliffs and fields of broken stone. It is commonly chewed by soldiers, thought to give strength and vigor on the eve of battle. However, in order to have any appreciable effect it must be boiled, reduced and then combined with other herbal components.

Complex herbs

Blackthorn: A sharp thorn bush that possesses a sour and cloying stench when crushed, Blackthorn grows in excessively wet areas which results in an almost continuous state of rot, decay, and regrowth. Despite its unpleasant smell, Blackthorn is none-the-less extremely useful for practitioners of the spiritual arts. It has properties related to intellect and spirit, and is most commonly used in spirit and magic resistance potions. However to make use of its properties the black thorns, that give the bush its name, must be harvested and crushed while still fresh on the stalk. If the bushes perpetual rot touches them at all, they lose any useful properties.

Jade Flower: This beautiful green flower grows in isolated areas, preferring to grow in lush forests, or along shorelines and river valleys. The flower itself is very delicate and must be harvested with care in orde rto not spoil its herbal and alchemical properties. It is used extensively for brewing potions and poisons related to stat modifications.

Sweet Leaf: The Sweet Leaf plant is so named for its thick green leaves, which when broken open contain a sweet watery sap that is said to improve agility and dexterity. As such it is prized among melee combatants and used in a variety melee focused potions. Highly efficient at storing water, Sweet Leaf thrives in dry climates.

Pyrian Mushroom: Growing in tall multi tiered stalks of pale but colorful pastels, the Pyrian mushroom is easy enough to identify. However, it is rare to find except in well shaded forest floors or underground areas. It tends to thrive in warm soils, decaying plant matter such as fallen logs, or other even rotting beds of other types of fungi. Pyrian mushrooms are said to promote improved levels of focus and resolve when used in the correct recipes and proportions. However, ingested in their raw state they are a powerful and dangerous hallucinogen.

Wedin Bark: The Wedin tree sheds its bark once a year, a molting process unique in the plant world. The thin strips of bark that this process produces are prized for their properties relating to movement and initiative. The tree itself is fond of dry climates, with a grey-green needle like leaf that persists year round.

Superior Herbs

Sanquin Sap: The acidic blue sap of the Sanquin cactus possesses properties related to perception and is highly prized hunters and other ranged combatants. The sap must be boiled down and crystalized before it can be used. Like most species of cactus it grows in hot arid climates.

Lomen Seed: The Lomen plant is often thought to be a weed, growing prolifically in dusty wide open areas, where the winds rattle the hollow stalks and shake loose the Lomen seeds. To harvest the seeds before the wind takes them is no small feat, for they are covered fine feather like filaments and travel far and fast. If the seeds can be harvested before detaching from the plant, they have unique properties related to charm and honor. Once detached however, while efficient at reproducing themselves, the seeds become alchemically inert if not ground into powder immediately.

Moon Flower: As their name implies, Moon Flower only bloom under moonlight, making them easiest to find and harvest at night. The flower is a pale blue beauty with long graceful petals. Those petals are prized for use in resistance potions and poison antidotes. They are typically found in shaded areas and flourish in wet environments, being prone to shrivel up under the heat of the sun.

Yesif’s Root: Named for an ancient hermit of near mythical reputation, Yesif’s Root possesses properties related to wisdom and faith. The root is thick and twisted, covered in rough outer skin but soft and sweet tasting in the middle. It is hard to recognize as the small leafy green plant on the surface is very generic in appearance. It is rare to find Yesif’s roots in areas where other root systems exist. Perhaps like the hermit it is named for, the root does not enjoy the company of others.

Kinr Mushroom: Kinr Mushrooms will make most creatures rather sick, even if cooked. However when properly fermented they release sugars that have a wide variety of uses, most notable of which relates to avoidance and stealth. Like many mushrooms they prefer to grow in shade, and can even thrive in complete darkness.

Herbal Curatives

To create herbal curatives requires crafting units and an appropriate rank of the Herblore secondary skill.

Once crafted, Herbal Curatives spoil after 24 hours and become useless.

Herbal curatives count as a small item, and must be administered directly to the target. If use din combat this requires base contact and counts as an action.

wdt_ID Curative Required Skill Crafting Units Recipe Effects
1 Simple Poison Curative 1 1 (1) Peace Leaf, poison sample Cures simple poisons at a resist of 50
2 Complex Poison Curative 2 2 (2) Peace Leaf, (1) Jade Flower, poison sample Cures up to complex poisons at a resist of 20x the rank of the poison
3 Superior Poison Curative 3 4 (3) Peace Leaf, (2) Jade Flower, (1) Moon Flower, poison sample Cures up to superior poisons at a resist of 10x the rank of the poison
4 Matchless Poison Curative 4 6 (4) Peace Leaf, (3) Jade Flower, (2) Moon Flower, poison sample Cures up to matchless poisons at a resist of 5x the rank of the poison
5 Minor Illness Curative 1 1 varies but usually only requires 1, sample related to particular illness Can cure things like headaches, minor pains
6 Major Illness Curative 2 2 varies but usually only requires 2, sample related to particular illness Can cure things like diarrhea, stomach cramps
7 Disease Curative 3 4 (1) Red Thistle, (1) Jade Flower, (1) Yesif's Root, sample related to particular disease Cure disease (powers) as at resist of 5x lvl of disease caster
8 Serious Disease Curative 4 6 (2) Red Thistle, (2) Jade Flower, (1) Moon Flower, (2) Yesif's Root, sample related to particular disease Cure disease (powers) as at resist of 4x lvl of disease caster
9 Simple Magical Curative 1 1 (2) Junn Berry, (1) Spirit Crafting/Enchanting Component (i.e. Brimstone to dispel fire magic) Acts as Dispel Magic for up to Tier 2 powers of the school matching the component used
10 Complex Magical Curative 2 2 (2) Junn Berry, (2) Blackthorn, (1) Spirit Crafting/Enchanting Component (i.e. Brimstone to dispel fire magic) Acts as Dispel Magic for up to Tier 4 powers of the school matching the component used
11 Superior Magical Curative 3 4 (2) Junn Berry, (4) Blackthorn, (1) Moonflower, (1) Spirit Crafting/Enchanting Component (i.e. Brimstone to dispel fire magic) Acts as Dispel Magic for up to Tier 6 powers of the school matching the component used
12 Matchless Magical Curative 4 6 (2) Junn Berry, (6) Blackthorn, (1) Moonflower, (2) Spirit Crafting/Enchanting Component (i.e. Brimstone to dispel fire magic) Acts as Dispel Magic for up to Tier 7 powers of the school matching the component used
13 Simple Curse Curative 1 1 (2) Junn Berry, (1) Holy Water Acts as Remove Curse for up to Tier 2 curses
14 Complex Curse Curative 2 2 (2) Junn Berry, (2) Yesif's Root, (1) Holy Water Acts as Remove Curse for up to Tier 4 curses
15 Superior Curse Curative 3 4 (2) Junn Berry, (4) Yesif's Root, (1) Moonflower, (1) Holy Water Acts as Remove Curse for up to Tier 6 curses
16 Matchless Curse Curative 4 6 (2) Junn Berry, (6) Yesif's Root, (1) Moonflower, (2) Holy Water Acts as Remove Curse for Tier 7+ curses